The Goderich Star, 1936-12-31, Page 1he in one. v "the largost erowdiout ferra nomination Inectixig in recent Years:, • • ts - AO Vraae# at Carlow I'dVillaltIrt tall, 1401111,0-altataQCrilf 'Wlaalt c:+1114,00 .township ziOninittions-'were. 'taken, ,Oeeklers ' 'hooted, - and, 'Cheered' , -,,the trious. iipiakeri-' who at "tireei, lost eiry.plattorm c ' e Countyboundary , ; 'tower Sltepp ton, tho4 only 57 este Passed, in one ntoing to the chairman, ---10. ea. up, der what cotequalificationsatIene ad 'might taken overlo the county .0111, answered that geogratMeat elm ansk. st gu od l .etion and Unt of ixailla were twO arguments: fr...O01their speak poe17. Maier .factoto t� be considered,' tionsi The majoity of 'those presei&t Mr. Tyndall said that.:;he' 'Under* -,expected to see sone "for: ,witii tood that there Wee: widespread •.rumors prevalent that there.' would misconception.ef,What:tocaViterel$, be lour candidates for the ',reeVeell1ning taken in an'dmhat taX0O*0re: be- .and'every,4tyailable apace in the lia1i ing used for. He was of the.!opinio *43':*410t ;orkle• the * Tatfal*TOte that the ':aelieel ..beerd,:alone• wasvle*ing proceedings through :tri; epensible'.,fer the high- :seheolvraoS, open window from : *here 001\0:led' Another, feature of the. •to, system • eanetle remarks'at the4Penkers.: • • 'brought -00;1w_ tl*Speaker, t he :'APinO*11 'Ilttitmalt tixo'110,04ingi leseS' Salneo the° aSeeSSMent i$ APPota- and:' he .called: upon 'the •1.0110, reeve, ed And is lowered, especially in latter, 311)::, George reagan to speak 'first. Years, a 'tarn is burntand not re- Mr..,$eagen annonnoeu Mitt he Would. built... Then the township Must' fine. be At candidate for the reeveship and: some v7SIY to ;.33441ce 111),04.t- 1000 asked the sUpPert of the. electors. He taxes or find Some.war to do without reviewed the :Wok done byllieconntr. • them.; Mr, Tyndall` was not Oro --Wha -the -past3year, giving special ein-. stand lie would take INA he expressed asia to the new County. MOW' plow the opinion that unless -there was to and :truck ,that: Were 13.)Ought...3. W. be 10), acclamation, be would atatka fact tht nnthbers.�fp�p1e'Ore* 4Jhisho1mmade no appal out the .,county could. not , sea „the to vie people but simply *said, thAt necessity for the. truck -and plow, le ran, and they were satisfied.w,; -,1 that there was...0 lot .of work for the the work he had3. done icti‘the.° past, . truck' to do, and, he believed; its tsUro'. lear,•. he hoped.au!Vrt ••`„ chase was .step %the. right dir‘le. him. • , • • tion, . :The truck has ProW,." at- gr,11..gcliattl; vouneillor With. 3#01, mane an,3. also be !need' -a3:34, two previous- years_eXperienie; grader4 • ' that he thought the cemetery '6"iliv4v8 reagan2 Was et hg. .opliast were Movesinthei riglit'direction. He t• highlY eommendellinon achieve- 3pienta 'Made in ;the weed eitliesatioxi in* that the county council Should, be 'stated, that there had'been lmprove, =tents of tbe ,paat.few years. "Is Colborne --Township this ?Nark' oUcl .1:4 '301'. not ovie anything if things. go...on Is audience...10e "Whir.".:Weren't at present," the .reeVe. told thetax- the weeds ent on my road this -Year r4.; • , payers. . • , hav433r 0 take that 'up -, With regard ‘,Tovenship work, ,the weed .inspector," „answered - the., Mr.. ream ,saiditliat road and; bridge 'speaker. '"Two years Ag°'1 Ser" a • accounts Were Spineviliat 'larger ,:this 'nom: down there to Ent weeds And X year; the bridget. accocnt,hicreasing got into trouble; Now