The Goderich Star, 1936-10-22, Page 1,Z17e-V Pg 3 ,V:„Ve,71 9411 11, • ... 412‘ 4 oie 4.11 zucu,0 Will Rstain 10.40 'Celitre *0f eMi" WiIlMso ,-„ VollOWingita lengthy discusSion at the council Meeting on TridaY -nigh ,..regarding the eurbint of the *mike in 41IrtV3Oth8e,:ratk, --3(47 . broke a '40 vete, Onts 400114Ing that • the tow of Goderich will retain its uTlicine, formation anti the patha lead, iitto:thc park will again be ,lie a straight line with., the, etree be `The-diSeliseitot began when'Coun- cillor -Humber asked Via the report of the Cemetery and Parke comMiteee be taken' 01)danee by !P1,140A0 Nbe, 0einetery aexton'4,'report Wai8 tt'Pt 1/44eeelYed,and the tile., the-, Orskti- anittee Olaf the itevt, pipe. at the ' cemeterYt, Inii-b4l40410 41 Al out. ,'The report- wa accepted with- outdiecussion, "The:third end 'dikputed clause was in connection with the laying, sof.,t 4 *alitg in the, ;Fa* , and , read AO fol- lows: "W have had S. W. Archbald 11101.C, eVer the' MatteVet 04:0g the venal in the ,Courthouse P.** aucl,,_We recommend that the 0001)2g -be Pm •-ed-along-theelrallte in their.:44-Oen •location, and that the liY045- be *pro• . ceded .with at once. „ v clause be "adopted andlbe.eniggestio •was seconded bn Councillor Bingham. CourOillor -iffunibert,in 4.,PTkelotinen • that the nathebe:put in line with, the streets. The amendment was seconded 'by Councillor Baker. The "yeas and :niye!!, were taken "oh.the amendment and the '3"ote Was recorded as follows: Tees. - Reeve, Weer, Polineillor$ Ruckine,'.13alter, 'Thunber and 04,440 • N10141,e:014.11.0-4-- ..Bingluul and Brown, and. Deputy ' 'Turner. . • -, ., • ,----. cl.h•-eYloile4e. the takingetithe, Vete many views 'were eXpressedIn.'01,;fait • and open-minded 'discussion ....• of the ., . Matter. • CmincillorAltrekint.., Said,,'il, : etod deal*Ortivetable. hasm,-been* ..,ex-•• , perieneetf regarding these walks iur' ing;nirtbree jeers *the touncil.,4 •',113,st-weliOtktgot down. ±o Where': we are -actually °going to attempt -• te put . .._..thig..place.into shape.,' 'We -have . looked . !over these. paths winch -are ;supposed, to bewherethe curbing will be lei. 'The not lprenesai, according to. the .-engineees:man/,ttl to *fag a Path from ° the centre of OA -street. Be-. eause we have had eOwpetht through ' there for, the: .past .730, years doesn't say that We must. have them lvrong.', for the next. '00 years. , .A11 these: •--,:valkis.-shoult,be' .geoltettictilY-'-* coV''' :re4ks .011W401,14-ortAgg,..444i. tha4tOWn,-. When •the pergis properlylevelled• off and thesepaths are in right, We -will forget that We ever -bad cow- • paths 'through !there,* • ' *gr. '.1filiiillef wasof the ?ATOP'PO', tt"Mon as Mr....Huckinge,.especially when 't toftieMthe*--matter of ligaitillidhe:: a rk. 'If the:lights were in there, . -the paths would not look ,‘. right": . at night unless unlest:they were in, line yieth: •the streets. i :. ,. Mr. Baker-endoried the opinions ' . .of the two ' previous speakers and though the new project would coat a little more, the council inlist'remem.- ler that they are looking more to the future than to the 'peewit. , Reeve 'Mpier declared that at „first be had been in fairer of leaving the -walks the way they are but that; after considering the matter ''' thot. t oughly and looking them over, he felt —,--„that-to...thange:41144.