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The Goderich Star, 1936-11-05, Page 8
-•- 4.41, • 4 an ioltitton An, due ,th ter Vilinfoce441 4141140 to ultiete• ,44rtelyt both wei gather, *04 the et one brought the tog Of both„ yfolks *hoot to thlt* Alikt you thought • *V lee to Vor0t0, nitetint0 * calla' and trips to tat to get the *Pill, allatf of Jesale A2'14110.4 $.17 't4p4t,- etc,, aere te this• toriblis OfsitItel4" that re, ct L' x');,Ywitt°4. toltplio th /,,ou ure,g Pitt end charitalae lomnity. of the event .144,04 401°' *itit tute tOrist,of the e. 104$0 *tau th Art , an , 0414, !L' yr: 44' I vleir ..",400:' a*14•,..)0'' 4404% °4r4,,l'• t144°,.r, Ili,e1C': 4°4' t3444-4 '40 t ' Isvdz the nt,•'• ,. '..x.t ..Lher tan•rogue. 11, 4004' ,,Mr.:4410tli,a. 0 t...bhe weiltra4s001.:.02: $140 ,1.11' ts" t® in - , ,Of mthgrnton tow , ix1147i,,,eiroliiit,4004:$' .0:::::e;:t,t100,411,0H1t,h,g4,170170 0, )rtli,,..,30001.41., t ,of 110 41.pe. to ;:..".t u4,14:0:,,m0:,i4j41,:ct4t,11.04.0::: offlc t,:;,141,1104914Aeizolvo._,..0. ,:gix, ovf: o :0,.. 441.4,11'.'4:ar, ':ut.t.'7p'or?,,U'o:'1;11::ei-7.1:1**71:tectlt4144:4:7., ,w71:"..'*13,1f4114414:b.',..::"1.40t..r.'1414:31:: , _, oulb 'Xhe tbe ¶Th dan ' to, . . il,, ,p,401c.,1440.1 -, ,,,,,,,,.;1). ,itt, 44*....e4s..eo.4041,,. . ciii- „it-'0X:.:4%':$1:4:40ers'.. .,,,t t Lake nyir-sikotooet bondi. If,* .litsiroz$,,,,:?:,6•011:4.14,3140,10x4 a lego‘ara.thett,, 1,........' vs::: $00.4.1ene, were phiyett'. 144,, '14444 '., .. ii alodilia.e)uorvo:,,tor '4.0,, 1‘40i,,.1•T.4,4,..iistx:•.twbiltn.:::,i,i,' ,*.004:11:04,eli,..:ilit::,::;1-• molert.7:.,::!.t.0„of,,r,:,,the .::00.,,,ieWtt,,, , )r..,,,.04,c,e. itttv,;:tirnie.ttien,:it:on-ot ',,,,aii. th:t.:7-601.101a:. 'ovtoolitieavi;m7be:eh'I. ,11,40).,:::400:1110;: -,Dan. "4.401,44•„, .„ '10'14: th ., IA .. ,.. . ,P, e ' en4 'Ivereelltd,.. -., ‘ 47440 ." .,.., : arie-- 40,-.10.1.1oNyet,•i,County,.,.- ., • the AO4:::009".01101:11:.1::.':4:::-'14.aear.anoa nocd,,,a4.... a •,/, , .e a, .1, 1, a , , , s, 7., .:ao..' ,e, . '...:. ,', , 1;;Atia.'.1,,IrlAW`i101; 9(17:°r,#01i1101?,1:,011:0'A201/4i4,11:".. Slio,Iftttc1:9 Highway,'-`".'. ean houkl he Ld to uie ,X ar 65, in OSH It Is wait lon fre ---iiiitif.,:tii:a.,;.;4'ilee . kteittitiot rd .4'4',1. , I 0 i . v _ r 0 lob. 0, , , : : , ao: t:h .,11 e' not °ai t, _' iitall,a41004 ' sP ':x ton' tes7, tra; ..0 .. , ' , :: '''' ' : . , i i, ' the .; do it *. 1 ' : '' i t v i 1.':' ' , ". . 4 : '341r4., is , ci' nearing ,0 9 , ar' P7t . :4;', ,.:4, '1 r°. °;t:iott :ivii l'''' ' i i to, 4,11 i 1,i.t 44, ,‘.6: of fs' : „.it4i..4.esse,3*.., :0,..441,14•••'' .4,•:14:1:44:d,cer.Ses,,.';,:,..f',...1c)",!