i• don't send a as a result of ,having to put in steal man there and I get into trouble atif. - bridges In connection with, toe. Alibi, 'war" • - • drain 0,,nee., the „work *Loa dote tee; Metarty said. he -would, like* to late, to use cement,. There Were 41.5 see a .bylaw ;passed allowing yersOns, more yards of gravel 100 on • ' the . roads this year than last, the total amount being`:'30,8/0 yartis. However the, extra. gravel was secured at a3 cost of leas than 5100. and ellowaneei were up in :cost, but the weaves' toSts *4),3,re lower. • , The AXin. &sign: CO:0 the ,towns14. . 'more thmi exPettek but the intitternt settled as result agreement- -with Mr. Allin. Alibi was going to sue the township for damages, but the eounoli.. JO. ,and...the.drairt, „referee, met at the drain, and it wA3 agreed. that the matter be settlei. out of court, , and Mr. Allin Paid'for the work he had done f The twriallip was advised by The county engineer ,ticit Mr, Alibi should trt. about 5$00 but counsel for the -complainant said he wanted $5003. :Tait' *mount vas finally* lowered to $400q will& 'will tome out of„the Allin drain ochelte, and the township will have to ,PaY $100. cost* for the lawyer retained 1hr ill think it Vilt3 good • imsinesa for the township „to setLie., „ 'this incitter for $1.00.”, Mr., Peagan sail Mr. Allin has *treed to par 14 ° the coot of the Arian. Asked.it Judge* siatiSion was netessary ht the estice,..gr, Fes4art, Amiphatically replied 'that'll', 'was nu;. The The reeve said that the milt 'rate had been raised two., -tenths or a luta • this -riqr, milking it the lialnOk'ali it Vras two years Ito. The astess'rnaet is $2900- less then it was lest year however. The over -draft at the bank .` lest year was $2106, :while this le44* It is $2100, and the townilifp is in *bout $300 or $400 better shape this - year than it was last year. • Mr. retool Made reference to' tile taw Cemetery bylaws ,that have bon' seed. It it now neeeeterr to make application to the Cemetery text6n before piacksg any- type et memorial - IntheC441614/13 - The bylaW *ae pazzed)pecause of thelock of uni- forraltr in the' Olathi of The Ceme- tfty owing to tnonntientis having been placed atraitdotn ors the plotis. ,Another. bylaw Permitting plot own Ara to have pe ' also been Comlually refuted gr. Alberi. Go aktisment last year In the. the ip was'52400 wore* ff In ti it had been In 1$84. Fur "Oaf of his stains 'that the teemehip was set*ly considerably better oft da 15 theit it had, to 46,101* the statutory reports of betb 1. JAW Pittoltdo m ad been 0 0 The Goderich Salt Co, in s use I, hei vertisement, no written by- MIss Rose Bowra WavtAvd4 e Prize totfere t, company. Mis 0 't ,,Vesttle„ 43 tic D s. 28-iierir4614",,IloregilTa-n(.$011"'al(414170t-thi; ,dloit%t-dflw,iscitguhtoear,;init.i:g'tte CcHlivuottitio,i,4hiistrmi.3.13 lyn r On, Ail Kang' nty,- OWA'14(04 ItUti in thick fog It ,bc; shipmates...u:nortiitn,itsrtt00,tmTroi7‘ • Havv seas began • pounding the vessel te'lgece'S 04 06 .A. 'fernier ,Manager 134ni Cot Montreal, the person of ..W. Lionel . 10'41:Oen% on $unday. Be was born In -Fermoy, Iie- '89 -rears age, but '40-tt 0Pea the greater Part -4 I*, .lifO, Canada. 