The Goderich Star, 1936-12-24, Page 6I
4:. ,aa,,h 1
, UDE ' ifAlsr' , , ,r , . rmiemovri* 4,
',rt..tuR oktx;naaY ore, *0 a
witb ,; 44 i. 0.
need anwcred.
,Circle .of Olt o literatureui de'rof . ou*,-,,departmen(S.
a ' 9U41'...,, 6 u
Knox 5�cisty
.1* #K, o r, ' . e entennating., vopolto'
MEMO imisp,,,,,, erm ?iitgat7pttl,*:0.:ioreity14:1;
g by
011.4404:;, '7.- ' .p, rit: *5*
xi .flas, prq- , _ hutea„.._,**: lifte. ..P.,,, ,
,,,,,v.90:0:,.:01,,,k.`7v. ,,ANIOX VITO' gArgri:'
. report.'..t... 00 0 • .
, tillat 0431
iV,0''' and ,. a' 13.ea
, Stykiiri -0*; 1.1:141:4011',--. ' sim
00 . was PreSenteddh*,'14i$S %,ditiii`
..Ifts„ Donna te0010 .1i ,
°Tieloiliell. if4:74?!..,00:143.A.,*.1.414-VI.V:74144,:1114: 1:24*4014. '01,101'.'S'atazi4iilviSit%%e..3.g141:''' :1,2*°it.„11:_e'reA-itiligl.,,-4.,, wahe vari- l:(14:ei'ri.i.t41:1:1414;ii'te. 011141.;°61:;1.14)'!1"*Iliji-initP1:46i,InidiVitellit
At 0 '0,-iiiitia ' 'ra(ieting 7itif,' 0 r , her annnokrePOrt; '- 0
capable -president for the itast,:01700; inaPltiag meetings; ' 1.41 44-eazsu49" ax, ' .1t04 20d,,vice, Mr* kik '0:"'
diati4,:;". v,euetea. for ,r' feurili ,,,,a1..,,:ANT;Ilit:',t;,Ipictrol:(1,4a,:it ..k; ,,;,,,..x,e_tvg,FeizzillAs.,j,40npon:13:,,,..
noy 4i0r0:. li, t 4a7: aft' alrage k „t• , 11., tional, eicerelsO$ 'more :Onduet learOfisa,',Belle ' MaeVlcar",,covr., Li' Luta;a74007,**.,,,,, yir,k, -0':' -14:0",&--
. re*, Whitaly and, -Mrs' ,HX,i0;104, 50c., .repolied44,' *Wit' 0t, 41.1PPath' ...FAyan4.. Olad..Vidltga,..004 ' -1K,r80: !'
„ .,. 7;,,iriis, i,04:.,,r,y,..1404 .,t.rort04,#.2 . ,.004: loe,,,,,,, Reg. Tuffe,4i reported the. gra, G. -10ennt:42:,..44,1:4r* ;2Zolmle0:7t.:14,`
.BlsSett A.,'")*OM.entiltied"'"Unaws#,0 .., and others ,--,en, buSineas; ,Aho, SnaiVIIr' oitiotit.- e:rnit:,00isoinitre, .rmrt,.,, if.,,: ou;
Ita,.' as- 'meeting- appointed ,,Mitt, X 'Gordon "VAllie: ' ItlkoilxitiI 40.414, ..5:.:(3070V44:t .004#91,4914-,,V1000;,::allikz,v1,
etotate,,tpr 'OW *..-anitnalt-'-',-.Yt, --la ' Mictiot:0,04e0.1,' •at-,Birticr
4) A!1'.
014,t, 20a Lait4i4;, :040,44., feriat.,Meatl#.0' Ot -tie.' Seclet*.',V14011. '4„,.' elirelkente 144:4_,,,, ' .eitat6::000,:.
S. , ,.; llayer.0i..04,atitaStall,N,J*S.
':*961441:'111*."447;('' ' *ItWAISi476:iiiiirilTiltS,:‘2::*:;7:41:1rili:S.,"ilgA‘.'S"Vtt:'1•-,:rfO'':14.W.VieetnIglin.:0-loxe-Topor,I:04 th,4, 711,- o'n0-Y--tedv7et'ci: rat, 'P.:4.'1400, read the, ',Atli'
E. 'cr;'.pianist,,,,Misa Mart AvoficaYk
1,:00,0 0 6'1 on Sent,'te:',0,. y \.iit..11/40.',Didia4 ',. .T.:11:0- . 0t4tz 1.0..',r-..—, ,ti,sk 1404Y.:* Ka )5 Ott, i:,,:i;„..
