HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-01-07, Page 9tr, 4'1.1,401VO, I r, Wpovo's,04,4,1,044...‘ Bugler*nd Bernard pent New.: Ireisioa; 'with 'relatives London, tfirniint,home.,on SisAirday evening Vike.,1t.ltif.,4r.,:siaairdner ;Alta Ms BeLty returned to 1.400010,on atw. Miss A. M, Sterling left ett101 day *o vi3it in 041411014 ' T44 Frank ,..040rOzr and meron ot*Detroit ep'ent tho'. week end with their ali5terit•i•'•,Mis4 Cameron. MisaM. Cameron 140 •Nita:1;' n Detroit last week, returned to the titettn,),, and 04, -their -rm. to 'Petrot4, they were. aeon*, , est by John Pad.' WM.; 0attleren..' O': spent- ..,tho-'-i,re,eatitin, •with their Mrs Delbert. Haw who vitea wth (004: has -tottit#04 to robc StaUon ivith,her huShand:,;, 'W110-•,'VaS, a or Wew ToaVs. h W. Tippett- who has for som time, warfskerr 'tto'Clln Lon Ho�pital last •Iraared4r. Ui any. friends hope, That he will provo in health. Ofr, ,Goldthorpe riorne Friday ater having span litvr,-*Ittrati _ Va ,returned on Saturday. Mrs., iiaker.And tittle,cla,ught, VItha't haveVetnrnedto, their--hou ie4:114 ,..0Dvme;i5r.rt—, ;datiteihh' Pant Some weeks in Toronto, retlArni. - 'home on $.eNto Year)* day with Mr. 011140 Willett and vho were. with Urpi Knight's parent, Wr..and Mrs, K G (4omeinherdt, Over' e, week end. Mrs. K. Vtoorhoneo and.; M Jean returned 'Ali ,Sat.arftaY" Mrs; Churchward, in Lrz- do • Charles- Per.0.1004x. returned.•; UdbOry on 'Monday from visiting his parents,. Mr* .and lire. Wink Fer- atea Ug011. vwint bad' train Connect, • ions it was New .Year's night befaire •Chittile reached 'Baytield. • Parker has ,returned o the village- atter having .been in London Some weeks. . %los Isobel Kirk' of Exeter spent, the week end with ,14.r4:. PICA Mrs. 110U, cotehmerk Mies . Margaret Ferguson has sunied her testehingseh..„duties Tee1141,1 - Mr and Mrs.Waiter -ttarvey 4411 littjeon. of London, - spent .New Years Wath her pareutei- and aai Mrs. Ed, Sturgeon. art4 Mjs. tct Atiigeoln. and family xisitea 'with her sister at )Crediton,„, Mr. and Atro;., avid' Baird. iMi o Meta Pheardown.heS rettirend from aPeading the-..144c.,,atiort at 140r btarie in tiloderich. Mr. and Mrs. Pied Aavison, De- troit spent New Year'S with the fo7g.',.. Inert% mother. iso Marion Dayhoon who had been viiithitt Mrs. T. llailett, of London, Zan* home with them.' A very successful ettchre and dance, which, was largely Attended, woo hold in the town hall on New rear's night under the auspices LOX., 110`. td. The Winners at euchre were: gentle* mans flivt, Ster400l; conWation, StuartiVertson. MAW: Atial Davison; conselatiOn, Atrit.-Of onston. Musiotwas_anpplied 4vis out_ friends and members ot the society., rs. Maxwell et titters; Nuiint 'and borne on, Sai visit Ivith Mrs, le mothe . of Preston, 1$44 OT 5 orcleo 18-1n1 warded -0 ra4t hYdir$ then .t the hot, -opoortuni berahip in, the Liat the „ ' was dls- Tbe Nine Mile atitet iletit141414, `1tigett.:4* the year drew <1.1.4ar1tY t1A10 't3,0111t, 4)10 In Deeember e ice appeared_ad the ,river „. aith • Cough 40o• lar 7oughs 4,4. Colds,.4.0c Qoderlch, and Mr. and Mrs. leaven and two datigbter$, 40,4th, A4s.,,,,1100,e, for ':thi.1.