HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1937-01-07, Page 4Ss, ° itOr e rlt, vi.5itec 115tra1ia w York bP;clings - 14.41s.041301-1Vis =00* 0 ''''03..111$ 'WAY fro* ourne, wbee Dr 0. Or 0 roe V*0 Walfte4 *at'bom , r twat thorn r&fted group 01 44mi; o the ,/edera1 govern - re tbelt were tay1rg fro_ .0,rir;ct_ivs.tutsvir-e:ce igeuntnirlout,01:,xal:nsiede4e;410- owt. intimate •ni aniflg to excellency how voice and features are gen:111,1 hiri3 out% Caine411104n. nor TB8 ' • B•TI '• ead.duoheSi, ud tell* theui• t 04; Irwlted -theni to enter the equip age., The 'Aulte.antt *loess: „imnia4ta. aaanitatv and,,ware•drilian. around the •tirliveraitt. .-groim0„ the s thdenti, cohimm room., !_mi...the,:.Tou'iledi.,1. took thefr p1ace he 414AtinOuUltitc1.1,14tors *4* - lot :upto the istatforit;'' ',thickest was etstai Aielt, „but the duke No* iskod•IO, stkpd. .be`forA :the. otrashierit the ,',-stildent scoieie'ut0OrnI, production. previd- • erred-'sharehel: du1e •,0 etr 0:n4;7'40047 toniban t Canada, •Liraited,, acconipanying."411 ; ;dead'. ohoquds, /or /the • quarter'.oi ,1036.‘ Mr. V44414.04 -V.resyleat Oeorglafl Bay, avetaber`iAlat'r'diled o: eoentber ; tt-,:the'110ine'-et,hts.:70td- ntdOalc,:: ' ' Owen Sotd, at . aie'iatio% te4; failingitt ' btOth ' !AO)* Be ;AO. ,nOtItriewing, -that. son 1iad weakened 4,0.1itenaitJHoltttteicno,.; was 43prn. mobil *1839 - IIT'seaperr of 1wer- ness, Scotland, : • *Tan?. MOV'' riman sala children of tiOderich.spetit last week At the home of her lather, V. .14905harte- ' ' • r.'ZaSPer lloBrien Detroft fe`474.Veciki PAW daughter, an coop , SImpon 3 I»c10 . Weat 0, o wffe. azd-t 1) * !Au; Mrs. Dorothy, ker mine e MIA% I 104 de r ottetet farce, . ' B. U. Wr ti. t irtro4, ii the 9 Pat ettOggertZ , flnds If..4n t,:_iii, at Y' aerINt w0,,tarl$ ' Gordon . two. austere', JO* #uffo, jacket, Wealthy': ratired:!:,,aiiniy- 'cOfficer, Stan1ey-:.T1014:, *tit h.poor -but .nibItious aiitt in love 'wtththe agreement of all m aa'• MOW* 'Roam's. onvenee -Oa x' t 140:Wirrintent rihter 'aeld, *nth of eatn private urtVilege:, may OA this *deg Live, Stec - - • , tZtitin eNoGodevlch ales made everywhere and, 0 madeto it you-attiatadlett- • ttrity4I Note dLsunted. tween ithe. acts tolyu—ITIO-71u, guu , get -,PYI:,.••Itera Murray'- • • • iselO. Ititr„ *041`6, As11. •• ,z4r8, 40114.Webeter vlstted with her .*.ital,v,T-t-ilfertio,rigtiLliut.betteratii:otrottoo'ne' t,e ughter in Toronto. 7 - bort Pinard, Liberal,' :41,ea,,,'Oar4„oni;7,-ot 0atie4.• , 'lar Seleehens,' ibY„' c•10.•:. CemMener 411i•• were', Oests . at tne'' tatter's ;;Aster,', 0014 4i,nzW.4 .the week. Mx. elntuthAablaiii0r, Of Bridge- r :•••end.•,..gUeSt•iif•Ilir. and Ori;,,,,',,NValile*:/anti), children .000118100.1., a011ett,;.‘ "Y.4untlAilt; , *exf Toronto, „ ViAte4 Itiecit;',-WOre Oats. nt.htw'Perents, (Ater the .,s1100k40114. 'her, ptrote • .'bTaadi 80000#1.. 