The Goderich Star, 1936-08-20, Page 744 ton
P 00110** t :. Abe' *th, esti
end e niy:•:are, , ..4 ,only 1.08 tou tn 1984. .,
Ontarioof baY ' ... ' e
Ince record or - Ivo
4)tiOn, st' 'Sava ' 4atakablibe$ .ed, .aertotaitr ea a' -an. AS ' you ,
'btentte Oat; from July 9th .to l'st.h. Tktv:sottcitlt of 'pasture andet *anti pool,'agot Can you . ' 1,
SI* Spiikz"
and' an _entire 4th*On44 ,. of rainfall. 'math in bar, fields ix, re3UIthag In 1O� iwim
up the gloomof thIn sem to bvo
V. tii,bont._two.thirds. of: . the. WO- 4 Weight._ by ;Bie * • k.t. , 0 ''$)3,0: $0110it '' tteathOlUte',400t1: 01111 , $011/0,
*e: during the first ‘kliree'iveekar 4 - , op cOrtilitient, ara
e InOntit,, -, 41t4Sed1. ;severe, 4111,111*, to spotty • Vs" 'teen - Whi et , °14°a1174.l. (an: you Ant itilONfHthe Sen. kind Or.liVeneti
‘!rnsilte''.4i4jait'•iltreAtnIfir'it."4.t1.!;griti!Artir '"n
et!oxis,, , .47, Poirl'ilgoeve, Kent --and'.. ; *10 tenqa-,1, On ;014Y:'204--'-:1041.1 1 Iiir0i$Targuk'vrith..y,$ou., ' ,, rel;,, ' turn, int' fAvsa
bisiiiitoilt 'st.i.t11.1104111,470-i4‘
141,11a *is1;,
2countios east of: Kington, poi's. ,.0ome-',00404 mlsoill: the. raine,. more loos:lett ,ean; : perhaps_4 you cannot. .gr*Ulitl,-:',-he; .
0.*.ilpitliest were telierS111::- .410,4 Jot WS', cOmPletolY',..':.',917".0P.a ,Ai11, : glar .01.# we i-alialt ottretnily: 0014 00004 threw Itiii* '
.icient, and the best -props...are' isitiosted, IoaMe 'Or. lo litKast,iana'ar.,k;in; '0-11101' igine.rra., In Jkny. *ay' to, 0TO*e '04;1(1. =off one o
f bie rubber' 'these ."*Inti"' -.* Vali wheat, ' 1411'.'.4ett°: c'.4*11 °Ii. tb141%,;",'". 4:4i,.*-ti,,4 fglit'' STOUIcan: de, it, for,,,eatiVriter.,1*ent.".' .14,1100t1t110 de
e,,,, at, Otthig, ..01 alfalfa,' and to:. coils, beieVy, 41*.)r- Iteil,R; Or 4.49-4440„4*...tir ',Velliarited; ``Que' '.0x' '..:V10 *1#0044 ' irtillt Watt. t °414114-411°;114t4;711t411::'
,tire eXt4.4t4',00".:t4600''' --:. OOP, i 4100, Tbe . tai.740. on page • 3 4039.74Y4'144,' *setting ,zine Of Ilse men. Of 4Ortiia ' desk, 'wit li Viena unrolled, ,beINt0. Ws:
. , , . ...,.... A qr,
were 41#3110i6444°07/0,4c44. ': nty: ipondifien,:nt. ..P,,,r.e.0C4.1.„,eit,ah of
:11.':14v4'..,VOlit*:.,'.7.,:: ' ,„-. - ry . .4; ': ,,. --, ,,,,,' ' a Oleet Of paper ''On ' iVt. he
lAir'17041,*geft r' ' elk th crop i (11e "ete'into,, 1791.noh;: Ontario le, :- aro: leading- •4i;u. yo., Ai», ,made: cal0140:406.0-,
Uifil-4-* Olt :'. . 0. iiiVules,1;., '141.: '..$orthnvni, Tai, ife...:withotti,of:'usenier:a.etl‘'i, 41440
-Of-Intse;', int:, ill.. ' ostern'en4OOn
'00.t.Y11(''' 4, Cat:treated
. '*0 :stan ordinary , 'athletic 04010
*the.i-lott , lar.#00,t11407;7-77-7
Tit; Welland, , • . t1
.41itnand, averaging close
ieinnall rea , aPri .
