The Goderich Star, 1936-09-03, Page 24Stie' tion, Ci
y hethowhoIe;i0ali.
eflt /Sane a The MaIIrnid
:444 04.t Govenment
. .
1.1 .Touph Stalin, .11ave ow been
'Thegroup Inc)uded su�b eutatandingBo1ahvis
eaders Zinovieff and Kameneffs:''.-.Tbea*inen,
.were suppos*d to bave been 8,010,100'ritli;tbe
exiled• "tote* 'who together With. Pnilnir, was
etinatStmetntitivaatting2,-40'.411,4HltreSev,t „
Moscow edininlistilitikii, Vien't1i00,4001!(44"•:t4
• gi*1],1404tere :t0Ore arralgned. at ofl
they 't*Mbleil• n'yerielkelf 'other .ih'.;ori-
• ng thelr guilt and (04eit In-clabning that the
„ 4_
un -
ert,on, Tb. nien were formerly brokers
bin an 941tAfc4 .1rIth Oen.3.
H. Crighton, A rite Proker ale*
kved but, ow,as reletteod on his con
or pl
_. ,
here Akeeethini ;Uncanny.' ait
,gt,i,,ine in tiieltRusaa treaon triale,
4, stP, , l;t a1 e' 1 "
-romember- Ai* trigl
• leading engineers O or three years
Iedered wlth the machinery In operatlon in.
• •i,ototwarcis,
ointiinnent jiiente,Ifeam0, out that •
, >
•,4001.414 tortures in'.0*Irt-'dtingione ,,and" thne.
-itolteir in :spirit* until ,-#0)itractlaett'f110101414'00-
: to.a,eit further torture. W;0',C4innet but think,
that *kite -Me Methe&.ltaebeen, employed bythe
Stalin crowd In the Mere *Cant triat,- Certain it
that the oUtaide world has yet ,Ohteinett
•„.the:ital Jitoti of til'eaeAtials and probably never '
WilV• 'Oat* fe1004.ithing nnetean. andcadave-
'Out *bout the' whole Soviet ideik.of justice.”
-,Tha 44.4511r -On.; communism In 411-10
f011ewint the roil:fest of a.fiter'reider-who asked fox 01- •
foritAtten..AbOut the alibied; .The •Ifail. 404 'Ittpireil
•• .0t0riel give- aemple* of :Ott Ij happening in BaSpia,
thstrItt41.40 of :aorAgiun4j2.4 *
:01;41010.4, pisciotPANciEs
trvii bo*.4111:in theitteenti, were lest -week-eentenced ,
**Milton to ten Year*, anti twentr lailtesi for *tun -opt-
ed .relihert and ,tit Vancouver * nisi* got two
toonthii for drowning kittens In stalslinir wideNo
!Ire *Wood in *Wilke ot itnY thOso P*410;
be* rbbing rattor..,!tria. centict. be *00
severelY COndonned; '
There are .1towever Oho Of separating the.
innetelkii -frOm their ;resouries, end these are 'oltly. too
Qt a ott*Iti claihre ,in. the, iinanclia
Who saki* Ilford y110'111E1 etrij)Ped-
*NIC of theusandei beint emit dein tor WI yeas*
*hit* the Mos Uellee" being adratinistered to their
rieldi-'blothed bolos cotildit't and wOuldn't 'be, entertain-
, eil for onelfleeting-inOMEnt. . 14
the. .411thtio their
finaiscial deprstat,ions brought .rubsery ond pritstiout
into 10X14 )10004
.„ .
40:liowning•.kitteht het *ter c4WaY rof.
410004of IWO** 4tob *nhatt #' but is it iny littse
Olen liekirliwthein to slowly stove to death hetote they
otented behind the offender, Who is * fOrtigioter and pie
sibly too ienotiot IiiVreciiite the Astute of iihiSefeilte...
Asit we move fotwerd with the new icientitio ,dheeoito
ohm of the tiniest the Instice tio luit avow to he
, looping In foueli with the-' resnite of the 'reeesit4dies.If
they WOO) thea surely vito4a, riot be such glob* Ea
emit alictepineles the "entente* ritOliOtifted in apple
Of the courts of tatted*.
*en itntnitiri as soo
140 felt JulIt 064
AO* Were
Prelri0120 '
LO Via in
0 net spend er time wtb their children,
the time
on't 0
on4 are
° .11.
rp *ny be
-Ofwhere` th0'. chlidre
Instance if '44 •mother
onet *044i foleted..**.iill'-
41‘04410 be *000 101.014,tbere *401
than there Is In Spaln.
ling wlth the lives of the untorfun
Whose ,exii‘tenwtheY Ater*
mother in ;Iitentlen,,Ventana,...f40.e
plots; but *11, except one stiliborn
ona is;a .girl"anttirei***01:0004'.
