HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1936-08-06, Page 5.1644,4 ,WiAtas
nt� z�uy otortsk1re5', d oTiO4.a.ae430-f 35-f
t '
of" iirrty�' iti , coat
basex tided � k# , a �o
o what, 'the eni",'
Gate ' meants to' •the rbbie ;re.
mfir,• l*kk +'.:: anemt ri
mak To , but he aspoke� mo v'-
tnt lt3t;'' °anti; 'and. ce Wit.
de ice .di , 'trym a to
F, a. • l<ojtalty+;awrd
endid`"� 4
ups a �� � �' ��' Ia�dx a
red ot4fklif Ite(010p
the a:+e oi' the qu#rry ne'n oi' ,fir
rith, their other' dor
>ta 1, >u;gh +g>! of St• l Ulf*
.` Mras•`J,1 eehler.
Ixals_laae� . `true of
h ten*'
ail 'her',
'litttle a arrr ght c,
send Iidtor1�s'w� h Mrr aan
l3la ►, yMorIt
eay� wtlx h+er aorrn, ,...„‘r
stne'r Ott 'are �rieitiuk tl �.
51c ' Th otl rr l ik L � tt, Mr. Ross
gill "'here iu ' . rink: ; weeks.
, w7 Sieh Ai eyli , � therin�n o e
A U •est of the' Ontario dies College,,
Wh tby, ► ' ,a .end visitor rat
ter home ern es .Street,, l issie
etherri t n- week f44L
! ttawa when clic' has a tired aas'
ilt or i r the Citi . Depart
int ao the ►y'errynniasn't.
Wheel Vitt c was its'
$ mor 1 t ei * than. ouI
.7 Hollett
v., ;0.
rl+ss d . ei ,.
Ow m,andda tent:. re*a
Ot '-of; tls6 Q, was i ellen.
.yM��tye,��y,r�y,�y��t,'h4y� ,ere oo.h���yyy'i'y.'iaY;w�}t{{M,gro�u'p 0! ,uny�
,lriR.+ ds it• f -the �!'M trsc'V+Fag Who
Watt#ng .cut a the meanie, axe
them s *timer of`, confetti. .They" :lett
for a short nietbt: honeymoon; UV and
ctn thet ,return will ?aid on the—bride,:
gloom's farcy in Nett' . hip.'
I useke _peas
�+:i'.7 '�::iLi..W.+diww!rr'x'^�tr".'+ ^""•,�We-'•"Y�Yr^rf
Sappesr •sa1. � >
eu cooked
1cup cooked riee; ° ,p. ,
as- ' -2:; tbepns, ' 'pimento; . 2
e, _relish; -2 t ns ' ,grated.
t'bspns4 �l? , ,
'"' cheese; , :'tapn. salt;:; 2 tbapns.
-arced celery, lett 'and fires'
.. ,sing. + �, . '
'Combine : in die"ats' `lightly and
chill.; Serve ,in cris' :,jettuce type; with
French .,o ai dressing:,
Fxernc'h .oi�Yxty reit ;esti
,G: •I
a ley -of Stratbri , who -Investigated
to is ` C+avcrnzneut 1 e
Tete +� 1 . ear
� i h rs, of the �
:.� . _ � . they case sKa,d ii_ 'bo ... y
r 7
'` " t' n d on` to.th ntarto
vir!afs re'ma`sxt & �C•o_ dl
Hospital ;em '''V1�,e+�rtesdaiy.. Vicar
obsery aation,
straa'te a;3:, V' • Ba% h : court: en "it
'ehai ' e pr#vinews• cial sclonsta+ble'
a reward for.the *etc:* and conviction .old :deien ret vs ere. 10thieried pf `wheat:
of Unknown persons" ;wheels± ' 43;24011' tt> e' ht 'd ti- •• • .
la '
e • t some of the. recent .7 in
-have deliberately roti ons.e C4o>� a .rester,, sc��ed it in;
. -have . been ' ra. " .Abe -
felt _.;iii .: ''� �. �_ ti, �... ,�� ''� �an{a� ed ret•- 46:- ?deet , .
