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The Goderich Star, 1936-10-15, Page 8
" tittv We OW have sheds and will be carrying', 'a stock of all kinds ,Of Coal, SuppQrt the men respon- sThIe r the chapest fuel prices n erieh in 25 aons, Bev, Win. Taylor, Orr Bockw' Troung, of London, 13. vi at %it and Mo. John" 0101* Ur= Anne* 1043411 vis* hone London tintfteraitY fOz Thankzgtv is* Mao •Tunney, at Unclobo vIzitLng wIt1 Mr.• *04 Mrs. en„ vegors, :et tbe 1100 ' V1netit, 01 111$490 on IS re Thankzg �f -the for, t. 44. 0= , townelink-3lien“0- her 44htor 'Sra= not ithe Of Itttli / . Potter, nt Langbank oalling on ,trien4% Kra, tWt.:,,P= Stewart, 01 Hun - returned hen* PA 744ea4arY ing a tlOath Illaittag-14,06 ; • (Sivives4orto the late Wint,-,13eatt$,),-• representing CO444fei'.ki•V-:W� "strigitte1/04--16-- 0*.ral taaaranixt IiaxaIIIon "St GODERTCH, •Phone ,2101 , her 313ter1 Mrs. 3. Redinond. !Miz-V0,11#01*. ;or Stratfori, *Oentiast weak at her home r, y U met on Wednaeday evening wlth 36 present. The 'loop* wg3ln charge ot Mr. Ray Vincent.. Ahy*n prayer and the'rooninit was 00/4 ixf....014 Oatoo,t,,Oorote,.litnlit • *to:ed , *.4inst..4vitkuogi,ter:: ikt7 A. ]argey--Aathert*: 4.1i.ot.•'':•:on P'x'1dy oVontn ragOt Edgar ''tt;',,An4".'7,Pre$0441,t11,01n,'"°'wlt.4 cellineouetheir recent marrlage. Mr. Charle3: hower, In honor 0! .Scott ; '..noi,-.***100.4. • nse!uT as wefl as...'orookutonr4: -lted with ;:CSpers;''...",41iik° , an „ The tlitaflVftz*Obit,,,71farrfaotr, r.1ot 37, Conces.91011 of East Wawa- xiOal‘r ,!oanie °. as 'sudden '41ock.:' to • ,neftht= hors °.*ii4„-,"frlenils :On gond* the de- ceased' had 1)0.04, and, ;.*.inie.H.O4l.o•.,'ffilififir on -WO- ';:taint-: On' 40. a. t' olaili44.• of 14eblit -4141e, ,Arid on being .taken totlie hczu,,e, the d'OL4tet"" itSiezied it!Vat4.1.b.414' '0;$1,e.:0'414a from 0,,:ifenferl*.age of tlitr :LfOre, was born on thn":1004'.' - '„:11,t4ct Igo *to.. -rIn 1.4* 65tli year and was the *6, of -t.1,0'..Jater'iyivrattluoii .raz4 Itl*beth rifrarrison.:,'-Itt° linetie to MrL jebh Seat. "'Um Win. 0. *tort and air "of •ast brother. mut tTrree ,zLsters p ecea.sId 1i1ut. Tiler7,414,4. 'erid 7as on woore$4.3,-,.-owtoolr fru* the foray: ,troitdoce..; A`stood: Orget IlfirtiOn=. of *AO.; MOO leoineteit , 'The annvetsary servlcea ite0,..:*- estfield on 4und*tr,- rafternoon' iitnd•• • evening, *lion'Alier largest' 4rovidit .tht ever *Sseinbled; ,10.0 to lie4t. 3.;.Mtilintor, of extkfarid; Oftner' setot 401'0)11% oalir0;'At tM 0100*oritioe ther aura.' var.