HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-01-07, Page 64.
t •
MON b. 4014 .
ohlhe of passenger train eqi
atli$4401,,NatiOnla 11110 wUt be
MultdOattlY%,..4k Vaituded, 'beforit ,too
pertiog the hoe; toeueer seeliott,
.wee etatia toil*/ hY-offirials,0g tb
NationaI Syem. Wlth approx
ato13.! inn° hnurir:04 ou4 twentr,five
ir.tortflitionot% units:10w Opera-
\ tOfirintintling-rAllinan'onrAt,0114rat*
ng .Ork rAnUlifikrt National lines under
contract, this service; has :heezt .rOf.Ist
Ouija? with winter' and umreer
travellers ttlike,;,, All experiments wh
ahY-.cOflditiOfl in tlie Ijnited Stato_
have been. c1ose.y studied antt
:best feature* adopted, for use ,1
syStem, installed On ,Onti4aall'IsTA
Al oars* The, result lut4,-heett
both the travelling 1041410 aiid Car
„Department (Alders haver v 'found
equipment Ine'St satisfaetory in it
()11,11ir-coQttindi;t1.0.nirtg..:'.eni races more
than siniply tooling. or heating The,
air within Ai,:',Vets.Ihe proper eiretklA,"
Von of correctly -tempered air is the,
principal requirement.. :The •,probll.nitt
of 'oaf builders has been to , provide.
110,;:,cerreet-..arifebat of tke'sh:•air in
roPer*ondition- as to.. beth tempera,
tire and hwnidity. The • air -condi,
tioning ''equipment in use on Canit,*
Ian NatiOna1N4t4. provides
ful OuPplY..bt fresh, filtered.,eutside:
air; controlling the ,'weather i',factor,
and vaintainiag.„--balarteed.:4e6aifer
withirr,the mown* vehicle.,.,• • ••
;Vreih'..airlrom outside the;trin Is
dr wn,inte•the cars by poWeeja lane,
removes OF deSt, polien ,and other
. a:heti the,aif passes ,aver
heatinki.01',;c6oling:-uhit4 according to
the Outside' teMperature.., 1.Proper1y
Malcolm Watsbn; et gu
Untversity, Iingstan„ and M. Doug
las Meneloold'og XISM (44.10,04 Itiaitr
ed At their reapeettve home;. ,
*tutles ,Volieda Hunter, bohiti Dell
:19e nen** Slake
Illtoirrimintt,i;have, returned to. StrixtPt iceeep the hung.5 ,14 but that aloirlwrno
Iesee Christine viii1eyeeo, '1.thertp:toti :tilnelotiteoft:0*0111,0g zod that 'rot% the former to 'litre'W, akand tho to
taniee Newton have returned 0 cal0Y0rte., Obt4:40 '6.4fittIrnAn elrenreoprted open* iivkaluttvintt
latter Torie,ntjoelltottrmualo;
Mr 'gone back hIe*ttlevere'ettioying to the follies
day mt.
to enter as, a student nnr$0 t,
Other raft ntrisPit01*,TorotirOi..
hillatOtei OhRtir 'Aftet * holidaying
tthie Minx Orahaat has returned to'
her *liter 't104 brother* ,Miss.
hristio and 10.: Dan”; Grebe)*
.°41304,4,4111YQIit'Qie has
Calvert ' has ret
ot at's challenger for the America's Cup, but'as a fisherman, T. 0.
SoPwith, With. Mr's, Sopwith (both; pictured), arrived in New 'York
1,117111 D
he Upped into the ve,ter.or a
flist 'ffe4tris. creek; last7, yitednegday,
maitiand Oareoen: two and , half
„vats_ , ta h1 ath. Hs
little body r distovered, len, than h1,If
An hear later, hut efforts et -resuscitation
were to no -AVAIL
Youtivter", was the . sot.. M.
and Mrs, Vlarence who live
on the 4th -Concession of Huron, about
nilletwest,of .the ittlx 'Otderoatt,-
Creek; generally' quitelaw at , this time
-• of year, winds . through the Campbell
and to the torginued rains
was rimning „and c even overflowing
- its'hanks.,--Itiektiow .Sentinel.: „
ck te,,,,Ottawa*4
Mr,George Doti:Mae
Toronto on Monday,, _
Miss Winifred Arlastr000, 0 01.ick4
-Children's lgotsPitolf-c-o),.enfr c -r
days with, her parents; Mr. and
frs. $1,* Allnetroag* -
1$SeS AlMa Alton and Vera Shet
igg rhn. spent the vetation at.thetr
•„zsTeyt. Yettee: dipot ill. ilk, :11:014.,
the hunter's. do not the
pen tho fact, thlitfr• do
even bother going to 'a post to am
over ft,
Farmers olaiin" the 'usual
Tett t ing is to, hold' down the fence between
pests and straddle over it. Xn dW.