• • 00. liSr1V,',000.H1F4,111** ,Mr.,`„ ,the .fortnivAea A01•410,'m4 liis:tomeri t • • r ha •th hqlIday, '1Vtadeli,n04474,,r • returned to ceattlat tilke4" studies., Mr. Nonnai ..TOX"vel-17, wis 3..levt./Vearai, To* - 044. Stother after apending.%41*',11° parent nriz Avoid rend -r valueless hug*, stores ,of statuettes , Ior the narch Wt, the throats 40,39,441 of `solrFonizt demand ;(IVSX'), and the' oronation go on, :beenOcat?icl—ter 10 Coronat xi 11 P62,ei.4.4 COretketfOli; e attd:ha*. ' 01,0 a point. Where .new. suppliw. Are being rashect to fl3 hunters."OtPle*a*busy helping to 1111 thJ 'Anti:trig nioreiworx, than he WOINViwg'plans for wth Oeorge„, VI es the: vontiOsi 'end. -anew. ,fkr,4'1)d. • 4stnettes et, the niW*1:415)1001-4 t;c111,1)torVellk huet:of '''Otiorge. in; the- itrjtioru'df , . , • VOAV-,41i-k; ob40.- vitetn, iiv6 most need _it, -44, :40,-41e•-.4PliclaYs, • -.- eeting...:of 1988 was :held ori,A1/4leit everIng shadowa diarlgezii Ere' v41.1,.liact ISobel Bittle0 -.NZ- Jall.,6*-434r3;'14t14040lt , of Oooerioh' rsrte*.tho':tvOk• The 'Trustee .1)Oavd: the Chiron. • met on bifondar toms', ,i,00ebtood 41).011'4u:rue% :ib.4-a„sitvltri.000.;.t-We:potal443, Margaret Pentland 4, '‘ W-t°itenX- er ttutDie4a,vias et!a,poich°r aVt#:1311,41441'13t1 a ocetoartlicrare, aof oierciett44onttgh 414raui. ..,,st,-.., auI's g11xn Churc1 held- •• ,. 1" of the. three chur- Tue end :::41:••Lif.:7:),•:1:T47.4:11.01:;,!.:.tyr....a.' ,):ert:.::::elire'rer,,,.::R.:, Miss''viQn,t;h.-ii':Olsh6°I.1iltritlAtiiirie'il''i:4ali)ey1171;tt,4:!:0':44:.:1.;°;Ai:.:11-i:' IL1421ette4rrint#'. ' :/7.1,..li's‘ '14- . ,t-itli.'ilolsd.,,,,gifelis,,,: .,i,;-;', :tratag:i,1:';:-.61.1:;.w'... ' 41, h'ilt, titlet5Ak6. * "i ' ''-'''''. - t 4016*it..,,-'1i.,44' pro.4011,,-: 7', ,vii. otta.ur6...,004, ,.g -ails .,0,f ,,To.b. ' • oo4diteted' the ' 61:licesi itc.t4t. ,Loitcliirt, 'OA- •100. 4' 0,14..17; ' ' cs, lot the': 91*?*w Ise7e.,V7:t, th74).St'''''bet,41°74' PgrtItc:)4rd la ritk 4-41041•Litd,t,'. .AQ'Itairiti);:trOrn.:17.1ahtlit'i..11.11;1111$-",tsi.laXa:(1X'eMtil.:::14.Y:8'.: ', ...ifit'...*,'.4-41.,,r.4 $2111,43t41,4114.7:17,1Z: :,•Alex. Addison has returned to tutto;;:... :=7:45itio 7.„0.414, .4.ing,irt.400, „at% 4.210.?;C .t('`,304t116:111Ai'sNOteg.i...,"'',- re*mtii41-.0t,._onz-sin-siek" -soote,t,'-----,-,he -,---4rs' 4.- '',--, litorrw, .-0 Ivecy.u.tod 14* gvoit when thrcragh the 'Oki* ZIOW 'rear's IA% his famay;,. .vszos, of the aucrow,.. ,vire ..40t be . ;11/115$ Harriet Gaudier of Toronto tor:alto:4 hut will -hoe eompaulon-( visited Clinton friends' durink the If t rears 'We .and -uritItt the -direetiv Kenneth arrawartila, APPtoPdat4 1101114 **fit _Y. . cwhit4rutioalanerizeoale&t,s isnOgurne,esenyeran,mt :0,vrorvic;;F: _worearece.fit ;visitors- with us -safelY 4.nto ;the 4,101d: The 'liA,084,i,„,:e illigart and Ur- Neil at eltimion of „ ,131 rine ..vars w • •ftig. The crIPttire 2PSOn :'Ygtt *1'04 44 Pentland . M13$ gate irre*Artha, 4000rapia atio.tde)1dor_gliari,. ,pitetsonditiloroi0,010,11 ,1.40 ogetatrititn-der- we'rtit, 0)4004 and rOligant, okez: gut ter .11 tree lot -the at& tcLretnrn--liOnie Jdhn jcjlnt tholr lid sertie Of '.011,10„ ..6,0.1)Pvt1OXI at turit04.1ropito,, 0 t.0: 111e '44410344' read the AS em, ,•194e eArt-,;U41**Clitgaept*t71411:01:11-1Vegta4-1661"*._kt.tt't gen* coMmitteei `blerheah,Getx. -SchoTol 'OlUb, on toesiia. when, an hi-, hospital,- is mot improv!,u' • g- BA le,. tteer- --Votthewsiistr,, Tinol- ?Iowan, mottint. . the Romeo ar,4, `4,01i .,Costle,:oho- -in ztie rftd' It tied repair tam/jilt:tee; R. mitt- totboug , meeting' - 1vae 'held.. with 'factoril/., year 1,01711,0,4 ,W4‘ Tho -b°41.4 *e114a.t.