HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1936-10-22, Page 8•t•VP.t!,:-M11.. Alt,1 7 v.W. .be the speakerfor the Lb special music Mr* and Mr*. Esrod W*Itsrs Toronto e spent tbe 34toelc mother, Mrs, E. NValtert 4.4 nunasl , giris at tended * eonventien at Grandbend on Mrs Gor- Ato.titawe'._ t ,* 111Die:4:tarift4*.''Itiiedv1:41,11'1.40:fing' -S' spent:trlixift.:*°.•;104:1,r'P'1'.0ii,e'sOri4'aa ,.1:1,,.,:, Iu Gariii�swho ' haa.beea 04' .nr' von in , rit,.0. I or. two ;wee a ' • .to be . around ' ain.,,,,i'., r.,:::',3tOci ..0ittot, :.,-,,o,„.Paramount ..spott. . . in ,,town and .Mr. • . Douglas,' of Blyth :*aa also here.o - The Misses "Seta*, a. , A nd I',.,' •' returned . 0 ' -Toronto. . :' . , Saturday 4torr*, tit, ',. lc' week with - **Ott. '--broth,.,_ , ...',1,1.,, joairet1.10...:,4110:4uito..-.0--4.,.-:-11--.:, , ...,'. . ...H: ii:ototfk,:640o.s.o.k.Tais, ey,ot ,S. 444.*1111**.**Itio.6.1w-.0 '1*.iditli,-,. ee* ducted-thiservieee An .--the:-1400410*.- H. tonrsiii4iii,.rigfirri' ,:- -” church. Rev. '..11.e.V;:,Xt.,,,,bfeaenalit-eonduet , ediannbiereart .#017'0400. . i*ct.#0gfioe' . . .. . . .- .. . orri)Ital, on neron h**. plc orisi tat 'A irom ths trtLtk. 1:11.44 Oct. ..2 rearyof the opening of Smith'i LiII Church, **a obeerved-hist Sun - ay. The crowds IMO he&vy 9743,teldet, ttAtisificbright i1ovreo-tn4: #1.4ntit: 00.04 the latto ''c'togiegoUgto, 0,./#0*.ipip-It0;:gt...bfahonreyx.Arne, , Sol4 :preacher frOnt.„ ItelrelatiOn*,: 0;20 r;""45110":0ehrti(eriletierjekasStio:, te the choir and ,Sanitecer, "My Tisk". *nit Vost for To;daY'.! tho - *everiint ',IR:0141V C. Wilsoneof:Aubion' epoke on-qhe•Mallenge of the ATE 0011400" .vemaritoirOfl - ...MY* choir 0.20 Witii.r.11i.i..'4.-;40oek'Presidthit. he organ had charge of the,nniale id rendered.eoverat anthernat,H Hord' sang 4 (Ito oei..).,• and sino,....40o00.,til'oe:.$0.40 tylie, pastor,,conducted servi- ces. , - here SerViCes t .KWA, Oct 20. nuniber. tended ,'the anniVeriltrY SerViCee, In4i;4 United Ouireit on, Sunday. Mrs. 11. J. BIalce is visiting daughter* blys-Stahle Toronto, - and yjlted Mr. and 0004041 last' 1 Mrs. Tom 'Oaaler n I -Hazel Gauley and POnald, 111014 0(4014, Visited and re, 010$0ac OsudeY, on nnday. ' Itttr; -4 $ -ShanlilOtmi an Benson,ot. Sunday with and 'bfrs;, •Shackleton tobert* oleo* ot t le nshIP vounail. -was-talc Gray Of to Godertcll'hospital. ,gotthr Pton.. Vf014„.. For 000S'' $010WA PINE -SYRUP 33e 4, quiet bUt :pretty at 4. o4icir 'OltUr4111, 000, **4:1410411gbre° 'X': fib ete: ettn404' tit /titiiyilt111),.00n1)1417P14004itin the lato s. you 040 • briOs loOked. voPF 3i/#10900` Q ittaioait.e0400W1*- tc_2spILL. a • teIereir,P.r.ePe. 'with beillVfor--: • .04-,41110-41144- •theit inne ettleee nt:whfelf Obit .'Who,-,.