HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1936-09-10, Page 3itabk rot unvner OLIO\ Re$LdenCe-rModl vst '.. For Outside or Insid aol and Refre&hing Drink8 onfectionery -Cigars• and Cigarette ;0174 0 Ontario , liatirnelat of Agrlculture) SugarMaple Syrup would ;.. .,spi410 t „ tq the, :'• . , . c :weer ,etut- •t1leee :eretge4r1e0 *b14 , 0441i44%. maple tree are ea, he*,:'''.yieltierl.",;natPle-. syrup, eana „Tore brg , ae, , anabStalned-•.•te OtiOect . grading- or 2;eugar. to', the 'Ivelo-ot-40,,i1V000.- during bAfiter: • tVo1lote411.i..;,- 'N.414,)+.''nferiee ''-: the; 038 ,soiSone.on,'InereaSa.,.0...54 .1-,to,r: ..1nore•jeen,•Pffe4ing, **VI* 10.0de bUtter• Cent., ... over ' (.1.0.14.,' '1#‘3.: 0,r04liegc4 ,nt '0*.:041*.Ye*a,‘','lie Sidi but some have .,.- ••*e.ple .syrup. la Placed -at. 4..tP.Wilt‘t galkeii! 'OePn ,',SAP,Ping, • in ,,VrOo.!cl :?,-, Grade , All,q,er. ralued 0,,, $2,055,1)1O and o1 e..outpat',Azt-rirst, cle. , L': •. ' • '' ' ' ' .uiwe sugar )02,voltpro, ,a,,otidol, •L' 4'0' 'close. luegeetleu not out/ would theradingbe' reliab1e:,.,a10,:.-give ..4 e e•vredAtttkiii,,.ot• rittple. even), was • 20. '"09,satnn.ez,,,*.. 0:goellittarifor-iitaittY• .20009 • •gaZonS imainect :44, • ;42443',2.470.," .**ItInsirirleo7eluntnazeOer-etetr.' • -while "• map* augar:ortonotad '0400404 .•040.. of batter, tql#eli alloWe,graf/re to dee: lo•,4)534,p60.,•-ponada•,•ealuee at ,,sortm.10,:•'teriorate,, ., .,..,,,.. , - , ,, .. • : ., r, • .• .."1,$6..00404; Was not quite * ,Itoroth.: ..,, INCOV::tX6a:iiletles •iia‘rec -.-0,itatt.,ea ,,,t,h: able aeU,104s.:1.0-tw,4a.ritlitie.,I,1.14K64'r ,i1e1TO.' •iioioilitttqiii for some time and were .;2194.00;040:001,40:. of -unusual . weatao; „largav snaeonstble-for thent.'.•,being ,adopt - conditions ..seith-Siery• little- foet in •the' '4„,,'',•4*`, ''.tile; government, -the: local official • . , . . ., ,.. s. . , . , ..., ,. , • .• • ''grOtin arid feiiia*ht frosts although w ffli, : - --- ' -.: . --:---•-,- - :--- - - 'f'• .; •; - ' . .aeuxe•:'diettieta ot:Onterle tbet, ASS, a "V 4$76tilm ot iniPPeotion VAIL be 'that, good rug of ',SO,* ;with ...Syrup', Of " extellent..P....2°4b..'1118P01:°,11 '714 .01,ie.',0ter 14.' stnality. ' - .,,,,." .:, ...,1, ' .'w•FtoPPe6i land graded at ; creameries' and. , ..„ • , WitirreeNrheini.irtelte---teriewor r the aeunter. , Tbeletti.r. *.eY.,e11.re. lnatc ,improPet*Orage*.e.e.e410--blitt.' tot net 'kept, ,i.ti?• refrigerators; •ier kept near, fiels or other odorous re.emhandise svilkhgeome.toited and Will not pass ac- cordlng.0 the grade marked. • • 1414 Dodder ,„ • Iodder1 4.° Psreeltile, weed.- leund rit zeree clever rields Of the:Warmer sections Of Ontario Is to be put oh the black' list by, the ponitition**partment. of Agri- eulture,'seed • authorities . learn. Seed*, or •ri ' Dodder la'desertbed as ..round, about the same size as amairmestard and greyish -brown,., or.", yellow ; .seepearenee.