HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1936-10-22, Page 4•
.°Dy. Sunds1**rirle"Octobe-4318t11,-' GICAGO $7 00°
hurches were prettilY deeor*ted and
muesirrY0114"ve iikragt*tten
wero present
from ,London who brought messages
of renewed vitalitv within the thureho
and, urged /*leiter wikh ,the Reeto
01. ohous 'pot itito protice the, thins*
W.. thato,the, laity
ut which they have- been ?talking
and singing in theserviess of the
Churcb. .The *dor celebrated :the
Holy gueberist. 4..11 air m. in ..14r -
field ,assigted btitev.,3. F. rarke.
( Aomlotaitp 404 by Volvo
Jr. (Server) ,. The. ehott,"' under the
direction of WO. ,K4,140Orbolise Sang
Sin '0. Coinniiiiiian;'01ilee and dur-
,he Offertoruim, sting -a Motet,
'Praio , the -Lode' .iEvensong was
iafd inBt,','414*.ps and in St. oJn'
Church 004:10.1*/
gohurcb, Varna. L. Wool's' sap;
R. J during
ouron., war Oliver- a" seris or; addresSeak - ° 0,1'9# -ended- in,
'neadhrit°' 'i6r. 141 14i).14ntOetneTtAnitrEtengt1111:41111
beInning at ‚1220 noon ori the
Ving)4413," nasgt, Tar:: The ger/Joel 1"/Pre well t The vior,
'slag., threatesiing.,;.s... .
jng dates:- ' • , 160' Wart Vien.reCerirtti. and their,
-9ctober 4ft114;401,11 *0%0184, 171"0.,
igovezie4er. Pth-4.1* f'h?-01',01‘,. tlif
4,s '+4ifroathk.„0,,,t 4 to.,
Hen, -P-90001.(clelivered)
oils! UTIOr ,"'Po_gugn:os(deIivered) &ie.
Grade * ler 6 .-....... ., ale,
-Grade "A" ,'n)edinin„ ...*,.:* 44** 329
Gracte "B" and
Butter, dairy,
0, '
; " . :. .: , $ 722' , 509 54 '
Bacon 9 • •fr
Butcher Cattle ...,.:,.., 4.-$4.25
Veal V4ilvea, per ewt. 4 0.. ; 6 ' 7.
• . 001110
:eat , , . 90c-41.06
. • • • • * $1,•100',
1. 'Bit" * 11 '* V,* .4 * 0: 4' 841.40
Snorts . 4 4 8 ; • * 1,50.
4.. 1,...,4.
,me ntranee *ever'
ervice Station On POMO* Street,
early Sundsy igi W:Imfilal4riit
the giies,P:ane in or stile door and re"-
le4ing-the spring leek. '10thing.' wso,
distutheti in the 'garage and thfo.till
which Was. empty: Watt ieft;'-'eperi
ttlniel4sag re intended 04 and did She*
.'es gladly. heard. '' These ser-
the 'Perfectatin°" 0 ,. . Catholic
eva A
.ausand nility of
rarmineessr. minu 6. _inv. __:::,bret niet:44,09;u;:iii4.4: effortteitenueloglen_lbothm . and u t• _ eaoa,
Wavembr 123r . . , ober, : a_ .,
fin,iit lAr„;,n4 Aire._ .1. W. .to ett and
s'ittbe°,,trona.'lldnisodrei:ecvnuto/ at. the: .Cieeet 1 '‘,m*osiprted 141,01:4004.1.6.an :1:4Murinlined"..._.h4::.riie .._.9nA
and w1.11, deal , OUrelY VI" Cis —10 -ii:- - zoology- of last 'week after having
.'. ___ ....,
solety Is boutictriManesetogetherc. .`'. ' .*,_ ._..-,..-:.14. lti.ifrost;r'tZt anditY1 e., a. 0;131/r rtiParis,Georgen; were,nt.) 'ivilkfiars:stg.-0177311,111.:It4
Kthdness IS the golden own nY wtc" Black of Ay!, and, Mr. Robert Zack
,....,—.---,...-.—,—... , vretrteee ,00 Saturday. ,,,,,.
j: Furnishing. For, ny 0
Spring .11/inttresaes Th,t. Assure Comfort For
or Sleeping,
irati' May Have Your Iclhoice, of Coverings.
-40eared.,' 'Oa Lke
ere* 'iM1r;norn.'
$O.flenibef., '41,0;
foundered es star
Mblt.-26 lost.