$10IP#4:v.'t 1:111.4,41. tte. okeettp,g, vviitchlrtgaytrdtkr sCver4. ‘cold4.' .4: • • I, itxt4 „silly gave a.; heautlful results Of pe yeart. Ail bt aro silent of 0,6, denade, tliIz 010011 11:2.,,Isysirst4Ito,WItapn*:OrHerbert ietaitlit. ljgh-nocugsiatig; 1;resIded alt4',401.14W4Ifil JCEIAlt, to tileir 'bed$ With,itverx ylOquta. Aug . trea.surir, Ur3- 1/fany, people in bliigton "haird beel " 214116000olIn:14n1404111, telxir 044"y .toti°thne4 11111t41647045tUnii)r.g ItnIhtehli4u1111::111$40iNstitoro'°1:0Xlialtn,drniffit'ovC113errespon--v' T48°.tint *116 l'illers?,114414thrie rdalices' of nth. /itird't loraVer. /Boni r p 4 -officer, were , • -The istorif Year aisd was read .ancl secl u OtlY wif moo goezt, the Herbert" It Is TuestittY eirening'luid .e elected ,busitifo 41,ditilto,eft zn Itoped .that when entering t-11.4)4Aleftle4.t and teiOlire :Or the colt year. Mies Bert favored with 4140 The Clinton. Interchang 'Mediate of the ohilrth during 4the va,S3tow )111$. POrerOt 00111,1t* *Went; 'Mr, recitation; t• Altoit Xead te4th ploy their. first 'game .tonioto itendi-OS this Meethig. FOR S4tE'' - . 14,1Att, ii, -- . Blit,41041, az res Va4V144'1"*-: '''st, wmvauothe 1.6.;' 5.,4'1i3110,.1:77_4LI:tCtl.tellild"P,fLP7,ze?,„tuttll'e*tie:1)41, ttPtii, ' 7,, ifi..-erx -::t.:::::7771:,,tviop,3„..,‘,...,0,,i,f_viiTTateti ' dt."-rk.d, An tengx.LA ' ,,,,,,.. , 1,_ vtenAttmwt, suac,4_-411,- .,140' ,anitlgtowfr ,on)t;.. R. .R.,.. , 149.# gold wri,st, *etch wIth ilcztatiivbcd" Vo,r1tten 'oil -Plaf% " der please get tti- touch wIth ,48A1115Y Aer4.-,X4 ,artlee ' 'OST. ---ori esclaY eoln 414,4p10:.'4V7etil4g411.:e%14614:tiVITIS' 6.01t001,4`Natichti: WeIttlig0r1 tride, 43,itase retW71, 0:11:1%trOlirLEIT--714clipkiptS.*4 raeahrereward. - . itil$140 ' Nell. • 'rhe annual. titellUg of •. *-43oderich n'ortictItural SeEletY will - he held at tyrjtexoy Eton, on Thurs- day, 'Alt; 14th, at rtOpoiti.'pr the year, NM be 'ern, and *Meer* or the new year. will he elected, This .fs" your society,. try ati.44b.colv your hifereet, that Mr.- Urtberbit'111041 and Amiga , as l tont Superintendent; *worthwhile' *Der on 'Ivotol Edna- whon...09.1r 4eet Tavistock ,,• in the i gnitar, will be sean lating":144' 4ha: Oito Bible Oitee.,..tettelier; W. Whgv,r014, .00,h,o the -work of the meoelatione Th!.. local arena. The .recent• mild spell In ,, , t ..,. i sc erti. - 3/00, value Of %Olt' edueatiOrt is 'Of a* greit 'put * damper to skating And other , . take *art V. fir,c prctgottms, your.ig people onside .4 tlien3z.lvel fortunate In Wog pres- ent when %Coo (lora Trewarthe recount-' ett OM of her expOlattelt, irt Northern Ontario. Where She le teaching. ehe vldly„portrold the work, hobbles Old spIrItusl 1.00 of the people the titV north of this' province. - This Is---.11te week of IttraYer* so .011, OltiOnirt AU the, Toaretite and Irk V. so, given * pros - sing lottation to phi, with 'them for * special meeting In -the plaivell,-,41t 