*ly,,,n1;'4.14°,14tel301,,°11;.vn,,-,1' „notTlieve.thereele 9 ., i court, jury. 'it 4 4. was pate Om, ;tees'!" -404''PA#0100,0'7'.7"-'-- Iii' ''', J,1-4 oli'iittai:;,)1htSi g 140i,', ''.,L' 'Aci •'t•'. 14ii: Is: • Irle. egrdteri':iii" - —t the '"140g'''''er`":'''"1,,t,l'ilt.."0-iierete*.sH•I'-different' ' PP40*- was passed'.:.'" - ,..1 Ore* .X#400, ' " : ' -414) ' '-'''' tt.' 4.11.:4.: 't71 ' 'ttrtir8''';114::: .::sglif:Ofilt 14'.'Siiiiill,'S.:'.G4n0i,:0•': - ' 0 •• no ,, preeentvW '',*sonmAsteett •Vti:lat;: P/A001::0 i .losebArt . ,, Itotod ,01,,40004134,,her,.::40007.444,000 ,• or .the :,-.:The'. ,„04:-..lita*Iitolk .Council mo; bera ,r than iit,voin, ,or. tadenttooltni,otratte:10,n,:pre,ot t mutif:::11,07i4.0:1r....04,:koii_rroti,:t,::: tv..or 4rh,..,...,0::::veroty,14,s..trc:71,toli.5t. ,:.4:1,:4*;uhle:lteet',.,:t.,s,e0t,'on::.o,:tarta,::: , her ahlit's!(.0[:' -,1--g-d-',...27 too,„ Joultr,,. , „, , o , p," ,e,,,I.,!•3/41,4r4,7,,,,,, snip coux 1 .ii. ili*O.,*di;',0,#.004:'F .. ,-, -• -the:, rates- ,, . . . current: otrente,,, .'10fre", . °.':'°: r3. David''''.411:.""fii.Org:S7r1;tia:. ' 'A , ,..„ ., . , . , • , , . -- - , • . - i5,i.,.y... , '11.161r,,,,-7.- NOV.. [is.' :or! : i 00, 01‘ *°, : . 4 .. I #.' ' - owingpaidht s O' : ac t' - c '''45. 448- - 71 44 - '7! i :a 'n- '1424 °44" 11:° ;4;1: ' i :?i4};: 7: :: i9 ::;'?i a.'Ys' , ; . ,;,......azOlif.41,4er-47,... 4itatti..e- -,-,ee,... _ , 'Ius104.:ilifihosirlel*itirk,'06,,114170..a..44,0- de' 71. :iii,Yt, ,iad,i4.4tiaVititH,t,,tit, tIthif..",::;t44.ertr$,Li,'',,•otitt,.,_,,,, tiL- 4144*i;e4;:fm14:r*/$1..,04.•' i044°1•10,11,TTA-41-*:'49,7*13*mi,l's.7,117::.1171:1,41114;eteeje#0•-•;,',1:niatiPiemet,:iso...14.:, ,i'14', ice ' p 'elti'Ontr,',"'UOggliT ---: . .;-": ..*,(:'W.;•','IiVe0onc'' -..,,,,„;,,- • Eiiiho.-eie'et,1$ 1'54 W.,-,•'• . ,'' - -°''' l'A,:• im-,'" -, .4)4._.60,t• seSP4-- ''' 4'9' ' tell of it U•e'lt110•%1,t ••:-Aniii.e.••044'1•1041r-77".* '• ,--,#41%.• 4-t " r',W,.-:;•4*.ol,titi-',-shooP'• •c--''' "''''... $1,;60:, 6.i.a;*J!.1.41,4•1*•t-, t? t'. ' : ,';-"'' ' ' • rt .411 i - - ',,. ' t- , ; i, ,..,,t Lhree '• i , Grant, ..., ,,,•0600 ,,inspocppx,: a 4 44,tictifl..,41,;.Titn4:-.Z/1....(TiTillil.;''''-010.-*-#P.,.:tegaitr.2!'liviis;:0-:ILL,g0 . - Anderson, ' '' ;ailli'vPiis 1 .1. telling g,dCompany1tia! ' li h; P, mi:tai : :It I ,C' -,„ ' 1 ,* ) '*:i I, 74. ' . 1 1. Great , ,- 4 ..'7,,, , , 118yoti t: : : • kLiterg14 1 :itl. ,,,. .- Pap- t -ittt,- i , t,,,t, , .':41,:r4..:1'0":11:1,#gni.," i'1,1-,,:'Izt,,e/•- ,47011611,4,..4441,14.4:::::!:,!,e,,,i't''itl...,..fil.:146:.?4,is.t.