HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1936-11-26, Page 6elloWing the 4Friday even-
practiee, ..trlie`, members of, St.;
0,,tge'S .Choir "held their annual
members"being Vre-
lqInt, Linich was first served by. the
%virie0 and after 00441 Ain:te the•,
*actor, XIV. A. 41): ()Oder . took the
chair. ,
The, following oflicera were "leete
Hon, Ryes. ealderlIste,
Vo -Sturdy; Vice, MiS
tiaWrenee; See.Nilo*G. ShOre;Treas
-Miss A. Weiland; Librarian,
Anderton; • Assistant, H.
Choir Mothers: Mrs. Palmer and Mvs.
Brown; Councillors It Black-
stone and W. Xneelltel` Pres* See
D. Brown. : The `* Rector weliome.
seven new *embers to the Choir and
expressedhisappreciation of tho
choir services And the 'admirableas-.
sistsnes; of the.,,,_orgaTdat • Pnil''''thoir
n'taster, Mr. A. W.• *
'This -4101r is` now biss$// 1.4010410g
'Dickens' . 4iChrietinse which:
will be .prisented°the':,:, week befor.e,
dstinct.. change f;om.thusua1. kind
of play and makes a Very apprepriate-
'introduttion the' -festive
, ,
ttending tho
Cartwright „„w
nider was in Toronto
Dairymen Vonvent
aliikISlivicisPt01711:' *it
week r Nontres1 rom w 'et*
thcy will t.for England for visit
Lloutonant T.%AIIan Bennet't • of
Selfridge Field, ,)&t, Clemeiis, eisent.
of-MrIMr. 't7,0r*
and •Robert BeII, Mr. and
Mrs. :, Rg. EcU and Mr..001111041f.at
,tended theluneral on :Pride's,' of their
cousin, Mrs. F4d. Hunt at. WOterdevri
Interment Was .inatle..'4 Ottit, •
The lannuallowt supper of 'Victoria
• irifett-Platreh was. lieWo
(lay evening when over .400 sat down
After all had. done justice i tho
good things Provided,., a -Splendid
gram was given, as follows with Rev.
A. 0, Moorellouso es chairman,
..Sqlos, -Mrs. Skeet Cranston,
Marys; Miss -Muriel'-iitoerehowie,
Ralph Henderson. , Duet, Xi...Hender-
son and Miss*Ifoorehouse; , Iteeltir
Oohs, Howard Aitken; _Violin' riolo,
Wes Mabel Brownlee,. Ins*umeutal
solos, !aro. Beg. Elliott, who also, ac-
companied • the. soloists. •
Bev. W. P. Lane made' a brief ad-
as the special speaker for the even-
ing, Bev, F. J. Re3reraft of Stratford,
a former pastor, who was, listened/to
Witlygr&tt *mitre by his former
rx.„ wni;lvacu..oa„40avijLot„,,
rlved home on Xondast'afterL,spen4
ing Ithe past ten weeks at her Old
ome in Seotland.."She arrived on the
Duchess of Dedforde'Which docked at
.Montreal on *,$iitOrdt
ST. HEIIENS, Nov. 23. -Mrs. R, J.
WOOds has been."a• with her
'daughter* Ws. Dougherty, Guelph.
•iVois Dorothy' Miller spent'a few
tdays in ,TorntcN
_Rev. ',1v4r0;' 0000)A.;
Mises Iona Swan, „Jean !MOM,: 0014 ,
And Latirliie; Siller,, 'Mr, and Mrs,
W. Rio, Messrs. IStantifra,04,4.W41-
fisi4WOurniirandoare, wee
among who represented the Y.
P. U. at it:Young:Vein:40'4 .Uelly held
at Nile biet' Wedneadar. evening.-
Aaiiiege Waefit ..oittor
with her daughter,. Ruth, in Toronto.
' Master J. rG,11447nitt,','is..hetne.fto14-
0where he bad
bee a tatient for several weeks.
,` ort
40Phy• VAS *101r9e this
:beverat.froto,,..: he, 4f,teilded.,„.tho
funeral,: of .the late ”Joseph Smith; --a,
termer resident, held at Iiicknow,' on.
