HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1936-10-15, Page 2' have 4 h • .4,4400 • h • V‘. ,611,11 • • oc in that col 4 14thili entire \ s e „etym. , Nowfl . bir the eiret iermid to • et hAt ileik ifshlppi it or special. gnifIcam se The/ on be reUed up so fortunate Westerne z1gs,4 rigoehe itso POMP= 16 I), 9 IISIO IN 'TB, Hon.„ L.J1 impsonw OtarIo's 'Sinister of. Bilnoationt ,erineuneed.that.:muel.o. will7 be A.'compulsory suNect, si the. public and Secondary *Opole ,of.,.rthisk. PreVinEe7, years. swillWeloonie nova to those' 4ocleriCh. la es , ; • - , ..4 o bavo been advqcatlng''ench &owl), though ,* regre funds ,2witt:',.provent' .0e.• addition ic to the 401 Studies: at Once, . _ In those localities Where, fund* jive available, the iteccesiity itne1.44,40:anit .tontilflo tlons are Iread$r,,, On, the L'etaff0 'the .-teaching Of nntqlo, ,ahonici 1 started as soon as the •clasSel can be errange4: 4c4.1:****r.',Iistliji-10,-,1,04Cfew,Yonrei 7neanst, , t hundreds of pupU0140' thr000 the LeehOols -**74disadv,w. toktge they will feel at quite frequent intervalthrough' .out , , ..314any. parOta of to -day are 'thexuelvc8.afld 01101if«-Of_sor0i$ti U0040 heeessities to enable their. chfl- dren to,•4enjoy"-"eaneatientilprivflegas trOin ...wind)), the - ,were -debarred themse1ve. Those parents, recall wth *iit;;;t1Int Thei 10.1e* little, i AOthil*, 'Ahetit tatieje) inp1yccaUse it; was not taught. .,14'..01,9 000410' tb44r tended in .,tlialr; youthful ihtyp, !Orips, have: oraiiiiil1Y-414Va0C42ed • 'friwhontes* • pianoe do' riot- appeal to -,-the yungor4JeoPl6:IlB they did decade or twoago. By awif,ching on aradio, all iciutad. ..:of inn*: iaairauriblet. but 4Y6ii the radio varicty11411 be better OlidOietea# and 'Atipteelatedt if tillotenero' -have , • Ono' musics l Itriowledge • .Wherever •possible some Orin. , Of 100Oeleal eh0g,fies *Aid, organised without delay for the benefit of - those . Pvtri to itssiot, in earning * living for tliennielven'Or heir 'hoMes.; -• • , " • ••• '•4tt• ,"7•1 in* In estr Iosd le * 'Ace riot' 00, $1,1? to the people,of tbi. provi to give freely to help t 'intrOneing- the Bpe*ker of tbe evenln at a, Ci lark 010 itincheon in Carlton PIace, the chalrman .di In gig words,' 'Avery newitiepei Man ahould 1ls up anil 411 tbat cliairman blessed.. Tha'apa))**0on - Atocculo was no 1100110 a P0#0140 thik#' the Root G. moon, who the, menibers".had :gone.* not theed on4,..410iirroyaen.,\ Thatchairman71 lontIt1.4 )3/0'11)140'' -eel* Hewoud soon becomethe..**t p0,00 at lesat In iowspipordo-ic,' The Ontario Gazette ha* -at least one supporter The eiiiiv*11, at*, 104# :paper .says the publication:of the .•propertfia for it'ale ";f rears af taxes in, The Gazette, enebleslrust .ancl., an, - , , OM WO, 10 watch theta:'0400. to, Aenrtunt, none of the propitties, in Which theareinterested-' are offered for *row*, But those .Trust and Ulan ,Ooropaniesshouht 4 doustIesa 41o, keep in touch with their invegitmerit4, neli -Mere; closely and aekoretelY than waiting ',until t V -AF`. -t 4#1Yort.40.4110..' 