HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1936-10-15, Page 60,4
PERSONAL.. Groves. ' .„
SOCIAL and ' and Mri,•• Leal le %tido& Vial
,.,-awLINfist;;Alvin labook and their,
.W43 '1
Ms Gertrude , sons, Gerald and 1110, .all of Dresden
itor in Torente, - ‘17Cil'il ' Were holidtiYAOests 'a '14v; :and 34"'
r, oil:. Mrs 1. A. Snider',.spent It, 'A. IVIariatt.
.,,,,,hIghlaY VitOk end in Toronto, ri,and /qrs., C. V, Williams of De -
Mrs, It, 1.4illicoe OTIViinneapolits is trott, and Mr. G. M. 'Williams; 'got,
guest' a her sister, gt8;, R. iohu"' .ford, ,gonnecticut, sPent Thanksgiv.,.
eten. _ •,.. ,..; lug. with IVirs, :GeOrge Nitilliams,' St.:1 -
Mr.. Murray Xe/3onsid of Zolloon Vincent Street.
was ,A guest -Of his parents for ti, le!. Idt, George .13011, and iliS-rkeieei Miss
... _ ,
Ulna Be11,4botivof 'Nelsen Village and,
'ilaitit -"ti ' ' h-of4nronW-V-114:-rwt t, Brown of WAterdoWn, Were the
newfn4g-aeocluitintances in ievirt over guests'. 0T`fThornait'irell;-41)0eteti:'
:the .11011daY4, _ - • ' Over the week end.
--• tasastAfeigtudltalat and Mary . Mr, and Mrs, 'il'orn, ,Scarlett ,with
OICAY`; were 'Theiilkaglinif l'hOltdriY t1iir 'Vottugest..-tiaughto4.'MeOlett-It
UeSts 'in Kitchener. • - Sea -tied of Toronto, were Thankfigiv;
5,,-t; W. 'White l's .enleYing the ing holiday guests of .friends At`.. I
hanlogiving vacation 'with her7liar"' ,irneaville and Godertch,
t UT ,ents, Chatheliv ,Stephenion in& Mr, W.
the Bank <f 'Montreal, spent- the
Oliday week end with 'reistivee
uelph and St. CathatineS.
Mr. and Urs,"0, Colborne witii
.ir,„„Asnghter, Miats_Mt G.
Colborne annrifit71Srtlirorre- .roit
to, with Mrs, (Dr.) 'Colborne, and her
„sonalJimmie and Itaiert-ot
borne, Tor the week end holiday., "
• Cooper of -of Port Wen Johns-ton'.of the 104, BrOciCo
- -Incited over the .wepit ••04 Aortas_
;With 'her parents:, '
Miss Bigger motored to Toronto on
,ildny 'Where she will spend a few
days the gliOref-herisiate
Miss S.:Timms and Mr. (3. Cole of
:Stretford, spent the • holiday - with
',Sanderson of 'Iorcmt�,
visiting his mother, Mrs. C. San-.
41erseri and other relatives.
• Miss Roberti Johnston of Alma
'College) Thomas, was a guest of,
her "Parents for the 'week end,
Joseph" Priddle of the ;Western
Thavetsity,l,mtdon; spent the 'holiday
Mr. -Clyde ;Carter of the • LiiiidOn
Tree Woo and Carter sPetit
• anksgivink with friends in town.
Ito, D. ildalwairt and ldiSs: Mar-
garet Sheppard - were guests last.
*Week of relatives at Yiringhanrand-
• " Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Forbes and
DD iter4 Pete, of ',,Cennington,
spenV"rhkratvilie:With- --Ur, -and.
end guests 'gr. -and.. Xvg:
l'etof er MseEwarb.
vQeek Good' ,Were:
M. "clirni. Gibbe an
two sons, and Eddy. of Ana:,
and .Mt Unseen GOS.oftliondesboro,
Mr.' and Mrs. Attridge of Water-
' 0 and'Oies Ell* Attridge of To,
- ront�,were wee k .erni guests, of ..14t,
*n ceell, Attridge, •St. . Vincent
ris. Shute V -Vriday for s her
ante England after enloying* de:
visit of several weeks at the
oine of: her brother:in-Pm
„ „ P •
gffts areso lovely, to that goes, with JOY tarts tO,,
clefs hAvo' taken. itais to ten tho graPe- pie is- gq0d with the bran, 'pastry,
1-0014 at and ‘i,# bilre' earned- So .nincli And, a razilr' f0'1,r(allfghla to eat
ralaw.in.tong'-end 00TY as' thegrape with .grape jelly at. brealata4t,., 1%1$.