Cher $N rth of l ' Pro ce..
Th'e --reward' ix" for JO ,O00. ; R'lie adver
tiisements' 'indicate, that • the .promised
promoution will be direeted at "criminal
negligence" as . well as deliberate arson
in the . northern tn heiland.
• It is common, knowledge in the North-
land. eaid Mr. Ne Ii, that. each: year's
;Crop' at forezt•fires confab)* a feir per-
centage that are the direct' . result' of,
arson.. This .year, he .added, was aro ex-�
coptiozi, to the1, ;rule,' but the eta were
ninth More disastrous.. 'because tinder-
forestZ ,permitted the twines ' to
fad far and destructively.
that '(definite evi
. dence many s, were deliberately set
ted lass, to vest-thereward:'
Ciarles ''W.:Vet, _ Port Arthurlumber-
pun .and t,(1.&., hinted in the tai
tut* last:.spring that there was some 1n.
Centilariem in the Northern timberland.
471...ia (Melia.. to undid .the men..
.t' Pf., .'fie, ►eommented atr.
Hepburn* : 'IMO the :motive is probab c'
a befuddled deal* to get 'vett eghthig
thoalre•. Itawavtr,. it is ,a Menace not
only, to fib but 4 to We: ' and kove.
oar, aspare no a im tires ;them
down and putting a. halt to Veit open'
k ,
MM thfa tittie it is 1►' line:.
tibia to Ora, sny scoatate est': tater to
the pribabielose, It from *few w
we have Asx' ice, X � :� to �-
notmce ' � .viii* -tel ti r
bei been destroyed. • - t#s oesf ..0f. the Otte
now butning are ani ` bush areas which
have . seen cut over, of in districts wbere
the timber
constable expialned. court.
4"itiVIt fira6 bland months ago,"! , replied
'McDonald:. Vt better' now and -'would
OUP'diced- celery;- 1. •eu d c
c io°n•'
,� • tsba3Pnsi chapped PP •R'n. ►, .
- t r ' nnaisse:
ouP. tier` '.:Mayo,...
lunged ; ;nie, 'very
• I,f tmnatoess axe • `p g' .0 .
hot' -water' fora second, they n. be'
more easily peeled. ,' Remove `:seeds
.,,t he til, Salt inside. of
and; part Of -the li p..r� ; •
tomatoes,:.invert::and �ebili., Blend all
tile titr Ingredients with the may.
onnaise Ills lightly-
; tomato'e
;Servsmcrisi l- �vitldditr
al:may onnaise. and .tomato
Serve a3' 6. ,
Salad Bowl'
net do it •neve/." f •
+'oath• told the enure he had been
treated . at the lnstitutton previously,
Deer harp 'become' sonumerous and
destructive -on the. ' farm "of A.�Fletcli
Gleninonris gardener,, near Galt,
that 1 lie ' has applied to : the' -Ontario
Department ,of : Agriculture for pro-
tettion,:. for his, property '
Twice- .
year h , hasnted his
: hiss have the
garden 6n11.to have"the' deer destroy
it -in nocturnal reds.- ° eestimate; s •
they have • eaten 5,00,0 cauliflowers,
3,000 •heads ...of,..la ...ca ge,.. ,t
plantings of. Chinese lettuce and corn
and celery.
We. cannot See that any -effective.
results •
Can f olio* attacks upon our taxation
Or that any set of ani
Elected to office
Could cancel them, -
With a stroke ot', pen
Our toes -are horediteryss A
Obneadonsi but is ndcesaasit ►- °
To remind -1u - ,. ,
,OL.the. manner In 'e►hich
We lOoked on, during the peat'year,
As our legislators
,Vied, with one e►xiother' ' .
TO clean Up - the ,Public treasury
Spend nfilluiri .of.
And:leaver ilea Whoa we are: to -day".
It will take a 'lam time -
To`,forg t ..
•.. rn .the
Let rs winilee and pity up,
Crediting t
Ver ii:ead hot enlightening: experience
VtiCh ;list help future .gericrationsa.