pieutital, taritiere have to %turn:*
of Su
. dark
thecks and-
gene1 trJeta where rabbits*re'eonstaoreci' to
outeach spring to repair their fene.
• • • • • • • '
es before •anitual's ean b0 U0:flea
ap(turo,. •
Wood has` aiWOYS' been an "1101,4
taut fuel.iwCanacia Orui is still largo.,
ly *tea, by .our rural and to a tesa)r'
ginelVe)f:nifeks.; of the, current hockey - Mts. Alex. Mtwdie of Toronto 48111nt:41:141:11,:'41%'1*1)PricY11°'111111°1,:;u:111ud°11.LVOtblailaInnr17$1;13°1111:1111147t:ritiGtn‘;' 1-°1 'al ?It;
camOSign# Lester .ratricit's great Smith 'have, 'return 6 their
centre. ice veteran, broke! an 40144, eohool.lthe'forinist to i,Sexem„,Xtridge,
— ..,tatgb "asehalk-40.19,,fita•vtho atterAo.„,,Distozil,:
and- this with his long years of ger- Mr. G. S. Vfelptire like re iirrie
vice \ behind him was thought to just Iron Paisley.,
about,. close •tho starling centre' •It, A. Yourex-Who' spent. t
.PiiF .11oue1or131,4 'iriwatioil 'at Dundalk, has returned.,
eMpered it As': foteect ,into the .:4ppareiii:li ood'as.,Over.s,and WOri.c-. • lYtitiS --------Mcs,.140$4tors of, Oro:i
ILWII etwi VePlaelng..- the us.04-teit-*whiPh in$ vv\ell'vith,the 'flyliangsters that ville WAS a recent .guest at gr. a4i4
dri`ten finla hrOgh an exhaus4 Patrlok has added& th Blueshirtei
Vellt` ^ OSogerS.., Boucher is a It:anger origi,
- Individualont).^01; Of _the fresit,Airs nal, one of the few.....Legtf,---14 xl-Nr-Or
Sun'qlY is a :feature in -Catadian Aurel Jenain point of service
National • Air,eonditioned toping th.auoi ,j-oliat has been ha. the
Lars. -Eoah berth Su& Tobin' as an a ;few seasons more.Frank ,spont
1.411,vidaaj. air inlet,' *ritieh can be ,49ple :time oil the Pacific oast beford
operated by; tkepassenger to control Rangers were fqnted.
the air supply in such manner thift, -
lourige obsery,ation , bars. ,freSh
air -is distributed through, the Cars MEE DEA
.from inlets in the ceiling. Some :of
!these' ducts are 'combined: -with' the.
lighting fixtures; others are s'epar-,'
nte. Outlets and 'inlets are so ar-
ranged to 'prevent draftsh and to• pro-
-vide an ,even circulation of filtere4
air throughout the Care*
1,,EAGUE. STANDING . • . ,
The air-conditioning equipArt• on.
AT tillENNAWS ALLEYS Canadian National trains 'atom'
„ . - throughout thiypar. In summcL'
.G=6: .1sOili.4 obviates Stiflineheat Aust withn
IT 4 the MOviirg° train. In winter it it ito
Team -
'ItArtg rthaS`.
All 0,tar's . . . .
1.4tChy. -Str
tto Getters , . 18
Maroon .------------------------------12
House �f 15 6 ,
piehe , 12
Clayton pivins howled the
.score Of the season'. at
Drennenss last night, spilling the Maple
for a total Of OW/ "Jumbo" had
.a ,aepare ,In the tifth frame, imd„ had
hard hkik in the last frame when he
.0,65e4A40 three-4kt and 'Then the head
141 to -011011'.. 'ScOro:"•-*Ok'. *Other
Iran* ,but these two waS a strike. '•
less 'beneficial,. providing an e7071
;temperature WzthOnt drafts and dis-
coinfert., warnied, fresh air en-
tering.' the , Conditioning t. wags,
augments the flOor beating • systeni
.and maintains a better balanced tem-
perature threughout lelig :or shott
Declared by 'many 'travellers to be
one of the greatest Improvements in
train travel in recent years, air-con-
ditioning ' Prineipal passenger
trains has come to stay, at far as the
Canadian National Systent is eon -
'caned, it was stated today by -C. W.
