HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1936-09-03, Page 144».*',t,,tbm.dsztslie
'1114"011,1?:1 'itoP* 4'404
. ,"Depte t :aot that tliere Ve
venneet4en3 *with c1vUizatto
r.4chea them onIX' ongteor tw±ce a
• the, /people, in tho Oanadt2n Nortbiri
.are hpy an4 contented' once o
t 1
-44trantl who
by e, star on. her return'
xace j Few 1aces o bzines will
week;open in. G�derich next fitendelit
orn i 'which i. Labor Da. It is a gen*
"Naocopie," Hudson!s Bay Company
.supply boat.
nee voliod_tor-ralLto4vrou,
,*1u, where he bearded .the, Nascopte
'an ice-cntter that has" been. =Mugs, for
•bratIr 'aat
'roastern i.4retie,Thp. The 'boat:travelled
up the St. Omit. us e
nte_end along
coast, nmklng a cafl at Bebron., Then
It eentin04 on through Hudson Strait
andinfri0 the bai*.telling, at zeiton more
lie,* WoreItnnallY arrived at chur-
data, where -%13eS ,Strang disembarked;
rtell -
firat publicstep b toward* ortaltdog ,' oxi jau
an educatton on ,Tuesday, When they `Tot:esen,sere
Ault . In thestichools otthe' town.
*• We 380 pupft .W
lot 4o4ri. :211 at:Central and .00, at .the evening
Separate School. It is underatood044
ie abovo ao about average- 'attehi'''
The ihoset Ontinnig, frOm',' Churchill on - Atter starting 0274 ageo
ttrals liarbor on ' m d. ..., ,..41,4 on w,eibiets,da4e0 ancl-,heing tow'
' ' Olis tilt Titian
19„.4t, etig that the boat -Makes le 01117.1 ""` 'eh b ‘ -em it
. - e
'MUGS from the north vele aint 15 Can- Mieh., r a a,
ada,±s moo northerly .post eillce. The tug whose »ower was ,, ,.
lOt to
st_Isvni.- _e4tierftt-.-44* ... i., -3,30:
. , ,
Arrow Veit h�re on Monday wL.
gitf:sok4e, C11414- -sixli7;4324,,at tti4,,r,tlme ,1.0etit oSt. foot0i efor: the afe7ti:a 100.000.
(eb Manu-'
31/15044$4:',.*-4,k°1./f 49: the Eudson Bay .faeturine-teni'
t11412100!0, :015n111,....,e.be6iiii been: ed'everbc4rd;!4',.
takennre ,.11,** -1 °Y-4-01-ilft. 24,P, PP, • eirvingdiandeOefl. the 'Int *hick
leUgh.are.brenght bak.. The '..Postmeetk: bought her from ,Se*taice, the
• abosrd..t, he ship had 1.14000'. *Oa of?Oiinerti• `Of ;the ''berge. hired, 'the
• Vta',.t.O.denvor.,111.1c e_or.Ititut-44.:*X4P;tW:H. M. Stuart, owned and Captained'
m04`. -ter the...!peMe, in., that ,ot , to 'brine. the barge
.0=1416 , and its •,cargo to. • .0Ottorieho Vire
'4rhetra to.vrists-attOargl.' weather : encountered coming
'from ,'Ontario. Pive: Were from th!. , were bout 30 'Miles east; „seuth...eaSt,
asnAtecl_:Statea an,L4,..#1:_o were, from Mani- *Oft Thunder Bay Island, where:010
Tv?F`a...7 Isfere-. 40W.1..77.5.700c9r2m,47.inifrinte:aSW
.aidq. P10 'dn.*. tle$e100133g, 07611 ; feet tho.,Aiargeos Aook-igad,over
,.*Iloe...A.with n 404.Xteto,r; a t`overlis, board and forced her to take shelter'
'keit earveY' isertY.i known as `Tlict at'Alifena., • Vhey..plitiii 14,110: pc:tr.;
OP#OL". o,04-*4.04.had witit It a 0.(14* .on''.:PreidaY; afterei6Oxi, 'about 5, .Oent:
"logitt; a geodettlk & postmaster, ahis". and 1ythere -.until Sunday. morning •
toritn, ari arellehlitest and a dectorrthe when ,they'neentintied the ..VeYage to, - •
_the pollutes; Several • Eudson's Bay Thei.logi,Whieh hild'been. *taken on, Ticket3, for ti.v ,T41914 OUb•1411:mkr were
Poat managers and ° t6L nuP313er of Ints" at St. Itnice, were .from a:111111'010e. bought ' by 'oractioant' ,everybody-eme
• 44413trii5-wer•e-41.1-1°'-'a 174110.71a7W40alidorletf71477. th houg t7.* zlngle
tiekef, -for ,do cen
ritajor `Ditgadesind, fonnerly .reanr •tivrneri, Mr. "it._‘„E.../eiteciiler, president toOk" tnvee $or oinis, rwhne
-Ager -or. low zailx-:0-011101tottlnatr-ill• ``Vt -V9**trelratiOinfild1244-'f74: 1:2 ,a,",'
jitcheU iriatin. charge At survey uvon'tbeir,errferel-ir''.0b4exlch, abol4t. • 411,4Y.
