HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1936-09-03, Page 814 °' ,0?),'Itt;k4,4•41o44#4k 4:„ ,Nr•gt.,„•41.- .01•0,:vpdP • , • - 1,44 rtilk ,,4 4, • 0 IN A WIDE VM 2400 ateabown, wIth- digerient styIes 011,J 00411* OF,STYIZS 0... " ,re* 4-oxiTuesda3r in 471410 /out Altst,ri f#3., No. at*e (01100.0 tbe; joiner 1404 „44r,,. . , eedLng,Afifthlir -ProWIlf and Ula Jolter inttt, ,care og, ifoflow1ng 0113ss .0)1Ye 10Petr„12_X,:*401-1.41* Whitely.• vogition, zoo 0,4$0,www,7 ,41144 , 444 In Mzrsret 'Zt.n; 00. 1440 re*utn eed lier teacher n d:, fieit At** ;An - • , 14AVAta.:•ili,V;,•• .1k ty.•,•&p.,,,PY'rt..0^:00,i),*•,,egy."..Vie0Win(t.f41„4 /` (:•• ‘,40. • . ,,s • w•-• ,„ 4---4 " Dorothy Mctean r in 1,4toloolo; and, at her home nsali; Lt 'wlIl Itenneth, *Pouliot and ' rvenlng Westlake spentpart or last weck tendlingthe 'r °mutt), ' een very 111. Dr. and Mrs. Deugan and M1 ,B oyee Dongan ar ho1Idayip it lichee liteach. . ,......,--- ' Sly, .. • ' newFor 7 Slic4:01:' 0,14i :::' , , „. 'f _.. " i::Cri.' ---,`,,glos.::1).ovaill*,'.14,401i .1.11!'#';;Fe:tutz*. . Cert111 ' , ,..-cARTEIV -..',.. p ' McOulIougll .. , , _ „, . .. - - -774,4iss, •'. , . • last week. ' ,. • \•, • ..- ., . . ,. .,::': ri, • t, OREQ:s ' •.; , -'00VS,030.. •• •., *M. ' " ' UVE4*---,:rigA4ii' 44,':'''''' : • �ir-:.,_ tt.'-, .;. :0 sit.-.71ett.'/Or'thek ' ell„.... ',I!; r.,.. PENS— mer ,, ,., ,'wi, , , , ,,.. ,e , rivt. itAttes. 4.$--.0",„,,,lhiae•w4411, .. # . ' , •Wly„tr . , ni where '..flao ,,, _for°. iOLI%IESVILLE *vi Al ' *iti..E' * . . ' 41.),r0aVelltS ''' 1?/',-; 20* 3 '''' ' ... ,rh ,,--,-,. , , , .:.,='• Zetf4ar,, , , Inirstoi 0., P. tara lien' 0.11, '',. , ,*,4104.5,, ..140,14, 4: "Olt4,..ne:44.7t'0t4x4.114t 'ionslidth,'':47\, .1,6*',.: ..,. ,,,,, , .t.',jil.*•.:' .8tH! '14611414-11:"tytt'e"°,, 0.1.4e'll:,:irmi,7-..--- P:-'..':',..".4':;041"ttr-:0,::.B:$141:71,:v.:11.01'1°;;'41.37';'1'1:41.:„.'hif7\d'esil'''210:lemt21:tlin''':.?."4e4','e-.7.,::P-14--7, 1917.!',;':' ,,:.','... ',***1..d, t!'I'' : 'Wr''144:'.11e9It'111111H*'' , %.°14.T4,-- 1'''' '4'1 Vi:L11:°4:71'14...`'1"9'7' Mrs ,. , 001100,4, tv .0„toritb,,,e ,,/0.0tlx ,reiao; unday' ",, • ,..,.. ,,•• ' . ' itt'Vt 4°u114 ' ''' '" ' - ' t ''' ' ' t ' *. • ' • rishe.r.,•,9 ...- ..• . • - ge---5 • '-• - ' 0-pent-tv-re*V--,_„• is , ,40titt, .. ,. , • ., ,," kr.... .- di, • •ii • • Vets here. 044. at • OY;', Ottalled„; with '`,' Asta4g1,,. . '7'.lie.Aiicire3r4onee w - -"A )4r#01.4,' 7 34,m , , , coptitic owls i41. Lvh men, 'bit Parole‘ front Waiter 1 tlitlet are 'tseIng'iteld 14tdes **One her teaching. . Utiee t ' re., .. .,..„ , , l'4,t11. reclAtilva-'1U4TA for ''-tbe. Week.4enct. ' . ' . again .ii,ext1 .', (ley ."