HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-01-07, Page 8I
rove '
lii enn
or garden,t
. eve*
each al
qnir V.;
cwoct t a, ,
Tltc Ari,t3r Councflha arod to
pay e hell the coat 01 Ut1Dna11
Svera1 tow
oie-qu*rer t1e okV anti a governttiet
t 01 $25 , ' /14.A.v,.9111.:.000r2nn/n'
of the'ochoal lnspeetor, :fdi,_
11 groid&.
' ,,,......„1...
*1zer and earl,.
Act of li4ti1taitlent by 0 3,
St, Toronto, at, th t
uiewbat from X�rni
t -the etete In
reentege; bas eert
ting 'an eiteMPtient
04112P4 ",,,t1Pee4:
cZ which are altPeteret-'to
4#1'. 1:-*vq* we Ire the'0.0110.!
able PAA,'',
*411 .04), *1101.1,P
APO*. '
ti4 fartin, with ood WOOditet easler
to aefl and brings more 'nteitte'' than. one
-Without ..aisnv1d.01* :filet, for the home
and 'Iinither.,:for u11din and repairs.
It ive work In,. the wiier,'30.'ioh* to
eve, 1:01101144*4140;'In ract the
„ entitiealkie manage afl, properly
aFrienturt-And thwd1bt area
as '04;444tib1e:,art1,atele:qtber.,Plet
- tion of Waste Land
tor estteols enter
Plantek and cr
n.1030for thebe
e best cared
County -at end tit
-1937. *,attor the size 4-,-.35rutut,446:takettonin!0. oi.oltothbrtnaideo.4.t
Allanting, vr1ety o• ” 'trees wet
care a.nd ,..pleant tar ,:plantingi
PotOotioi. froil axdinis and -percentage
01 Oirvival,
Norlo1k Cbanibe ot Comnt
has ,etipeerteele the reforcstation.: PO
ot the NorPlit :Oeuntyp.colgrill-,*
1OOO acre.s of land Is r.ow owned an
planted by tle County. We
;aerez shouid be PI4VNIA0•:414.'Plvad
, each,year by tUe County avail
able cheap land is tetite. •
od oMieke$?' lonvv ran ro-
fesSiOnal hockey 'referee,. •vet..4.1111-,
ed to the National ltotkey. ,Leapie,
after several years.' absence. Ion
-made his bdw as * vtlhiStle-hie'Wer in
the old l'aelfi0 Coast Hockey ter4t4i.tm,
in 1912, and, has handled 'more games
than any ether man in the historst
the tee spirt- He a opOrated in
every,reeogtitaatl*Professional cireuit
Irk his :24 'Years.' of' service,.ittelutling
Jthe (leliforul!t, league.: ..1fc 000):
artsot p
Ana row
but his hand
rept 1o. hia deriingers ant‘he held
'them ready. ;Tensely he .**teb..4
The.'botlt.,,oPpoSit*' the deer was ,Ituvw,
Vied tete'lne)tad-1004ti looking 4 as:1f
'llatt'',idept, there. ut n the Onntet4
01 the, rel'enie..Ant PartIrt 4ittecl on nis
'watched, In
ar,b,roke iuddenlIt,;thro4
emlealgo, „7:_etttiese*,°siegt1,1:need,
vere're Itte , iteto -r7d4.1..4„.-bar3re'it40'in Norfo1k
trem the fatm 'woe
0 to 25
, CheiP
rthristrOo-'• for
trees; and 1 :4 '2
.-= ."
'tarn 04 -n
, bri
ir,far,-t: 41;0.
\•and, have ha4 1t orcted.
thefr r.tse.'•-; th* themselves
`Pqitk:Pzok.*-,...411 hvutea , -,taxittow/.4ue.
,:•to tner*,•re0e41•ii-alne OfT.:th,,,' land ':-On
attennt., • ..•
*int Mt reacls as jollows:
• W';0101`,ii1ude :11:
the- plabarte,:Of *rest' tresS,
;high, ''zio',"•,,,:other • 00Wing.