'Ntr, was 'Manager' of the branch ° the 'Bank. Montrealt over 14. years; leavint here in 918, • lisaule the Greet, war vies on; he VS greatly .41,1i:crested in • any 'patriotio, work and was, engaged many or,. .gadaatious Of that description. During his 48 years of „service with the who vzish to pay part of their, taxes Sank, he Served in, Toronto, Valifax, in advance, .given the sante rebate _ as Acton; Montreal and -0.1,deftio, and retired the towniihiP jays ' meneY bor- 0 -ears ago after his tem rested Inont 'the bault: He concluded nutkirtg nis panThanent home in London. by stating that he w011id stand. He wag a mber Of the Church of !Int - The arrival. of Dir. Albert, Gold' land. ° BIS *thorpe on the platform 'caused up- roar in the hail,. the demonstrative .0-taitar always- - lay speaker Colborne Township, 113 Said that when, he entered :the county council in 1930k '3,the.3 County "owed ;$21$,000.. In five. leave' ihe debt Qt, the ectm Was-PrfictiCal put3where .reaidsme, ,Street...,..0oUth, on II; is:toasty, 'Tuesday', six tank Of -Montreal managers ISpeakhY, of the Criminal Audit pail bearers. Cornmittee Whose acCoUnt aMounted • doW, formerly ,Iviiss Anna, \194714.1100,',45tirJives, as do also itvio 'daughters, tafto 'Gladys' of London; and neraId Wile= of teitaite.,, *Int two grandchildren, An only -son. , Lionel H. Shot so* lb the Great 'War but wa, killed In action In .1#17.. `,priVite funeral.,service was held from the"fatritlY about $40,000 or $21,00004,tr, Geld- thorpe said, %VS a nice thing, to get. the money, but these fellows (John Itogigar(Ip Gordon G. Mattoon and R. 5. Fletcher) were living on the fat of the land, and the . peor Vartnur couldn't get enough to luty for three (contincea on: page n9sEs AND atOoMED.IN:DCEMBER 0.rediattoir.,, OPerkvinter, auearly spring, and lots 3,et snow in December, seem all to: be More bi 18s trUe. Verly In .Deeeniber -.there ytaa.'alnitist enough. trenw to do ell 'winter; on Monday the streets were tare, the, iziverS had more water /them they had sonte)titnes. 104eu the. arting flood ww.at lLs height. are !moo/ter and .0011#0 are run-, Mug fulL In ,some gardens -1n town, roses Were.ifl bloom, that is whiter ros- es, and .n:yhtlo bloomed, in at least one lodal. garden°, alrged reeke and '',Hansen tyi4 around his waist, . $utripea overboard to swim 120 feet through the churning,ssaters .; He imPrOrtsed 4:breedbes,„--budy -between the wrecked ship and shore, Ana (44 lieraber of the- crevo was. resoled. Hansen is seen after the rescue„ and the SS. King's County is Shown be - in minded to pieces hywave$, About 40 men and :etiloerici: member% ‘9L't Oonivanz O4nien-$41dtilestic• OW - merit, were presentat a bail4dit :at %Mrs Cafe ori Afonday IOU*. big which a,presentation da present to ,istafor K Jane, retiring . °Meer, of the Company, Was. made at the armories on lirstollton •St. by Lieutenant Nairn. ' ° The following- Otilkers icea present- at the banquet 11. O Durlo, COL' A. 10. 'Sturdy, Veil. Arch -deacon Jones- tiatenutn, Major &die, Osiptain,lt TAW - son of Clinton,')0aptain ItatntYre. 'Coon - any • covariauding Offteet. of .01intOri; TA. D. R. Ilairr.t, 14, A, B. Sturdy, R. Oarnes, and N. C. OM, At the coricluslon of the banquettbe'OothixinY adjournei OH the armories and. fonned up ovhil° ,presentatkin ,of elloiener medals to, ‘.04inpatiy tSettOant,4144Ot Itarola Alien and. cfeniPoli'011ott"ra"-•wat.ttelide,..,ed, fo,the trewS of the Berri,- top Atit The Itoyalton iri the 4tOlog, Salon of the atoyilton..60 iontlAtioat mot vbe' oilovaolied room was decoisted for the, iletive occasion _ And Vie .01 guests, tiff. oilers, engineers and theinen,' 414 full boddla idaiOtgOtta repast 'Which wasi: prepaied bYt W. .'MoAttlinri Of Wit& were ehIp Stewards Berb Itinet of Welland; and PJArtW Dunn of POurtright. The tA,Sie was ,centte4, with e, tboitniAA eoce moo .Arthur; AM' the {Haber coneOtneed with Ott"' taf, Pickles, etc, then soup. *Oh fritters and' wirier 'sante entrees, twelve moiitheendirg ,ott followed by- turkey. 