-Ettilrid4r s600t Aturtmexp has returned :.‘, .,•, :,,i , r.olariot*-soiumi,': ' , lot-P0._.Y2f..,03*..re,.., ‘,;(11144-;,': ,413,‘ oitraiic, ' . •• "' .' ' '1" ' ''' ''.- 44-,4444*' '44 4 - '''...' ' •,..z..' ...,,,:'" • bas returtied,' to W010 where She' *ill - . -, .. • , , ,,, iii-oo t • ce.4:4/1 '11141,411Y,IvIllit"'IgeWtta t4):1•1113;e:-.'lirlath4",;''!.'44e7;ise°41;*, '''tIh-t.'9't ., .',.' ' ' ' ' ' - ' ' '. '-''' '''''' '' '''':'':'*.'''''' : ''' : .' .4.,141.,1t0s,„.„, st.orna*rk't . ,,4,,,re ,a,0,xcilaSzta: Ev$00‘i7t,1411,0011011,4113e.0 „:11,y4,-,t111,4,0;:blowhor '04114411.400114;,, i :4 vtruolop4r14,060-4140001$414,4tiatoe igity, giloit10411*. 4 il; k.,,, yeuef,10-,,:x0rUitig';'110':1161iiia-. ',, ::P1.0 '4 ,.J.li, Praia; . ' .77';,x,`,11.61'7' -"gilt*!' ' ' ' - ',, :, :', : ',,:- '15 ' tor ,.girs, 1te ,xii, :..': r,''...7, ..... ' '.' •, ‘':`'Ittliz'Oz, :itutogo -, '•''.- ''' .' X. Mise the the- ser ofl Itr . i°t_..4:.!,:-°,..a. ioiii*tvi;',1t,twi''' ,,on, ' .,sc;•1;44,frV-i'Toi" ita,.,...4144,-, ,.',„‘ot.,,$::.: ,-,,,:';',,'!i',,,L,,,, re*,4=cr°4and wiU464' 0 ',visiting rin- Ann Arbor, :A4)0414144 for the:' 4;viztx:aiy.ostia,,, , lc,: , t ,,cittoc)4.1,,it,40.,tit71,1,7.1siiet.:,,iljtviiiversto,Ilerx"rei„4:iti..,,., , ,,t , 0,:...47, Connaught.., _,,.,,. 1 'Ott,: g - - ,,, ai , (07)06, : 'atteliding 420,11`..e8;10 Is...I11,,v,04.'- - '.•,, ,.. .,.' ' ,.. ‘. . • ' R , AT -THE DRUGSTORE ' ,' ..,•, • - "estra, iOsiw7-0c . A4.-,. :,40:ig, ' I.• no- rthers a Ittlitter•agrees isit11,. 4.4444, better..*st, it.•$.04‘..iftontilii rotor, , vocingiat .41(M . P . . . _ .., '...., : • ', "' . ' . r0,,,,,:: tare-. ru r, , ,. '. j,„.,. 4,, aktxt,, ohitzi, mixow out wi Monday , for ,kik r.,,,4,trlp ., to -,010,-.10.40-,s. woorioterde-n• t„. •• IC1114°0 ,04,04., alld the, ,tions, • (;),utk• ,„ ,, ,, , '0" litiiI0 ' ' ''''' ' .(414."..-„',11. 'lit'ol'obolt!Lte4; "illeigIrt.',1' ri.' 'T'ItY.'hvi-jiiirlt:',,,;Z:,le.iii-74,',:,-;.,,r','.,':,„ri.; ,o.rr'Irgitts:',Be',H7=. l'etlg't,''',,,'-i4t0'..,,k,,4471;it'elleie,ansttli's°11‘1,,,,litlii.:7:11;,'.41,6.11:atisli':: r, ..,D„,,,,,,, :,...... ..,.. , , ' satir .' .w -- , . . ig, - , , . ,.. . ,, ,sieriaer„. __ , , a.,,, r rugstorte. wwing 4,,,,,,,,,,,,H,, ,,,,..„,,, ...it , a„d 0.- Ile. .,$onuter from , hal. -fever,c nn4L.,., tha,the, Toobe' . 1, ,ouger, , ifteaine': It. 01.411ster,' - $1'' ''' ' it ' -i!'* eStiir''p aye:: 'In.-- usiO.' • far :' ' ' ' ' ' . - ' \ le At wino, .att. Pr- 4 Adhl'it • •,1414 ' 'Tt-hin .- 't. of Dungannon. '',- \' , -;,nto ,,••lier li 40410. it/xe V60' - Oat" .d'a*.„ , ing, v,,,l'.411;21- Or0V-(44,_; **3141..