'tei)*** r''''''.°4fr letr'4444'"*::.°C:P%11,;!?!;.::!'7',,..:,1:1r,/: 0 Wet: ($14010V, 0*.id then; cOndnetcd'.
. . evil': MISS, 0,04.01.,:. repo1744 . donthil*' -, :P 1. ,-,k,04 ' r , t ,,- ,..lvialiairiaia, 41* InstallatiOnr And detiOatimi. Of til:
„ , , et hooI.,, 'another o :w4,3 sent later -4,,,,,..fine.'r0Portk or,the,-yearisvivA.:1, .$,vesigelit:ie`t*.i1;41itAtOte„,:3-EL;),,'",,t(t? AiThO,
. : pale ,01sogreto. .410 0- ,,, 4401 and 11,444,14fri/'54",',1.-I'lo . ' '' T' '' ' ''' ' ,,,,: ,:, ,46f, tho *coo ,, ..$04* meeting or ,e a ,..a , .f xit, tit tons lor,,,t,bt
,ie ...,.... rit, -.0, oilittc.,4414,-,,0094. . *i,04,.,,,,la, t 4, .,,, Deer. a' . in reportingi;-04‘.:' ‘' the year $.01:t': 'a00 ..ino- ' '-all'. ; ' of 1,:'-!-T400...0t on' nifraiwite,lorillohtt..
Oin ._. .., ,0h1...1),"00partment,,, ,PaPaPt.,#001):0:'at40.,,,,Irel.0,' 0.00eat ;',:,;ieiz;:ilv'xiiiieo: tiiinna:,.tiffOl;.''VAk61'0.00*
gLeApta hold: ,,01;.:.tili vireciitas . hi.,11411:014-1,itnee_ ..24iiirli freva.(1-'1.,..1,7„?.':. ,6,*'. ?Ado., , ;.:41vttviii'' 0.4v....4,m,,X)e..: ,...,031aaartilkgs,liati$‘00,.. 10,0,#P,1;*71t,,,,.,,,,..&$*iid !.46;1iii7:411e4.'14arione..,:.. 4440000... ,ji.,,t1764
4 woreand I'''':t7i4":714:4. 0, :Pear,4,4.:ikaio.,:,. , 14,:11,':,,sit...-plefy''...')ilad .Iiiion' tote-4,-,•itt ...4,6.,:iild,it,i4:, , ':',---,,,.'',Fli,-:.:1:allown,-4- orgi,cersr' ...y*., ": - -01.; r,,o,. zit, rnottst, , ',12, tili.:1, y).10ar-'1*..,,, ,1Pse
''Ix71,sg't:- z io, -itif,,Obriiiii: tlicii.gIngdOMP' . The by otits dmg -Spoo.1.5ork , : '. ,' . ,..... e ,I,;helteK, m ,•cnsitp,
jacket i'Yte'rar7:IS'hlit04'0At*ll*edb'.Mr4'444s,.:S..j-4.4pij!mnlit't4.;"',:'I/7p;in'r4.00,trl. e":ti-ttbple;',,,7W11siiii0gt, i'-144;1'3'''x's:r1,1:-!il-4,._.i.-: .,...''!4 :,1t.:..7-------- 11'11'174'st-'0s:y./.
