The Goderich Star, 1936-08-20, Page 5'nustrara
*out u
ions,first time be
.n *ud 'on the secofl
ised to disowui tkthe
etcher if be,
rit,4„he, flleattinont
answered Oa
he could A'
.rstae, any. MOO"
Oqggiara admitted that that'all. the
',mentioned in the. 1nformatbs
a ft' ani time on depoidt
vaul in his ofil* '
•''There imee, 110 eroo-eomination'by
tbe defonoe, TIUggard's evident
took two hours *A4 a AnartiFt.'...
-110110ta Manager of the *Baril
o Toronto and Wellington
''Streets,.Toronto, was thellextCrzw
wflnes.. He old he knew both Mac -
and''Pletchert and .that behad,
3,1,4-- •FIetcberand Co.,,.•prinCIP thr.
Onglrtnesa e414.. . zi, ,. , A. nurrt,lier ,...f
`14 .
' ' . ' ' ' d" sited With the 'hanig:1
47, l'i.*4*. \ , eP9 ,;.A: list of .the bon*,
.. . .. ..4:4ithibtc as s
.,,- 'ista
X ,
as, entered.' is : t1,11t11,0,,,,.k-,6-0.,,,,tivir.,
,during:.I. 1 '
04.00ount *vi.P7 -:'' ' '''
.. , , , ,
„kent..0 •
io*o...1.arLis: and ,Sptaleir td;t heat
,egin-a04 sinso;ti •
ig ' "havikut
i;itla",;;;;; Y°t11::1,1ei* thing Xis naat 50::Y!'F!**.,
• 'Nog. Made*.Lnimrne Co, Lid:,-,Y*Ft"
";; ;t0r.nt.
0144.#1.t. °.(b.!::
o Alexande icarnpbell, whos losses
. Others
her f* _recent years
and that sh bad, full lao.lowl ka„of
'his busness. Her father* losses
to 14,000, and
She (stated that' ah* had given n
one authority to take the bonds and
when'asked If she 'thought theY' bad
been stolen, untnvereat, Vile won
allnost b� loa to think .410,"
Mei Campbell 014 she
had only „ detilinire „ with
or Fletcher.
oseph B. Grumnut,- Who -1401 -exe
outot ef his father's estate, testified
that he Dominion of
Canadabonds atoien'41rotoitoax-IT-' -
_the vault in „ office. He last
Walter G. Wi1lis bad
Otolling. 00; whichw45evere, enin*ies_ing
from 'box. 17' in the l*Ait n ifug-
gard's; office.• '
Arthur - Verfty,\ 'lrivestigAatot, for -
t rie ' matte& Coin'inisSien'
*testified that he had .come.tnp to in-
vestigate the affairs -of John J. #.1t -
god for the Attorney bGeneral's De -
Pertinent. He said thatelte had got 4
list Of ;the boldings of Walter WiIlis
414 that they had been traced, all
but One, to the *fade of t1,0 Bank 'of
Toronto.' at .0hureh and Wellington
Streeti, Toronto, and were on depo-
sit for a loan keceived 10cloaren,
Oletthei .and CO. The, other bond,
a .Simpson and Co, bond,: 4 had been
traced. and" it was found ,that MAC"-
LaVelli' Fletcher ,4 'Co. bad sold the
on .'November 29tb, 1935. A $1000
British. Columbia bond). the PrOPertY.
Of' Isabella Campbell was " used for
borreWing by MacLaren and
Fletcher, and - NOS,' !Agit by.- thenLt
Dominion Securities There
re_other„bonds-eovering,thost Miss
tamPbell ,Spoke of, as being in. the
bot that have been sold by litaeraar-
en and Vieteher,' The , same` tbirm
liesto her father's and ,her 'mother's
4444'-,iaorrse---aelgetrt sfrr":4COMISOlit'oft
e ease against-' Pletcher.. "There
,has 'been.,,no evidence .disclosed to
commit said. the lawyer.
