HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1936-10-01, Page 1, )k!' rotiv0.1,01 ur,daY, *lost 7th, aording tot xeport of the executtve comenttee, that was„,ievad at the, adournd Meeting the toyniVetople at the' town b*LOfl l5OfldaY nht. ttendecI...irlay* ; the vnif ',11ttvir:i 841°4014 iiist.119(r Otufcg tIvonibe 4ose whp were .4preeenflia4 plenty 0 ,fiv6tOn0 to otter' '044 the meetink wad steatillr 00.04 l'fithrt)i'e .P411$41.” he big celebration Mae stinting conunItteo, appolnted at the original Meeting on eePteinPeer 'met hi the town litat On Monc1&Y nlght 'to clraNy up their 00110A.. Those Piga were: mayor gt. A. liteieWen. Mee - £TL Bal3lie, O. W. lerastir,, C. H. camiber. W. 3. Buchanan,. L. 1.4 4'zno 0. oarsons, #;,-, 4. Wier,„ Pr.. /4thielY, vuionel sort,- Or, W,-„0. -0033,09‘„, W. Oroditt. p1.N, Blx 4t. 031'. • et, 4 St' The 4444 have boort ratifini ens john AIL 100Ockonti' to OfHuron Count _rich, under the ausplcea telub,a, Bogota producer, has to arkit to, 4irect an • TheLOnb"7'Clu roduction in order. tG acquire, for'oriPP104 children and .vr Work, and it is expected that the entire community. wifl 0.0per45, :.either "through taking part in- th tOducti0i-or. 1;,f attending . the per - 0 *finances, to tirther this At4tcellen 014 * .11:0440,' ai ths, o e'par404n , 11f Pi9t'11I Avith lincomphoniniz • Ut. Vlointo 0. connon; ended 404 ,Sundar when he pa.ed aWaYin the CioderiCh 000,04, On Tueday atteruoolt iwaa laid to th. ',Masonic nom., tWT441kr,re 4. W. rm. Mr J h,. formerly Gene leonno .Baker.. '...,.7..i.r...M 11. .4alable.- , 4 V. 1* 70 419.: tg'*":*'011474r4C1'14*''"Iiir ' ' . ' 1 ' ' ted aasie-, ,.-130,01unfr4 triends:-;000# , arrival 3n .0#4.'i,,riot"4!:II!:','1,70,t'P'4‘4t, • 1r. 3. •m:,;(0,013'ertswas : "Th. rioitio\ t:/iii eh „nine. ,e,". • .. ant 4e'el",r!..,—t'arvibt.A.Iii„...eollaWint.'were...*mnit3NP'tioi, elviimes,'..- ,,.. .itectittv.6,,e0 , the'; ” of the 'e trf11.04ter," - ' ' int;,s . :If '... ed 'ffte--,' ' lee * t(i-1local, intreRtie0.141Y lAtte'ri*.'' merabers, '. -- • loolowans H. Sander - 40i4 1 L. M,• Carswell, of one titer, Niles eheiteals.*4/14 F:4begin or the ,production in7:00to • Tho-liogera provIdiig The -entire 'scenery, equipment ani atiiiheak404, fratit all Audiaationo It witr''be One, of ther'beat,,Preductions '2etS,ged. in .Goderlch in *any YQ1" ' *he talcs „i,iortor_ parta of. the Vinitt: eteareli.'ot. re';'"an. rfo' es,,,uenanan, „. n'tiltre'.,generations.; iii416tiar".toint several. vat to: .1(, piestdent,',' " • te thutitoil)01- '•;.Aplentents., and , o - "And. ,r o , , the * „01014,44644.0.01,0nntda ., rig,oring, . ,.,„- , ha#nlee ');1143' Sunday..lksOOtet'$' • • it •• t 'through "a"-iiterage 'optt000irittinit. • fue 4, `... : " , • either in the daneing or singin eoureoe, or in thecastp_rOper,.kind get touch %under*, chairman; F. E. Hibbert, president or 'Nelson 1111101seerOterY* .,,..0, sre umber., ml), emen • .•c;o-a1ong-thezhores 0! the-,ished-at,the Tor of itleiv-Ohtot.,00,91 . agreed, theti'the; elleirmeA jaeorgian,BaY. * 4189 ZalfCg14441Y" cot R,Jqt.nm% benie,.01v.TugSdaY faarning einti.e0Onenitteve-,-.he-opleeinte_4by _,„..11e. ie.:Abner as ;elatItive*" '4)11.14°t11)n* 134' isr; "1"'-er the board of "governors ,of the e- 44 000., . vas .0.000fited, ehier,040. 