-wilke--,wo • the-properthing*Ito 4-.6.;,-.' - "I can't agree with the new layout." said 'polity ,Turneri. ''Ti. IOW( Irk , , _ '. STARTING vt,ortic (continued in, pa 1,) ' 14,4 4. Early History ast Wawanos Whiny beicensistate. of pint se tiers Are Still in %Ai** (AMY OEflcIAL,. POSITIONS _ Ifeenennolx-Rieesse.' thne one to P and it viu the ler, geat tewnshiPlzt,quren• copilty. . There • --were -some-06.41.9 atm in it, ttt the • 'beghining t yeas Almost * perfeet eenare• and ,the dweller* of those town. shielf,'IneY Wen Sir °with the iFieahniet af old: 11%4 otfr 10t. hae been tett 'in pleasant p 'Imes, truly we hoe t go:4y ;heritage."' , Those tw0. toWntbitig esti* tato being srexiow 00 The toithahip Weeane of. northerly of the leittoia Connt :shim -and trite beitaided shin:of. Ithileas itt eitiket and* • Turribetry, the the South and MAW, .toWnthiti llgaitietd• niter lishieli* point quitto let to ' Vii-waneith, „so elnef,as * Whelk i'rta th 't Merritt From' 04 0400g VOW PR.EI AND SALT e Rurham discharged 200,000 bushels of Western wheat Into. rich Elevider on the 17th, the Sup- erior leaving 40000 at 'the *tone house doting the week. The latter beak cleared With a Cargo of ;At from The Goderieb Salt ComP0,04. • Sunday evening, the, ,Sarnia (Captain' John Holey) 'arrived witk '000 bnehele of *heat from: Port Unloading Itas started It 4i44,1604 414-t-hirrilta clearedlight about 8.30 on *044,1Iy afternoon for Tole4o4or 4,04Irgo of coal._ The Oarnian's, ,cargo Was for the Western Canada 'Flour Mills, The C:algarian on Monday charged package freight from ohi:. Receiv CAR es to ik4 and et/.Unhurt Thr4 fizethird timo in lees then ive weeks, vireeks,.misfOrtuno has Overtaken the family of gr. wage Veirogark,Acoye, i'Colborne TO*nelrip, • On1SePtellibet, Va,r4 ttie'llarX.0310tie, laPh WO *rick by iiihttijog and de- stroyed with a quantity of ',imple- ments and some stock,' .A few -days• later his Year -914 dot:04er Jean; was killed by ..hesinit.her he;d erushed 'when a teat&of her father's horses l'air OW. . On Wednesday night. ' Mrs.* ,tiagan Was, a, passengerm tlies-eiVrfo 'ligh triiek when it-eraalieChtto et...hydro t.. acqneline lia .ea ds In C - Of Lion, CI "104 A Knockout” ,, - .ITLEomiPee.t PERICH" th-,-0,:maiStieLs,weep-sirid,enric•e, OW, Popularity cOntest for the title of • to latsc'411MT3iteeftreefitow. going,40 mee. reagan received sever*. ut on, ,..or*shea - • lifts:_Feagan- WAS hurried eitce 1Dr, 37,0: Whi ly,;-/ind'After having injuries - treated, Wait re- moved to the tome of her brother -in law,Mr. Wm Fealtati, this ••town. *4ttikeS XeNee, :the driver of the ten-ele.."-Was- ured , • The Short1y after:the4 Opening of the tOnuoit Meeting„1" 01,, Friday nlght,i0ounciller Rufkino; a, NO of Annoonot 'his! 0+,00' swng hicarm. The blew ap- parently rnia$04 the 00, Mott' ntionfent'' Conefilor„ OridgiN • sitting- on Mr, Itookitielot‘ took wand landed *eieibuS7)310v,that apparently ound its rnrk, for be turned to Mr. Sueltin4 with look ,supteroe satisfaction. . The newt' , I 'MOMent' retiOntiOnft %5111,44 was heard ,the other emLotthe table and Deputy Togner, was rub- bing his -heed While •,001tneigor Humber " 'watched hiin ,with an ar4104441 100k, The four men finitlit 'and ,fliognotedi.x..., turned their at- tention strictly tO-the' butineSs at hand,' every now 'and then shak- ing their. beads The in- oniitable:ePirit of the town fath-. rs. was tie match for the •tONinihall Hee.' ' , 444' le at ,the , Elgin Awnile, Cantir lia. 41.4133 cl°detkil." 44, rallidl)'" corning a Gwen, throtighAuc and also other 'POW was brAten, some . fifteen feet from the :the grOund. ' •. LIONS' • MONDAY. -TUESDAY. 