• ifiing ,clitirity ,Oe a 'eloaki-' an •Aritoritan• 'ROA
, , , , , . ,. „ .
g Asso-
tiationtAlaCect Wagers., whkhthe
State .r.oetiAiit p8,000, the ',,TratIc' 48stieLitiOni, ,900
'7134L4-°#.10i;V491k--: -It was *-t-ii0.15eigiO*;144140 , ,M.' Ois
remaining 44600000, ' but it ft „n4harir4t604000.* •
. . . .
i, . ,
- - , . •
The Mayor Of :0101111,tort when tliSenssinglbe $5, .poli
Apt sienianded'it)ethai .'lei'tk.. ItOnt *11 men not OtherWISO.
taxed, . aelci.. **hat is the differenee, betWieen.4n:..ern,,;,L-.
"Pl.*Yed woininf And An -ete1110Y04 rein.?'h untrallanttyi
. . ..,„ . . . .
When eVeryhodi knows the difference is just $5.'each.:io.'
• There Mist be some In Xfaniiiten;': ' matt
.irklhat eitYLOlieitied,fer he had served, 14
1,411,0 or .11111.91(1=npt hnt as -u, leave, the
414r:elle 'pea for the straight and narrow vi*y. * One:,
person give him and another contributed $5; to
help, him live a better life. 'rite,. At.. least,deserve.,,
IittIe -credit for theft! good _1040t1oris•
bing, woe 04, in looki
61$11#11,t 44,.**„ 00013
youth In its dynailc-
be picture ware included;
th0' WI* vest the **wooers
th.msInayid ,analo,
A man irrived Londhn, Briglaml, early to August
400j. Ail/leis, -1,4444 masii‘elberiart tiger as' a gift
to the Empire's was given .an. elephant, a
chimPluniee* ten pepping and several other animals to
take back .with As enibleMe 'of, goodwill they
irobalAy Intro toi -m
no than the lambast -
Inge tbst‘politielins give each other for tle„edification
(?) of the iisittik._
• .
the patitonage,'atid. attendance at the Lions". Oernival
. on Thurs4revenlig, miet lave impressed kliemenibere '
of that *orgslitisatien that the public 1* whole-heartedir
behind them in their effort4 to improve the ,condition 04
corised ehnoeit. The tioni4ostilet !wets child they can
se .far .14 their finattetel **test will OVroit.reititOtees
eer, else or religion. they' haite already suCteeded In
plaint life ill.erelittloyable.anitheiseful for. ii„number of
urcii OArotyet1idren4 itursdar's ,proceille,...fti
Unless' .extra cotton a exocitect finthiig the ceming
Week end, wbicli has $11 possibilities of lakhor Per end
the Cene4lien160esition to eontefld i1tb, n additionlo
, the ordinary' *kik the list ot: toad accidents wilt 1*
limier thin over. 15 fatalitie* for an ,ordinart *telt-0W
.about the *Verage for °Mafia, ,The: spool a the Min-
is* of gieb**Y4 no do* helph* in the Proper ah.
ectleitt but there ate too nianse PeoPle Who do not 4,1tem.
to.ried itild-therefoie are -unaware; of thereert,
°Vali* of the iittatienfilteuld the killing* Continue,
teawftI be c 1ottht-sur
presston of care a ir1feL
•'hertentit pi asking -for free. insert
won't any rent *4 the ord
It included a long article *bout
an incentive,to blowing: tourist tra,ificiZbe
were 'at liberty" to tiloist ibik Altar -oi
11 nS*$P*P0T wit* ittbildliia by Atvvetti-
theJg4It trent ,e11 the
they could Aid
bis In K9t.
uUa cultivating. the land on44,0 regain Of
The cllar"'jtvas e father and eon
t.* alOgect numbel Pe° Al.ihrive'
''Illiialiru!a°1474'd°B:1:16:'1:44:4:(1°0944r1v1*8°,:itinirti)tilet4:31 .!aavil;'*reole:13:0174een°13e:-.:nee'..7::::" :41::,,,sekls°11tieth4nrcla,,towsYsoellet997weitle;oiren17#1:71:11c,a13e:vae'ttitsbe:,,tha45.4114,1such t4the::,
u. nough ac 110$011440t Then °4t'ner 'I" 4 ixovel An the'
'ft07:004,, 44140/0Purnt 44(6
fall r3;seeded eim411:4e4,0iaatetsi!intoct ,baa rTey, latter is uaed •obtain in,irehnt 11, boiheiteiimptte,i did nt' .thet,
gro'w'th to proteet. .tlie nriftt-rbeurY:mitictuf:,4:-.frout_...tha. t .11,14-tba-11)r-t.
detention ,selti
dini*net" 6110 tO
oloultaP4 gotneitne
extent catiOngfoodily
ataiii0tiOn4,- 10 year
,wonnit, a; toot or bittOrn
Ungsdat '4Anning.14.1, set lOnt On
$ather.lnitt treated.wm,
pod ot.