0 the 411a)nes ,leclogicotteLl. .lees •eetivit as OC Tho he fire; which is bellaved to have and ,,Addressorfr.,ethothitto, .745r,"17; tars. ot ,gotne Wee '"Celebratlen been started_ th-rotigh.. the -.nee enVe 'It..'ITtoberteqA:,4heirxliaP. *tt.,ite'*OilfeWae_fergelt te0x.ins- le' for 14:.'16.4‘a -transient who spent,the nig t at suedes's, : He was solieniber o *0,33004 the..tranaienta' ,sleeptng: quarters at „vjayor.1444-.'ellhiiii1..4iteeee.4 :: ,or, Itsitte., ,;,4424,,„44m,, 0.04,,„,Rer...,..„..,__./A;_ .,0,,- .,,t, Lttv.A. ,„hail;,, started in ot 141764., the; vaselhg .0- --, ' , ,,.._- -milder conducting the';',Aineral .,0O.,„.e.s,,,,t. 'Cereentehed'whiCh faces out into the 4, okirr cormon , * • 04; lied been A 'eat' )elP...'oS'aja_.,/itiLew,72,r *the bereaved .home Vid, alsoIn0114'04-te't'u' yard at the rear lof-tlie town,•hall -in' of, the' nAttee-iiv Ito- 1E14 IC4Piell411444' ,Getneterl,----:'-- - ---. - '..-- "" ',. - *Welt *eke titorect,4 timber, of ow aetteFf..4,44YithitatW, to pn 11,461rarisitorwarla? uow 0. , • eet ltg tha will 3,mean1,1.0.4;Hettut„:17:41,00 4004,0004-- "..t4tubettutrii' thetrttonaud b 4,,ksiocofitob,.140:t4t,40,00,1004te:ixii7c7,41/14,1y2uplitt,.,,trotollIpsoottbil'ottette,InQsoa,4ttnt:9t4vorm44::-Int:64:: v(14411* 00001 V of obout ' have * '0040) gtose *1104 too 4 P he d. will 1 supf A. 4etP. The ret *be 14)4 w et is wm" P"I Aleaullt°11' t ,Oct* r fiet, be tompie ,f,ttlie 414'1,21;„ 't& oomber. v.t ' et000emprout at the *OM „ , ,.. ,Illiti . Rowell,. .,) , ,otit404.,.406.,7/004;ttertaber 0! the Ai04";taict:7COle.- -4.404 At'','-•.-.' Ot 13O"4-tIrt' ' ''. Beisde'e4;:derinfi•iiar'itiars, 'ha4,'eeen 0,0000.. 04,1,0, :04140401,..,:,4 , ' 4:Vtneet!, PaPaint*, to:: tb:e. PaSt, ,H,' or,., , _ tj'Agittice; of• On. ,..ta,r.,io., , ,,,,:.,"7701.1.-,,.:.-:s.,h,O.,,v7.:!.'h, er.e..0.,.ucceed, 0Sit-,W, ,.11iiaLt,,i,4_ 'Snook,' _reoe.iitly, ..re_tired. . ...ei - . - tLA0-10-Ear...Itg;;',•ret-Oo-dericti,rylio.---has' ' -been- iptse' Watt-- . In. TOtinito .op •' -yeatee,has,peerteoponned..to euepted the new iyelef,-enetice-earepreeen...., tative OtthecleoMinien Canada at the PriirY.Ootnicil hearing:of the aPpeaLs in Conneetiorr With.",,,e0c*I %tiers. ,.. .; . , . , 'Mee: Onnene-and'te j3.00 -'°016"°314-11W; glee* 'After, leaving. 3011001 he !..)0tne'd to be seen around When-the,brigida coneeetint the,Onl*ttO °itzte'''s the'Vt;rneerlennte, tEteatvg.i4-1110(,,,,'Y" arrived, and police are On .the. at their great loss. • . 'woe, the.. te nelleree-.'atolt./-for thu. A -.of" weed Wei, :Vase Vest trPintonli *.**1101°rin 1116 g'!1:44 Vara Ati , -10ened.te in a: flnerf14 '4hibUnkhOusie and."another BO* yea* brztvon ahatild take.- Vhe Program' !orthostohohho, mIton l'erefen."ew 4.....,1:short_ dlitance.: froth. the. A,nomber or ceople Were aekeit'teex-4 .Brocittqlr Uftget",*,4*.r, *Pea. sole* found, Partiv burned; in the stove it 'the last 'reunion ,wasTeid,ettut nuweeer raortysowit- finat9e Akhar oroceedcdto- 'econo; a the .fire„.„„leadi4 police- to: -tii001-4ntesent telt that- it mould be. the. j<iblea•t4e, believejliat the' Vait jiad, 1)404 he/P4' .icts040- again- tiak011it4)0 features British •711.t' 414 binizejt/413,-,400m,,a .4' the 'Pk* of ,that program on the o eoutfilsfAt „mien" , Xligh ntICW1 t Lrs 4tigt.44 $'PKiXelif S'tr30' to Ott 77,-,r110,.niaebineitir •deitioYed by t "zton, '.'i.. -...'.'i.. -...the: 01.11, , Peintain'eerittlte OelttrOlifee to 11001.0‘"blitie included: :A, .rold,nilino' tarn, 11%. 