„'hili-oottit* gatb4';', . , . :,.._ ji•iii.LwAlstron-, ,,,,, .2,.,-,E1.11410,04,...17,4.10E4S, ries -whir.h.rlatiere litt,04#4.44 -414 tank •Oorid.Olen.," , i -.• .. ... " '-,_„. • well; thie'-: ohne '11.4e -74104.161i. 't*Itir'' '.'1Weicloiedrai .ti it.lvtior'; ot ' 1,e; ..e!I'll''''',1!°t.P.'1347; 14'771P4'.47$41.'"7"-361 i'Imv"(p.4e1.44,,trmsTigilmt.:41'341ar6etivlit'''''▪ t ' • .., ,„, ., ti,..,i, ......„,,,,,.....4.- ,S6 II ...JO 1tor ,„ „fir.,._:;EIAehesow,,,:. _i, •ist:• tiot_100,,,,,, ip4,:iykateLltil44:ougii.,•.e4tee*i.r,*poliiinejt, .rn, ...,,.,,. rt „_, ,.,_,t,i14_,.,__.,,toti,. ,... tria, .._, ,...pzo_.....4;._ 4.,1.4/1,1,,,,,._ 7..._ ..„,t,.,,,,,,,,,„4„,..,, ,,,,„,,,:_,, „,,.,,,_ . , ... \., wooci , i ,,,, ..--,.., , intolrikooidoni.,oni, . , ,,Inon, ,onto . . , ., ,, • ; ; ;_. 1,, , -----7.-,- - Bruce ,sowerOy ' "i . OpertliaT`'Ikoung -- w-tillte'''1"Yer4140"*I''''414814"a4-;"4 , ' . ".:''.-:7#-;,..tre,t0t5a7Vs7Otelir. . -:''''' , -""'''''... ,, , -- .'------."?- # - .,,,,- , ;;,-,,e, - ',se;)4,,, !” ',-thres11140 at *Ii. '0:,;Oett.);1#1, 'iwIleit (Mr. and *se_ ,‘"OrAl', 4a4k3011, 'Of RtIgftt men -Norval,'..:... . ii, -Gerald * - . in boil) '311,r, ,oliikk(iii -' ' '4 ''' 1-'' -.. ''''s .'' ' °' ' ' -' e • ' ' - ' ' ' ' ' * ' VOCCide '-0ii" '10** ' 4";ACee '42- -°:44:tlie -clint*tiftild -,44.4 - ,.': 1"' 'girl' bieeard4e .04 -or soOd'ohar . ' ' .-' ' '°' . ' • °-.-.- '- ' ' - 'ot the engine brolteA ..,,scaring,,,the 'were goats OA ounder tit : .aSfr:#.'lpir4', iitidieio-oos:,,ots. iSotwethir.• ',,,aux4e:n ,.#0asl- ,,,..iitts,i, otorivo , :vim ttaivinii litt.4; -4 :tiie ,00tor, ,Rtote,etazt , ,' shigie, '.';; good . refer" •,,pplai,x) .,,borpogigf Aulor.itndatufhialhent.to"Aok :Ur,' .,,t,.'''14148* Tte41444 "J -°1i444 l'e c't1' /1W44).4cLaYe'lvr **S; OS-r1,0/3"41b7; '4%5e'il.'31d 't°, 6' -11acei• inuittand,,Iron, Eatl,•,B00, leader, of,"the 'litos.;1`411'.'iliiiiiiii,l' ' Oncol it' itkito -Of' notert:--iii.:717i—''i lc 'it ;:iitird, I- *-nt and M.tor Car - 14eeten•, ieeeiesd -4 ;bad; shaking up ,. AyxnntOr (where she- will _be * tiled' Ivith„ Norval Pocock, roojek,,.,,,p4nO10.1:.VOter.;, ..44.0t110.-: , 60440 lediltirviattiia ,i4 •,, . - ..t ti ; fitiiiites.,,Or, 'Write ; :!ig ," ; . .,,c -----,1\I7 ' il =()! 4"Atb,, oat . , . ., , ,,,,,..., .,,,' _ ,,,,,,.,, ,' - , s„.„4.,...- ,,,* 4. her .01,41,,Wx;;Ist ,, .,.. 7it, Carter. .- She .viii .40, lit,ceu,* •10ehtelt` IVirs4 cad SO*. • , ...• •. A . Pt Or,esel a. eh , , 800 .••• toy. War- TIMO Tuesday, September -s # 1 , .#,s.:tor • ,..,,. ,,-,,,,,v''t„,."4m7-,,,,1114r,,,,,,„4""L'4*-`„ ,,,,, a„ -,„,„'"'-`A ,,,,*kv,"*".-1:''' 0- Ohiewood• °Oil late - li r - Ister. *ft", ,„„,,_ - - ,„,.