HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1936-11-05, Page 4574, AtXBUBN !for— Miss far int! Mr, .atnith, of 6tra ro were ti pn Sunday: B. C. WOO.' 444 Bennet lelt on Monday *VorOnto en route for SudbUry, where expect4 to ecUrG 41000,1404!,t4 mg ott Mr &nd the marrnge of their Mrs. nice, ill?. lv At the 07041ber PleetIng of Mex- indra General and. Marine Hospital, ield on Fridayl It was 401404 to elect o membera to °crowthe pogitlens ormerli iormuOit'd by the late "rilOS. non. a 'nays was i.1)- polUted Vige-Preslaeut and Mr. &odors, Seoretftr7, the lateconnon having been )1)tit Yiee•Press- dent OA, tee rY for sometime 0 a e a . When la*" tooPer'S meter 'ran into truck, it meant *disaster to his cartirttoicmisc,:le but little1mPt5. The renaIns of 1,117.:arn •vefetre g.sttliered up and 're- mOv..ed. 4001)Or and -hie comPim bfl forna .the wreckage unhurt - sorvnbled Think wc1 over your *Itportart steps In 11f0. *41,1%444 m1040 Your min1, rover look \143:114; * 8traughan, lion,' - ',: Iv! t ..„ ,. line tO 'the. ug s aowe , to be the. pIaY U3 c*Ued ii:', erteotten -Inr • felt VP,Ing le o 43°4446411. $‘41 l'yt-tOti,wo:3111-uki-°,inid Iii.00,11,4 , 'elii OM; A" not likely, when, . %hot ow 'ton .. 7, 'Hank" 091masi sem ..,dehar goal by eAtoding the 4 scramble in front at the ,winning' this, game .0odetiolt fn - it ahead of Seem* an Clinton. c ' time in 1 t e get' the erpons' 41. ,oet, a .011,4* f:arok(Itliv:e.tilr,ohermaed:ext:i.eed''t!lo..77*a'batasinte:uot,into'S:11541410g,4,1:1117h1; C11 e ss1d that 11. bad be t lie but bon in goodloAtliiiT4tion. .‘04.90.,:: borfeaa,riiliamises. tcda::.sop:::111.::::11:004::::::1: , doctor since Ilt,,,1.9'347r all); :e.:440:.**et-ttliira., 4-010:4;i)7"..pi!"riu"e:t,iu:Ibtlti , breai, - tut rrhaga 00 , •twO: Inen ' e, orgiosi. , Kuroon ., Ina eetor h 'a ' " tot-' ' ' t149' ' ' '' " d t t 1) ' . _ , 41imilt,...,c0 1° never ,reMS.MhOred Sig'illn"F 4eY ' °t31' Rha 'A01140047 is ,t0Ot 100 ge, Our/lett ' WS?* '*o pet the* Ortgillia' ** 1,, ii",,,lisullatOtiali,114.11,e: w,,,_101.,:ro :lilt: Eleinl, 1, .01: otroteprotoiiyalvietaotivbig n 00,0* Mr. ',Bond *104 up a `Photostagav *.t Year And 14719854 had ift•ster= six wed it to her but later called fr4r b#,ohlY per cent. andtiVeseta taking the 'OhOtbetat1,0-00PY Ca lei& Unsbiesa " a -few told him. to leave the OOPY in 00 •Q401 ViOt to tsdclOIC the bemmor*4 courtroom. His Lordship sharply re* e, s0atgewfitond for his Tenarks rptimarkdst. , bac. on ffslde. It. t asano4h, eiehtlit,ten', teen age lade &nl 1 er ,tid .04 00* p„, o 1 tlie school, lliled' :stove :and topped Orr. with.,tho teacb- 'desk.. In 'isOlto Or 06 At'et*.- that, . there 1:1;144e4r*Iloon-li°,1,14'(theISOuptilll:ba.e''ti44.6"ng .,'°gocn.n *a" alternoon to ,a. ,nei,Vhboruls choo1 .4, lielloWeen program) there t had bow:evidently enough: OW In the ashes to Start a. lire.' WhichWas not , pcevere4....nntil. Sunday Sitornitig,:''When. -1*4•431i, '1104,,;00n#100e4; the 'stove, 'W4t6 104.04 that desk. Weed and 'floor , - xut43.1*-03--14010),. 