.... ,,,
yield since _.!.vita, ; .144t,t144, 1, '4141,01.081' IFot,',11.)A1# :the "4 #7.':. . all-.0f.:eXtrait :and anierginCtrOg,t -
t gine, e ear Zs:41.'1V 1
in the counties of CC eeli,i,t: eXer,Olee-i' 'Tile Po 301-0:71i6644 liecretlY:-.PleaSe an
Iiiii*IFent-700`it*?:0,14'2,010,-)1 ouriF. **la:- 4, 1 :titofin: s' iii4eican71,rWiltit 't.ta't ''.611:3'4.0t("Ali3It'' 1141
leupervise -hler.athiettr*.Olvitles:. la tovo,,,, .:, ..., •, - Went OVer til:' thO,,,40illst )10.11aes' .V.14411 . . the intsmesily:,00*.Ea1• . ",
oil..:oannOt .1* Over.retelPhns trieetto-.00"Wd 'into' One Ot AvtObe4tio: ' '111'444' °U
nom pf eedentare..eocuPation ;Vile
en:lea& siboil.. *limed .':at WIthr:::* \ #100*atit;...,Ainci..ilicr deili t*irled. tbe . teglater.
skilkils *C. 4:sieept night•inant new ,tsi'ille boars . • A.t., tbli. Butter , onike,,,thenoin,
,'The. IroPOrWite,.. of ,. huinnl '''''
'ilb''6*: an P'f *:°°: exercise
''''.111il°11.* .491414114y7;t;' , 1 :11-.0 4 IWIM.'71gZ", , -- . - • _ .: , 4' , b -in
i. older ,. .,, . • • : . . • .. , . .
. . , . • • •• et, .,dovfii."-, • . • ''"LoOke '. like we're',taiS ,, -Inet--4.413- to/0414mi an estaittled°, him* room'
-",- r. -; ...- ." 7.1,... r . -
e wee
•*140,,,...: re - verer,:}:.t :' sown s'e°1!„ , 7- '. largely.,Soils-,s'a4mg,,rdnUIttnvinI'initatri..7, - ot-rie. .42•0eit'cora- otitio. ni lou41. xs :ootiragea: ttli-04 ,riti,li1111v, wnie , -41* 5.00tritoulellt fot-g'40,4* is 417' tinit,Y.! '"Oh, yes, • OW' t 4 old Cht‘P
0,... . :n Oda
"Wet :., Buckwheat, potatoes, ,, .rOotefr' .*Iily are tennil to tie In a: voor..'statel 7tenuig.:.badin-into'n°,:i0i,c:Equisli. are tho ennibe. sOlne, boots,- ,t,,u- O -t. e • corn-„ ,*•• a ie,:fthi,, nit n'una_r' be, •,. he, 141/, - •A#,S11*- 114n• . in New York '''vir. ,said.,)le was cx4.
a I'
soroa; i4.44-,0000,11.4. , o -,41$414 i of t tit, ,1 . ere, 44,3e0 te,,,4x-onth 1 really,'+AA. 4.. rm tin frn}. 4.11A °6.41164: . erl . nml ,0411),It'olter. Ji.ellioa ‘..Pic14, ,4r-,,,,,, lett,: orders , 4,0 '111JObt. - it1,10At.' Deetinii: someone, and to fiend him.
11 ' In . * ' ' ' * ,l'ef''''' '.""'''-. 4T"''''''"'"4 '''''''''” ' -"';''' '---- ;101:ere ,,he 'ebOld rine tit .4blie 'Piene ' ''wheir the* water was clear . at„tiele....v,:. right` up • 'I tinPPOse'yoq,re the Alan..
I '
' 44 ' 'POO*. : 00:1414404:"' ihrougli0ut , ',100t0f,' Ma! as: * rule '.40-- P4.'.lsr4"*Oce' WOrior.0viir,fortir,..MIlees-hol.0.*thie L rfr • ' .':10401i the ::etnoes'. liutOrf4clileet be vote,t0 .)itl -001114 lko, seit4 hey, oho* - Mrs Townsenci: 'to
I :ilea es , the:, ,., , .
'Mot ,,Of ti.i.e,:prorince,'.Theilit Ii., k• -,fie*: 'aa,40041:.:401.14,,,:#0. as:4,441'1. , vterci0 P-milall, L av°37' 4aY ." • 1.'.:13road ShOniders' f." a*.';`: 04, 444' 'do 0., lacked' .'110," t*0 `.0t the, drill' *ell ''.41t : ' thief -fifty., Oight ilia vis.Y.,s, eir«'fr .
is 'Oonsiderchlv-lbelOW normal except are well, supplied *lath., 07004 niat' -Willing to 'play lte4.40W1i:,indeect,:, -, „oti,,_ - ' ' . - ' eur:.-Alita-:-niornin4'.04-ithezere'.41.0*11 '' And before, Ilia- wools were finish:,
ni-Paatern' Oita*, 4.04 Manr,....farro- ter,' , . . ,. ,,,, „ , , , ...,.,,, ..i. . ,, ,L, • : -a ' ruch,, rough a• day's ._ *prig •Y,, -,'"six
- iaififilti.'4,:tro,S11:,44-v14.bit14*ttlintIFZ.4t01614s,:, 144:,'/Iitril::... ,6' eViii440°(:.**I't;thiisti°,07.0,*:rsligbau-4'ra*)altes4;31re:4), 1/,litYri2;4*ie. 1..";i1.,',41:'.hn;r-lea,attll'eo.lux*.ilso' t114,44.:;,i'llt.tit.714-4tiuoOttti,:is,stiii:,1114,1*Ilidiv,%;111dh,;0,7' *Jr, )etth-bvitorrit".05kfnh40:10LiA;;;0':,t,oh;r-,'"47M.71,1.,.,*_, :.'llt,i):0i092;7,:u°,,;, ed he
lielita4l'ototro.44f thestreets,anew arrival.