'W44 4101110 $0'w Viar's• ,weelt•,end. 3, :01Ver .littdOrOn. **rave, Were - recent guests of her er14re. Thigh .1tutherford, fri14:'4074h'7'.r,;aite''' and ttatigb. ittizters,ozitritoaXinti, tilifin; oftwuegerorl,_ots iert an nil Mrs. ,X4nriigialut. Alr, and mit, loot, .Pikvictson., The *moo' congregatienal ' meeting WS, Wiiii.ltaggit and baby &ugh- clitirch•-•;on,-TgasdaY,.afteriiiion.-.*Ttnu4r, SuntlaY. 4 R of Union. thurch 140, Oe held 411 the returned —Miss-DorotliY Craig was heinft lith, at '2 pm. the twen.y-zixth year of yqur•-00.174Paiwhas been. profitable - and . `tnat*,,. ;04t1.44ett,' ett0,1*,. 06400 ,:14-7.4'reil?*..M-7041--aineahle ,41-,a44461(.4rea,;: 2$0,les,."I'dr,;10as- , an,. ii4rease!..W./iteh- )ais qi •;IS*, ',Oat '411f5?-11.44.44,---P-r:•,',*.-t40:,:0.#44P*Puf..,,*441,10hP14; decided that oaritd.vaa 4404004 1;3' niade o! the an- ',.arg* nual Meeting,.ta 'Itta•nald 'Iraintati,:..,a person th be admfttd to their:1u* ?vvtlith ikempletc:_statement .00:.00:09.417' ship, and .0iiteu all the rights (Orations ',ler, t year 'lot; fetes appertaMir.eieto7The7... ;Old, • • -presented. • '140,1ie*-#$#`40.*L the dad 4 . that througl *ith , •. :„, illey'aSked 'rhe ,Ot,1000,0, .9010eitIgitidser. Oat?" The . 4:114c6 lit* the *4414 *pert_ WtralsOr,, , , . We, Inf Wit- *tilted 4.where. he *lived.. *Oil** fallY',,-01t0. the •spirit arm* 0040,40ti;71* said tlitintht:'tthou'o, don * meitt.litieet101" ..was;,4vtai 01,1* your; ,tonirtditt' free '''ttiatettes; WheneVer Y, . duke replieCthar 400 to do so, — -.Oradea-4 UPop.,"111itt ' that direct re- p. in Irilk,boredneed 1937$ loa,444--whert-Itho-00Eatatentr-o 004 'tefused,'" tO. *ept the, tomes budget tdr lg/37r • whkth Provided -tor the same sign ,to spent as itt tho %Pad year, *I60,900, RedUc- tion tv:', bringing -the Scale 'down ..to the, level '"dif other ioininunities itt the diStriet, 'and ',moving 'fanalies to witileti-Wherdrwerk was aVattable,.....exo agimettdritt supervisor . , New 'rears - trent ,,Stratford " Ifospita .-Mr,Atntt:ittrs',...11ati.„..$ _had 'a age- ., - - -where she '),A in tritiningkz. , Year's....._ . , , . , . . cess dame last wednaaday elte4114. - Mr. mit Mrs. Wm, Robinson spent ,Lvix. ttoOrge M, tRoberts Is a. Patient Dospite .the, intlemency et., the weather New lear's,with friends in'.Stratford. lu, the Tallthaba_ hospital where she is there Avis a large crowd aadi a, motor: - '1''.•. land•••Mrs.-`.1:14fie Me'Gee 110ze:. ret401?Intrearzetrwent luorawirw_odoexilar "0010; ,,.t glijoy:tisbtalc: evening," enjoyed •.b.y. . the :Nem/ Yeai,gueots.iot.. jai, ,An.a .1v4-. nurse ht the Stratford General '110ePitai. - The holiday viiitors In ' this ,,viainity" aztd. virli, Auer, motored ta spent '0(1'07. Year's At 110 home. „ all returned , to their reapective hem*, Frank Sturdy, 'Wingliatn, Srst Meeting of the Y. P..1r, 10f namely: Mr. and ..1Vire, • Brock Oir.- the neW • ar was held 00 84.11043t Donald .and •Silliet to Tortinto Mu ,The . . : elleAirgo vOltb. •; e v ee:.pres e0 . zues.". 'Flint .0r. the hohdo. mittr-tFiti-Miss-ASIer--Atrat ' ciward:COlitiet F1. owe Changing Reins for Steering Wheel - • y . Carruthers. 