04 for ,arrears of lame extmiein'a, lame cauac.". • IX *5 • rya Prompt payment of i11i is biig 1* nurnber of ClArOPAPeV4i There are 44000k of 0011r00; where0e0140 cannot pay essh.;•for ptirch*Ses, but if at all:yossible, it Is better to go without, Until you our:rather than incur thOo is no VreePeT.0 7,0t1140,14#4,0- -The aretOTmany,4,peoplo.4whoaak34,411Y74-,,.;ide**4.4.04tattheY 'owe, and care less.' Should 10 strictly' cash lbasis be es- ' tobliotiedi those people vigjUld find 'themselves in a, serry. vAille 001°1100 hivei. giv41g, •ere0# for yeara, -would b'e--3ble"t� apend t114 remainder -of their dliir/0111011 111#0 00inforteh4* '41°T.!•, 0 • 1,,Ve " been FOR MEN- -,Itnewing. take Ituron in all Ito moods, strangers would • * he well advised *adapt the suggestion of ,port. Mriel)onald, erid- :leek shelter before it toe - _ThPi_s6lifeek's,neat4_4ginly Might easily' have developed Into detible-drowning, had.-GoderieViAteflife-eitVer--, t once again risked. his O*A to :VOsealit«,ztrangere trom iivetori grave: "rbe fact that they were. stranset*) of course 'Inade tlifference to Mr: htectOons10and,his timely *n014 On the scene. ''and ***Menehip,in.the roliers that had *Wept the tiio-iiihrmen Ott break- water, bought,theno :on the e1104.- of the VII* t .. the surface and sefotY. Aa a fisher ;Mello Bert Mactiepeld is in a:,clats by tiraself, •. • a, idiniit 'the many bleSsinge for Which we 1111944' be thOlst`el at this particular season, 1.tonday'll Soo* stotin, W$$ not .0ne Of thern. ' 4.0,••••••••••••••• , Ondsity man was etrit * hospital ao'the result ousIn f inoio 1414 a fires. ka *to Welty in not being t *v10.00010 1101P1tAlzg1. orione-worla Als-would.beitwe.diciret.have 114. vet, cent. 'of Our Incomes for food,' fuel and. After all the Indian* hat same AAV,A0t0gells • Oat o ftitirkg tO invent “aiiicoeled"*. t rousers, Should now devote- MS energies .;end, ingenuity ,diticOvering *hot air° apiplieuces for that pot, 01 raiment . , • 'i.io.eloty for the Itecenstrnation of t14 fluman Co**, .10100iNVO00101;:•114i, been: forni4eci)n. the,.401,,ty, 'Ork, .:AloOng ita atnia-ireabOtiltaUeouloviet:.0.4isa oximelktbiL.O.bolltiOtt'' of the Artniiert,, $0;;Vies and '•Air • orees_of the woiliti7*OrlOiti*ShehiLIV"the"..Saine0aws. for on '01410,11$4 '000, wages for Same work; a. ifniverSal Flg to be used side 4)7 .$144 of the individual nations; A NO014.language, nts0; a Sy:40i ,of Insurance to proVide work, fiod, shelter, me4ical;:.attentionf and*hication-' for every hum- 22,:beint„-o- sit , The,plaiiis...commendable enough toVat-, -rant lia ineeess, but cannot Succeed While himiati -beings and nations, are *eased*by aelfiahness and indtsridna; ayer et the 'Taft. of Vitton claims that t*dei l'oititina-tiitsitto-iitheocrptithitvotiltir- n ,suckars." An unfortunate- feature..ts there more of the same class of "suckers: . 4 ._._., 404.:lidg4:#114,1-k6srt 4.tlif 1..e.: eebeele in TorOtito to 'swim, Iiii hittirpliied.4100/Zit Tiiiiii- Cites Board Of Adueatten, The ocult 1* estimaUd get the zletr.. at city* *ciao been ti . *is p Amuse :::::_yttert; toot thermay :pnt to %nor* iraetical use.. Iseniolt scrip to relief recipients Instead YOUthett IA Wising diaterbtheo inlOcelities , Where the relief . question le.siciste, Yittrip holaers an t110140 ility Stall tb.y prefer hut 1000theit holder* *Om directed' to 