*eat* of • the loaded. vine ,and the,
purple /Nit, driPptiw. and sweet With
Igeo7-4411,Yorte.-.101-0Ar.es zraPe
on/OrY and oan'aea the -aitto* covered
01,, luscious •Jevkrels, -1/111 reallY
-4,WPoetle- Ylorda_cind anyone who
lean still Appreciate the floor .,,the
Birnie bast St. cola-
°brated 801h birthday 'Nfend9Y,
October the 12th. All members. of his
family were 'present. Mr, 'Birnie is
enjoying :fairly- good .health, except
for theirijuriee in the accident be had
Lwitit_aear on East St. He is
siitterinefforn-tihVek'itiiit bruises
'At the monthly nie:Oitig of .the
Eureka of Victoria Street' Uni-
ted Church, held it -the lionie of 'Ars.
Thitebinsi I.Nevtgate Street, on
Thursday- evening,, it was decided to
Invite the Carolina Jubilee Singers to
conduct a concert late in October at
the church. litrs. Barker read
scriptiire-Jestion - and V,
lvtoorehouSe closed the 'meeting with
In addition o e .canadian'Lo 'Tao headed for screen
Cecelia Parker and Itosina Law. dont Within thene*t..year ser
-0eleOtett-tight-Ahero' Who their A 14y. es, er0f1 ,and:
giris rencee " pfhOtOgraphera of these ,"gotarlets" are chowt' above,
• me weekly duplicate,bride
tournament, held oii.,',Tuesday evening,
. „
the foliowing
were winners • '
and ,Mrs; F. Saunders,
P. Carey, and Mr.
Eastman, Vt1/4.. •
.3.L.-.111ts. .C. Beacom atta
Carey, , r
Allotlier'itame WO be held Monday
evening, Oetober.10th, at '8.10. •
10.4 and Mrs.
.Goderich township announce thic en.
gagement ..of their eldest darOter.,
1103' Margaret. to Mr, James Xeen,'
son of Mr, and, Mrs. 4..,Xeeti sttat-
fork the rnaiiiage to take 'siege late
this moiith. •
Scrubbing rugs in the home has
prOved, a source Of income for Olie
man. lge finds that 'during the Tall
and winter teason-,-Many lieusewlves
-welcome the help of one .who , can
mato their„ rugs 'clean and bright
*Without removing them. from the
'troop .for° the longer time ordinarily
required' for. professional closUirtg:,
ee used a„ good rug soap And a
*stiff brush alld,Charger -50, cents for
nine '1)Y 'Well% rnit .and . cents
,for eath . throw- rug, He can clean a
large _rug itt a -little over an 'hour;
and • be. feels that even though .11s
price is lbw he is getting * fair re-:
Start. .11(ints in Planting- Rare
tlisring Growth-,-1Vfost Satisfactory ,
:exe, are :17.AP.S. tg4iet1 ,e.$ 2 games
the --• homentaken„ • nae in. her
.1P5t.40441POes,,. are 00:40.049:
1414 aihoutth:e.entsia0;',blendifig' oriun-
and;,..04.* WW0h.,,givesS.ddect !sweetness,
ne4VeneCfrUlt.',.., To the .00,400;
n0;•.,nograPea---ekter. taste .,4nite,..130. good
that 'Oineh' WhPii.' PluclOd; •.'off the
0.0011;94.- irlfles •v4th--
'ARS ing.. • :• •
cups concord grapes, •Mi , tsp. , seat
' thaps„ 4.Our; tap, gratVrile)nonl ,
rind, 1 thsp. cOriistarch;.13 recipe ,
• bran mturtfirptertom,,,
remove seeds, mbi 4.00t44-
starcil,gooier ihoroliglaY; catilwtie #)•th,gra0g1-
s)e,it, and grated:, lemon, rind ,to..
