The Goderich Star, 1936-09-03, Page 3Cottage—Modern,or Antique
You Like It..
ol and rink
—Cigars, and Cigarettes
•VIIrtenk .4
Cutting of ,irrein: "nears completion,
hing la general. all' wheat
res. , , ,
able . , . free :from
'fkangilte: ,and the birds .should , be fed
;MOVning .Ank '0,0414;.:. The :following
'ratiOnle.reeeinmendedi 'ZOO .1$417t*:
:is ail av-1144°' 'vi:14)/1"'(11-''°nart4malt-01-)AirelY4y,'. Of Oats. and wheat,.; ' ot,'
iina,eate ripened"fair, buckwheat; add potatoes at .0* rat.
:resulting light- *Yields. ° one-third the total weight qualitv,; Cavdlig rag suniev,ed f,rein :the mixture; nix loth sour
smillaVOurahle'ikaat resulting la a so that the .-lnIrctnre pour
ffack.4.Sweet tOVti wel
low net -Mal, raf small fruits easilY..,. •
'were bele* average. - ----HarVesting ,of _The-1/,egtrining..of the 'feeding per-
iate tOrl*Cktt-lit4Vi4er,*4,y„,*Ithzex d 'Meat- *portant,* ,If the birds
• 1.0,tatiOns-if'hatiVeirvleX,Nrejr-adiic re"-71,1icedTiiithereedin-g-:Triteeltate-
lion; EiLilY varieties 16,c0resc1deu foOrt-irr-their scrops-t '
by intense heat, reducing the %yields. a meal and •should be"'fid sparingly
'Yield, tern and*roota bene"fited. xer aboiit two days. Inunediately • on.
•-aVerage:yialda. Oat 0f „goo4:qualitk. should be given a ,purgative
o! Mhfte1d held J
0:04 room1tall met
ber3,preSent• *141Mites• of . tern* PIM
ing were read and 0,0rOved. on Mo
0! Sherwoo4 and *10-1)04a14. °
'oupert and ISheswood-
carried. that tilti 10119Wing '14.114 aUd .
plies. $10'46
collector's r0
ttkach.eet,--5*. .t14er,
$2; Vital. Oaesar, Uounty on );1,111,tit dog.
• 00o. Colllnson, repairs to. grader, .
J.-Itsarri rell*gr-tn- 4e• 3t.--44)°,‘
Dalton, weeds,--.2;'Cha. Co rain, weed
and xrairb4;
weeds, $5 mq McNay, -weeds ani
*f3,50;„ •Tolin S. uweed
and grad -hat $14; *Tattled Burns. tile,
00b eke° ep,y, • payment on ot
$20820: R.wpoisid, rep04.ring,
nolo' portutt, salerY, *42 Jacob Hun
weckiy budget. This
y to allettre berUot
ureMoat. ktf:'Ont POn.
dente„ sign their topy but a few
dont, and it to tliem tIde
notice Is directed.. "
rcone ,
46; Thist',..141ulei400,• !vieeda,°
VfoOlUre-, eeMent, for sbridge,‚. 004,00;
Berlingent,s9teet 00,,,eteel for bridge*
$33.10; Matininas,,Itinisport, trucking
4stw..:01.4.414•;• ton; g
; **ed. bY Suet -wow' Yne and
carried thet, cOuncil° giVa -grant of $245
to Dungannon Fair.
By-law No.0. 10307Atinir- the rates
frOzn Veeent rains lent. 'indicate belOw- Placed' in feeding' Crates birds
was stored -tinder -. favourable condi.. ferin-ortpsom.dalts bathe, first feed;
tions.* .Second gr Wih*,-has..alioNVis, no the dosage being at the rate of . one
progress ' ,pasturesare ,-• In poor Pauna- of EP50*-salts to, one • huiidred...
• condition, necessitating '4 *continued: •Isirds.,„ The •„ealle ...should be dissolved
GSAPPlernelitarY feeding. Peached:are „4n': water, and, the 'solution used for
tabove earlY ,expeOationa amtaresiket- mixing.therst feed, .
treliWC011111101188dOrap88-.7areeXci, eL•birf$4,14,1 -.heiry*1U eat
- Petted to be 50-74 Per cent. ot 4 -iters- 40.0 first day .reeu ts in to -is of appe-'(
Age, Late varieties ofapples continue tite and Weight. ' itt Is better to leave
to progress. Tobacco has eliffered- the • birds without feed -for the frst
froln Prolonged -drought which'has
laffected yield and, quality.