Johnston, General Passenger' Traffic'
Manager;4:if the national :System.
Air-conditioning equipment is tieing
installed in .many units 0 present in
the, shops and the 1937 program will
see the number of units greatly, in-,
creased. •
Scotty MacDougall was lionle for
few hours with 'WS here dot-
ing Christnias week. Tho,,- Goderitl
• wrestler who has me& .4 name for
irimsoll In tlie grunt and groan gluon
has been going Strong...in:No* York
where the mat Intnioters ave been
keeping busy. "Scotty" had to
rush away after a fe*houre visit.
eitafialosOlVitit,-" Jars. Alfred 0.
fonglips, contoplains, that the neiv year is
et to its 'Usual start, "or the fourth
consectittve' winter the bast fellen:
her *nu, This time it *At a
her sett fore.stm. One. Wilnett
*21 covered sideWiLik.,
zny thanks -for
roe to tM Township
ot 'YOur Po‘o.
nqnceniettt o MondaY, on
convinced you ..4n144orie. .241 *Me
tilde -of. entitle Without, tear or
it relates to %letters
°Of .o0nmen. 1, wilI OZ.,
"tinile on Ott Plan li.Our
• Annit' and t i.Othe 14*Certney
canto. out *inners 1n the tom: bOillitSt
tourne„trient on 'tiodey night 11 the
AO* XIO*1;14 -ALIO*, 41M 001 - and
Proat Saunders Winning' oPort4
,ittiner bowled the'lilith f.dere fo-tthe
'ienfrtg at let Nine teams too !c .1)1t.rt•
Inthe competition for the .gormt
Albert Taylor set the 'recci4 seers o
the Session the *me :evetxing. when be
bowled 1110 while in ra. 17414/40 ,startie.
,04 arid the 'Anion
�ottnty.41titior iiitkaui are hold**
Th& flth atkintel a home In te
MiaonLWomigeo Okeettpint **41 ind
o pE%%onto, ott i‘t•
tnuazy2004 Dineingi etiehre
rIdr %eke.* 004.-$1‘00,
A Writer inilarpor's. Magazine dis-
misted the question, why things and
men' grow old. In a mat's personal
fitlit with ,time; says this loiter..
Mr. Roy .11eiton;.--he hits • to combat:
4...,the scattering of the energy.
Of life. In that fight his emotional
is highly *portant,- the stwOlUS
of hope' over despair, of love Over in-
difference, of motive over resigna-
And it keeins that
“...the fight against Atlet Otitn in net
110 much fight for the duration of
the body as it is ft, fight for the dur.
ation of the capacity for luippinesi."
W. Utirs.
• There" Irre120 case ot rneae
t Kitchener alth°Dejartme
books and enties are being OV,
a rate'0 about ten •It day. Th
sehopit "Wiriterboltine''
•AdelaS • have been dosed. eiuz
outbreaks o \diesase while
Mir Uri: set*
NCIV l'EAtING-4Va.ro
11, IsT", TOES.. Ata .11/
• 1S'obs. of hygerieal;
the tensien in ,Sing -Sig, New :Orl
istate-gison,, yesterday. .. as en
--Lawes--told---three-Cf six convicted-
• suDDENLy ierst scheduled to be. eXecuted - to.
' night; that their sentences had tiler'
. : ,1 t °Wanted ,t0 life imprisonment.
Violent, or SOtien----adath --clalme" "Thank God! Oh, thank God ---it's
1,397 Toronto eitizeUS during 1086, greatr cried Ettgene Bruno, 21, the
figures released by the chief cor.,- quiet, lame youth who , said he "just
ner's office showed on Tuesday.!Thot3 went along" on a holdup climaxed by
suddenly.. stricken . or found dend
headed the list with 1.047. Sixty.. inreoo'kjuilylgl--Edwiniubay cciEsposito,eet'or„. a
eight tOoklbeir b\v-ri lives, 20 by -poi- The others who escape the death
six and 15 by jumping from a height. 40tencet, Sam KilinyieL 21, and Dowi,..