-Suf7,- ;with ateessorieS, titi, .; 0,1):00. iota loot oley '•10,4,.110;11, '•91Y.,r; . ruat Ce „satin .,ttinr ,,end,'Stre;'1)..,„4:31•14n; tlie y'ear 1O37 re sted- ,41-4,40.041,. "et :e7;...WiCh the,cominni' 1411 Pt441111.1.1.1arlitt-;'11;71-14::11:441;14t1 ta,: upper,3, „ , , lee, 1,00 el, R. .Ver ' aclerieli„ ,Phe r.etty, Sicltet;10•, nurse'Arl"trammg ArzIo' NOtre010 Wit4tHr 'the- , ttieir litboeniWeea'llkoteexl,4:2;'S-1110*nidePlitayi,1_'' visited '114d its liter sitting in 'slut tkgi-tue.":counilLYItuill itsge",84.18h171"i11001.-tb'W:okietrio:.9:1),3124TtirY Care. ed 1/1-ru'Itthr.I'Predegture.71?444180s, P peee hearing 41;0°33 314161St '43X ,Hsr'.4/0011'41411;',13041011,**Ic"'Ilt ,NERir PaCicr TtlfgaraDP-TOT'lle*g4telitI t for Itroseele, ' ASeesemeut Rol), '$017 the .Town of Obdt".. ys eyed s°1t1r140Yito week cPat .1P*11' be, the 80014 speaker. • net *rust he Arinetrosp.are beP,,,,e,luriutho*07004,t4111.0 than e tietted• brother .o bridegi while LEEB'URN' r34:0' gone rtQoYvaisil' ''"4141 -it thaeel!lgr 'ts;:ette/41:0;it)avredediniin dfl:donille be of the Otober 1936, • 43-41 44a; mit° •ttgrilb*, -or.tateltnow,'',Avith relattice4: cov 'il'telt:Treleetten an<1.--fannil; and M. 0"codiorle • ,e 4 • uti; 4,004iana tbe,tererrieny the .hrklatola"arlateI„rileptallAirento4 'w$141,4 ganciffd, rt4,440 ' , , orred s. lAranicif vi10,050r0 immediate` relatives •being present. r. abd the excutors of ti�.ofl11*—1" ;te's:at:;;i11,4heimibi'ir,„0114:17. ;LI g. gt174'icftlUre•Itnir 1-1'"--11;11:1 44!:t1.77e4'.. .U.IVEitetISTitillre;ibY and Is* Ourtit tor MiladEZTOV kii-40140ivint2an7e1Y___,QYvAne ''Ittat--J7141' Iree-C-„krigleta'-$4treetToderl thlg .of • the -TO,Akito for a'-tortnight, With their •at P"za, •• n " #yaa vo-u 4"34Lin VIDEVESDAYi.,'OVROBER, 20th Asa tzlittrch Was .uttrOldo 44,Pte- *PrQc!ef11,1*, ' 't? P1',.°4,. .14 comfort031;"frame, 'Tuesday evening,' hOble: - • • • • • • ioom,ea. 'dwelling. -.Ielth,„converderceee,- Ross Mr and in• ti441i46,0g,„tieto,;.'Ae:Stvisti t•iihpenwdittr:eftiatTejeeinte ,lAttiatver4011 at btu°. of Mr. and Mrs. James bifr' and 'Nfre0;00311.'froin'thaiVest Aidt abc- aY !uriptvi•o:r.. vt, 0.!0, tronmeoi..057:101ty....xlvea,j014,44,01,40a4:1,4401)0,41intay4, viihtimerh':Ithectui,tgeH'Iewl-41411ttillie.aht,'11 • i!,tr. Xte. -Cheater Fulford -Of ventng, loohuditit i*ti/ing -with nut. payidson „AA& $074,,sortp,,,,turelt. ,,,ts..tolirortatts,re444. 4tue„, wrp, *nn1kd to his dwe1lIn .,botcntote, ..gturioeatr, arsiaattb:10.ti:1,114698tiaitoaictte§:091,.:..1.1e:t, f,eago, IT11614.. eehea. IS' 3:11V.Paeci to,hate Oluse.4 tU, ,netyand prayer, was O °Tot Xt.' 40d, Itra, and' A...strong wind fitom,thi, soiatu.',wrA .,zsists •iirelen. late . .t.' Rieke aiiii,t*0,•;•dall,f4APra ,.',,b,,,f ,: ,.tht-e'oened -fa Ozitrys 'fletiailis to the iniri: * 3400,ai . teld'itaetll. 'trt,oiti" were livity001.,...enfria .mg0.03tius'-w„tu. 11,040e and te:14ellielrelitlet,idls build.- P. Jones, Mrs. iikirtiiiir ' vgni.itte44.9't: Au're''''f1114. 7 't ' 'ft'''. 7. inge'across ' the '• road', ,. hilt -willing 'i3etkctth parkt t..13,44,01)04-.-a!t , trarriston spent --Sunda with, his -41010e' i,i,ir .,,iv ii las been ' k:., mrs, vtdoirozegAtme- '101-r-.