11 am the different*: between 'a IOU life.' and . a .iicrowded ' C3neterei;e" se* :TosePh',.•=10i;ilkider....ba his excellent „new 'book: of ..pkwns..-It:.In iinaginationk of ,we carrY, the 'Idea; 401 • 'further,' **,6 'Could truthfullysattliat attendtng 'the ',iortirtaining. .proditetlen'. . A- Kneekouti": . 00404'4:1W the00C10.1eli • tient cibb In thei.'9peta. aouse flat .1tfond4 and ../Dielelay, would : the "difterepee•-, between , seeing seetationahy hllarloui..ehoic:'Ond a dull ealstenee." 141v_anee, tickets,:. under' the , le:am:ship of ear, - *1'401, a 4,Con11)../rete 'whew- isingioit the, TOW in their sine altrieette. Work are advised: to: have their ,advance tickets 'reserved at Camp - .0411'4 Drug Store, Saturday, October .24, at '900 am 'This :Sparkling irmsical comedS' its feminine' -lead -a.. 'Yoting lady, avoid the nemistent. advances- of, er4 venal* eintore, Contrives to have her - eel( .446Pted by !".et .Ohnnets brother Tri,tli .n*1:0 1111arioUS eatnilleations. Tins. role of 'Illattee it in the capable hands 'of marjorie.psier, -and, 11' one is to judge .by the Htmatihnotts opinion of all these Lionwho attended attended -telitorsale, recently, MLss Th.er'e "l'attle" will 'be a revelation to all and sundry, The' object of her ateetiott Is the lightheilltvelith4 Sztkant- pita Of the World, Bob tandem, a young bachelor who Utideritindablii does net- pertimilarly Iike, the. Wit of the totted ' tentlY..'4iiatoted by_teetie, Hartne. Bulwarked about these two able IleatWt-A:111 be -.a- partleolgly-rtalentwd All46ter.„Cast; the *Sara Sltiters"' of 11.1:0","%kilifek.'the*"14tienda Mat- thews" of Ifdlith •Taylor, 'Village gossips of qulte large, Orotfortlorie; the ''caloh Illopet" as hitetpteted, by Carl WM.:tell, 'frisky, genial town biiitker; the !Tied einitidere'r of ',Herbert Greene, Bob's iiosont trieed: the . Visite iltitzulall" Of close chum• -and --.4-tonsliiritter; -the-.4fevninie ardeonw 01 Dainia 43OY and dlinin- -tiff*, who exPerienet4 considerable dim- culty with this letter in the 'alphabet that iii‘eollah people .pionou-ote es Whose' home, -0.iiCieeeent are ,obviously from. Ile* terra 'genial allow, with the kttoed Xtuffington Vlay0001 Morten or the &reek& himself, Oa thither, who litays this slow-witted :Briton in the ow. proved failtion of the. oariesterte.,...the Uarlder-Ofi R&Iph iftenderson, 'kindly WhetTof Bob, in' *he* bode the utter: of' the linighter4illed, letron comedy takes iihiet, eilowass tiwtostuP. I Durhig the 'pat Week, nlngs has transferred his *busineuto the Listowel ''1'hIz company it not a, stranger to this to*n, having earvid the morn - nit ne-wspspers from Toront�for the pait tit frisight wli1 tome throug1 �n thls sarser Seth 0 and ititeree the pubile of early deliveries. • Mt Will Tebbui r•,• tliv youthful,41emietttetthe! Witte #394.he 4ped- over her nearest opponent in e Llons Oltib toriteif.itt COninnetion wlth9tw,, :t4thelier.341CantiVit.d'ii;;Xotisi,i,a,.2:axyweeaki the' Opera. 1,f1040,; 10", net . , 'ent-Is Lucy .1farrisok-,'IolloWed tem* • aratively close by 91erAla Johnston, pladys Parrant, t,keth ..Schoonhale; Helen ,Wfaelgerani 'Wen Page,' Alla „1!ar- -:reut,'-fPat.,s1giiOeOiette-'Westlnooir,•t$3Va•' WorthY, 11.).firtiria tlussey, Joe; BheD- naiti rrieda. Whlte, gutn Nlcol, Mary ,Th rue • The contest 1osea ml.inlght, October 2e,'sq.kr4r. 'girl, in the east has an oppor- tunity.,te capture the the coveted title yet.. Particular li4efist will. come - to a head on 'Saturday ivith * ticket drive. The ladies will be 'exzeptionalIy .energetie that day zin order to,," -be in the .runr :.41,110." Se next week, at this , time Goderich wilI be mythically ruled- .by 43, !