"40t4:614V4, ' .1)4t'' failed'***; "144' 4/17gan1e'''"$°' 74/14 :11'4 lasse4;:°*.' 0101"-Itt:4°°' (*'' far' '1"titpi.hatient 40,004 :At:A.:: butuirett and T•SO1.4. , . h'. +.. he#'i.• and ltedta' VI' c: ,1:1411;:"tieo,:tilsie:tr'cli:15Ing°1:11.4eatus:i*Ii°a:tr140;)tbell:i'in
24,:shocked'iliCeffe' a:Of the drenght,,'Iluitins,inelides- only that partof ti•,),:e.,. though, troldc,to keep o .golfing en,i,, the .i,41,64,,430•0t4 , vs ,01it,„'00;,, the -, , pit*... leaned,: 00, ,tliii:,,i4riuse4, eent- .,,.whe20 -,t)i-e .seasoa, .1. -i..„0 -wit- vas still JAI
ttilorOu1'0,, .1014:',1*4.11a, - ilk0in'•-1*417-: in' baszi. ' .140•,' Its', 14-41t4itit°11;111e4tlit-iall 'gri4;•.gls, tvg...:.,v,),.,01,,,,p,,,.0..6;,,,,,,,,:,,,t,.....,,akiti.:,:d.41,grhoTtoe , ,ur4.,04;,:?$00,4:010,0001:4thlitio,litto4,11turii.,hr.1,,,:vroit5f,h.,,.: 140 moioty: anti ti)e pljgretratt 01 the
Anr:Veat ..:4-likenni. , Obit ,reeerver: Meet :: aetive• ,a.tagek, , of .
,2.,„k,„:. ,,.,,...,.i'. ffsailoitickat7Alloni40.... ,.. atlh,r14:‘,H, ''. ' ,.__rietr. .,,,,, ,i11',...,:k"-.0,1.14: ' 04 which,"
ItlivtimtVcatink.' .'. at' fill ,..Nsr,bea. an . 'aal asa. 11era. .-.`"TC.. ,l,W,cligi..: 1 t ia: relaxer& '.' . , -, , ' %-:-.'" .: ''' - ', ' '' • ' - ._ ,„.‘ ,,,‘• -4...„„0,,,A.rit. Tt knis, ar strothr but ai
.rftedmwitlrath%-ifffriffittrr, ' - . , •,_ .A.r):, : i_zihri..-144.4e,:7,.i..:011.1..40,400;404" 7 elevator, the 'brass:buttOted boy, and
''. rule, 'bint'•'••bOnblit*I.-oliniost, reached the nineteenth hole : ,:trtir.„13042.,;;;re4holLO.toOC-rOnt.'7^ ' a . ytti matte.' .
ifar4v4,40...4imtgoto, iwhno.. :the-out.7.' 0 ‘00#,4tY'44' th°1-4°O4Y,•'4-';'-',.P.rg,_'?'1,11°, -::IiSte: tolCO'-*-listitiietOP t0, '400A: 4;,.7....'77.., :7,-,-.4.7,77 --rum,'---z.---tiz:',. i'- ,gP.1.111*, f9t" .1,10' !,4,0„210414:tref.10! mai.r. 47: -ill sti :": virte*e,tiiliitil:r9tfnalie!irl,fr:t'o'usl's ael;;4".74-a-etill'ile8t.
'OtIlLig,..). Z1:4i!‘„.141;e.. ,i*111,31, t'll),)e 't:::.. letter- ia-ai'., 4
tint of, . early .---Ottte, _:".--rincl, '-'-'.',baileY.,- ' • , Matter' to.A0i, .hUnt,O,s „Old no4, 9.° :up (thOae•,.-coft: fiatiw, i-014-sti4,' but. ;;;;)!;;-,,- tilon'i77:00u7,,,,' -e -:.76„i
lI,arlL ..,awit$0',Ile. :r: Cent., ednipletelt *inportitnt:-role--iir;seil:-ettlittY•:- o:4,,.. ,,v.p.., expect .0 • ottk .t ninety-pouticil Kola .,b6c4i0.:,00 )1400411e4: to bit York postmark, . which, • Dick . read Ate ..w041, ytow"d into,..tb!!1, room to ro.,
a I .1,
ordered one , to Ille same
as )44100i, if . o *4-00, ,, Sikleti ,:to vim
' 1114; was cheat* I ,,,, the An Init *00 Iet ,
'Tctri'' inTint* .44to,404, ,- 0, 0(4 ,a,g01..04: 104'404.* . b ,
rearint ,from tqatbe.v by lot 'Akar 404. 1 0153, for a
noon the Chet. reng....w.s ..- Dealers - in'''. the: - 'Unit
thiiti,- of . -Vie 01000, 00u-, 4 'bOtight fro* - 4 rattion.:, . Ili .