;taller%hugbecitedtile,Ittar pltd
gle-saki that his mother had dledwhen
1314-threc-2orataiev were ;i00/t4, toanitth,,,t.proit heanager-'a*k7„,__.
e eees a so a'3we0101ti:1e16474g2zvammwau.o.r1P0::bi1:11e
rmw •
tcz1 w1iit orai to form a per- court. ni1bt understand.
,manent pasture.
jenbta-,0 okra -4W
, wee:448010 Ai:14er; Most
it wonid. &Ire** have. been done but
practically no Xain Atte lalicw.-in the
area WO, /Or and there is no.
moisture to germinate the seed evenifJtw,
n accomplished. ThiS 1 :they to Wm -11%Q% If tt„tyAterittifeadS. he
wiirtaokle if. Spina: hopieg .the- fal1 -would beat the elder taribt0V4
moisture , may' assiat-theM.,- ' •accused, isatd that Whenever he had, tried
One etedtive Method the egperi-, intervene during one of that* lbeatInge, ;
;neuters would like, to use to stop it had meant a' thrashing:,, 'tor- Alineelf. •
drifting is by ..spreading straw but Ho accused his parent Od` adinirds-
this year it is out of the question.
.With the shortage of feed and Straw
for cettlei the little there May be is
t a premium for feed.' The atravt
?iv• is ;spread on a windy dui?, It -is
R *. 'thrown, in,lhe air and the. ;wind does
the-datmlinion. :Of 44.401aust the .45-preacthrg, „7„Jght.- dieeing ties
-efLn44.4.11.. 3lownitoi-ationtront •
)8 prize tarming land. --1-Farmers- Heartened
Th. the federal department * .The 'choice, of the -Cadillac 0'911 was
eurtum, ja.-lie_OW.4 will,/ inade-nfter o-iniVOY'litst*SUmtner;"It
ac Reclaniatioe:' Fro3ectt 1:he .1,-ffarin was file *hat,' ,daring, venture ", the
. IOW ,,*44',"talten, over by the goverti' ,:iovcrtinent'etand reelainition ireg^-
hrtene..ine ntentto,1.1 •0 Tanune..e ated,:; It gave heart to
.provin. that proper Methociel klArmetErin the Area who had tackled
eulSyationauct.enTierithontation cella
1_, .f.'Striplarinine:artnICIPItttion..tolthe
0 baik to "The land drifting Problem. , About 25 to '80Yo.
tering ' these thrashing* ,4with
Sticks* irireWocd and 410 sivh'arti4e,4,,
When hia brother was 14 years 01 Age
he ran away 'trom home, Staplet(t tcati,;,
• (Continued on page 1), ,
GOd torgot."-
tflat Vanheatotfhatl'i.0"°;:de: 1C)ble ashter:baarterride: ourareeffoXiisi°).,-wiutngit mtubsist,
4%-tr_miistearit, dilwa,fer..ternuthf„,,smtineo4tkrosl6M04:)tatet lode: evraralieni witimh )3socmane
bit 154)rtimils- °i-tbe.4r°tight area, 'cal/ also he. Said that ielhose areas 'where'
it Is most prevalent It was ,
due to the efforts of the farmers and
merchants themselves. • Such is the
case with Shaunkyon , and ' Limerick
strip farming associations, where A
age percentage of farmers are follow-
ing this method," -declared P. J. Jan-
Zen,- agricultural 'supervisor of the
Dominionxp*imental here
"Those who did, have Vanageil to
growa:,crop each year whiie .their
-neighbors* crops were .completkv de-
stroTed by son drifting. Farmers
everywhere are watching so we just
14 according to the Financial ,VOst;,'
• Just Weeds „atilt Sand
Of the 640 Ores .abOtif 400*-ncreti
!are. 'shifting' tend,: oben,,tO.tbe
les 10 any ' Wind that oW0.- The re.'j
moperimenter in; modilled,esni2mWsm, but inautder.ts covered with weeds :which
they Oiretin;i Piourier and are gradually - 'being buried by the-
w:m*0m hoe. oeultitt„ Alex .'exponfol, sand,. The , farriers who tilled that
of the • atjstem. ix SOiaJ18m j /and for years .until tile.ecireUght and,
atig • commatojam as ati egoamat* soildriftingpenniless,
vioehi, ••- . ;pessimistically turned.:it over to the
Taking• Itaaatia conamalaat /or au gaveriunpt when agricultural cue...
