HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1936-10-08, Page 2cCoTdh2& to vUlages ever' t ad at least thoy had excellent westher,an statainent wasthet ram pOint, e the: pprove, .they ouId and dkl 040 Tbe FhjanciaI Poat elehns that the, taxez, in one form er another, on * 20 cot package of clgarcttes, praetkall'4/4.ents, Vet '414 didn't 00,60 one. Iocal • ettAt, dealer who gave .up onoVing oVeral,ponths., tom returning last wool; to h18 favorite plessurt, •Alw&y& good evuth1nise1, heeema to--'114AgW. p,k e v ting a let o Satilit,Sift#00.3 the wecd, taxes or no taxee The Unied Church of '047a4 'women tb its intsterYk The question had lbe• official* of that church 'for,* lent. tinle snd when fnt advanced. was „ylgoreniair oPPosed. '0114hien conditions and the arguments of these behind t 0,0" *intil„t_4„ 6,r4Ene the '°PP°51°Pandthe Plan'ilve last week adopted by ahnoet the unanirsoU* Voite„ of tho. " General ." C6anell+ Women have bi Teedielire incl.:1100Y In Canatla,fonyeatS. There are "Slo - wonin in the Senate, in 'the 110141Se 'Of Cerdrpons, end Tbe resolutiofl adopted lite., week at the vo Wonien'a .Convention4 at North Bay'PtOtestWe'againr eauty ',:ce*PetitiOn*And.`nther exhibitionsin wbch t .'outI Of the /Country le...7e*plolted:, itor.'cOnuterelat pu keiswTh bgilleta11$H-1444"Qiie(1- '4").t,, 04 6)00000', Lhee0tY, tote -would. readily convince any fh0,00001,'porion of the 0Pdeoliab1*5 'ot.e?tPO4., YOunft en ,'Pr4otioing, both, 'experiences;,,the-CathOlic Jetta the- right :direetion 01*,,11 47044 viP4 oiltentOrg#* 'o,re.4410e$IC 11,140 Usualto F.rrs ALSO 10 UBRARY The Aole1014 (3.enneii inet, Ort,' Sept, air member*. :Pre*Ontl :34 ' itnet, meeting were . read on magma of. Sherwood and 1dDonaldAccounts passed: uss, MoCieighti burial . :dead' aninial,41,00t, 14004 lloard, of ;Health, meeting'', $V.00; Salarr, $0.00p anit•ppatage, ;04' ;00,00.LCV P. Wadi .excise stamps, 00,4 'XI*" bertg,' co*tst. clerk Om, *hOto how), tat zsoct,s, 49045; zucicnow,:ekontinet $0,20i,,Ernest MOOlaarles, for June, In . and: `Aigiiti'',$4$494- MoYers,,. gra$11ingi,, brennat„, poets and. Stoning,. $5.16; WM., 11. Cook, timber,41:4 ,PlongPoint*„$1:40,„-Itae..4 Porteous. I. 14 i $14.14,4,0)* AMCpAec144/44, OAKti 1'01* nati3.:*, 1914 lItPittltkOlth. , tota4,11 , ' „ the •110011 it, *omen, 'Is and Children*s eenits, Olean. „ nrant, °under.. of' 'General' getora:v11 , A *7MM 00041f1410$0: Women'ig 4sotitujff Ashliw A:P*4(0", 141evs Oiitant foundedthe'bur- -414114,0P-C4-1M.1%1;rrj.-1,431,,-11Aittittl:4;1%., the' 'General, ow to enter the , • • . and lost; $10.,00404.MA.h.ae\OPened'..*laineh,:.r4oin:lit neettionithegerit$:4#4,:cheieetes*,,O',thg,,104iiagq, 'cOiliparof 1414'0 zo doubt that orators. are not all Men. . . -, * ..)474-4-ii1:--Coiripaily?1,1-1--Efirt*Ii-: '-iiit titre tge, og , ' ' '.0.'g Iiktoll 'ii)tO ' ' 1:- . -' X ti :companies.4' - 0 wen; on -." iffililY* .1144ren.entel*A1 Mss „f*dia .ruelasi of 101Yitgton, 0 eweni.., , lend* :910;1101)0e and ., 0 her .* an it' .. i ,,,1 11, the zietute 4 1929, .., ,4)4(01.faren' Ind ,Iiii:ii.lbir,'. ii..:•mlealenik.„.4\-in that'lle14-;ftstk,i0tYlial 'Ye.atsic.,.,,s' , '40rianillteidt0F,Ph,0.1*,„ Jet:',Xeeiici,o-,-.c.elllie111107,‘,4. i . 1 4 ,' . :tefii,..r41.1.1,,f,ed4.offieirs; in 'the sainenhull.0.. 00,.