' Wiling , the waste Water :0' he, unitelotit moot iti 'A l'ititir pre4 '
stro .113.0 tinviatering, Omni" , , .. , il, t:. ' 1,-. AO
, . ....,
Was going . tOtWaXd in, haste. ...13y el* the ;'ris.,004 4 '
'O'clock in the evening, be repqted.' . \
that, Soundino showed That the map 44400 aultrieti lietia r 44(4
a' not ben 0.01,00.-°'oPt....-644; Olat Itt,44waratge,.1101.4.4.,:etgolikilon4
.41i.,-ithil$:.-4,4 0;evon:-•.tiO5idroa;' :OW 1 Ito, ' ettrie tiro., tearine 'Wen
pet; down."... °owl, that 'the ' • , Old- .c.444-44,0„ti.;000,4n
Vittlil'ti.1101111.11.," le
.0081VE-14144*4 ,iatnistat
iftOook HOT0304400 1$04TH
. ,
It it 01 LUXI 'Ti
coMmeme- un' we, newabOys, , recrettniing
'-'-' foot leiiel.v.The Boriant4 ebute. Made. 'Wore them- was one with , a, - New iAntiihdallit 4eailltlYetaell';
-.nearing:, completion lo,;:-Aoirthern :en. ,orgonle Totter iteelfvhiekig,oye: tile,
Cetera' anctgentral70414)7*.0. and -PioduOtivitY,••• 4. The:. part,:•:,,,t erefore,,,,, eituge: evei..-:„4;„;olig.k. portage, witboort ,, it 44. 0004 ow me:, touiimittood , Anx1001,3t, , It vyall Ironisloart, vstiicx .enleut:',1:Isdergi'.:0:1":;11:11.7 :01171:64, 7:::
itifebot,-.04-atgri„itouoriid...,$I4ii:',orold.,-ter:::;i7.1:r*atolot '.:ttbda;tbobtuxi:414rectaaXn41414in.*dnirte':0.b'!--,,,6*-:,141p4r#1;7, -fasuaby-itoia'rivte..-!rtsstalvaeis.k:YlsaigCtrifeliirn.'t.thi,xet'":' ,.tvo:t:u•:tilecristi,:li.,:,ZI:th:at.r1341%.17:c!Art:, Itidlyh,..,airtioitehdatti,I.e..0,1741.?eo.teino let,onals??;e4oi; a emir,: but his other's old -Lime
7, triP has°;beeii forgetten, • ,„,, '. ..,_ ,friend protested. .'
'rep,' With the estiniate&yield ploced, the -„process . Of "the xlecaying, ,,of ,cir,7,
--- •'
in 193, '-...'001-10,s1),ut,hti'n,-73,14k41‘,..„ isnie---a_ , . re-.-0.--.•...,-worici--:-.410.0t. --, 44.., 'c'i:11,1c1 At*i_ -_Orerdosage14Yeat4MP..,00Th . ,s---to-p-e•,,,iltr ....out :-.!•`tbolgfir "Alkd - proVellpiek.."Wadd-4i7VW.MrXeceiVt-of the , tinob.., yelea_ Alor I guess,:141.1Wa.
reliminarY eetinrate, of the yield f- are -bOifeliOlaT,Tii: 001#1,Tilii :to .xen.dez!
., all; x3re :is; 10,8, .bovhels per ,acre as , Plant food'nutrients available. -
:ItiEttinst 41inal-iiiht; Of '37;07bustielef- ' --.: lOrganie,xnattkr,. in: . , the forih ,:ot
and OS -bushels' in. the,,preVious, two '• humus Increases the. Power Of SPA. to ,
Tige.,. respectively. ." It. is too:. early: ',fake up Moisture' and ,retitin;.-water ,
-'et to 'predict*, :safelir_. the. -yield, ,et. and "Boole ansterials. in water. -Soils
', . japring grains, but it is fairly certain. with. a generous supply Of alticonapos-,.
-Own: the..-tonditi.On .PgirreS 1. at the. niatter are mere...resistant to 'pr..'