-ThEre4Iveir67--deaths-'4"m-aut 'nick Ztaw26, at down--weakly-
mobile aceidents in that city. Accir.
talc* tiolsiNuicot ettd ttonr.p:EY .vcmt
cretteg- $oiltgeetet-.0.04.-44y)sh-tpeotaole- tut* -at,
The -popular alicl versatile jalossawpm-opi' taa.arnan -Oirer$ a evening
rare enjoyment to anyone boasting.ayeu fOr heart?r.langhtPr. ' -SPE!:
Com 'ing.Artn- sGthern Ana Gene Raymond
M.tln 'Wed., Sat. 'And .hei .a. 1,00fp.m.
the cots.
dental falls aecounted for 57 deaths. 4'
It's suffocaqa claimed : 13. It's, wonderful—wonderfuir • Ziz%o
Runaway Ifortesgkiiled 2. • One Man repeated, +Wel' and over again. "I
was legally hanged. Aeroplanes killed don't have to die. rn live! I'll liver
one. gatlikaly,-, drowning were ilightt, The trio's cries of joy found' a
Two. persons were gain. Snorts ac strange contrast in the hope-expipd-
- --"' ed silence of the .other .thtee who
ountd for two deaths and accidee-
seemingly rata die. In 0.• nearby eon
tal gurtSbet wounds took one 'life.' Joe
Thirteen pergoris died from burns: ttolognia, alleged "trigger man"'
in the killing, asked in- a stanibling
two died from -electrocution, and one
ics- killed' at the result of an • ad; veiee of despair: 4‘13 that all,. war -
W .
dental ,eiplosion. "Manslaughter'
den? INA there any„...," His volc4
was the cause of death in five ease.3. trailed, off as Law" shook 'his l'end.
Twelve persons ,died following opera. Of the six eraideinned .to die in the
electric chair, three were reprieve4,
tions. Railways took eight lives, ,but the other three muse suffer the
'while street tart accounted for four . death penalty.
deaths; • , Mitthinery, •claimed tevot . •
livet.. TWO 081'5,0215 were killed b7 ..
.bleyeles, four by wagons. Abandonel.
babies numbered 12; There. were IN WESTERN STATES
eight deaths as the • result of Aber -
tient, Coal as took one -life sect-, In Billings, ?balms, 5,000 Peotilet
dentally, and illuminaling gas acci- oinifth ef .1110 city' s PoPniationt
'have been, vittlint of .pneumonia -flu
dentally acconnted /or two others,
. (luring the last Month. 108
artford play/ hereto-mOkrovf 341tilt
for the dist time this *WO; This
the. 1$rst ;0410 htre t 12ittl•
hos *Ili he glad to isee.you * :the
est: Ot._140.11t.. '1:
Wit treaitor Vivriiitty visited with
lierParents in Toronto last week end.
win the vatepoers ot the tOwnship boZorne, please, *Adeptm
gratths,iikk for the ;generous suoport givenst the .ifgt on %tond1.
continue*do m3. utmost the beretit of the •VelettShiP and.'
.therehy merit the retleVal of the. tonfi4enW,011 laive,*Iiited In Me by
.4eletting ne 0*.$1,teltet,far 104i7; •
TO Exppar HAY
„Recently * number of requests
, have been 'received by. the Dominion
Department of AO/culture tor lictla
se* to export ;Pray front Canada or for.
information at to the ,tgoessity for
such licenses. • NO licenses for this
purpose is now required,
Two years ago, in Vie* of exist --
14 situation wkh regard to IOW
supplies at that tirrie;it Was required
that .thirioers 'obtain a license. frOo
the Dominion Departinent of
ttro to etporthay, or. Ara! from
caneellea at the end: of -Janti*
8,5, and since that no sitgh rest44-
ion has been In existence,
Standing at the portal
Ot the, opening year,
Words of Coattail meet _us,
'Hushing every teak;
Spoken through the' silence
By our .Pather'a site,
tender, ettong' and faithful,.
attAking4-, tei4)144,
z the UN; eft with thee,
Bo thou not 'afraid •
r. 'wig help and . strenitheo.
Be "thou net .distesled„
taw% will uphold thee,
• '31/1th my divrt light
'That are tailed and thtisert
./n MY eight to stand.
roethe year• Wore:
41 Whit rich auPPliea;
Por the poet end need.v'
(Living *treeing Alta /*Pe:
loot.the gad andsInful
Shall lila graee *hood,
tor the faint and feeble,
reeeet Strength be fOorid.