1"1" -Ilea '401'4 dB'. lifoksi itormition. le When the old' boys and ..girls 'might gtwoii.,..e4adets, the town grass movver, *..Once ,alfain at lethool -and ree riewecotittintancee;:seite J.. good said that-this'll:as one -of the, most poPnIer. eaturts of :the „recent old home week eld at Igtscardnie. elf* Sharman evei, also .opithet. that theetto_ould be held, one in Nixie char& during, the week with sellable Proaratroe* th°4* •attending. . -Mr. Vela and Ur; J; S.° Platt both „ urged that cooperation be stressed in the „petting on of Net entertainment. It wits auggested‘that to' committee be appointed meet' with * rePre-' tentative 'of the Ocigeia Prodncing_cani- Pany when be 'tostee here to begin the Program for the Ilona extraThe gezza. The Rogers"'OesrePe* the one Oa put. on the utatoriesi pageant at he.,:1,91/ cluitertnial •'oolobtation: • snet .with greet twee*. _ .turned ea.st and, joined the 'O.. P. R. A al revazy Street sweeper, the munici... .1X1/1146°. :="f„,„:.0,Gad'IrTirdiTeb7i,*(); 1.041 isilkillk.ler, tractiore'''imge, 'missed by his ta011Y'4114'irlen‘le. -thls,aon'untuitto gtsgivfmber.I.--pkoettesre,asrlct, 8-IO*118,- 4!"*I- • Afr,',.Be,jacoires ;liaise • was ;lOadly ,dithiged by the fire *Mat burned' . 1.7MOVJEUFA PREgIDENT, through. thewaif; at the , rear Ofitis ,...GODER/co BRocz ;am, ,:honoi,,litid,,440.04.,.:#90aidertei data. wre, aesirsoni, Mr, aPias----aft,7W..-.--eWei-Stin--,- aft. 4O11nitt0n -end *the- ataenti Were 4.0 - Debated as ,00trindtte* 46 meet efith,the -oompany% „tespieeentative, Ora" 04110* ' suggested -that & litket beeWritten th be eompany before -hand so: that *met Vete Might be -prepared' for pteeentatters, at • the meeting. tfeveral thought that the patent idea' virald'net be itOproted Ur, W. tiobert*On' *notated , that as :7nany S3tiossiffie a the forreter:mitil- dans ituds 'Attu 45,f ciodatich be brought together, to put on a pregtatit, sit some ;time during the week,: Ur. Geo. t3.14.4. --fir'r that idifileit11-gttn* 0804.1* two fast "teitit -trent Toronto,t,ondon !Might be a. good &ttraetlon -during-a*: 'that I• tUrra, CoMity church. parade . held- by the'lOshadiari lIktion it to be held.In • rIch neat year and that although' it liseheustily'lleld in ereptentber it might M -host it tot- *minor ttlf aiiebration week. . .".61110"/ ,brotitht nutter of, • Muth IMPOrtente tsi' the people. Be that itial Jiiik.thrente, --.6r�ld boys ;Jilin: be visiting the cemetery. teet • tralet eff*ttift"‘etttfehea-.eaa t� have Maitland Cemetery 10 Under st eistnieloadott rather that lisme,,it controlled by the town toimell. At that time was inepteesible to 'hate it tl.ett. "----enty-leitt-etar-thelter he.bean e.nd Itwraild be gewahlte he* the cemetery compels- don. Oa asked that 'all, that* title metter tern out for the towel on, night -ftcenotroatol and ' views on thak „. , age An tlie kitchen , and reorn of , „i,et,„„t. the residence. The eetnamder cf- the, . J. - house was damaged emoke Mid fire. , toolc,:the'firemen.about an hour and half : to :eXtinguish the blaze. ThO 4***ite wOuld Aut.V.e. been, con- siderably greater , it bed' not been for their .4uick arkt efficient work: The storage: shed is only a matter of ziOatit` 'yards. iota the town loll and had ilk& blaze apread.. „to thit bUilding,,Liatte0-Munbart.,..0t rkord4 and veltabby'deetrifienttOmight-liaie, been .destraY04,, The lois is partly „ covered by..inatrance.