- The ats-nt 13 Pr04144131`leOlese and threadlike, sterOs_wirld theinstives-about the 'dotter plant. ' understood* 4leti-etortl1 no '1nvf'z'•,teed..._eontairdn dodder, be allowed sale in Canada. `• As most clover seed importing countries' .have shnilar regulations *Out the weed Ahlex4•540A,VIVA any seed containing it will .now be ,praCtleallY, unsaleable. Far- mersvistx"i_mwIth id.odoZterLIry r,elliintedd_rirehef:t ;t4h: pastures and to 000e. now vivaring wheato,',,,-Ielelds in traldiniab& are generally quite low, Particularly spring twits. Total yieles..of 200 to 200 Wallets ('continued on ,page ; - . .. . tecodrid.-..,•(knOp'•:,4' 6.74141*. .. , ,. 'Or:,',4*SOtt;''''0,40i710:...i6041, iJk .."! . ..,oatile, :10:410.1..utuot,,alut thotlikt,... Att: and mre;:•,trreciert** :tendaii,', :04,, of ,:- •:PreeCott; '-'00*-000 : '4 .t4e-'!':nrist. Dominion'.., • refugee Ireel;.-itVein.,,•:;;Obe ',:*Se, 'tot -,• a . Quebec :...i.noi;-.10,1.04.,,440,Wtte-,..resgned",•fxnin Barcelona by ,t1te•,sritish deetroyer eftyPsy. She ie esittitroe in the C14;00414: whiek *lie..eseaPed...'. .• • ' ' . . . 33414,,, colnitY* rePortS • Iamb 11:0*ed hool-u4 well. and, rebnips, ggolsfitotbg. tHog-ttrioes_althohah. tOW' tlOaer'Jn line tii--enrIentr-leed--Torleesrnre+stal watt-, 14te Yield,' of oats In . Huron oitatte "tf---rither--:•iiitappeintim-ewith average; front 20 to 25 jnisheis per -aere. Dealers there ark.•Paying • so tents fox - barley and 95 0as for -wheat dehvered. 'W16. Ilington has had some rain, .dessortbed ea' godsend to late potatoes,' roots, weed shOuld, be tut and. burned. Warm. .copen Villa, With no early #0:st f*vor the. . spread Of the. weed. ..creante4 *Atter 14 • Meet, September Jt Air creamery" butter- sio.a In Print, IA 080telut•eP I, /iW•St be minted ,neeOrdving'. tit( ,gratfrAttd, 'Ada be' scnbject 'f,o iespectiort by the stat of the' 0.n.tarie Peljertsnent of Atz*,11' 'time, The prints rtiust be PIslav Ina*- - ed.' sva most adizere to. t4e grade sO --Marked. lrhe'grades bok as follows; Pirate Seeerel, and l'hird,Ctrade. and. No Grade. • ° treatnery ()Matti Stated that the ste0 Mr. a skd Mrs. Winn.'- 'Anderson , 'Were, Entertained.. --Nine pf tht. 'Gueitsliad Attended Marriage Septemher 1449 Iii died: from n2x1Y PAlts bi SINGLE FARE FDA THE, ROUND TRH}, ekint gotzlg SWAVESMER 141-18 '-frAitOrh Uzalt ErgrithtFalt, 22 Vol/ flrOrn -tty :Agent Canadian ••• Nation • - Th"eie wee .sie• change'in the'price. of 'hens or, chielten* this ek,'; and . eggs remained the eatie: 4, Hoge showed a alight drop; but prices for tattle were unehtingedi, t , Hens, over pontidie (dressed) 18e Rens, over .5 pounds (delivered). Hens, 4 to.5 pounds (delivered) .. }Tone, 4 to 6. vounde (dressed) lle „„: Eggs. Grade ','"A"' large ,,................25c .Grade "A" medium - • • 22e Grade 01)" .and pullets 164. Butter, dairy, lb. ..,22t Meat : 4*ft, :$8.75 :Butcher Cattle. : 4 to 4.• Veal Calveta-per 0 • 0.0,.7,0A00640g6 11440040 :10'4*.04,;.01,0,0:00,0' 46e -,..55e Oats • .... i' 0 it, *. * * 40.e.