HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-01-14, Page 2- voif :Orida•4.... „..10,. . .., . . . ou 0 •• "-..,toto .., , .,4c,:, -0t etangU 4iii • -0 „..0 Tfi.: 000 p:.,0f3p, * aid ,,, a. i';,40',..:0,0 , VO .1 .:'..O., plentiful, tbey tia.ln4.• .*;.,.*Iti 10,. i. , t0.4#4.,',: . • '. Viiif*".#101'.,%!ii::,..00.,..4t,"'i.i..**),.4 **fit, ' ' ':'40#•C,10."'. 'id , Otet..'..4lettnei'' 11011.1%.00.1-, ' , : 9,$-. t. -.,*.., cost '.**1:..tai'',04440#,'"..1*4003:44.41.• 0 oh”, :40., * t +$00A0O0U101.4i0,, ''oli;Ori.41**00,i,tr* 0 1140;,.,04ifOrn '..'..the.',0*04$`..:, r.i: , ,.. .,, ,..,,:,,. ...... ,.: .. the Uto'. With * 01 a avers ifuel is; inI0et ib0 tempe '1.3tOotoin0 ere .1° no totey000010001t 0o9r0.,. . . P warrn, the peope pant PaulOa go *,dter a r 1,14 siaday- Noica Moro- 45 b s!Ans ho '4 *no* and only- enon o t -o dry up all iwoultl'talco plOre ihan* 1,u1S0 '04 4.000-' 100 -intlute. Wpictoloav0 thol.r port%rn hom0s, the lavestter 10 a $1410 "Ittti0; b vo ,4'-ott.** luAt. Drove, how .0 at -oat 1;10, *04, JOIne$ 'thit Oonthern hiltjair4-;;T'044.'000'fit.le - 0143:04.t.-1/00p1O100t tbeir lives in 'tlie.ztorin-swePt. area. - *tere.:itrozen'Ao 4040: 'One ..'Pther1;“were snw bund Pelours., **Oct*: )ott,liaaviiy4 04fifodliod/Y1., 41r$101.200. wOro..4111004. to carr:7 Oa *Oink *o..**tics0ea-in0bOlits.;'011.d 01togo001.7 the 0outh 'west* atays, thu air ble 411‘Pelleri°64 • n` t be beaten, en71.1" bas 'attractions this - tan ; • &�pU he b.tterment will Flu **etinic our da pie all bt 140 so are iindto be the bost ieitorat1v�i. Have you Pt, Your 10 .13 .ihe hot 4037.MO clog t�x 4'0000 will/tot 'worry, for * are nit, up to iuw; fr'Your our-footedf$ iyv tons,l'eso ,04dr0001$11110, aMagazine Racks, ctioste Tables -4A fact 'ovorything. to ...tnake your house a ioal tiom e. In the Couted1011eryStore you can got every kind hocolatest Candies, Cigars and Ci arottes. Mond4y .it 41iiit X04°- -beknow Yen tight 00,1i. 4)0000 commercaI iin'era liave been0 ' England, ,, 14oh: ropao0,Y,0*t.hUnd . 1#0. 'wili e given, .:40p1.0*int.''.Or, zeveral',.--'-toonths:' fit') tbeh constru0 •,titrr.,..•The wfler.*'. 0t.,040.'iler'.ijie-.- must 1,0 convinced. thore:10. . 401o000:';,.44004;;oi,...t.iii, . d- 'nob be Iarge. zuni involved.„:- ', - , The 01001-erelalc1410)11gOi100.•31.0nrnal '0t*tez 'there 1 iii#44.,tor . ' '.0t41', OtolOrs•iii,..ibe hot* of Wby go 1.$ . a'Y'ilik:tlie, ti norVCAgli snit' iv: 4.tbere . . . . . ,. *nit0 IS Itir0 040 :.: day in about 0..Y011. 0 in ,„ 4010h,. ' • .ibly':xolne,,,O Ilit ',00240010-', 0n140 ... .. , , .... .. .. . . .., . , -,.... , , ., . , ,.._,.,.„.. .114004041,11Ut.0140Y00401000'ither IlIsa(lera . . . ....