'Give riood• Measure in Binder•Twine
, There has been, little.tomplaint as
to the quality Pt hinder twine sold ID
'Canada in recent years.. The law re -
'quires that each ball of -binder twine
4ported,, bears a- label showing the
number•of feet per pound "in the ball.
"*TliWRIM-1 --ients"' as tO-lefirh, for
example 500. 550 or 650 feet .to the.
pound, are checked b inspectors of
the Seed Branch. . •
A certain tolerance is allowed' un-
-der the Act in considerationof variat.
Vous ;which_ ,,riaturally inust occur.•
'However*, of the three hundred ".sain-•
plea or more tested annually, more
-than half have shown: a greater
length to the pound than the label.
called for.. In sampleS which ° did not
*meet- the guarantee, the deficiencies.
in length per pours(' were inconsider-
able, and only in occasional cases did
the deficiency exteed - the "IVA
lowed. Since 1930, the proportion of
'samples found to have shortages
'has not amounted to three per cent.
'of the tofel number .of eamples test -
ed, the proportion in 1935 being' less
than.half ofAne_per tent.
'Crate, Feed; Poultry and Increase
A substantial amount of money in
the aggregate is lost by :farmers
every year due to tending their pout-
' try to market' not properly finished.
Far too much of the poultry' offored
' on both the domestic and export
markets is tele* the *Minded A And
Miuni up -tC* as high' ae three cents
-. per pound ispaid over the lower'
grades, ".
The mire and eertain way to raise
the grade is by the comparatively
simple.proose of trate feeding We
birds on a ration', of finely -ground
home _vales, potatoes and sour milk.
There are, various fattening mix-
tures that give good- reeulte, but the
point is tomake use of the feed pro dived and available On the farm. The
best results will be obtained if .the
birds are put in disinfected. crates.
two or three -weeks before marketing.
The erates .shooldbe pa iri%Yest*Ort,
twenty-four Ours after putting them
In the 'crates than; te Overfeed thorn.
For the first .few days the 'birds
shotild be kept fairly hungry ,and
-never' satisfied . until they become
used to their confined quarters: After
,that as Much feed as they will take*
may. be given two or three times
day—After-everyleedr-liowever*--thez- --delivany-flewers---were-plaeed..
troughs Should be cleaned, and a -sup- ' on the grates of tiscvse who had pas-
PlY of grit should be available two sed onward.,
-er three-timea-a-week.
- Imii'viedl.:PY Sherwood and Culbert and
resolved coulioi, wk. the sikrelro
Vle4ric 'Rural ACtitee to Place A light on
-Joseph- street in the hatolet of ...Pun-.
leciunt11- adjourned motion of ge-
Donald , and 4Prayne,' ,... • , .
c Metiotteicnt k
Brown la beat Ic/"..resunie his duties
as .Principal of Benmiller 'School.
Mrs.. E. H. Walters is Spending, a
few_ days in, Toronto:.. .
The decoration 'service held ID COI -
borne' Cemetery on. Sul-1day N88 log.
*O13r attended. S, It McClung
and Rev. A.W. Brown assisted inthe
service. and suitable addresses were
ner, is spending a few days at her
'Fruit Crop Conditions , • • -
in both Central and Eastern On- The Wthnen's Association wilt
tario, apple production will4be larger Meet at Mrs. Rai Moore's on Wed -
than last year, izeit, of course Ouch nesday of thie sveeJc.•
sinallee than the yeaii" Precectisig Mrs. :Mtn% of pooerich spent a
1933 when frost killing was severe .few days With Mise Maedel.,
(continued on page 7)
Local Market Prices
Certain grades of hens. are
fng- a -cent a poundmore this week
than ** last; dealers 7 quote large grade
A eggs at 25e. altlngbarIeyprices
were pia to beve dropPed.