4itir.:1;n111,:p711;.--.,piterat*.e',':.Setiefary.„,'Xiss,'"''.114(Aert.!`.fiitt:=.1/100.4 .0., ,1.4.tithitt.,,, ..,,, CHOSEN AS ,,,psolD , ,. ' ' . . ; '....-:°.:."
o ni'mlit erot ,bonor .,st4‘ 04.10t4 ,
40' f ,a ,‘,..the, ;,,to , Min, ,,,Ivi.,itv:0t,i::.,..g
-dianiOna'l. ,i,!...r:121,,,,:iss 0
' ' ' OA
41444'..A4' t!... ''0*.tt'°,0i46.7,,:lai'
'tt- With., . ,,,,, ._ .i.,
.1., ,. ,
I dove-, .. „ erePe
. irii 7,
,,, e
. Tiainge'SeeretatliMtit.-0;,-,Clark,ktot.,.:„ llome„,-,gP1P,9,t,!$,,:.,'43,,,T,a_.tet 7,,,Iii.;;;.;,:;;;;;tto;,./Iireeefitem,341,_,,,OrepOrts of the
and 'Fitglettove to 'attident0;, The Glad Bissett; Ores* ,a0c4 Miss L. Mrs. ,....a1.131., P. ,,,,,,air4tfii,... _an, ba.4 tiowsei of 014 vmoria.4,
ttrx),'t':);°torl:g4o'ism:$6I*'*is'vA'ttos3t'/l,,4f:kuti),et.'',.t:''''igernolfrhlf:<lsoeP4t%''nl,, 0 P.s'i,' pianist,A.,1,,:;',,,,gtociiC,j,1",'ImQ-6.0,*Icatr:,..5,:::4V16.htgO'S: p''''..°Of's.''`i'd'irienett!:XtIal;ik.!lAtta;T''.
',1g44*$;00 : " • .0''''b4i*s t4. XPt:'. '''.14.1- ;*'r-4*:":;.----i'-ivet45 di 4:'4 '*,gide--Fear/4-*011a;:.-'1*:*6010-1::4-
ettn'-i Oita e torne,; A.1.1a, , , t„...47111. rd, eef-17-1K,,,vittircito., verr.T417104: ..;:,riltielli.;:, ; .01)0.tied 'her,114Oal: .'6.:60;TIMXtdaY...',JelrtAp.,
elfaro tersO Voini , isi A. *DOA- se...,, rs, , ,IN,,u;tely,:-,,,6,:‘,4*,*,1:„,' .the :foto* :/neptberS :kr' tlia.,WI 4,K.
and-Uss•-.4ontston',Ot -
, , Itx blii4, x troo, octt black
it p,o,.'1.:h.e.erd,,,,R,,m.o.t4ii:lifee$1:'0104.00,14::::*i. 14:::,0_14%.(11: vii;ltert., 0,...,_.„ei,:if'.:rk.L0:7,,,,14,01:::,,,7:74.:1:;6:14dv presided
over the
:the, elee, 10 , .officer ,_., , ,
,inereaet,la '10 .0Vqr .1036- ' ... . ,11'::1541.-43d.i. e.sliar. we'ig2-16'3341'; Irv‘ticl'om:lbo:'-'4,*k.pifoOdle.'ire,itg‘t,;.°Metts,11-':*:111,tE.:'-‘11.0°11tr7,,*i.11T't.,i,',
Lttatinfti'''1411(44''Atn11)1.4,0.1b.:V4i$:- .00-1:14'°41iilt*,,;,i1:34,1;'140it.i4h* *fraoir04:4, joi5tibli:',0,. t'l.:',xliser'siel;i1;;:4rxi! ' sra';i14Prii':14g.:°::e°C^ te:;:''.:**, i...;. ‘:!gC.6.'6:tie.rtItikrd:dz,liiiitve.'37-C4slia'ajal:: .'171tVlittt: *11:Craes'See'llliiti64:16.41' ::si:j:014161.Ciolet!'":::1?tuP'llett"71-tiP4:41'1:'
or tlitt,,lulde,,.; , „. , .. -
_ttyaionthe . , 1.,0 toutat,,,wilk volt ..,elpers'ad :40061.6 -active riitlabive0- ''cOlivel'Or 1.1.-1sQ°11 46111113,974'itt_...,a'pAi .A,.. .151 ..4 _ivierjunork.', ,.. ': .•pianist,- , -lleIen
tncittits-antt baby's .1304* After -''8;.-41°''' II'
gi,Vings, ,46$;;:, -which included a Life, - Mrs.. Jas.- Bissett. ...., , .vC:L.014.1.:peot 6.?.cit'it0on,..r1-1.1.t 001e0A
The average ..givluga, Were 86%. Total., Baker; auditors, gta- .:,- -
' Inbeisiii ' 4.4 'all* litlne- g4tIlr'-' • l'ilif,t-'eihielittlit:1:vtii::re-IrA?;,. i'Asxas"ilejarter, gar,...glItInitrian, li,
tits. Itobt;.1)Uria`.had:roaiic'horliO , a ,- Iv, ., * . , . , th, .4 en„ A social time was, spenvat the eips,e.
