HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1936-09-03, Page 6it'io.,n.
OlaitironWviortglrif:m4Istekin Toego4ybito,g
4. P; rddsil* and g4lYthe
ini' relatives in
Priddlei „spent the week end in
titsta F4na Driver 441: 1)4*',
iss Be
ike.IdOora„uto re .Windeor
M.-- -
Jai Mary ',,TehnstOn' returned
Lakeview to resume - her tenehlil
Unties., •# k.6
Oleo Phyllis -14mr;nee i 1 undair,
iut in Toronto with relatives and
IS* Ratty Campbell has rettlitte
ronto. vaunts pdies
• -
cr „, or one as on .•
oad'''''' CL lomatia ?White and Vase* fair
MI for a eeented bower, .
Ile *ride Lilies' .41huty, d, larkfill" kttaight411-
4„ AAA,
oliRine es the sky 4110Velr •.
.• .. .k.,
r , 6#11,.. x reelY I AlOatUired•litat let ,fall'
'401#04 erZormd"
e ceremony or iwldth the ehureh. '*.so
of* -And: *hitt
prei1dd&t the
san and during th tog of the re
' The ihritio;
La 01 orauge blooms. She carried
Rut Bxter, *3 deanta.ld, 'wore•
h redlngote Rogera.00,0X.O,'
,r.t4f.:t1.'''4140:- men;
ti 'wubeldat he home 01 the'...Oridee
zents In„Citheart; Ott*, 141;e1v: 101;
,odward 14.00144... oir,„ and 04e; AtY.,,,
cw •T.O.*1.4,*(0 Ecpoeitor.'•
..Tucker and Mrs. Tucker,
Tknow, ameounee the .eugagenieent
their daughter, 01a4ye Victoria,
fa Mr, Roger A Rossiter of Toronto,
ma.4efMr. 'Win. Milliliter and.the late
—Arm Boasiter, of Sault Ste Mari •
------40-41,141--niieriliege., will
steel the first 'week in. September.
104 and We., Wtn. H. rOPPer
•Alleatifie1e4 announce the engagement
se their daughter,lefollY)to M. Geo.
—Vinkney, sonof Aft's. Pinkney.and
later Mr, Itobt. Pinkney of, Brant.
marriage will take plate quietly
te. T. G. 'Allen entiounie,
eng&goment• of their ,YoUllgeet
h ,
Dorothy Helen, to Georgu
• ld Bell, son,of Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Ball of Sununerliill.. The
xriage• to-tayo placequietly in
.• • •
and. Mra. Thee; Colton: Blyth,
once *he eugitgoutelit of their
ItglitOri'Mtstiorle, noel, to Kr.
AsixY Loftos Btordy, ;cal' son ot
aka SturelY *44... the lets .Geerge
aswrdy of *Auburn, Our:marriage to
lace early in September,
One little 404 of loro*
Vidor'ioottiiis :'iiassa4 1 ,far away,
Journeyed through ;Onram-
Coming at 10404 one JoYetia4asr
Bacic to orhoute,
.There lay my tlowers . the,oroin
by tho.:rirat- cr‘04. Chill: •
..tinlYffieAlOWer Of .14oite 'P.tound,
:-Sa., . an ,..,,, adq„. the , other ,day,.under
.. the . heading , . of ' "Persons • .:Wanted?!. .
and address - :to ,:ka' , ...certain; *.place. iii,
..rotoio:.-04i0i*:linoiiiittost;:priontrk-::_ is:
',.iettirtk$4::. ,_.'_41iat_:',.,k444...itoloo,84.1tit,,,,,.J.!,
,.thrill. lt:Woulti he to dolt, 'and :,Com„
• al)or: a. three rent stamp! :• •'
',,, Borrii/a4ratattthe .• ' oiiime
'Pe:IOW:4r. -*Od iferionsly Planning eilr,.. N YELLOW,J7_
'aittotioyClatiiC7*Lif:Knialie-t;,- • 7 *.x!n,;7!--:,?!:4_-'
"probabi '-hrtve ',Otte. or two . ill to ,i4i..tii. •C l'i.tA:10,4: tiiiii 444.soierd,
two . of ;40,b•
' Y net' d3rresses which .c„„n, .,..,.., • rO . :. • ..,4":3?latutuuti,4 . w ,...64i4iiii. 0* i ,:usii, oto_.