**".4. ng`. Aiii.k .lioly Income , ,k„.4e, • $itet . Nvertien- . iRiSte 5 0+. , 41nene.?„ 'on , several ',: *S0r.ier, . thoughOW , gard. in. Tortnito,' - 1 6 , , handled *h., ' .1.,,, has the ‘:lifi' fli ti ' ' ' ' - starts411-' . ' '''''. the ' " i0 already . tecessert (lusi,...-ta..ont, for ordina ion. • o'. ., , over again.aa,.„proprie , r,. O e e 4 .. .--:•,t,ther ",sionfetk,.:47ve. hoe.* etildting,the.Ologr in -2',C* ian-- a iota deserves'filet_'''t e'i 6 '' ,-, Viiiversitle0* ii.0151/211Y *,4t11. the,.POPit 'oe ttikelr al' stances 0,r0oe.' AL:desire to .inake gerile '111010* . 6 '.'.Y106. 116 'bad a 410.14 , The limier, felt that ,1:1nggard,-* more '.Or 1ess,privileg jo_lieste.' ir handling of bis wife's nlerie3r her titeirelttcr:, security droppe (Tba ii0ertion of le necessarill Mean* we .011 opinion of the volterst,but we come letter* on matter8 of pUblre, terest.-04).` steeples and sPlices, 414_ ,HarteY A0 - „plough points,- $1.7t4 ;Peter Mi..' sier, .gravel, ;444 nerh.„Cur#10, vett -of men, $248.20; Herb; Curran, salary, $.1$40.. -Co of Huron 'Calcium chloride,. $2,640;., Wm. Quigley, ri- pairing scraper, $1.50; ,Luckinni Sentinel, ad. re. bridge tenders, ',76; . Culbert, Sherwood., that grants to Zineknow Voir, $104-Vrayne Mc- Donald, that grants to, Scheel .fair be $204 ShorliF004 &t Veep% .that grant to. Dungannon fair be V5.,* Sherwood' •' Varlet, that grant to .Pungannoll rary be - • , • ail and 1Slierwood That la That* teds,etting,&,_tilty on, , ,teex_Idtesifooleelowr Ao per • ?Ai* AajiggitAt -c9 Without doubt the movement ° spread.' ,to 'other '440'4). ntb:440 i,441144.-Wiltl. gradnani "cepte d as matter of 60)0Se. • . ,lmerston Observer has::40#*4.Ast*O,:by -41,arieton4,f4,..€4,40,40141.1cifoist014i0 -Star''700.1.0.tiete4he:.01,100:110`''on 411i)GIIIG .4T PALL FAIRS• last 831, Yeti*,in:h4Sting ,Parier Sue* as The Observer;; -- Judging at fall fairs is no -easy task ParticuleOr wirs Carleton h�ving eicel:ciaeci a oat (lee of bath. After' reestablishing - a per in 11e :tov*,,,,,which, had, jieert without it publication for five , Monthsv the, merchants evidently felt the disadvantage' of that eottditio* and advertised: consistently, being 'de- JOrnained to encourage buying at home. 10.-• Carleton“,* entering a wider field. of newspaper 'oetivitY, - -teeser-ie said to be familiar With 'The tariOuls 'branches of the publication blisinot* and it is 'hoped Will enjoz full, measure succesoi, ' when the owners of the- articles are , nova o e u in...thoSe':eates,.,.in Which tii,4 exhibits_...ere )iinited nuniber, it' is danbly hard fOr thin to te):0,ie _Pr„ises; though ,the articles are not up .to a certain 'sten- "(laid,: Where the same articles', have been exhibited year --after4ei ILWie • udies Should be at liberty to ex- ercise their „,iieretion, but if thejr„ exercised -that. power they would' ineur the everlasting enmity 0,g, those exhibltors.' • „ • • ▪ llorrowing atibiti for the sole purpose -Of stowing , • , , item at fairs could be overcome-Wfir-Wang necessArY that the article, animal, or Vegetable must beei made, rmaLLit grown_ by the' exhibitors, or, at least his • or her Personal property for say • before the stew dates Zitering 156i -rowed -or pi:meted-, ed articles for showing milif * form of chiselling that is by no Moine new. Wtenpreparhig, their prize lit for ?ext Year, .:Directors sliotild *Mend their regulations to protect themselves and also the geniine.e.X)Iibitore, EVER pAys .14; "rokonto broker got eighteen inenths. in a 'reforma- tory fer:stesling.St900:, ' • a is 4,ciortli far more than; $7,04}O to spend eitehteeu 'Inplthe 1.0thifidrilleti 191101, ; That 4.188 per his home peoplovill suffer more than 'he'dwill. mention viriTtlide the despateli 'show why toltelio the 47,000. It may lime been to keo • up with P‘lie. /outs- et, gainbling In *Wks Or betting; but the end wit the lame, cizt.0# for eighteen Months from his 'home ,and, bia fiends siat Clime tiosfo..poc We remember * youngrnan who-when,starting, out In ° 1010 donate 101-thet- ;only Anal* VeAgkever. Whether Min in Ostne of mind, or after careful c.t.lcri- jetion of his ,Clumees of never getting his Inintiot on a Mite lre.don't but is 'tit temples- continua to get. grayer, he-is,stilliistppy daily life having. never reatte:i Ids objective. .And the 'Chances are, to never will and doesn't want to.- -. but his life 'wilt *be 'terribly disorginitea :1411e .Two fairly well clothetmerc called togther at * ,•4104ericlr tome last Thursday at meal time **4 asked gr polneutinic Usieli..proauto *fen troti *Is, and tte road or tram. sieni to S. • -iittatlat .thirtY he er*_en-rellef f Wn to, Pro gra Mudd been ',reduced bY.$0,000. Anoblaer *talking instance w The many suffer tom the acts. of the few. the Walkert6n • '0 "Ise-- )3el. 0x ay of oebruary.over and abLIe ove •judge. Costello.the 001ki Court was sP4tUtOr.Y.Pen0litY 0t -1/2 (I 1 I)" shOrt4"-en Thl.dar afternoon, Viagtttrate cont. -moot. • taking up., the r,.easeS M0)391.1.44 and sher004, That t so ;wit pi' CroWri, ne • t , 193, axes „TA h4,, ko..airiviareh j1,11,41enitingict,,oraitasiratirth,oeiluoctilmilr,,Q.:1: ia.urii(01,:-(4., loo,tion. 1E011106Si IPleading' to a .charge irrayne and. qulbert.' Next Meeting. Now • X ael, 01 63,141011 Ingeh allOWedAlaready to allow 'Mega* to be opened * /Attie", Wirier \and, allow OIL game. , .TO Make It Pl*In Oersrobi •X'will •Viete:•the fourth toraroamhuiut,as -7.-leL4he;f4Ord---butosesv-,-41" spafk, ;SU 00413#6:' lie/gents bei -15.400.1:(0.0 to teen it holy; 110; days shalt thts.i':-Isikor. ando„ 4o: all; *ork„ but the Seirenth, le the .,804tu or- tbe T..or4, gar it-:t,,;jlourahat„,zi.,*, do,. any is1004 thou nor thy zon nor tliy idaughter,, thr,.:00430,z1Flt,!,40X, .servant, t414` 10#*,•::#4 #4* -4***., 'that,* 1*.ithhi,41**100,'.' for aidays the Lord niede,Aeaven: an.%, earth, the', . !sea,an4.:*11,04:111--A*Tt*a,!*4'estrediu.4” ithe.'.seventh' lie4r,„:;;WllerfloVe;-' 'Mesloed the Ser.Ont.A.:, 44r 4glicrtivo ,Understandy-thiS., ,.ment. it Wei. Wile der of rest and Woralifp: OW0 4440 ";10504:-. wOroi ,ot: • rity'or'nfererl' * i6720uw4ewilr:;;' inthe rttLe4,,,,,c4xvians4404.,49:::$0 4,anxose04• li :4ne"-Wo, must,oti_ollap_;064041rfeis;is', toiler '1%!ttemaitud4 -8areVeY1i14n;7174:44,$itill oll'tt‘leeParT;71:ort:hli,c4:d„4:. lL ictyr-a„pc,threc,Notal. twill fincr placeshe-nwriely0e0or_kuPi fis gt,;- stopping at hoine listening to'radio4 ete. .,The dance hall Is "not cloSed untittwetive o'clock on, Saturday' night '•••, then-tuor 111 ;ITOhri ind , 116430:1 haiVe to zo' borne from e,-,:aacf' of arouee..,; wlilch the woUld be , OriV)thet-.'ther6-*6144.:1$6.7•-,;*,,,,,:-,k. .1114.0ePrt- ;3441.1Y:...