1,14; llorfOlk'-,Ohalnber et
- •
Act dnpette-4,..would yotk out as,
• folkhvs";•, • - ; • • •
Laid" undet- etrte': greseth' • 'shill.: be
P'taxed 'set 'eseteseinent '.'vetinatipei on a
basis ,•,03-111*Able AvItilp' that irenosed on
.F.elghbOrtng•non-planted land or similar
roil • and Site.- condition - • have
asked that thisy amendment he ',roAde
"optiora, with, the detente and 'that; it
tome into .,fore -in'. :such .totintie,i.as
- •Would` pass a by-law validating it. the
Norfolk 'Colleen has ,giresidy„en,
•..dorsed--%13. ••proppa44,;: •
Educational. Work
• with ty,,,v4„toi i#out..g.ting:. hi the
gads, of ,our thildren It-Ate...for trees
• (1)'
-and. "eteal
4A;e s,c0.1P4
• (0' 0
.7,orgasing -t-
eroit entails,
iieauacbe Fast
Get /tea/ QukkaActing,
-4.44SPLRIS" .
• Ste HoW
491SPiRIP"- •
la 2 somait
waki,, aa
LaWMiitatfai to aleirde.
111:11$11 1144.0
�f� it* t'Aliptiial."-tsb*
14140a stabil it 1,1144ic.
By Ai the* .1140
aratigeli alba 114001 k
keyytiii Mkt
:*. kaprial._101. Yelit
For QUICK Relief
tf you, imiTerittqa headaches what
you*antois quick relief. •
.„"Aspirinn tablets give quickl•-,
tido ,for one.r$1014 because they
•dissoive or disintegrate Winos;
stoutly they touch moisture. Note
illustration above)
• liencerheit you take. in 49404
rin" tablet it starts to ,dissolve
most as quickly as you swallow it;
d thsteityri.tos, evvorking
intit 'Austin* ea&
A ttt.f.,„ci se'n.*bre,' 6F
TH cA,.toolANKEOIC-04;
0451-1RAI'Yek gc.44190.N,It$
.00 CANADA •
Isittvillebere; 14430, ;tor :the PlirPOte telgestive dieeturbahlie:S, the .so•called
, this,"conmlittee attatici of, indtgeetion, upset,. stomephor
ve.4 aPPoihted.to draft:, ,i'l),olloY" to POt'' OA* 4etpZia ID the 'l1s of
frwith this 'situatiort'and..present it to the 'eeeeeee ee etekress. Tiler can, • to ett
room's Three. shot
.rapt4 iino,c,ossion frbin
the b�dy �f the Mank,Who4held. thebitlbe trat th04-e- .
six-gun apporea audde.010' eir valie auCb1,Mt Via up
'11.00rWOriVith,g413 rieilled, On the ho o itoWitursing. folk* arcrOad
The -intruder must have heard., 3a )toelft... hoe iikoty got all. the
alight . sound.-nUiventent. busted :pa* hands and '40 On Itti*q Can
JAM, 011.rO.,.erOnthed, 'fon ' eyes: ' •
*11 flah o you don't Imo
Story pin* *found town tbt you
doubled ;tour *Wm last night in tbat
p'ivate game. Mk* ould beard I
Le' stick to the finish, rem
box:, an' Yen were gOint atrOn
Innet he was in theloom:
ri'010)144•Plr stake!' laugh.
ed at that, Y014'
Rellyoan.' 'fr.ovinV
nelneaa Vten't held'Inet up -10
ro ter after Ithat gams .1*
lashed in that ditection the Ammon% RelInan laid a hand on his *in,. 11
lieforei*Itk the, " 04.4ttieki$1..
rattlesto41001Yiite.'-ebgicuo,'610#0,*rou0. L.''. need 'JOAey was Ute 0001(144110e give* hini,
'..tOared:':*gain..:..'"Ily'f.,itiati',Illeker Or *A: 'bout . es, „ . .