'cook lowly 'hair tiiicir and dear., .stli
the ean - Helen Burgess- 'aU the year , ga6i4:0:utttee:ari, erust on
' "with
there is some- grapes. pobr. • lane ,rp* .
is e.norti edges of Ani4er,
woe• , 061, '14T'1131110dgute.:61.:"T:ilirde- 3 and
edgethumb: (:r454-1lssorL0andel7i1d7:te.-*"i'ltlolibP,...$t:745i;S:6
les 00644 'weather. OW 41-;:an4The are truly Druid .aganst- fOrelinker of f#W .
tlien they show&ban4. Bake
that lyild..Tgrapes are hot oven
not too dry cellar, r they may ae put at 77_ ee4t.1=11144t', 1 ''84ileh.
• dark • rier tlie talliir til*, • •
late: Autumn, •With -,the Variety:: of other. the. pots are buriedIn'teanct, ,01,04#3,, 74ountryside, 'cOyered..*ith. lutr-e., stains. ,ALL (130,A11,Ef.AS:i!RT,
that: blOOM.: out , of --doore,halre....alk 1.5e0 *ore evenly moat than tt, Or*ZW: VAY,Mell. haft Iiin* thllt. no other
all bran, 41.11)1
faded 'and gene.i.C. ipoilible; very 40 uncovered. In.-A;*onth, Or:a1KWOoW 'Fariettatee.,tan. 4utte. compare . ,142- tsp,. 'aro clip.' :shortening,
*het% the iisit.vose 44. sssragy
'uraftier, . „„),) 4 temperature of 'Okla 40 'dor e*" 7.* r11 a
is nerrdnal-e0St And 'with little effort to have examine the Vets and if the roots. are 11-anr tattal"P' IQ; Ivild 'grams, and 15, tbsps, :cold water (more or less).
'Cowers hi, the home 4.0 40,04, trig. to 511t6V. through the bottent. of 1,119e them Or lellies,to.'Serye With:meats, ,Roll all. bran and combine, with flair
during' the'. winter months. These binnina theand the leaves to -push' font n-ittpeY,sre able ;to get, wild. grapes from and, salt. Cut in stuirtening, eattit ,
in quite( A large Volety or colour .001,..te the' sell, 4hey ean he broukht up. to the vines, they :Are fortnnater for ..InanY oongsteosoy of cornmeal. Add .
,orovi.dect, 3inaos, .To thelio, to ow, The oban$e from, tbe...tgoid „dour .Of'ne'llle where wild' VaPea.lvotddseetd, enough water to form,dough. Roll out
b nal if A3 Strange altd, rare' as ,wild animas. .
syxessf-' -4,144‘.1t, necelgat7. et,4rt, to toy Lxvu,40 roonl• should gr 4:1 - on .41oUrea board to in thick -
13 them for- lor„ several wetior livotkaist in. ,,a,, ,*ohie.' It,..1411, "he' , foUnd . that 05* ., '71*.iiie 'Of' graP0' in":,.'selada, ',la lin;',. nevi. Vield:. 1 2;crlist -pie, or 4,aiinch
cool:J:00AP; tklits.CeSSential. to 4ftecessa. 'einthe. de *letter if grOyhl!.. slowly. .1,1. they, hinitek'end for *west 'ashes they are pastry shells. . 1.• '
101 huth, culture Is to"-infidre:*fre:Ihatt-ba ;:are#roUghtinto,the--..3Vatioo eoon„,the, 0,:. lOely ' garnIsIL,' TheY *make 4. beanti.: , - • , ,;„....:..—
blitxs thein -Selves are of good 4,4i4ty. fat .0.0we# may ..,:l.:egirt ' to Oen Wore- the ItuttentrePleee,fOr-auturnn-tablesi,_epro4. : . ,.„ : vit., lotIAN
- When the"' are IlItetv-to - more VigarellS 0f'.6rOWn..0*tir,---`,Placeti -0-49-11,44,.; 'YQr iiellX --., ,Te I* ' , t1114g **er''' a ' V ' ' ' I, cup . flour,i.