„ , „ president of le e Club at the:annual Meeting told 'at the home- of Mr. And- 'gee. -Prank Saunders . Monday night Other, officers appointed were:: lir., B. L. Dean, bouilfreoldent; Mr. 1. b. gait - thin vice-president;. Mrs Peso J'ene 0 P. r net/etre* et- and Idts. R. caret,' seeretary. •executive committee Oat gra,/, A. A. Nicol, , Mr. ;naltit)t_ind,354-4.-- - After...the meeting the tneMber5. eitloyed* game of bridge, the:results a -1440h were: Mr., and Mrs. Nicol; Mr. $. A. Henry And, ,Mrs, jeriner 29,, 'Mr. D. East -Man and 'MA, W. T. eaundere, • „ . L'ADY COLEUS. • HELD'..CLOSiNG. adiet..ot MaitlandGolfClub held, the closing field clay of the year on Saturday afternoon, plaws taking part in thetournantent. About • , sEvEN bast iirgva IN LoriO BRANCH. PARK Commencing .Wednesday, . OctobAr 7th, the seven-day ;running race, meeting ,gets under way at LOtIg Manch race track Western outskirts of Toronto,' and weather - conditions' being .faVorable, the out- look is for' one of the most Success- ful Stissions in the history Of „this Brokers m Started le _sy. $60,,iti(Prn -KEEP 1.04.TIKED EIGHT (Xs ong-deferred 4$0 cousins, •Eriest Ala Eldred, Irwin, wh6 'tarried 'Mr brolorage,leusinese in „Walkerton with ,lbranch " billow at Witighem and .Orangeville wits:start- ed on Monday morning befoie. fudge 1. M..'Costello. in , the Court at .Goderich. The specific charge against Irwin, Ernest it that of. stealing $3,400 from .31r.rr and llfra. J. • j.,..!Evans of Wingham.:Eldred faced a charge „of theft_et $76.84,,fronv A.G. Adanis of Wingliatn.e vith eonspleac.y • to defeated their clients. , The two accused Men' have been out on $5;000 -bail sin& 'Provincial Auditor James started itiVestigating the firm's 'affairs..following the dos- ing of their. Mikes .by the Ontario Security Commission; • Mr. Arthur Verity .of " the. .AitterneyeGenotars Department luta latterly been. -it th(eillfiesi of 'Ur. James. .' Judge Ceitello, presided without jury. CrorWri. Attorney , Dudley E. prosecuted; ;Campbell Grant appeared: ,toe' Eldred Ernest and O. E. Kin for Irwin Ernest,' . , Tbr, Etneets opened brokerage.olli- Ces in June. 1034 the following Feb- filarYitheir doors ,were. Closed, -Vornier-,-clients complained of shortages, and informations *ere laid -against the testo_coutins-emid they were arrested,• . Monday zWas chiefly occupied by examination of Miss Lillian THE' GREE_L. PASTURES 'MiWherr-a"rd Mi • Obtatim- * * cOor -years eireeteet of stage One- , reetepatetges" betome the Most widely ialseuesed mo- tion picture Of a" decade. loch has been. said for and against this remark- abie.production, but there is .no derseheft that, there Is a, wealtb, ef intetetsting er„1- tertainment in- he tnelodiout footage Meet Of the eritielent tias been direct - at the interPretittion ot Paradise .as Pre.401teslz:ber the 'nett°. atiet„,--The .fact that*paradise.mett bring -the feelleationi *ladies vewpresent for tee itt -liteeetefor.'tnrekle- Iongaeto -the- &alio-use:- Mit"; D.-0.