-:(xiw:;.!":14.1 ji!itotz.,,Lttli;e1:4:4'1:4'x741:vz'o.,0:09-i'g'on:,81i':;.,;*- ',$'1,06___O.:=01,..i,,PIIt.a:ete11,,t.,t4..lii...W-.,--44111.;°' itroxit.:',0.h..;e1);::::::p:4132,":',4i,,':Cti,14:::0::litiii,es.4lic.',, av,-aid liv, . , , . , ;,....,40,octs,,,w4.0, , ..'., A,. -.1,,.4;,.- ..,...,ao, .,.-..7t Murray, D. . •"44 ,riever.:bren -.04-to , 4•!!ed. -.- . ,. :.: col.,7...iiiti; 7.t1....it...:1,0,444',...' iiii:ozif.i:i_lx:r...,44... ...:4*' 'Jr444,..„7:, 1,11. i.11.1r4:4e1_1111400,41,t00.4k ?ort 4-rxt later :In IV November pt4. .4,;.1410 '1),* , .. '• r: • 40004000. ,,hori• ),,Hrreik 41404 'propt and 917S you , 4 to . „_, , „. ,01* or euy•,011at.h11, balm: 4140•04 ord,073114itei w•ioa‘...loo4f), ,i1u.0),0,0t, rttiolou , ,I•itI.114rai4sysi,Ano,Iteoti: ,all*id esfl imagine 'my:: State Or -,,,,..-0,' is, azt.s0VVO.;,.70#.1; ' - . 47.0r: griest..,V4 ia 0 0070,itt 0i4d.4413',10 and loss 444 tit '.1-01••.04hAed IQ. v,e1,"%,Xela;ttve",! te • it. ii n4-41044,11•1*', jrztod),,,,,-'-•1. years T h4v.iu.84‘only,'Ohe•Oettli4ent • 4. '..art t...0 -44,0i.:4„4.19,1.14.)1.1,,.4%40144"1.1'. A • • vir; l'} WS 31WI:$ wlth iCfl , *443.4104, ,:lx4X1:9iita*'r 01)1;1044itii#3,741*t: 44 ..!i.' 7.4 e 04, , , , a i s' ' :i t 't: It: 1"::: '7: . 11°1::. 'ilf, aee 7344::41%''' ' ' •1. sIro tch , . -44,13,-,,,, The other , timeswere,•:.„ ' Tito. tarifa' 040 If * .on '''cart'i:Al''' lituirwliome; , lite 4 bilideo," Or these ,Pas ,efl seven 7 a '0,ii, i' It .0 'ehnOt•:',1td11,-,.'!4' :C '.. ../•inl.,!,7,- •-•-'5'11' ,'„r4,,0,..%pit. itshollgreateat:i''d..0.',44:.pat;iter-it,:s4114,bli.r4Hctl!w4e71: '*hat p��r :,,, . 4 .,. . ' dohigAth gekt- - - .,,K. Lt•shY .who will - hear oith.. eneni 474Orityllfe-:Vrall etliieye:irl .on-..,. 01 * A: '' ' '''probably' oftet .041. *wet:- e?C.00Ok ..,.,.„. .11 iffOttiggt;'0.17f9r1c* 'end: Sioir*It; hope to WITU14 he ef age. 11';°' 4' t`111' li'.°11,141,141: ')), ke good illy eiii*Eleinerite;" and that aufter,, heei;use ,they,i '-"woui*41 • .,4se by that. time. ,.. • • eh . kimsi- in.tur.ante •Pelteke !itie 111:1-...13.1.674. .:0-'._ ,G 04o.,.poney is •in. the h4ntht- et ,!,th,e_cet:.• ., -party when. Jherrewe4to h'17,•,.. 1,11.64941.' ,moueroh,,.:!tbei- ethers -8;r0 • theft', , ixi IOW r:e 004,i YOU ple tie viit)t wit to • 60 otette Wit for the t volt! ee ;hoot Nov. • ,--Ula)*''M. 0. Rutherford t)iti :•weele.,:0114*ir,fguestg;pf,liftie:: 71or4' itiet.$4tartfc0V4nston, .1 • • IXrasi Earl Gan* abtended a family 4thher honor 44. the' 147- r%:7,1hother;-cliilrh.-2410OhOf4,14n4(i.s:t, oti:.her birthday, Saturday. ALUarzall AtOrt' 64-:*:er6":"1111°17:14•";1411:71 going troni,tnfi Utter i)leiee",,tJtved q_' e' . R41.1110.,;' *me erhet YO.0.