"1, am 'committing both for trial,".
replied 11/ilagistra e Winter.-
' Regarding the Matter of bail the
smart collection,. of ",.Felts, *, Straws and:
Creres-ilf:attractive styles.- Modern shades
and trimmings %in our Clearance ,ale'aft.
your liver...becomes lary„, slow .
or torpid, it holds. back the bale so
necessary • to move the hotelsi and
sets .up state of poisoning in the -
LAXALIVER• • system, - • ,
. Milburn 'a taxa -Liver Pills quicken:
aid enliven the liNiat: * Their .action,
helps tocleanse it from the Clogging
impurities; helps to. even Up a -free
• . flow of stagnant bile and restore
nd natural action of the bOVITel& 4rOggigt$ carry them', in stock
ss Hall taugh
*St they accepted her i.inatio»
**voila yearz ago, becauae of Vhrost
troobte'that affected her
In uther res-
pectst Wee 11*11good
alth. She epends the.'sonnner
her: brother, Mr. Godfrey. and
and Mrs. John Fewlnga
re sisters, and A.x
Eltratford* Angus, °Odell
Florida are brothers
ErnestV4406id; A pleas- turne
ant ','soclal evening was 'broiwbt'
'close, had been served, by
WIT joining,: heartily In singing 'glom
old tline. songs, Miss Hall . thanked
her friends for their; kind. 01030,4
**LOW, wishes And enpress • her-
self **feeliTi,g_ten,years younger be- the gueil
cause of thesOrpriselino#y; , Rebirth
141ro and Mrs, . Richard. - lohnOteW ‘'
.spentirleVe..41*Ye.-this-Veelc.Witli lare-
ond-vps„. LierirtarigoftAtt•Vb1.0* and 3Lz. Xen
Mr. and.•Mis.Wilfretl Roffman) Dunn*
in 4 ,
,on *
fik -irez boirditt- 4 1104 tbik *--
, 00.111140 !I:I:70441ot! to„0„4.0M4sc. n the 14 wasfoundc;t13! 1
bp -
N. zoom ,
rgsrct aid
and �t..came entangled in the belt An
electric motor and wee dashed to the
are oer„, °,,ne wasrushed, to, the hiospit,
oX the forMer'S Metber,
l whereIt,tm,it4io
was found that.' hitie,.'wn
1e 8towe of Detroit i who has bodys' Ir014,0*, a.broken bit arm ex.,HI
st lm `honoZ_her Uncle poSaibl* * fractured'Sand„ intern'.
eth t &tifet, returned 40- iNori.tesiT--- - - , - ..--..._
Ih °*And M. afld the C.O.OF
rilLiii0011,0kholo ,ng
1 ed.' hare to
Surviving beet ,,,, re twG
daughters and one eon Kate and
OW who tioduated l'ion*
)rother. o I it34_,POriclotto nt,
survived er kleOrge. at heinak,
len 'ct%ur1, 1,3r ono,' *Savo,. X G. MacLean, o
4,44:1 ono,,
on . One daughtez racey,
* predeeess.4 IIXyeMs
let "Giii.te Blake returned e turne tromholiday
'-$14itilidt.O;Ibev,ing::ieonigeted 'her5Ufl .13t***,, OM*: they ;spent 'a,' Week
*of course At Wester* tini*ersit$!;,. With.:relatlYee In aeofeland..