party. '-with the exception:or e -number 444 logs Were' 'transferred to Gode' 414v 41.1'041.1 , IvY41 0*# oannPlleri
.0overnment, etemployees /Tom :Ottawak-rith- Manufacturing Co, truths, virbe:v sole object of 'Winning oothe our
Mfoss. 01.11,44 1E1W .007; '91744.4•01.te; relHisitexamp_ent,ontt otoaav lot :44o,.*_Pc#0_,. #301,4.‘koiPtk,R4,44444...t.,,t%
boarC-imiet'terant'-',- 1ee4 that theold fberie'eto.&ed-the..-unloadieg bet4nae 84ir °plot' tor a meek before . the draWon
_tenn.•olacter" •Iirsie no 1Oger in Use' and he claimed he was not_getting.a. pro- Th4reclaY tirer0E Others ,11,:aated '40
that/ ta*imn tn emaiiti'-of •Etudsente n�i rnIino frete, the lurehel; tom. tick) 1141iten the burden Of 4 AcriPPled
tii4Poots were, now. called liost-xtiene. any:, The Xrefti14:ottlie lege and adopted:that intans. or 'sheer,
' ' . contract for iheUt afitousand
- Geed -*tether wu e Xlierlen ted (lairs* and the , alleged improper
oroushout the WO. tehere wee 'leeseice, *Ceiling would Mein ,a; lees ;ter the
'than: In other vrears but a, good deal of „barge **net Of 'about $800. Armen -
tog *as eitoountertdig-.'00vever,,the boat tont:00;404 Matter upwith the Iote
stile* 0, -day *head of schedule.. The al CustomsOfflciaI5, and t1iey'lz turn
ooderiele-tourist was Sueprised at Ortnire • gotin, touch 'with WOrd,was.
etell 'When; al* eiev. /tinnier' kohl* care teteived. ,late Teem* night, that if
tone of doderiat 041t. .0361044 behig the freighting'parties end the lumber
• loaded.*011X4. the llaktepte to be.tiken, toMproty'did not eixtee to seine agree.,
farther,north into the Arotie ,Conit take the. re'
salt had Olne. by rail to Militia. "enainieg logot:baelr to St, /twice' with
The •barrenness 'of th eceimtriteras meet him. All loge- loot, during' .the storm
tnpezstve to W*.4trali6r, who- declared ' On the dotert trio were eoverei. by ire.
that all up,aiong the %ANS* 4:loastand surancet It was in respectt to thisso
• in the north there are no„ trees tallow loge tbat Mr. Baethier a -retied ,that
Teethes the **nitre,. Omit Churchill he eliotild not have to pay freight
*Nem &Ativi sitintett evergreens, are :Charges since, he, thdinsd, the 0040
19,104., TlPf, ,.014*.r. Ls„.rapetit.rock. tract Was for logs delivered;
..104.400Wt 41* Still CO*allnatft TAMA' attignp wi*
sideraiii‘ snow at Bort anis ,reill` in W,'oilOvring, negOtiations,'
st,tsa, Strang declared, and * on the pute was temPoritelly adjusted-hY the
'Other We' of the veliey loge. quentitiee ' OWner, Of the 1g depositing the
Of heautinir /Cattle ,nowers *Wm growing :money with Mr. R. fly In. trust,
--ith'gre---setiirtifesiorn;-Ort-terke'eliterbtirehe egeseeetere-frans.,-
tone Laud, beautiful' stimmet weather fered by -trucks to the loeal yard.