-°iThee'6,Pe,dat,14inceg,,':;#'cial.,,F_:.,le'40,' 'tb:xlplitic':, . . , , Itanifirv, 'died" '110-,'.**ggooted , ta ,°1:11i ;tort% ,',-:, :1;Inggard 1 hati::#reet.,,441th.,10 he*Ven, but rather Ilindee.theln,tin that .41 not '.helArefiyOrle on :the', wayto rco r .°04411104°* 1.4: YOUPO: -la** , iii-,,,'. 0 ' NOtiar.'111,01itt)i0„';',0.0,A,.:.t.,#.',,iiil: $o jw too.s.; , .41e..441 .Ba 4b*Okr,. rom- .. . ,,,-, - .;4,,,,,.. 45..tca:,,,40--eteti4Or-nOt-Int*Irtv4t.pe war. . Thera.they are •tired,A44, omit to , , , etUind, , lebureh. on 'the', Sabbath, ' "04 Selenitti0S*6t6',,nseti..4k P1F;-, toArtie ;;i4:,' ea,r,, • 45onit14... ,'OrfrO*1,ili,:-'0 Don't make it liwie-tyk.'474.i.Airtifi:04-;: -7- hnee',W*iniOV4f.:Met",Xtf0*,M,Ae$Ct.4,...jlreUe.o;HAtllO4*4..'-*P,lit:fr,A6',-ardtWer to.. a W.SEREIHgREIS.SOoKE0*r' 04*P! invelY It 1,1: too 0Pon . al - 64•40;,•°, • ::'''Attt.' the 'thing ..4regged.,,TOta.,. itio'..of.iwiViriff without. a:iota:nil 'and. - t.,. . • ' r .,.....,., . ...'... " '- fe:611r:*711' l*Ili°414'14';1111.00ect--then- - - - .4d:the, hends, dropped in yalue,,,*4 tht....useittittor.::01,40o& thti.,, is,:;.0en04 ::. ' , ..' . , ., ",- nip* IS: FIRE :Other things will -follow, ., 04, We...will* • gs$0i:-,ciatite.,,--expiatiot 1107# .110g,. warrant be ;issued, ,The - case • 'aina' ,:•ad,.., ,, , • '. .-;:--...,...., ' - - ; • " soon have no-"Sabliath at all. If we ,gertreTtrOuble'liad-stort0V-fIlie 'big"'.. iergiiitkt-L*--4i047,,,Oetetge*,4340.ort.,:_::$4 "::::,_.k;FLgt ',.ieti,-„11,0e.r.*;., Jegr_exutLeile.hatf dm*. keep Ocittra! contreandinents .Ife1v1.1I *est.7part 'started' Ins*4ear, ,'''.' lEt(;0 Brusseia..ofect '.,..gotte . to. .'0,-rieeitiesS t4ltion eige,retteS 'were soloed . in Can-. 1.181Fus 74th iserne• dire ealarditrea,.. Goer the lawyer said: 'Illaggarcy'eateented 20 cOato.... : • ,, - ''''.1-', , .:- ', . :‘, '', ' ' loot., cigarettes for. every man end er.artaile, if. holy, a day. to Worship God Ca ed, Op, igen*O" .:,.,. ,. '•',' 'estved :,vvitu weetyhig istigolgoodst,:was old ,adag, 4".VV,,here ihere is 'smoke. .one . eternal las:ob*.th„. reigns. .., etatitOnL:''4014inea last year that : adkiourne4Hte .tsetOher, 10t,..lt ' ' ;I:dwgkrc). there la fire Is aptly Illustrated by the - tt' will Oire ' you . tr.) -niore . texts Or, there was going' t -631e, a, teerganixtvv, 700*-antS:41„hert-Waiffiljoftl: ()',56,lb°, i_me':. ', aretteillor:In..L1025....*ftriy.10,000. fires' sorlikuier 80 each, one „pito he guided by. .tion of “Groat Pikes, Paper , Milts.. Vownship, 013eared:Avlat'lv.roPre, erl.A. rgecc were • de4nitew-traeed. to , the ,eareItss his heart " or . conscience. lt,- the ttit. - gome securities- were taken /Or ,tbat. /w'ith. the theft of -a tire slut' rim ". ';'000k, 'handling' of clgarettoi, lime"' "fixes . in- ter; 1 Cor. 10:31, "Whether therefore ye itilliietibili; T.1,.ie reason that no lila'', ,'010iotted .gailtY" wilite W0istr" pleaded il°t• '001.vintr :* .Properti. lees of over $1,006,,, eat or :drink Or vihats?eyer Ye; do, . do all - CloktiriogaS Made.of ite practiee Wee,. guiltY. the: .csse iWitS, ;put :ever or one pop, . Istooserst .tareleasnesS was respon- , to the. glory of. Gad,' . and ::C01, - 4:111; ' i " the "Whatsoever . 'do In w6rd Or, deed 410 eber of ,*tata434,14 C. E. XePonagh Clerk. *Ming bow the business *Wee itonet driving ornarge. and DA 40'4 $1# 1*A ads.' works out to an average of blessed the %Oath tteiY/ int( hill°wed;°- an • investment wherelao, McLaren The ease oi.'