-.4 'utt, and *ht. * number., fair to :ittiirn: to thelr hoot*, to gain entrance to the-°tiniterli. trter.100)44 ..ofter0000, WeSt$014 -:**Inl)**4; by the -0eitiOt' Malt Quartette SkinileY eibthOrPe= of 'ffi.10=14 .rentititd* a butt - fig. solo, .*-'.-AneliOrretr .1Iitstr -*Alen 'Witt' much.4404.01**1; Itew birr _r_:„:.1.4,101,..„1.0k,48*.,t1P.O.;- • Itti the muzlc:vas- rtiiii4hit '--b-''Y'''-tiitytt,t Ordt04. )qhorth, Pito% ,„.10uoi'',rendered* three! • *pletilici" *000104 more 'VA tis text lit 00 een1hg from - 4th tboter, -61",1141S. ,letter, to tbe aim • er3e T1t chUlczt was .. nicely 000fotit wit1t otuton' lontgoat our trivett., •'• Ive fee flatikeldj Fe 014 **, Stirling, (1 Igwktt, Lw L'aflF4s—Ired riit41'reMb,laY. 'aSer44.1!"t+"-r'411 4i , ‘404e*—rrnci Varkor.'. .rietu.01$*4-Fred, tt*rirer,r,,, Nolo Bittl; .404111** , ,T00 bintd*;GIal, , icilf Bit; bibte are,/ " 114.rk4r1 °W " Attorsrrkest .$41 itioxeo, runimotql--Pre V,k!rs Tremblay. -•-1 Xar,104/1461'4 *Barker, 4.11( arke-r, 7ohn Grieves. _. c6rilit'444' * Onaan.r.' 01140",'Plantt,„41 c rieveg,:.; 'Pactlik.004,.;04.40rt: irotio*.oOs -... :1)4001.—,:pte tnetil,..'xn0,;p4. ,„',...' ' ' . , Salkeld,,, 041,1,0:- ,!4.3,1r,11.16tild.t/;*.'z'L 1 r*$401:.0t,„,.g, 'e arlier.,::, WO -- -Mi'. and Mrz. Wllfred and oi, plaice, ',- ' ' --" : r ' , ,!. . 0003; ' 'L''7°H '--' '• ° 'Obit" ''.iieettratiOn.,r, 1;es,:c' I, : it 6 itrieti#4,kteril: 1* r' :,5. 7.'.: t . 13, .,,4,:a, it40, t: • . I; , Sherwood ' 00/ ' 1.11 : l'i' , ' ,'r ', , *, et* aiti.it. e e$t Salkeld.a da -re- �roffman. .'''' ..L.' ' r''' 1Mi; ert Hackett,' ,,,'.0,41. ofS ert Camp- Mr- 900-''1:11,6:t7-.0;.'t8:.,:.olumbilt,'. f:Pa a 4 'e*;isr=-1itillifinie-'''''Ul4e,,77'iliOtt 7,A.#4,e'*',14217-,..0.1414il;:e:41:-.4r4:14,*at ' Tithe: ,f078044016::::44,1 i.:144%71) 4. .; : :.: o ,::cuo !u.10,topt;:ctro*U. , 41%•':,711. Wu* fre Mr: Gorge lire fryi,,:':-,t‘' ii.-4/Vekrer''441dted Tee ,,,. OM: 13.0.4t,P44drfer,11,4 .:13.'s.40..i.‘ify,A:..i.,ici .cut:.,'noty,.0. -,o. ',A . ..A.,. --rowtiori,4,,,,,-4,.,..!silkoiti,,, * - , ' ' * dithi'. M3.,19.4,0wVanli$4)*tolitt';' . * .e , ,,,,,o,,,i4.44., ffom itarill:4wWe ,,,..,..'ilt 1/41,f, ';' . P°*"411! ° 1001t.tti ' 'lxoftday .t her home, 0;449* or ,. ,, of , , . '1. larize. '. or 'oboolreoftc. and. young °'':' • ' bite -'-aletii0 . 'on dttiestio, ake,:+7,740kInte-44100.104--o*, BEDROOM, -'•,.4p ‘Q.10.