'IA "k smart for other • 'Winter by .. yea ,Aized iv. _Rev:. , , ,, , .
ing, or IeharAginl.'gw.'; the iebilitt .404:euirti; bOi9, .ini .004turdaZ'::4'uctist ,294i.:. at. the'
Or-pqhape:hy pOtting:.on eome. of the heroe. of AO; .autt, Mitra,2,' Willia_m/Elitelli,
'fa. tio*Y new buttons Which are se, oopu.,
., gunett,-, *hen' their.-.,4angliter, $Torms.
lar this tiliatoo ' . • ' ',' • .
-•.",., '-''' , Jetie, .14,, ItT4teci. 10 .l.x.hattlege • to: -.Ur.
.. .
' -Vail , eeete seem to be Of oo tbria- .prederidk -James, *lite, sort 01 Mr. and
ii,arter .twagger Variety, or severely Mrs. urs:fitarnes'...ttoyce, Tertiteileid, . , ' ,
o -ft' olo, t 1.e.', . . '$' . •-•' tjiis, con„Aue-tereruenz:ii.4,,oer,.
Haii,get`. iiinileiV, every year, Thf3 :0=0 under an arch of alitui;nri:;03Ve?*44
ifi}{41107.11X04044414-411440-#4 CPO' allig.!.1-144-74041iti44:4 -
twi*IS.,-,- They are So. 'werl., extreme ,gicw. ,'The bride .0„tered' to the strains
that you really; need, about four, . be,- Cf Toolientrine Weddi..' *arch, played,
'cause' one hat of 'a shape *foul& not ,hY.,ner sitter; 04.1Se Ehe ....Xtuth, Anelle. The:
"go”. with -,•Oory vesture*. Perhaps bride was „oar:inner' Arestot iu,' vitae
the best 'plan is to get‘.. one,prettY: plata ' sheer WI* crepe, wearing .:s, bandeau Of
hat* (if. possible), smd wear it for all, flowers. She Carried *1)04* ,of Oil.
°mations- 1.• , . . ', , : , • i• ; .dett tiElotri, oliryssuitheniUms and .1p1unioSti
Evening .4ms:we run to hoWs' .iiiid• fern, , ' , " . .::
stieheewith r'..rookett- !necklines , and '0* bridesmaid, 11.01tura . M. • 'Melt,
queer little pufft:ideeVett : Skirts are .(ittratforIt. Sister of 'the .,litide wore gold
Very' full .or tight to. the knee' . and: *toped crops. 04* tiodk iotlezi0orloi; .
'then. Ilarett, . Usually, the .hair - is t MA Leonard (Sosce„ '13:A.,.,:of ;
dressed -to go with. ?the, goyim, .., . _. paatar, brother of,,,,the ',grown, acted
If you carry out Aba isitsst styli_ in tot: man. oe Ishere.*:emuStion0 0(kliag dinner was
, . 1
your phoesk,, you .ces ,borrow i ... giro .14* signing of the register' the
Om*" bryour grindmether* and ,be-; *teenports retired to the 'di/Pig-roam
40its-otkfto4ato. - 'Thiivtailking*sh
iii cot vary:: iiigli,r ,joat_ 'below ‘, :ths sorted .by )435* .1e4,elaide ',Jenkins, *Ur-
'ankle bone, and it lated.higli pp the' :lir' and 0* PintU Snell.' '0,1, ,bdide'e,
_instep, ' Bigh heel ima long Po ted table Arta..ifeoarated. lu,vireuta azut 11.1.-4-;
toei,, ; ,Soitit Alio.* . have completely' ii,* , out 0,0,04 'twig% :tus 4.44tige ciLk.i...
soars toss and low heolet but the the 00010 ,gift to the bridesmaid .was
higher one taatut to ha' taking' the an initialed cOuiptot,,. to the pitUist a
plate .of the low-inteied.aandal whielt bissek ,purse ,end to the best Oen * ;belt
Wag introdueedlor eking, 'They are sok
other- more gracefiti, too. whore ises„ lose*. ,at . the !wedding Mr,
The text moat important item is Wit* -11enkins. ; $4, grazi044her ' of the
Making ' tecessories lip -stick 'arid' bride„ and 'titre., Lien :.-onstrong, it
tail ,,polish match.. ' Brilliant Polish trandOaother Ot the 'groom. gisat stoke
1$ UPlair going out ',let, day Wow', in . $t, .400020*, onitarY manner . of - his
end, la- being. 're,-pl**(1,, PY ,-eveltni, 4, end littd..•121te erooni. titting.,
' u4iirt-lituulee *WO- Arer'ailell more lY ropt164, .