''. lirat of August, that the Ptfidliation tended periods . of • dreh!., ...4,1,insteencentration makes excellent .exer-:
per acre for these, crops. will be. pro,- greatly improves themechanicalelse. - :.... • . . in ,
dined' to. the .eXterit of aPP.roXimately COndiVons ot,,, sous; ;.endexlrie .8.tiActy0; .:e;twiertniontdiiertztrioans, emanat;d0.103273.115,741:riguiJt., .bereg:irgohirsbooyf,; eixtpemnisgeiit
20 per cent. -The. 'ei'Ctremely higb. soils more *,. . easier
77tegrPe. , rallia,„,e,„ Nvii1,014Preyailed----M-tiur ,•.wonkit.,-,-and--enables---them---;t0---r*eelve, neeessary-'a --it-tieryes--exCeedingly Bill said thoughtfully
„a -4)111141g of "sPring. grain, and ,togefir:' feetively; At the Same time, the soil /7vonetai"nA.a4lakyrnralisVrierninznir:..ait.t3ape3:114odliown°trte" 613'-4'irewrirnftliFte itfigurtbees rilahl_ntbs‘. :adllidp. ‘'DABIng
4rtidilie of July .forced tile...premature' distribute, 1014 hold water 'we're Of. ",
hop vesated in light tilling nt grithri ',soil's- nitrogen: ctimes '-frOm Orgar..le, telye'00101140 to keep one fitYlZialgt),‘ r4--,13''.1:yrits-',.hf':;:ibis".75.°Ii7lIthaln
home rowing Machine or. a kyourinsayilgghoetai;',
er with intintiitient moisture supplies, receives better aeration.' Most a the
thud short :straw. The exeeptiop for materiai, the nitrogen being held in am think twice before accepting a .,., •iiiihtieskititi‘ingly, "or, anyway," note of affection, but decided that„
.WhIeh lit 'AlItie4tetitly• -converted' into (Questions coneerning health, %id- Flivai tisolg.still•deplalitilinnCI:, otill't '11?nzeell lienii;44ectilltilli'imun.64! .1177'1 *biahn'; :116C16:31;
' Ealitern Ontario has again to be resprve in O slowly,' available fornt ebonentei . - - . :. -
;letter.)--- - -. .
will be '' answered personally . by ,
sodation 184 College St., .Toronto, theywent-downta.- - 411):e',5gnirra.,,,sys,
' shown it so far, but eight hundred He had. to run bag in hand to. catch eh/
av,e,istintrkiinfiroilliwing your lutiAco: .wel givollsIte.eniteixas`teleerilhil:t.:;,:nuef:silion was explo-
Ave. "Ah, ha- The moth in the closet,
So that aiints for 3! 1 spent
. dressed.t6 the Canadian Medical A.s. of tbo iedRei, ine
: . ' feeetrrht--11-to 'Show e of work."
that's, rovitaInfg",:V1611illskl;ridp-igii! a hundred dollars, then, to good pur-
"Aetress stabbed by sweetheart." "How is the sump bele' under tlic ttodurgaged toeilliutir betihae 1:0111SYnooft !),
lek looked an intent and wonder-
Some lovers do the"cineist things, but shaft?" Dick staked. . ' .
., ing question.
this is really goia,g a, bit, too -fare.. "alust be somewhere about 'seventy inlagine-wilY Sloan had been s° ineAthnatagteinhety :hhaerdfAvirnitteSenatytioeu,virara°kte-
nt 41(1°°:X 224 bukbalEt' Ini)1143.165' C`f tillY • (7°:44101'''' 'orFloe'ste rather than in infer. , drift west , -If the *ill hadn't, been put. .not . have time tO visit the -OrDIX d' turn , aroul* yilotenget)harevt,101111oW;widielse(old'.1"Aacnuan(tio
f 411 *tere. going t.° Or, earnestly hc!..Ped s'eeSt:thitelthuePri
28,7 bushels per acre as Conipar- 'genie matter, tile soil is teeming:Wtla Better b far is it to take:- our we, -ney of -ore., that re. plaYing out as we hurried: trip, and that; While he -
else oval ddaY-i-i_tPIossal 0; y, othea whether 'it was the permanent ledge- letter, to meet hint In Spat*, and
?" • named a dat _have -any, trouble with you. -Yon lool,
W.1 -I don't think I should want to
cannot'be one, a ea ever e s
Out -door -exercise- is- -
Walking is one of the .'best terms- , ,"Right you are, panther."
evenohbowling,t st, swiniming arir,eingtro, w\e-alirwieoullid,titteve.11, tdhreiftsamieess angle,
be reeornmended.- tiardening with
its stooping and bending,end int ental,
°Wile -a -WI You got to -move some,' as if you Could hold your own most
him, you'll have to be hittin! anywlierer-.4tnr-gladr-,Now et down Crin"-"ACITI.0
ain't you? . Let's see, if you 'want .
to • meet-
and tell meal' obet&the nigrounela paiwrizomcat
seventy -feet on the, even-hundrel- the trail outof here in •fieur,g1 said
foot level to.eut it again, and a the Bill laing down his knife and fork. .h.#. ;i, of the: work, sparing tone of oRntor.RAVI*1 ANp 3:)auoysso
He listened -while Dick went into -L." • ,
phone. '
Next vbdt VedneitUy,
from 'tin *Mut
1,70, at -War-Sp.. -At
Telephone 140.
J. W. 11404!/%7111.
__019tWialliAtt ACCO ANT.
89 Ontario St. Stratf
Member rirstbrook, 'lleteod
*teith, Toronto. Ottar10).