-450: Midting :Rarley ,sss.s.s 92,t, ?Bran Er $1.60, Ovitsight., , "Hello; olleite; is that the police statiork? "Yes,. -what's the matter?" '1 Just wanted to telll yofe that you need not atereit /or Iny huithartd. found him rityselfk He had forgot- ten to -lake off hie end 1 hung, him in the clad by raistake.'t 'AUBORN,_,Sept. 7. --Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Ferguson and family .spent a few days with -friend* in Windsor. dirlr, and Mrs. Sheppard spent the week end and holiday in Brantford. 'Miss J. Bra,dnock .ha a returned to Chicago, after a visit her sister, Mrs. -Wm Doble. , Mr. and Mrs. and kiai Roger, and Messrs. S. •aard.J. Brecken of Toronto visited Mrs. J. D. Hewett, Miss' .Ruby Boyce of. Toronto was the guest of Mr. Jae. Johnston, and Mr. and Mtn. T. S. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Longman. and Mr. and Mrs. O'Connor of Lon- don spent the week -end with Mrs. g., Gooier. . Miss Weir ,cyf Strathroy is with Dr. andMrs. B. C. Weir, while Miss Josephine Weir is with friends. in Toronto. .Mrs, W. -0,-,Ito'bertson-and Miss- El- kin were in Coxlerich last week for a few clays, Ur. and Mrs. Coates of Flint were guests. reeently with Mr. and Mrs. M. Allan; • Mr. and -Mrs. -Foinuirt- and family of Detroit, visited Mesiirs. E. and C. Jones,. Mr4 it, p.. Ultimo- and Miss Mary are hiving a few days holiday in To. Tonto. - •.•• -- RevTirr y •ave returned from a polities .holidays at ST.•1$ LEM; Sept. -Fish- er was a- recent visitor with her niece, Mrs. McKenzie :Webb. Miss Dorothy` McQuillin and Miss Homuth qf Windsor were holiday guests at Mr. John MeQuillini,s, • Or. J. Webster, Iris' brother, Mr. Thomas Webster, a Mr. Webster of Kluged, were .visitors last 'week with another'. "brother, Mr. Jas. ,11. s er. at latrInigfori7They also en- PYOd a trip to -Niagara . Vineland and Mr. Neely Todd of Lon- don, wereveek end visitors with Mr. and Mrs, D. Todd. . 'Mr T.. H. Taylor, :Mrs. S. W. Sib- thorpe, Mrs: Ed. Taylor, and Mrs. Will Taylor of Blyt.h.;. and Mr. -and Mre. John B. And -eft% 'of Bud -Yard, Mich., were 'callers on friends Atere recently. Mr. Anderson, a son of the late Uri, and Mrs. 'Hugh Andereoa was former resident of this! corn - *amity. He and Mrs. Anderson were guests of their eousins, Ur. and Mrs. Kenneth Anderson. Mr., Will" Todd were recent vit;itore. Mr. Vanywick of Wingham and with Mr. and Mrs. D. Todd and Mr. 1-.1,Taiiw,kenTioyd,edight 30. and Mrs. WaltereVanwyck"and ladies .attended the • meetingitf the Women's 'Institute at Ilia' George McRoberts, on Tiniisilay afternoon. Miss Mary Murray, the ri..-esidetit, presided. Ifelpful eugges- tions for school lunches were given in response to the roll tall. was decidedtosend a donation- to the Children's Shelter at, Ooderieh.• Ar- ran eraents were 'made for heldin 0'04. • r tii:•uniew101. oessuit- on bit, tether.,„ with intent '0..40Se 4 who ***I *St 1004 '0..***ded, $or. sentenco by Magistrate 3. 4,,'Mekirta«. fter.:,:bein*:'foOnd igni1P4' was '11;ittretley•:gterttriett. leentenee4.*--14', :inonthe::itt'•the::POtarie-•,Weetuatort wIth an itt4t0V-taitieW140.*4.4i4OW inore than two years. • :"."*QA,Ite141: ',S*17 ,OffOltee* .Vehieli was "a „Ito*, ,i-elipto.)10'44t4i-.-.01.0h Is made worse by the feet that, ft was 'whom .104: : ',.i.