‘)Ei•fe'F', or; title in 1013 the eriliiviient` -of 0,9rAt40118,4teftentegt Pleagilnir 'tine for the •suceeeethl Hallowe'en reeAdi and neighbors, , on, the- conoession,-gathered .the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Durnin on Wed- hesatty evening. and !resented the newly...weds with A „Pak', wicker etenOileitere,-with* t, tin' 43hester ,Taylor7ineludedr74414 Mk. Toni. Taylor,.1.4tat7 Will lay - or,"• Vairier,;,',41L,of ,1,31yth. • •• Mr. And Mrs. O.:Todd; IkLr.'4: Stanley TddMiR. 3. Wood and Mrs. E. JjS3T-At- cc, -•TuOiday-'7' Vgg spent, Saturdayat Stratford, "gterneep„ bxe.ek Inirise.,;e0htahi,, 'rho basement or 7., th-6,7--Irfilt--d.e. litita, "0 ,rockii0Y: tiEd0rtifftltr.'re-; -ohurch With:its Maur, apPropriat,e.det .turn, poet office ‘And:reeetie *7. gas,.0. it cLurioN. under titigo.4 ,IT01).1 Yi. •. VsseX- In tau about Ahree Anette stewart; Asst. , ..;societ rrlday evening, P. • health "But roan' u lawyer." fairly 604 to he.4trint. veeke.prior birdeatii, When; iine,tnif- Som. two 'Currie,. 1)urint'. the -,blialnees period he1d on reit' tikes 'PaPerIPP', ' :,... ' •- . funeral Wee hold On 'tl.ini4ay IOW bee t feituicitig : 3:+toPlim.:,...,wal_,' presented: a,dz;.' • 4".1)„1 vrogr.am, ,..oposting of solos '14T e4.;•..bi,jr*.','?,'' 004 Ma' Lordship.:Z-674'...IttfirP!:Qs4.?44841:1141e0. "'-;:' ri"t' :11:tot:to.,:ecl:vic:11,:r4m01111:774 ji'.e'__,Act':gii:t,tYt:::::j41igill::41%1T;'riu:!'xi itt!''''l ',Yoh thehoht :that% thy:114a; tolti...: .othrT.,. and lest Thursday e.'IrOg !/77 • ' - ' ' Th '•presented -61`o , 4344 fOr pip:115,600 ,etteree ..og t#.1rd,,.:. A40, her -death %followed; The',..r.The' V. '.0, 8. No. ,1;, ,ExPre,'..._.,1,,were-lpieet,ai . and,, Ark . J 7 'I bite' known , lawyers ,.• ' :' . lite home, .110,..x.hisurviyede;: • wtth, :gerronttiseiLr :!slizeri,51;; ,•• cum, Oraig,•ot Oratteis; ,Seettriind .Virt4 ..orti. AOte,4rones, Harold.- w.,,v.riusw40,- -Al ..iyiaii; 4ridi.a reading by Mrs. Duston- tra, Afrs*r.re(gtv.-iCantitr, ..tin:s1,A?iy.'' 4'',figt: °A"..);it : you ,helieved_. ihatfr' 0,Ayta, 04.04t, Lakes , paper had avii- Oroith.-of se*, 4wshosh„--who .1fleited-=her 41 ' ore Pateraoh; l'0.1.01na `JeUe)Oria ',11.04 Deocioft:, . The 14,ige,4, Ito:„_,:li, ,..g. Yee?' • ,.."'hetore lir' death', : - ' ' : _.ond utigar,d ,,nivett,origiiv,..of HO. too"Rpcst;c-i:1:,t, .,,,174ft-14110eyaglieitizatfilbja:vg loot:'?t. Ittlr,e';lool?j; • loeth7, ,;4Nifghti. z'IVF'111Zrtt DO‘i. firAitztOtZt.ij;`:1-1:::' Mr.. Bond then *anted, toc" kno• w party , next,/ ' in' the ,.basement of the, ,c1Mrch,". and :krinie-, natiedtoi; school Over tri:eIrtred ithe Ulowing•its4rie Winners": hit, ilnigat4,44,4eolared in his let- irizieh was enjoyed by. * larke.katherint, Anette Stewart', drill, 'girls:, -., et' zdhleor in '‘the Masquerade!. ° FatieY.,Slressaa" , iL hi • , aditeDoret*--..