HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1936-10-01, Page 2A
by the in*gm
work has no
to tbe TelOP
Vo. by d1Ueflo.
Ues dlrectlyn
Ommissiorii and the Belt
om the crank'btte
MOM' AN. .'14.110
7.).0sirOese bouse1eepiflt in permlttlng the accumui&ti
intleinahle i#,ter )sp,d:ra490....tiek•resp�n11iiefor'
';,ifire8.'41nrhut the isit three yo: , 4434
:e.erelese.,V1Kati4 Of dumping litteintall.kinils in
baeMin*, or Aninead'*otortai'':or around
buildings 1* not
,rdYi 'Soigne' ftre '1404(arlf ,I!‘kt,is insanitary, and ,
grceull utOgItty.
an ir.01410U, of Your Ifoule and your place of
• tineIness., pee theiiiinit of your perception and reason-
ing powers to 'dtiopvir.iiii eliminate, all•posteible esuses
of re, juSt s ,10,4,ivieuktin itakiWan .linportant:hnetnca deal. .
It will 1pay you a'iusudeOve,dividend in safety.,
and saving.
TOOnot;iest ,the.reflection of Orelessntst(iveiv your-,
tett-et Y-4,MftoltilingL403-01*----,;11k171.901'
'-7iejWt'''tYedi6i re-kori-iindke' ;better-itipreasion,,
'Upon other4,130.01dos- eliminatings serious fire haunt
;Next week, is .01,0 Prevention Veele," Are you doing'
share towards removing fire hazards?
.*'0: iii:. ',,Faire
audif the,E:eVient-IS judged
'st, 04,2*, genuine , .„.. . , . ,
li!1.7., . .: conduovo'. to etoeiova ei.-
*Onit,coicapeto Isotoi*W**. ' 'ti
, . . ,,...,.. ,. . • . ,. , .
had not ..jouffetoCA,ma diough
. ,14 : : 0141 1 0 .1 . ii*, lie)
:ii)Oved."'hY°*eaSett of tite,,:, better -' goStrhig.: . , The :.
reihihtta*reilot **.iiriukona'ae,;thet#0*,.!*11,
'.:t,t)*0!..'*.er*:e4USIIY,'Sks good as .a.s,,...ee04.:-.:be):,.0,on:,..
'e: . .' -.Vnk'14.1.0e *O.* '1*itiii..*itilii:,.0fiiiii4'040,.i.,
tbat •ui&keetl*e: 'etongiit':bidlOri.friefeit: fait fairs, .and
t leiree'.,re.'41:400:***4•44$10.** - ' - —
t7 'of ;the live
14.1,121;ho Alea461F
kIIy. rains
Ilome-Weeli,V0,37.:*111 tOrnialt, a
for' pitting) the toWn into the best' -possible shape
Igelcut.0 to thif visitors .who are, certain to returnfor a
few -days. Utting AtityikAix.Ittlinining second; or third
growth Usti 'on the embankments of 41 P, E. hill;
jinrieve`the-lzeautY. and the '0014 froni those
;laces,' • ' ,
Should .some one leave the town: $541*, to .be .SPetit
tt_izepreving the •beskirfrom. the piers to & point a Ye*
1!.vidored yards soutit„of the. Hotel Sunset, that; section
oilld•he Made. into .4;44 of the finest heacheeln.`Cattada:
:Ir'On' rOlingleVOh/r444-14PW41*-ballk.