`Qiie.en; of Popularity" and vwili,have as the symbol of- her "Station" the title of Goderich" LACK' OF INTEREST IS REGRETTED A fair crowd Attended the annual Meeting of -Goderich Bible Society in MeV/#.1141-04, Tuesday tight, eller business part of the meeting was con- ducted by Rev. W. P. Lane The tree- eurer's report, read by Mr. E. Doug- las Brown,.showed receipts by celiac - tient to be $155.•in addition to a leg- acy of ;100. from the estate of the late-Mre.-Robert Last yeat'a officers were re-elected IT the unanimous vote of the meet- ' lug.- They are; President,. Mr. A. M. Robertson'' Secretary, Mr. J. A. Campbell;Treasurer, Mr; E. D. Brown. , Lantern , slides depleting the life bt,, David (Livingstdzie, vide (5110W11 and 'Mr. Robertson readthe story of the famous explorer's life, in con- junction with the howing of the slides, A. 'outwit's for funds will be made again this year in the same way as in the past two yew, 'end a generous respenseeto4his-worthrcause-itimp,- ed for., The lack of _interest in the society as shown . by the 'townspeople oflateYears is rather lamentable. .e • OLD PAPERS FOUND IN SALVORD BUILDING +Wink, tearing, dowt an Old „Wilding at saltford Jest week, 1.14 464. Bicknell came *coot an. almanac for the year .1004, The eeSatrie med4clnes and tonics Nat& refereed itodn that- booklet AS in the on- iainied for lOad by the same company. Take . out Medicine they ad- vised 42. years sigo,• and ensure nealth, Mittel Energy, Strong Navies and Sound Steep. 111,10,„ther it ducejj the 'atilertieed resuite,for, the takers, Is not known, but the eetill3an7 is now of_the...sttongelt.44intne.„.141.1ly_liL.theit le, copy% of the (Detroit Nein tribune. 01 sunday,„oster ,I,54h, Ogg, *At Ado among the pipers untirthed by Mr., Thal editkin though literal- ly illustrated; looks like et. Postage stamp when compared ' with the Sundae- edi- tions of. is*, et bicycle Parade .Was 41111 estiting event ftt iaee A --copy, of The Montreal Weekly- Wit. -ef :mac .. e-tp it followed 'for vete After other papers adopted * more modern etyle„ was itt the Okettfeed, building es well as 5, War Cry 01 ieepteinber leth 1.90o, boye would likely be *Wilma to the itolleetiOns of Antlyes bekig essenabled, in the Goderich STI.T,RbY POY • efl mks by C 1 Friend Jews. Inherits Real I Amount 'sor DISCLOSED Unlike Oylot of.„, so-called' friends, seeking something for themselves, .rdon___Ard-Of.ViTingban5 ota (life :i-li:oarcitreninticraftpnicciiHieewsd.rwntiwitweleite. w_teet: to advise him that he was entitled to fither,_thele -Peter Ritchie., Kelly v. Ritchie, the 44 year-old Indian is deeply religious and.A....„Mmber •of.the. Oxford_.01*Oup., He was a resideit7OTWingIian-for eight years and beforei. that Jived" in • Southampton. NO one knew where he had gone whenhe, left Wir.eliain 3 weeks ago and'Ard travelled to Party Sound,uginct,indo Cape . 