„ ., ._...,.,.. da ttoro ao ..rar,:rotuitruttive.,*:01.ro ,,are 'a WAY0-`110100010 by , ..S- A . • ^ ' , , ., ,! : ' , 4 , . '' ,. ' , ' • 6 ' ' . .loias Well a.letter02,from former residents telling Of .0000.!Off,.:1A.,.1t40.k, Y,i0:404100*".:, One arrived , , r .„ as , iii‘4140 ,tr(ilit,:aviar..- iitilii..04 is.iiiiiiih part :EA' Onta ,..,,,. ,. , „.... , ,..,,;... , .., ,,... . I : , , ., , , . : , : ‘.. ' #111#K Ole 111,4.** riuora'%40',30*iaohei ilii 4i,,„ 044000.0tol.ift.00.40.tiOvzo.;1*.t. as I ‘'*** -04,101410r04. at hoYo '..i Joke.,.. . „....._ ,, s...., ,,a0,11* ., P?,***4- a *;' the atfon *q41:94.04,7, ),olt.O.t0441170.0::).evn - •.... .... jon tlig,,it*tOoL0140',I0 '500*.e• 00005 to,(*VW.:511t0 ,:,.,0,wraik ilci: ,ed 01,%;:.; vt.,,,,Tlic:0,0.$0?6,00,04;00;;, ;tteteaitocar,'t'°14.thly,beill,;;prodos.v: lutes; , ‘ „,- 41 examinaUone of •,-.21,030-, - and ciioes t err 4440 0 of, ;010.:: !;,, , ot!'fo ro' ili eben7. ;id -iii :fupefr:uttt. 'e.'il.;;t417,11,. _tape Ida f t-t,it: btlii'.1, -i01:c1-01,- oil', ,t'il i;e101*". otso,i; „01.. 0 ov,00 '4'1 °,1,:itr., 004.; , 0% : .: :40', /$' . ' .4 ,01t*,9, , i la' 0 t,_ , i, .,xt i : §' i'i',0' ' ''*!:‘, ;;;i6 . , . he, hitti:- 110.0,01e*Ii11.0'11Vnt ' : 04 i T.04 .r.0.04t rOreientof 11410 ,:iaora,, :004 . , ae Ifeift ao'•..that.:' I,44 .;',eitrogod , lilf.. .,.abor,, to,.stop, .,044'4.04: t..*;',0044'*:*,c- 1,70ii.l'it 'Wok ,Iiii0.70-IntOPer., ; . :a0-,-oxte'r'01,*'ioa4:10:444*..,004000.i' 0 -awrink104: 01.40att010*.Innn 4..e?' '1i0004s0.. , 144\070,- 40 it*, ilitt:(.0i9x 't111d0 ilaroft,;Ilio.: 00'n001111ect.',01F 0100111$ ..iiiii:. hid.p,0:04.0,,, ''.0* 4'..''' 'cook .ato.,; ';',.aatt ''.110'hact. wituossed, aat,:')31,it ottled t ailt# . ,, -.. ' . , „ ' 'Oto: Ionain04.,1311.0 . tor.: 0f4 i. relief ":80th+, ,;')4,10iiiictge: ot.',..#5010 *5:00, rolok.,"Ito, - gp.jtiois ' 04 . )11i, ',wife' -*old& *disotver '.,,coaihian --'-er.ft.`Itnil,:,tiod•',10enieik, a.,--- -...310.,,-:r`joli.,,, ;,,1:;)otootives.,• arres-ted, -dq.ceot...0egoct ' 9 2 ,,,, .50,,..,':: Woo * . rS W illd ..*eatber 100tly i.40$ .., 't t , Meetbig, ;, .. , 1 ' Q't0-40..*:,?*(44,10.°Tel'a*';'''.4.3.77'.a*.:‘,...°0'ais'Oldllarrftlxci.e.: 'Ililivolit';'604:6,tiefr,':,,,oc,0:4',Viiiel.,4,,it,..,.:p,-,,, :4:41":,::Ixj,.79:tga,'10 1, n Of; 4,gre..,. ,,,• , . ..,ten be made rn 0. -tililtl .;,,;etwit••t-lir.11;viittr onei:i-'''' diamond exchange," ,itebAnglr .gose:. .7011;41.**Iitg..ifs.' 00.'pi'v...';,t' !!;;-..;,041.41041* 00.:434136,. It'."."'174filli *.1$'weit4etr4014,10'4000.44tor,ecIT.A1 Dates for044..ainiiat‘t'' meetings ii01*5,'AOr PP: 050,-4 ttoor,,,,ipt rowse ;,,,.,,,,juittetottoiv,!40t. Iti°77eliftifieu,:i7f:f.-4-yr-tiikAic j.s.,,,004 ., 0190gE.F.e4,;1‘ TPA.* Alliti _" • '1 ' :t44:4:::44:1140i1:104:ti.,40:::::::::°,f;:st.;;;;'. 