Mrs,,CelweI.spent the -week-end. 'lLVtior..0,,,If.c_Areinbaid*O,101Oes_mox,
at OakvtlIe,
-Mise Jean Anderson is viiting tdetieit4.with Mr. andMrs. Henry Wbb at ,.).ra7fvie.iottngr*;;:ae::ooseopgt$:O.'144"**.:kr:o:t;
a Missi9nary to India, who is home .ttonk),. of .,Detroft>.,*. her Alistier. Mise Eva
Miss 'Edith - Clutton, of ','Strottecia,Y,street„ are: daughter, Its* teaells
,.$0floujoi be, thef.apeaker Itt--Aitkeni: of Dresden:: and their .friend
the., services at Ashfield next Sun*. was. zona annot,:ot.,0,001$1„
day.• .'! an Vernon: )3,11,alca and
''and4...1VirS. Frank '.•.Olenn•.„,._anit daughter,..Jage of, Se:loots Mo., who'
/Wilt,. of Dungannon. and Mrs. 'Imve „teen'ivisiting'411.r,;.', and 'UM 4. 0,
' Totont,o,l'were 41,festa .1,3a:eohleiN,iett,4(MondiT ,North Bey,
- -; , • Webster op: . p*, guefita" et No.
Sunday. Bunke' parents.
'Recent guests of Mr.Sam Cook, include ,Mrs.
,.:..1,'Lnirt7,3411-t*es:**,'44806,ttiF4,11ii,"-ZH(tv°437:::.!1444: was o
who have spent tw� weeks
Gee-rie7-01*21 reandOir #e holidays 11.!
or loarne",.;, ripi lea tre :Isle
George Gibson, -
)444Susieand i4ke rOit. who
.., • . • (role- t ,
41;;;i474;1114:171n°10; n't:71;:6;':IP:'drli74:11:4*It111;jal at
Newgate St.
Reach,' in bis seventy-fifth year . 'and WA's,. roonsild,pnycler, hp. ,of Toronto,
jitr.anc947' .97,
„ . Nutted moth .1i.tre, , . A. porter,
rum: rS.,not Mrs. Jas. 44. tgaii* of.
e had tlie over the' week end. • -
riglit:to. give bail.- -,1:40-
leOlic it at, p.00,o,00 as. set. by • 2a*g. GusTS-AT HOTEL SUNSET
i'strE4, 4t,..4edttliss4 it. ilect. to. Sr avtiei
. On 21 ay. morning both. SfacLadre_ii tha. ‘4433-.. prinrA .1fat . Hutton
'entFletclier.'appeared before Ju ge
10:& aBiz„rir. zzuss pno, r:4 -67 .0.41%avp_attc"
wan. MacaVilllan; and
;the next !Court:of competent b,eri-
ictionout-,ILgitcher.,:dicided,tomkalte., none;
-his fate the ands anoge ;;,6;a:;;Irv.u.ii70.17lWs arbZniu'; La717,
$100,006 Beiltioesalite
• ,Mr;...Eirays reheived his *applitation 14raPer' '5GL25 F.
B. Taylor, -Mise M.'Marlofl
Ellis, ;R. W. Grattin., ail`a% 'T.,bndoxi; .J110.
It- Roy, :Mrs..a, 14i3r;' WW1 0
Wran,:"Sairig,t4n; Itiss Sara .14 EtroloP ,
D. Leslie Brown, Buriingtonl.Mrs. K. Or.
am,,._Mtss lirot,40ntailion;:iunsaaa--F-
and B. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. .A.M.
rig; Ititchtner;;Iitrik4A W. ,Westoott
/disk. Louise`"V*steett,. Mrs.. Burt
Schumacher, 'Ann 'ArO6or; Dr. 'Itobt.
'1Ui)ert, and Ws.; 'revert, Mr. and MM.
Alfred, R. 'a:revert, Mrs. J. Kent Smith,
MJss Irene Kent; :Smith,. Mrs. meurt4e 3.
goinn:and's.tivirdalighters; It Mil.
Utr„ Mr; and A. Wharton,
'Wharton and Mr. -Wharton, Mrs.
B, E. Sinith, Ur. arid lift, a W. Meilstrip;
Ur.. and Mrs., J. A; OOdianOhlint and
Vire. Vbleni, tlaIr; and Mrs.
Bowen and tour ..thildrea, B.