/tarrister and Solicitor;
Sun Life 1314 Adelaide and ViotOrisi
eight-hundred-fodt, -We'd jiist 'aboat "What'you-s,cise. is up? Goin). to the Misfortunes and disappointments Imzzvg, awaraudi. •
:have it at the foot of the.shaft. Weil; tie the, poke ',strings again?" and- tetthig of the new method
Dick feared something was amiss. ployeat He was interrupted now arid Equipped with electro-inagnetic both&
And he continued. to 'think of this
after he had written a hasty note to-
'Bence,' and that he expectO to re-
turn in week:- He pondered . for a•
moment whether or not to add some
then by a shrewd question, an ex- Electrorder electric treatment and owe*.
eltiniationi or a- word ol assent, and, time*. •Chronk, os,ganie and nenter
ter he -had--finished---the-aceon ours--3-tor-5-andl--to--a-pan.-on Tuesday. --
report. What do you think?
"4: "Well; that AA All_there_is ta rridaY and SaturdaY, and on Wednes--
"WhoIs Thomas. W. Thur ' • at. 84ttoliell. . °
Presby?" -beYhagrr 1-2-bY 41INIPPO.ralha'-enCt°ntatulotniti-y. "ilia
office, corner of South street sad at.
Sloan's -question was abrupt. • tannio Rout. phone 341.
"The owner . of the- Rattler, the A. N. ATICins18014, residence. eror -
amide here,' AS .teportS indicate that,
)1priivi,,;glidni, are only slightly be- another Another- :-form Atif. - nitrogen more
lowi.'"average, dire to late ,seeding And -quickly available to, the plant...Ulm,
.-fiPPeOr to be filling well, . The yield -eral elements are also rendered more -
of hay . and cloiert the first cutting readily available in soils with A Aatis-
of alfalfa, will generally. ensure ;Suf.,' factory humus supply.; ' - • • -
fielent fodder„ for. winter,- feeding 'OW to -increase the -humus -con-
purposes, althiingli. a 'number of in- ' tent of tdhemo solikant at the same
ividual farmera may find it-„ne.9es..- ,tinie Maintain a fertility level which
- . - VIII not affect the maturity and igen-
eral leaf qualities of , tobaeco , is .a
.problem 'which , has:. required' some
consideration. ,71liel humus tontont of
mink of the Beer tobacco .saila is
naturally low and unless- aolrie or-
ganic matter is added regularly the
preductivity-of these 'Sells *HI' eVreit.:‘
.tually reach a point -where crop,
yields will be seriously affected.
E.xperimeitts tondutted, or it
-period of, years at the Dominion Ex--
Verimentsd _Station, IlarrOW, and the
rojects in progress" at the ExPerl-
Mental 'Sithstation,. Delhi, show . that
under proper ioil management hum.
us can be - Maintained to •the advtiir
'tage,. of the to,be.00 crop. *Ai build-
-- ing must repiire soil robbing, and
,..thitivoLon.1.4..ho in'oPellit *bank 6.1/,..
better4balanced. crop rotation, Ilan
.nitinuring,' and.sOine.iiittatoek on the
farm. to -keep up the. suPPIY fig Sable
manure, These sources of -itilipply.. for
. the formation of humus - -in the soii
are possibly On. every lout and can-
not be Overrated „ „a ' . .
mAi" use4 ,only
7 to 8 .'01c.lotic *400
:from S' to 9 o'clock p.m
Belpre -,water used ior latma,
sie,rvista- or tor' .gardenis, '24:401iicatica
isintlioLtye niaderiffint,
Use, ioatt during :
alarra is, strictly iwollibitiete
.Any iiitraction et. the above .4011l.
be dealt 'with sitording' to the lit-
. • .
Complete in *rower (travee
Worm'ltxtermit- is,for does not rettidre
the -twist:trite of„any other medicine to
• ppire effectiVe. It does not fail to do
• Five rklief recipients . are, being
.proseetiteriii- tentlori, charged with:.
Thi a may -be ado. to lack of properrest, the - worry
over business" the 't‘th free use of tea, coffee or * .
tobacco, the littping.. of late hbursithe never ending
drudgery, ,.ef„ honsevfork, but whatever the etruSe
have been putting tee heavy strain On. the ItelefOtts
system. •:-
Xf you Are.tirecto irritith fie distressed, you
will And Miltourn's 11. Pills a remedy' to
Make the weak nerves stiong;tbe shaky- nerves
medicine that will he* put you on your f
or eighty 'feet .of w&ter--init; but we anxious, to talk with him, and in the
$C1EtICE;APVISES., can pump that out in no time; She other and happier intervals, he
dry e‘ now, for some reison X the -man whom he had come to re- they
twain" -ranch 'Water. A.most a thought of Joan Presby, daughter of,. one lars for the property -yes ---the same
ing an offer of sixty thousand dol -
they lied reason to believe was the
you wrote Me *tont. Ite said
APAINSTMEALS,-.1.0 don't quite get. Looks as if it leaked, gard at-antagonletic in many ways.
away -A good deale• somewhere, The confusion, of mind dwelt with
WP14,1dn't. be no trouble in slain'. the ed the, rough aaccomodation" that .1Yle!. Irtlfign(leh as
1: :through .'„the ferriuttion. There him persistently after he had bear,.47 that they now wished to deal with
financial baker for the mine, and
you might be car -
tarried him to the main fine, where, 1r -tea -away by youthful enthusiasm to
IN - NEEDED ‘‘BULK' shaft."