stilts at interr* 40.C.Vn to tbs.ftes* and water,
'would give the town a still Ertfilee 4410 t? its piesint
desitnitianv. `Olt. prettiest *town in 01..Pk.:4,", •
- 1%44500; or- more, could be vrolit#14Y. Of* on
:tho *Ater 'front. Who is goinq to **stoat() thair
01.1T,0712. 4.1(.111.1PE
,40- Orishilp itt. oii 400141, are es profitable to the
IntdiOai prOlefetelVIR 11entet *Ore ' to ,the legal
illkternity ot en 0144114% • , " , 1 .,. '
' . *4 ' fi:
IA . ea chite Iiir0 *Act to be of evactir. the'
',alio age; Thei,latter play have three of our hundred
' sind, more resiilente sit building.- but ,heYetid thatbete t
1* not SO much differsoce*
Whinge tompliins that °the =Worse Is 'even&
'1n at'an explodve rate which if eontintted will bring
its lon,". Ai nothing tin be done about.lt, it is
jai a* well to .let it go on expending. '
trete 'Italtdb.0-iald near a town, England
glit. driving:10os It len% the color of the
ponsible for so many &eclat**, it ii"..the
• uor, eerie*** celled "iedrele
leer ,fielt *tut too& ' VI*
UP their $001.1e,
te WU* it WA it4
inen art catching from ti41:
md* Qt1;04 * .440 thA Coderiah
t1 land ea water ptoirtae tor
about two undre.'1,kr,.i!i!iOnt oZ z town attei
I i va_n-,-_
ot 'Wit*nderie0 ti02
SA.f..weeitl. they .must have pieseant ecolleetions.-ot ,the
Osreas, _r_etardtd helause
we , Anhne*.-
teord ror-Thureclat rdaht*-Preslden taken- forproductiveh
mhbert Ortiudhir =Pinner music show_voi Pie 'dangers of %Militia- obttea 'were,
4,4* het ,cases, putOber 'Ot
whcIi /ANtre *OW* the °4efelt,-
te. entering „pleas golit3r,
nigh,t siso4on: )400,-,,
nivifflatu ,
43;$ CitstUrt,aPee irta,
was Ound,:guilt: and
anddlned 1O ile04,- weeellegedithst
enehlin Was iin*ohred tesele with
CI*! of'PO" gur'itt-Outon on
PeOt'" .e."mher .11th restaurant.abOu
eml eititud that be bad
standing front 'et the cafe •auti that
he had gone ' 4;4 OA 4141;ect ;41nol)—.;* of
men in the,fgeettgOrarit'Igho. the owner ,Qt
the vox -*ea ' 71/10nohart: admitted 010"
vtu the ownerleCthe_Vehiele.,and. the
noomPt 0.104-„Akta 'ftw..htteJhe:,Jlcense
plate 'weep F-11*-7.$'Otioti mien 'stated. that sh
it *se ,thelear *eat t„ The
Star yesterdax, 010 u ?hi
took a drop of two cents*,
ogs ,were 4-8,00.-: per.: cwt,this wcek
they lay/tired to 470, 4 reduction of
10c ,per cwt.. . A -
,..Xn ',some. section*, of thie district,.
wheat and barley are selling at 411;05
per bushel; fall' wheat is beitit sown -
to A, great extent with the hOPO
'high, price next Vier, •
Bens, over :4 pounaa OroolotO
Ilene, over 0--P.0-0141,14011Vered)
'Irons,: 4 itiO 0 Pounds ,.(401*/ '
Hew 4 to 0pouuds IdresSed)
" !go'
Grade ,i44"..; large
Grade rriediuM :4•; «
'Grade ' andjullet
,Butterp *007,4,
• Aleet
Bacon -flogs, -F,0,0*-,owto
atelier Cattle:i ' «
Veal Calves, percwt.
-,60114. -
11rheito ;
,Bueltvvheat 0-58c,.