- . '-.___' , • c.:` * ' -7 . ,'" .0 4 bouquet ,ot beautiful " .14110, toultl- -0000.1 Dm* '1110,4114sFut,4 ' Aleiiti‘eal ' 01 construction 0t,Ahe ,AlLiti Dram in .. 4.-....,,#.04_11:7,..*.q...1,,,. p,,,LI.,##...,...,,mt.,,,wipk#.4,......-L' miee 00.4elcie„. jctee le. bx a ritUdent 0)70,412,•04,'"4•0,08-0102. • •.;,boolck.s7-71/42070..m, Moll-0,04TileY- .-uoto•'• I,- noti.be. made ” to hex• liy ,ileatk, tigf little, ' -,C...alAda. 4. ,' : -,'' . ,;',' .''. ' ''. ,,,' - A... .'-:41.. 0-49. rootp_rne a'otOrnship.',Yelann, th • an0: aPodnot t u. . ' '"- -..' ' V4S444994' 'uP44'-'41 494""wsing-a,044.' At °J00.4ericit'VPUPtg** ' . ' - ' ' ' . ‘. ' • - '' ' demOhter•Of,likf .0.00 pars. Aeorge .0. It. t...,' - i, ' ,,,,, .? -', .1 ° ' ''' '-L -''.' ' ' ' ' `'.0,attotts ea4,1be' eeeki.et ; „O °Mee ' he.... ' , ; ' 'tillihft the thildOn backto OehoOl,e.iter Itt.„ and. -ivio. Roy, et4LIicirk were 4/0,4t,e '444 Gerald , 4/0*; 110416tt rke-744elia. itot, a*, blciarn. were 4ta.the,A*4,,,frotiii.,,,M*111. WANTEfile,,,-,-TO ttaln,tOt Poittioili /00141t1' 41g14eetc`..42i tbO,*'00114 .'IXO1Per. :' '''''.:: he,,,SOMmett• topel.tiont, - • -, ' • .„.„ orl,the:_xikeketict...yitit the iettees dis,, tialwelt anti •Geral4 Oxr. ,Arn014„ rxiitte17,;,,.034,4tai.4eat..40.:*,o., ...„4.,0:34ii„ A.,...4,-,,44:.; Dvo-,er ,eneweiitin-i.e,.. 11.0,...fie: oodiii*, .0v., from the, JOI.ek of":;the; , ,04., And gos, tai, jp, ' coitus, .,.ter,. , Was' ir,aiibooiu-io-i7-7o"r 'W.14;te-ttil_Ti; Ithr$0,1401'17Orter,',. 4'•004"•41;rmear : -4,_. _,I...,.... 44:f441".A.:,,,,,Azo4triiii, 1010,411._,1* - .4-- ' t ' - , •,, , -/ ------ Oabyell:_,,LAtdrli,,Er_.#2 11,.:03,0.1._ ..its,,,,,,,,,,PIPL.,,,„„*..,, -ri)411, 7,=#;1174;4411;417-,-:bi;;7,0;tvrt,,,,,littprioted in 00).Sels akitt:',114631411L:geecl, • :04614,1114,,r tniust be 040001110eale.filt '144ite‘ '11/414)Iti°1:4 - ' '''' ''''''' . ' ' ' ' ' .• `: :.74ticitr' Pail'0104:4)/5ette4 • Eito*7% riehouse-' ''' '1114'ItAite: *11'04'. ''''''.4*4;w414).'°4.144-4, - L!'it' -114'0,1:1172n,d" '''''''''\'''!**4”0,1,e:'• `•quet, .4,7,46 oroxi'..,tA, °-•:. ivus.. ...° tailoPtt:...,'-, -, ''''''. '"4\-t-rionei,,O.31VC41));'4%:to*.41#';'/**istrilittt-PrqcoodiPP.4:-: :aine'1tYttni741,-V413eltleittirIt'OYihill5144TrrteeleasuretV3r.k1tf-:'".:.Z:' ''''"-T:: air, gt,' icoiddon; ,ot a:1111*m; .opond-'11'toe'4041,4 '''raFt° ' 4.7k7AILIfl , ' ,... ; , . - - • " '- ,, ,-, ' ' - 4- ' , . 4.4-. 2''' r4443- ; # 'the townilit , 1 1001b4 - . nal' to 0 • ' rttille tO hise orie '‘,,, Robt , • „ , ' -ile,14.0 . , 1364 p, o , rue, eq . per . ,ivi 4 lew, days, vitt:), relative/ lit, and one ot its kle in, Anwo, ,ini. lidiert 4 lieeLian4 tOttoratut,raCry,,:teoti 4.046:4300,MOnvOin,,Orri.: , ...s.,„..