$.', tuwcug•cori,„: :eplprpd 1,..4rt044, ' 40V-,,,, gl.i."4-,p,,t.0.•:-. ,:-.UMIddTet, who bad spent her' fm on f.: .°41Co.a. 'Cticl,[144:i0.Ter ti'''014-k,:;;*?:14:' D.A.7 Vow,,A0,-..,'_ ,,,,.—, Fuss, ]lin- ...3-;A:o.000.inorit4'74-7-,40.00Tt.:.,---..*. .iiti:$-41-40*-po.-'...--,. est;x40..o.:„.' : s, '.; , , . , , , .tr!,.i. 'k : ikitirr-.:, ;.,i1.40,,- e., : tagtAtts;.L:*iitolvi,00achr,;:aeg.&h4, ,ngston. --, , ne,st',to.frgi);:.4i..,.-rowl.orc ilt=14.1.v,,-man. _.,,-.. ..,.- ,.... tioti,,,,4seit ,7, rei.e.4". yo, .t. .41:0e44 4.1..3:14,411,,urti''14..,:roitzi.:"1::44::::*%1.7 . • -Ottli;r...:- . , , - ..rt ali,-Orittrinen , • 1;31,'. Isi.Ying'' W.,. Al...117044,.',.., -, '''' . 7:--.'-4fii'lAtin',0,;', . ...:. : , 'sozi; .!'ciVx.nekr40w, .'""sPentt: the... r 'We46.0n4,' ' 1,101., p'sre tate, D. ,4*,;.; ,rovile,-... r--:.:' ' '. ',,-, , - .4°''''.X''414itlikiLeJti'30;::114°';,rjtrit''11,4,7*cra', Af'.'.0-..:0"...''Pliott#,,,', ,*t.60:1 -:t11:-..::::' -43:11:5;t::::''''I'ille;Y:44"S;' , . .. res* '.iaef(rt:iina:h0Odiitr.4,111.0or. $,4it.fi',11,7' 44.: ,I,OW,Itt=,- '' -, . , . . I:v*4'7004 -sitighing°,11150t illortk rl!ot,°: Lydia. plitto,...p,,:4-.0.4w10,...'.; -- 011'ettPir;',;t*eiv*. to(totc.Jvlesve-..o '.(Piayrthi,,L°;*43.18:04:1—,7§40.6:,°4.4;:)..,,Ii.,:licIti.t..ITH.' .0'04•-,4!*s'" .. :• :14,,y44.oztpog :4,o:7E00%331.$; :,. qene.ir'tt)(kett,';'1*=filtirtirr° ,*1,jot CEtili-' ,l ,,Tatt,tio°,;,,,11.1.11.eotr°'=Irt rtire rittli- 4-7:0,vi!",,,, JL.res, . P..gi :, . 'iou'vt14-4s,. : .: lut44-1.10.1t.lie(t-4"ia.. T;41)101440.0v, colored—H. A. :.,:u4s Dungannon.- ;.tte- 1.,4..ori-..., ),14*Itui". ,,,m,.'Pthe. aixr;304''ZIstAtteHo-lidie'14-48i.c2t,c71':414:0,ri. - 10 r° eent0-1A0ee,„ : tolitredIN-..- Volv,ler,„ $4,, 'x,rt,!.4•4.srton",;': . - -. ., • , D. A. 0,04v,tiO*... / . ':...,, ...*,' . . .),..,' ' * , , 1 Diltill#3.4,0t0; ,Jit.0.0;;:•Ott,b,. 2V40,Q01Ilbh , '7' ,- los, 146:ithikl'Zierand:' '. ":::,..' .. . 0011100i,‘V.001,.:4S/tP1/..,S,:-.1',. Utolift.t404p ..aegt,*4art, re4t4Illr'PAitititted':Pt thgd*, '..' Th'e,..4eit#:. of ' 1V,ttai. '',04Artlia' •`,I,tntland 4, l'Ovslor.,-,,' 7 7', ..- ' . - . ,,,' ' ' r ' '• la t01411110400 0.44*. , ./.', ' ' r .104. '• ' illi 1 1.11 00110 1160114: .1* *I4Y4 . ten13:4#. . 0 tiA1014': .. Ytr ,4*'*t:4.:'''''4. ' rii.4,..tt$_.9P- AitOn44.*r*:..4.1t0..tr.,..:.." ::„, ..,-.':'.. :.' ' , ..4 .- '0ittch,,,1,1..* Oct . 'very ..-.1114114,' T4ori14Ourn '''''''''''''''''':-T .7'T *, .'''''... '...