'llte.*einher, for ..the,commg..yearr ... ,. e . ...111 .6, x :,,... . tt „ .
. .ia
m , ow,' ,,ottittais;
kltigs, co :o:k,r-,,vttato, . 6t19:
re IA. matelot family, 1&e
, 1 4 Oil
41, entletaan A. lanes iOckatill) a
'4' the '' A: ' boy*. t..etrIfk4 Bob Oikt!itt.
na OP : 1) ,a :to* in. lila .; valirl,
,Are lila ' ,Witn , Tiny. 'tun*. `blesSing.,. :0017d
he' ,n -* eVerimra." 0.0'010 .claes, _'', '
ha.Y0- 'Airering the .010ir ' la , aPror6lniatia'ir-ittr#
ts' tor ..„q,, . 4110 '0.13:471r'iong '!ci. °Wort $0,,tit_o. (ind,
on fling, * votio tiniebY -VOA Aim 'Wlim't- ; ' - ' ; goclieri0h '
the, "Mora* and 'Ur*. Viniwin .Edvard.'4405; A 44 l'Ir '*,4.tte:r.-:
itsturteie;:and'Sio IVO illtistmAs *CONCERT'
AT 'KNOXsxtd 3r. 6.'
E. VtainStell, atm
LilnItY .1.4,0i.(10t.Ingt/t*a.the 1,tter:414x."41.14„ 010.4ds.,, to,d;
punlep . and :.'Itglas 'CliPtr046.
Were Ida eadugli. Oonte*Ute
to 00'
terSailY n'iCteds:714--t
Char, fun:
, 'gresseCceo. toi,Sheetti in
:mad tlyegrOeS :bitten.
eitY about 10' mint( es. _
of Veldt 6 dozen tooldes (2 ;inches in
The annual Christmasentertain-
ment of Knox Presbyterian Sunday
SVhOol .WaS. held on. Friday evening,
With a largeatteridante of both
Adults and. children.. :
**0004, su,Pettntetidea.
of the Sunday School introduced , the
following program t re.PltatiOns Miry'Straughan, .catherine cutt, 'Nene
gallows, Betty Taylor, Lela COM
ell; "Mei* Boss,. littY ,nOttl; $0110
andtap atince,o' ray nicks; song"
Bruee and Billy lvtaePonald; 'retitle
,tion, ' Geo. . Warner; , song, 1%tarleA
T.".)0eltivettlt.;. dialogue, Mies DaeVe
class; 41,004. Alitfit Satiii0011, and
Mis* Maalwan'S`eleas or girls; *elec.
tions by a bops' Orchestra (teapoo,
frylng Out dish pin)- with plow.
wolf:wait-tient; .44000, 1.0$5.
Johnston's class,. tap dancing, .. Mrs.
Mono s class:- dialogue, Miss -Gor-
don's Olga; salmi -103 °Wells Fish-
dialOgne, - "The , Goops"; , song,
Mis Alakeponald's cleas With oldies
re acconipanitnontt ptuitontine, Mise
Ifelray's cleat; ,addreas by Mt.
McCreath; play by girls AA
boys of senior group.,
Lastly and by no. Means let,
'Santa, Chu 'waived:with. his - pack
and diatributedcandies to *It fh-t.
:children of 'the Sunder SCh00).,
reiflO?e any at.em3 from
Qarter and renove cote
do net :peel. -OUt -Orange
and rarrote . seeds but .de
4.11 'through *. tome mit-
iiaat 01%0064 Add 1 eup
'WO Is better $1111011t*
The Treasurer„o o ie - dosed with prayor.- t meeting.