40ats- ,„; It kit :14. 4 " 11 + ‘4' 400.41460,
Malting 4_.4.4;;'.4 4 9
Bran, ; -I.,
, VO coulL*147StOied:. ,k3hat.,. It.:40*.'the .likki.'.' '
pate.:,!"$‘42.' not,:tliere,;(0.-,es44' that I ,a, Mtia-icre*k_,',a,-,ttraiVie,41104,.,.J,0000
ork**UL.:41,10ped,up'',and*as,-Te,hout:;,* iihne,.100104t;A***.,a4„VrOarce ' 41
'Wig*, ',Ita..-•.'tejsole:.00aiied ,044, :se* hod, Three 2140,* 'shaved '114*.‘:,ee, ,',01:Ose,-
,)ten 'Wltly, the:e*Ssed'-t004.",'Oart` ,,Iyithat ,',1#0, 'etard'4410:0PPeq40,44r0r";: 4
in it,, gonhin, ;was plered, under *rest i 'week, the the isdid, frouy' shc,','0,,Oesinit',44rs
takenand ,t.,P',-.00",'-.PP,40-e r I g*I91.)* '''' ' . .' ' 1'70,4 the ,rall'',04,:',4148 '1,eat4,•Yetnee.'',*lik
J. it '0.3biatp,''il, 04 .risia.'that,a,t;the tut :.,".ANesese4er:- Oar- •100iiied: .0114,,1 •
'polloe ,,,ottatinn,he.,hit'astnelle4 ,*otor- ett ohine..-Anni:Llho Oa*, ref: 1315 bit 'AS*0., ,
eliel*Ii,.;:,,. 1440' accused we ,,',t0iFing and the :Over*, !Ot .*even,'..athere-,,'.of ,
oost,.103:0 ithd..,A*04:.,*110;o4,. nt lana,neaoal :.aaOrted;iikkea:ittrit04it::gters',,:',in
he-,olektted,.. :': .,. ' -: ..•-,.' _ . an effort to eVoia"nimf:
. . '',.4ath,',',*;:definee:,witriere, ',kis , : Wter Stunibli4..'ever *..iii.t)*t0e, on '
had entered.' tlie:,' ***ant tbe, the, farther eide..of the road,...4.44A704,4,,ok,, ,
•eeCo.,, t-_,,i,citainnstr-Actif -in, 'ititalt-wat.heartuto--nnIrMnr-t--,!*W-434'
4 'tiagjkiO3wi 14,,, hitit0 - t.`7 .,61,4tutf :C* -tbp2S(r O'hatiOS -AO, Iike '711040!:f.:': 4;
, r,,, itOSt 'Of theVar: D. Cote. '
. , .. , .
Celebration, nt It is :#0 liOt undertaking,. but
To ii:eioxtwidedkiv ono hla tion InOome 'Takes X am taking Sri- no ' men en starte:tt to alght watt -
if Fa3r and naa the 6-ope1ation- prom- lied' is fOrtheontini, ° there WU chestrao OSPL W.; 0* chairms4 44' eltarople 'whqe they an between arid. hig 911 commis/an for Cote ,an that,ate
doubtIt g !a,a.bout Ite -appealultimate 4, 0, citizens'rni°ess'°AP' 90115' *Twil and
-140,144; :114' '.114%'''utiderOand0144'
to ' Past 'eehieftesents,: But the petit is gone ad
t '1 'tate!, Ittltk all it,* Sainglit45;1Calliekra
I. s,
the Horne evevvill expect te see "chaps lir,
proveMeits' but natUrilf-11, iiiii:vALTee-ilL. -01-4-4n-get.
by the eitizenathet,nielveSi: InUst.'.!net dlsappoiut
..former resident.,
A leaflet litsied by the Ontario litasium of '74(010,11CV
gave the information that on -March. 6, in 1890, eiglit)r
starlings trom. Europe were liberated In -'Central Park
tliew-itork-eityrand--on, April -26r Of-4he-follolving4
A • .•
forty inPre Were released. Whey gradually overspread
Ontario, preferring the southern counties, but have:been
lleeri, es far. west as Port Arthur, Arthur, and are expected to
Wiiiide Vriotern.Pcrovinces. Their presence in largo
nunfaers in any tOinintinityi .creates seriout. condition*
as they fleetroi, fruit and field crops in few
Their,: WA, 'neOral enemies are' At, pir.d-010111/1
hawkir,,but there-tre not Siteugli hawks of tilitt,*bit'eli
Canada to uukite eetiolui intioada upon the starlings.
