The Goderich Star, 1936-07-30, Page 341N1';Olt" nd "daughtcrz, Doris and JeflettOf „da r.rith inAM. Y4r. Ura..„„_ 'rah and _ dau ter len and:,Mra; G.• ''Thein were in 1011*itn4°.01,4H'°..4.••••4"I"7411.144'.' . t.iWeci,.44.00*f. M.Y, 13*.ill'y !2•'14 M1es Christina , eldest da.uhter 'W unfted in Mr. hriatinttOi ott•':.4 ton' n;:it,..°4'4.-t,,,Mr•',. •Tii°*"‘ ceremony' which place at tho Rectory,• .iodovrOd:: alaney' •WeS quiet, the Con ler'lhetOK'Utkattend.' '4004, ed.The bride wore a le ibine•'.'Prencla. citlield the i4th. ilaSr•of '4u0, 1936. ' • All the 4nenvhere ,Were, ?resent; tex-- ,e014 Ohiahohn, • • "Minutes of •;the preVioue .-- and r- urt,..of ReOSion were op iet gown• hite fait:114 indilk.i6oraakabc,2% ohn. 191. gro tion oS MoDonsld: L14 Us' .0110.04 ac nots,*sre 0100 Geo. O. Dennan, ahep 0,110* 10.00 Mary D007szliatsp: cla Iaaac 1014 aLboi.•• oh* Courtney, .• Steep 'abler r1.ckeepv*1ue• -w- 2.0• 0. aries,-.01140 .iigeOunt 11,21 Ikellect.*•00i11).tklf. , :7432 • ' *A-4 )11A .t 4 Mr nding a boli- of Briuriliff. roots. Viatszioat coopia #4te,001.41 eV. „, ay Cty and ieftianneaultair 44 a ,“tootor ,trip to GordonuXirslood- 10(4. * e Xontivad Ott quelie4( the'brida tra, Thea, Suogiass, fAndadOWn.' Mr Chicago itin4g, for Riiby 2fOWtritids)Ys • 04gton 1)t, ti'46heY*s hot 14,,,b03ie :rna 4tol.t.of vi'.14/31t1 kt,1nit% cresagoiztibeist,.), P Asua, A', after wx *Ontbeir nte • lbertL.T 1 v 1 . t aleryko 1°14 of "Of '011icag° W14"r'' '4 Ad 84° Ust TharadaY$ Ur.,* lvt6413ter „Los &Threat*, „ 04Afornia; Ato-iite sPetzdirig' *av°41% Veeks' SS)1( ga W 1)0ble 11" 4'4 ntielsV44.' gitr';1 and *bikes 1.5§1. fintOn 4r1Ver 07 tl*it8Pbtt V.4 ffi.°0 from Pane River 'Dr. ana. Mrs. Dougan were. n Lon- - r. and Mr$. Wm. Maines and son, }enderson and Fiher, plank d Apustrong, Iher„, mother, ni• E,,," A. XeKena-- re a - • is 4 of- 14000kieht, 4ht4r, J. vi • k, srad;.., don on Sunday and. Mr Robert Asqulth of Sarnia, Tnn (tn qpri.np 2' 00 .!u -, .- - — +. +...i -- and Mr Mrs '.10-04-grs* Ray Moran, Mrs, Ernest, r• 1.41:Egman Daniel Long, -grad,' and ditching 4#1. 6' "d, to rleys • -and * tWo ettikiret4 fr £Cenietery • r have gene lOttlind re* etb4 04tnot*-444;1"14-1-44144ard,' 'IVIkiierrytorirrqViwi'dening•404 90" " nients-waalateS • CatuttSti,„,„, Iff"talfunithir •-• wao-tared, -Ian - The Rates' Ar*Law Vtatec ea ,Xiss 44(11sra Oleaki has Vorelito 71?j,itig minter orapteninir „ 288,40 • • .5- 7,44 ay. ion' to V. eendUethig ;the .services during- Rev, ing the .-Connty• rate at '6 84,0 '3011 -0011 -rate, 7-10"--,-0341,14;_itu he 4 * "' ••• ' , 4, .8thrAY.;* ` • At 041Ss„Madelina 4111rwildits.ef °relit° • 4•Y!'-1"3-" ().1'ge• au° %Tallies' •Raithk4. alc"flieNaY, .