#imer Moore of Ashfield, womatt of „smoking age. and make. preparation for heaven,:, where hat ira toUpott fell due, . ,Ifiiggard :Week and the accused men were al oW,O, le_.4,ei iiroo fires than . milt o r ye ., *dui& write ' and 'either the 'bond or ther'thvar,batt.. 01450 :e0,chi . ° Single -classification -three out of every ital in the name Of the Lord JOUL".:- - If i , . he coupon :Would be ,sent,.. and „the .-,tptarold Nixdorf pleaded -guiltv to a ;,en Ilia beltr, attributed to ihis, cause, itVe take them texts of serfiptitre as our people .didn't knolvA., .111.2t4.6,614,14-, '_J61.1,arge Of theft of a hiosle. and S ennl .: coastal*, in .gerezeen with -peoples of ,guide ,and attend dode house, gfriu; 11P Laren! .didn't even 'send the cOuPens ,.. of money:.. ge was iremanded ,.10.r Belt" .other . ounttles;--ate--4eitofed to Thelittl -everytlilnit'l`cm the 'Lord.- -and .PriParibar ii, the, due,..dafes and that is how ale 'tette,. ._- . ,,,..,,.. ,.::"White ,rolls. d. 7,11e1 ,SPOVe Atat18tir4 show our hearts for the reception of God's hing. tended, ',. ibtgard, went to To- ,I,ail laiggItt asked the cintrr, , to . give ,thiesitei, he the. case. ,. . 'Whether the elg- holy Spirit we will be blessed by . a glor - 0140 .stud fOU'ild,,thAft. the Ontario S�- , 'Judo:dent nainic0 Wit,* \ acurt4t: 'Ot arette is geed fer.ns 'orhad.tor'us ,18not imis revival of religion-44nel), Will -shake' ;Mites CoramissiOa . had tie ' ., vision-I:age whew.. he,10harged Iiith ail- theipoW: • we. cannot .blame the trill . on th$A old town. Thityully , YOltos, ' • ,Dieeussiug the value, of a well-developed conunOnitY.• 't 'spirit of loyalty ,and service, the Amlierstbarg' ,Viche 5$00,;s4p**,.7,_*esident it commuthty - should realize that be or she has 'duty to perform. nntf en- deavour lioa sphere 'voliiett* can be of holp• 16.1)0 bata to ow At niche. *top. obeli. ,particuier talents 'wail* of help. the'eenuntirtity; nd It Should be the .,desire of, everyone; tie* 14*i:riot 'Or. poor, to give* Of;their time and. energy' to the commu nitY.w - The Irtintsville'VoieSter gives Stho_004, for bitting the point, that' need* ,emphasis in every, progressive tomniunity. The _progress made in, any • minicipality, is marked by the memo! of teresit and support shown by its, citizen*. And the mote., widely distributed the effort, the greater' Ind more per.' Itanent the "result*, • Provinte,:vriclo dolight-toting oigin for two; if not three. Menthe 111, the summer time, voulizt he more ad. vantsgeoul to the publie thist the present' "taptaratti system. It would afford an copportunity for gardeners *he dispostedto enjoy an extra tour of dayliglit moot their flowers or Vegetables; : picniokeit ,touitt. 'eAleteLOccupattetts mit'hour earlier for the bisieliket n while base ,bidl players and Vriliwellki:haii- plenty of time to tate their evening meal oomfort.,. and 'also see the ',game; before darkness 'descended;•' Mothers Childreii• of Whol age would not he Aut gat the PIP% ready tor sili001 during 43\11$'' Alt4 Attailat, and 'IN'Orking men Might' 4614 OA additional 'outside activities to such pn extent air to pre- fer Onthinlitettie daylight .13111init Vleak during Septem- ber. ' There it plenty -of Iiine hetrwee* not Pollitsg -dey,. for each -*ter to make. or hit own, roir(4. 