'London, (int., Jan. 4. -"When- pro., tross..demanded.the•desertiont."GaP" lioWard gave up his stage teach and, r his team. of horses, and tried to ;be happy driving a bug *tong. ti* Ways,of western Ontario. Balite has changed. It bad new speed,.• but theold - Iriendliriess was gone, Wage were in a,„:11urry. the last Otkite *te4ge driver In • the .i.'proviffice and, almost 60 .years, OE age, havrea tired after' 81, y.ears of service. Per - baps he will spend hie time in leleure. More than:likely iteavett for eirother tetin lad 'a ee*eVenel .1),C.004 *10 like. to take their ,tuna along: wide* 'Oen, voitlii ' ' .- '*' ' 4/Cali/ believes there, ..',4rip ttlit' people who would, ride in la' '04:tiO coach and tiles" eertedutil '0041114; get ' ,"CAP" 110WARb a better &Ivo 'khan the ruddy -cheek , ,,, . , c& loft Iirho eoul4; handle a :wain 0 "ilto. 'Iter; had ta. 'Oetoli himself' on , thee,sv•, el"go,err, .;,..,,,, ait, !wt. .4.04 1 ifs it: eltiafwg,!isigoe,,,sigiolg.v.,04.0.: t Go „pm, .1. ,e.t, 4 it i i ut e'e tt hapieSbre „ci.th,.0 eccititaiSuoirit.tutt)eutcoh247,ii,itiwoa,zac: iii miss ,Jean Antierse,o• ot twoot,tt, • I cold- wind hlowing straight:at me Alia Oh uestlaY. ' , / 'When, be %tatted, '0 t there We're a then l'cl *IA. rd- eue, into the hotel r. Orville .1;ozielit—axiaLe,:illislrei 4504;,10r MOO State dOstelieZ drivial busineim, or somet jag, e not,oico„ 'vitae& 011 StuiditY with Mr. -and Mr3. betwOul, 11400404 SAO the. ,amikil:s to,.stuhtiftitii,„eose,. fa ii were. way occ 0, lift: Webb n of Goderith. . tita, that ,stittottodor it ' lust' non, and his 'mother Mit, Wai, .4,1fer. M Al - :Sherwood of Dungen* tOrt *gent New Years with I3. anJ 'Mrs, C. ' midMrs. Itellieen, and tom- Margitat itink:Spent, the New; Year's - holiday with friends In Gederieh. Miss Ethel Washington ° left „en l'tage, RAt'w thy works; belvgdk Saturday for North Port, Prince 'Ef1.1,h840- set.before thee an open door," was gaged teather for• 1037. i; a Mr, and Mrs,`1,10Y1 Ferguson "and THE naNa tori crram4 family Were New Year's, guests at His ideas on the responsibilities of 'Mr. and Mrs. Chester -Taylor's. citizenship were 'thus outlined tg Mr, Thos;Anderson sperkt his boll- gathering of youth by the Xing when days at,tholtorne of MS Parents, Mr, Duke Of. York, and President of the London •Boy. oeents Associations: ; "I want you to realize that you 'have a groat responsibility to take uP with the duties of vititereship tbat, .1Ie before you. You may think those problems have nothing to do wan you, that it is other people who have them to solve.- But don't believe that. It is only when eVerY man and woman. realize their responsibilities to their country in grierar that a happy country can result, bedatise not one of us is put into the World for himself alone. you-vself effective in your jobs and do it with all your might, -because dishonest and ineffectivework is wrong 'to your., fellows-4nd tO Your country. ' There- fore we Must all do the best.we„eal,." trOxl/EsS AC ..