1401. Was salloboat rOrdf of Clinton, loth* Ur. anitUrt,:trert Trevrartb,C, The Ms** .0ether and Orsose 4Asc+ h for Widen on, tiondar..after bavixg sOeut' the Yuletide &mow with t parents, Ur. and 01tcro, Itac. Math, Mrs; 14000401, IseetWoder*Is tintinc, with ise 40E1141'04% 'Amer stgalatatt, Young „ hitt Aidian eutroutid,, clog, W. Finnic 'Young Lidless' tetessitY )1 0,- Ivin ogrts. Ciao, .blios xv,Vel . ri.riiihri.04100, ,i,,,, 4.,,,t.,,,,Ajds.:„: rit-t-Ilko' Itrtr_rofleitres40,eatitrote;174*,,:,_ 1st ' tit.10,;iii_Intstrook,.--who has — „... .. , Mtss wauxi -Mit - ..*.rin '0 -',--, . '-'"--"'''''' be 14 -: ' ' . der a Jove for the sou. Aural . men recovering. xrorit . accidental' in 4 :cliate'Clitsi.,blist , i fii, 'Tanb: assisc',,titolito *ear ty.u.t..- theft Itycii .trYing.to.. pries:Ai still unable to tesieh„ ' , ,- - • ,tittrironin.it,40,1,401:4„,. I4.1M:cmptefS;ryr,.ctiusti'3'unsttO4ir4t• sCliftroei• . ,t00,1114:Mit;tein,o.ostticiittli,i,,tri,teitthethtuttiioui a*cotteons/ktr 0:ttettr '14041 oti'ie;$011:ttri;'...00t;:ti:Iiilih.eer:obepoit:atliett,btlalittieotr,i.41:.viobraysisoththdfiae:LthiNittli . Men*: r .:assistanto, . Ur*. .earruan llfe , requites'44. broil* *u<I' niore-,Tarled• aub, l'irs,„ pouiebtikette,, gueie .01., , •eagin,, , lte- ' blios'',Ethel VAN :education than . -city life, where so. • exactly :.,„ • m, . ,asi: ,sliel.. rtart. men*: wrihotty:bitto:,:, xiss ltetwii * doe ter The ',residents., Iretter, ,' right.Ajot almonneement, was., ' patit-meheli; soh* %tout:mt.. 'trustees. Mit•ejt at:the:10V Theatre On:Oedelt 4 ,,, Whit zettloe ,catl'.I.:',iretder. should ))0 • r,.#3.0.th. ' -4,-- ever The veld uttioin, goo: toro Ott horning Ottestkni... ,Oesith,':'CtitoP'er; . . ,-• )poosecolon,, with. ortry rettont , better' iiellitili*. tietter ,C801‘ AGotle‘4 ' gat ,1?' - Ir. aq'' , -:.` 4:,).! 41!..' 040:01,xl,rotti Gordont altilth i lo n .as- tom:moray' - vette,' conottimtiors ...„,.....r-_,,,,._e.k.,,,opte ',for.„.„,..gettie,.,, ..4, natural' beau**, ‘ hettee ' -hartreium,Aai.pi v,itzttiz. 1:4 stio,Artg fill, , pro- itlIhShlie ttalYts*StYtIllOill Oltliet%04Pit'SiOig*Stletillee4r7 446.4,,,, tfnt14juse:ttaerlr*kieirttl"4'to::odedt rt- ; In - and T :Art *oh,' ft, Wes; Wawa. ' Intolo lite*, 1.4 On • ' pr000nted Smith with o —,— ,ut on Itinklays, kYanuarr 4th, tattling trunk 0 lifateh Vight. in!Service on Deee .. vi- tgitt:toktjlerier 01/64100,t; 144.0440.2 P"eeruria adlettoca. Uobert Itentleneon, it to leo., ohottly the IVeat *hem • her bone 11011=A3ire. At the „Alexandra LuUe at Berlin, lott, to-cloky,” ofn with:4m 000 editorial* t New taste for 'Atter Ors in PrittfOrt41 Ithe Mar 0=.00.—Tile annual meeting - of the. th)detith inumetrial, and Agricul- tural, SocietY *4111 be held in _the, _Town, Ooderielf.-on..1‘,TitesdOv • 'Jan. .19th# 1937, at 2,!.,0 • -1- • C. tfliainta,. Seat won, . be held 4tiva unelf: Otinibers, <bort, 1/4osei, rich, icounnevelf4 ;113VEP*Vi. Jan, al)th, atri,m:1931. - 4411 Moon*, notices 01 &puts - flora, appliettions# tenders and: bkkatu reqUIrlag ittettiort 01 Ouncll 'should, be in, the luni4 ,of the Count r Cleric by Am** 14 Miller, 34 bo Mr4 and a *5 WATS0!t—tgj lotoOeicabx Eoepltal flast• on bee. 31at, to Ur. ugi J. 4Vitipoil. ri l!tattlight, Oa& IlktwittieL eon.-