---156011er 'VAL interests, irfl1c11!als� �p' convener of the tea conunitte and trate, Dufferin Park in Toronto. Mr W. Reld poured re -O; 'anif oorev-,oenteest --Astorth.,..ParkW.11140, • *one by Mrs. A. 1010,01 410-31 7-01-1$8 With a total' 'prize ditibitionWi Gertrude Vans captured the lovt net $36,200 Itor the forty-nine"races COV - score prize. WS. L. Lloyd Wen the e'eing seven, dais Titgrinch Thdd,en Hole eompe o (Dr.) Macklin *on the pitttineeon- teet.' Good' weather prevailed -for the match. • - • , • vo% 110 Ow. u „ Boapita), **Win childreu, 0 deformities of the'body and - .flrnbs. At*Oet 0-tot*,:g#Ta.:0.0 nurse or the OntarlcF .Socteity.,"-for :Crippled .44hildrerii,", I Marian Turville soareta War 14%044 Ifoapitaii MO* Waite, utir47int phyalta cis* at th#, War' Viewer* tlitia 1 is04,1400#4 '$07,,e4/Y *AC. Sockett,_vatioates 044, Alexandra :marine and: Gene a assiated I ten- for the 'ezanutiatiotv- 4001 'r*Aor , -operated OW gtiliat**` t1.1$; ; : • • , There Were 03,0, examined ;at the, tree tlinict whiqK is rovided for the children by the Lions All*,,sterirlots arelivea, free n cr, allt:444011111*;;;&0',. Can to' help these unfortunate litti• "IctinnifilOreaser-hanta thel Olinic.' WOO .1$110).' Oiteee, „tho, • , otherehaVing -beetk.ilegt*Ith',ati.pr ROCQUE., D. ELIZA*: vious • 0440 ,,ttere'preaent.,'":10, • • The wonderful -workt isbeing earr illroit)htthaltAlehi 010.iiutY: '1./#* elieffii.", beat br:-.takinr:'.'/One",.".4f,--"ihe,:-..,..:,-, over a ,yasW.4.o.tb# 1:400k,C01*/*.iiide. rangeinenta ar- + give , tceatInont:, to lthoughire -was a much out. ler eiifri than last emir, the pupils at the C011aglate 4=44 in 'a oredi- 'ble perforina,ncat,tlie;tield-thee. on FrkleY atteV40011* 304:1 O'Brien -Avas.`Aliejared„*Mier;cham_Son, 4371.40," fault,. not. a.,.single „student .contest- ing the •County,chainpion's. ability in .any.. event. Mime Annie 'Whitten earned; the right to represent . the, Collegiate at the• County Plaid Meet at Voter, tattoo*, as senior champion of GoderiCh girls,* • ;Mies Whitten won ovett,,,i l‘tiss 'Agnes -Cmpbelb-scconct-.1411-10-1,144 dvi- sion, with A margin -of 'Our- points, The :boys intermediate ohamPlon' ehip'" boners- are-laltarcd by Gerald O'Brien and William Westbrook who of .our highest 144 have been oe0e1ooked by many' et the critics. To the negroid mind, among., the more chteset, "fah -fries" and, "ten :tent' Weave' TOW well mean. the _fide Selment of their mest heavenly dreams, ae-14,1a.well,' 1. viewing "The Green tosui- tuies," to take; one% -broadest mint .along and, appreciate the interorateitiert 0 being native to:itts source, • . . One thing -ie Imre. to Miss "The Green Peststrie" is to miss an event and beleft . . site of the countless discussions that ,follow every showing. - -."The 'Green Paitures" come* to the 00,Pital Theatre l'hursday,, Friday and fitsturday .text: • t.pcAL t ovricErts ArrENDar CONVENTION 11. Price, loe-el Women's 'Institute 'delegate to the convention -,bfirty lormer...oterioggapliker,,,kook-_ 'keeper -Of -thaeaceusedemen--She was on. fte, stand for five hours, during whkb timeshe waked 'a-1mm ogstions. ahe, could not vier, eitherhnving reigeffiti the i or,had.never !mown. the* • r# relAY to the • CroWn, Attorney, Maintain*. its. pride„ being_ ..glos gur,11nert, Admitted she had been the isectond most." imporEldred rnest, but tant:track in ,engaged-tO niat'ry Canada in the matter Of prize money, (Continued. on page' d) WoOdbine Park topping thei tist alitt Iformuffe. _ „park_ tollovii#g', • * " ILAR Branch. this Year more and better 11011014116'130 -ti AccOSED: horses have been . displaying their BREAKING INTO -COTTAGES - sitietee-oTerentemitrerektearate'ilte '4,167.6i.4:,,r.o.rattlflt=,42W.,,t04 .. - bets* are staying over for the Iseiotk • • ' Harold book, cateher r.nOX CliarebBarter, 16, and, leek Finkel, sofeetli tom, 'weol,fieriousay th,,,itrett' on #1,hue.,kb.nr4grliirs' f. ,niottin both Of %Wont°, are being held in OLD DOAK INJURAD!..: .; had, never *444, and y;hup tG-'tbat time hd never hud any, hot* ot _ vvoe 1107 4ov...104 ittit *.there *Ito: no sockets tiohe.; which she Might 'utie, That . were tied' in peipts at -the conclu-. slop of the' contests. Oatherinti Barton, a newcomer to, the schocil ...this year, cleaned up in the girls.ine !..terniediate elees. and won 00 • chant., ,ItinoeihruNtot_e_int_0•,beat Joe .r.e. Rows by only a few points to take the boys junior championship. Elizabeth Schoenhale captured a large number giofrijouncitioarinvevieonutshitoo. win the the fonior 'The students -had good weather for the meet although the breeze Might have • been a 'bit warmer. A innate tering- of opeetetors, other than Col- legiate attendants!, drifted about the grounds during the afternoon. The Ittil.c,log stand did a land-office bust- - Officials for the day were: " *Mr. Twitmley, in charge of all boys evehts;. Miss M. Lane, in charge of "girls events; starter, Mr. McDowell; recorder's, Don. , Wiggins, Miss Park, Miss Ackerman and, Miss Glidclors; announcer, a Holman; tinter, Mr. Scott. Results of the events were as fol- lows: • Baseball throw ,for distance, senior A. Canipbelli :Vera McLeod, Jean' Lumley; intermediate, C. Barton. Pearl Ferranti Wilma Griff; junior" Phyllis Ginn, Beth Schoolvals, Mary -Wilson, Basketball -accuracy throw: senior, A. Campbell,- Ada Fairant, A. Whitte'n; 100 yard dash, senior, Helen Antler, Annie Whitten, Jean Lurpby. 75 yard dash: inter- mediate,' C. Barton, B. Eastman, junior,- -Beth"Schoetthalsi Paul- ine Johnston, Phyllis Ginn. Target throw: senior, Vert McLeod, Jean Lumley, Gladys Ferrant; Anterree- may today be, seen ,WIth her 'cm* .panions,, playing and doing the Same things sus, any, • normal child. . By Means of an oPeration. and_ 10610. „tioattacht, She watOkrolight to a, normal condition, and can new en- joy -life, rather than having -to spend the remainder .6! her life in bed or - In aregheel chair.' These caste are ficultfand, prezent a tremendous pro- blem to the Odors,. and to but every day some child • is being made happier by• the efforts of the orga.nization.-. . The; permits' and Children that at- tend the clinic enjoyed a lunch pro- vided by the Women's Hospital Auxiliary. Seventeen visiting doe - tore from the'eounty were present at a luntheon given Dr. Ramsey and his staff at the Bedford Hotel. A vete of thanks was Moved ,by Mr. George Ferguson, president of Seitforth, Lions Club,' who included In it, be- f sides the doctor and the nurses, all the • organizations and individuals that had helped with the elinic. Dr. Ramsey replied briefly and expressed hirpleasure being able to help the cause of the' Crippled Children. Di. Stewart, president of the Medical Aseociation of .Winglustu,. directed attention to the benefits and happiness -hat are brought to those " who undergo examinations at the clinics. The clinic lasted' front 10.26 a.m.'until 5 - triet representative were present at, the convention Wiartop, on Thurs- day Friday. Mrs. Wm. Doak and Mrs. Robt. Matheson- members. of the local Institute also attetided. ' Mrs. Forbes Miler, 'formerly of Goderich and now. liVing in, Wiarton, tettiened to Goderich with the party and •visited with friends in town. 