The Qume Chironicle=Telegraph•
i of blow*' ..
1�t "ass+ea' your
: ►+ ; a as: to thes D pgrl.
.41theee are
• "We; ."` 1
w ha -re
x. i
° ,k' t� tiasew. were" vent on
sC NTON, ,Auld 4 e—
oeurred in +Minton.
28th ofMiss Helen To h,, des► ht+ r
i? Thavpoiugh a '..1,Y4fh
r ,many
EDMOONTThis it r .Was sur"
rised: o Tuesday to -:learn that ar •' ��T of • ail :al
•si arta ask(
only 3years(. hers;
They�saiiior. , ,
h $� arethe ` 1.. dest lou le 'to 'be
. of �
married here .Within ;the ,memo( of `.
riNASIIL'ER111074 ANAllitt
The atte'ntiert- of the ;i eople c f
et a 'ass.attracted on etl' es
° tre `a -cpr with 4ther markers-�• of
t . a till ie of Pan alma. • t. The -
car belonged 'to Mr. Fred, 'larlirg, a#
Kincardine Old' .-B . who' returned IV°
t e.';town he` left, some 1S : ,years ago
to take part 'in the \reunion celebra-
tion there, this week., • ' ;Mt. Darling
Went to Detroit, with his. Iat:r mother
when he left;l�,>rnt�trdine ; and
;moved to .Panel)*!whore .lie is a:gov4_
eriupent employee.. .Panaana
home is Dalboa. :While in G-derieh,`
r,.° lar7izag called on and`°1MWf
R. :: Wheeler , whom he knew , well
When he lived in Kincardine,
r RLEs•.G DR• UA „"
e- r t `oocu 'a► to hi
assda►y ifirsorniyng >i . -Greer
icon, eon, a..the late Jahn "
MasrrAeon. � c avaa " o y Tiny
ictor a ixlilic ` oo1'? - to .
t rill frog .Drephe Bros.-': rat
r. Dire n' tturday afternoon.a at. 2
,.clockto. Colborne --Cemetery x
a`l: , pvate N.
voperation 0 $
tlaes ei and y .
'16* -0t, th AO +mar ihousanda 01 da y
;out of, London every year
oar countries /or the i er. 'phr
Tho' fan hg this "tdeaw ttr the
Ilan ox now revenge .point out that thw
`szntrney. alight a!us wall be ;'ktptfOndo
' z
In. wine\ returns could
thhe,ling 'stays avliich 'valil l#bs; y '
tFa'tetl ,perinentl. ln',-•thts etty;
'''.' Se rn or .234. sPeelal
T� • 'r-Cf �heMti�refi,S\.� J:c.h' }ld of- , ] ., .. .v,
-.,... .
'pe s eie4
Might ;obtained from atarlo:
CRAIG,coop , ore �ent run a' e+ !�ud
TW, August _�, s tdden t:44 bio ith amajo ty
4e04. oflfrs,, Craig oeper;last •believng, that islatton:w' dbe ne'ap
'hirs, morn.in " came als hock San to aoer. the tee` cotr bebre
oalt"atthlat�ra• 1' A ...:b‘, nut ,italtions;
•ers4, eThIgiaAPPC010
o.»l 'brVhd ng
W. Treleaven,ih
hileg 740.1d
Spent >inuehoihnrd in' Clinton. w*tee,
}: i'.e :b he . mother* `her .,,°.,..
A :osis is r .., . ...:. .
r `•' an u
� � a B'
• ' ba and ..
field d
on atuta r F .
Th funeral was guild ,��
being g made- .,in Clinton
Cooper 'Will be
Go sadly missed
in n, • Clinto. were she had—ad= many
friends. , Last ".year she had accom-
panied d her `•husband 'to ,Scotland, re -
'turrets` Vhis. s "ring; "'Sie' r.00rmr.
- organ'et of :the Presbyterian
2' eons diced. cooked lamnb;'.' cup . MISS JESSIE ADA* '
'Miss Jessie Adams, daughter of
tithe late, Mr. and Mrss,,,David !Adams,
ppassed. ,away in . Sarnia last week,
burial. taking place 'there' on Friday.