-ei• ,.. „A ,, ,.. , „ , ,..,..: cent. al the,.exp.otttit--0-1-tiic Tqn00-1•,,,,.. , .. around th°101$464 - . ' - ;•,_ turned quickly in the yard, as its Owner Est • fAte : ; ,sn • ,.. - ' • i*,-I-EPPARDTOIST -• 13133101) ,OP 40;0i 445ineit.-.0t !Pao lOwe;t. I/00:r ?aPt ,tgeogilY ae-* ' ffiAlts siltVaCIrs- Iteri)ert' aP°*lit a I" 'IWO trii#0,0 Ptit'0,111 the liteble.: n Estuer`Sott,*•nt,..' *.nt':14411174113etiis " ' • „ •••• , -- - ' • . ' a , . ,•,. YQUI. eepted., ' ,, ., ,„ , . ,_,, , 40014:312:A110:::;:itingla IlotothOe:r.:::: twfrisszioneolwessarys i.ettetioz. shoot-the .1,11394e., sonil:nneadl Oce-grounfc7.44900::0:vvillune e.4704ytt4U11:t4•111: .1t,utLy :'!,40,:ia'it;bas._,*---..,:.1,,tat_:ti'rned:, .roni',.._.: a. __.-.,„, auoVinii;e,:i.,03_,e03.71117 dea..ler,e1._*: .061110e11:1.1.0-4, , , .. • . . By Order c,,,,:a.ths'e :muili.ova,.., •livo - • trierbert.031.4.- - . - '''' . - .'' ' 41PeaviVt deelSte her 448 ."itrs-' 1W41•8 'atilt 111... Ozt„Vables,,,,,0,06,, set , out on ,the, • - iliTAPPARDT, ON, Sept .2.,1--- ..5143 iieot*t. and free Irep,170110'eit afrollia•pdt al tfiVtaiZ '' . 1 - ' . Ythiur,,,,:j$, 741;40.4, , • • ,*!' 1 _, rJence Clinton cateratiaiiy 00spaii, ii.td )24 Int* lorn*itr by .'t .late atthn R. Itkviure, bountirlA 141103- A tabc.ed. teant'OlOied ireelF,'s Visit ih, Clinton.. • ' .f.4..._r.f.,,,,..- `4441?'vt'-'173r*,;.,=, Itfl; ,Pate4".Aug.10t 28th;. -4916..: . • 06- bo- -purchased er -from-----lvir;---Ponal ' • • it,„*Iter_ouroper. „ • es ',.,Plesnor,„..Wilsoi-,,ofz_.:404.ul'uttn_ •51*•v In -every' -u°n1e- 10:ft'm today- , , '..,--...-•, Or0141Ig rael,1*. * .,, ,' - _ : 104, arid mre. vot/es,,,unnon ox mit. 44cIrevin, n of '00der$011;...'whtr tYwnetl'•eitoe %Inv- Otetettlfill and three inall' 00thuleheea her duties oh Tuesday as clereout • " - '• i ' AllifX10441-4ANLES ' ' ' -'-' `' - • • • . aile Y. P. ro.,,,,gin resume iti, hle44485• earthen:2:1141 z.l.gr, _,,, „..1,_ , 'Nfl:,,,:- sn4: Amalter.v:viess,tirtizergtr,400.00ftetuviun, Cent ghammtrurysliwolsilair6;+:itt:d:uning'th'bee:_,Ic.svith76:ii,,,141:mritrum' . :41:flieetl.:1_7rrtZtailF.-enjw-icoci :eta:11111:e' 41:-a-ha,:g1411:willis:i:.13;,tai:tiela7l)lietio:t Veliovr°1°Isesadh:d Alrit0' : -...---1610.,x,nor,osel:".., ' ','. Ii;:rgus: : 'i''ur,. .&;7cflgitizor.,1.430.1c,_.7.4.1r7D4: It' t13,0`411: .4,!.,:t -**.i...- 7, pl'. . . , tt*tbrse"41124" of .1' "P't:tr°' ago, when SPenbtirned.t *116tC780gCliVt 0):Cia;:j10;1:71.1. ri. 4:1:141 i91:14trIA.e:::lh;:ee. alitio:rileit:1):07valixiThtoe:,.:::,e14."Vostowicti4Cfi 'D'itng41114°114'Arade' on : ' 4 ''' tiked' 2tireatf44 6"3": '11 91 2461.114"°11 -- 4 . :-"' : tor the summer, youths. Ur. °Z. fl"*. :this lorioy Oltfittilfc suiter ;being Closed 'or„,iliring ih• the t-hne Ot their' •:°"!1.4.1,1„5, mil. 39)22,, 401instou •041 other relatives, tend going by Toronto. „,,,, ' .,- ..,.zfood, trot, '. 