41.0414`s7u0.713C:1A140T1311,4)1cr40A4P111%,/), ”t:•1°ItEAF-,4a,t1"„
. .ERESfi
Fresh air is one CorimoditY,
-which ;wo. cannot have teo"inuch"',0
is altogether likely'. that most or us
get sufficient fresh, air itt snmsznar
time, but during .the 'long winter,
months, far too many people:Iwo-the'
doors and windows' of. their 'homes
shuttightly', and submit"lhernseies-to brewthing --sir which has
cient oxygen
Stale air which ,horteen deprived -
of much of its .oxygen is mere .111cely-
to be germ laden. A hot stuffy room'
cat be a 'contributing lik`otor to
an infection.- As well as being 'fres-hi
air ',should -he neither too drYnor too •
Buildings Which are kePt:110atea to •
comfortable body 'temperature in
*inter time _Should have a "conststit
supply of 'fresh airy,: fn the-041nel.
home, the opening And shutting 'of'.
windows and doors during, the da
tinie will perhaps, fill the bill; but it,
is juet as importint,' that one have
sufficient " fresh air -when " Asleep; '
therefore, do not have your bedthom'
sealed' tightly. Soe to it that suili.
cient air is adMitted fromlho outside
to prevent air stagnation. Tit is not
.necessary to allow the wintry blast* .
to blow into your room reducing the
temperature almost to. freezing. Open
the 'winder just , sufficiently to -keep
the room 'at COldOttAbiit het,t and
•1010X fr(FSOrritRIA1St st).'" ',' '''''''-"t"4----.7--wt• -
. services in Knox Church last Still MeLean Raves
sOciAL atq''' PERSONAL, „ Trfar,taroarreev Nvgiagr.
lott y ti. . or e s a
tended. Old, :but ever new. hymns, 16 Yea
ra, prank rek *ors of soliia is a ,xley. Both services were largely at.
Were sung by a full elieir..They. woke,
440 Conitt Ail re raitlife"Away in rtirs;- Jstines fiisSet -New President
'Knox Ladies' Aid- ,
guest of lirre. Jos. Vollo-ws. • -
Miss McVicar of Welland
returned*, town for :Christina&
Visa Evelyn Cooper was *WC
end guest with her sister in Toronto.
.11drs, P. W. White is with ,her pars'
Ohs At Cluithare for the Christmas
season. •
Mr. Ireith`,Sacinders of the Iltauk
• COMMeree, chit4 is holidaying at his
Mr. Atot Matines, ,r WAstortt
versity, .4 *Mang the Yuletide hag.
day, in Goderiehe
grs. Gagnor 'Cliapleau
her daughter, %erase, are *Yuletide
guests of Ivo sister, Mrs. CoultliureV.
Kr. George Persona of tipper Can,
*as Collage, and gr. PatiOn1 ut
970400* Are iiPending, Christmas in
Miss Margaret Radditf of the stafi.
Of Oakville Wet School, rettirned on
Tuaillity to *POO 014.1atnissitt-Gody
„• Mr- tsmtaa lap. st*tres
waxvito, spenumg chnstmits witb
his parents, 1700.: and Mrs. D. 4°.
Lane. -
Mr ionelde *Wig* son
Mrs. V.. W. Wigle has rturnsd from
Appleby Sehoot for the ChrIztaU
naks het holiday*YIaoo.
*sir* %fr. Pleher Oct Mr. W14.101
fent both *taunts at Huron Col.
London, are .apaudint. the holi-
at their Myst.
Who,Le aMendinE
t the
3. El. Earnwefl,
and *ft.r Mr,
888. alt, and het.
a ganger,' end "While -,SliePherds
Watched, Their Flocks" The'antheins
were, "Joy' to the. World, the. Lent is ,
and "Sing 0 Heavens." The
soloitits in the carol, °Angel,* FIVIYI
On Eight" were litisses Mary Mac-
Kay, ,Liorothyr Greene' and Gertrude
ttabit, and flerbert,Gteetio; and
.soprano ;solo, "The First Christmas
Morn," by Mrs. W.. Prank Saunders,
At the ,everking: service, si 33,
Walter sang "Ifoly Night,"- and the
beautiful °ants/tic,. "The , Adoration"
wtut rendered by the their. . •
• Bet. D. `,01,' Lane occupied, his own
pulpit thleougliouf the day."