13" Seofilhefinr. i,hrn apieiyri*, licr locating I -4m in Ciederi411. _Ritchie =bad a deep Ogardfor his father"whom be said was a man Of fore -sight and ability and one of the 'beta ,farmers in the Bruce Peninsula. The Department; of Indian Affairs has been carrying on an investiga- tion fOr, a period of 'el ht years, and has finally come te ,t e conclusion that Kelly Ritchie Is t'he sole heir to the estate of his father4 The fortune -comprised oL farm property,-- and- governMeatannuitisantouiiting-, to, several thousands of -dollars. Ritchie who is a well-educated man, is a full, blooded Chippewa -Huron 'Indian and he has been working .itt Baxter's dairy. It was liere that Ara found him to give him, the good news. Ritchie, who attended Parry -Sound- High School' and holds a second class - teacher's certificate is an artist of no mean mean ability and has a, number of well-done oils that he willSometimes show to interested parties. He said that his mother had died whenhe was quite young and that when his father died tight year ago, another woman had claimed to be his wife. His lather had however safe -guarded his estate by leaving an affideVit, mak- ing his 8011 sole heir. Ritchie said that he is now going to follow art and that he may marry, • SEPTEMBER BRiDr. - FETED AV *FRIENDS The home. of Mrs. Kenneth Stowe, Zest St., was the scone of a happy gathering Thursday evening, when 25 friends of Mrs. Garret Carpent- er (formerly Miss Irene Johnston) tendered the recent bride a Surprise miscellaneous shower.. The early pa3 A',..the....evening _wee taken .11P, _With "500" Mrs. E. Evans and Mrs. It= Johnston winning the prizes. Mrs. H. Rivers won the consolation •priae. Novelty contests, which ;Were an en- tertaining feature of the evehing, were won by Mrse-Oriiideanantiltfret * - The gifts were presented on a .table decorated in pink and whft awl Mise* Aileen Stowe and Mies None Barlow. A delightful luncheon was served by the hoitese. • MR: W., -L OADLEY NEW C. P. R. AGENT • Mr. W. L. Vediey of Chatham has received Word of his aPPeiutuleut 83 .,04-.70,01..geleteetagent.letiGederiels, succeeding the the late Mr. T. Coinien. Mr, Badley who has been in Chat,. hani for *bent A year has been -con- nected with the tailroed , since about 1900. His appointment is to take effect abotit the end of the Month. . The new agent and his wife will lived in Goderich. VIre, Radler is re- - oitedto gr. Oren. ° fortiter district 4.10Perintenclent of the C. Vr. Rep And Mr. Bad* bk brother of Mt Gee. Mei, formerly operator at the C. P R. station here, and now *fallen Kingetitort. 714: As a resolt, England'st de and; for more hockey and better ockey. loge nninhoro Coadiart 11040 DilYer* skrer orOesing the At?. lantio to 'show the .. °pie, the Mother country how mCiohani .ployed. NOW:. tan* *4 '11Portil. writers are into the eituatto as eirt4eneed, bY iret *WI t elon to go to EngI*nd thls weak to Pctio`fi9lkor mt„),,itp"-u „Pe* * • is sports editor of the eon ,of Bait; Calderllector Of St Ge0404 • here,..110 is Well_ Apo nevmpoper-inon---throughout Ontario and takes an active part in sport in Chatham. Re leftforEnglandweek .eti, thi a 11 Or ti'Adjusted ir. 0 mi $30,000 WORK WO4PRC FOR .0 OodSrieh town council and `the )1ell, LTelephonee-Oemitany4Akialter--hiY_Ay_ reached a point .of . mutual under- standing, and ...en& 'a few• miner points lin.* be - straighteeed . out bea feie`the 431,000•work programof the -telephone ecnipiny Will -be Started in, the east side of the town. '- '• - The work, which was to have -b started almost two years ago, *till ell! • niitutte.much-of-the-Street-wiring-an will make for an efficient and highly beneficial service. . It will,* _muck, -•the-saineAts,tho.:',44.013,010 --"kozsIvi- eoniviretedliiii:Year in the west sec- tion of the town. Negotiations by the. council with the Public 'Utilities 'Commission, to allow the telephone company to plate their lines on Hy- dro poles, have been dropped and the compant% is now prepared to put up their.own* poles