11.4.:,' diArromThAfir ,szorsavaga,stli WirtU14 Idil hiONO 'charge or • the' lir3t tbei" al‘kw * **Scar' °P12*Ing aleit°14 T -e Teiiir ' 041k*, jeMes Borton, of Lee- enjoying the lake breezes at '410. 00t^ toe „isms, .actnixdots. ,tet Bilmnitos sita. comploneing it 14o ipy. storpt. .• . oped street &Men ih,a4oke Of 011.'1 - Vittrisa: 4 and Mrs ven,ipEr with Mr, tag4-at Itintail, . . wool-Ter,,t,,Timo 0.,Tkitttoi 22.4 •viotoria Ictihoreefigingittle, tand-e. thli iThe oxlm Aro the property or WA« ,burn, w4 491244).fp-* COlhert, an ootogentriall.• and' *ere- On ax14 =a, $00ergelritlettliter. `-' ' ',' t. ,,,,,.. . ' UV' Ana' IfirOr' -0.: X&Vretinore An , their way to ISheppirdien to dant in Mr. POO 411arrigOrl, a Pothorne, 'nut two children have returned to their. -11SLY, 'al.'* farmer 144191/4. 16F F1/6115" ed. Itnve#11/14.30 With Ur, and lEnt. Unlit ,boine at London after a pleasant &tit- - - were -Si* With ttiaterouset. jouniton, ,,,•!,. .r., ing at their Cottage ' . meeting. *tot stteni100* h ,tor at.this, the bVenbilt P16_14114' * LOYAL UfrAti. Sept. Z.-- The annual Melnorial .SierVide was held in the Colborne Cemetery On Sunday atter* nooni ,iitut notwithstanding the threat irig a of in. st hire number- of interested od:rs ,.,%* ., ;,-.. ,,,,, .......d,„ . ,. ,, ,.i....., , ,. , • , . . „ . - ..................... .. , ..... ,,..„2,044 ,,_,. .. .1.01P.. ... , . .. .... . .. ....,_gO.00. „....,1#4#J*10,!'etcr , Rorimsaixac Mau wan* to '0,1pp4,- UM- ily,#)1 OUJ1(bnge# • . ' . ' ,,‘ . , • • -.:'' , The home farm tanrALMS I00-,sore2,4.---,,..--• „- ,... °us Witidue itilochiets, to ortablukh " The -second Wm,: the S. 'hag Lot HT, ' eueteolers,Ark Icrerlerielt weekly Apa;rrdrigzi .10021icamito )7, Morris, has house, •-drilled . , floctetrelig.2-0. .karvi,,,,___„,•50 tt'itgicaeltalcilerient. :400.11,. uln?4; sorirellel;iviottlxibushwindot7ilivl weal. agroutahna20. otelx.yezels8 : 01, •KilgotiriJ. R. Watkins. co., zir fatiS. ,ittraIWOOd,' BB ______• , . 0Ott, Street, 154011,q#14": , , 4.. "45.44 , .,V4IRSot trolipa; 4/6CallyAei-4 11311300, *At' EXeCtiotteet3/1117.• ., FOR eAtie bit To Rort,... , .4i.,0:,.431c)„,. iii4 xtopculawm.wmcwie ..:, :, .,. ovmmoota. Amnitxist *Mi. 00 'PAR* • .1t0,1 loll libriatiit 'star and • implements • - MO. 