tradbitit,--•:-........;.-----.....a.."'''',..-'' a....1.... 1 - ' amid, Showers
At for accessories, suede thoets, 01 co01*t and ,good aistiss co a, honey -
belts. glovii in browns, rualets, (loop mood tbrougli •ManLtouIIn Island to
gr�ens and reds are. 'seri „Petiular. .6‘kibtirt ersting beet by `TvroutO ..ltslit-.
scarves of the ,Silitee' toad.* itsi bition and telegare".Thills, the , bride*
purse and glotse are being ' *cm going -away dress yes 'reivir ,ibitie silk
With *treat costumes, ' crepe with Matching *Wooer*,
. It Isn't AsiwaYli *tesible to have On. theft return they will reside in
everything new and matching as you TUoicertzuttis. #
would like, but whit ti, little thought'
can buy sa, ler* thing's that are
beeoxnlng steer% and 4 cartoi
-eboosing you --C*11,' •Malte eictoosorlet
niatch ill' your "rittdrobit *
cady-04414-''•'an art that many
women have learned 4nitithere are *ill'
'Mot*, Who have not learned lt,and who
kltchena the itisaotitA, creamy, sinooth,
!lne-grained. candle t that can Ibe- Made
at ho.• Pf all, the de les ..t&trte-
made 'candy Is one of the prhicipe,i-
e0ee.1etri In the cool Weather,
Brazil "lint Slices
11w4)... NW.* *1xnsieetened4' chocolate,,
cut- In snialt ipled,..*; 2 tablesP,00ii.s. butter.;
2 eupe ugar 2 Vul;...1220431e syrup; ,cup
Milk; dash of ;sett: 1 tessPoonvanilla;
cup, /Brazil nut meats, ,,coarseir out and
toasted. • •
-;Afeit-choeuite-iuntlbutier111 in
Over hot-water; add sugar slowly,
knittingo 011_,
its an .*Weaterx
e „_iroft,mostart
a wet cl-oth * 4 on * Ilat sur
1 aneb as a ble.
lay tbe ter on thls and pat I
cloth a
Iightly and quickly with * hot Iran
• orouir. ; then add torup and railicand
mix well. Constantly imtit mixture
begins to *oil. -Continue cooking iintll
* *man amount 01' forms soft
bail in cold *rater (234' dog,* $4,), vour.
out 'on Urge platter; let stand until cool.
into VAS and cutindiagonal altos; May
he lot* oielat 4 Iftlit$04 In- waxed
lasket two "0-Inch"rolls.
oijo 4Ocoar. 1,00 brown sug-
si cup. granulated • soot; , dash of
Pit; % 'IMO:Water; cap :12111k2
.rpoons butter: 1- teaspoon eisp
tut meats, coarse* broken,
001311Atie Uwe" Sugars and 344 -add
water anti mulk, And Otos. over', Rile
moire. etir conetantly, until sugar is die-
-solved ahd nilxtu b�I VOtittin*-eook»
int 'frilthout 'stirring, until * snall
amount of obrisireforztur is -very toil
water, Onnove from fire.
Add WM/ and vanilla, • Cool . to luke-
warm, then beat until **dui* thickets
and- lobes its gloss, Add nuts and pour,
at, onto lute weevil Vat. When vehrA.
cut in squirm.
• Ciseeelia Asetasses, taftr
131wo cup, obtain *soh 44 '00.. corn
*Vox VI cup water; 4,:oup molatees:,_
rotted, 'unsweetenz.
SlOtstille sugar, cern 'syrup, water:
salt end butter. Oleo over le*
'flame and Ali' Constantly untilsugar 1.
diseoleed„ Conte** cooking, stirring,
'Ootiottuttt to prevent *orating, untit
.sman: amount ot Ono 1)04)01314111 brIttle In
cOIId Water 000 dee;reee *Pour on
gt.asedtilatter ork;-bettet. if there ie it,
elab, Our candy on that..