'it., *St,,f.o. -huy, 77.0,tior.i,i,tho.. ceeitibn .444111, cowa' it t10,4 InitiPans a 414t 3311:i -billed' '"h"' le41*;- '-allit other ' al/' 1114°' . ' ' '' 1; ."'.' Sir' ' ' -ilk.
.hin,thaee, 1440t. haire been Iling, Omit; !In114101-Onaallra-,40 tha atenl.'-'Or 1.tng6*"4-• ,W at'i ' . •• - ''' u -P - V tsp 'Salt I- all bran.,i a -2. '-
'' - - • . ' •• — - ' . .t.- , • , , • - • '• ' 4 • 1-1; .. highly7,06. rfihi'‘• i'' 7..1-'', citilti; :•"4--cuPP.,3:41.1g. -4:77414:Oup. ' Irie' .7e'5-.g.:-
igeln`dinIf to tlkarlet$4 '' .' ' ' the house ;And. thelellowibig InexpertaAte apt to eolleet..-1001'eture *11,41e standing, Add- an bran and unlit ' letiloak. Until -
- -11*--unixs. ititimita -be otto ;.0 oonTat ' leaflet/ea are attreetl$: • = -'- • " P1841-'1 'the2n Ivh#re._:t - ..1.1 a 1-ree' C,- ..' .#.10 1.494..tUre IS taken lux. Oft. tour
elitainabWtroul. *seed Store, or dealer:, Vellovi Trinrilletolden.-.2*.r,s- very latiOn; of #....1,0oOlt the '-bli4ebe.S O'er with , eau And. bakint,„00wder,-..,."-tid4 -
13y reliving the Pots from. -the eeilar„.'earin :Atnliei0V, Itil* 4111'04 :OA '7,41 fl'ec14611,tir 454* renla" 41)(3414 '.-graP4-', ftrat ' *Wire .,' And Stir bolt '0401 tkiv,r,
*Ito ,the ,ibulbs have rootett .4. Intervals '-'N'traterel•es Cliank ,' - - - . . .. ., . OeVielfer,' '40...ot--handie the'tfrI4t--'11 dilAilJearl$;<,0:11, " greiO4 ' , ..3:41101Ai vians-,,
or ten bAkyi, Cr 04), Weekt 6,, Mictession or , :•0 oior trumpet -46* *Ionfo;'. vi.e. vocktsakil,./., . , ;• • , :,, . ..,s•.4.- .• -.tsvottuttaeirot,,o,n* .10jie., ' in •,modefite -
blot:nu over it; lentVeriod.osn. be Obtained, ' toria and IfkoPreaS, When :Yon, hate reade'.0*-4011Y, eerre , OVen 00. 'deg,. 1444 iitKii" it, do:-Minitteti:„,...., -
. . . . . , . , . . , ,
1,1,10. otte* on- oro.wini. btatis, lot, i*Parthiiisr Vatkihsi 1,iteiteri'.. it for breakfast wi.th het .all::hran.,tanf- . leield'i, .8, large .muinns....(3-4 'in
:winter moth., vivnia,zeajbeua'iroteton, ope, G?•arrii, -4 tonspionts- t .Bathra Vaal* One- , in PAU,' rot, to aerxi' in Parky aerown. Meter) or la small . in,diometer).
cLauzt Avottiarowoloard,.onitzooinizi.. olus Ar•e* oenetve but very lino: * rib roast ot . will. ou'. ,eandwiehes„ "in Note:. 'When eenr ,rallk. or. Anittersni*
the .store tor *OAF -,Gotid'Wb4 ' Igt,a,p0s, Areable, and e-
i.e.. 'baking ' powder.• '
Otte, bin-, and neavl epal- (44/41,tbdikP perhaps; the Most, 1,Jatis:. Daif *ate,, Moisture on the fruit Cream shortening and. sugar tnor-
Parlagn to their size and 'of 'good -else za;,teri ijagt$. ter the: aroat,eur ta*grow tu 10411Se 'deterioration and •anrce they are .01,015,1 add egg and beat !until, erearai,
Watch for Opening of
on,thlt! SQUARE Nat 'Week !