Insufficient food' ln any . district is not likely to. he of
much uelatance -In their ,eitteritilitetton at they tisk
move from Aso to pito. with .great 'speed, Poison, **lir
and trapt have ell been 'tried hilt the starlings coatlune
to thrive in nturiberi, if blot In usiefilness.,
*7110lie *di; ba;Ye been accastoine4 .0: provide i014 IV*
pota for' different orgsniutione approVe**t at;
titus:le of those ladies at Me *Ito* to The SW, aorfet*
pondent reported last meek coror-tulod the eurgeotion
lor ono,ini,hat By far the arittiest and homiest
Part of *a -work for an& Weirs, ,falla upon the itdiet.
They, niernot actually lcill-the *mastery 'firele,, but thoi
do the, routing land *leo the other ceoldnitl*ty• do
The .seithlit and *tootle en, the -dish Vtailbint. It
little:wonder Oet rebelled. the Mtn any locaflty
are keen, tOi-* lottl *0'04 they ishOnla undo/Asks to
.,do the necessary kilihtitsifl
over wouldn't
*or, *4 7011*, ...P0Yrkt "
attract the crow& that it* tettend title* 1* ir
Ito ebeki limo tut tiesture .0. datk morat A Oat the*.
SA1V141, it might 'stork lit just 10.*ce, beau* le a.,
Vtotildn't per '
was the he . ,
ccogiiner401 t,h , , 00001'.thohead expenses boitcyeek them,:.410y.Ifiter.
icittion or the club e • Holihe fita-taztes together , „bolo
°out to vei
of ome VrOratataiPt:e*Ii-rtiOtti: Inc,)re An--,the-liistier-iticonle.;:.'1).riekett stated• 'Are' declared that the officer had "I can't end quo man gulity on the
4rosi the Alen*** at 8 tbeAqti.et#' 'the 4140Ortie .te,* ;Ste of :'16;eat uaed as -,144e4, had language as ,,anVehe, evidenee->*,_,:.144•1351's Varshipr Aalik
d. Charles Charles' /4,'-10,4114014 ?introduced ltain Will be atartbutl,'PeVM, te'roost nerd " "‘Nirinters•.: another defence disulisif the '6110;ilvi,
lerigth' eittsenti ' Makes „clear. 'the reason .sai4Ithet opity:14.t4 OlaYtOn,and 0111ton, ughtfOot; the for -
spolce at "oath the theft; WA. 0494-
aspelomthe pr. *034 60,o,lems of the p."fmert111,ent „to ftv,,41,. ,04.11, combo, u47 tediloW00117 14. paru...0.74frth. •0--efenhil aPd. s -hat nitityer-peth-agrairge'n4114-T%-4a4'
"TOir-eleirr-or Inearar-10030 hirlitat'430e11-11rinkiri,,_ tr"'
giver* them of capital voOtra '144° _ week and-beil was
• was
• )3. ougo- stolen goods hie-Peellek nt 044.,
The oenotoviat:Ifure:ati..of Canada ' reirterked;;'4)Verhe*-0111eViVrtihi-didat- eases„.adjourneda-
VI4 1400.09A'Stett 1025 by . "Pilltbk ''efreef, tk'm Initiativeand, nee as ninieh" tact as he have used newed... • ' • -helug
pahlie spirited' eithtene'-•*ho' felt that .Pre, vent.'„,the ,014,0** foteht,li eapfte4 but voeid*"-eouidn't know'what to ; ifydk" charge& With,
th der' his drunk, convinced the, court tbatahe, was
UL & great edAies—tio neeteaan' tiii'esSari in 'a PonntrIr such as ours, do with a, man , or un
--to.--tringt • -otagsrist w°214f40117'rufai-bur
-to the the .tiezy ;Tow4' in Clinton :hasgotnot ':atec
eeedtof toll** out.Taxes-„.. hr .8rlt
TAXdecorator -and paper- the time. uf never. had a drhik,!' the
staiding.gstjoial problems, Bureal alArbalve al°,11°P° 117' defendant 'Claimed; •
lisOger in Clinton, alto a, member of ,tbe
'LL in the..restaurant' the:night 400.