64elfer, Mr and 10frii. Kern, on of
Detroit', 014r,s. Iraylor, .Miss- Jane
IkU,' J. .FrarOld Wright, tudiani-
volis; Mrs. H. M. 'Stracluth„. Cleveland;
Mrs. L. IL Milliman„ Mrs. Bolter.
man, Pert Wayne; Mr.' and Mrs: R.
Brown, Wayne, , Mr. laid Mrs. H.
S. Borden and daughter, Mr. Prederiek
Borden, Detroit.
itto creOriir$4.4.*,thier..1111d4r Ali • grand -
telier it, 'Ooderioh*. and, lived on 'Zig* do an.414na Vintani.
Avenue. -- -, Abont 'Afty eara,..**E0. %.*11.1)0" IOng-tlineOzt.:'irt1104 Itibe. Oct
Me*ed to London, and 'later to V,Io vitlt. Plztlo:, lietlence, taxl. •olleitAki-
wtot; ' se. is .survjet4-..hy. an 001$,T neo.o,';Onaiting• It .4f .1)1444Ur4k-Ut ithit' ixSr.
sou ' George', of Seattle, Washington, Ah's Vie *weft Ana respected. lit 7-tionft
and t three, sisters,, Misses 1\l'!ille .and , OA' Old. bebanae. Of her‘.kintineea-and*!,7
1)4,zotioth'.-.BorrY 44nil Mrs. H. C. Bet,' selfishness. A looter member otlano'l
;bEi'veawilov:."roTimositio.trrlt:_al,IttoefoTH:itcle:btemo:Loy0A7aoranna.. 'bioftNilidsga.);.t,,.,..040111'ifitiastA044:441,:ttrAlan*oto„,hhttnetarrtchr4or,osilttrlitaolirria::::ocrobe'gfort.ars,qh.urtez:*,
*here .intOment . *Ws' made in .)104- .1414.4 mom.bor,044,11P W. l!it*Olif,C,Vef.,
.. - --, , , , , . . . ricithw hejrasepoieru; 40Qinimottiwo10741tonisittotru,rma. 4,1
. tlfrar .joniv, McOtattan pasSed ayft# - . .
lana, Calgatery,. 1,:,..:1° . • , . Otis.. 434111161:1( Wii,$' fliaii'l‘:V-i*Olie
C -41040:13«.».01.......X00144-14 t , it 1,...„r„,„.ttt,414160
, , - . rears ago net Month -Coming here'
- ... ?1,. il '-iiiiiiit4 •
lvf:yloe.1:131jaii:71:13'.0:4:t1)4'hdhl.C.hvitabodatts:tta-n. Osnott:7'ielaltitettner;ultt;:beVLtehn:mui:eg:b:1 .'441:tetuilth'e4e:er9a4:71:411riihrolif*nr. ' 8 -1,,e,..4564r,,ecie:asstediLined:43:14r:1:11r3dreedrIntwasb;:anat'tla;letyli
.10P,ZolusiV4_....„, ' . , „ ,,,•,, Aovi, . tvl lied ittritn fifteen months by .teir ;the
she 'continued . alliout. her h°1116 lx;* :' Me li narViVea whim daugh.
*Itilio. A SllOrt .tfitit- -Ot *Ae-r-elid-- '-, .,ter, ,Nfra, .gert); ,tourfoti. Aye. irtanithit.
Ifer • Maiden`name, 'was Miss Sarah diem john, 4itra. Doret* Alma. and
GaUleY and she was ,a ,oienbet of the Bertram .M1141: and. one granddaughter,
Nerth. St. United church. Mr,' Me- until, Curran. s, ' Om ' .Misener -of
(G.137:41 4,1,-iie:tLy-13°oIriti,!'41:tage ago.
'Shx-e Stiltakent,asht. e(nncelittentWa 6714.1.'§twk:le,t4.."!..1) *71"
Lenns. Yee). of Winnipeg, and. four and cared for until at the age. of i1he
. 6 giii%Id• of Toronto,. Lorne and returned to her fatter; • , 2
, Ernest :of 'Port Colborne, . and OW. tri,e funeral soil/ft,. rwhioh was largel$,--
ence of Magatert. wended; .1c.rits. held in tialte ohureit,'Rev.