- ctimtontAtiT6 TH'Pt Equipped- th... 1 Elegtron# ettetrie - Prattle., chrtiniC7o distates. Lady 14 attendene hours 2 to Land 1. to a, Tx*, rxiday and 'Ejattit ; day 9 to ,12 may be lw; and Thursdfty at Mtb A. ATIONSP foce,,,ternet .ot.4isotit tam* itoadk. 0400.0.44 1)1* th Stanley Todd; in the chair; sMiss Lassalene "Vliellar.d. Norma 'Wetitherhead read, the scripture The annual "meting of the ratepayers lessoi•and a reading, "Courage Of the, of Union El, No. 6. was -held In. 'the sot Tear," was given by plek weativ, school house last: WedneedaY morning, edited. The, topic...based bti -the- Vas-- -with a g -odd rePresentation---present. Mr, George Wkilwairt %Vas apPOInted obair4144 for the meeting. Ur. Erpest olinston, the retiring trustee„,$ Was ter turned ;for anothog Unveil/ear term. MWP.Ordo4h_ASteponald JARS the doh. trace for 'the. wood at $O per cord. of 18 -Inch wood. Itobt., moAllister Is the caretaker, , Ur, and Mrs. Fred MeOullough. and of Ooderich, srient New Year's Day at the home of Ur' .and Mn. WM. .-ward bee,* •ably dealt with by Uni.:”.R.lime,ge,. .and: rat. wm,,,Atiderson. lias, _ turned to Toronto. ' Mr. and, Xr.i. War. 1Vtair and: Mrs. 'frt* Doyle spent last iStinday with Mr. .Waltioe,anl Vass 4.1cing,*". Mr. and Mrs., Wm. Strausser, bviutv1110, 'were, , *note for New Year's of Mr. atia ars. R. D. Munro, Mrs. McDougal dt Mount- Wrest.. a the ,holidays with friends in IsMcinity.• ... • ,••• 'Mrs, S., .Cdx OE Goderich pre- sent'with her, ton, Mr, IC Cox. Tellse Annie Strangban ,Godarieb.. spent New. ears with, her itreuti$ Mr:, and wit. Win. Straughtirt. tOtt...WE, Jan. tdr,' and . Mrs Jint Drenneurof itintitil Visited Mr. and liirt.'Wigr* Drennan on Friday. Mr. and ViltrVin Durnin spent New Year's 41af with Dr. and- Mrs, ...gall •Goderich. ' and Viva. Will Crozier enter- tained' *bout 20 young people their home last Tuesday .evening. . MISS- Burniii*Outin was gust • •A's iivertnicIde att extenent prepara,,, l'sirother OraVes'" 'Wont. ,Xiiter nuuttev., It has saved the lives of doubtless ichladreri.. • Puller; • The regular „meeting of the Y. P. V. will be bald orfPriday evening of this week. • . *rho ,January ineeting of the Drama.. tic Club was held on Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davidson. , Dave Davidson sang .a solo, Mrs. %Gordon Orr.gate. paper and Mrs, J. B. Orr eonducted a questiou box. There WAS a, fiii-siaeci .congregattou present at 11r...ion on-Sundaywhen _the psitor, Rev. A. E. Moorho„use, delivered •*-sermon from the text, "Wilt thou not revive WS 'again, that thy people may rejoice _In thee?" (Psalm. e5:0). During. the service the ,choir au* an •aritheni. "There tte So Sweet On Earth' , zuto, 'Ito* Surg' York' 0' tint -and'tkaravuoapitaioi*' mooreftekvit, .4.6y* Opeopttot and Oo eqUitrit ThrOAt-IW,Stal, UMW,' Eyes tested, glasses ,• 43 -.waterloo St,,, t$., Straltord1 phone 267. • • ' Next ..1r14 WednesdaY alternoom. evening'. January tOth, /rein Pat only. . * :4,141,,J0 kiAilm' ;AND ZSOLA:174/4T0W PRO PERT't orivrofts-d0resident, Alex. foot, •Settfortti; Vice4Presidont, ' Pepper. Dra`cefield; Secretary -Treasurer A.