Hens,, over 5 pounds (dressed) 1$c
Hens, over 5.poUnds (delivered) elle
Hens, 4 tot pounds (delivered) , 9c
Hens' ".", „4445, 6 potuide<dressed) lle
. .Eggs
Grade 4‘A" large . 25c
Grade "A" medium 22e
Grade and .......' 16c
Butter, 'pal; 1,0 • •,±,p w • • .4
Baton HOPI VAllro cleft • 01.00
Butcher Cattle' .... $4„-'40,
Veal Oates, *reset'.
Grain •
Buckwheat •"0 t, 45c -55c
,Osts, 400-4450"
'Malting ,itailey 92e
Bran $1.50
- Mr. and -Mrs. PoilmeeKilpetricic of
Toronto, visited :virith..Mr. and -Mrs.
Will Long Over tlie..week end,*
Ret. A. W,,'Mrast Brown and family
have' returned to Hamilton after a
two weeks -meat-ton.
Craw '21.1i4,41Ig",divo romv.
nt vLsitor with. *re•
• ......,,
d taftChtser and Mr
eti.L'art • during
cl*Y4° 111,1esieliriMiss bDorothy, Aitken
. l'.itithel..TOlinstort.. at 'Blow/ale.
George: 'Walker; East We.Wan0h..
re e
from 0 • 't her daughter* .°
giss- W. D. lisrtherferd left 011 eatur-
day "to ,redume;*et: (tit* .ort.i44 zork
land .*** Aigh 001601, AWL. OA. MO
pa*ect -by Wise Florence • 01
vaateton• 4119, Mho has been ,a visitor
' 'Webster • EA Ur* - CUPP,' MAO'
to purchu
Li drain 1kaa
, p
in .r, • ,
noad§OPertn ntes4.,l'as
ed friPintha3e.,t1le
concesslon 12.,41$0.VelAtv oulbez,t on con-
coinclIIor 'at the r4tiest oX
the re, Asked the ,Council to ar-
liNte for DOcoration Colborne
Vemetert, getoe---initetanit,'Counetllors
MOLartio +anti 'Tyndall 'vete appotnted to
ts .C1 s'4 I
otherand accounth were examined imitt
41; rstedeirto: sisp.4)4tkit: iyeUe. hers .
'.*Tas.,A4411,13, nOrie* and work
-In, Cemetery
'Valentine rAher. tv‘forie,T;; '.&.mett'erY. 8,00
04011dit *Mho goo
,•or Asuitekt;‘,,weivi x.88814 Council 'adjourned to meet September
r0-oPened Lon brusidaY 'with
ciitLibtooliarles of itliwier "valley,
7'W.41,04044Ndiiir Nte*--4
Buries( at Fordyce, And *33 Vtargaret,
mason at Coderith at No; 3:
'ate. and 04. With, Elinore .and
irrvonn-, e, ,or Toronto, -were recent visitors
with Mrs. John Webster,: '
The following te0cheM7, and stiidenti
have returned to school after. the vabee;-
tion: gissee Irene Woods to Waterloo,
1109P -Or Webster to' London. ZYlita, Web -
/star to Uronto, ooririe,Wehater to Cratr
Dorothy esequinin, Windsor, Mr. Chas*
AfeQuillin.- to Ciandshoye; Norms Wea-,.
therhead, Jean Thom., 141111118-11/411111cr
Marie 1NfoCrostie, Bugh UcCrostie and
Gordon Miler, to ianclatow 313igh. School.
, The meeting of the Y. U. was held
on Sunday everthigs.witit the .president,
Or. Stately Todd, lit the chair, -Miss
Mary tryin-gave the 'Bible character On
Vetel.". The 1C0131.0, "True Wiendd1111)."
was taken by -Mrs; E. W. Eke. ,
Wk. Wilson ,W..'left last week 'with
Ur. Ofttlougai, • of ,1Jucknow,,for North-
ern*Orttarlo, where he will visit his sLi-
ter, Mrs. a . „
The 1,3altfOrd Sunday- School picniC
was held in. Jowett' s Grove, 138:ylield, on
ThursdaY, ;August 27th. Mout' 100
members, parents and /pods; gathered
for an ideal picnic day. game of ball
was played, the boys ,argainst-the girls,
,which. was won 'by the boys.