'Good- store, corner oi Eatit r,„,,,ituA,..ucui.,,,,., ,,„k,„itruti..07, ,oaretgat Street ,and quare ilotteriab. now; on wmptggeof‘y., -,1300EM, 0th, ,at Suitable for any bustittessW house, In 001V. 4.41.0 shop, nection.Opptt at etbre, ..02' ..poiztiathuir,. _ ,,z.0,0%)R„g# ofc *" " '•' * 3114X : ' Alletter• keeri. and, 1,:rns. Albert n , • Recent guests of Miss M0 turrows • returned to their home ,in-4'prt; -• • * were: Mrst. Thoma Bennett of Pick - where Afix, Shackleton is engaged. tido,* were 'vlieseintli dtscharged _ Pick - teacher of marimil Veining, follow- lire. ibtoponald, IgErS,„ Station And Ws, ford, Mich.; .03:1,11e. AillenerPliv..141.pennetT2 via* Uhileld- and /Whom TfAchardson. , _no rre and • Burton Itoach presided at the alias Maude wereu, of Goderich. W&S, Airs John. Irgurotifs, t meeting .0f the W. X at the reel,- the . ipestker at the Combined • - of Mrs. WilbUt Brom list raceung. a the young people of Crewe* spEcRAL,,pRizz DoNATED 'The Dalai of Cittest" 'wee the Nilo, :Port 41tiert and Blake, at Dun.. ,,1/4 at' en titter*OgrogYuarer by lea gittrion ThlIted church. With * set of SI( CANADA PAU:Cy-XS LTD. stews* "Ciutent &mote were *hosting some of the teenty,SOC411 iyinuat otid people githereni.-Augue -This year the -Council sponsored the 4004 ,Seftice., Itelt* Sb. McClung of the, 60. - Septhst Church, Godetic:hi had charge Attie loiltrlieirtusullicyperretuileraut, -14461,101. A4,04.vvi:brlcyrodemeett by Mrs. C 43, opyeir& Tritikietl, ,ohere, Ufa atoweit is *tea- ono t iist tor the .4,anderith, yin Tito Is bollavelhar at lienolla 261 161°14444 1:16 't4). letc°3446 ebtr' $116-15tbuTitt44""1/-Ylvitt-04., :Ind:11001w EtnYnition-lren-Tuhlished, the roam ouuined * pew by 14r. ot habit* arid enitome 01% -the 'PeoP :cortsalk- vi,seperf., Limited, inore *iota lervirtve 'the *Wren en 'the speeota" racjeponaldi the Eihieet ot *re. R. A. there. • %tr. Ralph iticentiereon, pOdea .0 *teem "0, two bags ot shtir.stahtt tIont of IA% the last, and bee..: the tioxendet viper bete* 44child Wegare." tendered ars:010. and Stisee!.;Chtire hog trate „ for the boa bowl; iloir Crown of Righttfoutneee Ur. Melvin Ztra. Urn* Zireri allowea Igo* to make CPe_ntiand. McDonald. PAW Bero T*11414141a11114 * 000 and as the c1oud a tatt..in poOketi. tintset 1144- nice tRelLoh hivitAbatto 0!the meeting'. IXi the show. • . Otero& the sun shone brightly , through the tail, 101- letaktel, tree*, renewidir, the premise, J'At, eyentag . rat It 441, titelt0 - _ Re!". Mr. Powerey totowto, tha 44-1,Taltect_a • ennlng, lile tub** btin44 "Chrittish Altitudes." “0041'01111t Placsa iix Ohrlit." There was a fait *04 Visitors wTth 40..101 )irs.Erring- ton Istely, woe:, too licaoroosteldt Loticnow, their grandson; Xis* Uwe Little of Sault a niece; 104.1 • "72, ottgOtritt Crawford of Port Albert; • sehooi **nohow* ate eiraln at elvtlutles, and the took toktitts - wtl preparation* for aoliool fairs le loost of theta. ° Mise 14,4iisv Matinte 32 l;Orite for s.. .two 'weeks holiday. Itrs Bennett of Strattlitoi who spent the /eat *oath with Ito h.; ter, -boui.on&indsy.' d • n Maional Veterant Present .wit ally iSALLE-Ford' 34. ton light „deihrel; Battery tIres-wonderil Ideal 'for farm use. =Wm, Pollens takes it. 4108:0111,001 • AUTO ° ;St-A*1nm%; St.• - -44 eitio,diiit *iota' soot' te$0n to the goo will w , •, th tilt* * oat • k *Ma* AVMlts SitoOd 'OentUrr;„ ItOkg to 'tbe; pOhlie the - 41sestila *skeet- twitswith ittlie sitocert good • *ilia 'Of the Vete , - eititesa..--iieie than '4060-iiiii-ana have-Ctitetiletecl- -*4ierc btt who�e teartt-ttinaid r Gt.; sIkati qVM1fl ME To ow iu,tionwkie uyetportation tome, to the 80 ' win 'Sisi - weeienimailoyed apon t*ttIe yews *hod *intro the-tosopristlilli teceere two hoodoxl: otl. sooty name are acco*psn* rt ot Cerithae Netionat ctcr '131AMIXTriEt Mita virtue distress IrOirant tO dected*riviiii,0011 by public suction af, Feagan & Johnston% Implement it3hop, 33,1n4to Street an • , WAlat1101,45.72', saler. oth* at 2 044100k 'P.M.; • ' as,« A quantity of Household rmititure. 34 A. F. nooaftimw, maif. Arrogecvmotr- The ladies 'of this,itiand; Golf Clubtake this opportunity at thatichir those whe so kindly sulated them In lautkhig tholr townsiment, held On Wetineaday, stiocesstot one, Special tltti*s" are tendered to the Micohinti who --dciiated pilz and- who -offered their and ot • emityltlimloa - iitto.'otka.'4411.14' rvire are Instructed .to, sell the leottents' t'wo 11443,64, besides .4 number of dat *Melee, luoluding theaterbild and • chairs, tltit.toort kite. analiticitni *MA*, insivitle clocks, *Wicker Chairs, 3 - burner oil :stoves, cleretriu ilktures, coffee , boner, '4Uheis and'glutton% 'sietrola, ste, • •OMMOECZ& ElOtt; ' '' AuctiOneera. /vie are inatructed by obi, "Wan's& to Self ¶ptlblk anetien, at' the oreiraet.- -•• ..„ _ „ t0070k, ...-414 Tkmootto014 7 Fri- ' day, Auguat ,cCharles 1t, 'natio-6# sW: .4*4 t° 74:::11J.0144 altrieuriotior 4 bistlx,- legit et It vs. not. •7:Caiieettertittiseis*oViliaiiter* whef"r: it *mcotrect eridentuotir ri the sanderMaee itiokite,that 'Arm well-built room* ,wp_ ellen and breskilat TOM*:bathroom and- goo 0011,*r: ei*OttiO 110101: a ite1144:09t • 1.4131", 11010** a well )11,kt *41404 1104441 hest.; Is , convenient to the lake and hestkor, in flood residential *scow *The piece 010 be inopeoted„ in the *Yolk* at eht time . aotsvittorAtooart(emealac.,00,,„,sys.oce,-,Ak.,..tprt Its006-413in Per cent of purebase to be vitt at Uri* ot sale; balance 4 ,