HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1936-12-31, Page 7AOrii siRytc Tilt CANADIAN 'MaPi OSOVIKrION ,,AND 1.rg 4tiaosatioa oorisx,Nrea IN CANADA .. Ntir s oret that. something Mrs, tf brings )304P reon wit day ork with tengcleit00., . 1 epe.t1Qfl'i bi,... be te tic, mt etn%. •re1Pr t sUrprising • ' o ,,,,,,, A iThere„or SelgS ,. Y4 oco741-141. 444 4 y are •tu, , ,11.E..04 003110,16 13'e4oelerile. a when,. Ore:a‘.. 414.01041, examination, learn That there le tOntethint, wlth,tholr botlier,4.,**Othil,/g periaps t ,sufti serlouz'*1(41191V' 0,:tatirie Oath, n , r. t0:11$0040 tliOn in*Alt*Il'a41St an perhaps, to niSti th"i \gri* '1r,114.'" tirely 4)" there who' Mies the 0• :43 t et lieslThs $43yot ane1 ' OOP froin 1 ,plentla4,' 'Opt lthe- people .'w not 4.61- .10Wing,.teh:ei,aretealerVes" e1114 l'i . _ . of rest, -air Air A!M/Pet-t #1.11,111 to bav� bea411. • Thou aeoiid - that 0001.w . 0Ro*e are vIting in Visitors at the ItOree of Mr. Ms. WIU Crawford on- aria • were; ,Penturta,',An tvc Sons, Carmon ancl tliNIA, 'MS Crawford, *IL of utou* ItObert Bogle waiCialten gwl- enlr 111 Friday. with an attack appendicitls, but i,reoV4rflg* an • attartinenter. taon chinvieflatmaa, trlenclis 1' k Lon Or 1174101 lite VlS those W1346' aio on „. IrOot - %unit N"740;f0liew the 13 .rules °LI/110Mo Miss 94%1 .tatrit APP, oar:to all* DaVid 'Ancier00 e holidaysiu4sirfkoia, 10 borne. Miss D0r0Oir-1.41ultlater 0. Torent0 with her merits," ad, „Mrs, 44; Linklater. Miss 13Ianebe, Shaw oz Nw York, WOO, Ruth Shaw ,ent chtletteas at:their.home. Mrs. :4'.i II.,' Ciatten, Wee * ina's visitor in,Toroutoc:•:. , Veber., Stevirt who 3/4 was e'ttatien in Oroderioli goapitavfor the past two weeks, is able he home, , . rFred tinas an'Ill'inr4R"ettl.'ihn° u , "Glad k * M 1eUmX1. , *he oyes .4 littlit but Jim?s smile wa IngtomoUl* friendly. He free1404. low illa rof . . r t & as PleV,4*Y., p,"' .zral4 Itellotitr- u#11, Ong"It00(01'.0.* .t. *ger!, ou and me, and- * ' Jim .thook hie he "Jut U ," He held s.eut, 15 hand wi the Jong ingera that iir 'r�ck teady.14, 'eno• . there,, oh 4 the., aonoto conversation wen we*dealt for th An ate f1Iped 1 at 0 o pien wbt next to do h o now anct he . tali I v e Om so..„ellt,14,1° *Ain* lka r bed. He pbon. '''''43*) would *leap *11 ' ay, x pokero ' by T4t14tnaybe * plan , ozne* on * 'rived as he was, the ,i stud poker . 1 disttiated at ,how- los trout 0 • a *take in.* n Itht y,- ougbta et the , ne to him as lutt,tot ready to 3" St It 0. 0 . WWI rememhering4. There * , , been some queer loolis oast, inbis tM' 40004, jun .4lreetion.. Ile waa wo , roing ,,, t .0. i. ..0.00t1; 04A' a, ,,, ...ow - 0 M #0::;letting them get . en141 awnor 0, 4 the 'Rocky e agreed. "For i inC :041'T:Itioti:Eca' 1*was4, 1 I l: some°faint, next Btlot;4_ etl'13411::01044C.1191Y-4: le***tPa:**" ,I/Oro,.. ougbt mak 0" noticed,vu,v;(04; had d rinith*tv teadIt out V"url'uir •for his own bt;:t4:7:t funny thing, ' luxe Ile said: SibruPtly.!41 ever got. eaufght *rithoUt.iilY-; shoot, .011 ;0*" t#' 1 rons in my llfe. I3een over to ureka to *.tonetal;Attat'a;Whit,har. hiyhoVri,..,r4. t ot.103zereariet-,, knee a hit lummox like ;no a laic those froa,,,t, ;agents • migbt have 'dolie soinetlibla about g.9ajai*a loWereA, lids is he considered. kV', 'the. twinkle in - hat,' and like , thook .1 is lilt too"', ver his ;sao and itxianta slouzly,'44 hello1 Your luck, aura "I'm ins"" said Vieliman autt show' all eclOindted' 44110T to iStaY. Vidt hits aeven. "Seven's 111 lue num.. or ork • Thk.;' came to hi* vaguely that 1! nd . pond Dan was known in in. this torku* ''thefe. 'rwsit the utleinn nd Dan 41)° atti,:tit;170.,,-,:f :Orr tkda !ebb 441k$4 Pt ::;e:1, 11' unexplained :44"t Oclaimedethis hit11town4ti1ooat Id. riot be, tbat n 'Id at 41114 there ght 'be pretty nncon c. ntifbt.