„me experkitted, the town for the. tie& The Arrow is a strong steel vowel and
;climate belts that there is a southern Vied' to 1)e. a$41e4theeilnE Passenger
• „eiosare ottivanept boat. - The boat was rtukde into * tow
are very short Irk the north„ • bitiellorat rilus '4to at 'Ilturgeen„, Bay,
, There- it 'little tioltheat i there,”:
460 woo egrat,t, en,ite„ are two or eme-"*-- Ott** was owned by Captain
three, Atiry, good boopaidas. and ei (pm .John Rohn tit tittitipOti titwy Ind 'Avais
up -4o -date one at 'Aminirton in Irtattn 41°Id to 047440.11 Lsw&y Wt. ePring,
Zroid. There vett ardOetar on board the . * •
elareiopie, *he los gOing tbeDi to Oke,1,014Z BALL TWINE
• ,-
-afar-0 fer * VeOtor /rhil 1)44 Weil There- ENOUGH POR THREE FARMS
for * 1W/6er of **eV ,ehe *aid. The
.vroele be this ,bleak tool: are, cone
--traryte the: shipPetittei bt.zzani veOple
extremely well informed, It le
• largely ,
rived ; from ,
tain Cresiat
corps of 'the Sa , Army;
Captain ' Purdybe
Mr'. Purdy and their two young sena.
reception the Weleonie Service”on Sunday Mornin
Ing their- 114erooto' 'while others bought
tickets /or the fun of the thing,.
_WI ;lour piles' were drawn by outsid-
ers, the refrigerator \ going to*
the silverware to Strathroy„ the dinner
set•to- Toronto, a1 the blankets to irdm.
tail. Tile 'prizes were left at Ttlef-.Btar
:o0co for several dayetter the. 040.
the *Inners not being P,Feient 031 =verse
,day and consequently unsevere of their
good lUck., : •
The pavilion mils 'crowded until after
thepeople-amusing ,t1liemseives
at keno.. th,e4 *1*•.of, rte 01? At the
.refmihment, bootb'whore. "Ii* Bisset,
Itstui "OcArtavti and 041.11 itatiff,
PremPtir 'Wet ali ' requirelnenti 0! the
hungry or thirsty,. "
*Amen' yule, 40. Italves On-
prietori of the keno tablet, sisidly
cbpted intrirthizsr lirthe form a money,
.tlit ciansi- their Itty, clierlees gaunt,
dere, a X.N.ettoiritil.ind Herb, „esokson
at the *heel of fortune invited that fun -
seekers -tor *.zoltimStr- Alnerteralor"Seddlta-
with the- sure 'end certain proapeet
getting *';toid.pr4of- ibIflk5t in return'
- The Drew ,
'1:01,ttetc'eficereeettig the out's- ipprecia,-
Or the generous response ,to their
azunsil CVe$31 ItS0 !rabbet stinoillited
that nitre. J. O. Tailor, of 0416. antt ivite
,ot 1at yews president O. the 064erich
,Liceee chtto, .would drait the ticket for
fli;$ fit4t Ist1200: 044 'isred Ford of Clinton
the second, Ott. HorOld tentabri4Of -ton the third, and 1Sowsoh of
Auburn, the fourth.
• fvonnee, taking ttme off from her
*bile as an ctreu 1n Jm1pg 01 the
15.10-W. f'IneWer:1f
about a• felt oZ fancy Si4ditsftio.,,butsister me1ie, subject o! the - cotlfure,
,of: the'. results: Mter11, says
:BRovoirr,..,:o0At IN SAFEI!Y
ben o *eine
insking tour eeeinds In s 0 -are fteki
of 01124 thle Star, the one man etaited
with * ban ot *kw and out.hie grain
of the, bali az4 ei his tom ea a
the balenee-
4.ere term atat the
orThe hall to a neighber.
In *nether instance,
hired ma* was to do the atooklng. The
.wife on tetlx* the. Man !oflow-
the,bindeestround Alt morning IOW
her 174 at on "why the hired Man'
eiitor.„...Ahnee Ockuslust_itVrins
Ifeetond; ..pejeceetelifteeliketee eeommurdty
stiver nerY10...Ittit T. Ford of Ptrettl;
dinner set, B, T. Bends*, Itirotite;
Ifturth ,6/ *realer Wen'
iteto,..t. Uswponat‘
DancIng- -'wazenoted on the •.