1144' was arrested', Oleaded ”
Obetedethig.O0 °facer In • the. discharge of
The '011ie 'said thatWai. had
been under .the1iifluerice of "and
*ea can'Oelled* `':1035.
tbe 14001104 .eatisee!' !Mere tied, been pa rerww1.4
est iftri am°, madc thettime representedlibn-i
4Yr4. (persor.tal, callY
SWAY IS "ilt"C atri,t; 114' t416414it'0 he
sPeriaer la. the :Asia*
this, the other beinitit
it Teork-opotitica organizagon and ela4,• , • o'bsit.10:3the,„ tuie_rrt„
*Trne1nberelliP-ablua-40, Chief Postelethwatte declared thatshe
his duty. there were broken broken dishes .,on the
'lux& of the
. ,,, IdlY--drilnk--and-,that--ehej,tould-
beat known men in _Canada, . * - PlOYMent ,cisueetton" as the Bureau main- , ,
it Isi iirjr purpose to teal with the 6144 tains. that the, unemploreent Sitlitt400 et, walk stzeight, , , 1 .' . .
1100 ,eaclit'dOVIttNilliktrr .1010,•tsit 'moderate* character .and there -was lett l*. 4-Tniivileclea4giltrahet tOtelx(1.16*.i'lle.4've- bense*Ife :Citisi:In• 'Intit
lawbIlf Problems,: , - ., , • would- right itself if taxation Nos et a
ditintdiats1M' , AIM ToUPLIVAll1014t interference la inatistry 1:4V GoVernMent.s,
Or; GOVSitilUktMoutr :0,01/vhills, *One , ,Ownestlirp.-4,the Bureau ' 6$,« , Vattern McClure, 16 -year-old- Dun -
Teat: ' Ifing Str. 411;COUIC neve% in, private enteriirtse -and' ' Pointer eannon boy; ta11.4,fid, rather good...Wit-
lIlg,.aPPeared before his' '-"NVorehiP' eha.rg- •
lillee contedostion has *vett.. if 'ever, ed 'with tieing up Raymond Carrie and
VASINAI - been, suceeseful„ Viler Bureaii bait .for with shOottrig a 224milet through.
- Nay '„ II:46000d
'with afteire 'at the Uonce.etation apso.
, . •
dont ;gketuit mato rule," 111,0400,
strate, coasaiented•,, 1'0 hehie to eix
montba«. -and X_ Igibt. 47_0.s .this
*art -thiatt* lcieroa or-ok• Ant rsowilot
* te*e:oaid and
- TAX,ligt . -out; that ;public - ownersli1P * la , Canada
OR:viola 2404-T4 OnsitOtA; leapt **outbid taxing of P*11011 .OWn. idd-Ctirriet thht;--ae-pleadett'hot Oil-
/ litottor tow qt yoitleatiseitlutt ed'utilittee i'd- lam at Prtvateit owned . . . ..
our goroments,, public *Olt* are .
, , . kirtaainimd' Currie teeiilled, theC ite.
the, poothOon Oqielsonetet,' ible prow. Itanway Siteetiewi Tile •ratt**41 Our* had, iririt -tied lilt liaude , together
'del goVermnentfs and over 44490 Founifd- Probletle in'Oeratdelii perlia,ne tlie moot VA that: had tiectiits lets« 1444,, him.'