+ that t'hey, vivuld not czne her, ',X,et 'ezn At the next to the las z000ad-act ,dropped before Coolly he !considerediit tht'i boss of Gold - asked, and thelounehp-inan.0 y,.*far''s Van ionerned.-" 'But he or h •i) 4t, Porualghtloogt 104 * or moments., 41m„ Darcy stood o Iligfrblotdm*dieTith.,41411b0„111.*:11.4!,:t7e:t :4:37t6t4687.:041k41:1** ovoV to,',:t110.17.04 anct,pulle4 blint;.` ib eXutisitl down on the ath the 'WindOV4, facing tho locked derringer Under his baud.. 0s. frowning at the -pair ,A0Ven4•* ‘, 0 11,1000,1 '''iAt'7*. it eight 'before ' '00 through nOthing inter, Dercy„teetitettinakit' 006it, 4141, he Wouhrtie tiy agel' psuolifed,a stiouto:1).1Tetivati.:Ininiieoynceot'Ylmnialio*bilett:-ab,Taolcuiitt i the Sun Dog hat, end liked L. Yeab, that'sr'so," '‘O Agolvt-,,bv ;"ent°up and you, had th drop." • His fiend,wentby habit o the. bottle on th otgtit-. '..1 •areitral" thia Mania ;tetizei 'be% most people . refuSin'.*drinkS.. ,How about et; genie Eyeing : ayes 'gait*, he was satisfied that was the ticket. Jim's * gaze 'swept across the tooin to the .gaming table's, lonuned• with noisy , players., shook -his. head. •'With thOt. web of drtinks-V-h. .laughed', '4'1'4:like-a game, nothing better, but 'Swat play, -I 7#.4.447 -0 - play!" • - "You and me," agreed Itellman. "Say, ra ougfit to pay my re- spects to, xt, lartda'herO, as you. might 'say, how 'boitt you comin' along and sOtite in a •priVite . game I got run- atin" in my office. NO tappers in it" "You''play yourself, Mr. Reitman": Jiin asked. "I've been hearing you're Old, Mr. Hoyle himself When it A „. :VET*40-4.0. Graduate or. the '1,in and alginate of the. On College. inapires • . goile4 in hie blanka Vitija a For minutes Billtnan ,considered; *window in hie darkened retnir • JIM then With a sputtered oath, teethed .Darty. toonstomed'fo sleeping on the in "hitt capacities .p.00ket, ,70%.tii 'wird ground in the 011144 Siel4 Oette7' the well wollet and carefully,2inily and undisturbed. Tife feWn ef -411`4a-W-41.1r41,1)14f04"t-ittYLJalighed thrOngiont:the 401, with 'the' reitless uncomfOrtahly. • . • -i-treed of-ithruy-lumher inglooted -feet- -411,i4g-W,,* huh* IVpda,high, .even, for .1)Our :of muleteers vith their 4144Y ludo, and- you, ,Geoch, tarn over ing of punchers front outlY ag 'ranges' fillcd thilt fllOflcY . old:.:Rock.'.htz,rotned.,..' With ,,aettitity counted SaTes ado eYetilioli made, to give you, satistaction. Vartnetst Sale ,.Notes dilsooun houomsh' • SURA Iittlo aoltuS'.'fon.r thOnsand bye. handred,l1 Wow tho' boh*WstilOW8110 the " ° la :001sP :ma a. double. slug efbat rye, iteuton# trolOht wagon,, Peniinf and ,go- • elArtM 1124 iteilrnangrinned- Vin youi, huckleberry, My boy. Let's hop to The first drawn light Mits. streak- ing the eky, and In the main saloon of ;the Rocky Way only a few strag- glers woe Still draped along the bar or over the tibles, some 'a th:m iu„fhe deep sleep ,.of• druhkeinlesi- Bleary-eyed miners; had -long .eihea •-iteled-dttay-leAsnate4 sleep 'before their racking day's OA and the majority of.those left in the saloon Were -ctvcr punchers 'whoa duties at this :time of the year were slight:and who still remained, sle3P- ' ine. it off. •• Inside the otlice' a game was going on. 'There was a whisky bottle with,' in reach of the players on a small table; and. glasses, but the Whiikv .