Sunday.. • ' •
There *4 -a:splendid' attendance at
the 'Meeting of the 1401d. bit
Sunday evening with. the vicelire,.41..
dent, W.:A.-Miller in the.thair.
ler Ramage Contributed 4a, ',reading;
and the tevic "Peace" ,was.,takels
by •Stanley,, -Todd; An impressive part
of the program was the installation
'service for the new ofileers.coriduetel-
- A lecturer in London, England said
that she wouldn't deny that woman
,Were foolish; God .mede them to
match Oa men.'
12 Mem
:Of the A.
ie n change in the
re were approximately
s of th
Vittioue*bran010 •
• throuthou., the
Itered for 4. 0014
Gditer fireoliifir,144:(49tHiart'SttOrill°013SibrPtteTstiene
were ,1Bayfield, lieafOrtItii,}1russele:
and Wingham...,11417,44104,4 11444 1100
OX44144 0 but
'13!' The nei)114's' 4) t president cnts 0'of •P. rthe ie:4 1:?1,t1°i.10:41:1d.?:
sat togther on the, ,'plattlitiri4'
Ayer was conducted,
owed ,e•itha address of v01014,4),
, ,
14 .
froni,the president.: -
Each braneb.', was aaked to contri-
bute one number to the: Ogratiit,
'Miss 'S.Velyn-,Chispinitit-- of• BrusOOTS
gave a musieal reading,' 400.0101.0,04.
by Mrs. . a : '
kypeal:4net was. ,rendered by Ruth
ol;s1:0,001 ,t,.; atatil ret, Bapeilayisn1,00, li°,1$71o....soi litoo:fs,MSho
fe:rty. i Soo:: teePI:iigortiO
whole..galther0,4%;1010(1 in singing thE
finalighoruS4- •
ayfieidis.contributior was .a voca
uot by Muriel and Lillian. •
Cora .rhair of Winghani• toe•:0A
-16*•:4,Tif*Ilitline„,,,,,;044allOsee44yetta_._._4,7,L411,44;*;t 116*4')?
madcaliort addresses.
• Lunch' weer then served te, the large,
atisexn4lr the ...menibes. :of
George's Branch under Ihe,,conven'er,'"
ship Of Margaret .Evans atil•
. niein!ler- of the.,-eventht'',waS - spent. in,
gay t or' g t
In t. - (os ,* Par moie tl
J01.*0 . *I.*.
require „bu small .e , rAtiture ..o, "Atiet
on -knowlng bow toplay, on an
'114,trAsirenit 'oltlfet peote ple in;"teauti.oth..: 44;1,*41,1,20,
ej°4'1,1t 04114th 41441'72)14:111"t"P, 4447' who
woo: ."7, ....,., , _ e
afig ,t44, tIL 104,ent:extain- '''''7 -7s" -""""*"1- ""` -
is to drop- as man
i!oitie .. . PAW"
an 11P
,-voluititS1141;e"''49r" Itthat
, alik;:a4W.:e4;014:00'''°'41.4*1, 11:si-,.t.'''.4't'llei:it1* th4 :1611*abil“*111a; o°114140 . ' ri, e::0140'144,.,9r441iitt!sHila':
to the feet 'thatnit'0441•Ve**1; ***' 'Iliinlinlitl ' ' \ '" •.,,
'Welt• '
1:,:p$V,4Zationl :444,10 ,PrOYIdes. Po. -OAP, t• ' , 'Tischts.$0e•
et, • No for the 'ventastantit6it'that:r#
:**0441' i,j44.-'010,:tale,' iTsan44' 44' a, tick (4i ,. ' Op 10,oe' a; otwg
of ,o,o),..Ardstkic''0e00b1,006x. *14 0), : ' , lit :aolf.00t,',*iii 1,0$4 ,ithei 'floor.
'4lita.ptegl.4*.Olt,stttltt'h11131!elleSee ,it, 46J -4111%,0'a wire t!r /tC'TtillirlIztlr'44:41ist '44ot''t,lea!i''hh::IteilrVdd.'abell' of two
enrtain-rod .ting St: bracelet Is ) t: et..,,, -,4.11e.,. -*-#0.14,.-4.99 1%
and an ,oniity _ vel) ' • bo.t40,,' - neck
,0,4,otouching, :t41,,e,,,,,,oist4n44,,,Iii:are,p7owly.7::,101c1 .