for this work. The, appropriation which has beenmade for Goderich service improvement' .eovers this expenditure, • and the matter was of little importance . the company, but it is felt by mem- bers of the council that it would help teonsiotably with ,beau.tification of hetn. With the installation of the new line se,rvice, it is highly probable that tioderielrielephone users will be- -Oven a nevenon.crank -telephone ser- vrce. This system will, according to officials, speed up the service here and will also have the effect of mak- ing if much More efficient. • ;COUNT Y cONSTABLES PAY A. SURPRISE VISIT wok* !Paying a surprise visit to a farmhouse. in. the Township of Turnberry, not far *QMwinghtun, constables vergusou, Stewart and. Ciallcrway, interruPted about thirty residents of that vicinity, who are aaid to have been throwing dice and playing cards .for geese. Two of the players succeeded in dis- appearing but the others are not likely to be, prosecuted, the only one to be sumnuMed being the proprietor, Cletus Rettinger of TionberrY. The case was listed 'for hearing itt to -day's police Ift7E-IM—eWriff-be -that --of -keeping a -common gaming bona& 4. g • • Ithorbo( WITH 17 IT1.0410'' • -A Goderichfamilysaddened Sunci4 Nvlie :# Elijah . , ,Drinkiivigtot;'3.1t tnear' that ttiltien Herbert, ' and his wife. 'had,heen: *mimed when the 004 Istfe, Chant,: a .2007 ‘04t, Toronto owned eanct.ouckevi:foundired 50 mite boor gale, 14 miles oft Cleveland itt Lake $rie • on Saturday night. c:Of qrovs? Of tei only ao.Von were saved,' the 19.-11rOwned.inehule4 on women, Mrs. 'iterhertiPrialiteltet PortiatanIctri'liostr husband --among' the drowned, at one time, resided In .Goderich . •• " the sand -sucker MerciouraVt . and his fanidris , widely known'..in :Goderich. -Mrs- OrinieWalter was .a daughter;of Mr. and Mrs. Frank .:YoUng ofPort Stanley. She waikon board as a pas- senger, -taking a trip„ with her hus- band for the f fret time itt, Months. Mr. lakwalter had been hoe*, mty: trattenAt Sand and, .Materials Llmlted. °wool's ,of the.aandtsucker, for 8 or -9 year. Priortogoing. to The National Sand. and Material3.,I4mited. be was out of *Port . -Stanley.- surviVed-by140- 'parents, Mr. and -Mrs. Elijah Dth;11,c-. *alter, of Goderich; three brothels, Gordon. Windogr; tiecirge,' barber, formerly of •St. • Thomas; Lorne, of Detroit; and two, sisters, ' both in, Goderich, Mro, Fred Watson aed Mis. M.*Trump:311r; • .t"rank. tho only son was a successful competitor in. the Ontario Junier, Athletic meet in Toronto., this Year, winning the 100 - yard dash and the 220 -yard sprint., • Mr. ,Drinkeealter ;was 49 years of lafgejaa.lid 44111;1 ,,4„113"g'. 744.4 136Y This is the second on his parenfs. have lest by drowning, the first los, ing his life off Owen .r.-lilound ,sonie years ago. • • , , The 262 foot sandsucker, Sand 'Merchant, caught in a 50 -mile -an - hour gale off Cleveland, began to list badly during the storm and rolled over just after the: order to lower the lifeboats had been given.. Only seven of the grew sitrvived the terrible Or- deal, these having clung to overturn- ed lifeboats all through • the night while their comrades who did not go down with the boat lost their strength and one by one slipped into the water. On Sunday morning the rescue steamships Bessemer and 'Marquette No. 2, and the Thunder Hay Quarries arrived on the _scene and picked up the survivors. They told a grueSeese- story of their night on the lake, ifeine of themhaving lost life-long friends and one survivor had seen two of his brothers awallowed up in the than - lent waters of treatherotts Lake 'Erie. The vi11ageofVictoriaIarborri. ' -GODERZ011---141WILY- - (ContinnedOn _Page 4) _ vv,.. • PAY GLOWING TRIBUTES TO MISS HAZEL MACDONALD . No Day or Road'Too Long or Too Cold for Devoted Missionary Worker, Dr- Margaret. $traiiig-Ssevage_Helped_au Teacher. Preacher, and Mason's Laborer. • It Was' a thrilling story of brave Mee held in a florae, an Anglican adventuring ni pioneer missionary work-whletrefteve4'.vek.