HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1936-07-30, Page 1Ir8V14 ru, letrItic The Amide!** 4,06nsige4 B0041 • t th0, 104 tod1a11:1100191V Vas.Lin charge :01•Usiqf, J. B. Barnctt DD. 01r opoi1ng the ocillo •.iniat Atli& -031V0 are Acfrez 4/SaY 1401614 ,mo41,otial 5orit10 fin" 12114:00",whO • ng In-0641.4nr- ate Mad wor6 pioaztd *01040,g..#14,t whlle fOtY. -,Iting • 'Pc1+400.1IIJ was - .*-at-:4,4-14441 :1044 $4 the inPrabv Oariadlan o1I,-.tru* the -me- brant, • chord lii iIs 4licteners ,act . • 4 Olt ,Iiittlebuollt vitioulao said in hia ',,dreas ' •::,,ErtEs si,..41,_10siti, • del.'istaMr, but *4140 elopo401,16, the, Ian or ltrapOet bave denreet here Cattio.4.* ahafl otan4 foram!' The ip,esker.-ciaSaktect hli prevoiizitate- •snent by adding that thO''.0.relta,11: IGO* 'ernment hie ceded -to-fatitOvautruv. veo adree IiI random Te tad a&kea wu404/0011:eir.:the , gng#g of ',geese? la-Cred-Ito -41bee " and the 46th brwas read bAV. S. ii,4caper opted Woo. W. 41We are gathered here coletnn..occWoix anct-4'er tb- pole," aaid A. 'C. Vintbegin- 4 abort address' y!ilitho were 'wounded for us 44 here' also m ,roefnoei ot 'Wave men w1i0 died for at. lien -loved ,1114, Just is we lOire-ilife.,,etten Who oved to read boobs, to hear Sweet , to look on beattiful paIntnez— whoioieto hear the bells" it "and to gather their :fam- ilies about:themr-men mho loved the Jay .01 sigitione and the -blessing* ot_the hatred., they put 441 Owe things on the altar oefreedom. Therierfelted *bete things for our liberty' and for our peace. .Thtimos men gave to es Tar, fat greater ofte.t1114 gold - 141114 eitseition arises, to what extent the seer** -has been epsinteuttea by those for what it. 'swat model One thing' that Show* that, isthe way' the country has " treated :those who tune tack. It IA lk 'Math and a' mliectiou on the OM:meter of the peolAit that more a4squete cooper:1140n his net been made for tbe Men *to went into that git01 death and offered thuneelteet for .our freedoin. _ 'Vire hare heard that the *mat itst ---Irlarricart-tritliterthe wtetid*trit' in whkh ixv live. .00 rwszetan do that; Mr. Calder deolaregt. 'We boo idso • Ward that lot iese * ?war 14 (Continued, . AT CEDAR SPRINGS. • ner Ipesi neni.bereof Avanyof exit retu'n- ed on r_zieitt from a•-fon:,,,,444? camp.• ,Oedar Springs.. %lick, *rue in tharge of,the Porn7- iiereilKar Or A. -B. ne' • +gave, rclin-; itl ;te* von (Clinton), F. ACrIoh and A. 33. Sturdy‘', . 4 General .810,iiirt; officer In com- mand of Military District NO.. 1; Lon- don, who inspected the regiment both ii the tactical and' teeremonlal 'exe Cate, on Writlay, was revokably im- tOtlesed with the showing livescAted.; The local acotripanr‘sreceived sorne- thing of a opal" idien an order went out on *0 -se -eon* day in carol) that ths)...other tiviP ..,e4_,.vo.re_tu:OPdi nietc practed by "A,"- conilmoY" itt o 1aring out of their. lines. Canvp-*yaps broken at 640 on Mon - 'Jig) .viae tinOtlY lieaz," :Owe .0 ord tor .11 Monday' after. mklng r betiwen rope and Sel* Y�r gelet*trtk • mant 01 J*21"-iffairlitt-fir do not derve - f, \ .46-31014b04,-,4111 10.1% d. tie:niains;v1m, oneMziryt 'withi07:, yeraed 29 the,orossioc.44 bet ruk .from stKoitoiipt44lUd . ,-The reason Is tha the •Norinanc er, 3 nautidal Inhea._Tn_ een Mar was4e *-76;vicOlokott.