•-•°!d' ,• . , We-4Mo* ,neri!ordini, to tha Trnstee* : her, home. ‘b b • T A 'Cam' • 'a, 4 • W. t 2949 ter ' vo* • tit th' * Y. t .3'PVea/bett help' sthoo, tone' , be, ' ,134,,, • atth., )7, moored to $t ,vboraat3. to vi t,„ Frank Hamilton ) reirenhi London •#0317041. .411 ars "Rol/t, P001'4 aa. absence,• .TO*nehilto :rate,' a 44,0 millti'genetal •NAT,h'th ' with • • ISs '4u4Ltgaret -1tOs ISeaforth *1 r6 Av4401)Y•lati.t• • ---4rOno ,graveiltog ** 21%00 "- - -eratan .'eun4aY on "The Right struck weel4 eri4,', • •'. - • rertosof4•,gravelling• • 0/.60 •o#Ong -word of, the 'ItooKent r and Wrong nee of Power o* and Adam Johnstone, •gravellin 10g.,80 2,Ltondon. Its condition on• Nterttittyi Ur, Oaroco,-"Cra' t 'week at *the how .of Miss 'Etta • v?P.P.oLtior,- lletaan." Nvaa *ineGruce 40iyae ,41cori" ipron tnutssele:olti,4i3.104-10,4-and4-LavAl baving oe•cf. J.:D:0011111mi ,gravellingg• •80 lv** *lightly improved, ,to see that Part of•ASaltfOrd road 411d Toronto, Spent the 'week end with • ' • • • ' d n • • ' • PrWr"-Overmr4--tlie /halo ftibM1 14-aiza. D'ungn requisition, visited'Miss Ita een-Caw 11,Ft-littho'vo44:".1110est"'nf-tinnloP-*4$ ;,And.-1‘11re, -.14.--,Kennedy•r-Ll'4ohl 1 -lave .retti, rued, AO -Toronto. . w// ng • ' ,02o990. -n"6-14,. , Vie Porter's iii tern on; - Percy (1-1•Allnljanni' 1.-"C; 'ilorY' vais.,13errice.,..Lavisorouts.4404,44... no, ‘,00, c.... v17 4-71u . - 'cti- -yea' the Vorter• Bin diatilond. and were e0Jt ekkge$134 • iiinect..fOrtlo.Ager *q•: - uteri en , rs and or Clinton' =en - holiday„ 3.116• C. ThIlt°11,1/4:-,101Weill -rich -visited- on -Chincla,v, . 4.82.00' ' • • Other accounts were .e a 1114*thiszne-Da4 ie.lirela6AnO•iniatt.eal Aaavid4a5a- IineQR,tbue,trl'At'led:e-fra. tfUtily11-•lieddcabniQ. naldt gYava,colling 94711 car' /and 'Mrs, Harry an. d fe,rer ordered paid, Rutied the. -aides member / ite140” Vcssts timbers 'Off 20',4XY vas given 'th /Ars larUe aid7Wfiss• Queen; w - • Goderioh-',E•••41- • Paof rk TAO._ 404.4' Miss....!Av,°84Allinf:!,mlubtee"hfa.rng • .127:6° rt4A'11‘ zo9. 00 ; 1 • ,hei:',iskiAtig laSt,LWeek,AViis• 'helped ardens, trope, etc. AIF.were iIfuI to $i '1iteome-_or co.ndl lions war,: seriou0*- ' s s aY n eo, a t 10 65 spit•Mminday .in.„-Micadon at. Mr. and ST. ligtiVNS . ar are • ICItiengo, • are . 1- twed.ne d d )itt, Meta lio--aoobng roa signs . Road-0u1k, vouchers.pi7vig inumshi b Ta "kninzli f • Ottiliwa, re rio.,stit• hit - 1 • 14'40 Mrs. 19ea*. ML:Milangt1 a* • • 421.1r, 0.-134r.„ and W. Jarnes A:da;rot work.eenrieterri5,90 'hoildayite. 4.... 41..! at Kui,„ :anion, „a Bert. • 0 s er grave . . di ;Aid. of Zion allure o Ave. cues J, Petrie, gas Aot cemetery 4rrie 7.9f, London .itud ,1)",tr,oa.„t;ed,.h,f,hli.•931.4 kr°daY' '141`1 -WA,4?; •••• 2.23' aoriTecoLraner win; aileet, 'ale bouts of of tut, latter% %mat txtr', weather, • • en • • .• *****.* -4* ** • • ses ce e s ay. the sy, of ko;',x ,c7WediftaCietc • v•-•• .233t0° Robvrt,:etilJer ,:tn Wednesday after- beadui.as . ' -0. • 46 tuts Gra and 1r n Laztri ""1;d • pongranit 04•70 vitivor fori ,a few dwis twith'•her !uncle, 'Exhibition • 26;00. •.'w in•'town to attend -the funeral' .. h P h audit rium. . The, . `.' Valleirksh(**ork #1 cemetery 13.00', tail.'' °ye foolish or 0,1004 Thotoris to 0 serleaalY injure Whet,' into Mi 100401 thrown" *re'wlndshleld aelue unlcnown peraou, 01104101110t4 *Wm to iblta 041a4ec$tering jt In directions, While the °tenpin 4 to ture ever in the hi liWAs$' 140 one when,tbi 41aelorielnit heSeen • itunately the'd ed to ' 'win' reh re -seated: a oart,..) anieS• • ani; .graire . .20 21,c,014. August g5th, •otloek. • , ?.icyrtie-VtrOstir. ;#1% , tuckilOW Grovoii, Secy.