41,04, titozic with can - jag. * tota Of 1,011 Death OVertoolt lkfts,. Charles ItItt- ward Sale with thocking stid.deliness. /Sometime t room• wabr .43)ho dropped tt'!'kh ti•tal Georg• e's Crescent.' , • . . Mrs . Sate was born iii*Goderiela in 1870 and,.sperit her life in this tdwrt. Her husband was a 'prominent dentist of Goderith. Ire joined the Canadian' forces shortly after hostilities starr- ea and went Overseas with the 18th regiment and died from wounds re- ceived' shortly after he arrived . in France while holding. the rank of. major. * Mrs. Sale was" a member of .St.- Oeerge's Anglican Church. The fun- eral will take. place on Saturday 4ttSehille°°1ane'suivived by .0* n' da•tiglitt`oc., Miss ICatherine, a Oseher in Moulton College, Toronto. And one son,. Ed- ward, of Gcxlerich., MARINERS LIAM:WETTED. ° * IN 'ROYAL STYLE Ohristinis Iwo. front Udine iS* not Al- ways as t i 1 1 as it sounds, especially if you ten eiit down to e'llatieliet stich sui he oder 1 emxinnY 'situated in the eastern part of God • overlooking the Maitland:0We trol the( 11 Na tint OBt stationosa1t r' to other yi()or„ 1$.pari 'Salt Block 'Which...15 Ver$, CenVenlet of enu inehas been ' added. to t, (it). )3nildingS, now it Is very **tern. is 00030T the 'biggest, industries in --.:4414frIt.7,41e.:*.1;144,1T- e inost4nexpensiv all .fddslat * We cOnnot get *ion without its use. 1,4t is , feed ' °Salt Is Onihined, With. oqier 1000. • - The process 10;4 niting041t,n : simplyWonderful,; as can te-101 $ ii Our town, The Salt ompanY'. has. all the reqUirenteuta ,Ilecesgtasn,o,.. In The first place, bring In US, nattiral fornl'is Pumped from 'a depth- of Several' shundred. feet,: into' large tanks; from these,tanks it .'la: Vutailed-.: into Pane within * place I 11, the Vtteum plant, then boiled tIL live• tea to form CrYstats- these crystals with The Panic, fluid is tthraelflisfteorr4e48eitep sitelpaErditnyg a e,,,yrehor4sh: moves the ..erystals frorki.,the brine. Mhe. crystals salt is then.transfor,.* red to the Store' Room, from .whote it is again transferred to drying 'llhelag%hiannecis'P41610°:„. • bTelleirn ti)ai packed eiPt: .1°t4abilveroiii:it•ratnsa highway.2Ca,adbArnStPeellinopischirirt; pederiC4 §beitld be proud". to have fkinelt a factory their TeWn« Cpzrso Coarse Salt JO' Mad' Salt an open pan and Is. boiled; aS, bOils, the salt is in -011441S--3.3014A Ats,dOwn- ' o the tool parts of the pen,..,Wnen it °gels heavy it sinks to the bettOinpirt of the pan. - Then. the pan is Takr.4 out and the -salt is -allowed to dry. Then it is ready for u$4;, vi,ben it RI dried it. gees-- thi-onik-the ..,„sione use ' and Process. as the crystal, salt.... 0.1.irtterorin,o.tlhaiksesti,s.littthi:Y.u3strat;c4hreepaiNtrilor; fish. and meat. It is. good for clean' mg „teeth, -It...deans pots and pans. It is geea for the garden, .slna 14 used' for , making .roads, Rock 'atilt is also. 'Made at the doderich Salt Works and is chiefly used for cattle. As a.matto of fad we Cannot get along without .rroni Rose Bowra,. Cameron Street, • GoderIch. , -.. • ,“ 4.°' *iiiiiSer,,:or. .testeutte 'ette44eff the ralt eittoWa'y',..,,aftlir000n, of whe Met Stich -a; t' deattv 'the -previoue --Wednesday - -,Cressing-ihe 17; ,1.14-114410.-'.