-"'" '. Ikrer4t-,04#;:.liotaa4I*0*,;',iiite.'4': .1`,90, - ' 'tttitOttV'rtt111gtt##'t,:414 , ' xitet, lflncss tid ,lasted-'elnte. Alit :04° she °.- tiolaN. g..,,Avecr4bspilvst, ' hiht04.1.4iy, • 01141 Mit*Acit4-01001 ',..„61„,-.././ ; 'iii4k0-4*4 tal#044i.tit" '00; 'iligitke;./.00.*00,,trakeit'. ' •' . ''',1,.' °: ' :t: 4; ' ,f;ot''''tuo.')46../44., , e7ri'''''Sr,, 'Alexander'.* *tit, •... r ' ' ' ' ' *114' , tatfutowto,oixt*tUtS-;41-, 1 4uoti...yilter - - , .744,totortt,c4covrct 1,44,0,kei :001r. - 1entl&nd ,ittict'. IA ' ' Muter' the ' vta.1 -..'• Plihroidoredi eentretkieetf= Xotiiii*i 'ard* ' 0141t0i it'#iiIP Illait'0, '' ,•,_,,' : ''' ".• ' ,i 'borir strIrerali-si:C:4001 aii, • on the.. firm „ ,.. .. stou, V.14.00....- ,. , ' " .itiit.ot, "V41,r404041 ot Tope(t..octit..64-4-ack....:41;', ,11,'0,00.,•mprittlAYY. l'itzt....14,0:000- ":040d,:t from itiiiiiiitk ... • . ... eitrAftiryAltilkel,Iti:-Atinesi,---%eftrroL, %%Ore. the :Itir.torit;wasliekti::0-it 140.444*.. niOtr41000"0-pOt7.-,,o " 1•4400he0.4..0etir4it ,,,,i'ill.06.vtliOer. ti: ,b;4'• :0 a 'aIiKt t00dEritit.01c-..111*0.044' ()-1*. '-')t- ' ittret**‘.41161*::'/4; tl`"4" PL..ii ::.P.0010 '' 4t*,1.', S. Ofite" ' * • 40421et:010104„ Airitib,:' ''*1.144rt *he 1144 1.0•*" , eoutottorr 0 , oewhtt..- .,. ,itrider,44 ,eided".:ttri. onitk 41111. -111116" : tA*. ' beini4, ..- .',-.1$3.101001.,..-44.341a... .te XL. A. -Mhroret- ft,4101(4::*it: *.tk- t;tgli°64owiltmkil''tted..- Li"b7111101(1,--grifomtll'all*Imtklert‘h°111:leb::: ougot.:4).:;.k.„. ruwic4,,,Takdia Vito, ',,e144,... .,. :.. ..., ' ' -, , .4,604 ., lot, 0... F. Jobluloti, ,,,or.047114,tra-,' . Z4:10EA., NVOIS ' ' . , '14.. '.Y,16(46 fiesvikr:ntliikt,i0r,.* rote'*.ear's, Jur itr, ,Iter7ettste4.;.*fia- the. Atte '-, 4t=',- B. lg.idge ,ae, 'tt-4teL.''1. . Ef0404., to 1 ..44/00•14s-uotoir; 00t6r. $itikertv,, . -- 'oenttod *us .* -halt' brother. '-' Uluil titnitgant 7 " ,..,- .' :r . : . , I ..,Drio.00".r."doll: hr :arr. norttot 14 40*ro '41estutind AritaIitrlist*or silentlt bespoke- ..i.n-tro.,,tiet........a....'..it. rook rt.:4. :Fowler.," -,.41.1tkry. -ftliceld;,, Al*roried St11044-„,, . .1. _tfet'Aiii0044Y, of frteir0,- *000_,,,g .111_00 : tattio*"...;•'-"Se..to, 4utini„ X41$1C1OLIAIsligOVS. . , r1... COltrepteee brer1;..iutdite't.14.*Itor nellir ortt'.tiv,r1:1't'htileiimr-or valtdi;u1,ithenre: ' oluct: crochui-4-31.4, Lydia ft., llteisrt= 1atte00.14, At-Oltigok 'IS*. tkeld.,„, fLa=::,;ir. war a' ite,itoted,' ttletwier; Olt '• otatoct.tuu cr witiatmonift itua oitsgeff,„ :,±1.;140erfseas7., i. til'eAtutucti, And ',grocabie 00 .t!, 1-,'Art-Ititut.:.:10,:,4.