••TreaS. • ,Itave',been in. DetrOit for •thii .0 • ........ ,., e ••• • use in the c urc itiehard•Parlo pests . 1.50 Ti' IsAr, Jas. tcntrnini and with iNfrAnd . tOwnship I'ard 2.00 G Laws , ,srtesedniatiodn-waereciadee-ila thYetalt tir,3 , - JoluriCanierouT--- • b.'Pentland • 240 00. Helen 1)&aclefath of London .'sPent! Owen' of Guelph. were -guests of Mrs, , 110 re 'a ed 14 *tli rutilttipitirtleatxfun, gnd. It -is hoped „, tfr:migLetsier .tt will -have -a- fte uPan' aa-Y.t °''r (Aloe sueh_61644,*. •teneern: ewho- - t T wat---atrortik-i•zowl, .4=0*--oraot wtniet;'..Ma*arn., - Teacher: -A-Ineleni, -"should ,Jani. 440: 4.X`foi, :Ina", he should, 'ear it 11.,W .2 • • '.geen Douglas EgypUan 14iihnent *Osin the, stable, ready for krinediate • '` use. te1nOYes Proud flesh and •inftsont.• 'mataoh, Prhusla. or Vloof Rot, aftd. -tion of 0oWe teats Liirock, dona.,to- hookey_Oluh- .5,00, at the morning service • it • the /hnreli Dan, matenzie,._ gravel . , - tiTOLMESVit.A.R, Silly 29,- .14.1.ss. Mr! (WC Dotigberty 4n, • senta ;the -.organist played one ur y aPceP Soh BennOtt, grAV. .86 repaira 249.20 Bean leydre Electric' arrears #.0 154.93 • AlbertiMitchell of Sarnia Sang two Toe -- Counciladjournedtb. InearlOgnat ° Vresbyterian Church on: Sunday Oe gravel • • las - 44au ,olotk Don Per -due etOrtahled a nuniber • " II Oh. *d llth at 2 p.m. • - " e o "Rock cif •A.ges ' • 0 • of ,yoLaig f.riends at a partY On Mon- °6te 11Yruh of Mr. Geo. Rutledge', .varsa.'-i'vretiseeftere - • , day- afternOon, the occasion being Ili e oidott meMber einireh who graVeI 0 Mr. and Mrs. EVerett Lowry. and • For the views. of all the news ISths'b'xithd ' • ' We .that day 'celebrating, his 98rd NOM,flet. ShaCklei,•`,0iieravel 0.50 little daughter of Oshetwa is° Ilaw las NUlting *01 her ister re" ad the Godericb, it r ,ravelling. • It. Voosis during the 'week. 21.80 ,fesY days at .ther hozne.Oharlotte Johrostoh, of Bruce. ' ; • WellyAter,„gra4 Inv ,„„,'r;s1.0.00 Esther Lowrey of l'aronto,,haVe been Itobinaon Wooas. • milton ifallPatriat, graV.1111V".t'Lnsiire'l kiaitinft with Misses M. and E. Pr()C. Members, of the Y. ,P. 'U. enjoyed xtobe brec picnia at the Tenth Bridge on Wodnes- filhe 8t.'X'atirs'Sund° "Pic.',7 Mrs Lloyd.. Ferguson and Miss tie via .644 liald t,emorrow BAY- -LOis speiit last eek with rels,tives in Pater Glazier, gravel - .... 124.80 m3y. . • • . widening road ... s-274.00 tor and,Mr. and Plirs. ar . daY afternoon.'' An internee' tieg program_ 't in of games was &tried out. r&ioe' and evelielwea' mothers know •• raeh., -shepp d iitow rb urrvi.vtannotipraIiLavryet 60.00 Mrs. „AV's). rt Bond ia. .pa en. - ,•_fmr„.. and mra. Alex, gyturdis, t4, ' - as lield tit (11ca ' art& ' *iidatii. their chiltutii ate' troubltd *Leh „A drumhead service w wre. ard an IsPita • „. 