eyelash iot quick enough. - kn�w .won't hut 'em....." He PiU- cards, the Leterufeting'. feet tit the. '
For in, ',that': ha1, brewth of time, ed,the 7• :fraction : 'a.,-Seogn ' two derringcrs that(t0:110beCt.li
Jini r.0.04V:44 derringers:''1,00!.Tg4i,• tO14..0 hie,: hinds ...,moved..,..-Wiel(edt,
€f fhnw, iirnI M twn h.hta*Crii'n'Ot. arcY.2. 1,04014Tuse:$ett., over in th;o' ..'penfldencelivers .
ot totou o t
ormallt** * * , 44:4
*Wog hi* 'place night
be table in tbe over
'which be lesitt JO ide. „i, VA*
ence'vraa an extra drawhig Cott, in
set, and Asilman was all smiles 4
the extre. erOwds and hell' the MOneY"
lied in„,' ,
Jim DOOVOto was V.:tPre.03101.1.s'
p pf,t,:lie.playtd*"."'Ai47 lnitnrier:4onr.'H
;Usifle poke. .bit little, a»dtht
low-V(!jced. To the be5t o his ability
hc was beset-16dt.-
go.ua ‘itit ,ThaMetift ,000,„:.-pattingi: to
rofirill, be had leeruot 000 b40
hours of Woollies But. -he
.0alized that be was z atroIer
eurrenta ;not 'yet understandable an•
More thin was th# sudden ft1eu4shl With
of`retsltellinen taking hiM Under .8Panisit loyalist* -taltin
hle *Ogle. the Earl of Xinnoul Boy
s UeriV he *Mild go wally* has ,134061:trom Southamptonabi
lean" to, only 'consolation 'that. „6, raider, Minto with . * tan.
first- night, and foriii.Onie.tinW to PrOvisions Madrid. .• In addi
to the cargo, food, the* British- sad
ere dealt the eontributin 00440 t
trange )04'44 all'alleut
PlaCtithallnlaalt-:; an bedalig44. WaY`.. YQu've got 01003. neat#‘the Shin,thg tOnutt°111aterte'W tul duck! are ahniott
Arei leit'the `heat `tit tele' abeteethae -'.mxvo-lrgleuctr*t--the-ttoaroxt-tthe his vide starched euffs,witli theieehl of tr the— belfila.ya
tore by *is,..cluok within ft. hoes or "a shore quick' eye" gold' links and glittering intitatior
• / . • . • civet* rthesanogl and cattleirersolneu
breadth), delleeted•:'onlY-that slightlz hint caltiilY, studying tlie diamencl*,, • , but Grade ...A.
Dy the flame:that Ateid spirted Itim let ,his. glance' rolte 'fro= It Was, Atilt eeriet in tne el/e4mg, 7 • •
hison--derringersinfiniteal ntie Aht oit the ` wber *Meng:Atte, cuitoOltY ,50e)ierAi .014 nue te Until t.
part of time earlier 1, than !the,. t ltitiiii77Why this Su 0 0 or ete peered the 10k71 5, Tinutai
blAst; - tbis precipitate frient1114.00 tNvo lonnterg- who' had 'witne$S0- '47:1" '
-Tbe wowh, gler .0k tnrrt' Dan', ietVard a man he had-4rinnned otIvni in townand to wl"." rri:1! undeQr 41)Pctuilda..
'collapsed in the open doorway trOOked genie laettlight tea; faretetelt had grandiosely inteedu(ted hirnelf
, arge
(Eutvonto_tb.a octottwon_wroillog asa"hi,s ,I)1, von, honiruanuhe,;,eekoniwnew was broke ,ki_aektieotAhned The$' strolid 1,111 tO the 'table, NitAtehr, • grade' • ,..,A1
eteracee et.etfleeluee==,
'VroPer. aitleoriget; The .ceniMittee .has..yery laige extents lie -Prevented., sTd•
Met" and a; .draft new,. being 'pre- thet Woititle riot otaur as frecateritiy, It
park ,einbetlying 'the --pfinciPie-- no
•glie*ing• the,':Ctattir,4' 7or.,any trees. under
lb' inOhes, two feet from the ground,
evitheut the permission .of cOunty, for-
• neuralgia. end nett'iiii;
easing allAtt at ono.