*Imost untmiched. These men` who played on.' into the daylighi. were playing Or high: atakaa and :taking no chance* of--6haVing - their keen ..sinses addled. , .Vour, men still 01*Yed, one 'of 'them the, owner of the ROdkY VW, big. bolt of Gold, .1tOck,AnOther Jim --Darcy. .The Other Wet were .framietalcably.Rellman henchmen', and. had a 'pretty good idea that they.' *ere, playing with money that wastiMppPed them, 415Pete Itellnian. Three against one. ' it was /not ad- Ile- was ' hoIdimehia own; be was, feet,' con." ,iiderably ahead, and again had that Another. seven if yet"' ever hone- to with eyes teddcrted 'by the Alkali, dust, .otattlow4tz rjeutho-,-sitrotays=.0- . -tollected after,. longrides„ or in a foot •Seatorfir Vicewbuideet, t10 Which was exactly:what Gooch did. - quicker way in .the aaloona and Id Se fortb - ig,eoz,,eta!r7 , Tni DarcY tadatthe 'four seveue-tillos. *-Outside.noises,,diartot, .disturk !Sunset: had come, the blackness of Kno 1. • James aroma 140111101e4 an early moonless night bad °bottled ‘Dublin; .141rn E. Oemet. VtuceIMAI: 40, out - crag and arroyo, 'hillside Aral Connolit .0ederient Tato& 140,10,.- tmerati-lely"ditirerG'Slialialedtio' stbeinir figur's n,Mt°rtll°ialtttkinW.tto[il.14'Art2S/t'ssTgz,* 1 lace of hillside outside' - tit'e ten• R. No.. 3: AltkeS watt. 113M which they liad cho-.sen as a, rendez- jotavo,, 1:,c,apar, BrucencicITIk- . portant distussion. wa03-41140-" %Irk -4tollirrholln14‘ . the. exultant" Bellnian showed .while Slowly he slid his three aces togeth- er.- His face was blank, the blank- ness of the born genibier .whelt it is all in day's.*Ork or in a night's- play. - His shoulders lifted in a. non- -conimittal--shrut-- as lui got up and shoved \ in his chair. • . "Your -m'arbles, Ballnian," he re- marked..carelessly. "Guess tviroll*t be seein you. again.' That was the stack. "Thanks for a large evening." And paying no attention to Rellman's call orr "Hey, wait a . minute, aria's 'cornin! to your he walked out ,of the raerap through the smelly -barreom and—reix tiie street- to the betel room ho had engaged. 'IleVer ,his life had Jim. o'er felt as dissatisfied with hiniself.. His stake all gone the first.track and he had get. exactly—nowhere. Not evert. a chance how.. No Atom for *any - 'thing except to go „afoot to the near- est . ranch and 'work till somehow he'd got another stake. plan had not Worked. As a gambler, he -was about the world's worst, be was os - strati of.that: . ' There was oely one bit of salve to his tontsdience._ At least he was ,an honest gambler. -'111.Tell that the men who played agairisit .him were not, but how in the name of OM° - they bid 'worked it WAS beyond him.. .114 had watched. very move Made, or so be thought. 'Diamond Dan bad been right. Gambling' was tat' hit game.. His job Was forking horse, but be did wish he knew. how he. had. been trimmed. Diamond Dan would have aknown, though he played the game ,,etx*ight, ,The troubb With himself, thought gluinif/ Was that he had net had enough ex- perience. .$6, by glory, and be neve would belle, if it Meant that he, too, would have to learn crooked trickm The thing that hurt Wag. that he feltit.in bone,' that right here in Gold Reek was the Mari or men wha had done for Diamond Oen and.with- out Money he would have no .thande to watch for them, or seek them:. out, There Wei another consideriti m - laegirirtthat- w epewhere atound.., Jim Darcy Wag' brought UP -sudden y vous. were in the midst of an int- R. P. l'itdcembet, Dubun. It sible, evert at close. range,. try make po 'holders an thar MA their identities. Their 'lowered raomfs Cattin Outtse store, .0?..,ileritital voices held no 'distinguishing note% The royal Sank, .0iIntort,' There was n hint of querulOustess, qem: Bosom, mingled with impatience, in thq VOICO of the man who was speaking, _continuing low-volied eenvcr-ta- • tion. if that's all •you've draggeti me out here to SayrtSlick, then you're bigger fool than I thought cm at ..fielireilid.T.nd'77:40:6 lonr with a realization of • how swiftly some things can happen when least expected justas the streets' outside began to take. on the color, of . All four Min weregetting' tired‘ and -Pete : Winton 4renewed , himself ,tor • the fray of breaking. over his rule, and reaching for the,. bottle. He took '31. healthy slug* "That's better," be said, Wiping his' damp Mustaches with the bock