4114 Terent rotationt hero the *OW*. Happily 411444040aosiolLetattvileh. toriva where relief 1* 0*110$1.e. ° fliir leotion, noted or tt ,44# ' ;4".44,4"4`.4,44,4•1-4r, OMER PAPERS' OPINIONS Quite True* ,(Kincardine News). -The poorer you are, the greater the necessity -for bating' good things. It is only the person with lilentY '51 iioh that co afford to buy cheap thingn—and thtpv, them away. 4,4 • Ift0V0-14 , • s4 tin wecilas,ai ,,-440:0411,14004005, 041/6, 44 4 .4* glro* OVN144e0It5 W;--- OA OSPiC OW( 14•4' . 41104 0,, $ia illeol100 WOR cicKt5 4k11 rkt,t.,. *AAA, 0,00 410911 g ii$A4 er-s:!,041,0t4E , 404 041410,4 ciA4 (Avegiog- quo .-44, 601 .tm.F0,414,1*1..lik$'.110014'ste..1*,00.401t, SAMf. Ook '3S1,1400000;zo45ct 0.040 rOis prsi,„1,410,,r,s uP1c944 .0rOtim044,44*, 4U1 YOR 004x•yori,4401 gorkicrry orl'criuktotii M1OcAtCNj . . , ',C1,141‘14.*113(„tr''.1!' '*141°IP4'ttp Dlstrict'Attornef r411$4111 '• wit ' alone fore the 11#14, fireplAeer AlVt1uteaw ' r, ---000.-11e., etaXe • r t ahead lv,itn„tired, :unseeing •"lit';`I'efit' S'n'Of twos vhite gthe hit pelt Ace sm utificial-rudd7..eolor, His well -shaped, 'eapa,10100. .hands ttehabled. Its he opened and read again the 6110ft tezle'l,ft,ter 1 . floson, i'''' ea 0 OPPens to -140111w ° , ., .. , A'l eQr WU ' g4t' yours Vudet- 11 , , • - c . atanc elat te e. knewVrit 0 ountrym and he ali;' It "was ro!t--mwv-rtlielyesst I/sivvellsi.°1411I:T:111, 41dw-ff--41; wa-s not olfinz eas his heart Just due hitf,oci himself e large time in hie years of Prot0 th* diet :hre egeiv,.. :nor bdIsmree'leriing "reverencene niled IT(0:0131Y.. Buthe overlooks Much as, t interpret the - - My %%Actuary." Did the Lord intend Mos- WM. but, John San- een sent a, fellow knew the- threat $ 0 lAseVt1010: Of letters does not 0000441Y, Moe% We endorse the opinion or the writers, but we wel- cOnte letters on matter. Of -Public eat. -44)c • LIMSLEADERSHIP 4-41,4-41r,":" To theEditor of The *art_ ' -"Ye sliall'keep•MY''Sabbath**Mi& For • oreOve", My sanctuary. i am the' 10:4100'-06:2."-',- in- .)alusTlitoweiclea011420.01,0s..1,,t0/14ttvib.el: to quotationti o two*:in Lehurch, sj.4„, attributed b to. titotiO: thatprec st tayeasisi ogtjet! 4 agoodnc0 the writer o that fetter to ''1430.-Teit' lead and hard; rorelyed.:•,.threate 'there hpid , th* VOA: was to be ,the ItrIct -Attorney sinforti t4re: ' letter, and- leaning: forward, tos- sed:the Iftegnients -thought/Nut intothe -,..,x'hen rose to his feet, • • g,' brother.,:--mir-Zw6ur and he d.:‘, v Prfr The ,,._.onoritblilssigilHnioeting ‘ialt,.•theo',414*.4„,, was at the vid iiivesi:00003400,0,0114:Pci:voierWl**474464:74‘9,:'*7943:::04.44);014 Hook'Tbe ho 414!4:: .• id :• b'L.t'''"IT.4::7'k.:20itterig.4471";:to«04,7d:ere;4841.4n:. 0/40:4400,00. '.4t"$00:thetO. Ontario and tbe:L.on-04,‘ °Toot or pw,tosigtal..to , 'haPPine*: and know- ledge' ef'sOlirlitfart...liking th*Vr1m-,' the .:itokt*..-Alott.,•.-.tzeo `y!sinir, • litnn." "anor' ,100110011,0tiOA hitt* 'waa_ eerved*O0'. . 001*1 time enjoyed. AferAberae-,Preeent 14; and visitors '1. Mr..