40Arrin tabl?ta ore, made Ja
bit, Cana , "Aspirin" is the regiiitered
.:- trade -mark of the Bayer Com an,
• for the name Sayer in the form of *
raise on every tablet.
Try. Jtabten poties inarvelout
ester* • • • • H' ;
, While.. we do -not like toe mech Pebble
bitoree erd eeirkPtile0 iet4lation it
would sernithat Itie-'•graiiitY'Or-th.-6,-Isitua
atiiiil.;..diUriands some sozh ,drastic Mee -
sure, .
Seed Growers Plan DspIay
'Delegates to several agrieult,ural
to be heik-Att .Toronto, Feb 9
to 12 will have AD opporomity to get
-More that the.gernis of 'good
'wen*ers..-or the °Atari°, Seed (3.row-
ore jAsstcla,tiOn are, planning' a -issed
display, ..whith. twill be in position
throit.gbout-the,.week. .This‘ exhibit will
14enquite-difterent from those- seen' at
fall anictwinter lets are shown.. In con-
trast each sample in tins. display should
be identical With' coniniercisti ,lots of
efitilar for :sale On the farms re-
liresented. • ,•-•
Prospective 840iineti. in-
terested In 'the .highest,, qualiq of farm
erbp seeds will have an -opportunity of
irispeetieg, the. best :available in Ontario,
ett.tintatting lhe---tarniers'growe.raJ-
matiy,,Of are expected be in
attendance. ,
' 'IAA good seed is..the first ,zeoldsite. of
i);, satisfactory, frop, the Menilaeri ofUils
Ats'ocitatiOn. are to :be' congratulated on
eerogretelee 'Method of plating their.
product s" before prOapective purchasers.
"Par the past three winters the Smith-
aMpton, sehool board ha* been supply-
ing mlIk -to *11
Puitng •attentlitig the
Malta .fieheol. arat the bens:lite of this
practice -canhoteebe' queetionede A. de-
eideti improvement in the health of
practitallsetVell thild taut been toted.' •
• iretpile Who Ott pay for the milk sup.,
•Plied are, OW 4to ooktribttte ten -etati
per week . for a pink of a day;
whlch iteettuely toetee 20 eerde Per `Week,
.thaSeeteelpitte-sytile cannot ' par reteltre
the milk juAt the SAD* and will. ion-
"tit.400 to do .so. The: balance owing for
milk is 'raised by • the teacliees„. the
:u4exi'atetition*Cre given to the proper
Use •of fOoo; •• . • , •
:49toa!'s should, he regulat,. but stet ttith
itegalatity that .makes for resetotonY..
ThO ohangled'clifOcp hour ert Sunday or
on ct; '10140- 'orteri",girs ' extra; zest to
the. ,-. 'Generally, iip,sakinx, meals
Shonid Wien r,etalalr-Itcd, ars.
'Any 'Meal 4»i the
clock - ls„ :almost -I bettek :htleateri:
,760d..ehotild properii Masticated; and.
one,elicind l*lei a:quiet, restful attitude
:Of mind. 'V° sesttee „these aids, to pro-
per digestiOn,-; it is well 'ivorth the effo
to rise a few. Minutes earlier eath
morning, and Start- the day right 0,ailth
a. properly "eatee, ,tiretiltfast,
-included ;ever -Sr breakfast menu
ehould:. be :fruiteefresle, such es oranges.
or; &lee. frplt,s.atevielt; like prunes, enille
eolthezre-on- 4.-ceirealLotin tOccts_or •by.', it -
min also cereal. Whether or .or not one
-requires eggs or bacon. depends upon
' the type . of.- work done,. and also. upon
:whether or rot the noon meat is at; light
erie; In every case, the food should -be
properIY Mastieated, and not gobbled or,
washed down a drink,
, 'Children, who are sent toschoel with-
out a prepsr breakfaet, are not se:dying
a• lair -.chance.- elete-riot ,oniseefeelebettee;
.bat -we are realry More capable; of -phy-
sical and mental 10;k if we start the
day - with * gtioct Wash • and 'a, Contfoit-.
ably eaten, aintable: breakfast.