.tiooi the' pavilion vita1:41sta liour, to
relate by' Tony Akre& ore
13*#-,•:ea-rrt#4 Affltd, 'wkt about $400 to
the ClUte$
ttilY orte-Of"the four:
heettliegirl*, 4 'ticket holders.
the are still ina.aiindrfv/ of
The Star -
Tak1ing a. job, tii"..-00eordins to ex-
perienced*flora at thb dock, few cap-
tains nvo • atfezuptigaptTtdTROVnsoh7
of 4qader1th,bnetight the:freightte 'Priii,-
Of 4 strong gale on Sint/4w. The Prin..
deei; loaded. . with w** drawing
out 19, tem It, int
countered in seeerine '& bOM In a heave'
sea, Atated;:thet.nuiny.- captains - 'would
haVe stayed- outside .the harbor rather
than ..abtenipt to navigate the gap and
channel; ,•'The boats 'would suffer a bad
nlght ,.44but`itteat4v.aon1441d.t'altettle;effili*litWiwrivePitiefiat&teda
tain 'to rJzig lits thlp inzlde. The gale
exCeedingly strong at the "erater..
eront, on suedie and every wave leveed
hlgh teorttertintalietaise.."--well. Vedblitter. vett
FitE.0 liuNrS TEAK .
',Sixty _bowlers, all 'local mei -took
part it the Oraigie
tournament at the 'ewit last
night, Fred Hunt's team winning the
trophy -sifter having to play 0!f a -tie.
with Charles Griffith's Ulm. This le
the second year the trophy. hoer:Wow
up for tompetitiou. OnIy lecal bowl-
ers inaYtelte part in the tournament
/The following teams. *CM prizes
eNording to tkeirmordet Fred Runt.
Griffith, • Harold Newcombe, C.
Crooke; Z. W. liaeVicar, T. D. East-
man, Jack T. McDermott, T.
Glazier, D. M. --jolniston,e W. Powell,
060,, MieVicar joke Wiggins; Pete
.Tack. Newcombe; Iratold
&filth Stratford diedinJoseph's Hospital, Hamilton laet
night from injuries received when
the -car vehicleile Was -a passenger
eraslied bead -on into 44- truck .on the
lenridair HighwaY,-- erf
silent three,.o.cloek ,„en, ..16rednosgay.
'eadlers Thew -It t
. ,
,Clever •Students Congratu-
. , •
. • .
eLnuraerkaltrength, Of the
.of students at the Goderich. Cone*
late has been considerably inereneed
-mice lees a orniffg,. wheir'-only
24/ Attended the 'opening exercises of
the fall term,' They are now..nootill$
An trithueiastic reception Was -eie
tsinded to the Prineiptl Mr. A. R.
Scott,' .-,who-.'wreleonied- etudents'
and congratulated two of their num-
ber!, 'Mite Jean MacLeod and :Waiter
Ruffen "on the spiervild reeords_..insule
bv both in the Jo _exaintfratrorts.
Scott .rfatiect that those two stu-
dents would likely' be awarded addi-
tional scholarships to 'thoee' already
Ikon -,by4thernr., . the Career Award,
and tke Strang'. Seholarehiphad net
yet been awarded. • ‘ .
He encouraged the .students to
come to school with..a definite attn.
Mr. Scott warned the assembled stir'
,dents not to let Work get behind and
pointed out the • difficulty of _being
successful with their work if they ala
loteed. it to fait into a backward
He- further Urged them .to
loeic t� the itacliere for help. with
their studies. "Youmay not think
to, but / don't think you will find BOY
better friend* in the school than the
members of the Malt" ,tho iwinPIP41
told the student body..
,...The only other sneaker was r.
Charles Asquith of"Aubtirn mem-
ber 7if the. Collig a Board,"'wife-
etressed the ineportarice*of. giving to
life and 16001 Weeic ever
thing that the etudents-, could.
risked the pupils to leen' -to live
'cleanly, both _niotally and physteally,
and told Mein not be tome to school.
discouraged with, their .w-otk. and
unwilling totry, but, rather -to show
a determination to conquer their dif-
fieultiee. and to 'strive for the top.
There' lifinly one changeihe•
Collegiate Stift thia yea Mies M. E.