-..tiflotrOrt.,.., herrg, 3,098 - Lhe h "-24040:44--- 4004* U. d4t*: eightoure, 37 miliateitt the longer route in. underth eYee__,4 e Melte weeks411C-to- 4ording-td the oPintmle of, the .Men who know,, things are shoning 'lip- for eome 'X'eltartrATOrelltr rdizs CtitipIXtei It5 tt,,W1141 111* -the fast:. barnese horses Su the ve:loile cases. Vo..come to*Ooded* Monday, park yourself' on one of the finest, and leg. 0°': grandtttict ti Wetbern on - taro And -inlay a classic "'Patti/mance the hotisit gee -gee a bit, the eolit!ttry; 14iPliatt aceOentally steP- TO-On the atoelorator. , 'Ibe"screen, door on the More ...WaS snissliett at the bottom and the., door Orame *0.0 will 0Plintezed.and push - .04c out of Place *hat the door 'would, not doe. Ifbrbunately 110 one Iris smiting. ,on the, sidewalk at the time or * More serious 'Isockleott' �lgbt haaw resulted. 'The opAsit,.damage,`done • "tho-lackUngup oar umee ware a at ° Church annual nittal tonditiolar madet neeeestry to serve *upper in the: Parish Mtge to the long line .of guests and as rain mune the outaide aditities ;Were me- refini-el'Ilf.irgainei were for an hour mimeo, but it was finaily decided to *Id tha <laziest next Thursday giffh Although there there. were not as ,many a* in :Prerciletta- year*, a goodly _num- l*er tiriied out for Zr.norc "Chureli ;$14,.; rand Sunday $01001-.,Pitii10 at 'Harbor Orric yesterday afternoon'," Mr.?"'..p,,i,p. . Bolero:cm unday 1Sehool eVerInteno 'dent had charge of the PrograinAnd lira$:(Atsii0od tcY'rtev... ';(leorge Sehaefer, Mr. F. G. lAreir and :Misses 311„• roate,, 'Edith Taylor and -.Lillian MUn.,' All those tinder 16 taking pert in, the prole Were euek. etc A Ptogvant .of rule -end 'ball • games went to, Make tqf the *flap,. noon's entertidnment.,.. Supper- ITO, gored in, the:pavilion at the Park by the, hullos of the Churl*. The Raced Girls under s, Margaret tatluirin* 'Cott, ,loforlid BO* under 5, Bsrry Doak; Ofrls, and. '0 years., . Mona Wfl1s, ltu trisono Jitiviny asouguirsi, tot; Gitist,..,7 and raiz' nue Jitne . sparks,Jean ltitherford; Boys,. Satram. Ross Sperlui* Donald Patterion; OWL it and 10 Betty PblI- Iie litadilosini .itene, Milne B0y4,4 •• (continued On page* IC) 044.ifrAti*,,AniCri.$4.1**14,161010 ol ,the4C4211,4144.'Avg, 4neine#41: first •part oZ Whiclr,....1*,.dellifiAied:::*::iren.eh,, am..trerr.:gra,t014,t41.10i;*4 lPreatdent, for .4 made the joint, to Vtmy to io4); 'wkth us On,the'Oecesien 'y's_eerenkon.v. „.. Oresence,01 ie :Oieticknt, 01" `tii:tublio will. 'Ouch ,040110111t the 431.41.44."` PeP1410;''''Wt/ir *Y. OA 1 00004uuvrid, *Mit that, you have glivt4 me the oporttmlty:to eXpree0 from the het Om my , heart to ...the French nation tar . , Capasitalot..ibilionnt 401,6018/0'4913e to rwho6eaa;rife is liacribed on.tbta monument and. for -trot 'welcome You have ccorded jnatotittinktbefrub. H".au4,tyleild4,..!110, 0610.ied 4.41# 0.11104 at this• , Ws 44,0047.tie#: •Xlaglish: k A*; the JoiPteit oitt' &Canada ,'At:tlitheart .cd :the Penlintort there Orlieje 1501)004 Velnipdet ';tet he Stria and loses rd, Oen. Afat */* isktthee. Ottillettr of ciefikathig An alter liltittin it "Where willlkeforever a Iiionic ofattemembrance tegOrding, the Aimes. ot more flu:4 00,009 Canadians whogate their 4lives for the pause which • Canada made her • own. '..6bdiree the door Is graveril, 14'4 'weir for Over ;there Among, ho peers 41 happy warrior ,sieens.;'' %es* words reveal the-rnner meaning ef twilit we do today., They ,teli Ua that, beaut, SOL end ltopreet*e asOa ,the Ottawa