• 'rtibereumms. about 6,50* graves
in Canada -last Year. At . least 42,000
persons- are this moment, aetively
tWreusti'lliee'fifileiretrian, • iii*---V-teseekefrieltdintlete-tittitei
arnoking*guns in„hand„ , A Yell cattle eluded . wanting to ,offer proof .that
fro* the hallwaY, the sound sef.' a ' Darcy had. shot his assailant in self -
signalled 'door and of running feet. defense? . . r . ,
',AM 'Darcy, leaping by the sliralY. I.J.:. .!ttrings" to that, • Reitman'?" - he
killer _bumped . forcibly . into Pao , asked -quietly'. and - meaningfully, and
-Rellinan„,collai and tie in hand, coin- the stocky 'man laughed, --his hand
eing4n-the leap from his own room pressing Jim's Arm.,
at theend of the' halit'vviiere he had, "No retool) to try,to get Me wrong,
been 0.1_ear.iiii!.. up . for ta‘i Darcy," he omPlamed• "I'm natilthe
. •
you an offer because you look like
. Rellman let . out • an eXPlea'zve the goads to nie. No foelisimeee
'breath as .that breath, was almost abut you, an' u damn' ,;.• good poker
knocked from his body. He caught 'it prayer." . , " . „
to pay, pantinglye.withean. oddlOole. at: "Honest. poker. player." arnensie I
9ra; ' - - . a., Jim, and, Rellman, chuckled,
,----"-W-ell, I See. -there areseno la ''Shore -,shore. ... . That's what I
present, Darcy, Too bad—for hit. Kin. like abent you. Wanted to try you
-Who is it?" - ' . out last night —didn't mean to clean
Ji01.ihook-his head, sttidying the you but such is life and the 'way tlie
manonthe floor. One of the derrin- cards' fall. —.Anyway, .1%don't ,use
ger 'shots had gone through an eye, any tinhorns. Nothin" but honeit
the other was 'directly over the card stingers at the.Rocity Way. Best
heart and the bleed - Was smearing way all around when all's said an
the floor AS it spurted, %hat, mail done. „...., How about it? Like to.
had never 'known what hit him, take me up?" He grinned. "Plumb
"Damn' it I know. • -Any more than sig14t better'n trampin' it.".
1, know why he Wanted to shoot $lowly Jim Darcy, nodded,. "Might
he 'hostile thought- rwa-s-sTeeping• in. as war :he .saideetzuf he didnotme=
,.Never saw him in rift life before.' to allow Pete Rellman, to zee how
Darcy may have had his own ideo eager he -actually was, how well this
for the ccewardlY attack on hiinstif, offer fitted in with his own plans.
in fact he had more than 'a bunch There was a hint ef a boA.sh laugh
about it, but he meant to keep that in his eyes ad' he remarked; ,iirwas
and all his suspicions to himself. It kind of planning to start a little
was no time for confidences, nor, in game of my own here in Gold Rock—
his opinion, WAS Pete Raman- any .heard it was a good town. reckon
onfide„_,„ If this you put, a crimp in such -plans last
matter was to be looked into, he
would do that himiself. if he got the •Since the shooting affray had oc-
chance. The attempt to; dry -gulch curred at a time when the Gold Rock
him- in a hotel name was a lead, at Tavern was empty, all its guests
any rate, if.he Once got the opportfe awn turned outinto the street
nity to investigate the man who 2,'ts, the cantinas and the saloons for tin;
dead front his, guns; if he could tam- ginning of a night's revelry, there
anything of him previous to his ape was : no running crowd pushing.
pearance in old Rock, or who were around see --what. had, happened.