The results of the sports events were
as follows:
Girls tilde!' abt years---Virginis. Mc-
taGriller*s*,Vitorra Pewdars, .Ing hi de.°
mand. everywhere, can sle got at any
thee:441r-or drug shop, at Very Ansa
tont, They are a Standard rented,' for
-worti troubles and can lie fully relied
Ailkott to -expel WorM0 Item the system
and Abate the enfterinor that wormt
cause. There are Many mothers that
rOokee that they found *Unable to ef-
fective 0 remedy for the relief ot their
th.lid.rert,- • - -4 .
• 1Ls
Take e Joy Out of- Lile.
The potent cause lies In the Aurtiel, life we lead,
Inth eirrenierwootirteruiot 11dleYer heat -with- -
which we follow in•the intristilt. Of Weeltli,-position, -
and pleasure. .
Late ,hour, want of netesory test, excessive
mental r physical exertion all put a strain on the.
system it is unable to withstand. No wonder then
wltli no ambition to go :Cho
•, Take Milburn,s IL. 4. N.
4111 do' for yeit. "
APY's under six year4ack- Petrie.
Girls six to eight yeaxs--aatbara Cutt.
Boy a eight year5-431.nurde Bisset.
Girls eight to ten years -Claire Bisset,
03(01 eight to ten 3rear3-4Eiste1f Walter.
, Girls ten to 12 years--Lorsine Griffin.
Boys ten to '12 years-esoh %scsikin.
(grit over twelve years-Jamueline
Boys 'aver twelve years -Harry W'est-
- Kaia-
MA.,MittliNid, Sept 2311133 Flora
Andrew of,Lucknow.vss the gnestof
Mr, and Mrs. Will °Andrew..
-Miss Olive Anderson, Miss Olive
Blake, and Mrs. Will Andrew each
entertained a number of their Oil
friends during the week.
Mr. Sidney Brown and Misses
Ethel and Bertha Brown of Hanna
visited here on'ThursdaY-
Mise Douglas of Luelcitow
•pent—trieV7days wlth her friend,
Kiss Jban Andersen.
,etaWr. and Mrs. S. B. ,Stothers and
family who had spent,. the vacation at
their cottage at Kin -tail, returned to
Arthur on Monday. - They were - ae-
companied by their niece, Miss Mary
Horton,' who. will this year attend
High Scheel at Arthur. '
With the beginning ..of another
school term, local teachers leave for
, Finlay .Shackleton and son. Norman
to Arthur; Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Kit-
• a ick, Toronto.;. Mies 0 • 4. ..
son, No. 9, Ashfield; Miss Grace
Make, Ar,kona; Mlis Olive Kilpatrick
near Atwood; Miss Jean Anderson
Kinlough; and Mr. Elmer Johnston,
near Mildmity.
Mary Cranston, Muriel Blake ,and
Bertram Curran -will attend Lucknow
High School. -
'Mr. Will Cook arid Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Blake spent Wednesday in.
Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Blake and
• Misses Grace and Olive Blake visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Johnston,
Miss Jean and Harvey Letourneau
who had anent a month at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kilpatrick
have returned to Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs.' John Blake and Miss
Bernice, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace
Twainley'and Misses Hilda, Elva and
Fern, attended the twenty-fifth wed-
ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs,
Roy Maize,. which was celebrated at
their home near Port Albert on F
day afternoon and evening. Over 0
guests were present.
woo. stow
PORT 'ALIWATt. Sept.,24.--liecause
Vs. horses took distemper 'before he
finiehed. his harvesting., !Mr. l'erCY
Oralialn Wad. to secure oxen
to,drirei irt•the-•rW; Of his grain. ft is.
new, Pleaeing, and •quairit sight to
see oxen In thi5,4004 *Attie' it Is
foot -.10404,4maviuggozoto-tztfy,
sitt-tre- h*--40tu,t".
Mr. PN-elsiltien Culbert of Wawailosh.
Miss Annie Barr has 'resumed her
duties as -school teacher for -*nether-
term. . 4- - • .