etrngIle the stick an 0,.,n4 Ole-AC.4' . -. .tightr0e, walltRa; '
1:0*". .#1430114.11,0' Pliig'y 13, tt4,/ei4i 41,,ilitittie.g:'1*4141„:"*t"
' S.W:e.1:30.20." '°;7;IellHtltsilrie,:r,-11:1Ylitaa. : 104:: iee711e4:,$,' . 3:1r1:7"11:1));:iii7a7r.:T.1141g::. : : : Waa,;;r7.,Fitg..--svvler:;).1:9P '-'1445431411;'Hri4:Vrt:04t,S.len;:e7W, :4ttaz:e4:17-W1241,e"*.,
l'he idit°14i.° 11* .*:414a4;b°.lit't:eYB*':°113)alit11141144:144''''4.9t547:1.-:11.1::''`;,tb,,;:iTA..istict‘: ' k'* --:)341• 44.4114164144"2u3 -?.4**Ang. ,'-'-;),11r:I'f,t4"—' t,eil71;:!thel:
kill_ , _
e. . to: e, game: 04,ied ‘'",T.3 aw7
*ai...,thi*,,,teemei.• You can then sense ^ 'of. ,b4194101, seSPOCIA 4r. - 7'7"
To ,,plaSt fhb .. gailnei:' 34:41; ' il*ea: '412°14' . •P'' 1644tei,ttirttAAtarla 1110 7t4e7 TUZt, .4a tfie
411).'1111it' jAr *02,_1*".3',°60.,,,,' 4...;,.. ftv!.,,,,' °7LP''', -40rittinj , Oigea-Kleei; Pi*
'bottles; ' All, itn,Fg14.,'•Poqw.... P,‘,..' -1-.-.."'!" jug (empty: .0 ;„courie), V//nieh , has been
4w4t710,110:4,1' 41;6470-44er ,:ar0:41,"°ttill*,),;t41#4,1iixttifils. 004,,,,,;_.9 many, loirtistant.,musookr.polciFttip,"6yri. PaPertc.enlitid ,,,,nPeit4 l
, milts '44-eiftrthe , tj-r-er.7-The po-
w. , .
°1° $474° 4tf ' °I C°14;"4:Iii "e '' °D1‘r :and -keep,bothi-ieet,:off,the "-floor, wha
*Jar itibliiii 4Olj: ',..On'teisnt'.:itift,';'*- .baltilein blinoett.• oh, ko tito ,-
/oy,:er t&e. neck Of thp, bett* 'The ,, , .C', . • . g.
lOte, ',I,vzhe -sitece#6jn getbIng.7.4 total of , '•.. in Your WC-, .
21.7,1110 the' -effit-, ,: - . • -All )the .game :oin.,*koUr Oat'. .' require
'-',Viothespios,,-,-„ , ' -Oak, -a Iliat''ond a-•:4ecic,:of ;Ica,T4ar
. Obher, r'politiTat games or . stunie, -in- Place the bet so that. wheti you 4, ,in'
elude , are' xanr eat:. , :,,viraptii* the ` the . c -hair there-, wilt, be five foot-.1engthe
AlghtroPe -4-ViIting--Vour- iTanw,i.-.and • '
f.00tilespini." the tatter is played as ,
follows: itteiVe, flys clothespins to 'eaob,
guest on& ask each,in turn to kneel on
4 ,:_tistr, facing .t4, 1,041C,' of it. Illte-ob''.
These Special5 .arc Effective.
ilovernher 26th 27th 28th
teak* iviitit,„ 047 Loodi
.0 100ttlActiklgell -en12
trk ilostrsss porittr. Y u
At 10 AltSde AO 04 jcO
thii$owlopteird. OrKe., You'It
ttui tomato jUkt aaezotngbssc
inixtd, ,driMeo ,he toe it to
-fox:cta 01 Onkviitt ROG it Imode
• A' Most dtligiOttt And t!int.t.
•r;',4; tiOASca,
Dotes 2%45 Tin
Julas .244.
catnibuirt .163,....01,Tin
Baaa•1440* 5#1.1102.tiflS 19
shirtin Xew Dessert
California ,DiTainend
New Vresh
Ib .21
Aunt. binth .
So Ito with lnenas if God saw
you, so speak to -god as if =A tottia
-.Ifard Wed('
, If the power to do hard 'worxis not.