447,_:',1,01rio.o.;.4oritir,t 410clotittec.111:.:..ithOotv.0oH4:7:Ifzili.: . .• • .',J.t4,,0 :01„t•'_,Well'iti?',4000. .Pt. tire,,it * h ' it eri.ihe!g - ) .1-,1 P10..6,1117.K114, ...v.ipef,,,04hi , .., ethit:dc ,',0-tirro*,,,18'.. ty.',, g -2."a;• : por 4014..0,4uto,..-ho', 0.41(1, '' 000r. ac0u.TO.lat- - vottilgaiind tullaOr.h.tbolltelloexi***44t 440,700mciard$ 00 * :'' Pr .. -:k4t44d:,::,,,:iles,,,,,iit0.0„..,:113,8:.,ip$11;,;; rixidit;:,-17r1701'.;!,,kst40.,te'43ai,f0',,git,iiita.vrt taip,aleti:., '..wobatim ari.i.airwiyillu.....tigui-0104.4hOto'l-0..1.1ratri0.,s*044tiolta,ri veott,i -:(4)14, or':.,.., '04O;‘,441'04,0o.lor,”:thopl, '.1)4 ,,b00.00',..pap0; -and. Put them . its. ofro-otOn the, fiic.itiden : ,, P.,i.-, ,,.,„ • eleititods thii‘,*.ihtfirt,' 'if '*ouldlitive.;balahe0it lip hottor era..'Ind.... *fog.: n lytolines4,,teasene'," , ' e Tetiyed three . ' :'h ad. 49146. 4,fai *0011 .0Altiie*mitiafi: :6:1(.:;#: 410,.41,i ,L1**Iiiiilvil,ftet , 1 • ey''.=.m-lie.t.)4.i.,int:i7-111..nine.enteloP0:0„.,,,in - -4. .::,1001t .• or it . . sone time .ive :::$'411.4.$0t, -.2.0.xounct to e: *"'iii'1414:5Y41°4 EliC! P.40" -B11--, .4 .1.t 4 4: 4*,,,,,), 1,,:,.ruitolti*??,1.4,tx,itt),P. itootr1,11.0S;',"..16,'''0.0.,,,t,4114:.,'.,111.00.4',,,' 'fp ' ' oi. •4:. 0100 014.o.00*y‘;lixitt101i,...a,t40..Nioioli0it'iciti. 'biz& . ii4i'jni7 ,thi Iiiitt*Tioiion0,%-:. 'Vie -teat '''''' ' • ''' 11 -ti- ' ' '":.- ettitag* batch as • later, ,kon,., , -hn:, 'Oat.0a0Tohi ..Ilnit that:reptile inuat basie , adite Air :,•ellex'e...0f; - , --7''----'7 '''''47:1--"''''' -7-'''''-'''''''''.''''''''' . ''-. . ' '''. ''' A-"` ''' '''' '7'.' ' ,, ' 'lief .n...:14,14-sa,,,tio.....00.,a, wtlii,_.nn._'6,,,H,t, ':00,gil#Y2X1111' 41*fia,o,' ''''':' TiltOliAJOOkqe '1044 •40.*: the; diasonda to: his father, .. --'----4,.,.. • inio -,..;144not modo,.,.itklot,,,, opop:aro:ire ,:7 , ,„ 370110•1144;0:Ty0i, Beurtttieelvolif:124p;ovi.4,411iF.P.;,i0,,it, -',01nticTiordz:-_-141:;.4106illo''''14:111fill-tedVii.r-?!.,','•:_,,Te*''.; --'''',!_.:6',11:,ja4o-$74--e-,);"tre,'Iiti-,4111;07,°f0lir°_1•1401-i.'eNf';:ja.rn: d'' *a0-1104',00: 40:4344hv V.P*,.. : r• P.M - • - ,. , . -• ., ' ,.,,,, „ ,,,,,, . .. , ._., .. , . ... , : , 0 , „are. , 4 2.40,yovele#14 4.13,„,,,orkt,44.4p., -town . in., his fix unt ,.,•0# vrin.:0,-tck A ,-blec. ,,-0040;.4 .,Aii, r50411i*.e0PPIY in' Otta*IiN,alleyOt.,000.•-, ,41* ig0 nis -1140k: VoiP I, bis P#11ii."; he• J°1"1 .4i .,*,n1. ,14.*4.' ,,,,:' g . °I - . • . . - . - .. . - .,. - ., iiii4::014400gv itiarilli iii.'St;; X;avite.416° . PS'..itheril'Ilit4°:*s bed' ' -- 1 :Ixur1161roblIt.eee.pr:tnitStitsii17:',.;,:‘,,„..,194'' 'P;;.::,1T,hnr'' Ili:: Pltelo;„ ' `, . • ,',.-, ;,. 0,oking4titei114,.,attoriql004.,intx . , , ''- - - • b. Iess,,,ailiit-*-e..,atiii.:.