: "Mr. liartey Crawford left. Tuesday
of last week fer:rtuffelt‘ from which
place he wes to _sail on the Great
,lioaltet for the gill *Mason. - --'.. '
Miss 'Etta .gilaid Who had an ()per.
ation for eppendicitie in Goderich
511:04teesvp:iLai ref:ulna: yh,erer turned ‘. to. her
fined there for three weeks before-,
teacher At Purple' Grove, ne.a.r -It_ipley.,
Mr. Erneit Crawford is •sulestitutleg.
week 'end With her sister in River.
in her place.,Mrs. Richard Reid vhsited over the
, duties as de11091
Mr. and. Mrs. Kenneth:Fester and
daughter of the West visited at the
borne of Mrs.] Aggie Foster. '-
-Zsirl Mar n . a s. • ens s remov-
ed a few days 'ago.
.-..-..... ..
wee . , her
Norm secterzninetor is ameptable to
children, and it does its. work surely and,
Sept. 1—Donr-
brook 3401 will not reopen tbt$:
term, the three pupils will attend t
eon - $.8 ei ten 4 0 convey
pupils to and fron-school 411Y.
Mr.. and Mrs. " Ernie*Doerr •of
salt and *Mr; Ifernsalt Chaniney an
daughter. v *Virginia.
*pent the ,weeir end with'. their ,per.
entS. Mr. and Mre..:,R. Chamney.
*Mr. and -Mrs. Norman .ThotniaOrt
and family, were SutidaY guest a o
*lei 'Berk Moea of ..Gederii'
spending:tills *telt with - her paritt
Mr. and Mrs. Fred- Mole*,
Seel Milli." •
Mre.• gerrieoli and eon.: Gordon, of
Cioderielt..*ere Week end gireata with
Uri and Attai.- .Can114.*IL •
. •
• tletair0 LiAseeitS%
stemelsvfee 10**4'
sae *seat tek *eke*,
orasts,,oadiag colt*
•1"frt. .40:1100107
From GODERICH, .Sept. 1142
' TO , •
$7.55 `. :.60 $1185
Tickets good leaving Toronto 10.50 -0.M. train'SePt. aa end all trains Gept
12, except 440*W. - • .
atruits LIMIT -SEPT. 14
Tickets not good on trains leaving at 8.00 p.m. from Ottawa arid • 'MA:areal
All Caniehin Para° Stations in New ,
All Donenton Atlantic Nit Static* In Morn•Seitis.
• itZTE/1114 LIMIT
Leave NOVA SCOTIA POThitit not biter titan Salt' la
LeaveNEW )savHswrox ropers not' liter than SEPT. 13
Not good on train leaving Montreal- 3.00 p.m4
er tun rartituhirs-Ask for Itrandeill. Consult any Agent, or
J. M. BEATTIE, Uptaivit
WESTFIbilb, Sept...9.--Mrs. Don-
ald Patterson, pioneer resident cele-
Tuesday at the home -of her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Wm. AnderAon of Con. 4,
East Wiawanosh. Mrs. Patterson was
'born in Lancashire, England, • and
clone With ber parents, Henry and
Jane Lawrefice to this country, .when
only four years of age. The trip OM
WAS tOf a pleasant one; nearly all on
the -bind, had measles, exeept Mrs.
Patterson. The /Wily settled -Veer
Toronto, but remained there only six
months, then moved to the 10th col.
cessionZeit% to the old Collison
farm. The country was mostly bush -
then afta the men were busy making
roads. - A few tsree,- ,were eleared•
each year by hard work. Mrs. Pat-
terson remembers that wheat was
thenV.r.a. bushel,- andonmalt,.
field of new land, the yield WAS 200
CREWE, Sept. 2, --Mr. Dave Green
and his pater, Belle, of Sheppardton
e etit a day With Mr, and Mrs. VV'm
Mrf and ,Mrs. Wilfred Plunkett and
fan' y of Auburn visited oti Sunday
• n ng .with Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred
One's again the school bell rings.
school being opened Tuesday with
Mr. John Marlin in* charge, It is
hoped he will have SUCCOISS in his new
svotk.. - • -
-Anniversary- services will be- held
in Crewe Church on Sunday, Septes,To.
ber 1.3th. Rev. S. Waiker of
former pastor, wilrhave charge Of
both services at2.30 and '730. Mr.
Sant. .Walters ..0..Poder1611,--3-011b°
soloist.• -
Mr, and Mrs. Ben. Comfort return-
ed tie St. -Catharines on Saturday
after /wending 4 Week- with her
mother, Mrs. sonT'Entiis
returned with them he having /Went
Mrs' and Mr's. Herb. Stothets and
family visited on Sunday exerting
with Mr, and We. Bert;Treleaveit.
number from here attended the
Silver Wedding AnniverSart-of.--Afr.
and. Mrs. Roy Maize' on *Friday even-
ing, .