'Daylight saving , one locality and not in, another is, far from 'setisifalotorib *Ito-And:4 plebe:WM would be preferable te.terifirilfig the'vott-teleperitte vitellelpell*** • • .bOeki+P'. 'Wax° then that ing Ut Pay, $5.75 Wages, mrtin sold Sir ..eVfeltet *The. "Stoke" iStot church goer 7artil one Who 1.1 pank „hid seined :Ifuggard:, and .--Hte. !that' litaggitt's 'father' owed. dim „soLn! at fault but the .stoolter-'--not the cigar-. •loYes. the Oalohatli. fled to the Statea,_*: nioney for baY' he had l'keuglit and tnitt .ette. but",the 'habits of the man behind "Oita° highty-:.rigardeic lie is 'nein,: be '`(Seatrtin) 144 -WA, the: In it; 'Very'. Unit-, a-, cigarette -is-careiessiy , • - disgraced, •Ixis life 'Career shittered. poroat, 'rho *lize diAmMea- 'taw aside there la a danger off:Ire. .A tfl IID AT hand .out as as that iniftete4 0001ftes 'Efeiforth, altithat 72.* 11)4fTeigat,ttea, -smoked in Canada, last sent to penitentiarY for the, rest of tiro "We*. NeViton from *dot enohoe 'the, earth at the equator all No punialimenta tmortal man can Wu*, oe'thett of S,tandarct matbeniattoo. ton you that11 within lila Mind,'even if he wasNewton of, 'Iterente ediQuiliet for ,,year were, 011.00tightly end to endthey • his elite,. . , ,, .i , . .,•Toronto . by .Constehle '1‘-, --rgivi--11 104-136---- near* .%eight* tImes. 'TAW is .,*- Dumb?' . "The people , loidte he' 1;aos he • had llteekli AM . ..' •' ' -7. , , ' ,, stwiernie Interest but the lire hazard. of, stolen Were not .going to late any. . • _ ,I. -• ,.', .1 ' 1917,000 miles Of cigarettes .is. of vett-m.1 thing. Great Lakes Paper Mills Went ' that could happen to Ogle Peeples interest to Mr,. and mo, cii,,tistuth 04. *Pt fie figured that if he stayed who have lost their money is for him 'eon bemuseit hits' where. it hurts-- awayanother couple of months, no- to be given A 'long term. ' The .best right In the- pocket.' Tire Vretention body wOuld have Wet anything and thing that can batipe4 is A light set,. week serves to tall.ottention, to the fire perhaps the thing would, have tence# He is young, brilliant. and. he. Ward 'ot the earelesel, y- thrown cigarette straightened " itself , out. . He iititet lin a• butting desire to repay- -these Ati1011* Othat 7aisei"-Of tire lost . knew, ' until he *Ai cominf. back*, .pele. ' - . *• -• . .0.0.1r1Ze - when-Y*0 audit4ra • • "the week' fishing o*jr in the Oi.derich r r si ' art induttO of *0 mean proportions, ,' It port but good, b1nu, as ' Man Y it - 1de the fish. ,-,,-- . The Ontario Hydro totimiseion it I aouneement reducing *italreiti and .1 adds:. *the zanng thlthit staiystent anio-nnts to s11 and the po /CO told .T -Oat -MeLaret ..lieve-_,Over _tad to disitt- -.1tero. a young nin 'who, as *---result..of -- dealing with tecuritiso Which he had no t4,1retlitai with, finds hirlasolf rospoi:WOle for * loss of $150,000, -concluded counsel for the sicchted, that :lie had to ta$i that Rig- • and Fletcher. iiad 11 never.longht thie,Groat Lakes -Paper stock.- ' "So rtay, thie is one, of the mist pettiliat Wes have tier knoWn..litit never benefitted by one cent of theist', Socuritlets. He isn't a poker player, Badly Battered, -(Stratford ,11o* (1)- , wag,: es amounting to over ,.#8,000, *re' the IS.