-7r--' efui Glid4:n'.. Ian . '' ',. .,..: : , l'workers.isft..,*cv.:,?ra.u.t.:0,0'filytt.:,rdo en, save:.:0tx.,he ,i0, ,a.., - - . ..... d - friend of ' -‘ ' ' prayer '1V1/4 offered ,tatior, Atri, '111,0h4-0 0,11440,0, . , • W. . t. .,- . , the . -, ,, t hog, -the iverit,„ ot the nOuie'aud 'School 010' •Tewn', pecle- ;by 1031:15ta of the .Ileterla' Home and ;r1011;„:04filniettoing,,,at a polnt �n the t4i4t4. sang '4:** 440' 010L4.1°.__,H4e111,11' t'lln!L$411.thetli.4$61144arr.'.0/ lig% la a.:dletiote .teatietect•hY 1,•44'.,' tbAit...Plogalnif.'.414 ",‘1/•X*'" • * 6! Oe • feet:- tread. where " southern Stewart 144; tg). **emu; 'visited hiNindiry ..,iate Arid; then 11. - Stothers pre- 4)1m, .-Itevia:41•1-411d..•iii.reseb6°l on Monday. , .411-0.0rtbd' toand y'araliel with f.the rtlThe dethatory• Mrs. Da-yldzon, Vented. )0 '1:herebere...et the theoe.e.,woosutoatereol:,011: .".tb;.,7124itierer4 140,0iess,,.„ attended the taw 0911,4rePv-e tunty Ag, to 44 tree MO Or 40:7;3.71.7: Orauct: Bend on P5411r0,q.: • :14: to the Western :boundirr er. Ihnitot.sald ,404, •,,:abt),t4 1 041se,61$140,,,,lane Ilf;tbhyle rOt; ,t.theote, iseuth•A/011it the Western lim- own rdasinnaries , 4 , southern unlit twreof ShY.rlal are - en-- ,At the sale 0! the properby of the late ther.e 2long said soutliern liinit to the e.:te, among thcn Mr& Mer..-ry last iSaturday r. Carter O bogg, arld - eecondly: part . loorcefizi cutti' ;01-H. oroilit., vo(4.;!ptiyitw,w44.14., otioizt S4.trif,tfiloorichsea.s,' bought the "Deli ,!!:,!11.0:11, , "of *tonin—g:' •aft bett"lirel;-1.1et°4telrane4.,,tet; an°Ittfentollilli.lirtfinntlaUt'S)14"-0.*OnIngs *7- "L-P‘T' 'fteetteti,%111.1)°ehortiziciall'e'llort:Itbertl'i. Pagrallael. street 16 those present 'A' .00 ,Ounat'•'*1,reest...21;0140,47 gitetvvEr.,,:iteliti.,,etrvrisibizutniiifirsfir.,oretelortleoc.e.tte -t000pod,:.• wetsp, .toodootocl.,;. , r. _ 1s two ZCfl1OflZ Olt -along **14. northerly oeulglArr 16 renitatt :refette4 feet;.',ttftee- .sOutherly Sdeott.,essterly •. e- of be-!' „ ing 'wit .his tactor on e crusher a clist sht,.diet4 Bayfield, .lidhre for a, feW days. Silo ,,isrli:a•re,, oyet4 of our `.filling 101aUtiV-108d, nn trout the Vaithird',1Pre dtgenit is the next order. Potatoes gaged 'id faithtta ,eerric taditSVILIAOct." r$4 0'0 gO0a crop -and OY. is -the mud. :ts,r. and'Olirs,Angt 144 Wfi lordayiflitin'ohloa .L._ . .• HELENSer.944: 10"- tiiiiro Mrs,' -John rotter -. who underWent. .• , With the WOrk:4114 $ ,e, , efit Ofieration for iacute ,00001t., a ,:,,, ....sz, ,,utroztik tiOt., 20,,--1014.' ''.1'ot. .,viith deep'irteresti'.03!' . — ' ' "14 ''.-11,bortil,-, -tur Illize,ii, -pelt eye on_SietlArdaY in:Sr an- -rance-is-levionsly 702, . UU - 144 god illaut and r- . f were t .t , an` eatAindeti itgh her sou Villain' The L.ts*now o rsi 0 Maize tee -./az .insterialiy to, the„nrusteal Dart$ "Of the * &Idly • _ , 4PitaL:14004410* OrOgiti011*.lt; "11 *Olt 44 file.00IS440a -Ater- Mari 03P ' 'Ior toutretil; wherek friends witat,ler 'eotinplete and Mar - recovery - speedy (4, p is nd days In London. . 