memoris.4. :the Oanstileit .people 'would .4110t- tootlt 101* eeMplete, �t was ,ayet, t1ie're-tlitt*Can'4144111 *rntins :fought and' O. it `over Owe' ionat tfielit,ftnal in4onittent muit Otto, • 411&107-060 2:14:01 from, the ittOtOS Of oanadae-wo`tre lissemihies 4roolut that moutattutetlet zoton alien *41.4 ,itkie-,,,443V our ah Oda; 14.0Petrl '00eik *she* l* itt an, ronien and 'Kite tut 'Where 114 AO iWOUld be lOrever- gogisrgt.,..4hst *Wand for'whicti he died.: He OP*Aa pliftble:. litit here tod .that !parable is Atiring, truth.- ',at* realisation 'of 'It 3414 1 Arnow, bring 'comfort to triany thousands of Oarts41101. men. WAWA: For -431$ t402`101111, monument crowning ith# gill or vixtitt and Zr _ail time 'pert 'of Oaneds*. Vhough the teOrtak reenaras of Canadea,:isma;10,0 from boas, yet: here where we how:Stand itt ancistit. Artois .their imMortat me.. 'ry10-41lowed Von 600; that is sis.sureL ^ deer:led here Owed*, shit • forever iii - to, *Mari 'vivre:at; 4;44 4.00*.tzlit the law* .tet Ileid akIUt iitiumitisti tend of tlinedes salute to her Jelin �t wka the scene of aria 'Whieh history irdu long -renuienher and Canada Acid, the round it covers she tin 01..losince to Canada. over there are hattrellaids the names sof Which Are written. itt- de1tyxi the Poses ot °Or, .411:0*;Katere,' 0 Is one ot the '-oonlOtations whih *""et,ii-ia:Itna-d7e-+Pe 11414, Welts Vol thile' the oars a have well nigh;rantelied 'beneath Is, 14round eat brie today there is peace and ,so Also in dedleatine,,,,,,thie Memorial to our Wen- Ocentades ear thcsights • PO, 4,4* IrStaiddr. thilr Stelf10 and to,thei 40TheeerAtkon a out love .11t*. thetn# than to the osunonsg&_whioh Seat upon this ridge a score 01 erare ego. • 'In that 110trit, itt a spirit Of thanks for their exannite, 01 keitiereto or theo, devotion ‘004 of pride * their eomeadeshipi it unveil, thia' memorial to oinads4 deed.° Coptloncharzhour for ,1444-410404. 0.75c, per 3tiltevatt.hcar didwona rn.onth1y1 tonatit1011 Moot Prompt tour dare -11 liouu. 42 ThIflUtea. • the Queen .Mary *tit: 1:4-105 limn 4111;01th, con deinatid, issoengstro.. mkt/ , etr gantu44,41041412-ort-190641' ddition41*— ' ' Acts:*14)972., befieved°1 talovr•"istirre:7": .,:nett.termttoto.64tick;„444:4455:aillit:tiitia,• ;:ao 0 t7:133 14%. 44:t11644 °Pt -1 - avator r141,1)CO, sh,-11400 OTACIAIS ann011nOed th&t tl*r Would. not dee the "Ilares clam timbale atts per month . tiotle,apeed_euVremsoy.-to , . - Ito/ on the 4itirotiglis the f in. t cr • Qu�en Mary tuado the ler *Y. that ot; ths. �firold C. Hares, 4mor ot the dltp, bi,iivoloick.to the sh$ Iwith the hest average *Peed, line official* !pointed but. GODE,RiCif BOY JOINS ROYAL CANADIAN RECT.- ! • • Murray MacDonald,popular Cedes, rich. hay, after qualifying as. A oar. remit' in E company in A eourse at PO Royal Cain') school, „Zondon has been .aedel#04-as t member of the ftoyal Canadian Regiment* Murray "mule application daring ,the time in Which .he was taking thO, course and his application was tecepti4 over t long list Of waiting opplicant.t. - HA'twill *port to the regiment on August 5th to serire.:±hreS years, ...rust when e1k:0es AM needed the mst, aeo. W. 