*O4 'Ayiro.; Angus10.100/* Mrz dont, 1100 SEN 1,;uvlonto 10, ie is 15 with her son V. 41:iittiae. lotIotriltetiQuot7roige;b0/3417,40r 0:7:71$4:Cierly7tturliri*olt, 0:bne, co ,'W. Patton will. b6i4t"..agnuirlirt.'aPatka.:jc4ez'oltt both servlces. er . listtrio or , . Toronto ' vhsited at their '-, reePecties$,,, 110111e$ • here, allk AishfieWAVet, the )1OlidOy,* ,.' . ' .,_,,,,:f •, ' , . , , ,, . • f`' ON 0104. Xte.''' rileinget...et. 90d0X,104 .1/Petit •,*11,1day. 1401 Mr. and Nrer,-,,, , «,AnetOne* ' , .. , , ' , Xi« Otid /itto.,'Itarold Good motoreI ,vilstil'S:"':petIn'Gt17(.1t‘ h°1sli;!`:11071:4'eal:: vinth'*;li'\e'l'ri . XV; and Mrs. Wi$OU '-0 ftiitfersti# '4-Suighter; X,r0* aas' Mee're,: , , , ' 'Mrtw.44,• 9:04m' 36:)..4::-1,W41:44. if3t1:4t. NV),10:,tpo,n litiriiit';$::It4:07.7y4,0;W,41,::.,v,ins4t,l,i,,,,,,,i:Btv--,;,t4ik:, *6`,Iiest'twor,Wooke.in - runiller. rer,,,;, ever.the bohdriy. , .-, , . ',' • - -.../ - „' ell B1 hlaLYi , vrowsciety moderators, 4%1101)3*$/16- ern and th and an 41f4r44.64 -14111 „ *ey • 440C01111eli 111A7A 'qoh". 1100 ttis" 42er having 4, sale, W u444.4....44,4,4•10 .POlTEWS -HILL, -Oct, 14;-1.Thil'1/4 Gracethe „ anniversary Seryi4es at Grace ' 'United Church 'next- Sunday. Re*:* Z,'/ItoOrehouse preaCh the Morning, , and- Rev.' Moore, Grand Bend, in the -evening, Special --music at both services. The officials ost• the. Church have asked to Mak/ .thiO ei3Oehla 'ThahR,Offerthip 'dispensing -witii--the-4untal---fewl-OuPPer; . Mr. Garnet Elliott of -Bunch of his •The Football. Cure, '(Kitchener Record).-4hey have Tether nrinenet cure for crime. in Itenelnlu, .and.it 'stems to be 'working out very well. :It's football, and when- ever * Iad'gets in trouble „thire, his fira. te he's phoicallyfit-ris to play on the 11011ceis 'barefoot - lesiatei"' , Lest year 3/ boys served sub i sentences; and/ at *wen end woniniblit-scalaint for their sportsmanship,. Since then, *Cording to the Itoriolulit police chief, nen* has been in trouble. . 'Maybe the grid game- teachee, delinquent. lade `801rkes tit* AMA *Live flint OE 1414.hud jolts and coming op smilirig. Or perhaps, the applause' of 0'04 people Warne them, and W11044 them hunger for. ormre. ' kfter-all,a It in the' 1000 .whe feels inferlor to ihei" e Men,. Whatever it Is, football Own* **, useful ounce of pre volition* and Might be n ere 'widely WO way.' , , '11,o.e.-100140it '01011 of itiedoiper:,*tr. Ate, and straight.. with premature white hair, his `body' seemed • wracked ;Sped and 'sacredness which is expect- relatives rai district It waifs 20 years since'he loft *hi part, con- seclUently he sees many changes. Mr. and Mrs; Aini--LOakhart, Glen and Argyle attended the fair at Dun - *t° give 114111/3°1°11 to the peoplcdilk. Mrs: 'Lockhart remained for -a t old -fowl -suppers, -concerts,-plays, longer. visits ahe -was aceompa ;school ,conaMeneenienti; . in, thf'„ "biL$eieilt-i5t-aoditoluirm '11°4'bat and.his.wifeand,Mrs-Mae.Mc- 131tiee---'tbe nPee net the Kenzie Crescent iCityt Califora‘a.., holding o•-4 chUrches .have. a visitart /or widay, weie, .trend to lower , the standard of -re- Evelyn. Cox, London, with her par - and. Mrs., ''Pf. .0; Pik; Miss Irene WOOS- and friend of Lorton With. her parents, and Mrs..Mil- ton Woods; Mr. and Mrs, R. E. Row - den at liar. j. ,S. tockhart's; 144 Br, land 13ettles,-Torontoovititbis