'rheii pour hocOlate end ranilia Oter the
*ndy. Ascandy 0011111 on edges, twat
thinstoward the Os** *With ,aPittuler
broad bad. knhfe: Conti** ;until ican4'
pelt **if unthl OW,
at -etch -out In long roPe-iNg kopek 'Off in
peces et about 1 inch 3og Tide re.,
Helen,d Mrs. Lane wit
isa ',41,6";1404110
Misa llgeewlen:%1C0'1;o:
rt Elgin on Monday, -engaged at teaching. where she ,is
her duties as teacher at, Londesboro
0;.Ar .1100.i.441:zio(Littare-lt,C;01)0!,5r4aff f:tn.e0,7*:t,Aftketiri on
entAtin a. strirtto°04 a*, aye'
friMra,lie&g„-Stvimart and Aer daugh-
ter,y' it.'vlarktiotViedo.„1..obroarenty,. Teubeese:,.,
Mrs. ,S.:ArnOld and her ,daugliter
_ t.
spent tliej week _.'entivitit_
-tit On, gre Fred Arold of w1mis(4%
•:MP Thos; G. C. Vichborne of Wind -
or :spent several days with
and -children' were • recent,'IrUeats
,•:.74enr.t:a„Afrie:f•'1,4Ticlirs,„: Th'W:Ase,;:olvi an:117B::
Mr. and and wtts. of St. St; ,Catharirt-,
tennis , ltd, • -,
is 111 at W -A. Townsbend of London
hig hcnne in that city. and ban
been ordered to take
• - Miss Meta Sheard -own has been
engaged On the. staff 'of Bayfield
Public School, and tonunericed her
*Ork'ort Tnesday, •
Park ,and Miss r.. Ackerna-iinn.,, have,
rex= • their duties OA the Colle-
giate Insitittite Staff. •
Mrs. 4*,'. B. McKay and Alias Ger-
trude A. Ifaistspent the week -end
with the lattees parents and sister,
in Crediton and *milli.
5. Itabeit,-.V, 'Turtagt and -her
daughter, ; -Miss Madge, 'spent the.
Week end .1n. Windsor, vieiting, with
-11/r, and Mrs, William Turner, .
Iles, Miry Acheson andlibis Alma
O'Brien left- on Tuesday tor st,-
'Joseph's. liospital; London, where
they will enter the training school', ''•
larr "rack' Itaitry: has rotorneit, to
his home in, Toronto after spending
his vacation at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Bag. Needham, 110Deriald St'
Albs • Phyllis. `Cooper, nurse -in -
training at, Too* General Beepital
has teitiiiiitir to her -dut1e4 loving
been at her home hare for the past
iMr. Zahn itenritt of Gary, indianns,
his tOn. Lester, With Aft. „I;
Hewitt of Flint, Alia; were guests
New -
gat.Mr. Ma. Thai's 7vy.,_
i)f,r, and Mrs. A. 3. Litdritton and
daughter, Spent a Week at . Parry
Sound, during :which Meg_ Litining
ton enjoys:IA .4113111* *ninth the 30,-
000 Telma- on the „Midland 'City',
Mich. and his, ,daughter. Miss Uinta
, Taylor of Lansing, Midi., Were riient,
twat* of Mr, and Mrs. fatity
skofpludatti.tyfiMwitir.ent..14047ikethevol:ta joyaorta,l_we aeatti:0040thetivrrlintan-istonotts:
:Vex' Rowe $400inpaltied Vitt Prank
rDotmely to tiodeticit_, where he re-
mained oireviiiht lit a coot of tho
Lieutenant T. Alan Derrnett of Set
fridge 111114.1,flohltalit and Lienten.
ant aluton of *as.
dale Meld, Louisiana, were - vreek.,
,-erid vette of Mr. and Mre.-Theutaa
Sandy, Victoria Street:
Guests during the put week.at
R.vPik IF-lit131741
• if. A. Aterisitt'
Id: nee
tft MoCslIuni, Port Rowan; Mi-.
• ;(eOntinniel, from, page
hem are fro*: *Wand, ,;.• !the* are
,ealetWe,71,tWarleriir 41VP;iiefitie,'-rati
keab1e•ande• the.;•,401, *hi* -pettPle ' ,there
*Vilittit•that the; ok :ape lrerr-fiOnui,
,Viert, the *eseriPle atoned to anse .a
cafl ,Abb anchored, anywhere,front .halt. sr;
in!Ie to a. mb and.a, lutif out rom
,Shore,Aleti.daring:to,c0ie.Oloser. heeanse
of WOO; 'The paseengers--trict toSIO.:4400
.taken. ashore , in ,gaso)ine launches.