Even the Ancient clerk downstaire.
his associates.
. Rellman bent down and turned the was OD the poreh outside, scrduged
slain man over. He grunted. down in his favorite chair which was
alck with it -enough to Populate a "Slick Townsend," he said, with a tip -tilted againgt the wall. The shots
Medium sired city. shrug. "Good riddance, for the town. may Well have been heard but in that
'the death rate for' tabercill°08-1n of Gold Rock, and maybe quite aefew town such eounds were erdiriary.
Canada ',for, the ,arst time Since .193c). .people, AbOtYs 'IYAS a thial4e-cree- bring. an appreciative crowd, such
thtiveg increase,. there 43,5" ser. What happened, Deci'?" affairs had to -ba staged in the opeh
eeingiths; threirperresated: apesr, aioiroarmst„ inc$,43reasl trtfor, Jim- shook seh.oeuke,bwisas,b.jeuastd„ team% prove spates and -with an tiudierice.
it paying his red- ,It WAS not until after- Pete Reit-
front 504 to 01,, :mg 1ncs6 1118 eneets to a stranger in town with a man and Jim Darcy hail themselves
,not • general • throughout Canada :93 little 'friendly visit, looked like," made a visit to the sheriff, Jim to exe
P4'hice mcurd 6nteri4t'Smicat- "Heard him pain' Rigitnan plain matters, Itellinan to uphold him
chewah and *Walt Mkinrobtaall re,* growled. "Luck for you, hombre, 1 in his elaine of self defense, that the.
ported ;Leaman and their' rePorrs' happenea to see it too..- Had my door news began to circulate.at all that
were lower thleitane previong Year. The opeeeeteeeet tate hall whilst I ifeati*drete. Slick Townsend had been -sent- ;ty
1101413._e's ..„;411* ee$312.erettsedeeve_ere and wies.. just goiti'- over to shut it Boot gin. ne had been trying to rob
Nova 14"/ when the fire works started. Self- and gun man in his sleep, the "tit iry
lesnitoba and 'Albert*. W`1113 LU"Vik' defense, Darey, if it ever. was, and went, and had got *hat was earning
sith°91 concert 6n4 the b°2•I'd, "4: although flight, ettlext Re: tvarnlug, tom here' to tell the town so, too. You to him. ° ....Sore, it was that Mick-
itt thoge PreS'Ihees 414°1/114 a' 1 back you tip." - to town on the, stage 4iiet. night. Yeeh
A' REAL :feet *Oh nate to (abet :this tt'nUie.ra Jim -said slowly: "Thanks, " Hello he was taking over a game tAbfe
° say increase. •. • man," but could not keep fropi 'hist from Pete Hellman at the. Reeky
'the' taxi-driver charged with a„:„.„,,, t vat pr nub bibidlhe quick thought that weilder- Way. Made quite a stake last nicht,
"Ite4t 1440140 protested that '1141 `441")- ‘""4. ed why the saloon man Should be SO playing with Pete and some others in
•1411153. 1.01nant 406.114Y-' VANED MTO GUN STOCK eager with his volunteering. He lutd. st, private game, they said, and that
the cost to the laaP040er 'IS negligible. th * ere 'Met must be put fertti
• - e „ean count, on me, young feller, to Woking young gambler who had itenie
Mond, Dan at a poker table and which
Jim had copied with an exactness. •
. One of %Ilea *clamped hand down
on Jim's shoulder .and ehucitied...\
'.Well,.if 'Wain% Lord his own
self! Got joh 1130,AI-dna' oft held.
Lord 411TO- Ireav
y' catch—
ed rattleenelte' fast thing too.
shore improved, the ,landscape
hereabouts, I'm a•teilin" .you." lie
moved avow "Welt, luck to Lord
Y' might be needin' of it."