Gliddmi of St. Thomas, oomint to
Codertell to fill the vacancy nude by
Vsemiii4 .Th*Alt who sifendina year studying in. Fxance. -- •Mias
Orliddon cOnies to Coderich highly
corrimende&r. re-
-...1etter from -the --..(4...oderloh• -Salt,
0.• -,-Gorniniesion .1430 Vt140'
laiit Thursday, -• adylsTht,hat-.tho TliUnder #44. Vandr
Hydro: wires with" • the that Section et Imiake;Thne
awiAgInt.,. of etombOatE• Ovo.thhiu or= th-e-144 -were sw
tirtroit...14,.loading:444 to the Com The tut* ettelteted, at
penY'.0:.1,-Ot :at:the tether, The matter .kialt untlt the' 'Oro'
was: left :with thei 'atinerinfenkerte -#0.4
mi*O:tha:' .annired-elferationW. hlor *004 that the
pan- was read atthe-meetitig-of-
41extm_eis,rioW10,4`.400,01.111,60110401911 be a:hi:id:1304r Ilia..4,4""4"1„
TOwh' otlfCls *cretim.45*1
da-Plour-1)/1111* suid- clove"; Atin4001
mediately ',west Of the Western Caw,
0' 01,.Ti
ter* eo s tor
Atarice.' rim lines that' 210,000 bushels 0!
• .M1, *heat- low
they will not interfere with the litt4 Cleiltd: 0-4,-...,‘,0''''''""r"""'"7"7"
loaaiw;-iof coal from the boats.Seltupp arrived from the
one:iech 'water eeiViete. will he head of the lake e on...TueedaY night
Justine& at the Royal How, teener with 1.00000, bushels of wheat for the .
t,f. Neleon snd 'Itletoria Streets, . Western Canada Flour Mills1 She left
- An epplitatiew. for electric :range. *gain on Wednesday *morning for.
service and for several eleetric Port 'Williamu • *.
ing services ,werp'',..eise ;peeled, , iteri tittnday mon)Ang 4a mall
wind -driven 'heat =O.*ven-
14, Partionsi, ,lirs.g*William, Abell, and -tittesOme trlu'out among t
Mr. 7-01.11Negarding lawn sere returnedwet/.vice "
over for a report, from the Superine STOLE -SAFE AND CONTENTS.
te'lirdheatilt#,CiAtit.tto. luta_ 4044...,21444%, 44, ,v.$14y., last Thursday mo'rning two
Sochi:go. *rote st,Sking for the mem- Men With 'it'truek called it the pr&-
bership fee. . The letter was "leid over duce tore of, Mr, Jame* Erskine .a
for eonsideratien.. • - AtwoOd,forqd_ATi.,0*Tanc6 through
If paid at once the sum of $53.00 a 4064 Placed. up .the Wet loaded it
will be :accepted as settlement of on a truck and cleared out. Mr. R.
-hydro power account.. of *11.8.10, ae. Cunningham. who lies above
rostra Singe 1233. , store spoke to the men 'who he sew
A tomniunicsition from R. Mende white something which he 'thought
of the bepartment, ,Municipal- AP,' Was * ease of egge, but they did not
fairs, etating that the =Atter a reply and. he assuming everything" '
surety' betide on the two ladies in the was airight,litent hatic . to bed to
Hydro office here should be consider. sleep. . There was nothing -unusual. ,
edif they are handling subetantial. atiOdt---tnelif ' at work t
•stnnhydro funds. As the treasur- hour on the premises :and Mr.
er anTcellector is already bonded, no Cunningham Was blissfully, hewer- :4
action was. taken. • . • ant that his neighbor4 eale,
A number of accounts were passed taining $35 in cashbeforo ateittu.,rnnJe„nt, , cheques, notes-- and other valt.4,!,"
, :'number
pares wee being stolen.
.Smith was manager of the
Standard Drug store In ,
Those with him 'woe:, Lyle: Neit..
itt, 123 Church St. Stratford. Niel(
and head. " .
Olin*** Wright, 1.801' John Streei..
Ottattnidi --ininor-laterstiefts, 'of the,
face. '
--Jack*od, 1Q, c1zur
Stratford, injuries an
The party was returning* from the
'Exhibition in Toronto.