tat cooputuleht .e'rt mgriatiou*,, boginsby roetat (flowers n thuttArs)-4.c10r1d3ke; tarts, .and course you have , other it used itotead- or sweet :milk, use ik
'stating that some,b-uibt can be grown .111 1.11100Cupati6 lialtel*It.qstet
,The varieties .that do beet, ht- water, titte, 'lite:- early flowering' varieties of Tulips
Ote.lo, Pap•crinnte Vara torte more easilY tl,ntu tbamina.andr
PrCorlte 'Nal% of using it, toe: .Here vte.teaZl
give you the ieelpe for e: new pastry •baking -powder:
ioltinese tedilYer
a winter &vend** greitt ineitutes. on'
keeping .ur houtie'egually warm In *Uroons*nt.
itt all hold' rs. Your tok fitlighter _.
eissus and itYseinths. The trit two ate tellovOng,varieties genArallY do
n- 'placer. syrkth- *Wan ownstones.A.:1•Mall
ninytoitle ' r tlingleS1tiesinlAsn-
"ptece Ot' turPolil. aben11be iiiacm itt 3tellaii"4-1Qh17e0lora,:, Kte1dfin4r.---
the bottom to help, 'keep the water clean. • einkr:-Zottere .1014; i!ols,
laPeciat glasses Red "
held Intlt, Above the wider. ' rang-,-Pred Moore,: - Prince Of
tabled from 004 Arms And it is readY (Darwin take much ionger to
IneOated for use... thief advantage bloom than early. fitiiiterhaff varieties and
over earth is that it is *Ad, 104 *at,. must be grown in . telnpetgure
tetight bowls. the fibre sloduld zrond' 50 „,degrees until the 'flowermade- sllghtiv .
moist_ and,a, layer O. buds. 116. Otto .1,a00..,.
the be Of the 4304. ShoUld link,Otineesa
be arranged on tata sin& the lihre fined Red./R.0i trisiAnd, Wm:, Pitt,
Added tesirt. The miniberot- bulbe,nised yitithid •
depends on sise ot the howl. They wiatz cRossiNG starigy
04.1141ntbk 143:P.ttroWn itt
are inaPed'io that the buibe are zroon. ; •
PrePirid, fibre COrnpost can be 'Oh -
. •
61'9* -44(4 a the .--;4'4441;:--alt7batt'xitisi tt4- .01Libursdaz of last week,
_.air____ :it-eidtift„ ......hiototta-Arr .
bus tverett, SerlingeoUr was driving In
father's car when some girls, croased
'bubos 'ilk 1400 in- --front of the _tar 14'4 Arrt.Lan ea,
Elroy', , who was ,sonongst diti
11 not toss then, hut *heti " she ". did
In, Sok
ta 011. Ordinarf
too heavyean Ole&
Mixed sand
. ,
start to cross the ear stride her,
likork„Ud 1"4,(4„,*°,.„L ;,t„..„.tt order to'1#14/24z4,.„4 ''Pi)",„"r' -Wising-se out'
injuries. ,$1i ws
pots must
— - 'fl taken .to the Clinton 110Spital *here
ahoU]4 be t9016.it 'was dIeovered that she liad a
tiugblejfotureM the pettli bon
be 'which
latter ost for Seine' Weeks, -
stable Lever Of olinten' Was tined
and Ilverett ,Serimgeoyar *in appear
In court on Thureasir :on
driving * ear Without * 1AV:ult.
Blyth iStand
d' LI 7.12
Tell the family *Wait them and find out the one they want..
;These "clelidiOus Cakes which are flavored througliont
withone of these*throe flavors, are:coVered with rich mellow
cream lcin.g, . sprinkled with 'foisted althonds,“ A lemon.
--filling- makes_ ..them_lho, .perfo4 refreslipettL,