Lake rle,gale-'50. dead. : ,
04**;$0.t.' 24, difnef,-TWo..1,teneli, vine
sweepers , disAvea$4....iit•T4e.'nErie;',..0.17e•
trace eve? Ifelted-,74.106t.
fDember. 6, 102'l-SteamsliIP Kam-
'.'n(n$4.1:01)01:4'. ',;40,'!EltiPerlor,-22
October • '-02:A' 4,0st".:-.,ferry
loat,:' • -
.3.0tetobeh ,,P0Ongeri-frelithter.4
Wisoonain sank In We *Iolgrgan...--11);
DONALD• 00,10040 -14 -AND flIUJ MAY
.Witli,p5 apleee In their.voeitete, Donald. Cameron, is and Selby,'
vh, et t, who, Ont. (near 'Pt. Cathal*6.0), have Set out on' what the
plan to be a litteh-hike that ow* take them *004 the world. l'hey
to visit 0outh, Africa China anitalso to b. In'Eetlagd. ter the
unlY-abOut Oar* of a 'Ole away‘
00 bedikhoe'V*Oittes ;that are the' Whalen sank In ',rate nrie-45., dead.' .
lifeboat 'Were war under •water ,anc-
fat our, of • --
telyed-,word :!qt the:Iess.:Of ti,70-,reen "If ive,e6uld.have, .`reathed' them
residents. of tne;tomnunitY4,.. „there would ..be more of us.- here* 1;4'
• ,.The ipitrors.and:O'haOtiOles5 the AO the, .6torgii-
:experienew, ratiy be g'rpgefl . 'cot, ..w ..1
.6.ii0A17,14ftV• AA' 'here
,.tesdue.c eicIPPer'ox: :4127' OA. ICIO4lit levelau„
We had no way to attract their *Oen., . vuly 9, i�o-€and dredge
.: . Atom litototrecardylz r_44-mtd:,,,,, tct. v ..._„.„, t. 411:1,,,r,...,d_ Lr.„.._ , ouile*Ititmontr4
their -,ho'nie-in Stratford+,.. 1* ---v7661
after having spent ti* summer ,sa». X. iia0 • 0 11100.-r•Tfe#1b10"ilieht -soy,. .
'411aQrirk..4.t; t:1,1., , lilt- te.l.'.'s*' bre'”- Sta.,°,6*V . that
Ya4.1.1.°eaaSidigliPt!ofsibItY11..Olsmeallienealfehle; ',01`0,'6,,oltevWoaltat c`saCtistPeig%''ain,rdchargetio°n.
., 1V4„,:anitliirs.*,it,,i004-fi•of st, lows filiPPIntg‘ ' off dun** . the „long: said • ou4t ,t.virg boats oilych4c„,wiati
,Oatherines spent n few 4a76 With the, hot" will Alw°318-bli'*A-MY melil°17; area tilf.,the-hedt'6.0•nr ..Tleffin10 .- today,
:fx;oirtimiledrot _:,:l.!1,_,),.e.r.3s_ix:1ii_., ..C_atli.,e,r2,11e, -and ,s1179Sp,ty,,,tipoprtrhede.tt'ict`lietchOUlit;.,:t;:a •,.,1:6ap.lutoritzoilt.::6-wra,swgreigthktitedge.,..A.aesoysirqettaiftkee
mi., and ivolla, T. )sliiis and :1 • 14i,.. Were gone without a word. , s. $414, ,, , . ,
De -
Mrs, 0 -Mari Of Grand Ritiii4e,- Nilah., . :1`.1:ihO're. 'Were :f ',Seven .of iie On, the ... ott.pf, .e,,z)'ige w.. *nem- of . De
' eri,e Mrs.etTrendwroay wolltihiiitrea: y$,arl,ts",,:CoUs- b°1t.iofteitv:ItitereheloSahrsi4 ,.0,111tittr;blitaenet. ' Of e.ollst trOit,,,o,wame aetegtpintre 4,3sTero,,ef;t,hoenerigoats, tmhe-:
awra,rteibort :vaiv, .0.f pv61.401,1, lett te tell of it. ,I owe *irtgre to rescue vessels, that pickedupOur,
7 -Station .-le-Lvisiting--her...-mothert-Sirst, ..h°15e two boys here. it ' 17"1"‘' men.'CaPt....aamei Healey wasInaeter
F. Beard. •, -' .., - ' • thoLhanlett-n**Iinck-'06.44'413,...64ifo-'-' 'Ff-,Tfiiihirer 43a17,244arries.:Whielt
-171-i.7-4iia”fitif:-C--Rogers of -voat-'4.0-V-erat-tinlies-w
----ilen-thE---wa've•-pleked--np Capt,--)ilaclielland " ,Dault_
'1-11Areamenikii..letwitlow3,4°1:Tiltininegitetrhba.eaLtv.i.:alle4ilitiif°86:70.!.:: .1138debi'lw•logesilreddee: l'ildte:Ictilhoeild7.7tee:. rt .ati:(6170evse:11;'e'seuetl.:Wii- o' was unable t.
