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The Goderich Star, 1936-09-10, Page 5
est are ' mar „Dresses t eat right now and yet carry right through the winter es ar n t Iiincess, a •� Taxaflaring aplsostyles , s l ata far the hex siz ,; A and'Oversizes.. , n salt �, horn a' ently `c farm of J h n Ta ahli ,:, s •' unusaat n e so lh t o district. y •. t �� • � clan,,. . o - Wan, Rum 'Counter, ' 'luta.n 111:= for s. longtime and a nfined 'to ' m t tib e�� m mthL �i��yyv,/yp j„ 1A;•f•4. Co utter ' s"t.-s orn n : A.. cote •r'. :a -1062, ,i lie foi10 red: iiia father's: 4xa,^upattou as tier end', establ hed: ani ez vlaable nam® for, hmtelf. oconduicted a us!ne ss 1x1 'Crth far " 20 y and started in Clinton 31,: years; ago. ;,-(Ere tray a son of the 'late {I F. Counter ter +Karr is R r Q , tuv, T.� e ile .was, married, ln. 1.1190' ,and 'who "Mind in eh,, 1,93'5. r cleaves -two sons; 'Oeorge Morley 'and, William 'Norman, • both .of i llnton,; a, sister, Al1Ors.. F: Collins, ;annd a brother, Warn Caunte�r, both °o! ►Si�i1 noel• v ,Ate ' . •field in St. Paul's Angll- +eskll +�i; h,' conduct 7-W tei Mew 4 �un, ?Abe pre, ,interment was made tlx; in the vie ,oveer, ��n('!j, ::,..E . Sau. er�. of � tch*, Y t YR a�W�ld'.�Mra. . . R ^.i. .... '. : �v . , � ,rtn. ever, and =saes" Ruth. and Helen • wee of Waterlc.ar, 'Visited thel -*Mit; ul'kl d1 � �d a o4u� 4 of weeks his cottage ,•�.Yt. fY!T!',"w..w,, y, •�� �-' s Mr. 4lc bwIte, ri,n , Pe#lb guest. the ;holiday- +with. lxis ststiers � tMisses • '. and Tibw]Ie.. ; ldney .Castro, Stratfofd,- -W-es ,With a lis smother, .Mrs. M.'Castle. - • 'rgaret r"Pergus+bn, ti'~crlirrsee spent the' weekondt with .her'poeni Dr,, :and •.,Mrs,; ,E'..1,;,+etv,.: oi: ,.Toronto,. .,...: •+were Ithe''.8'u�ts or ' ', N..:W, 'Woods. wale' Jea i Qi1;;' Woods, 'who. s; -i. lsttng England •a`dd- Ireland for the :'fit, . two monwths'e re turned-4inome 0111401. rs. ll r• . , and 1ltro.�y; Ifar;�ollyd.ushner :;; of.', Tool�e',,do, •ar�.. irisit!ng the former's`- undo A1► , .. Lewis.l ,. 'iin_. "yF s fir'i,p" derataadt ►ent the ;y ct"ysthen ie. dirge' ' e who Was'. the unntiotyle that t *yyoung oroI �AAAA4VAi ►.FiiAc-f."Gs �..� '�. . -- -'r' _ " mow ..p Ro� der Newcombe motor- •y.. 1y w+w..»vo.ae....�4s r....,'trw , . w i rr rig �iw.,�1�Y -,. HENRY Coons. . „ ed to the villa50 Fr1day:' ' t the. -• latter' a ,pareh ts,. AStr ' and. Mrs • M Roue, ,afortlS 1�n,::old_.:end.�,hi�Y resp�t , - ed resident of;. the Moon,. Road passed . rct▪ Ur g*`to ehllade ilia: 1Sunday— away . ond y,' k°lugR ., ' Mr. and I ra, Wm. onsild. ° and dun a, 34th. -in t#lo.; 'Per s an'Iqiraheth Carter, beloved *ife. of`; 'Pob'bY . Vail motored to the vlila8 - on, :. Ienxy Cooper, in her ?stli F , lvaiCates„ n �a.orr.r.n' . :l;r :L..