-nfortaiityl,,koir. ie4fer0:47;;Ilitiingii'00t _:•., alittitt: bit ., orm4A.- TOPrOler :08. A InOn h:. C..tettmg _ - .... P . . - .; L ,-,,,,,, ..L .. :,:th°. eliii' yir:t.e'li),ileziOi!lito.'0"'ai.:::ii:th,:hbioia.et, tiibuies':1:1;4.1.rii.ilsitt'tv;,011:e.,4:11a.iii.til'oill!,:ti'lli:1:14.bett:v7kli...'' ,.,.10:74g1-111,:::rxilt7allirt,.11:146-1::"itili:eiititl;e4*11.41Y:kev'...''7'1'1!:lh't!.47:::.tnut.,°14tt-11°'.4.in.(::",,,,t'Itts::hili:itn'°i.t:t.'04:1°Sltilheal41-htisd°1,,,I,av.;. f'-4' ''''' ' 1.4'.X.d'' '''''7'111.1.:)''' ita'4441:1cT4ilil•'..4°b°'::-P4'slii' "4714Y% 'Ile' 'Vera . 11417ett)'. at ' 'S'''' 'rla1114. iMigiblit inviIed Itifin . :to' have brealaast with ! • '4' 11)4`.0.0, 41.2#1.14t• -r,.977i;i, , .'re .0.. r 4,11eril.r.411, 4utootions ,,04, thei4inetito;:it ho:,tirt..„.,.4a.tttio,,y :11,....10:40.L., 40011.00,L, vid.,,ggi,,,,,iii.., oidect;ii..' ,404.,tii .t. 1 082 890 lbs., f , it., , 1.1 , , . rfie ,, Re .0arae ahd flopped .dowri • on :the Agteral On 1401143r. stelnOon of the,.... ,.--.ToOdost$%-: 1.iajj'Iorha' 4.44' iti.' ''.io.,000.1-4.70' .."e'oroir,,_':'..;-thuok4e.',i'.14014,H111_ alin*. 'iltaanttener§:.Itne 'higher Vreeeett-anitt.141,04011 "i0OhlitieS"._ niia , wi . ,:. out_ and : ,.-oliks,:. ' wood., ..,t, • ::,Sott.tir-140. 1;4'0., .t.oh, c:. t.,,':,,,Lubwro,dist.,..tori.,, et, 23.,,,,I100$10;:00t:0:. ,-,,:ii,talle.9vit,':13:17s40.*,61:' ,:krtlizlicd—e,m-ff,fIrr&1114hritelsItIrTi; .ail;d-' Ptelv4s'at:-..i'171alltn7e; e4'101*./Hlv'49".''•1141.4- '411"r'ellth •Iti)*113' ' , . ., . • , . - !,11Littie thern;:lie ,54 thecini7avori'lis- hht.ii,lei,"Osiji.tY.:tt, h..d all. :. :$156-orte.. #4'011..tr)teert;,0,13grono,..4vipmps,,,lim.. ,ttio ,:lbs*. 'of • s*eet,, efover ienfinea'''-nhneit , . ,--,' ---,', --, . - • %oin....Anderson. - . ,- .,'',,,--,''.,-. •-. ..- ts,r,-*Atie.x. -041,11est *I*, the Nteek-e'act Othelyr hn,ire been -lool4ing fOr,,,,, . ,, _ . . . , - Ikrotwitlistandi4.70.0'. recent ' 'ffiitalitr. lind--Alle'4430,-.111V-Ail°tgirri•611.141.:$•'20P:tb''''ilLea-tb*°ill 11'731 . algAnligh4rn°tt' °11Dtils°11atliYwatia:°74: '4111.xd" 1 ' LC! - El"' I. ' . ; * * E. N'R—Ir vith 044tiveci, at 74004t0:,:i . .' .'-'!Lirndte4."`i",' b5i.,. ,,t11:!... °I'lts. ,.. ,,t)t,....,tli....,e tnn4inn_.' 4.4',11. i.,n -R. att‘.'-'; ' Ztir,1::::- ,147.tint*N707:-It,o, Utrbloitih'erf'4;1111:14trwe.1**111,:isobil,,t40'iltaitti:it.r.idr'1.....:dareotitItev4O411a000:1), iii.,.0114;df.iii:'ol*'01;r1,7'.,r;*‘4.ta.e:di.:4.:,..,14.,01-:::0:41;,':'t:}i':atison.14:617,:unk:ini'e'pi'liihwi'aot: sti.:'' '''.4,01::,arg''':',4,t,' IL:15',P0:7(;p4sHiattirtitt'::',C,010216.4;‘,1341-‘,:i-lcci-1.13zo. 11.--,iso..rlit.T.,i,vbee' :ea' ,E;111,1..v'e.1:141:ell:w.ndoeisrp4i.EA' ic1,01)ritidttordi,. '111.,..116.7:4::::1. 