VICTORlA ST. '1.11441TED
Mies M. Mow:house wai the soloist
in, the Vittoria St. United Chuieli on
Sruiday,- when "The First 'Christmas,
Morn" WO sung by the. thoiririce,fito,
morning anthem. Mies Helen Sol
sang solo in the evening when Miss,
"Pearl Roope and Miss refit:Crandon
rendered A duet a
Proofnave ton. 'of seasot ,aonat, "eetuorau.
tieue the Wee the h ro
resi;ful and *ming appeal:Atte*.
NOVI% ST. 'ulartto'
iter., W. p. tate conducted both
service* in this church last Sunday.
Mr. Oecit Attridge sang the solo tart
itt the evening 4anthem, *hen Mi. 'S.
MADOWell and Mr. Ralph Ifendite.„
son tendered * duet, Xisa Oflkie For -
aster *
The, regular monthly meeting of
the Ladies Aid Society of ,Knox Pres.
byterian (liiirth was held Friday,
the lfith ins:4 et which there wss„a
larggersa.ttendA. nE1414coLef member. yet *Tut Yept ebonite, evriurcoullantreanyoforfresh.
to pi'0vid3
von -chided theopening exercises it'ineeetto,frequent
mselVes vulentitttitov:Isgreste,tostrt amount
in,g which R.. Elie" of fresh air are less likely to be sub -
11014a. tins which are so common doh*
Ursa I). 3. Lane lead. in praYeri rhe thiy, winter months.
hymn* for this part of the meeting ,
*ate *11 favorite Clnistriss,:tarols. THE -GPM-PACED SNEEZER
Thiritiethe businoor ' part of the We read almost daily in the press
iieetai, the teetistoton,,ilire,„ 3, A. the sad results of earelessnass of
Barton, reported a Very ineceasful. Ved.estrisne and inOtorlits,but we
financial year, ..**1 * .attbistintial seld0M, if Tow' 'read of Ow *ad P8'
icheque *its .-itted to be- given to, the suit's of tit carelessness of ',open.
Board ,:_of Moagers,- towards the re- . faced" int, sers. : . .
duction of the ohuteh, debt. Avatigt- . '';''ZaPart:halaalt the "open-faced"
mentos wets made for the atin0141 aneezer-lalhore langerolurialait itiet4 -
40440t, - • , , , eateleSS Motorist. :.,A, person is guitty
, During the elettionof aloe hear, a 'orimulai negligence voito, is care. i
tra for 1937, the -chair VAS OeCtiDied 'IOU and leek* vonelderatiOit fo,t
by le* A. B. )40,0)0441d, And 1,611. J. •ethers; WhO, **Out *ny thought,
W. Baker presented the report of the sheezto,, showering ../Putielall of ,
UOMinsting Orouiltbse, vhioh *WO 'Materiel from his tote t v
fonowS: 13:000 Fres., Mrs.. A. D. Me- .41 a .16'7'11114 IlInt, ,
Limit: itemmo
, mr,, las, ot: , let A /Ina who striae* another' it
,vicor Krs, Gin% young; 2nd vice, guiltyof assault. Public ophilen, as
Mrs. Pir T. *IttaTisin; ard vice, Mrs. e.xPreessed. itt, the law, doe* not allow
Con, L. 'Bisset; see., XS. N. Mo- of SiVb *moults, and tooth** that
Imes; trees., lint, 4.- 444, 13artorq the Person who OOOlnitit One be
Mrs. D. Lone **a MO. J. pinWied. A far, Aore, dangtrone
, ; Anaitevi, Iftia ic, li. Abel 004'0 ittomMitted by this osreless
and milt. ;A, ve., oak* sige4 matter. Vattlie opttiten, *001 VIS.
Mrs..Z.<01.,•Iiihit.: cogfllze this and stop it. ,.
As Mrs..A. X). McLan was retlriiig WOW* geratis OSs oUt nth4f ,
froin theat thls neting eteretiott Of the *O. and moutb...A
after oocupylnt that °tee. for 14 mese cots st, teraria4m1 Oral for
ten lot It the 4sneeser corers hi,ed .
tbetr appTeiaUon bet iLt.-ottaidliftratev,
4,4anger ia pragt , rut
the desire to soot* is too sudden to
INJURED BY FALI.I Allow a taint the handkerchief, tilt)
N ICY SIDEWALKat least he° ,
to the 1404,4
ti fsoas.'