>• :' 1`o1Y B ., . y ea r .6 S fatur.d a, Yo ,s iz l ��d at he-weee k-end` . Mr s . Mrs.,C)0*rhad !beenIn heatl; McDonald's 'mother,TAM, H t ox .omYears but .was &ble'tobaroundwho•haa. beenT-visiting in Detroit,oo as usual abitutwgreous. to . led them. her. (teeth, ma* ad agilte•of the Mls3es A,.andA. Drouin, 'the 'Misses not hexhe`oCrt nesaectioria,t o/,t.9:1leY' y-thirie"otaltrhoh ate .td . sClode ioril ic.her2ewis ah hhVedCTriitPirhae1iCa-ria teess; tsixred0t�hell3 : Catromite.ronreturned to De-- t4-01• .nday., 'tz'or • time they ;lived at . •, r - , .. Mr. and Mos.n A. Ford king and Doug March. far-Ki�iw las and ,Mr. and • •QVYra McClsitc2iey, rof :burn• and torr seven years onthe .eleventh 'Tara oto , 'were- the guests of the. former`s. eonpeion of ',adpKii%p, ally for ye years'` on the third �;conceisioh of Iglu lett. pa ts, ° Mr. '•and ,Wir's. George King, over gaining aver thirty yeait -ego to ,let •I the week -end. -cont inn °1, `�utnt , sphere they had Altce RN. , •of 'Christie Hos' •since' lived. i s'�her ii," 'b+aiid, the'3 pi-t01•Torontar• and Mlss .Ennma Augus ,y tinc, of. Arkona, visited, `their former l511r1�Sf�ed 'b� :tX�0' sons and two daughters; :tmcnti rdf ''l ay City, 11iYlch„ mate, • 1 v1iss Maude • Stirling, pn 41?ss, daz�lea ',mid, iday. , • Folin McF]roy, N1tcKiliop, John ' and •. Christopher,. of ,Bullett, .and'one .grand- 's• . Burr>s'lde and tar'117' who' Jines Rteld,' of` Bay City. she ' also int ' the summer with her stunt, mss sin; M Faiii airn, have returned ;ta "Ir:t leaves .two b,�other�" `arnd � aister�, � Jas• �brangre, ' rter' of : Clinton, John- Carter, • London . ' Dr..,a14 oars., i`. B.Alexander.char -Mtr "+i�o Cooper of MadiaoA, thio,.;..•. gone 'back to Londo.i, • . rhe'Newa1 .'Dr. anti (Mrs, C ogd and'two chlid. 15 to 'Toro • C���0�- y 'dretl .arid Mr. Irvine returnedn to on Tuesday. they had spent a •fort- „ night's vacation. at Mrs.Vni. T'er n's, M AN• TON, Mr. Harry ` 'Mr. R. W. ,Bristol, left- on Tuesday' for Wilson,: Mr. and rs. W 1san aria Wathingt©n, D.C. Mrs. Bristol; who ac- Mist Lois Wilson•. of Detroit were coznpanied him as far as Malo,. re- week end: visitors w th Y -,Mr. aria Mrss. turned -to spend another fortnight at 1•1, 'Kennedy. _ •a • her* cottage war.-. sand , • Mre.'. chaa..:CaJe,• (41,Lon . ')*, and Mrs. W. d and •tw�0:140a - don, .and Mr. and ,,Mrs. C. Ashton of . elven, of D)eearborn. Qlfich., spent . .Stratford, 'spent the •holiday, with weekend 'with %tn. 