.Itellmene,stahding nearby the table
_heard the. xernarks.f. ogsritig4.. at
first; then he grinned; Ito Caln-q-0Yer
and drew up a chair 'behind where
Jim sat. Ile,rearied forwardto-s-ponk
in a whist)er,,gvintling \e,,e
"Lord. Jim', eh? That's the ticket!
A fine monicker..ought to draw 'enl.
Let it ride, Darcy — "let it ride."
,•So it was that Lord Jim Darcy'
came to Big Rock, ,andeLord Jim be
remained. Even in the midst of guar-
relsome,.drunken ganiblers, his cour-
tesy was so unfailing that the sobri-
quet was well earned. •
:4COurise do" BneNtred the driver
you'''know4 Ilitft *hen Ititr"--4.-e0- eiett kes..--u-Ing a brand' lientfa Tplizql4eas-list night; eomlrie---a„nt'- 'Oink thoYousgint.h.Ylvt41-askpliotitne it'-ignelizurYabrahad
indignatitt. Mel* 6011 the. other daY
t Ea* one. efhe. gave Me st" pound Dbl.'e!
for shilling. fare , walked.- ititY.
4111,110if **hat about.* your
change'.0,5et te blinking fool;
rays -the; :‘keep - an' get drUhlteettoeigh
to 'kise your theeltereirOtettit
• Now,"itIle ended tritMiphently, "thaee
what lcalt .a-reat '
• ,
A Remedy OW, Iset*eiteoelie have the
eared* le- 46 end** torture, The ,ear
Is * delleate 'Organ and few care tq deal
wlth It, Pon$Idertn.r--Ateee'.1tort.„:fter--;te:
tor. reetetriC Oil "itiffent
gittePle remedy. A few' drop upon a
,plece of ° lint or teedicat.ed" cottob.and
.placed in the tar WM, Ad mticheinriee
ittUDItk Oti dim in ee neighbor's, field, air,
idbert."4.7. ':2131.41klintpa took aoSafoot piece
to his home. .A Mealtattically
son tranisforniesi it into a gun stock and
:bet week gr., doldthorPe having it
'rhe wood *CA, the 'ttorlieetinehift 'tome
bine to Mike: It well -Werth
• A Missouri woriati advertised lig. It
husband, she got one at Coat of two
dollars, its enlisted in the army and
&Wee inenriinee, and 'will .4et
Arklow's pensieti.' long as *Abe. -11Vea,.
lett,there are those •Wlid sar,advertitint
does fa 'Po;
from the pnvate *Mee familiarly* ob-
viously at leatit an employee of 801110
kind,of the esteem inset.
There wak a sneering curl on
man's lips beneath his heavy, gray.
int mustaches as he looked down ct
'the body of-Slickw.s:ntrin Whom it was
generaily known. n. Big Rock had
long been one of the bOsed banger.
on,who appeared In the Own about
the same time ai Reitman, apparent
ly•having„knoWn him for along time
elsewhere, toe. ilellman said:
“Aiways thought ha, was a wrong
killite an* vain'
Jin said: "H&d jusve had a fat
•chance of rotiliirig ' „
"Guess he thought you had plenty" rcgolar
Slick -Townsend was -planted ---, in
Boot Hill with scant ceremony and
the. incident. forgotteh—by all except
Lord Jim Darcy. who never spoke of
it, but who continued to do ae hat of
thinking and qtnef investigating. And
by Pete Reitman, who, never spoke of
It at all, but whose -thoughts were
busy, too. In a Way Slick Townsend
had been a useful man to him, but he
was Mit sorry for what had haPPelled
to the man; in itellman's mind,
Slick had committede the uripardon-
pie sin. He had disobeyed explicit
, 'tinge o , own
hands: Just as well if he was gene,
at that Slick was yellow, no good
for anything but shooting a man in
the • back, and Pete Redman may
have been save cl from taking- Slick's
casein hand hiniself. -Slick was taJ
panicky—and a man like that was
always too likely' to spill all he knew
if it ever became '4 question ,of say-
ing.his own sidewnder
Lord Jim was content enough. His 4
stake was gone, but he had a job; one
that pleased him and there was neth-
ing to keep. him frOm going on with
his qpiei investigations, tlictigh mat-
ters moved slowly. As the days.pass-
ed into weeks then intolonger periods
his intrenehment in the favor df Gold
Rockites grew. They liked him.