-1"te was ,SecOnti, year student ;at the 'Ooderipli ceiregiate; TIft Member of Ittiox Prow - *Ian 01400 P:hooli. and a -PO Scout, being' a Member of' Ihe 00porkt- glocter4i, Troop: sixty' Boy Scpcts .$1tendea., the ..0 body whiah..*10:-.00400t0ct tIr Rev, a 4. Lane, and at the ,Veineters! 4,110 filet -Oast the grave . Under °the leadership-of-Zoontraaster Watson, - " and- rl • • The Casket was draped With the tinkin •• jaeX and .34/ight.IellOw Itarrlea. the Ileivers„ while six other ace ts Were Pali bearers; 'Troop° leader; 'Prod 'Vatting* hani, Patrol -leader jatit.• Oilif; :and aeouts, ,4goggarth,. 44*. ,V,Paon. Robert ,••Clarrie- and °-_Colin_' -;Z104.0 vue-..,4errloct:mt,ii,"Aovitta,*(00, z Pat- rol leo,:ler,s, Bita Johnston,nErriest Colin vand einite Votthrook, titoiOnt, Baxter, :P41;'• and,Voneld,:StenehOO$0,,. . WQRSHIPFUL:MAerEit Master -Sergeant JOrn Orisel was Made. The Medals owe* presented b7 Col.'11. O. Dunlop. After the prsentationt had been made, Wort •tint was . accorded the:honor Of, ,d1sinissing, the regiment: (Keno Wee played for Borne' time and after refret1uner4;44,1been served the evening wti.,1ttalcen up with 'salon* card VOW, ,MAAIttiltA, ASSIST GAME rW OFFICERS , fl *UI probehly, be news to thosesin- in. 'the wild lite of the Province diriug November 30. instituted ,before the Oouxta of the trminee for violations of he sme #.044tIsheriee 40t, and Oaten' ftd In getting eortitiotiona In It will 'be' -ted 'these eireriir tit, re tl tiOri Of the VariOut i r* th:oughoot the.rroltinoe, but that £evr cues 'Are tOfCitt' before. oe 0044 withootr. tett evidence to oOrivlet. The fIn *eased as st. *Suit of •theiit ptosecuttor.sisinotinted to over Of630.00 and ranged in *mom* of frOin SU° to 1 $14000. In lieu 'Of owing *line, 61: Per' , *one toOk alternative Jag eenteneet rang- tut4on of **lit 1.441ft Y t(°' 3 121°1113' P114; sl***Ied."11"4** thil':1Wivoirajwiturepaleispilti4te cfrIn'tthine. DSSXtIflt ig,' kt the iteek of viltrets_Aitli the tor:*Ito 4,t4 berry aanee, crearb. potatoes,pet Ike* Vida ing.*Asiln.no way over- looked, por the almond twice to go with it. OW ranee Ple was on the bill of fore al En as Boston Cream and Witty tbiit not keet. nuts, 7ioalidlea.`00161 Mr, vkuktehtir SA by to meant a mere steward,,.he Is & teal chef and his goOd Meat are known tar and Wide Among the steamship men. ' belng beit " hevent it 8:6'cloOlr, _,.. __. as oil - --- Mottdy, J*tIU*ry4tti,a le, AIM. - 10 ) t riti b; wed- ,,, [MEI t ;glair). 6 , a IC.noX *Chnitiit TLEY riitte‘r, :Oda?, I, at St. George); • %wilt; rtwitri,Ssuttioy, k at North, , Clutteb. The Minister* of the Mr J Harti b In whiat tbe **tyke it biting tient of will bay. au 1 the tootle. ea to An tion,Z M P1ed mlnIzteia wM llcSchoo .$0110.*.Y FOG For the first One ft s niiimher of yearr 000401 4.0 a.'''-"aite. chVit.ttaask addItt' tatittly, '4isalootar "l'hureder 3' and Friday,. and. the rainY, *xot. *on continuing' N 'throughout 'Saurday• aundat' literally bneketaof. rainpot dovm on Suridat flooding -40144.3 Small creek* irea.,e 044heights and the river came ttliab; ling down to tile Motttli in.tturenti. - , .-Partners who 'haire been, fighthig offr 'shortage of water Or some • week* naw saw the 110417' rain:iuid tbawlngottt. o' the /rot kound earth as -IL blesaLtlZ *r. One.of the.ihnist Oluistnr4a, gilts the could t. --Water-lt-neW,plentignt otth Jam* throughout the -distriet and .thi: is at lax.° one Wetly off the faraniei liandSt even if he: is .haVing: to buy..feee *T", his aLok.