4000.3. .is no basement. Vhe :veVerOct OrlY: insurance except the tea* idents happen out of lun iu es7-04-th*-Yethig :to*. GODERICH IMMO According to tO cauedisiciluk, fields. are net obliged to ' produce 'harnt and-. everyone regrets the whole :epiode,bave through At a team of ur`match held Mon- such document e 'except thretigh. 4- ea --'91ne back fl* '115' 44 tea'onell7thi i4euvitse4479`teeraemlserla"'CrtileIle:. 1)1)1;1°4 1:gr''time.h. pr(;da.ce,i' $104000„ r and Mrs ate 6 Three teaits tied, for lst Islae.;". via of DeniiWoo, of ((ataxia bonds, num e, apent thq--weelt-euctith the for 2nd Place.L.' The teams bers brothers, Mtgs. Wm. and 'has. for ,,,vsitt* 11'4 matches were: 60 and A-4-97444,,' testified that- Strauchari. Jere,. 4, M. ,Yoluiston, Mrs. P. the bonds Were received, as collateral qnd_ atirs. Sturdy,Nirs4 areY, 0,114 M. ana` "I,a5t for the NatLatell: and Fletcher Co. 4 • 447.t:$014* ‘13130,4414.4.. ioallgte43r,t4e weeklirerfs. CraTigi-7er Mrs. 17, L'.71C";;;;71914Y. '*Teu'ihere waser.a 76toct4;4°Ter-fotkfft'i!r7: -and Mr. -and Mrs, W. P. Saunders. ney attached to the bonds. The ben -4s ext Sunday, the regular equiro 'and- , registered- in' the nano ‘of., ./oehl-viurcetti;,Wip'ti,t4rra(itIloelry4, seUt °J;:tes ..°01tA M:r1n* and Mirs. aAiiifislYitetet first three ' Athieeinxill'ig4074 Cionir Ilcbeellialieraliald;:thte° official ma day eveinnt# *-- ..;_ashe- car ,for the Veit- was well- here,,last Wednesday, 'with potatoes, tar-, nips. on,s,In'eser.ves," 'XitO2*- it4epterober.- noweverk Campbell • • • ey '-'1.°m- Bolore examjnation of James D. N. 0turt'Vagh, assistant manager, Torouto whileiC7i.ifteot,,,rptiyele5.7ivioninteataainnad..4:"tehelx:00 -7.1tVf`-'06 llidaWROtt-thatlire'ot-ift g' after it for linrit, and stated that* be wanted •"Po b erUffed 4Vitien;,of june,r8th*, 'play sot that, loud*" Mr Cs the:Crowit,...,It.stated bureart.1,lie,documen,L,2-: aug' mon Mias Camphell said,4*that gard had never.at any itime"refuscd, her foth'er` had ;not been in.. Toronto to his depoSit be* and he alwaV -rielsituessAdontifled:•-4he sign t were nine ,'130,tida o.sirned~-70' aptwer-t(r-tr-uostioii.-L1;:y7,WL t000dgkrothaehbi:ni19;itanv:Pritau tatc1:1;e:Ii:eve he had not 443104 the power Of attorno 104. testified that 't0 re - thein Campbell Skated: th is the transfer of the: bou4,, Did You sign it?" vvres one of tho queatioe3 or •Denies Signature , in the ,past 15 or 20 yeara. 4 iven,,aske4. "340,1, was. the answer; 'Hugger4 )114' pat the bonds in his own safety'. deposit box at firat because there 'Waa'not"an empty one. available, Seth' Mr. Qampbeil, and nggard had a keY for thathor, 'Lat.( , to give the court A'-tPcOlmon. Of her signature and Vile was entered at an exhibit; Asked if the signature OA Ltke :power ii,ttorney jamfatir. or's slie saidthat it was itot. . ho, -next . witness, Iiispeetor X:. C. Guniatt of the Ontario Provincietro„ rift', said that he knew 11r,, camph41 and last saw him at his home in Sea, forth 'ht. May. that time, , theY had, got'a in:oh bok, for CamPliell had signed a document outlookWilteh there was :01113/cone key, held by - lottied' ready014or days lICar-lt 0-0 cold:resisting HisVountairi Pleec.O. Qvercoat. hoose now with,:the;-assurance that you are' pu.yipxStyle,Comfort, and Long Wear, at rooney;-saviing. prices: '• ' diunta*tt--Fleece" $30 - • ets . $1 