nioth-.. The- local', Young' Peopre' opened moth- er, •19,fts, ,Thoo, 'Settles. ' thing- .A service wouldhe held in their 'week night -services on until - the church at 11 „o'clock When father 'day` evening, after two months holt-- insietedon- the whole family attend- day.. " Rev. R. M. Gale addressed the Inge . AWAY, whet? How Meeting. All Young People . and all churches hold that senlee of thanks'-. :who' have' an:interest in this move - giving. • Frith tokt 'se he Diode his Iunsteady *AY e1upon entering God's house? , " to the vibrideii "aAtis apartment 'ar,rom The gradual drifting away from It he but a view how httu of tlie, ,church - attendente,„ tOnir mind, it, , inyriad llght of the great city, twinkling caused bY, the absence of honest -to - stir* zee; . 4.,* 11.0 itoodheeeeligione.ieaderehip, 00140d 00 hie ,mind tra - years. 3U11144, )441 tn` *PitItznelit. Thanksgiving Day that meant some,* ere, VelledOVerthe When I waza hot I•can, remember •Poultmeo.ts' rtetort--4.4,rootns he'oontraisillutd4417o:et,i161 3.7,11.4rt flrst came to Ameries from Italy thirty4tve years ago, * smiled .whiroakaily, tguito different. But, 01 eetneep .he had %tarts then.. It had not seemed so hard, Igo* be alone, with the, 'exception, 01 ectartin, his manservant, *he looked after bite like $ inother; *long time he stood there, itar- ing with 'tired, 'drawn tote into the en- ?elopingOnce s' loft escaped ,him end he aid not hear sown eel!' to him: "Tour career sfr, 14 2%40." hist he turned, 14444 114011i " '1)44* to Wm ChaI PIAPed- t be Ma' iljeo (Durhoin thtoilelc)*,-4- "Ron. J. Vaullnier,-Oritario Iiinisiter •000410); made eye the other,day whin he *Cored Oa proctiee of whet "he 'termed the 4$01014-linnting.ter,..taie*.iL,..At. 4.04 to,cito toOld, net be 0004 tho amount .of the salary, but by his ahllity to bring the otitbalotg to imeteeefui * h Flu4k0er mightave gone further than the fiaieritiiithettin-wtidA n,ontlf*nt twits. adopted Ihrtearly every:..bwiinesi noWsullaysi The r*ctice, getting worse, and at the progent time *Orlievcry. One itiMilitietwottortt,twloottaArgtet... about .Priete and rbcats downOwen. when fa *bout t ia .viclous system, but ft* are free fret* it, Evan. eur governments are taking orovory oppoi- tunity to ' POOitilo :Politically,' this la good but natIonalli wa I •never return to 'of 'prosperity • 1 hies* can operate on working men .re, tiVrilWOVItitiVertidiMitt - or their products." 'PO "Si (coliblotood to 1 o city council ot Torkotto, when that ti to him* Sir William Wok roiiikte14ori of the ght, inisch tnths sooto teeter • PY tbe bad there, erld nleebanpilly: ed biniseli 40 the hot cof,‘ i to-mor- be-leritioto the *hair /Or his beInots trimes. He would see'to that, -n� Matter what 13- 040$4, ,on woo .Hebraist, and hut cubt -ftiat A* tee At there In the Wait, • ,Aneer on his thin iips„ lits toot of the road', John turned Utile wrong ,1016qth /see stroutt Abit.,fiusited-tdoi (We. pi**0- and at that instant•the• ed st him in half-curions wonderment. 'PAW i)ver, the horses head was the noteriout Leo Aroodeo:-. it into the or With - reit Woe IOWA*, win% islater..4tint break ItklAne ipeetEe* arm, and ,ieins.