- Reid, Seaforth. "TORS-41ex, Brag forth: James Oholdite„ Waite tf.nok, • tondeabortn- 00:10 Dublin; John Ig.'Pepor, )3riieeiaeld.; Cormonyo Oode'rich: •Thaa s•Wrailant forth; R. Arehibeld, Stafoythl 141ex, Nfoltwing'. ,ircerr •ciso AOINTEP-* Ireoi ant - ton a. $t. No. 3: itionee Ws* 44110 regoa, Srucerield, tu R. 'Pi, geltercher.• Dublin, R. 01143; lierwitti•Xinctirdinef O. +TA ninth, Bernholm, It, IPOlicy-hoLders can pay their assesa; ments at coitn—citi oretors,--Goiteriott-- The Royal 13ank, Clinton,•sr 4. Rekl"$, Esytteki. fly' fjft: *We th* beivi alley on- !Seek Year"si,.:Day, Jack Olgto Aziz ed 4tit .1110 /*reheat/. • t Cap," Othet titilrell traded' tItir atonal. "Cap!" rerriained loyal through v..61,4tviikie. vititot :az hOrget. end it 'eolialit, for' ma or the iteets and now 'be. has tetlit4, piIits; "'Cap" the only one who peritspa to.ssaelt another coach and A. kept going, - teem of blo6d, horses with Maybe. * Whit* Most of the time two hatses nit *e'en, when a-,Intile-,Wait Vitt 1110'010i 0,11 two, blood horses..1' at mule 'taught Imes everyt er learned about 4100=7* zayz. "1 was &fraid every at o bores would Welt the day-' tifir'etitIrtit to tlilnk,**liat would have that mule ever tet 100e* Thai* horaia would have ed more Inetlorit than ' constoiner' who Annul k Whiskey .ibircilteri * *Mt; 21,?•4011t.t. and Mix. Me Doimell and their 'Willy spent A tre* ,AvatSft- .filee,,,,,L143. fitit* , Asrgtt' „ Jerie Connell, of. OA% 'Visited tivith her uncle, Mr, Itess Tar - and Mra.-41itok Rivett on Sunday. ' School; re -opened' Monday, Atter the• • , 'Miss WintifretiOake spent Sun - 40 at her horde at Mateking, The annual - %Wet Meeting Wfi$ held *tithe 34%4'1101Se last Wednes- day' with 'good attendance ,0t veto. Poitera.z levit .questions. speasi interest game titi:for cliaoluitiolte Ra ond Firm) gave st,egieaditi tioa Toroti.44 Coven supplying the *odd * cird: IMute 151411ey Is aoretekett, Wilfred: Damien:was *4)4*th** Trustee but was voted back 10 Another' WM. . The annual congregational meetLi of ,Crewo church will he held ii,Ut 'Mandisys joiner, 11,at 1,80 o'clock $eetly children from all aver4hitProts o' are treatectrogardiess of race,: reed ar financial circumstance. , This -policy Ita0'beett.c60t1nue4 for tilier 60 iisart .ther'_10mf, bait:that '*ieryotieL who ton4aittait4i the facts would woot th1*000t wOrk.t0 cOhtitill0 *014.000 that tio-Onteri0 thilkiliould be iienled.* China for health or escape fromdeformity if 'mere' money tria.keis . ' 'Over 95% of mtr 'beds art In PublloWeirt10, osittat teceties no support from, the Toronto 'Federation for Cariroviity'Service becauu pat:100U are. icapte4 fro* *11 Otte of:the- We *tt.4, a di - tri; tilit;th,e'ref, OVe *Ppelti to a humaixt generous 0b110 t Coe, .00x0401 0404 at It I*, Sa 000 00 .4t 4 4c. tar di .ni�tUtti o,yott want a maid or tti:ng for saler, if asifie1 Column.