"And thirty feet, • About, . would he must wait for the thunderous ar- squandering my hard-earned cash,
bring us to the seven -hundred -foot rival of• the long express train that wrote back that your judgment satis-
fied me, Then,. Just before I ]eft, I
• ° was to earrl him across the broad got a flat offer of a hundred thous.r
• Reports ALLA3244 Supplies '1114`kkets"." • and splendid State of Virashingto6.- dollars for the property in in%
ThipS PiefiltY Adjunct do‘:.111.1 eWnanritiyteonli tY:ushrfbtatl;her want
at: I I4thaeb°111aagnildifizetegar wheatbelt1Zefitt
' that there is a day and & night shift. from horizon to horisonr and Ilary°°' and -wondering if some one wasn't
bebinde or seventY-five thousand for my
spread share alone. Ilt set me to thinking,
Scientific tests have•shOwn that' .1 The rebuilding of the dam can be ters paused trowave their liats at the
1 * I The Vit f trying to cut your feet from under
1. InealsWhiell nil" the PtiL,Perh:1444gre work- akthe millmen are agreeable to • Olympies, solid, dePgriteifit
tn.....1 out -off for * while, except for autil trawl reigainit the sky_with_ledrzongaendo ihtent you. t_Sa, having Wiliness in Portland,
ttge.l. t"-„fitrfr.4)-----„,„ tnmm1,4i-,-i-;--r.:--il4L,Aua''n,e"'„,:;„' --1-want-1-ivant-to-sink+ I tion't.-Ygin I -came up here, and got- after this
--- -----4- 7.—.1": '11.7-!--;-"--1 to waste any time about it. 1 want o.utline of peak and forest, came into Dick
an"aYlleaula ..-uftullc,..4(10 441" to go flown .just as last as it can hi!' view, and yet his .Perturbation con- He knewliadbeafocrheiltihe°11oyaarroellid6nsmi°ann.
appetite, ,,even amoua, aiseage„ , don, and *hen. we Vet to the seven-- tirlued. had proteeded half -way what to eA,!,,,
b h ., n 3 He smip the sniendid nanorma of
Avoid these faulty meals y add.. hundred -foot, o e gang must tar* . - - . . Peet. - . .
ineltellogee ALt-13,4f to YOUr . iro drift fel. the green lead And the Pudget. ound open to his view, And art cost me a -hundred dollars in
?tortilla whillier • other's must keen goingdewn." the train, at, ist-st, after _thr.ose,. iver‘i entertainment, and a tat of api,-t,..te. ,ii,
.niellin eoutyealitmlenti)fiernikige, 71711-iii--sitso--rbs - - * almost -- knocked over the 'hours of Jolting, ravtieu into the iOng readiness to talk business, to get him
by" Fi b ! stie aitt
t, sheds that at that time disgraced the TpuhreenhaIstroit uthne.
imeleansisthesre° Id Ii4Itelni7 eilt.erd.-A•7044as"140$11**141 ' desk by
6-tutitkr, u 4 i en 5 it - Young giant;eitY of the North-west. I uc°anfraeideorital!ewwitohnlmd,ieb.e
alio' furnishes vitamin Bland eon. * "Nowyou're my .011 Vardner It as the first time Ile had even en- der injunctions af• secrecy, because
tains fronigainl" •Bilr shouted, "You're •tlie tired its sliadoWer, -arid as he turned those were the agentl. nositive in-
- e -
4 a . lad -again that WAS fresh- from 'its corner -he looked---euriOnelY---Itt--the structions,-- The man who wants to
1.14 quip In Arz-ZIgAri is orteri Schools, knew -what he wanted,. and stump of a tree. that bad been }mi.
,ratire- effective than 'that .fotind in buy is Presby!"
went aft4Fit;'-Dielti.71'irn teen ,Icipd lowed Into. an ample;.efilde, and was, , For one hfack, •unworthy instant,
° fruits and vegetables as it does not of worried about you since -we came alsalled, by the strident er101,54 tab- Dicic,. looked out of the window; won!!
break &nal 'within the ix*. Two here," the veteran ,went on, in a loft,'• men,derinie it it webe. posSible that Joan
tablespoonfuls: daily are tiSuallY 0" Wile ontOlee• "You ain't been like .. "The Buller House," he said, re- had known of her father's effort,
:014.4i4nt0I-txt0t0.11cTel..-00**Ii thirigillgek, You ain't hante-itist linquishirir his bag into the hands and had -Withheld ' the informatim.