-074telet'eteAd.• leitiiight-if the Alitinarthankoffer- ing 'meeting of Vox,' Church Auxi- liary, W. M. S., iti.the !elute Wait Mounted Madman volunteered to be tylse,.-bitlayte.okittetleev " Rev. -Mr. -Cum with M.A.; 8.». de-, grees from the great Scottish univer- sities, pioneered there, then returnel Js444(11,,," OA* r sabject was "Pioneering , .01,13Stin J comlo e sistafit niinLster of 14w St. Work in the Peace River District." George's Church, Edinburgh. He lived Ile 1/W1Q( described the hardships of in * amall room and.'cooked his own those t missionaries lhare serving hutinthtrtrMatiaretivg%1*i. 1n po:t • the gre:Ws , p tieu1 r h;ruronCoiyg1t1,spaid ; those biyond the end of steel. glowing 'tribute .by m.t. Wright, as Paying tribute to the splendid 'the wee body - who laborsin Dixor., career of Miss Hazel Macdonsld. Who is musician,• teacher, 76f-Gbileittr-titemrpt* , t 1Pfliitle"mel"""thaesronfthwah(3**1•Oraiktetis allstatbihilmelrY-'t daughter of Mrs. Murdock Macdbiutict c°nalhde°::;tilatslinsocaleititedher wwithrk‘ bim at ney on a church with neceseary Pollee Coupe. Her long drives over nin...,tp.riall0 • th?eusgulitinrm4-edild(uP*Illin `Ii"rh44eirierewlessi-sa ntefvfedert:1-& iint;ivistfriartni41014041:ngseo:uttivtreerGy,, riVewIrlorikeerid!*e who went 'clav- too long; never * toad 'toe long nor too void for Mite Macdonald to over lonelY, dreary trails with the start out on her labor Of II.* hooting" ovels and the crying of the Ile fold of the building o River- coYetea, breaking the stillness, braY. fog all in her determination to keep her engagements. 'There Is no Man or worearLin tanade doing.* trailder braver workP Mr. Weight closed his Address by avowing his preciettiete, to the -Avekkvir 41Ig :00 he ',!to,14 ',in' the Court coun ,0..-**1z.:will be - edition, 0 iydro *on When .1.)*P1,43F,.., that,. he • tad.' fee: re:the.'etty'..ot Londc t u 10 how they dlv1d the'tekinotitwo the ''ornmercial„ , dotr sphye:. t430 ')34544)*iol ileStberient ottlicehare.si ityour ivirorohiA. • yolt, ,hor, 01 the Public vtliittea . ,How Is the, :division• ,g1:44 otide#00"., he asked. *theBydrotheetriiTPo `ortHieniontt-thathe'.4ettlue divided and that.' doinelitio'.101. 4 saw. •.e.• 1\ tr. H, E. '.- ct, and tiA local lOormnissiert have yet to confer on. the zn&tte and that the di-vialo,shae not yet been work- ed out. • • 11114khi4 faid tha- t 41444 the coun- cli and th PUC. are gettlng to the point where theY Can .1vork. toget , er4 Once the local, 'Power contract ruitTithine_er,joutit41,401, 1113'ct4tinitw.e pttaptwitshote,,/eiialrf- to ta* turkey to the 0.21LT.:,0.,, itt 1e14, when the contr4et , aigned„. GO,derich, was toot power 1,141i50." HP. and that. SA t.110, ',vied on that , .priee was to deereitee.' reductiont". the. goiintillor said, "we were "4E4: f$4or3, the inbdaiTie"triarre't;nuiacitionbil,l: Cloderich," deciare•d Mr. Huacini, who • felt thst alter the people and.the pub. lic bodies got together on''trite". matter, lf the 10dro wouldn't do