'Pat -townr44021. argreOsting.the Par, ontotandint Problent to be 'dealt with as
ere 'year; IveloWlys* lyt the So that he could Just The Mother
attn.- 401000000 PeoPle. ettbritrjr' and ' bipertla our natiOrtai ,Ore- !et the, hey' that be Avite .0A* *ben
UfortIme. ittentreal.had, the
$oharie,1-Pf ninlaveoPY ttniTing 91f. the,
Want* 7<if VOUteti,Vg debts distulated'
.4d.tter'art Wir's
A...inn:Ober 'of 'reEktente Ot:Briisselstes-
thet tafortuoi bad UollePtiod' dltbts
or them Oen% and ell Said that they.hadbeen,
tatisitlect, Awith; hie '•everir...' the
ted was *is Ole to establish ,hinieelf *Aar,.
*tent for ar licensed toneetiati eiganeV,,
triVeatitatO * tor the.
sr suat4 .""Ontiatio' Efecuritie&Vonnedslion, -said that
a At `tatoktuna hhad *Sktenlee in 1444`but
_ _Ado* 'that 13,4 been
Jy * *Mead* $1,000«.** dit; the loiste triim 101145 amounting the wire -that had been Placed 'abouthls
the exinbritlent of 4000 , for to the stsialeut netts of 44.013.04000. riga 'Were visible: . ,
in Canada, It le net Our railway' diffteidtlef setwor 00in44 ..• It$C11'.' on the stand« OW that Car- -
e7 boi.eho1der
to be reckoned. iwifh but v. are feted Ian - It ' the Grand Trunk
. .
end ' ' Ceorithined ea page 1))
the "Sd
0313" UMW t 01 Ofernineiltat 111110h Ititl =DOA In Mt *heti both' the Oanitd-,
ainzesellY '101411, ten parliaments, . Persian Saba tome' and, Stimulates the
root* legiattiota , sod central Of skim Fragrant SS A ,tlarter. 0001 AS
$0 'Unit today fite hem itaverrargot In- =rut* dew. taieguirde and beaUtkies
sasion nt WI** ontervelse 'Old ',sates* 'the MOO , 44,40041$44.1ttnted ; °AVAIL
Ott taxation wberatei all skinikitlen easid Orektel toraii4exiani a Eavisite ehtnn.
tullablni sir Ixant 014, eioolz -ot the iitdde *-atibtls lirdsh ' tO the daintiest'
In he *oat ,done 01" ottr• 'Protinclai '00verna. 04 VtgovM; lateluable far ikifbenhig:" the
met* liaa. 'OPUS wotit- done by ed . weeks 'Units, ,and Mitibt *41itin .11asikeslY
„ . and *bite, vool and • tereablibe; .tiointilr
fiattent. :Esellebtrui. to nitt,'• Moan
our unbeldtatinittf Of AU *onion ,i1410 care
one ,, for it 4ditindtiOn..
Inclinstion is toitieep
wee wheaosx,
tlie" 1.67
rmati, has broken ettr.
okl and itt. a giant doll
hich, vreighed more ianr
*Ws* the- be&
Of, f..41‘
It** landeld
inlon eut
vat citlas, aaid.
of Vaheot
Itartival in MontrEai, on hia
did not in
added ;4%.
Ma has VW* 1
wk. X P., T. Dalik420
war Witty to Woe**
There ,ist'little ouM beethat Impure Oda
irapoterialted blood it the soil an whim
*rite; and -that nothing short
white, pus filled pimple de -
:(440. viredgerutto'
treatineit wili tiattAkti them; from the,
Burdock Illoodllitters banithes bad toed-
* 4-1sitia the lad blood banished tke kiit
becomes free Try sfow bottkaircwi .00;rodn'eed,
p livered from ta't and car ,run, per: ton.
ivervi from yard and forked/ler ton..
heaters and rates, per ton 4
Thls Coal it-frolit-ihe- Pooth1111- of Alberta.
for furnates, Quebec beaten/ 12 5
ranges and :grates, per ton 4.
ThI* Col It the 'wen known D. 'A, H Wich o
wh1ti 11140$ that you get all coat and not sia
(You do iiot unt to pay for slate). * Per !.R.