CaPtilly - 11144,illand ' avIll.tg t.4 - Martin ..White, was . the -. only sPne... of '
ttirut dihee'BRuegelet)orrOyf: London_ spent. Sunday, ,..8vcrailpljeainop;e°raltolk 741,4. vtetoritriaan. ,,,Ixtilbuoirt: teelirn!ofttivthhuernrdeepreStoas;e4„bairimiet wmitmch,-.
Visitors' from, Detroit ' villo' 'sPent , cnotaorift, i' ..a* his, .. brother,
• .A. rm' billt crow•ited,setvsiedeil:katon*cith;aestilanted:' tsZe814;a.:::):
\ , wthete*:ezektime.lel: Datyr: LeltdDieslysitt'6 itlit,taAgrt Slip off the same lifeboat .to • bl,L4 about him, '„, ., -. .
death.. He had tried to hold him $er 'Survivors said waves were • he-
nolci'Smith,. Wallace Hodges, 2.Johfi
Irwin, Mr. arid Mrs. mema Linguist IOUr hours, but the strain was -too' tween 10- and 12 feet high at times.
. , ...., .: much: ' ' " , ° --- - - None _ of tha, survivori :saw Mrs.
and Hairy Forster37r..
the igteaAtiloc,f 'Iy[Drtieu. Ion, °w1 :Dei:o°wilx 7.41-15e‘114reelaitoeyetsteher:dggrayailaartitesirndoefnil°ainildt Dthrettvoalitirtieolie4.11:iLeer°!.: the mate
'Miss 'Anne' Druoin the . guest of ..14ri.. started 'f" Cleveland," Cal* ' 144c- ' ' . -- - '
M. Ferguson over the week' end. Leliami pretty hard continued. *It was bloviing.but we were Making , OTHER .ditEAT ' '
,urs, C. W4- Brown. was a guest of ._ _LAKEs DISASTERS
308,..14. . ,30Talcork in. Clinton. 2or good weather of it until along after
. .
‘ ivi. *la - . , - supper time. It twist have beerkabout '
ronewing are the - major inaripa. cl,W
twMore'0114sn,of341,0"114G0'ne.:wilue"rei- liaut 4 t a:1dr BI3c'evurelit4eWithle(14rJr In4ittel:illettlidj°11ine' tis'utainersbouolltilleviessanishi':Gz-losnt: lalpee. ,, ,.,,w-'ens:hitia' , th:
,eottage, over the vire& end. - 4 -
Mr. arid Mrs. 17..0.,,QuarrY,liavo re- ton, burned. 44f. ',Punkhif, 17,.V., Pake,
turned to London After having spoit Erie -40 dead. , ' . .
,the suoiner at their ,home in 'the vil- August 19;. 4201111--4Aeamshlp - Erie
Misses P. and E. 'Pollie and Mrs. d. oft Bilker 'Creek, ity„ Lake Erie
g .
lee. .. -
ir, Pe. *-
nt 'Sunday" with the 41tItiovera
6 deg; 2'1, 11341-4Egeam41111:0 'Aloe:
Zurich. * °!**- ., • :rib .c-burned-in,...take:alithipn-447 dead.
formers ,
Oune ' ,1e, . 1600-43tesraship 0-riMth
sister, . .
.The Bayfield Badminton 'Club held Nulled .in &ow itrit-.44 dead, ,
'the first meeting of the season in the 'fAuayst 30; ,102,-43ttantshIp .6.tlantb
Town Hall on Mondayevening and sank atter 61thsiOn *near x,etig' point,
re.-organiTed . for the enauing Year. Ont., in 104 We; 0160 dead. • .
The folloiving <Ater* . were appoint Septeinber a, 108Q..-tceursien steamer
tars -treasurer , Margaret Grevtst Lady =On sank in lake Stiettigar,
JulY 1/036-0and su:ker Materia!
, .
Service sank Chicago rake
October 17, 1.018--04/14sti*er'' $ind
Merbant sAnk. or" Cleveland: -in Lake
E.Erte-,-141 lost.
Well made yoke aril on
pocket, triple\stitch
SIZES to , 7
Grey Check Oxford Shirt-
ing Work Shirts,oarsty14,
Uscieielcsiteih4elloultraoke..7 4
, eelal
AGYA1Ver01,1, TO TOP Pt*, oug
''PhonS 684,
Game p„Tleserktes COnnty.