41114 404a a° tit"' 'al)PllO• 4116 recreation Park 0I1 SUndaY Ititer. Mrs F Rosa and Donald, rh9tpred ** ** ** ** ...... faill:14.8n.vtic°1111`:hrAotiperntY:b. hu4r c'ndiet°,4-t-ip/rearreentrscelsia:rt. trueStrid. te.kocrOf Nrgob. rtititrrot . • aoon. limitlerialtr2= Powders, ifl the Pioste'eft *loan which Rev. ?Major •1t. Me- Peterbero lea Tuesday to vls.rtJ Cook' ravel Payments $ 12.70 1 Her 6,021.83 Sbet.lt Roifl .. tire rye :''vaat, can be 'used. ' ilt,.. , ,Golio• epok* 0.. Tip,NowsHA, Attu' teditby 'I•)r. Alves, - ,, . . ,_ •tha,_. . LUIdiL 40uncii_adieurnedild..on.;:.m.mottioant of'spe'Mn15.4.14:417,d'C--lastw000Prtmliirrf-11). to; sinoe' th, Thee' ,r, tsturp. von. •hittOresbytericuarge:::.-0Ext teeheutieve--enite, 0.f. , , , javolute,-In vItirl•Air the *stem of wonna' boiiiiiii;" ,Clintoil- nd '.#ttP-0,fl-ed thP.: ' The..._ „,134.41, ald- -7-4 •P- • - • Praynt.-atlil• ItgDona,-,to . . . . ... . . . .. . „ .1 father . Air . A,. Virlitt, Iltihant Iv ' *A teetorinit those healthy conditions ikusio ind local veterans' ana.it.)164 to ' t 11 tbour: rki tan - 0 .. e clerk. , 1 r 0 - 4 ino the tneSt tglaVtreithr •01 VeVta`eX- 4baihnttellliveeenrtiniTiee von •in th0 Park' misa mien, tire. acter,and children E. McDonagh,Clerk.quite. sick ' In- unitod•Chorolt.00, gokuoskY tenninstorg. motored to Varna, on, ouriday. Mrs. - 21(yrr, and lira. Thos. MacDonald and 41,.,1g. (bevetionat exert:Tee ''wer0-idO•15/400,J,4 Ireland of Teetwater rut "9(1 Iv Mr. Mauler lixid lad '*-Mr. Oar. r the child, or bone of rohust gro*th, 'the.sarvica frent the legi9n, roam- - i its met, ;0, M. tstte,ighii, goge Tenialned theri With friends., ' Stindity • with lir. ' and Wt. E mer otee- *00leneehan. of wittu,church, atunial ritenio aerviceS • Of ', gett. i. Wi, Iletibelit Will accupy his. the 21ew. Preeb/terY president, was ,the lieiVe ternetekt-iiiii itsti. held on the pulRit bete next 'Sunday morning, aPeaker. VOXV Otinday Atm, wino tay.. groundlr,On Sunday ifternoOn, August. and. Will leave for Muilcoka Monday- ..1°1`; et Polilatith• will be the preticher. nd, at, 3411. Xn, tin% •the :services Ws to conipleto his Vatation. .. : ,ttar.-"#/iirbe in. eliirge of Ittoi thitted Miss Mary and Viralter. Jervis affi 'Obit* and 141 be Ototicted LI tho -my, Carnisti sts hew) of Beady holidaying with their cousin, Miss imeteft raer' , Z W. :Wilson. • ' - ' P 'et' • • ...AClinton.• Circuit. Mr. Baer gave si splendid ad. Mildred Heti,. *f C i - BELVit,ST BEI4141AIST, •July Idirst,Ifenrs, 40=04 Of Dungannon' tot visiting with her son, Mr. ,Cyrir Campbell, Visitor* at the Ashfield Parsonage on Sunday with Rev. and Mr*. Patton were Mr. N. Baer, Mr. Wm.