'POPULAR YOUNG LADY PRESENTED WITH•LAMP • The manager's ofhce of the Ilt..11 Telephone Company AVAS the scene of Vepletiasettesoetel event .0%.* Wednei- clitY eeening, when . eight operator, with. the...tuanager_and,.his Atte,. Mr. and Mrs.711arry Gtiffi-preienfoillf. 04MteParretk,..c,arpenter,,,Witn_a tabte 'Via; Ciittpenter;-beteri her, marriage in the early Part, of the week. was NitSA Irene Johnston, intl -was--an-employee,...of-the-Telephone, Company. The table. was decorated With white tissue paper and the lanip' was rolticect in ---the- centre of the table- -and Mr. drift inade the presentatiut and gave * short presentatiort ad- the eerfdatnight when *foul tip tame beck .h dal 4).60th gOeni on charges of breaking, 424 .40,t1„eum_eiet ilia nose _eta( _err' fr 4- _1_141- net Alide,„.._ 41‘145...pcArril an c oe rig ay; - -Saturday, in - - „ 43tOlteti: internal heneirrAggee mond-ase,,,,ott4tier. loth;alleged to have Broken,. into 'COttakett loWlitt reineval to the 'lime:eta tate int pity which has tawayit, been ana 904. Istoten goods, all through from' 'M16for 4166* "nteill**Bowever iintlit epochal' racing day at the besitAtft# TheySalzia't° Wat6ata /3"th4 ondIt1OL 1159 46 SdbUrbatt tourse,Witilt POOe it' etx;/VA irat.°11toghGat Ideltirt 4-6°,h,..*Irearla* the *devout IOU'. severe blew to the 'Use 'than $100 iti,,Valtte And ranging eskailY' tindeatood why ,tile lead. Itiost4,rt, Cli:431404t,1!)efsol4turii.ne',11,*(0G"kittgfre:4141' stod, eel petit** 1;406 tittite they are charged with ;4aving tqokon up to $1,200, ter the features. it can * big winners' Athese are belfitr „loath titer jot tatetteci. to /hoe, gouts, ted..f.* At -, ‘" ' 1074/40i0StOrtlibtrt, aodt.* Thefts ---of sieveral carn-ar. * it U1. te.:4h4, 4*.i egiervid,terma"--Li al• attools,. The care" it ave been recovered by the police. .-,,,,,,e................a......,••••••• ednesdays Itincheml, hour at 'Clouse lirlitt alightty delaye .when 1010 stritte40 everybidy stcted with * trial was relletNi - of an adjonrn' i .njoyment t e ftfli When dis .04 NO CALL ON. tiro Brigacle ****004 a I OA TO*** MO/0V wbe SOntsiOned tO the 110MO of a tlistriek# Bridgeil!otritat, to h fit* that had startec , itt "NIGGEIVi HAS GONE WHERE GOOD DOGS GO Many eyes were red • and --Many sighs Were heard' as citizens learned of the death of "Nigger.' braw "Nig- ger" *as- Dane who " could 4)cg More bones, more Meals, and moro ,friendip kicks than any transient Who ever. carat to Goderich. Many children coming to Goderich with their 'Dad" for chop, would cry to t -Would, go._"*Itit them, sin ,.....ha,-would.,,,.0.4tatk, be seen • -agatin/at tbei..M111;,_ " Ore seeeteired" tlie."-Intbit-ot getting, Mettle .st't several, homes in the town, and Wat !Very ieldom ,turned hungry .0W for the num- be o t and it:was while ' hit Wane**, he lost his life. lfe *Asa the; Water* .Cahada, Mint, and was caught in $1, conveyor witieli; 'brougbt. ^stifttlen 404 s,nr," death tO, "NIgger." fle'w1040, got' Cuiourtl be beard Y.ry ate at ,.bg brown in the note* la outbi the boys, wlth #34V,P IA HAMM AFTER -VOUR STRENUOUS -GAM a. 1,4 Knox Probyteelans 'took Friday night's playoff softball game against . Victoria Street United Church team with