- iiiiiilif Zeiiiiiiiii-OtiL7,4geltst-therettiite-- * Waiver wbo **is lcilleil in,* emelt ..sitar that city about * year s,hoti* injured pos***ter* ill Ma e*r, Prezum*bli it h*m taken' ' • i,bit- tia*ii, for ,, them- to re", ,,,r.,,,,,,,,,, one yeung woman h*d three fractures of 0 ego xraco* u Skull,' Other isdutio*;. at, paralysis, braln concsseion an4 fnjury to. and, *Cher RHEU 'that/1'4 Thio 'idradsity tie Massy. Wend exams erie repelas,, iritatis $114! ilk* Ishilsosalrig is hilib *ono thsvasiAise lit • , tiVOI, ,01011 610040014 Ititatif Dair* tills4selill a las& 14411st iissedY! 'ftddsKidto -Pills 0, gtinibler, * drinker a niali wilk gird hatt 00 eTimitutl rood, •and it rune. *round with wild womeny He ia not awl of those. As rileid at the rt*A1!_first*PP**10,, de. as * critni" been/1141°'1 bare never kn().‘"1-1161414:01ard cetineers eddte)$$ ease quit ' .aiiPro*Ohet 'this with -e the toot, guggard was pros.,00- 131:;:r commendedtthe ;*inigYfroPnlitYlofrigifInlibirelis" ' lit;irsta4t,!"1: judge for taking' -cot' of '..hrittitg.' someone' it; -*It ttiot- taie' more . ;the*: ,dittasitefut to '','*our, 110001.r:the 111V-yer cOntinAledt.'‘.',424 " ' knew ithis young man who irtirfiKletr. .hat told the Crown e - thing; east everything .he has toli them War true; ,Aorta, these - people_ (those , Who lost' the monot).,', a* to *what youi *entente will, bu. hate bitirt4'.ent-thi-trui statof401,,b4itt-A, fairs, eon* 4met, want him punishod :pieta* for you as Worde could paint• at 5,11. Some 1ia.ve Peid biro frieritilY it. .1 like the way Mr. Clarke has visits .et.the. 51I...13f ,course there are presented the,. tile. NO. :Other, 002,inlasi h 4vlie c11ng to the old gdage, would -here more influence In oot" fitir tum - Tuage ziadrewifng- the - %looter IWO, • Ungar& yoke ease hat been presented Were in by your oounsel and no doubt he has t*lE to tit %1I f#icta before nte-aar. storable a mariner to poss Ie. ani 'sure that whet he bat asid will assist Mit ,coming t0 a conclusion 'tooth. 1 think 1 b*''e expressei it but 'rather fairly when 1 **y th*t acm. of tune Case has besI people Woulel li� to aee Able smut one rather uniclue.. given another ' The defends have Oat' th. ca pointed out the . opera*, prominence and 1 -Tiatl_terni r.Sorui-Atoll **ties - Ing the i. no*InWnd.d t' It trent do nor ,nain. ,. ftgursd. OWLE Si:riAWBERRY At this time Of the Year evonyoue in expcesd, *Writ Or lest, to sadden attacks Of alsrrboas *tamps sit4 paint In the bowelsounimor orimin gh4 other l000,,..ues. of the bowels. These treales are generally 'canted by an tarter* Of bile, change of diet, woof or or' the eating of tulip* *tat/ :It troubled with *tar /46ettois iht,bintels Ito at mica to your druggist ina. get a bottle of Dr. „ rovflor-14.:Extriot of villa ettawbeity, you wutina, itS4etioi.veliehie Suddeffeettl*I. On t4 insrko14010. °Yet 00,years, , • ftONTAS: Delivered, from car and cat run, per tonb Deliiered from yard and, forked, per tom- 4. -At This 1 is -for We- in furnaces, Qiiebec 'heaters And -01a% per-ioni ;his Coal- is from the Poothilli of,. Alberta and vety. popular' coat' for iiitnaces, Qubec Ileatest . ;ratites and .grates;per ton; 4 • • w4""""T''" ME COAL This Coal is the weli known D �*hick s one cleaned, ythich mans that jou 11 coal aria not slate:,,, Von doOriftiitlirt*Y or 'TO, ton ;';'•00,10.**,