Miss Adam, who wail a native
of '"Crodericl , had been ilk, two weeks
prior'' to her death. 'She *as a gra-
-uate of Montreal General I1ospital,
Mrs. Arnold' Dillon, and daughter, ,d• for "as; number .of • years was a
'diced :cucumber;.:, clap cooked
fresh or ` canned • peas; ' cup .
!Frensch dressing; 1 cup shredded
lettuce; '4 cup f salad dressing;
lettuce, mint.
Mix \lamb,cucumber, .' peas and
French dressing, .and. let stand ,in a
cold place 30 minutes. 'Drain off -the
f he -
dressing. . , ..
the shredded^°lettuce ands salad :drea-
ling( and arrange in a salad ' :bawl
pied with lettuce.
ai iislt`"w '"fres ''mint"
Serves, ,6, -
Cooke+d' Ve etable;Sa .:
4 hard -cooked eggs; 1 cup,sliced
boiled ,,potatoeas , cup sliced.
'cooked beets;.-, 1 • eupr tcooked -
string 1beaan5 eut up; french fires -
ling; 2 small heads lettuce,
sliced and cooked; I cup:Mayon:.
arable; ,salt c&pera aanchbvy
fileta, ripe vas.
Chop two of the hard -cooked • eggs
fine and mix with thee' Pouch dres-
sing rind theen vegetables.
Add salt to tote and little 'est the
mayonnaise•, •
B. Allaster,,W7 and 11 ra. S•. Wr enl'ber of the >atasft` .,o# t institu*
Crahsbe John• Tolerr 'Mire. and ( ion on. leaving there the was asap
: 11 urn baalland dfa iterr
.iYlt�kit uwr th *
London 1ro,lx�
a e;liien ' Treiulxle ,Y hoot t�uabec wwwhlcis wase
. m , e 111 r
-anti s>a
E. Cleti lir 14�i ostia( Ilene vomer alis direction of the Presby.
and Matioti Gerrard, Miss T. Dow, of ' teri>ari Churoh.
Windsor; Mr,and 'Mrs,. xi , P. -Lock. 1 0� Miss Adams lived .?n
'owed • e• liir And . Atter . ' the
► . gartill , . , � 1�[ra'• . ��; ' Toronto., ,and • West for . a time.
E. Edge ; Owen Sound: Mr. and ,she °ia survived by three sisters, Mrs..
Mrs. R. S. MecGilc hrist, ►Mimics; C. Mitchell and Mtg., A. E. " Wildon of
;Mrs. Ernest , Rosedale; Mrs aaltford; and . Mrs.' John Morris. of
'Warren'Warren'Palmer er, Palmer,
Rosedale; C. Rabid- ia, and a brother, ltr. 'Jam+ers-
Win,: Chicago; Mise "Grt' l omark, Chi -'Menu! of Colborne Township., •
spread then top with mayosinaiises
Make.acircle of, the cd cap-
ers around sate: edge.-
., Then plaice the anchovy filets so as
to make an eight or ten ,pointed star.
Fill a small . circle , in • the centre
With' chtrpped'blasacktliveas• °
• Decora-te with ,s>iticez ofthe tyretaw
making hard -cooked eggs, " -
This will 'fie 8 servings and It
151110'111d be served. at tit, table from.
the sale bowl a
�.•- ,,.
the isalyvioecause WORLD-
� . have to stnehed ' 'T" IS
, �, ,•e� y�, Veins,. X teat' . atitchee lilt am, w'
not the i4ce' rya ""' 1 - + �, er
The >���r ���°''=� rt � '� thole Ave men� that t'
l fc,� so -,slur ' ed
,the three Pam•' " - , tr'es rd--'"'li''htte. 'We got ltbirte en l"f
Hawaaiilsit a
1 ` cup diced thicken; 1.7A ,cater*
diced fresh' or' . canned pineappis,
cul(' diced. celery;;_ "tdiopp~;d
Brazil nuts; y bup.. chi
-cooked mushrooms - Olives; May-
onnas ise;. Lettuce..