a •ore ef 9-6. The Presley- terians, by. their win reniained in the - running, since another loss to them would. have given the championship • to Victoria Street, Victoria Street started toff in the second inning -with IL and bath -- teams gored two in the second. The losers hit a slump in the fourth and. fifth, while Knox benefitted and fat- diate, Vatter_ gradstock„sfeeretler lied three runs. .Knox, increased tho Mead Edrientie'Jantston;, .lead Im.the_seventh with three,reas Betle..:$.00011.alee_ Mart SfettY,' .eoniteg.4P._ Young; -Steitidineharad--Jiempt 00rifor • • The seoriii:-: A7-.W..frititett; Canipbeli; Pteshyterianse-002 2011 *34- Barton; juntoriP. Johnston, Beth Victoria St. showed their suprem- Sehoenhals, ,Enid 'MacDonald.; run- aey in softball and captured the ing high jump t- senior, At Whitten, Church League Championship las& . Farrant, A.-CemPbell; interme- night (Wednesday) when ,they de,' diate, B. Eastman, .p. Forint, 1. feated Knot Church 14'intlie fourth Hill; junior;11. 860011141st P. John- pleyoff. game Of a five gameseriel. stot- Running, -broad2:Suttipl --etniorT --Both--teams hati-eagualties-on their A. Whitten, A. Cattilibelli Jean Lunt- lists,,:Harold Doak being out of the by; intermediate, .0« Barton, E. John- play for the 4;,,Itisislosers he baiting stif- 3taftr,040,..(kirtento Bath...1$0,1100got tered.a.hrakezi,,,,nosa:JuXzattiAllaigoocz,in,f,=.. brills, E. MacDonald. litterreediath game and Geo. Correll, a Vittoria St. novelty racer E. Johnston, P. Fere ifelayer• received a broken wrist while • rant,. D.` Mead. Intermediate relay" cranking A car the other (lay And Was rade: 1A, E. Johnston,3. Johnston, -04,10 to play. hoenhaIs 1,7-11.111;71/4"--C-ric large crowd atterided153t itighft- - rant, A. Whitten,. 0: Barton, A. An- game and, cheered' till throats virtu derson. Comtherciah. Pauline Brad. tfore and voices *hoarse. AS the *ell- inocey,4uNe.. Allitt, M. Bishop, Q. anatehed team battled it out for a ,win Victoria took the lead in the Boys' Events • first with 2 rims and the Scots tied ,100 yard dastWinteittehiate, W. it up in the second,. getting one ii Westbrioke, It.e*Tarriet; junior, J oath inning. Two more runs In tbA lAttocque, J. PeltoWs, H Shore; run third ppt Victoria out in the lead tritug.broarl,,N.Antatinediate.,_ *gain, and *-fifth run was tallied, in (Y'Brien, W. Westbrook, R Tarte "tteilOtirth;i.-The,losers,gotAlitiii-fint* juniarTI-rellows, J.-Laltocquei kOttilter in -,,the- fifth inning and _ Sho krOtAiroght-- thoir toi 4.- iirleli, lt.,Zirner: junior,4r La t venlnthe, iseventlefrattie, and jump: int/mediate, W . 'West. , 'artligVliotorist.-20it' 160 4 Refine, W Stilts IL Shore. Hop, st2P Tbo broke, GI O'Brien, R. Turner; Junior Itholo.-1.10 010 it - W. Butte. Shot put: intermediate, Mason, 11. MoS,14b.*„.W. Sefigert Sealer R. Carey,1 tallocque, i.. relloste. h, jump: intermediate, W. 'Wettl, Ire, W.ii*igert junior, W. t 1 Itoone, 4'. Polio**, Polo vaultt., i nt mediate , W. Westbrook, W: wiger; Junlor, C. Witte, Ilait mile of unt te a Olitienv, L bi ley; junior, W Burni. 4404 y3rd b4 1s.1540o'r Benfit•Gante A. benefit * will be Id between tee" ,Victoria xt Monday night. IS .game is to foold who wait Injured.in reds?* •ganie‘•It is *Ortiz ante to *04 the braid Of soft. 11 thasa, team* stre handing oat. roo . • ut*:,thsit l'Otr are there to helt*. '4**41:404ay.