'Scheeler starts ,his surrival talc. It open% to -day and will continue until', isatiodey, MOO Sttr. -irniti-,--Surit' sinter cone -the an 'Whine snits all go on silk, as Weil at chiffon dresses, Shorts, , slacks, and -flannel roots. visit 'wog" store wilt itme Money 0averfr'' The 1.0114044:4•11 be the net :rates for street llghtlng to take., effect. from. ' Januar/ 4ist, 1,14404 . -*COO per 1.190 ..!tendlltpc> at5L00 er 104144 multiple 345.00 per .300-tiatt 4300 per til -light :standard (1400 24.00 70,. • TiVit 'Power Voninission 41,0, prorldes het *MO* retu1ti4 trent- tOWer ' for rottni*S1 set**, such' at ,StrA,04, lighgner • etoei . mat bte, returned • tonnlevallift- :the oommissin0 14,' the ..- esstem eatiak determined ' .4eAtit, .aeryjce' .1n ths inpsiItY .m1,6 these utter& sbo an. sccianu3atedsuxp $410046 644 Avitetattita **See and an 11•000inilstAld Antekur 01054.41 on 'trot • ierrike. Tt Is, thereAbee, rqoost- mendod that Your Comtn*suiOn refund an amount of SOMA to the depirtment *rut 414.42 to the str*et .ftglithlt *tient , ot your's* ity Volt munkipal does. 'Profeaser W 41.. the--rield-Iliebandry-De the Ontario AigrieultUral • Coll at • Guelph,was killed on Saturday night in CO a'ccldent An trtkle from his pen Appearein this lout of The, Star. . ° - Istria number of yaehts have In at Coderich ;during u week* those coming her. In th. past eek , being: Int 2th, Ileas Zinirk; tatosse‘POitite;_ ",tr It* :Lady 4ieri1tn4;. it; AuthI, sailing oat from Buffalo; tilt Yacht htoln the Toronto lirtcht, 'Cub; Rainhor, Detroit; Slitti Alt& ir,..sherfrn sem Gttlarytt V, She : -la *Whir iota] taw' PqrIuro - The Suotiptendent of -h. Pubiic Thuriday,,, n . has t entit Mot **tit' ‘tlirditit acddentally-fauing from.** 0, N. ?It. overhead bridge-ort„the-Viinton-Rai,,,,. field road on TIUtrikidir, OW* * was the findth Owner's Jur At AA *quoit held Itt Clintott'.en' Tuesday morning. Co.. otne, was fotu4 1r1ng itt the' road,. Way on Thumday after lus had wand- ered from Viedneakr afternoon. -a 'vrittiese the , had seen the aged ,ni*n f&II . 'aluitment to the reed bedew. ° County Traffic *facer N. Lover and br4,0ficetios who *et*tilled to gut scene imme, iliatelt*fter114.t 0414d:been tottlid. • teetifotILAhat-thire was aign.of . life 160 tho arrived,. there, Dr, ..11utrowe of Setforth, coroner, delft c ltot, The fire weeks Community fent- Pall* conducted by 3.8.ofthe busi- ness .eoAcernik of Godeikk 7141 evening the *lint With their.; priXeit at th. Capital , The contest, *Welt • 'net& erahle, interest itt thLsnitlf closed ',lin Saturday SAW With A last • minute, scurry ler t.s. Although there wars 'not *a 'many eonteetants thirsteimp-sat /were hoped tor,' :those who, Wet*, ett nntlringly T.11411'04 lairt Joe* icoostigio,preaent.d the otizt4 from the stageof the thttre. Mr,' 'George &loafer, apeaking for the MetrihiitititAn the campaign, et - pressed their opp*ciati441 " for the response the contesthadrette1sed.-.11e alsO'" made Mention' of the Irie6 'tan, netial 00-10* of the cot:telt; the junk -pile and the tree "Me days,' ,„ Pat* Vincent, otositert motto, thanked the eitliena for *heir wupport sid.:**14 that sithen its .uumb.rof coneatants- lOrtsci' To, The foliating ,Are the prize Win, note and the prises donated donated to the, . - first flee tontioitanti: MJsa ,DAZAhrillenOreON 21,149.- 043 Mrs WiIliam neaps. 202,500,144 * vo005-41relit.ineW40 Metitio. Refri- gerztoX ;Mrs. . 162i, 117, 612 4t0t6*.4Wetotingirettie , _ Phil, Bisset*, '123, 542-0 '888, vote- Be*tty :Washing 'Machine, Mrs. Rif %WA Ar,742 ., votesCheist.Pf Bert iirinittd,0 Dungannon,...8,41 144 *des, MrsW. We,t itito 222 votes Chas. Kidd, IlifeUen. extra riz