Combine chicken, pineapple, .'celery','
Mushrotoms and nuts. Moisten with
maay'onn&iee. "
Serve on crisp" lettuce.. Gaarriissk,
with <slives• „
tatoi. "Mr. said Mrs. T • niter and At the. Hilae( of -beer death, Mills,
darsughter, Cincinnatti,, Mies Z. B. 'Mimi- *lus matron of':the United
Ruth MYlrsaDes,MolnezXo'w+a; Col.
?the ll, lHDar ,Ware
R. . A. `B+lssoName, roost „a
.. . , •
T. !licCann. and W. " Yokes..the
and Mrs, ,Addams' and Mise Wil- sa, "IArya
so ° attended the:funeral..lit , t' arCili ' .... ' t!>w
:oaf -'
and Mrs..C. L Spaulding, Was hin'g-
ten* :D• 'Ge", . • Qeo. Tieamnont
and Miss Helen"M.litatuttont,.Cleve-
land,Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. A. 1. Leaz-
en ' y eta r';7and--Malas. -y1 ..F' en
•erstein, Chicago; Mist, nllton: Cat.
eels and late Agatha. +Caassels, Sppa-
dina Bd.; Mm. C., E. Miattineon,- blot'
and ,Urs. W.•J.Spence, isms' Edith B.
mer, A, Ms.tilith, Micas S. mer-
?par, ,Mr. and Mr's( J� : X Blackburn:
end sson,.' isss Rogers,. 'Mr` .G.,M•'
,Coastasworth and party, C►. -L, Musson,'
Mrsa.• T. • 0 Musson, of Toronto; ,.Mr.
,acedMrs. Prank Harrison, and daugh-
ter, ;Cleveland, and Nurse Mise Mary
incen leve tied; Ora. 3 W. Wilt -
oat, Sr., Ann. Arbor; - Mies(. -,4 Mary,
Louisa. Westeott, Mrs, Burt. Schums.
chez, and -chauffeur, Ann Arbor,
Mich.; Mrs. and. Mrs,. G. A ttstin'"Tiros(
7 Heath ;St. E., Toronto;; Ili', G. B.
n;.. Beath sit. E., Toronto; J.
.*nee Davison„. 42 „eathSty Z., To-
ronto; ,Mrs., S. It 1; eis,irrd;, Jr., Detroit:
Mrs. G. M. Chrietel er, Terrace Park
Ohio; Mr. and . Edwin • Lacy,
Highland Park, Mich.; Mrs. "Kenn
Smith, Miss Irene `Kent Smith, ' Mr.
and. MrA.lin~to.,lrt O. Wright; w and
Mts. E. M. Munro, Mr. and Mrs.
°0'Laug1ilin, S. S.,;Stilet, i J:. tilers
Detroit, :Mich.; lir. And larva. 1. B
Moneys,, Cleveland* - E,, „P. _X .g'„
troit,. Mr.. and -Mrs. 1r'anlc Harrison
and: daughter,., levelaand•; fir.1i• 1 .
Thorpe and Wits f I1'elen Pauline
T`horrp+e, Ludington,, • Mich.'; Miss M.
1l Trion Ellis, T• Srtrict Taylor, of
rrado i4 0014 alit" -AM Mr . \l ib
Reesor, ,Markham, 004 s#rd,
Mrs. M. L , Tlioinpsort and Children*
Credit, Ont.;' Mr. and Mrs• M.
- Bogairt, son and daughter, Matt.
heti#; Mr. and Mrss. IL de Phill peaux,:
, . Jain
rid+oxt; �+ir• and Mrs. alss� '. Gov.
Hamilton;'. Miss 11elen 'Ingrain,
1, +arEniaai'Miiss - Agnea ` l Par , Ilamil-
`1iensr• ESC[
,, do t Mia
10 ss+Y n►.•�l i has .
Ibi:a m. mot
stallitt Chtitort, Masten*
>a c1a,► ' w t spe tk . tat
ss aaar+t