-:-Atilleailer-41.ref; eliviAthat- il;ttARtft','Pg* P ' ilia''-eventnrivelSO:gttparWrot h*-.--readittr-Derlehaecd.,'-0041511---1! ahmiiitn^il. ItealUt111-0.'wontaSitleii*te-r-itn'fi'litlit ,:8WiTire-i.r.`etile14116'.43:1: 4*i1.11146" PoC.i1841COV4400:"Ati-gilii:s.i:r,jatelliettlant.,Sti, erodautt‘ St:*sreatfileei.a',C40,:: ttatelvvY'lc;ICuad*tintfr, 1,!;r..:•iwtetieftnilticiti,.1:3.41.4;titiose. d'ed:(3:114' :I'lillgeir4, ddeillitiss:;11V;Dct*4./IllifyeeilliWt;i4cebill?itallitietit;.:: at , the. . es ' ' " ' tA .:31t6iellit'in "ii1411-.et‘ '4e21111tt. lieTtee'r.!;00-Illir:VaH10921431:!Pa', team*" : I Tneinue Xrwlii. of :yongrhatn, Arid ,„-tlia, Nigoni, 'W.liteehurch.'.....,. , C Ive".‘)Iell °•- B1116 ' • g 43,0t#1. 'lliliostsies;.., 'child's ,iste aliengui few*, al.,Eugh )44,10kha ' r ti ' Ztir iti r 4'it' !r:i i: - Z ' ; 'IIti 4. ti "' 110: .1:tt=41:3' ,.314iiiiit?Z. ‘ink, jetIn•'.'4it.'.7°Ivrir,P.Ir.-,4,E,941.',141111°147:611: ar4t 'tile: ii:tzel''''Wa'.4° lirrant ./Ytitt%iriti.it 'IswIlvi.tcitte. loaut:::1:4'askkeim'Paaoli4-"re'skit°:"..4: .w4uenanit al'P'xitlri‘'ili'"i47:7tel3;Itrtiniettle4Itti:::,X.co'..3. (73.(litt.4iroeb:0,,,,11,11,1*ayu, -..ei:Il.htUtiti:i331tociP:son.:edtri,,i,..(lublji:1.7,t.itrotil:407c;:;71tilgezr:5144 ,111°t,,l'hogi)-6 ...44EdartAdl iit.11' 154P" 14;:::::::a'w.71:::: .41:1:13,a :di t'. .°1:(' ' ' :11Mrs.6Lorne611ie11 'hand OVot. itoUtprptitto. ' _ ,rpsaee: VOW duet, 44,10 June and *ias‘l. wok - Pen • Ruggard explained that: they had. :tortriev_._. (07...antwiti'clirlt:14;rtlile?d, ,06:.;:7rit ,.0„ ixr mxt. ,,b6,4tcoirling,fri,..iumsit.alvitttai7diguo:10 *01=4 . navy s, a r 16bt ofvz , 1 4"4 : Gen); zitat:„ . ., . , 4 , , .,,, . . .'1 -Woods reply Immo:01irsra, . ,t,. ts•nom.;t 04.t, .. thevt..li: 1,niyouphr riTt games :h.;:astat adlii oendn, ,(xiliraraitliiiil:bc:e *urea 04 what Would let him. out. % CJalre 0044antoaiitseheyt'zwteuraotwlieturitineg; !:044Tr• hthe,tyi,: :9"5,7,,,„ter.:er: 7.4,nno. turnert ,,a, .dratut by. two , 4 torivrn , 9 humorous- ourna _ , tac'llrhiestrelie' 11-';'1:1441+;*:$4.1intildiffie.i. "ic.in'tlitts; Yl. ‘Pl:ii "t4 '1°841)th-Vitial. -1431i64.4i:ICtut lhert'u*: 1 t e?ct6Ite'll1Psand1,41ePri":71andr: TocHrit.u1)';'ildiT''7,.101.,:e?ertart-d7u..Pi:il:T3i; 1)4117 70t-ian,:-,71'1i,;7, wasp eaidesme:orirliwting.t, vitze:7*. .,4.elr's;::::'111,7cIte:, "At:that time-Mite-5Win-told me, lilit41*4'. 