‘seaulted* los.: that Yen. ere rOnninw:::4,round,. om place to,..010,0e,'-',..,without,,:' WO)* tieltingt:et!ier 'POOPle;'. said. • th U••...-‘ *Oldi ong 441M10e out ofhis lionee«.vo*Went-.end7thruet father. ':Uoet after themselves - -but you scem to think you can look after tho whoio : That act was notdone in it. Aoment 0000:itleStin000. You deliberateir. hit,: you 'father and :The 'blqW,, was premeditated, :-. planned; .• • 1...thini; a terra,that will got you :into '.'eteadir.: habits Is the only tbng that wifl eave. on; you, are ...**.ayi think it •nit.jusk. Inuld4o: 'have yourself," • 4- 10, eau it:hie father over 'The head with- a thick shovel -handle, told 4 bitter tale of mistreatment in his childhood and said . that when he had thought things .over he becare4..ste wrought up that he "didn't:know *hat he Was do - ins"' and when his father-eatne-in the' deotiveyat his hone he istruck hint n the head with the weapon. • ' Herbert, Sturdy and : his nephew, dietOn-Sturdr-pleaded7gui1ty-to charges Of disorderly --ooncittet, , and • werefined410, and44.7.50.. costs, each, -Tho'nien• had had an all-day-'-anarrel• over a tire. on August 27th, • and When the quarrel Continued at. night, a resident of Bayfield complained to the police about these two fishermen.. Constable Pease of Sayfield laid the charge. - - • - John Miler, pleading not guilty to a eharge of failure tb:Iring his car • hen.entering-ontoev-pUbli highway admitted .in his evidence that he had not brought his car to a full itop but that he had snot been "driving more than five or .ten miles an hour, owing' to the fact that he realized that the laneway at his farm was in a dangerous position, and that there .is quite a considerable grade from his on He Was filled 45. and costa. The. charge resulted from an acci- dent which occurredonAugust 1st', on No. 8 Highway, near the entrance to Mr. Huller's farm, about two and a tialf mileswest'Of Clinton. Mrs. Huller was seriously injured in the accident which was eaused, by *a car 'allegedly driven by /Tarry Phalen. repining into the rear of the Huller car just after the latter had , been driven onto the highway.. -Huller stated that he had changed .gears when he Mlle out of his drive- -way and that he had, thought it bet- ter to keep going slowly than to Collie to a full stop, 11 don't knew anything about your own set of traf- fic rules," said the Magistrate. The only rules 1 an acquainted with are .the ones in the Ontario Highway Traffic Act, *Alia state that you Mist bring your car teci a stop. }tarry Phalen, Charged with reek - less drivingin connection with the accident,--had-the,easa.--against-hist., dilmissed when his counsel pointed out to ills Worship that the prosecu- tion had failed to bring in evidence to prove. that Phalen was the driver of the car. At first -the Magistrate was loathe to dismiss the case, stat- ing that he did not like to dismiss tato on a technicality such as this, and asked that the defense present their evidence. Counsel insisted how- ever, that the 0i -own hadftlosed its easewithout- -establishing the iden- tity of the, driver of the car, and that this feet should he taken into the eonsideration of the, court. ' The CreWit' oteforea' to plink evidence, after having closed its case, but the defense objected and the • Magistrate WOW& not 'adzilit the ovi- ,iiYimetic;rententietinalotberii. , eas 144 ' Yard 3014, Yerde.