Of hs %e. to take you thii a gger 9 y were, an' that's .sayirili sontethin".." .."But your --I didn't *ant to talk to you irt town Where 'we, Might be beerd. I ain't trustin, MA. body in this man' an' yog know, •well / do, there's •Plefity heerabouts an' some other places wits pretty. het up !bout a certain little matter, an"--" • • "You're .locto What's more you're ellowet-than even- A -betwixt-- you. was, an' if You're lettin" a little sup- eratition get to you when eferythia's all done with„covered and let ge, why--" "But` didn't You see what .r saw/ °Didn't that hombre remind you • somebody? . What t 'want to know is why bela show' up hire itight now. ,just when the gang are all together again'? Why? You know they sad that Diamond Dan card slinger hal * son off 'temewheitas, arid . a .poisoned puma if that warn't I sa* last night..., -so• diked.. ots Pau that first .off I thought was ectin'llings, if Dan had shaved hit" mtistaehe." • ° The other, man grunted. "Whit he was? get don't know nothire and if he did all this fuss you're About•Sendin' him to Boot 11111 would jet' 'stir up another mesa.. Aleside$, if It is hima-and mind yon, 'Slick, I'm ozatomacvin TEttenaitere. Equipped' with elettt ; gleeAtonic electrio treat= .and orsetic. chrohW, otOttit ° 211* hours 240,5 arid, to Ori.lt Friday and SaturrlaY,* and Wed dity.9 to 12 a.m. only. Consultatt be had .by appointment Thursday at Mitchell; A. N. '.'residette oftlee. corner of south *trot * tennis !toad.- Phone Zit *toe, °which he tried to put in the not ssayin'. you're ri he a back of his bead but which would not right wise ,ol'owl, and wouldn't be likely he'd be scurryini-go anything, without 14 -the maybe on erm6utns011itt:401cr min Let it ride....." taug got a better Mee. 'Fir* * goin' to find out if yoteri about that hombre WA' Vali* and then—" In -the .4srksNi shoulder* shrugged oral he ljiu nastily. "Well, I got 4ine Swears troilin, *round in my thiri.1--, like a little more ttin' even that smug garobelr dYthe ain't enough-.14bat rm.' in about, hfcl plumb tun h ore grave." • Tbe *lovell thIteirelleheru:kdittit l'"YOu6tati:- t4virl The stockier min growled.. him moris'n, any man G was too good for MM." Ilia *is‘sto,vir uncerefotta in the darkness. "Just t'he same, /ini thaLif.you'd let me do a little ateirfiltV7liraltartaik hearragiet -rifictfa4'..14 like this businets-.1".. "Keep Yore ismoter Antft.V.7 growled the other. *rf told yen that I had some notions, Slick. If Lfl you disobeyin" order; you- kyote, Then 1,11 reckon know whet to expect, , Mind thst4. Iremoved away towazd the trance of the crevice where there., the shadow Of tethered borse.7s gettire on lick .Mind you de I say—" Jimupo;rec,y_if wliaesxt;f: iinegr,kedhup n alf e ioragilly"':**Talt room was in darkness, but * -dtra light filtered in from , the, ittart through the torn ettrfaiag. 11014ii snapped to the door. Ile bad „looked it, he knew, and it was lee but as he watched 10 diatinoti the key turning being. dislodged dutside the door. It made the is lest of twinkling' aeon. ,rlireas it telt 0-* tioig6 was a g tieing itoortei the floor matting. The nett faint ftanuthe Ouls,itlikAhtftk ly turning. Tken the .400 Melt, ./WoVra4firio WrIoartittyl Phone fl4N tag long enough. Your deal, 006 Ybo st14.411! gttt it4 /kw., 4E 13‘15TMC) 11-e. rbtotalatil Pal tAsirA ROA rot4k 1.4tS - ‘st VII, , 4111. „till Bo.ils *hen boils start to break out it is an evideace.the blood is clogged up-gith lxn- pizitic and. requires to be thoroughly willed by .a .good blood medieitte. We believe there • is no better blood Clesniting medicine then 13urdoe1 Blood Bitters. It haps to remove the foul matter', front the blood, mid one the blood Is TurificaiAte.beiliellisata rid,044tAtASCIr at in end. Try itt : -aho..khow t attito keep at hn atss' )5.4ect 4c0 taught tcm eeetlent tiori,