1164° iti "17°161d° 'lea 137 .3°n 1714 litredecirter has luth a . new 'N7,71gteietilitirlie:,1.4.;;:e- ,.i.1.$1017441,,,,ebloStro4,141 Ore, at,ioluo:fOur points , Off • that Itrol ,,,,,:mu', .,:titbh:',4:,,,011001 tt.4tararr -h t'''''.17;Iti.' ' *.ana4 7. ' 7m:!liP.:.'pr'eheld on 'ItunanisdalroevienronALIve,,,,c, 41,„, Olio Sienrities , Omirnias en." ., i' 1444 1114 bean *seliedi II'. til° (:ir'- 8.,441:::11414:4211)°1;:tlei' 11;itsetlegt 1:44. tlr'''' 41- . t'e4H*.',":i' (irk, upOn tbe lioi" 11641- purchased chair. .tit, es 0 deaLciiiiiie .4,1?lere you 'sitisfied •when -Mae* ail told 3704 lie Conirt haOlie huri4.. '4*"146i"4'''I'rtedeisit *Tet„11!-,.:5,1141,1 '0 ...*. 131L.10-3.!Illt'tcac 049-41' it.bding vitr, lottqloue . webster: 'Vesture; to 'nelti, Yenietts to'have4t completed „no, Local: outak. united for ms; VirbiettiUnrd. ' 04%41' On' the • topie ettight. ,fullyliegliterear .. •Wre-OrealtIont.' Anettft: tiOtewart, wt., maw And tne totitOkteri. auoAl„ltudl ktirete:*klatia„:1,1tioitwt'lltheaeititataniedtiatdeitlad.: ititkoiht tidy; loattof .0t 3,4,001 raper, phe, earl pr IT tehtn:1 , Tho iiiituass Said that slouse.! teat'. by porothi. Mltler, attarou afterwards 'told hiM that - --• • ,. • - i -vilbsiummiii, 404 tiehrin4 Slier. Would'Itive'te lift:the Uncle, that o bankAitasn't''satiatiel '. .- 00%0 , p40.,truilit, .14 is: ,:ituittatiS "What :41d he say. about the ator ' attetoey?" **hod, Ilia Lordship. . aeut.j'rus, t. III. 4_ be ***, baviag Mittgatd Old that he had written, loittor-to-bli.Avits-l*.Viaotarszi!* met d that he had submitted it ' Mh.4L*ren0iter . SI t441.4; thr4140 poll' Miert,a11414mitt, 414 The case itsa peontoti-at lap..th, I4, toiatteate the top drestei at My deck, front orate tor %GOO, share ,ganitoha igaatem. crIch: 1100 a '- vertifitAte., 2,090 ,anares Trarklind, thet-beipa0 to *O. The eigvo, loh--`01W-10t- ie deek in the. back Oct: •liate ot. Porton* ari4 the# , would, riot racouplds. losses: thom costume,: *14 Vtizes servett - auggerd, explained to the court awarded se tolibwat .,•14adra faney, boris Thoinpson-trwhl 'contained' t iktitt r - EE'ptonat exeininelt. bv ""415 : *pet only at meet moderate Conau'hItnat .Jewelry Store *D. theiiislvtievt Dodge in the Lowest -price field. - Thesenew .Doilst 'Cars set new ;standards on, beauty and -performance. eaturallutt hoe made ,pcidge+ fankous, Hydraulic brakes; safety. slot body, Alreglide ride floating.power, We been re. tined to ere, you the best ride you've ever had. You'll: want tt seethenew Wiry of thest-hewr,.tars.