tina, Xis. T. H. Mitchell, plus 7. alba bond -holder to be registered so - ,itiDIA‘1,Y -NES' north mut south; and east- explanied, it is 'necessary to have a ro as -,43o-Ntrer,_.of_att attached., He atit;., ' North and, South -Mrs. A. A. Nicol 1 ed -that it is usual for the signature 14 'Miss Amos, or Parkhill. le at me- e3/' •:11;01.N. C. TjallavthY and P 4,raF. C,9as"J; Malawi jakrb,anrewkinaittaFi a'gb.sai'dtlateiriladoneheatirinof mit with her sister, Um. That Wilson. Mr. and Mrs, W. V. 4undrr Thacker, of , rreeswater, Vent Ills I business with the link for Some Sunday with tho_missew.Sernice latMon _ vait and West -Mr, T, B. fttter- One. He was farniliar with the hand- and 'Thratirm'evaptist aPel..totingu560 'leo' pie of Auyoutri' iwelgti" 'Mr. T. MitchellDn144941°°11:YArp.'113$4, 'writing CS 11(1 both-eMi:tiegalAtirt tiehr e and ofAVlieext: 1194 a, itanovre,en parts, at yr, and mu. Nicol, plus 10. . .tt:rndeeowitnessed ryCarobellonwbethaeQPorS. ris F.wterefaet- rmrlvwxrogtre aglow last Friday Mr. 3. M. Iohnston and Mrs. P. cher And, 'guaranteed by Ma.cLaren. and Fletcher'. Ire adnaitted "to the roWri-7.that-MaciAtten-anck-fletcher were -short as faras the bankwas 'concerned. They had ' an over.draft. and needed -collateral; Ire also testi- fied that the firm of •11dieLeren and, Fletcher had gut credit for pledging the bonds with.tlie bank. In reply to .Mr. Bond, Ur. Wagh, 'said that the accused 'men had been doing business with the bank for about 10 or 15 years, ,them that Yon did net insist on the 'And You had such Confidence in. 'documents being guaranteed' by, Campbell's hank", asked the iefence counsel. • -04Yes;"id-the Asked if he had found the brokers to be reputable and .truthful,. the witnestasid...thet-te-never--had-ta. nat- titopiaciir thanotid that J.le, had cntifi- Hi further testified' that he would, whiCh was witnessed by A... Mc- Lean. Shown the document the. DI"' 'Vector identified it as the one ne had seen signed on May 18th, 1936.2 Mr. - Campbell was confined---to-ltis home at that time - the Inspector guinPnt„he. said, was a .giverl',AQ one 'power -7t0. Sigh for 1140.-: sta. Ate:71,7tvi, bcYzA:01:01407t,,tb:tv4hbOlish:elr and n J. 1)4 said that he 'las" known cri:er:3:4141f;er,.4.1: or 1. 2..slgned:,$',earti; and. that he had/been present Whertlbe state. \ Haggard, Gives. Evidence The drainatiefinoment of the after- noon .session arrived When, John J. _Itugfarslae,rMerja*-,yer., who last mon was sent4net4,to',..thrie Yeila - * , ,(ContinUeo,`,0r,f 00,5) 1111 Trouble ow • --Those terrible panu3 that some the, swan of the back, riihr ever 'the kidneys, are nothing ' -More thitu 'a cry for 'help from:these email% :.:1.1,11ese dull pains sharp pains 'oak 4111.01c twinges point to -the -TRW -dist. youriidaeyS `need-attontion: .Doart,s 10.clitey "Pills help :to take out the stitches, . twitches, and twinges, limber up, 00 stiff back, and give relief and Comfort- to-lhOsetitho stiffer from weak, lame and aching .6acittl. • . ;Va. 02 elected ofacerS,,,,,,,Ilast 'Neat Xonday evening there Will be thursday`..,ev • 1,- ter; raw;lor-parttiera,and-the-:pla Wis Ruddy; D. Jasper Nrearien ; 4resan *-ur, 'play together through. Chaplaifl, E. Patterson; Treas., Geo, out tho eVening, 641114 Sec, 'Sec*, L. 13uthanan;,,ist . IL Sturdy; 2nd t4ee.i woster; •SIIIPPIN4 COAL., BY, WATER , .rostor " REDUCES THE 'PRICE oongrattdatiot Stanley , - Colborne, wlio ,,*thittP:413ndliP4 °' to. :5'0242Se..