— ,-4-4.10-gh,,Authouturo;, suituott, Treleaven.'11,,retei' condadtett.'hy 4' tter*:,.. V.- R. Turner. vit. Inttko,, , * ' * r 4V.644 .0 ‘tlIl el t 0 11&44$ II a tt1.04 6.. isimi ----..;...1 , ;'—:::'-.'' Gertrude foolIi'" il,' , .wood /11th. kotress,. i* Seriously ill 14 Doctors kospitalit qsiew York, city. fe$ MelUielov$45 Atilatell with tO.K, tOti, on the even of her 1)**10' sailing for Zoo 00* re!, John n ed- trlenda. �n S'44 tik Lorena, spent , unday , Mrs 01011011/,'14 Donhybitoolc,- . Mr, and Joe Yr 0 Ozior ,Tlianksgtving and spent -end witli vc and Mrs. John 'Drennan lrcfren and Mi -Z. ert at the .9,411vatoaXit„ox'f33othniedijIsy,t0"1,e/dirill:/ez:Er.lt":4vrpo'Clrooesettioobtfttc:,,,viri'ilha Ettins '17°44 Oded imie .Iiari, 01 d on; , Ut04644r .,.1comOV with Valet*** hre 04- At *tthum Mr. d• Ur*. W11ianinith o1 Wirt, st,tta = aid 'Othe .04atiVeSf, Mrs, -Ts:Ra and Master l'xinsht Anh'024 th Rayrnond Car- ter, d 'Toroneo, Ietth 144 PI qlener,t Mr om Xezlotar',"vjtir her,claugt404 4,ts144.10" .14 4..i;,..411.:0:.• • ifis, 01* sister,' Nos.. wagla30A1lecorMi ,Urs. Ue4v14 71120# and tahor, wi Mrs. . lc R. *toprAr4)1,, w. and _ Reed and daughter, Pgrot 'wit4,Mr. ,*04,10-rts, tray.tospiu, ts,.44fon•. and _ Dougb Toronto,, with MIL C. ton; 'M1s $cJoo1, with garet Pentland mother, Mrs, aktia: Valerie. p/ Brantford,: '.wit4. 30, - °, 1.44144oW 11 Y.s; 14115$ Othemil)ton* with B. .,Ixtent1044 04r= gins 04 daugh 1VXR3. Th Wig * Met and Mrs J.' getrord, Douglas , . Wil- ilam vfoultstet 4114 tiatignttr, of avarOntA VI* " Wk.! Atici lits, Wm. K. Utairito;i Mr. alut " ark viniliaax Hef- ftd 140aulint604,, tOrier'a Astor/1We, ,Arthur Rooth; Wir_i_lincl.MrS JO* MoOthill and M. and Mrs, ar1 Hcvc Fcith in *4/' o r Druggist CERT HE'D by ilk collc9e QUALIFIED „II experience Mother Cartel** wlfl rlrbto *omit Min t Mit Woo to the 0'414; West* Vont *hile tully effectite, ,oluitirtutteut 1100., Alt011b S.. itioaorto..• spretti4, 1440-- ttrUkv4*. • plated: Lydia, Ilowt14, utingasoiL Cotuf-arter-44,01sir 04)004" etfithitto4:-Z-- .-Thos.Shleists‘ niitt* hooktd-401, J., Ito xi, XL 044eigtaine., :Mot .pag, orodjAt7t,t. Oritros, - **.t. `Lydia tItki;,%: Iltsituroship,, ht. bor, Or girt -attend* ,.44.sirk‘it by -oat, „ C. tr-:, tete or . et** * Oak 00hoor--ger0ra.lhtOG00,', .44=, • liSitti, . *,. xointer 'PoksOr or 'teltotintott *OA, Skeirstrts= root onitterucrt. '. IThoca church., xrurirt. tbt 4/Sallied. 