—xteater stylsh Appointinents AO rich ,r;ornforte So be sure and sce rthe 4937 Dodge cars to -day. *,our Dollar Day Special3 n used.tatSc-,,seven Orti'llsw soft- -font 4150;---4' Timp 11P a, .stesAy„ buSineas'of . your • aviin in ,your home -town: pd.' free elf 'oppbrturtit " for ainbitious Vign. • liter • ron11"1.6.*:_11:t.'1.11!:_elill'i7tYlialle';171.:r'Iliiierl:Pit:"0 ' ewe, unnecessary. No le Goode , sett • "oattilOgu' e Ylvd: 'to to InAzatahric CO.,.'576 ,at.- pieur4. St., Montreal. 61.-45 , • riseolax Mora* Court opanad (Mar an 1100 Into thls•;rtiOrning. and * Wt. eroltd, of poopis Ned in to hear the latter part of the: Crown taw Mr. irarmsr* .rbittchniting expert gaY. daniagIng .400tiltAt.141% Wt now have sheds, and wif! be carrying a stock o fl 1$414 Of t.4ai Support the med_respon. id for the cheapest fuel prices itt Oodetloh,n 25 _ . . .rehahse - wanted to take over hushiess 411:017Ahg.'oustothere• 'with -feirootczatkiek. Troduots,...Attroder,4 Average,, f'Weeklt *ItiOcone S•12.50,' lence..'unnecessary. Credit:. Airplane& . Ivatt. 004001YR, The J. R. Wat- klns 00Zallant '477 Masson St., treAl Quebec. ' • . 42-5 Nov. 4.—Mr, and Vire... Frank IlatkOire. of TorontO,were Week end '004s at the .homo of W. 'John Cowan. . Ities,,,l'esite..140e_ltitkitt, 1,41.5). .1/Pattie Of Toronto soieie Ionia on .seoday, " vo_desith occurred in *ten o IiitilLi.A4.144114,,,A*Atongaz,'0.0lobet, . of Farquhar 7 Finlayson, Ott Or Dews, 414 Finlayson of Lochaleh in his 22hd, are tte is survived by his father* nine brother* and three *Wert, funeral which :Was largely iitt,edids is held On In „Litichalsh eaznote4 Mias Cetheritte Macdonald oto Leer. firilie-iriek 444- - tee OrtAtia Zatn belt Or takknoW snsnt Sunday' at the berne, John 10145.14 ANTED ANTEill--11004: 'Tim:* Liberal- *1- ,, lawance made' on your az*i., tires or ;new • Ooroinlons, AT IIINVERS SERVICE.. STATION, "•21.pinilton and retpria4.. ste, 29-tf; , AllITED.4-Gardenis to dig, lawns and 704 to clean art read$'',401, next- . . summer', Ank, kind of outside Work. 13ii0V .snovell,Ing, 100 ..Per boute, not hieluditit.. garages. iliktcittlx0.�WOH 13017RITri '801it,4 li3t. 4541. j OVACOB liatirtlaV 43,11/1cg that it', 'eyed, wit be held, pursuant 4xi the, OntailottIVOtere Vat Iii.Oti#14 hit '1160.0'. the 'Mate, of the, it:/Ounti 'Court ot•the Conti Of Ofirono At the Oottrt .1tonee, Ooderithr on la,rictsar., the 40th • del of Nvember. 136. ACIA(Leeleok414.....th* forenoon to bear stin4 4ieternitne • totn-, puma ..erros* 4E4 omission* in the IrSer** 413t a the AtterdelPalitr ,of the, Ibion• Goclerteh•:,for4the year 3W. • 1114641: *t-Goedcb. the 3rd day tit ttoroabe4