Str., Una was driving the tot When.
t Met the truck driven- A. wishtid to have Mrs -Anger look
*ton .TewnehiP. -Smith JirkL Piot I- tot'
were thrown 'clear. Thi-linpaet was _
as Dr. Beam's Mettle
terrifte;*.the dereoliehed:Pir billeit„t" monis' *-Veisture.. former wictrea
nittte are. dead. It was Mrs* Anger,*
smash: after is tor* stort0; to sewed trip the
Other.m.. There wits no. honeynioon t
roupi$ return!** to' their hom
-zifter the oeferlor$9.
isobt front the *
'knelt Club.
Attgust 28th. 'Su
Detroit. „
Augli' et 0,
+44 tug',14. '
The Canadian . War Memorial • at
Vimy Ridge Willeld.watrecently nu..
veiled by 111* Majestee, King )derard,
bear i the name* of 11,285 'Canadians
whe *ere killed. in ;idiot in Ptitiee,
.13tit *hope final resting .0acel / are
who 'is in bis Olit'year and
edto be the oldest dentist in otif4trikly
thertied his 651ear'eld''bottsikeeperi
Mrs. at the -reototl,
Ridgeway, Saturday, Auguat .22nd. •
The ftreMeny" ,iftea lierfornted, by
tor.. .1r.,lhottr teeter of Rkite-
voyi whi. explained
that or* Beam'
' TILLSONBURG. The verdict of the
Coroner's inquest into the deeth of
Stanley Adams, 11,eting manager of
the Royal Hank in this town, who
Was foundries& on the .froorott Au us
was announced last Thuredity.
The bank manager testified that in
spectate had found the books tier'
feet order. The verdict' eves 4itiret
Adams ciimeto his death from a bullet
ilred front,* grin , in his _own bands
eaUeed unneeessary worries in Cot-
nectiorf, with business duties."
he 'safe wits found the
ed thedish and pushed it off their
tint*. The cheques,, notes and
ether *Pere were'recevered.
DEntort -"POLICE-,
"We feet that the Scout 3'D:sot:eta
has date more than any other one
'factor in reducing Juvenile alurirout,11.
crime and misdemeanor in Detroit-"
'Chief inspector Charles Rhodes, o
tius Detroit` police force, at E
Park ' Stoutinststere training centre,
Highways Wili Be Crowdetf for 'Ninet Wielc
can Visitors-And-Alito Country and Mini
at Courtesy When Motoring, To Reduce
TORONTO, ON.— Pointing out
that Labor Day *lid' the Exkibition
woold soon be ***Jug thousands of
UnitedStates inotoriatcinto---Ontarle:,
non., T. B. Meguesten, Minister of -
Highways, on Monday, issued an
earnest appeal to the citizens Of this
province to. tenteinber the ordinary
rult*C Otri1/?! ,they ob.
serve -toward gueets in their own
'homes, in their contracts with visi-
tors and others on the reit& at this
ENting: the next few **eke we will
pasa throughthe period_which
produces the' greatest
and iniUry toll trOnt automobile ad.
cidentaill Mr. 1404ttestan "At.
exhibition 'time otir hlghws3ra *re
-eetigested with American,a well at
snadian cars. 1,,et none ,ot us forget
that we hal* leSitatt theW good.
ptople t eome hers. Ontario
were led t
it War. Ile eau*/ number was
188110 wounded
4,134 umi4ettally Injured, mak-
toiet of %324$4*often***
-uriet tusznea. a,
es it* letttsittlims
vine* Are anawering an
itation fvmt ail of' us, and as aur
they *re eutiUed to, 4ki even
where understands.: -the language nt
courtesy," he declared. "The peoplo
who comeamong us, :as yieitort. will
not hei--familiar--with- :our
habits and drying,tustoms, 50 it 414- -
'becomes us to express impatienea oT
innoyimei at wall inconvenience
caused when some stranger innocent-
ly breaks a. local convention. AdiVrx
Ilit"6-11i1VAlt101.1roillr. *Wear hOtreisiT-:-'
and intolerant, will upset out. &tiring
and ghee the. province * bed nanatt
Let us all try courtesy let us to
tient ,.and *erosible with stranger
and help them,a11:_ite can Irk,
driving on our highways and i
writ and cities and :thereby inert*
our own enktYnient. 'gluten natur(t
,always responds to kindness ant.
politeness. If li...41ecent kindly .spuiril
ot.edurtest beeotnets• generalamen
drivers in, Ontario, the , problem
ending- needles* 'death* And
trafae.1**e, -
but as drivers it costa;nit not a, cent
to b. courteous. Courtesy in driving
*tits Irliati4