'f'-' II _ _ $T_ The ,roilitszt(ii,, *,11:100:rit8ii,..441,tilltitit:‘,..it:bi,:bor.;:'-it:00.7117.' c:Ittar.i.elt.:4,:trirr. ;iistAtgaral°11ttt_;. 'u3eng:deooftnlidb:llrt'nl::::ttibit''rtazt*nt'lttltt77Theed"',4b°1'pe:t;tvn:bcrd,"gite*'Itdsir and 141,rry cartrixr The.• /Tower Is Aitont, krtsreMan, Uotraltt and N/Ilfxeit ,Pettt, Ifotte halter Alton,. '00101 !head, IfIggituri Arthur Zrowtti Oarent* • " Vet& ItOrTtuttedge, toti*: Pent- ; ;3400f—lan *nct. 00144141. *la -11:behelietr, Istn.- "nlgsna.' */* lkitter*T‘ Was Very' .1.4rgetr , is'ttehdid, Tierr. •Pktazeerk Atari' it -Onion- vita theltorne Mit---and-Ifi*'11,20&;° $fidn'oto. 'bt.'06-0,0iborhe-Wesb- valt** Rag ndeslt lamari° trItt. Attrthdur pt" 4•Ets, ',Whet; Spaith,"emlberso feenliV. /root , 11010 -*holt* etre, wt".' .16t the Braisltd Ppit . dortiart tid4; hist, tvreeteenct Sued* with41*.ini kwtttetl—T, 3, • do Nkt"*.,, pullover, knittedt4im, ;$*Ikeldr. 'thew lael104• 'Walt la 111(e, „.° itelieu eollettion root= Beat ,toIleetton *did** eaftsia, Itlinissou I.*. out* 4-ree*-41..10 n wanted 'tarriete4'0v0.ti/' 000-:- edlana`airplilying tlettOnie,Vg .'whb Artersonsice ,,Wweetid3cinexi, .:InRX,:ctbitulte:tsothe4.11.05'-a..43041,, avet,1127hr..4'. -Apply1411tlence 111133.7cita0M3ssit7.- 744evidiell*.t.ttfile61/V,Irt: 44444)64" kine ..Cronspatim AVM soon SC.; „mor.i. -51 ellPf,ges- 'plrem140P-643:'and` •sizust e*, 01 of Nile,..qn .6!ttyra,.t:"3.1..art, .ozt '1.44-tttors,lrant4. The good fput.lem, • house. and. blunt 'C*In4if4IIP01)4,t4ttlereillit39:!a442TnalAe'l",dri,' vleeI , shed,. etc.. *XI* a good 431PaPortYi *walk - 7 situated,- okket,t0 ehurphAnd=„echoo „ord., 4.11=140;L -OW, rergurs Fur Taints4 ATCHAAPttYlt Phone 40 ."Dungannon. 264'S .; 'very .10* the.: 49LOir . tenten*. be ;1,614;4'7 Antono,t. , Ar. int- Of rgoord,;:furnittire,,-,.. Int/1410m It/Oittir. eett00;.'013.0.0,,,p! era; ''',000,0:-.4xittantettr ;thiatig;, gip*:cup hoard;.044. iseo414;', .4114hee';'..'gio***re,H;'.0.114,' and -411':•otbier,,,iown.isvongs.7.41:$0; :Ong i.pteel..4t1iO4,,..- „.0.4114-,J30,'-4100000it,04 aaMr :0.1*,;*„0..tiptl#ftee.m .Alutt21010:;•-• rtAg 4'1" OvIttatOOTtev ',.:atta - At tor--,8-,.0bn,°. -4:#70oftei14%mtontwi-,a- Or.rttcdretioli`o.7.0.4,13rlue Water .` eminganeingoat 400 ,Ve'rdolt taary.. -71,ean.twOrk°°,11orsts;' 1' Hol- steln tor years old, In „ klanti: Ihirluant et/T: 1 7.3reitte 014 due Dec._ 2211 4erseY'loow-r5.