'Speed's parents, Mrs, W. Cole, , Mr. and • frs. Henry a122cCtincbey. Dr and" Mrs..; ,»• ougan and cl rr. and 1rs ,- Chas.. Plater' spent +s' family have returned from -Prue ' o ►le of de with Mrs.Plateri Par- '''Mi`es` Delores Harris viisited- Strat- the returalo tstrailt they - accOin-•. ford Friends.' • panted by Galas Annie ic>[Lod. ' Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Agnew and. . Mr. and Mr's..:Fred Crane, of Detroit, Miss Agnes, attended the exhibition in Toronto over the , hallday. ' • Miss Xr+ ne 'Layton has retiirne'l lofts after • spending a week In Tor ronto, ... _ Mr. and Mrd. K. " White and child- iren of Goder�ie'�rh visited;the. latter's . mother, Mrs, yY . dole on .Monday. -. ;Misit'•Sadie-- Ellitot. Who -That beery n Detroit for several Weeks has sirriVe1 -home. Dist ,Helen Lavis , has returned rom' visit; : wdth lei is it 'irr; a :. tr oit. 'Mia :dith - Jolin store -..of Toronto. -- dpent' the week evil v e t tier parent ... :M nn s a h1he:2 eI end' in Toronto. a :, • Dr-. -Fowler was On fishing trip to Tobermory over the, • holiday week- lid, • FIRST ST HITS WEST 'ORAnicriisTD. Tw season; .struck Central and -• Northern lbert - Tuesday, ` , b �� o The mow:' Ln' nrari Ed 7-'3 a` S7 .. TT�� groundto 'eratnre 'f ^12 • ' iter �orded. �ost was repo ted ` over- night ver Iiht aBever1od e Grande; '•. 'rain' Mirror Landiti and 'A aska, but it was be laved light.* light.. AXt grain isbelieved, to •av` le past the . le n ter r frost danger', � :� pm ydtinn ag ere- r . Agatn, rate fir -tong di taneeKip,e phone -service havt: reer re1v1Eed. Rech on1 cif :. -" rant:: ►tcamc effective from Se -ember tat., 'Ilia x$ .th,e oixth, long , dxst:Ince rate reviiSt i tI °in, t teed past se `on yeairs No mean, suJ stanty a 4.stiii`~ ,for r t�f� S rl ,E si x` 4 remember, �r ' night rates on tatx n.tar tatxon. and- Person'to-P +ars erg' evening a Dor,' a ti . day Sunday. .Mr. Jack -Hobbs hent the holiday at his home in Vartilltent Mr. Jack" Scruton who has 'c'beeir an employee of ,the "White Rose" supply Co, here for a'' number s>f' .Years is novo managing a Aervice Mr. Alex. Inkley has been appointed. to take littr, Seruton's plstceA p 'TIST CHtRCH C*.v,., . Md+*3N) Mi#titer.,: BUND!'!,.' , SE.tiTi, 13 flan. r'ltornsr .AS, A FOOD 7" % thb true Christian odd t' ''TOES 1? MADt E* 1, What e.,'num believe* 7 .., What chute'', Ile of ,. ,w...._ tosso'.tprxtlil0 pane: tkat st ep'you'l int.*** th : nk . ri ht ' over •tt e " kinin .e : ►re. • n thing :.'. of a "oa , � �, more than. a: ery for ,help 1 eta i those • oargane. These``duU--paians, sharp pis and Buick t tangea,: d attend* :point to the fact tt►smt.youar kidua�a need, t .;,.:.. - ioanos me ` �� 1 cr to rot t'bo et tete twrtitehe.az, and twingos, limber np the. s and give relief and comfort to those who 'a ter'.• ' from we , lame aud` aching bac R or 111 d 1 z , .Whatever. your vadat1Q� in life, yaw. two feet constituteAhe essential F��cics : which- uararte our ability to do lour a1 4 c y W1` d aGan n err, , � !ging Shoes when Heel Huggers providef ��,most sensible kind of Footwear ,i1�• ,Comfort . Stylele and Service. e o Buy e andGive 'Y'o, 'Feet nctfOt Treatsnent That: a Excelled B:yo Others.