„,tithgt_forwatct urtk..ltsolf _go* alyeA zo.vo«that It had to bo ,- Tai.tne, Lath dati *hot. Neither vehicle W**.Overturn* of the iliatit .the attmehow opetteit ut) and *side from *mashed glass the 4400400 to 1* In omoineu, teaser and car was oar y ; Mr„ and", Mrs, ...VT.,' ,, 'open IliankStiving: in Toroht0; ,Aft, and Mrs.- Girvan Young of .1Goderieh 'spent Mr, john ,b011gN4', ' -Now, Mr, Churchgoer, , I think the Challenge isup: to the church" to set .,the ekamplo of 'sincerity trot, Then; Wn.- the ,0o -called backsliders,' Who: polsibly do or do not Play hawks% itolttitee, May'fm4 the hour set aside for worship on Sundays, one of istructkol and Of better mutual Under- standing of Bible teachings. properly interpreted. LI.FT ThE ItoorNIXX. merit are ,..-welcorne each Thursday -OVening.. , PASSED ON WRONG SIDE HORSE::HAD-TS) .11g $144:4 • %/elm and Vdte !Doves Metk with an stochlent on. October sitho when motoring to Zurich; ;Catalog up o buy win& wak-oo the wrong side The IN * herd. %their. •Oobiber meeting Iast Thursday, with quite' e. nurnber,:present. 1 Business was Aran - acted and i. quilt quilted before lunch was served by the hostesses, • Mrs. Vie; IVillott and Mrs, Fred. Elliott,' Pletcher Fisher -Who Unde went an .Operation', on , .progrejiaint :favorably erit' r .1:105101t0tc, '44 - DD, I N // PI L S 1 '-- I,A "t"' P•41 F.: 4 'tits 11,Nett ktk.4•1:`.1:"..'4V,. WOE, DEn yr001.1 Fee .snd 8oaldar.4-Dr. thozdat' 2114ottio 011 wlil take the, Are out of a barn or scald. It should he at band In every 'kitchen so thatit may he avail- able el any time. There is no prepara- tion required. Oust &OW thecoll to the bUrn Or toed Land tale. Patti *91.40:te auort--unxo-ao04 o-inforothei h• • • " ..!••• For These Chiliy Fall Nights, Use an ileater <znie44.4002 iiaut ocoo:Onit W 6 niOlentrs. _ See the latest StYle jil 1,420e!rthiC°. '.:•..W.CTRIC MATRA! " , , Ondisplayby leading :dealers , ,and, . • e Ilydro Store Goto Uneontrolled anger, Judge Benton giant- driver of the horeedrevni vehicle" 1 heavriet With ,InOto • his ,tell iltroe ,Reee trade -WM; But not mete Ws, 0nAt . Wet 'Were 10;d1. 2`44 .4 Morgan a theme* o the ner for his VeVer.stbtng n3 to mo b ht - head WI (AO 411fret ' 8 • * * and Ma Old ,heUtit thOoe ' theiti..„ The Pot** sti Of V,00 cue, n on lxnr, 1 i)'v, 4 -."1".141'f - riling, itinging Eczema or Milt 'Rheum Eozeinaf Or 4111t 'Rheum as it Is often tailed is one inett lOrnistat' akin ._The- bite** burning, itching, imartin *tivesially-at nigh4-0* affected part .liVpoeedtobeat,orthehandsplaccdin iwator,• are aIrocitt unbeittable,' • Vao Iliirrieek Bleat paters: inteittalicyt and it•-eigtoitnatIii, A 'tOw betties Ire • • Ouilkiiiit CO *Nora togtt 0 Ii�rrAst Delivered from:car anit car run, -perion Delivered from yart and fcnted4 ton.. -This CcIl 'is for useitt furnaces, Quebec heaters, and,: grates, par taii EttrA, coa t Thli Coal is front the Foothills of Alberta and poPular tog for fitrtices; Quebec, heaters, ranges 'and grates, per ton... 4. drY 'th3 co4 Is the 'well ItuoVin which is, Cone ceirtd, wbiclirneins that ;,,ou get alt coal and not slate. (You, do, nOt want to pay for slate),.. Per to .0 da Unitod tMes- and C*n the IA You ea economl*fly with Po $ kno tt k ety foil«