-sests, old; rtope- licked lot ibet .adgetetow,;.4'tietter risIng..,Wyeantr, due steer; 111 'ttiOntItS, Old:, 2 Vtariiiiit4 hkifere; ,h,elfer r.ittonths cktr 0 ',vise, ''ett1113e:;. 341reteew r 'Inopisken**..4* Deer4tV 1)ktderi out a8,0480.-Oarris binder; ,, put, - gittitvlowp-Vreek.,tisrrovool.‘ eulttrsto; • I 41$40: 't vtatkist '0On har-• rake; •I. 1,440*•44dItifirettoo*;- pilaf. bowl -.17.(oWsteigitsr..141tratelivbottrrbadr1i1f. - vestalr`g- cuttor,..: 1._croutrtt:.004,1 ..ottclutto li*r;itorks;: loOn'g'-.10g; *.me hey,: ittonitttl",0••Old14010'44d**1.144 graltiv, 0,160, this: otark7 crop -of Oats,' and 'mixed..., grafn;• dothlette04,netktiok4 tone; "forkel' ,antt .pthq- roman*. articles:. tornio of 'skit .itre. tsott-,,,tno ; *oft, as proprletor-le4.10tVing the l'erin.••.. 1/00,ANIK'14104094W )54, .144/410trr,r,. • Mittorietor, _ ..,ttnctiOneeri, ocdcrich: • 41.24 . ,.$0.1t:/SALTZ-- 311:NNT-, IOW rttr,t,r* Artiart-: B7," %0 -Oft - 01;o:‘,.litifigatinon, ore 2; -rt 42* ' • • - 1VoToro, - - 140=21 .Hitgratt*, GWEN to Persons*. :having f*againet Mt, estate: tit :Vmstit."140r Tate of' Village.7. - -in: ,Ortint'r or iegiont .the'tit,ieteotith,aar Septem- ber. 51016V to ,send same . to tht .n04 de#41,0ert,en.,er!' before lthe'OeVeriteettlehr 40, of ,,i0t:ittober,_ .antl 41144, -.date: 1:40-44:04011.4tiattia'.01 the ,eird' estate .viirt,Irroceirt to°444k0•4re- triootron thereof:- liSvit*,:rttgar4 -ootr to the .01thne. then, .11led * AT 00, .nitt -4*-$r of Septoniher„A„ iunt.10iTat. • Ctrodetitf4. Ontstia; . 4040 1dt. theettid *Bedite,, OOT� 1,3011:004‘ 7/.44,40:40.- fflune.' eft* lett to seli• Vuhmci. an14:blon'r, id the at itlitiestate ot the; late-- Maf3e40410 ,E=:- lnoitetitteet4irr-the-.ti.OX00 - - ,Vr.etr401°.ti Exrdlifr Oodorielk on roomed *the tonvenieliOast attested °cur xte-r4 fa:* 024.' and" '620, de* scribed as, Arley that. part cif lot 130.1n4a1.4 `1103+Oir of (lode - rich, ,mranerieltirst s point on the XOntherlifbordgitty of.stddltstli tuttexkle of' 06cittlo low 'where- sald southern' "insets, Victors*. street; Mort and • vitralliel. With. the eastern diult° of °saidlot e. dtstanee o170 ft.:. thence west vartlItI, with: southern liomr. dattr.* 4bstattoo of 44. het more *rifts it4liel,attetit botartitiror Ihnit orlfeld loip theme.° iioatti. *long, the western Iflzt- It of.said.lot to tiouthar4'..timit thereof': Itive. reeett:thc(*-44traetiota , frot Mr T A tavirente, to- telt at his hoo:10. .1Ve4. , ttoderlit