72/17ir:iuts.tlivi::::sli:fi',., (1!,.. IF'' ea:ta'oeciL4Yaadelt - Vrl, g ,, F,Ople MP scnt wa,i hg.,,,ar,..rosa that' -strn.et.nre,;, ..they-4an -prelotig the, ',,,' o ) • 41, ' ;: ,quenti!v*ruineof ttio, coronois4orsi,„,14::,atitiwiim to, 0462' lli,., 'i lu'raber',-.,stoitt. , In 10t -,-.utititi,ti- ',.1*;-..intikktil0rzyv!tazily,..-..: . ,:. ,', IN. , . ,, . N . I., , In the fir.O. place' tliey.',:ire, treepasoing ,;iflien'Tili4sY,'"efief;" : .,/l„ sPont?rtidaY4venkat *ith').1.1,z. Jeek and ',''. .°Iiirth'!th..#1rivitt,L4_f#1100t111*,, ti.11: Iht.atlfri'v_tagelito:" ar4beatthiti4t.loitaticir::: .:114411rtieli:;144,11:thi‘41'iniiiAt 1Pr41.. u. ats',.' 4;:t0:11151:1174': 1,,tVell.. Yrerfts)4;: 410"blern1:34?:41t.).r.ert 4/1411111'U. n*r.45.: l'al.tY".1C4 Itidit 144i,--A•660e-' 'tt. 'Aue '' ute ;',ZZ%: -- ' ' Yrtrilti:tiriu%*•164.4211H*IL 11.4t11,7:10etslattoe"at. • 3*.1104. t1,1,0Y, attemPt tfrtrosts.. , 'Surely' atill:anotber. trag' lerent .itaioni..-, 4..a'lltla , 00 11,-71411.1/1., ';4.), L,*t1"1141t4tItle;:119411" colguiitin°ufeL70:.%r'7.naettil7leas;der. vir the' :Rev': -1*:':*b.171117't '44 1511e' assistA4 - ,gody is., not, **Oliva to"tOntince *tin '44::itbe..4angere.,', • ' ' go'or--t41-4140- 0.14;1:in- tile:c-!4;1101, 4i '171-- '..•,-'' I' 'tittIc7r-''''.42111-44'.'14'4:486.v:"' i$1111%4Celiii3!"41114:"lilleed--- ti -"11:-. bPleaY YneliO:Ptel4r41*11:14,4441t14.95 . ilkaY '.1*. ' sued.. 1tAdoort, 1.mtii wiii, lititlo. $iitoi004(on. .. 43taiiiime, .tem.siii-, t .1059,1**Pt; rostving, 01,'1)te ulle,, ,to,onst4o*tva-a, lotr,. .. ., . , P00 -141Y-', 11hose: of us volw. 0:Wt.-afford- to,-riskaatrip - to.the,soutb. • • ANDDETERMINATION first addition '‘f weekly papers Jannary 13 , .notoriously hard to fill and a3t weec every known 11:00ttOd 44,4a - applied. - -Some tarried Urge adiertfaihr, 'auinouncentents . of their oWni,...0t,liers _stinietaet stories, pictures ''or' bit bead, 11,n04,101P0d others ..loOtal news is invariably *Carte 'jolt 'after the New Yea as.cala'bratiots tor;the time belng and ineetin0 neot s `eiraute, are nay - nit stook and wonderint.) ;balances are struck it it is atertli*Vie :40:81 ' they *00014..do if they, tiosed their doors. Teopla aro rather disposed. ta think 'Their past. *Car Poor ono *0. thtftatik -Oyer their stook thee the 4Ulet, dot of .001$: Sannini, 7.thei are 'no, to Simll the SW 04t. days, ot last :winter' when was at standstill °wipe, to the deep *toil -10,1i. teraperature4 then the weeks of intense hot in the .."00T4Plultea prolonged stotthet of drought. *cotl.with btOli104344 cantata* Avere•poor '40:paper heino. Ito Rent dot so* to tome 'found twice* niOnth own their OWO/ 1144 Usa and hydro as SueepterAble Oonireinlons.', ' ever answ,rtat 01w0y0 as . &tic as they. sitaatt*ara. and theck•• tibillt a it 'Vela :tonna that *as no worw, but -In telteral instiniOssi *Wait. better • . • - : - • , ready lor thei itt$Infri Pen•-: ' , ' , - in regard -to Ow demand for 4141$4+: ativo, viembets,, a the legfehttnre - . • . *oder .. Inerch as- are tern., Pati4 that 1401° 'bn../' " ' , ' ' . ' Timothy . /0 : Ino*gr, more freely than - - owe will hose: to,. 