The funefal teak place to Maitland' win.. Patton conducted:tile Services. ...1n,..
Ce etery on Thursday. at 2.30 p. m torment was, I?. Dungannon Oimetery.
The pin hearers were: rook Jolmaton.
for. ..bail for MaeLaren, *;elaimang.
that- every Man wasinnocent until
proven Ivan. that, his client had a
-Wife and two children; andhe had no
intention of disappearingi-but.. was
going to see thecharges through to
the .end. Me. Hays chili/fed' f100,000-
.1b4ii was Out-'ef all, reason, and it
could not befurnished, but $25,000
could be provided, and .asked" the,
'Court's acceptance of that amount
He asserted $100,000. hag Was, ridi-
-Callous and that the amount of *Money'
alleged to have been stolen Was no
criterion for bali., •
Mr, Darrow' claimed that his client
could not posib1yenjoy hia freedom
• if the Crown .iriaiiited.7 Laken 000,000
bail. He referred to easelswhere men
:had been charged witb reisaPPropui..-
atinir intaeli.o.larger sums. than the
accused in this, ease, ink had not been
asked to ,fUrrdall any. such 'turn as
$100,009 bail. Mr. Darrow intimated,
$26,602 nifght be furnishedfor 'Pieta
,14 client Was coinrnitte4, on the
(continued on ,page ,8) • *
ET R. liAcCORtnicK .orrotes:Feboter. Itermen.Philltlx.` • rrnest*
• The death -took place in Toronto Andemn 'end Samuel-
Snraday of Rev....R. Johnston. McCerPtXtCIC
Mick, pastor King Street United Priemistrom a distance pre -sent for the
Church at, Oshawa. Previous to his funeral. were: mr. and Mrs. Jim•Miainer
death he had been enjoying his vaca-... and Nola, Stratford; mr.,and Mrs. Will
tion at bis -summer cottage .at -Kin- Johnston, -Ooderieh; Mr. -and Mrs.--Vrad
cardine., and had motored. to Oshawa Johnston, Olinton.9:144 and, Mrs, Kin -
to offitaitte at, two Weddings and had ncth Campbell end children of Detroit:
then driven to -Toronto 'to visit his 20. and Ma. chat 'ftimaleY, London':
brother, Dr. W. N, McCormick at Wr.r. and ivirs, WM. J. INOICensie, lotleknow.
. whose- liornelle_died,„_: Deceased- lv
born. in 'Perth County 62 years ago ASFIFIELIY
and was educated at Listowel. be-
gan his teaehing .career at the age at
Pa. I
'Visit the world's largest showbuilding atthe
world's largest annual Exhibition and roar.
vet at the ificetit presentation of agri
new ids—new
id cwthard in beautitul array 4 .4
Sept.4 to 12 'Poultry,
Pet Stock Show, Serg:, 4 to 11. •
8 and 9 Cat Show,, Sept
also the go susdMplayof
to aft Ohrtibil in fit
tltutathuikling,nd a thousand Other
singly tit* educational and
17 *a, VitOria.** ))." ,11;
Vita 4C;CAtrt;ot
ithd• aitc imve :01 „tic 47nlaitt: orgirithylVtortteritoitp;rt:mtiTortsik,":,
MridoetvRy 114"-irtiltatttrt 22' 'will be 2nd, at 44..
are Invited to consult her Mout
rate .sbootb,.\ e -
the dates, August 21 j:
strtfby thet7otlerfa'"ntitiOnitinit',.
d are urged to mato ex.i:-
hibits and hell) make it Cotteces$
Wiuited: Butler, Nurse housemaid*
-Advt., in a Provincial Paper,
• other.luties as Well, of
le and after five years, he decided to
dolkiCEILDnaid, and J'estAnutfA. anlae...4gand.."'FICa:rilla Eat-,
Mac -
enter the • ministry. . • '
many residents of this dietriet, hav'' (14ielsea Altin‘ and 1•4„18 .*19.1.*erizifIr 61
Mir. McCormick was well-known to Ven a few (1411Y4 In Siktnia".:_.