eiamPle. the .abtfv*. 00101410n 'eau b*,` Peel"! said tl.le$,"' coilki *car)
0, yway, lihestretedX
, by the ,rnethedet- ,tirst object of the *government's
....It now botn* 'emisloyett tbe- Plan is to 'check the drifting., Meth'
WUU eimotern touzirt Russian people are ode include ,plownig, one-wif
ay disein
two being taiiilit,4; oat the state be-
long. to them* Piaagi,,..'are slowiy, _being
to tile ides -there
tetkieret$06;111',everithiPv:and are being
taught the doctrine' ctotrialitY, In social,
lielitles1 anit-husincis .statAss,. l'he. great
044 skrury_:_ot Itusstn4sLext: eatainitAt..ot
the effort* of the let ..4t.* of title gigantic
Change, In his to* ‘, iron
Age,' winiim'„ aoriry, 4bitobidatt uili
* Shat the sokliera tot better '00;1 than
moat et the: pete4its Izate.-itt 'thelt
lunhalk- P1e0O1ne, ithiliit Ark% 11141' its
human; side; dttesittog, of eoWers, whiCh
wie 'Otte comegin in the orserist*annif.
I* now striot4t tottoidden•.."' Not only bes
00,1,04 t.Atno' stiutied swaluituni the
*mei 01 dlitgrealan: *Web; would hs;*ei
/Aimed tutttA lease; earetull,y- selected and
Stained . *tined forte 'tram the -,, diecon-
tented Pithtsfea,,but It hu prePered
considerable ''nurciter of future Hdir.ectere.
et icoileetive farms *tin erotic its'
mutts.* - *
nfr..chamberlalit Sep" Of' an Itoklent
wine Vora ago 0411011 he was vietttug
*go' Si1eCtrIcs4,,,dpiOnt :Ohcrit
of Coniinunlzt onif!,:ilittiok the 4toltec,.,
titre' the,sarae' 'Meta' reappears .every.,
Where, as a•citint, for, entlluslastic serviCe,
in the cenituin .cause. The Ettisian.
CoiMnimiets. claim this awoke froth the
worker t Oh:the ground that the State be,
longs *Ir. -the WOrkeris , and :40.40td1ng1y'
they ihould be 4**Paredto Out the
energy theL;4ntPossetta into blinding it up,
as the 01 -the ,onintiOn- wel-
fare, 43En WO Or Germany, on the ether
hind, the *Ate "eratiliatiCally doea -not
Wong to the (Workers Or to the people
in the same smile is In Russia."
oonionm— ion In three win* If STiath
Without 001:14“
Cost Oteltles6 'driver 20and'
pend for 15 clays_at
.Onts an'dt111144* DiftePPOO*,-When
• • .• ,
suffering Iron egts, snatches, bruises,
owns, soretauvat or chest and any
ailments, use Dr. Thomaat'..71C10-
; trio Oil; Its healing pcniger is Well-knaWn
Aocety 40494...01_,thoiconumutikt.
',bottle.. of Pr. - Thomas' Ecleettic Olt
otioukt be In everugtedicine,itheetl'eady
for the emergenklea that May OavayS
Become Loose
•• In alt -Casa where thebowelsbonnie loose
emediltte Attention should be given and the. unnstund
,discharges ihecice4 before ther, turn. to •disirriimet'..,
dysentery, stunizer complaint, or other bowel trouble..
To .cheeir therk inPattiral discharges we *0014
reconniend Extract Of Wild Strrwherrf
ene:of-the-best- rioreediiii to bo had. Ithas been
• on tite market for over 90 yearn, atia you may plies
the greatetifeenlidenee
. Its action is Tor.tpias reliable and effeetnal; it dots
not ietve,the liowqnin e, constipated condition.
WWI* to a yonng woma (7innurunist,
on the IsblebIde whieh they were
standing 30/ a copy ,etItirl. ilexes took
"Osviter the Young girl" oolnted to
the boot ire* tiYarrent manner And:said,
4.*Oenevei we encounter any &faculty
in ;the nunigerheut of the factory we
kiik into that took and find the solui
Om" . this te clistAy what 'Us been
the .einit In the tetchhigi ot the tont-
intiniets; 'They went the 'Pee& to /eel
the -4043110,1141. of the, leader& TtIs
wtiet,- Mr. •Chamberlain has referred, ti)
its bob* 'in ea* gerixt the book, "The
"Ittr WithOut 1:1001 When Clotesnaai.
It was -the 'era
from *