044 whaCthe, gov,„ - virkere they, .,krek, invited to buy. iti veiklti fitritOtvii." *-- ,.. Allirmere 414000,Ont itook,:: ' ' . • atit any-tirae duriolt-tbis tr0p. year. Al. •erninent Irsdro 'Iegtoation is before ;we 1 ' thr#411 .000,4i 4Olninhs to rti'm liOYIPli public awing: los% '--Ple.044011411101 UntieV. MO be ab'' '.zike rot:410110S. to -move but Ilia best know *I* stand - the. -bouservitive op, _,,_.L,,,_ ,,,_,_,,,,, ...„...,,,;, ..„,,,„„..‘„,...., ,,,.;44.,,,,. 4,, 7.„,,,, : 001:ye(1. front-tbe acelisation that in . q*tity ,or Asa 15 already gone. oxigott, 474,0 ialcoi,,,, „1st; Henry.awed w -44°P 41 Ilel*Iw'wft wutuu 714`;'""111'4 '4‘."'''4"' w ''''''":' , *kink OtOtiC: Of Mfg iiiiii,d, b13411004 at: Sweet olo*Or has 'received ,,Ver$r little diatuasinit esPe0,ed action' Of.;t11.6- ve: their MenOr 1n. 440 Own whet* t110$", 04171 it. 'Prices in, :the, resent 'thud, he is only fo11o*/0* attention to date* WC teed is- stow •,41.04% idninistiratiOn to cminterabi-'• the , (Hata*, ,atorta;may' lioeir to 1$0 *Miring, hut What 0.0A 00 futile lashiO4 et OW** geed r*' Itteirint SO the Seed cleaning plants ad arse' 'decision /4 the ctIttario.. Appeal ,of the town taxes 40 Ibasa admit vivrounts„.pey WO' ' iolutiotiok for the New 'rear, it 41.10. to tio cleaned. , -, , , • . ,004-01 ple„ Quel;i0- power contract litla- 1 ,tho 004orteh treasury?,.; tho., t _to 4 imition oar tax.. sorstt :alvtonni . .44, stionsblii,04 , .111„ , ,vvistest, and southan,00414.0 0,4tt., . _ „ - . . , payer ahoul4,0onsider beforo huirhiir 'anything In inatinir , pool* 000004, to h*Ite li„speoicei Pricauo. Red darer 21e per poOn ' town iltlit 00.14-cFbe 6otlitht:Sn# as veap, if not *ter, '‘.:ifirtuo' .-oinetales iitiththst, -period of for ,110.- l' gradei,415%. to ,,17c”.. for cioacitio wITH,. .nigkr. , 4104 . hem ' Itnt systaniatie, vetit Indere .`00 nootarri tO the l'ellet;104f-h 301.47s #0 learOet riteltliltillartig%Wr6,19 '` 'BEANS , AND Eitlei(WHEAT product the beat ,teaUlti, "The Stair proVidea,that oppor- igi2144,1 -1444turat7 I 4. "a*Inar um l'i '1 No.a;.