«.«....,.„. $9,,nare Red • 40" Pole* or Rods ;'S s s « 4 4.r4 *. 1Rood •4 Roods«, s• , s s ,„ 7 ' Acre 440 Acres, 44'ol'...SqOare :Mile: • Cubit ,.or $0144 . Meat** 1128, Inches...............1 Solid Foot grt Feet. .: 4* FeetS ss:s. s s TonShlpping - 128.: Foots, ,... ',090,4.'No04„: teni Measure' - • ,_-__40404,144avoittoct. re, Latin eourae, e:4b9:0141,:tee:01;4041.40711tiann's .011436 1600s and titi,rephike on 1 MarsbalI, deputy 41:44"doluniretrizt*.t001;rel'unci‘11'doptioNicato4140;,,,,ileo aat'd,,business,. Th department artr,nt'Ul‘beeardooliiYet.? record*. hit g .itmeb, counter and bazaar at the School Fair on Tuesday,. Septem- ber 22. The, subject., "Cloeer•Co-op- -erationLbehveenmirome-and &hoot' Was 'taken by Mrs. Wallace Miller, t heir cottaige at .Tobermory, Kiss "d- "Urs. McKenzie Webb read a ,<,40.1A,4,1:74,,,,,,, • Wk boi13 start to break out le mitt the Wait& dogged ir with inv• pun es mad reaeitte to tlaeroughly Puz4isti It geed Mood etediefite., We belie there 'no better -bleed turdoek.4moorlt (t heape to reo'r. the. foul nutter .4400a.13 xasor Edna Adants boom' her training. in poem "First Deka." A.."social hour wo.cidtviot frottraudien•Augult aisto was enjoyed over .the tea cups when The members of Knox Pretsbyte- lunch was served • by. the hoetesseN xiati Church met last Week a t theiMinanUdtnmer*a. rru,inreidn'utieusiltin. nnie Dur - home r14.3p°0fniT*;664•1111 tilt:114 Stoltz, T et - Mr. and Mrs. Nen;Illite and Mar - presented mis, and mrst, jamets John:, garet of Detroit wart* visitors with ston .of ititievale, with a shevier of Mt, and Mts. D. Andersson', kitiott utetittiu. • their return they were apcompartjed !Miss, Meilen Quinn of Detroit le by 'their daughter. 11414710 wig" *Yea* -the guest Of Mt. .and• Mrs. Gordon, spent the vacation* bete. Taylor. • , Donald Thompson of Lucknow was Mrs. Katie YOunghlut and her son * legida,y,visiter with hie *reedit/1v, RolsertOf Kitchener spent the, week'. elite, Mr. and Mrs. Thom. ends,holiday-xlth, t1;e lady's uncle, Billy 1301t II under the doctor's Xt. Win-Doert.-; care *3 the Tesultof,..art'inieetionin lar.. and Mrs. A. Kerconnill and hie l.4 Widon-:-Osi-gandat'- . ft.**.,' Tommie% rekt dPnte* and Monday. • • and .Tune ofNorthBo, were holiday -4/ .tr7-litittetirvihrwort-itto-tititt-ar sternae 3 Feet... 4,`Z 4'4 \4 ,..1 Tara. system. the^f *ot thoroughly An 6 Peet, Vathoin. 1y, and though In Wine'ca.ies they YardeRod or Pole -441Y 44143e. "i'Alting* that 1$ .40 ' ROO, ...1- 1,'urloror 41°4 °I. 1'4°4* lx?"041 '*°t1°4'441 not 3 MUes 1 League ;Deg 1760 Yards or 52$0 Feet....1 Mile 6075.81.,oet. Nautical Mite Of TWELVE COUNTRIES Scent leaders front twelie-differ. ent countries and parts of the, 118th pire • were turinbered n the • Training 'Course' at Park, En- -gland, this . summer. The Scouter.s came. froth Belgium- -Liechtenstein, Egypt, Sweden, Switzerland, Holland, Prance,. Ceylon,. Malaya; Kenya. and • roplie Bros. GaPPOM ou-Ntit* """-:0:7 tint-14gitia. AND intnatIstiitS Also ANEEIMANCO fr.020110r:AT ALL liGURB-riTIOW DAY tit • _ • CENTA MILE Round' Trip Batgain' EXCURSION 4141mvis fess ?IAA 756 Child 404 FRI. son. ii3 to .WilibbY sot., csalneWa, B.oWnlanvilte.