Be will ntver fall Us,
e willnot fOrsake;
Hla eternal covenant
He will never 'break,
Resting on His -Prelniee.
,What have We to fear?''
bait .1e* ati-sufddierit • ,
deaths:THOUGHTS op cHEER have la from the epidemic. I:,
. AND -COMFORT three Western atsit.es of the Unio
ifumber of cities hive Ocentrect at
returns frets). the December
9, East Irstattrigs by-eleetion give Dr.
Harold W�lsh, Conservative, it =algae.
it1r' f 1424 over his LibenitoPPonent
Dr. Iterold A-. Boyce.
These 'returns show that
mote voters turned out to the
in the breliction*that at the
cial general, election of
The increase in votes *polled •or ti
Liberal tandidate was only I Awl
the increase for the .Cohsteriative
standard-bearer 861. • -
1946 *role g
ef A at 1,500,000 barrels, is
18% bsdo-w t year's I,00,00O-
is of lett Setts
hadatetrinst in lad
loss of 100,000 bar-
rels. Unl'avomble
weather in "esti,
-1410--Vindit h
frostts, lnjured prattkelly all the nit*
peeked fruit estimated t another
000 barrel's. Only *bout 40 per eittrt
of this year's - erop Is of litileientlY
tod quality fors the exporttrade.
-Among th firs1 ten 'people te,
dying, the largeStincoMea the
United Stites during 10"3$, the nartid
of Use Weet appears, her .reeelpfs
log $490,80. Bloat Jr., pre-
4.00'601 Motors* reetived
Woelwofth cbztin dote%
ie ited, with $
Wni R. tst,pub1istai-, was
worth $5®,000 more, at the end of
19.5 than he was at the bgiining uf
that year.
"Royal York"
-Oransto Petto,
mes soar 2c'
Lakes Mustard ...10t
014 tig1itli-Wil4111:5,Se
& G. Soo...0 for130-
donenin0,145tt., „ ler
lobo ht. cotoroonly_ is st. CCIIttg
altuftkot% istubbotu to 'insider. reqUfrhlC
0'mo:two and rArti, or * I
of te2C It 0** erldern,
home. when, too, It, w & edninituttaIRI
tiloottoos.,edoits.$4.1ii dangerOu to iOuelt
thildrtn. - -
cit'rthhielizilli.atirtwount "illieSinitatedititrtm timporli°16tlitietdirt:
When forty Var. sgo they erected thee *
Pita hoopitia Ivi.Cattade, for tbs trot -
went of tide
Tat venture altyi2Wita much' opposi-
14,110i444,:041.41041ne_cfk# at that, time
it was triany-iieweveire-t-
viral :Wearable. It vas ,itege One of th
tfiltio ihtidt 11.141 to be, eat why holli
irotrever„ It, *OH, not 'Unit befote
ttohorothhenetootits_hispeosoitletll h*osPtroitettlriltittr •
'WOK euted—ootog hos* and .telkins
• St**,,,,the 01411 hetittoileg'41.M.
a'1:411c1s1-kaatt4Lo.'.0,:.*60 the Toronto and the 41-. Tenn
ItoOttehr fOr COnettniptivee, lehteh
:0070,7:0 fOr more than one thOutikna
pat ih.2tts,
And the then
15 r11e(ted by theme and t ,
fln 16":111trliban°"PUIZuriletht!)11•01::
iii aU nit-to,-oratt: to
,3310 rcsalits, 41),At VW/Sleds
trtpAi tr46Ztiltalt lutte,/,.*ottrticttt*_thplee
to ga.ttell,14
..,tO toe for 11001t1,1 trcat,t
tont, ;14:tutikl 11,00 „hero !tit.. With nith
11.A*611*1.•''Atki:i rtchttrfueitttdmtblkyliatt-t:411tilitdi""
, With Itats0016$0, nutted *Olt the
oreuttt.r It nn- to tetsTenth likten as the
tett* of deitthr ithtirn Ii 'a'ae•fOr tort.
,stItt %" buCtntre, le eh* the Minter
y and
Ott 1 , Y"
C6olcing Piga. .2 lbs.
Stan. Peaches, tin.Lc
Aylmer Soups, 2 tint
She in •