9itite a number frontlereattended *olio, At Porter'S on Sunday. bliS4 ,Iteletr .14401,1atli still eoti.4 tinell to her bed suffering from shock *Waited' in their recent tar were guests gueatl.of their -aun *so It iteeldeht.' It Is hoped, she will Soon be ,(41,:ititlei;17.0P,-,.,*.1* .1414 '10-100'- ;L~be .. - _ h ntdbute4. iibundarrot se,ld lot to the .pla; ita e ,* 'Exeter lot Qu.111.1Vn . • ' .. V'allltta,r,u'itigtzlerAtt : ' -I-1 ' re eereleee., "Zia wlthdravoal. Of . s.ar'.., At ,t1;,,i, ittuib .ti.,!;10 lin tbi coo:*Ati,o. . at Mr V.,:#1'..,_. F. ..4. 1 1 . . . „ Pr. and Xret'F.helro gl,uallar.,1011.1(4 itt 0°141 Meetitik,-("te W. t. ftalg'4434* '14.;-.41C5c'ilifiLaildteclotti°11.1"xesta011.1.1P4'.Zt 4..ba--..-t,"elling ,,:will' 4. 1141d' 14,414, g' In ..l'oe#, tight *re guests on eazoroa°1- tol at t *Nue .f);-!.' Mil' ,1completed for f.or 'br 0. ,;273719157anct iti;lici:beia if the Plift'lL;ssoie *ilit gi aiiiisl., to. side - and Mr. and gritt,. W. A. Millet and X,rt .whex.t.' #,Iltt'elm,t4; were '- logliemi, etturet4dey,. couch: loufte' :, zPhOlstereit xte4t,04, ,o, ourrle, of Vretefloie, and cults; eight Tooking chairs; two- perlor, *ivy 41, 11., -1401:rohaldt, whip:wed Ow.° •tablec. two small tables:, Itaymorid sew- allMdrM!'taridr..).litilres11.111rinth*Ur: AnOY, Tara.'• ' . Kitchen an:d' Nt1";4 ,441.1St °4 TTh -6#111t4.' OW1 S Per Altd: "44:410untitittrtY. 0.a Inelni' Qf Ithe' ,Aall' ibleteuirs„ff-tt4r1xlifileg 1041111)trlireer"becira loro,(4.0iui(Ites114; Millet ,,, ' Mr.' and re, T. 'I. liSelkeld st4 te .nechttetuil4"41'11,'hoept''tki°°116.0:11g';'74444 t*4' eve:Will lnatiVottte418e4leitheiVe04'Sring$Pittare4; triSt`tilitl"41taettet for treattoent- ... . ,,,, ,.,,,_ idtchim, table and ebidre; - kibben tat:40i Km, R. K. Miller,,' Mrs. Got*, - . ' , I* ties disPotod of .h1 tato; coat oil ilthirei Atild Oen, lewd don, 41t., 18.6., I. -Miller and lir., and, aine.resioen‘ie on, tile son* side oftiun* mower;. 50 tt., gardi hose: elect* Iron; ,.. ' , Wet ':Vir$41000 Miller attended ' the ly fold, her and stook -00 1111004 - .1AGApd -riumereue other edit: 10;1011411LUM UNITED • goon" 0 Itititiruricrai litalze, *to reeertt- ogles.; guisiontrel kgebezr, titoodic,, - Icnninitl. Of• the tOrtrieet-Motlitirt iir4. tatt4"-Azoiw-rtaroWlai% overythitg;it*ba lop' --ftao -propertst=ichout * Year' =4- a . half *go owe:, - . ' - - - - ' keldvat JOoderitirtni-Tuesder 4 ---- -Veil ' - succeeeful--- AnnivereaOCT. 28 a oc,r4 vtlifyliii4i: , Old 'had remodelled and re-dettrated _ wrotn„ vreperby: '1st per cent. 6437Cburetniello n*Seti:daliield wheni* a' '1%'1.4'V*tioitiO.10 I advertieediraY • -:''''' both .Pie hiterior and exterior, slaking ,of poreMee Orlee to be 00.14 attimeof ti� La it : ifi very desirable , heette, Once /telling , • ity thirty - days` ' 'gregotielt. asSiiittlefr to licit- - f : lOr hat 'Purchased, the dwellint • in • •PAIEVMS--40. `turnItaie .,rt4. efte04: 0414 . • ' . ' "AI* '''' ettieTt4tox'' tOt Ifistouto$; toryktr 41s WV, Imetiorkere. deverim-alouselteeper for family of ust-he.:-„able--te-,takec,..4114— t house, Apply SAttlplt, Pholle!oirg. T14#13.01$trOn: St# -01! own'147-your• • !. yourself from iinanbievItorries, *ice unnecessary , No :risk. ,kloOtla Sell on,. eight' in everk,"hoate;•-•ThselarkaKe: ipportviity: for to-W*00e *rite. to,I,ViafX4- CO, -57o •••, St. ' ,ciemont pt„ ,4tfOnt,reei.' -.44.415T. Ef40, nirI Wanted take over, estab:;"" illhed'husloesS snPPI'Ying oustothers: With femme Vieatkixte Proddete in. ClOderkt4.