anything- to - remedy affairs they could be told to cut Hydro .off it the -Huron Road. , The Mayer expressed the opinion that Hydro should be. on a percentage ufis Amin as the vote was taken and we had been booked as Hydro, use= we never heard anything more about what Ada* Beck said, "That we would get power at from $18 to t20." ,-Mr. lCnox suggested lisrnessing the -04a1tiand, because in leole the town wUl be through with the greatest part of the Lake Shore Railway debt and in , ;10430muird:thi4.Berostewoiatra44t,..,,,,b,idthtehatifdrea.rotetheldrunstrisottutt, an, Idea- and that- in, the event- of Such propoaal -taking form the town: would ham to be prepared to generate power the moment the contract with the if, E. P. C. Was ended. E further stated that power couki be generated exceedingly cheaply by condensed steam. engines. "We can get' power a lot ' ttheaper," he declared. 1/1r. ,Huelcins claimed that by the time power contract runs out Dieeei en- gines will have reached a stage where 1 -,their use Would be practical. We have ',boa $120,000 laid aside, for it sher.ing fund so that logically., that morel, • should be ours and it would take eve of a plant at the waterworks. r7.--l1nghgnr--a1d--1,hzt"--pretouslt— rigineers—eorts1derinv-theL vroblern-had_. _ only_ considered high dant turbines and hi was $13; the opinion that low dam turblreg vouldbe used for such a pro - acct. Deputy -reeve Turner didn't eonsider the town got a 'Weak on this reduttiort. The Mayor explained that the matter had ironiediateiy been taken up with the (ff. Z. P. C. "There is too much. Toronto," geld Councillor Wunitier. - "This Is the most important meeting the cannel' has had regerdir.gthe town% future," said Councillor Thick - Ma, "end X would like to see -this mat- etroriTliaiiiir.irAVIr' -4" meeting and kept before the ptailie."., "We talked a great deal 'about th.,.. iiinanortyelratirroad, at tlyie.,7_,Ivellowimngefirat of the Ing about relief project( and the north * road would, be practically all pick and shovel Work.* 'Are We ,goleg to let this matter die)" The Mayor stated that the boundaries of' the town were being properlY, deefg„. Wed by the town solicitor, who lelAre. • tithed' instructions to *ether Infertile. lion on the subjett. Pressed as to when -7-10rmaGtoPettlitn (continued on Doge LITERARY SOCIETY -- - ELECTIONS TO -DAY - *eide-„Ohtiech, and the Iteroic,aervice rendered by Iteir. Edward 401113StOn# *130' le now going out to. *take the pi** of the late lUtv. Jonathan Go- forth in Menchuria, - • First iloopiiiit hi 1410' in tale 444• Lawrence, Huron fload, ' appolnted Diatelet Stratford Rebekahs eta** installed Itenieteie *111 Clin 'tett lodges. tome, in the dist Urisi 14evrence's taain Ii coin' of Mr*. F. Toolop Kn. X, Xrs, S'hore, Ws, Roo • Lite '0101TorriljoY, Ra Alexander Forbea, D.D itt 1919,7•'-f the Presbyterlan Church. In 1920, Rev. Mr. Wrlghtand, Mrs. WrIght tot itt 1134 'tired at Grande rtlati6: 6 told the *tory Of holding* service itt *hetet dining toOln *1 Browns" By the eisthuelaittie f 4h. pool* 0,196 *Aig twolisesk, and shortly OW, u- slsted by' Yorentiary tabor a Au* .reeted *a4'otedleated fret f 0 ary 11Xe Electiora for, the Xperary,,Sec at the Collegiate are being tarried.On at the ii,th(301 today end atter much cam* pLgn onit ember), • et l3e a' vvvv" -77- Al3 • s to Mr Wright, The ion In t under the leadership of Mies and doted' number. The scrip- won Was "reed by Miss 4i'1 tby G.en. Prayers were sout ths **suing don*t�iies or Slid t to folk