- .. . . "_ort Hope cobourg Trenton • Oct Belleville, Napanee, ICingston, ,Gagarioque, [Broekville, Prescott, Worrisburg. cornwaii, Uxbridge, Lindsay, Teterboro, Carripbeliford, Newmarket, Allan- , dale, Penetang, ciollingwood, efeeford, Barrie, Orillia, etlidland, Oraten- hurst, Bracebridge, Iliuttrville, 'Callender (home of world4amed. Dianne • quintuplets), North Say, Parry Sound, Sadbury. All towns in New Ontario on line of Temtskaming dc Northern Ontaxi0 .111.Y.; Nipitsing Central Rty.: kapliskasing,• Longiao, Illardrack, Geraldton, Jellieo, SAT. SEPT 1.9 : to: TORONTO •Brantford. . Chathani, Chesley. Clinton, Durham, Exeter, Pergus, tioderlah, Guelph, Hanifiton, Hanoyer. �Xarrlston Ingersoll, lnmard1n 1.ltcbener, I.oridon, Listowel. Mitehell, Niagara Palls; Owen SoUnd Pafs1ey Oilinerston. Port Elgin, Bt. Catharines. at 'Mary*, sarnia. Southampton, Stratford,- strathroy, 'Walkerton, Wiatton, WlAgham, Woodsteck; . d -. 19 LOeally beaten tuipartant stations at which anat . -Exclusion 'rickets are Soid-4414„ Ticket Agent* Ptor 'Vans', Return Limits, Train Information, Zekets, Cormult nea,rikt sAgent See Handbills for coreplete list of destinations. TWA Many in this: community will be intereasud in, 'this recent wedding it i-Orinxibt Iteathi-of-Miout. Jean L 'ant% eldest 'daughter' Of Ito. AO "Mit. I; Sinn Sinitirrille, Orluarty'4 Auburn and ,Blyth to MrFred. Iook of thnItIwiIIe. 4. Mr. and Mrs. Anderaott *era -taisatc•eXteht,dontha ter, Dorotht,Aintertsiined at ix dinner in honor of. the *Mir atintirerviart of ,,,,thale wedding, lest Sattirday4 'Guedite were' m lieefort14, Tema& Of -he tltIrty4W nine'Weee. ding. when Mrs. Atudereou,-*' Mies Florence Patterson, was led 104biet hot vieitore ivith Mt& "Iforrantei,,Ors The vitiliresident„.40.: Ws As VW. ler* presided :the ,niceting of the rs: v.. Sunday eVeniug. The ,Striptnre- lesion vat road by Ione Sion, .and. (4.04, Weatherebeed give the lEtible, Ookracter in “Jecobsi" Mra.' hrillien' faiinn44 lirm. tato. by Ur. -1#:;. MAIO, " ses Mary and labisbeith .04itkelit of Goderieh; irate *.iwitort Monday With Mrs. Mgkit and the hospital, appearedto give ev., deride and had to be ,assisted to and reinAlic stand, „ • -• George ,MeNall, useye of Blyth, •charged With driving his tat at night without a tail -light seles not prevent in court /and his .elitie Was lidjontized /ova week. - 16 year-old boy Who was last, ftirifelittiwNirfnur charge* 41, theft, to which he 1, had pleadedguiltywoks sentenced to jail, to be released On Labor Day. He has been in ail fof threeweeks. •LEEBISPX, 'Sept. nee? 'Anderson was In :London for. TAbot, ltfr, and Mte. George• *tiller,' of and Nr. and Mrj. C• 40- 0111641I of Itoiroesvil Mra.ttreo, 14%103'10r'of Gder1cb