Lord Jim liked' theme -most of them.
His reservations he kept strictly to
himself. -
Best of all were his visits out t3
aok, c Ranch in the' valley over :he
ridge. Matters were moving nicely
• in that directicte too. Ile had be .?zi
welcome from his first visit and Mrs.
Harper, before she finished her visit
.to her brother and niece and wcht
back home, had hereized.him to any
nian's heart's content. She was so
certain she was •aliv to
-because-o - r m-- arcygIravery.,
ir.,14^0 40 OW 4 r .7;4 4 4 4 A
Beef, cwt..... • Pt 41.. 4 *
nUttOr* .per
Wheat, .4 • • ; 4, • "4, t '1 ',I,
OtirtS * .ot u 4, it.' 4 4, 4. 4: 4: 44,41 40
niii,32 • m ,4 41; • • • 11 • 11 1; 11 111 1 1 .11.. ,111
• • • • • Fs 44E•4
Shorts, • ••
(To be .continued)
.MAPER:fisiG,. Ian; 4).• .„
MTS. }Brant Moffat, and two e4dee.
sp'ent, New Years with the latterli
parents-, Mr.- htul
Johnson. • --
- and 1,244: Ifei4ey • _Webb. . -,an
children of ,St. Helens, Spent Friday
with Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Anderson.
Mrs. S..11, Kilpatrick and Richard
spent Wednesday in London., .
Mr. Finlay Shackleton- of Arthur,
who had spent part .of the • holiday
season with his netrents, Mr. and. Mrs. .
Merman Shackleton, returned to his
hnic On Friday.
Teachers resented their &Attie-V/1M' ..-.-
Mrss Graee...Bleekeeto "Aeletepat Mss
Olive .1Ciipatrick at •TAtisbod; * Miss
Jean Anderson at Kinlough; Elmer
Johneon Mildnuty; Miss Bernice . •
Blake, Stratford Normal; Miss' Mary st,
Horton at Arthur; and • Miss Model
Blake and Beetrain Curran," Lucknuaf
_High School.
Mrs. R. Kilpatrick ' who had .
spent the omit four months with Mr.
and Mrs. Kilpatrick.. left Alt
Wednesday for Detroit. . She.was at-.
companted by Agam- MeCne:-
trick, Long Beach, California, who
also had been a visitor here itor a few
weeks. They, plan to leave for. call-,
fonds.. from 4there sometime . ID
-February. ,
Miss Pearl Thompson of Dungan- •
non spent Sunday at her htflute.• •
Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Kilpatrick of'
Torcnto, spent the holiday' season,
with them parents at Benmiller sad'
One .doae of Miller's -Worm Powdeas ,
will clear the stomaeh said .1=0a' of
'gorilla, so (hat the clfild will no more
be troubled by theli ravage:4 Th7c tam*
ders are sweet 'to taste.and nochild
object to taking them. They kre non-
injurious! in their:composition, arid
in some ;eases they niay ,•came voroattar
that must not be taken as a. sign that
they are nieueeating, but es an faitto.„3.-.
tion of their efteeilee .wOrk. -
U your liver beeomes.lazy, glow
or torpid it holdbark the bile -
necetsary to move the bowels, and
acts up a- state of pokoning in the
fl -n4 tuliVeD 'the liver. Their rotten
he.lptt to (*tato it front the elogOng
• impuritiev4 helpt4 to open up a free
.flotv „of stagnant hile and reatere
bowels. All dram:191d Parry them in stoPh,
taloW W IlLAK
AMD 1&1& *it luiRstr waft 1141. t>1110040111
AMD aux lust CAslift Cur Oft -WM
14,1444pliso OV114AT juRY4 "It-liktV.
CiUR 4*) IL