` -•-•••• prim ttio'i)otist toMI*Plainti_o are very pret, *treat aerie* the het etletreefleee 'who, diarritakai, dysentery, cone, eltolsra#4 cholera infantura. sild other 'summer complaints, Manifest' themselves, lad 'OS,' mother ebould Paxtlailat 04444 SO the7sot* 'of the eldidiews hoiole u „avoid, ant trouble. motitera,sliouid, keep,* bottle'of Dr. FoitUrtif IXtrnot Of -Wild Strawberry lie34 case of, 'einergeney„ is, we -firmly _believe. there .is Ato Mete) eirectinil teziai7tridirrUrbriroViiiiUTifirdi *other* duriur_the past 00 ysts.. Ma not experifr . =Out With' your 'health. • • tfinni Right '' '14i. dress in spite of hisidtancea. age, he A author of the neighbors • and • oiler (from, ,sitortmo: (vow* litiolitide:thr lily It810;1,611s4ifingitOtto triote.1,e,Gotirda rg forleigngdssrot! ‘gagtrh.e;aidtidat Mrs. 1 1 4F, Edward a or ! fof,gooduites' siaki, turn off that loltd. „_with you till we-mot:again!' ,fwith Fridity OVening to bid them welcome speakorfo' ' . . * • • , , Mrs. Patton. - arid offer- their best 'wishes /Or their radio. It ifs Utz. f5MIth conte " to tee -r--*Ailt-r•ffiottier.--1, t---unt t -',„Tholoteketes717-e&-elm, relt-S,41 el,„havoinee, ther. When all P t arooP Th.ettleidd tahpreatInnustothvt,fre at XintAil an had gathered, on a ress was occasional chair and end table *ere by Mr. Frank Yea and a &Matti presented to them. Mr. E. Grigg re- plied fittingly... . Miss Kathleen nun& of Sebring:, ville'ilsitetrher parents Mr. and Mrs, 44:--.111311ei on. Sunda". . ., - , • - Quite a nUmber -from fiere attended' ' the memorial ,setride- in Clinton- on Sundaylfternooli, -• • wir. and Mit.' & '1,ashbre.5%- and Miss iteta'jf-MitaTiell; and Mr. lifid• Mrs. Pickard Of Clinton visited -on Sunday ivith Mr. and Ms': Vrm. 'it- kin IMOSE ORZWM, nue 29.•-(91r. allido, Mrs. tett Treleaven and tigt. and Mn,. Joseph Hackett attended. tht funeral of the Idle Mr . W. J. fifoffaitt of TinkettOn. on Vitedriesdiy. One psi kills flies all diyn day for 1 or 3 isteelks.'. pals faNo spralibpo:blaflityoa. 1W14.4 Ctotery 0oler''. Stai 10 CENTS PER 'WRY PAY- MO WILSON !LY tbD_tOJkih.7 �I. ••41'',, Vt. and Wits. Joe D. of dianditan• spent.the week -end with- Itsr. and Mrs. John Cif•Cenary. - Ronald Treie,xen'IS 'spending a feat dal* With ibis couStas Mita liernide itiurn.in Is siting grs• Jcibn Itlipetrick, of iLiucknoir.. • • ,'%r and Mrs. Mooney. of Patilty, were 111634 a Mr.' an&"siffe:' tett .liteliiven, on *Meter- MMs.1111a Nonaltelst Is isi)te'. tiding her 7vi.catlbn wlth Mr. 'and, Tdre.. -ttie4fatat4, Mrs John-IfsiiPatricft ,Spentr TuesPhir afkltioenr-tritra Iftrs.• Mervin. Mr and Mrs. aim Sheinood and girls were guestR.34 Mr...; nod • 'Mrs. Edrn ' '• at thefr cottage *t -it ' lohn t1AMtegaret laixinor snt .batiLT *VVItti lifer* *tailotd. • 101att.•Shackleton trent to T�r Zig -60 , MM.* vtlia the 0* kb of the Go on board at PAidando ,ivhkfi is. 90 miles from Toronto. .13oits leave that t�wn ever ciskr- 46 trio sitootig- the 40,00o t;dark4-tb. HoneyUsrbor, Minn 5ott F.rr3r $540iiir and Other pohtts.. ISM comfortable berths , board, or passeogers catiitiiii over at .anipOlot of cadt.