(16, 834 to 1.3 ' . . ' ' The aditilition of -the thirti Ore, tulles pe hOw, OS „. _ •. , . Ti:74:1004.17,15;--U147:41:04ition:tthimi%aathimv leiHoes!iiiivotio:_tirtus:otoilebus"0:441';;„,, io'to°rr't,e°NbLu:::frlf°co*rr::Ct'xy't.tleltazil:;"IStd:d'' forcountry,7421,orbr'' P;IGuini'113111:rnhti°07411:stitti:EniZeild4'!Ir;isolkti , timity. , r. .,, . • , ,optiod' 'Stk. iii, 04040 . *0414 .114146101 tiu.0 drivers ftvat Auto Of how . .. . ,., blue *, 80 for NO.,..1 -grade* , „' brelldnir Aid- entering, trut theft of twero at heir it *WA IMO% that the tato *AS lett to the' , At yx ,,#.041i,stiover *, 818,140 lbOs; ifOut,Kilts'ot beatli Analor b*ICIV or bertY• to tsar along at soy. rate eiat milted ' rssraac.,. 4001-f - „.„ 1.1,0 in' ba- ifotnewlt‘t 00 lba,; Alfalfa '4076 lbs.. ,klateeit' intim% '0X A401i, '040/idiot% ItAY town - ,MAW lbe4 ti.mothy:• i,14,4- buckwheat,. **hied oat- $20., from the, ;‘111141167114111010.,:',46't vtuttik.drive!4*. . ,i i' **testi an an opn toad, thsr* ars no curves, fl� I ',,ik, revert -4, de farm: than a rough and resdy . a° 1"43t41141terl:Mer81221:5°It:1;11o000 rlitil;a47141111iiiteviottsa 'iiq't1t144114i),:„ ''''re';',17,,,i;:t.'f'siteriloist(illinaY*I-1121'ti°137h0;00111!71411*11)44117;* Ly 4:400e: it it the OS *Mei part -of ea ',bleb 41‘es„nt ' In i 1. I1 UVtL 1JLUL trate 1. $f*Ichis Or our mer' * for *fait require- - snento And for their export trading is "le a in it good idetaind for -‘0211: Vow -Tittle gaird to olover an daasike are In brisk de- nificifs usa :softened . nowhat in tioniperizon with Jest th�flth. this lootalty), sailed Iron new Vet Tuesday of last ,weelt,on the 'It Tf°1'hiolsithe'PlaOrltbeyiles4-1001:.4414_tinteue:t' -"Infrtit ' fled smelled*. Ur, VoAdert Is On the . re'elta:097.wf:::47:14ailt,:ilt:. :42qxer00441°114:detill."Seitip,::::pl...h'iVe4egteh°0:1:ncin::4-0-r. the l'fiji tut._ .111vathlr'Oteet. bl, g m :937 of , **Watt Wt° cpened ceedigs V a 14tro- Mis'.Whicli waa I' 1904 by ',the tasinasoSion of Pealinees„ Um SNItteitiod ., praided lilting the bliallte Of tbit program. .30: mewhinutfemt 'Um 3gat., , etholdetort „and .it ,V4teli Va. and 4213. dirt (in tomb* "Waiter, was 0100 a gentleman Imre about five o'clock,. who •asked,..fot.2 htdi in blue?" Waiter: • 'Yea: he waited about a tiliartet* of' on, hour tnd then went off • with A lady Intreat." • the blotted* lietvy f tit* 0i*Pti, sinkI*g, gnawung Weil Alallf; the Wetting sAd fttuIen� betw�sa meat •"the.,tlabig and (wain of fooai 011 them aad more fall to tbo lot of thole antforl4 stomas* trouble. - Burdook tileoa BIttea toes up the , tout re- stores the natural prosees of iflgeatIoL: Take B.B.B.and get rid of ./aur ateno0 trouble, -wing this coal fortheit furnaces, prefer it to Pocahontas. Cash price delivered, in town Cash .price -in yard By using the celebrated FORD COKE. Thi$ Cokc tuctute, thoefore„, you can useiire ratio of fou ther Us:This makes a: taxiur„ Cah pifice,,delivered'In town $iOO pe price 1kt 14 IS ON TH A1R The D & H gram goes out over CIVII 4,1 • -