-talent- it is talent's: hest- possible , sub-
stitute, • • • •
It is better :to be to
geolso; than to -Seem'wise, and not be.;
So; yet *II, fOr-. the most part, desire
the contrarY.-
reeht on Acessories
By Barbara it Brooks
Clothes do not *loake the mon-so
we havebeenever •since we were
old enough: to Wcar.garments Isror -do
accessories. Vitt tOn.i4Iiee make the
food we eat-atiotter'trulam that we
have heard rituch of since we* were old
enough to cook. On both of these
scores we have a little corner of our
-roindo- - 'which Batt- -contradictorily;
41"Maybe clothes don't make the..mao$
and maybe garnishes don't make the
• roast, but they go a Jong way ;toward
making life more luterestine
We have to bow to the part of our
mind which won't accept a 'truism, ak
wholly true. A Then we tart to think
of food 'without garnishindit,
and unembellished. /t would still be
food, no doubt;but, the joy of eating
it be gone. We.wouldn't feel a
• little--Ivawrof ;plea:tire- at -teeing
lovely, dish appear 'before us, colorful
• -and .fttractive itearrangement Wo•
wouldn't think 'of our nienu'as a &tar
picture into each. food riii$t
blend. We ,wouldn't - have the joy of
-achieving Soinething . new and dif-
ferent in the way of it garnish 'hat
• would make: Our friends say, "Susan
IS so original! I wish I :could think of
things that * *Mort other people
hadn't -thought of before . mel"
food wouldn't be the salve Without
the little touches, the bufelowsi ,:the
added. attrateltionil.-
Cookery Wouldn't be tun if le:didn't
put the itOent on accessories.
For Sotipoz,-creap-oki onet.es al.
ly-orotstont, a course, pop eon if
you like, cheese toast. grated raw
CarrOtS,toasted shredded almonds,
Ric tKrispies, *dm vtbi eresIn,
whipped eralin e thoirpt
arrt"palsirs.1141nd piptikbhe irdBea;.1i'uttatlititdo*
between, your rlght foot and the,
14 the deck in .:Our,lert.haalit,
vtitat trie.right elbow on Y041' right knee,
deol„the*eardS one At a thiie 'UP* the
deck ,Oxte theaiat with the right ,litE.I•nitt.
Do not Push the','eards, but ,111,1k, then
/row** TiriStp as though dealing ,0*Oss ;
wide table. A otu.cr tatng on tlys
43014 of the hat .does not 0.0sut,..*lessiis
,subsequent card *pocks it In The,score
1 dcterzn1tid by the 'number
,AustO the 4144 alter 0#*P.
sta4,...arit :deck
• •
keep, your minds eye color -conscious
-amt• accent 'lout- light soups win
bright .garnishes, your, gay soups
with -light garnishes grated rev
. carrots -on potato soups/salted whip-
ped cream on creamof tomato.
For Salads -tiny pimiento rings or
strips, finely chopped green pe pers
10 -chives, shreds of.:-.Swist,ehee
bran, match sticks of carrots!, wafer.
„thin slices of sweet. pickle, "ohees of
hard, cooked eggs or finely rlod yore,
grated raw beets, nuts whole, shred-
ded, or Chopped, watercreop, curly en
dive, tomatoslices, thin sitio of
truffles, celery hearts, chicory, tiny
cubes of •cream cheese, antliovyfit-
lets, lemon with fish salads and pars-
ley -long• may it wave! -
Just to show you what the little
1=01.mi' can do -fer-toodrite-glyelou •
• ready -to -eat breakfast cereal, add
a Bit -of fussing,and presto- We 'halts
a creation that makes 'breakfast inn
for even the sleepiest of Pis•
Poiched.Vithele Wheat Bisctilt....
4 whole wheat biscuit; 2 tablespoons
brown ougatal • / tableoport butt#rr•
1* tips.
Put bitettito in shall** biking Pittl
or pie ptini, Sprinkle with sigar;:flet:
with butter and Our milk around
biscuits. Place pan in htit,ove
(450 'degrees 11'.1' about, /5. minute.
$erve-,holt, with, warm milk front, the
Veld: 4
We owe a great:1el:4
,tioirit*Oitt Our -faults. .
Nights, Use an
Electric Heater
• Warms thproom in a few
Quick, clean ;And economical
•See- the latest style in
Oft display by leading dtglers
, and 'a
RE7OCAll Fall and wAnin:x:REAso•milignerstiomjearin'ynog at reduced Prios;
GOTI-JAM "601'...1) STRIPE". HOSE. 40.0ifort. -Or
We 'hike Your Patronage
Stedit-if Bappineas
We do., not -know.lovt-eheap----tbe
iieeds Of happiness are, Or} We should
catter them oftener.