Bustztez I*, carried on mainly by barter
managers arid ;clerks find it 'difficult to
value- thing* i4.:terule''',of 'Aim*, and,
*rico Mlas otia34,-ottoi,i,c4, *item t#.0'.,0
zekhrto or a ditneet he' sCornekthe ent-•
reneY. Mhie.•• ship's., chef had -.little 744fit,
,aulty M get:Wig the fe.414010;,:t07.:,her by
tredMt.4.ome tribe ,e4o,fer It. • .
The artiloci of the, yearly beat 13 quite
.eVent at the,toSts and the traveller
naked ninbera 'Of 'Melt with haircuts
*enitlreett, elaiteS; 'Ali the people there
were decked ;out In their bebt.. Present -
lecture presented in .?Ciode.
auuke yeans' ago-Wr Inadrmur
anion, noted Canadian' Arctic explorer,
Vase Strang riald:that many ocopic had
been surprised to hear that the Esldmos
In the Cahailian worth Country no
longer Itre in igloos °Ore and now but
had .40,ptiod themselves Ite. oden
.houties, 6he explalned that 20- otettul' able
sow had been speaking Or the 'weetAnk
Amble Eskimos, who are able to procure
supplies of wood with- Irifich-tO-Amild
the !Stearn* Arctic where
Wood- is very Scarce ,be. rAkimAii" Atm
•itreln 41094- ".•
atetnrning ti'vstinnipez by rill from
Churchill, 'Miss etrang mid she had
found it hard, to adoustoV herself once
-More to eity life, she tat that she had
adored s, trip ths.t few people have 01
**Liege cd taking and exprezied
strong desire to some day. revisit the
"land ot the tillibitght Am"
Mrs. . 'Stratford,:
tbe.rtune be Aril*
Oir*r,P*WatcrosSint Pritario.
and as she-stePRed. from the
looked both • Wales for 'oncoritinK -
'tragic, on seeing. the 'street Clear she .
ottemPteCto*. grog* and was Just
'4014 'ten feet from the 'Other :'31d0
when she was struck and tossed back-
wards over the'engine-ofAhe "car; She
"received '410eP sea1.WW0Unit`aa: well
as many .bruises to the Vest of her
body. The ear was driven by
Aleere WAS taken to a- Doctor's Office
and; -later to --her `homer- :-.Politein-
vestigated.y • '
;104‘:,ritiCK GROUP HAD
• ..rlarmih,g to 'hold a bridge And tea
on the Rectory lawn on FridetaTter-
noiin,' the St. Patrick Ward ,GrienP,
:held the function in St. George'4
WI Hall Owiricto-mlin.
Mrs. A. C. Calder and"MVS. Gibson.-
hel the ;winning scc--at--tlie- con
:elusion of -the games. Tea Was
eerved at, individual tables.. .
Although the " group., ,of whieli Mrs,
O. B. M. .lichborne Captain, watt
prepared for a larger gathering,
those who did attend had an ertJeY--
Caned* needs between 200,000 and
800,000 new homes to ntloPerir 110tIfe
her present populatiOn, J. Grove
„Smith, of Ottawa. Dominion fire corn.
m1,1441144 'declared at Wiuditor. laz
0 •
Association of Fire Chiefs,
Mr. Smith inked up tthe need for
better housing with the campaign
to end waste through fire -through*
out the Dominion. Better' housing
accommodations for those now living
In plates Unfit for litinan habitation,
he pointed out, will do much to
' duet the fire loss. ,
The Dominkm Routing Act Toad
in, July, 1935, had not 'been of eity
considerable,,beneft to the Masses to
date he said. About 00' loans liave
been approved under this Act so far
and sem* of the $1,500•000 loete't
had been -41$4141 in the constrnetion
apartment hotite,it - indicating, that
someofie was iteing
znoney for pri&te Juliet
fitert *We in
led as a step Which may leal
the y to solution of the bousing
York townzhip
on Priday as
sod or& ths alt. at HarvieAee., south
start . Will
to m to hot**
fiNit9rKM LS11
inay be used only
from 7 to 8 o!ittlock \Amu
" sitid