...-4011401t4OUr..:doctor...---4,- 4 It's_ AIL It 4011:_yzeri„-AirtgLikluki of the 11'1re-driver -whilreached'Itini,i
3teegeS llALL‘BRAN 'y time • of losing Sloan' s money, and it and settled backintoElle "cuiliiins
served' a* eintettl with Milk or worried you., And -sonietimes-noW,. With is sense �f bewilderinetit, as if
-- sprinkle a nyer•sonotrisitiadt 1 .clon't want you to get sore and. cuss something long forgotten had ' been
'ccreate:. or cook into nrp, • 'me -it seemed to. -me „stti if your recalred. Ile knew What it Was as lie
or oroer
„owing inumnisonielos,vafges,etoa. mind Wa'n't altogether on the job! drOVer along in all that clamor of
As. it the cress .didn't. mean *every- sound which issues from a great and
It add*, A delicious nut -sweet Savor* thirig."- ' . .4 . hurrying city i : it Was New York,
to, .3"00r.. •-reuelPos.:% .., •• • . ' •:11•8 limited expectantly for a mom- ond he was in -the ,young New York
HO* mid" Utter ihttri, taking 4 if inviting .II. tenfidence; then, of the Northotcost with gloat skolet
eatentmedioinesortietimethinn# observing :that the younger Man was ton structure upregrinz and the ,,,tur.
lull AttegaMir is old by *II get.' flushed, and not looking at him, Moil of building. Only here waP a
1 Orit.i';.M.ada* Kellogg in London, grinned knowing?, and triaged Mit difference I for side by Eude on the,' think of it? •
to the office,' calling back as he went !itteers walked men, 010 in the latest . ' TO be eontinuedi I 1
. Ontario. -
..„..„.....4.--.........z.....---- .._. ........
4 ' • },
' '''''' •• .. .
ajainendleerras,, oreiactItintg-geoFir arvit,
and---4ast of al.114he kiss' And pray
on lei lips, made hInifinother-.4 ALL -FAIR- DATES----,--
coonreated.tuirmicamte of t4nttlayelmAlrinrilxmtof Toronifb.
and graduate of the ontar Veterinsyra
gffice in. Mr. T. T. aturphy's-Hamiltatr"
$t., tioderleh. . Telephone: Dor 21kii
night 249.
Ur* Stack an4 Geacsal Asolisouna
113e* Ave., datterich.
Etales mine everttillete..ind Mitt'
made to titer you satisfaction,
Fanners' aide Notes discounted.
Phone 119, .
yliellIlit•P MUTUAL ?MX riletilt*
OPTKINIS---President, Alex. raved-
footi flesforth; Vice-Prealdent, John, Z.
Pepper, Bructileki; Becretary-Treasmsr,
Beld, Elesforth.
1 OntaarOnti-i.-Alex. Eroadfoot. Bas-
t forth; limes Sholdice. woo: Immo*
Knox, Londealxiro; George Leenhartit,
Duelftli• johlt Penner, lirtgefield: Ja&
onno The& Moylan. Etto
forth: W. R. Archibald, Seaforth: Alex.
Metwitit, 13:1th. ,
marT AGENTS. -W• T. 'ZOO.' CI
ton X. H. No. 3: James watt. With:"
John Z. Peoper, 33rucefleld., R. R. -No..
8..tegercher, Dublin. It It No. 1:
&um 1Dswitt, latiestdthel it. a. $4.,
rnOtb. 13ornholitt, it. E. No. 1.
-Pokey holders an pay .their as-,Jcw
..ment* st.Calvin, Cuttis store, 43oderielvt
v'Tfiti Ito
tteless, Bated
,. •
proach himself for the thought But
he renierntered thitt he still owed naf-
fection and deference to the staunch
old man who" sat before him, who had
been his benefactor in an hour of
ned,. and backed faithwith money.
44 ell, sir," he' s*id, turning t*
meet the kindly eyes, "-what d vou
Y.t..16W RE$..'f.
intAT ladP. West '4 VG
Goderich Sept. 22, 23
Blyth Sept. 11, /2
Chesley Sept. 15, 14
Kincardine Sept. 17, 14
• AlIgut Craig ' Sept; -24,7-2.5
^ Atwood Sept. 25, 24
Baield - Sept -23, 24
, Exeter Sept, 21,, 22
1 Listowel ° Sept. 23, 2-4
'StraLucknow „.... ..... Sept; 24, 2$
eaforth Sept 24, 25
tford ...--..-.-- ,..Sept.23.
Brussels . ...,.----- -- ;2-
Forest. 'ept 29, 30
Mitchell. ....... ..-.. Sept,
Vitinklutin ..- • ..
Zurich .i.:.' ..
Owen•Sotimi ....... it ‘,10. lit, .
St. Marys .........,..... ;
tee-awster ortt:,