Mrs. Joe Chan -mei, lite. and Mrs.
Cecil Chiudney and Ann o! lielgrave
were twists on Sunda? of Mr, and
finitheci PiCY•ntetitS the farm:
' Mrs. Patterson attended - Letides..,
horo ecohoi. -which was on. the 13th
ablitisili**Ituirett- -then "
'Gordon was • her first teacher in the
oldlog school Where boys sat on Otte,
side and•gitis on the other, on bench-
es itionthe 1011. ' Mr$: Patterson
'makes her home with her daughtirs
' -tliraersiteti
and Mr. Albert Shatklefoit of Tors.
a anda°4"/ Mal" !• ILL./ Wit*. Mit. Patterson enjeiois geed
' health. She lutd as her gueste for her
birthday party, Mr. and Mrs- Albert
---Shachleton-of-Terento; Mr. and Mr.
Bert Abel at $e'vr Vorkt Mr- and
Ainsley, of Leamington.
• '' Th eistfield'Anniversitry-, envie-
'et Will:he held on 040bee ljth. Reit.
Mortimore 'of Oakland, will
have charge of the service**
• Mr. A, -*E. Cook is *Pending a- few
day in Teton
Mzs vinj an
• o.perangittitont .-whotatnhite•litt,Xwe,ilte
recoverin t-
• wit as can
, The :ettstia at WstieM on
day was kondueted, let Kr, A- M. Rob-
of •Goderith,, in the •Ahtence. of
loot4o4, ltev. it 'Wilton, who will
conduct the- stria:tee • vital next
*hoot re,o,pened on Tuesday for.
another ttent,
tha mtop mottos tiomskratiii
and daughter. Lorraine Of
• eked With Mr. and Stre Itifut
Auutintr. _Sept. 2. -Miss Dorothy
Burdett _of Essex is the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ustithby.
and Mrs. John Garland, of New
Hainburg, Mise Effie and Mr. Eldon
Sbeltz, Mr. Earl Killough and Miss
Armstrong of Toronto, were recent
guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stoltz.
c'• Mrs. John Phillips and sons Arnold
and Royce; have 'reterned home atter
spending the suminer vacation with
.Mr. m1114111, G. Durham of „St. -
/Mrs. O. Itelliveen and. her sons
have returned to. Bowmanville, after
spending several weeks with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Asquith.
ss, Mary thiliiiiston of &ottani
was thegustritir Week Of ;her aunt,
-men- are busy re -shingling the
Knox United Church.
Anniversary services will be held
the_iiaptlet.Church_lnext, Sunday
at 3 and 7.30 0.m., when Rev. Harold
Eastman .of Collingwood, a former
p„.eetor will preach. The 'Gospel Pour'
Mee quartette Of Stratford, will lad
in the service Of song.
Mr. and Ors. Bert. Abel of New
Leamington, and Mr' and Mrs. A. V.
Shackleton, of Toronto • visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Anderson. .
A quartette from the Presbyterian
atiktsUd- at the 131-YIE
anniversary services last` Sunday. •
Mr. Adam Dyer- was calling on old
friends in this vicinity.
- Mr. and Mrs. II. Mogridge, Mrs. B.
Terarish and Miss Betty arrived home
on Monday evening from Timmins,
Where they liad been on 4 *Ult.
LUCKNOW 14-41Intrzr
While digging a ix* hole On his farm
not far from LUtknow last Thursday,
large stone rolled into the hole, tigtiring
Lev* to badly he may lode * leg
the result.'
taitrence Otatild heard the Wired
nisire caIl fOr help an
irring the ,atone enugh o Vemiit
Levis to lot out, of the ho1e'
'Cheap wax I* inergalre ltisr�aUy poor Valuer
pie* be* :ritatteri lAnts low CloOd W**
4/4-14, Valt14.7
th, n001* Witt ...Nothefr-StaliClikra
W1Er4 Wiwi* you, -lnly HAIM' at
ty *az Oust *ill gist* your
artioir they 444