- 'net& 'were Vhele $1,014s of fan Wliegt Eevertili inVlies of water, ehangkng, .4herr into 1alc. -the.iivater lent*n of novelty' to the aoonSrY It created soo' apprehension, AS In theevent of a Sevorre ' tyr cold .epeh, without a blanket Of snow ths effect on the *hest -might be alias. A trout, fitititta?s thtek etirtain, ot fog tliat°.ber tratiid at d staddat11/, and. tene4 the o0M. IMMity in A typieal. 'Eold4 tOntiOn" stiuos '.13here', did not result in, any el*Sagor • the imMoliate vidnity and vainP. warned vtoPle that cold,',weathet-was ex ., • itec,oway again.* Mr Rbed YOhbstOrt who was India* suf lielorehipful Vaster of Maitland .Masonio Lodge, On “reeetter evening. ' „ if Christi** tato* once a week histead �t1)*nee ,* Year, Or ,if fl dovernors were aa.colmadocate AA Clostrnor Rey. not only ose einie of thelr dribsiese, but woult beton* popular institution; amens' Boaters. ' • . 01 to'zrae the guests' at. the castle were not At TLberty tooboe into Own to *et the *hie that etieircled the park, or the relplendentvonummity thristniat tree, hilt that throtter the generotar of the tdoverThor, enjoyed a good lunritto and to al Outward. apPearancee Were the five Chrtms Inmate, tw ctottop, Rioturna Eckert AS Reeve. by. Acellianetion. ExAitaiderl Bowmen Comes Beek From .BrOsiteliven4 Weetoitt' from tie. Reeve George H. ElIiott AcOepte Seat as CoundilIo • in Clinton. illkorne , Fleets Commit Withituf Contest. e .... the /Wren munitipalities' that tlid. ,tiOt elect -it* COUntils -early in -Decent., or :return thent 'last Monday by iic.k lainationi tilt , go te:. the ..p011s . next . 14ert the 24 Therethewitted'ecid:11671t4hYrbelle'°11ta**libt• 0 wili comziet „,thelr Township <lotirielis„ A Warm. cOnteet . le' kiting...1'0.0rd hi- Ijoi‘ borte„ Where tleorge 0. Meagan is el)*, 45::,,rx. „I, .17.t.: 4: 71:9tp: inr: ithe., reereshio; Ave Men ,re In tile rieatot, • the four sea* at 'the .30,OthiCiii they are. '14ditet Chisholm, 11. A. -,34(tOreath*0101,, Son wfAttyi. .tobtk Vitoolo . and „ 041.. *ten- --- ben ':Ooelliti446tne; dePutt7td., ,i9olizol . lirrO*4161 , re'r. reeve*40hester liga*Iiirmey 41.4 Powe,Bay' ti°1:6:1141lAt. '0;iinliti; (*Intil-*°‘ fir -Son:. 14 Three t be elected. . .°... tinveiL40: •Nrwir limvo*rof ititietning. ?WO 816 nitithiefor the' 101.1r eolitheit seateto t*it; ththeYsoarer rze4 Uerhere. -Me, , Itti14,04:' 0004 Met Turnbull ".: . 6 rey TowMMp The three C.' 1. . itinSt!'4tnItbliOAV) Po 'of .oter re they are, .0omout _Dohert,, ;.. okiec... ander and Italie likialt. , AV the reemeehiP, the elettert are .beasked to decld?3 betweeIi tlTenryA. Ceyes -and candidates are willing to, serve calor*, thinigh there 13 024 ro�m to° 'tour. the' candidates are Hugh Mexan do Rumen toorrance; ochner'Rsekwet Joseph 0114urite. and Peter 2(akmey - Acclamation*: in 'tfteine., John BryanE councfllors,' Baket,' Albert, VI, Weret Weir. itaesinetesf in 000, - W. D; 7'efendere °was. eiected Without, n, contest lnItieter, ccei Thomas. pot*, ,retired. Thlrt�n named as -Poteible a/0km ciPal, honors but only tiro quiiliflsc the, tour seats. Another will therefore. be, ilecteitty. nan and W; Hera'qu1Led In fora but they were theonly t * 13; Board of Inducation, A, 6, ZllIqt V. Packari, Mrs. CR.oide BeYerssioner, LJ. " t t risca..? • Iteritta At Cllnton former ,Itallott- decided not to contest the rcerc 410 And Wei teiilated. by Fzed Pu. Ur 'Mott, "tiLsithlept 00ttn;b0t by Od$4/11400. .the othc reeMbers being W. $. R. Hokne, may ott-eitote1);'',0. T Fred Johnston, JOhn'• Welker. .. Board of ,rdlication-4. *diger, 0., T. tr„, •tenkhat,