Itave, been incTeageTtg"47total,44-6,000--
sores by the addition of two. pre-
serves, has been announced by
11;15Y guiea, 'Ow" Wardell' for the
'tOwity. :The, additions, established by
theispartmex0 Game and Fisher-
ies comprise 1;200 aoree in Wjllough
eby TownsbiP, and 1,000 4ero in )3er.
tie Township. • '
"' '
Now TilaYinir-=Plias; Ogees * dFfarly bo Bed",on4 vir a. Weld* is,
'OK'd the toralics:t • - •„.
NEW FALL STYLES-LDistinctive, Smart, Youthful
Dr hear Crepes, trimmed with Satin, Velvet,- Braids, :
Etc.,- Navy, Black, Brown and i
Regular- and ...half:slies';''TheS6 res-t-En:re welt
Made,. ft smartly and reaSonahly priced
• lb Egg"
Ne COats.just,410, of sMart`fabric. Black with Pointed
Sable and Silver Fox trim. Beautifully made Coats,
perfect- fit and latest .Should, ,sold
that we were'liking water over. the
side and down into the hold.f
"With us tarrying a lull load of
2,200 -tons of *et sand, this tended to
create a dangerous situation.- Nato.
rally the only thing to do Watt to
start, the jumps and try to get' the.
water' out, but we seen developed -
list to port. „
knew.that We were in for it and
orcierd the mate to burn .the r red
flares we carry. Those soon tan' Out
and the boyallirtarted carrying out
their bedding and placing that on the
deck in * huge bonfire.
guess.thete were zit) other boats
entinglz tO ate our Ares for vee
must have shown * light. for mere
than an hour. .
"About two belts (9 pan.) the list
became Iota). bed so I sounded the
general *Tartu and ordered the .ife...,-
and the driving rain tile- boy* hid
quite a time'doing this but they. yea'
about it as th,ougk Vrai Just * regd.
Jar drill.- „t.
"We seemed to be gaining for a
While but I guess was Just the hope
in my mind, and / soon sew that we
would have to leave. By this time
the floor of the pilot house was way
over to port and I had * tough job
getting over to the Whistle pull to
signal -the boats down into the water.
• 41uirt after 'gave the tival and
the boats were in the water we went'
over in a flesh. There was no warn-
inter' - ---ifilostanre bit Wit,
don't- even know where, and X went
out like * light.
*The next thing 'I feraernber
fgh adventure, thrllls. and - romance abound
•.0100 -Of the vou,N01,1,enloY:
Zvitkie,,,,toelulere in the realm; of talent, .bring ,another azintinating fun
. , „ . „ , .
and. mode treat Ter. your 'enfons-nt, . "
. ' . 44^4 , . . .
bliTINGT 9,
' - ' • .. - -.i.......---.F••••,-......""i-m""""""""-----".'"' ' ' ' . '. — - ......-:.-..----.."""•---
. ' cOming-A,•rlotosi Ob.ticklOr "No More Wiles" . .
litatiPiefi Wed., Sat* on#.'hel4tays at 3.00 p.m.
ea: president, rir. Wm, Vowler,-secre-
rsennud by schooner Augusta -Utz &Ad_
Girra captain:Marion Davison; toes 1207 -oar terry Dere .Ntatquette
captain, Jack Ferguson; social eon.
venors, Gladys Gale, Meta, 'Oleo -
Ili GO.
h Collegiate soma' team
the league lead, at -Clinton on.
wbali theytht,honle
:of 2 to L_ LUtysr
of the-
and Taffetas made up sin I styli% taflored t)r:
L in401,0m:Wite„,.. oW11.,_1414044,...40.4. Whitigg
• • 41.
Smart styles for Juniors in tweeds and tine all woot
fabrics. Dressy and sport styles in sizes 12, 14, 14x.
co Litlafthyit,hat. and muff in smart princess
oats with leggings and bat to match for the smill'ini$5*
sizes 4, 5, 6. ,
. •
ye nti'need to have you hitchin drab and colorless..
. .r. 4,
re is no need to have rim'kitchen drab and.' colorless
to malcir the Color Scheme. Cooking - Vtenii§ for every
POrPPse, imade of long -wearing material, attractive in :design,
reasonable in price.
Guaranteed. Vatutint Cleaners
On handat HALF he original privie
Agent for Aladdin Lamps.
st mad. started the:fight-4'TO clinic
to, to find myself draped *tress the
bottoin of tite Versa of the
bey* pounding itt. on'the. back. Thoo,
were *Wen at us, but there are only
three of rut here now. '
,"Puring the night several toits
Pasfill4 wlthbi lght, Itt tad alte itias
At IS my
Are my' mot
lot of
Young Overcoats, tailored in theIatest
Ind best 121St
RYMORt m _paid% checks_