,,_ q.. ,11..1),ast7 at 1..Yt4 t44t. 8°1" :r(*.°Ursrlt.,°03' 116:::infies ivaries' - Alice -and An-,
'' Left to mourn their loss are his ille Budion,,ireturned to Detroit on 'Wed -
widow, a daughter, Miriam, at nesday, sitter a visit at the home of Mr,
Oshawa, and two sons, Johnston. of ounzan cartoon. .,
DailattWa,and. Harry, of Detente. odiaa ktean MacGregor Who Wok'
Three Istothers, also . survive: Dr.. W. 'summer (*too, 14 Toronto Is home..
'X, McCormick of Toronto; BenJanlint, 6r.r. and ears. Goodnaln and sort of
of Listowel and Dr. W. li. *Cot- Detroit were Sunday visitors at the home
Mick of Detroit; also 'a sister in Lia. 1. . ..
towel, Mists Elizabeth McCormick.' Q.C. 1111% John McIntosh. ' '
on Friday evening .death claimed'
another citizen of 13ervie in ,the per-
son of Mrs. Jas.. Elliott, after an
illness a two years. - -
Mrs. Elliott, before her marriage
was-1/Iist.Arinie-Ross.---.She-was born.
in Col* Breton.' Nova Scotia,* and
came to this fecifon when a child of
thirteen,' with her widowed wither,
brother and'----litterT and matleo
home In the village of Lane: In
1823 she married James 'Elliott, who:
survives, alio), two daughters, (Mir.
garet) Mrs. R.' P. Cole -and- (Agnes),
Mrs. W. -Gordon., who' both- cared
'a kind and loving mother until e
jest. She is surVived by hth
et only
-brother-and-sister,71U-Archie Ross
A short ser*ce was held at OA
home before the remains were talcAur
to the Presbyterianchurch of which
she had been a -member .for forty-
three year. Thestrike was -con-
ducted by the Rey„ Mr. Taylor. of
'Kindardirie "Presbyterian aurcli, in
the absence, of Itetr. Mr. VicConnel.
The pall bearers were Walter
Moore, Prank Colwell, John Sturv.
on, E. Lindsay, Archie MaeLeod and
fOilation. iInterment was
made in Kincardine ...cemetery. ,
Those attending the funeralitbtri
a' distance were: Mrs. 'rravo,Q9,0gright.a%
ife riot,'Detroit,t4R*orinart, Neil
and.. John MacLeod, legate Falls.
WMITtAltt- August 14th -Wing -
ham has lost one of its prominent
business _mem in the ileatli-of-Thomw5.
hsre here it.hs.51iViesrFri-
evening. Mr. King- holiday-
ing at his cottage at Bruce Reach
when lie was seized with a heart at',
tack on Thursday, August 6th. The
.followingkiaklay_inortiing he had
another eifiturni home ere. .
---13iiiased-' --was 'iber-4t Arz--1.4k
felt' Blue-
Vale for a short time, 0/Wog to
Winch*** with his parentt 49 year
ago. Me father operated 4
nsentaj. here and on- his
29 years ego. the bushietil. WAS eon -
ducted by xt mot and his brattier
Robert, until -12 years ago when
Robert Went to %unto« Since tit%
Vine the detested luta tarried 05 ib
tu6ir. '
King was *dive, in the afa
Mr. urs
of:thit •For at.titliber. of you*
T pito N cc.
AUG; — SEPT. lth
In effect falai iiraay *tints in On.4011;
For the Relooll,
*ounce tins.
large 32 punee jar .
Merest Pure LARD, 2 14b. prints 2