-., Average weekly ideome. 422.50, gaper- letice unnecessary. Credit letniehed,' 'Apply 3016..,141400tift, 'rhe J. I. Wat- kins- Compfinr, 2111 zYrason. St, Atr6vi" ;.•• "twirighsairi. ,• Ounsantion Owned VI %tr. 'Geo., Glenn, 25e, et cioderich, and will overluiut and re.. al his telt, ',IOUs, Said Unto Th model It. Fallow X*, and 1 Will MakeYou The WOO tidal*, for the Moho of bfen,.# the Speaker ett.,a Challenging !roelosevii; while in• _are now on .sale ined from Mrs. Davidson. evelig he continued the theme . of a. ticket they root tattair IX intblef* 44,11Ort0" Meet. trearltrOtInra in ibe, 'that Chealente."' Special *Ink In " yo'U-r eS cxunboct by for WM40Alf or any Verdber Of his fem. the thorning atias provided by the, . ., Una -vrat 4 record local choir who contributed two nutto ' 1et43f. ter. , ceinpben. at bers. In lite- 'i the W 9 , 'Qitette Iff tra;- :01114111,' +s , • O DB1iYEODseveral ,llote04),01.,41,0:;;07,w,tati'i$;:Ut'OCci,(Yilagveteasaimir'-', '1741HIB:64:1t- heatlntanee 7BAJ4bj;4119.:71:44s;LP,A3.417-1147-16'1.4;11:. WANTEtttraeai VIP* '1466,41 Alf lowignoe, !woo :04 your Atom- tek Dotoloieht. AT BV.RS SBVECE OrdiTION, *Ad' 'Nieto:* VirAlrApri4-0141 horses. 'rept.* Our Phone 40, Dungannon. - • 2444 -rienry, unn,, Mowe1l wtth )itii* iit A.' orgpittliat, 04411a . t110 'aervlce wIth their two nunibers "The Wayside 41, Want My laife, to 'Tel Jo On'Monday eirening' A Noble Outcast" was the Ceratatiltity Thai Jrn with Alta Of The„execti of the estate of •JollePii We, an IIR:14:414-00%03,112% otloOlt tit the aftercdoil ' ' Mete lit 'unbars, Eight and, twentrplone in Park to.d. Marwood Survey. itt the "town Of 00c13lloh, on 'which there.lei4tuate, attruilt frame beetle.' There Will else be sold at the emit time a Ain:tbey” Of household 'et -0 feat . , 111110$1i--erot reel estate, 50% of the purohiee ,priut at, the time of Sole, and the Wince *Witt 30 do* from. the 046-tot-wtti; Vittlef-dilatteliwmiont-'•- - For batter particulars 'apply to, OUNfitrZ * 00Ni •,Gederieh, or to West treot, .13x -11$0-,o'cioet-ebero:.4„-,„ Otle eheiter4Idt, theirs,law. one in�dern 1nl'ig*oon1 vriaita, tosigiatint of 060, exten- sion We, ,ithc chairs, bufret.,'. roe 09)4 bard' Wallitts'gsteieg 14140 tied double twd-aingIe WdZ -with -1:**essaea and eVeltitai one vanIty time& and betielt Wilottt; one obest Of' &Mites with ISOM bevel,mlrror to ,np.tch; to floor Italia; we ttbble ot deek anisil Oak Uhl. • M= " ' the ,Nriuts mblia MOAN' will 46 Monday, °dote& 20th, 1O3, cotietreetton. dralttItt Co.,betne '"ItrOltalatO. 'pen be seen. at the loin*the 'Ibwnstitp.. by