* NPIAP-'4-°:11C31 Ytrana: • last .saturdsg was awarded ,first,prireln, f-teirA iiitto,I;cooattlich .tesa,for.1112.,,reh -ristirku-tr, C. Lee, who isn't !melt teteiv6a ..sttbieet visa ""rraiisPolat#th2". jump coal, WhicIA. arrived. on the Ca: - 11•41""' 114•144--- — Shipment of 1000 tons of domestic' ..ineligteibreloeunttity recoPmTethitort.,atC°01014et,rohaetLtIle to oitt? ,ittigeoodthearrir wihth,saalathcolpinmepitant oyfe. Oozi• est the nuplia ot Et Et $(1'' 'gait vva.* 4fooitAviii--bibught..-br-boat....00.1rCtcb rKtirrtidaiir.the4, Ashis.rtuil7limilprottrame tiff,'" :Iltiletwitteronsillposimeentraberloretthhej there was put on by -the — .nesi conotas. e'suiprient or aat-tsrVate-4:Will - had served. A t011011ted utek oat' atiof ortnxim7srea: coLualderable 417. 4, domes?. . Th - -auction to coniu. ri:ognbei_ ' the PI". nta ° tic lamp coal is clabn.d to be efiaallY 114.k.givi.boOds Used it* C011Ateria'100 th5likubUrti PtiP41 'wee as good ntiks, is oil fork- goaii-oho bas been 1000 , per tat credit but ,said that .,they .htigich et the tai* here for ix* time, .cmjrigairw:*"°4„,itosit;":4„,,,„ mimecti„„,. would be ,inargined, 5 Iier cont, He wit Thttlybuttakto:4:11:14 pure tiltet3..set, laiderottlishikti4losis. lintativie4et intosuls..tigt1114:aeibroOn-. 1* Ii*viflt 1) to oe Bond's quostione, 11,111 to whether *of her house ,thingleil.' MI° Wgitiler nyriTinersitAtex47intlituoitilera.cittyat'It was or los not, common ptittici on hand 40 the at the Iterbot. thatwhere4, oignatura was, not 45' nested it wite.sonietimes witnessed by someone Who had neVar Seen the. slir- MyzJty Ji — — nature made, Nit to satisfy the bank *At itit4 Sharp comment from Ills Lord- •' ship. Jutice Jeffrey *aid that he did ink that -tankers were in 'the babit f aliowing any each practice Witzettilttant:tt signator4 I bad knowledgebsta Hi testified tbat there sliglat17 ,ever -$15,000 worth (markt vs.lne) of • the bonds in: connet*et irlth the NIS In the blind* of the bank tO4a laltiwasnret4;owt * 4.thvvivaskt,Slita0Liaigitoodrost -prlor to berisla-wers talon - Med te Tecit,U. zonietlilnc about a loryst tut e luta aseant noel. l for FIo' Afternoon types in interesting crepes—Princess lines with Swing Skitts—Masses of 'settuins ' and beads Metallic, embroideries* braids an& appliques., good 44101th of style4-4'grancfvariety of type t Coronation shvies-4,* *Ras,- brown, -.lite- and navy, Sizes 14 to 2(t.: d 4vetully ,Iternized 11 let t your home, iliies ot-mako your dollar go,„ BENXILVElt, 'Se*. litro S. If Brown was In Stratford ou *Sirturdai. • *rig, Arthur 'Veber has retirrned "from 'di- Seiriiheralike vhslted 1orz .176°Piisstlh Pbyha otiogi entertained the 0.o3.T. Viop to a listliowaico party , an .`& sent Mr. asid rz. HaroM Walter* of Torok eft oa1ed borne on S day owing to the Mien Of et. It is an Unlucky Day For • Evaryone, .So Cometo the IViasAmio Han at night and 17OrgeYCitlitN0-111C11 1111E DANCELAIsa CLUB.