HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1936-07-09, Page 2A e 4 wMn he WI #4444 cost .A1x nittlitt • k01' twa 01/11., in jail at Port Colbori)e• The ltIt knew hii bush to eed,.it wu on of lillieriei. _,. , Th. , United $tates t-',Tbursdiy , pr government deficit;for the/eat une four '41111014 ieven_grouched *nd "tixtr Oro*elght ` ),liundred and fortr..ont thousand dollars; ex 40 not; -nean snyihln%40 th tay,Roicsr;;41.ULY o:tho I Is, IMPORTANCE Ties i i , . ni-orewn Co' ;:01,1t-bitu-astil'Aiiid:pr,d4olpiarY,4,,t,:_hiou. .:41,*.l.l.anote17413.750:10,1'1'14t:e- the.,,,0 / tt , ...,,, - - , of • i I .1 4 . ring nore modern teleobeee: system. -- There :MsomO ,difference'otolo lon,,a0 • to. bow -,,Vhen.',, walks , jld be. .constructed, and where, but 'Alieit';,14,0 . tieno .. teTis '-iftelit4liet,i,,w1:00*-ef,,,ipuleVtalcink-1.1.1)e; *or te least loPSiille, delay.' It is it xteMetinei.„* 3,ittle eOnvinee. peopleireother.ter* that * eirenhirts , pert of the 000,or10..,,teitin street, and that it -)centre of the inenese section. %heti eurptioe', t.'\ on:15,610g it :for tholiTet„tiffie2Will*',04,0 ' is kept In pxor shaPe. and \ 41- int) le- _ , _ e rvex 4\ i 1Ig changes snide. .! • '•Tele„ one- -*ere (OneWholsn't-ii..that „ • -ihope the t 'ree bodies 41*.tIr 'coneerned. 'will get to - i +n1inTtP will be fnit411 'a an ,ear.1374intii7-P` *no un$n t to condenm operators when. it is the sYstem •* Removing poles frern,-thrbusiness-streetsil lY iMproves conditions, .and th-ose ,poles will carry: tvio WIres why 'not let, them do -it 'In. the interests of . the 20 mn 4)0404 wth bing while 700.thothingin Toronto, two ellerges 'were withdrawn.tiioro,are advised MacDonald,airnent to Bet who ,01,caz070itt, ,tthyyteirc,-..F everything at tbe,'lake front, e ,ceptt -wee s. Thoe,are beyondeven+t ffenIal �1 - 4.21e. to, 0,02.44t4 A.110"Ldo-tik.:‘: itt 044 ,011. 0.44fify • ,prapposid." 100.0114.10.40).- p ,.0,111vOrgreginients, 4)f Canada remove sons 'POT oT(i,4Page.0** Pr of :vn, 014, '014 **it)** etxtbreelc's :504-16Ltitable: Inunntt lives,1,704",prevent untold offer foring :11400, 14eitker nor mused infantry bas lie246-UP:0441-*Of "nlistiltaChine4une.and airplanes. • The'agitation - -carrie Canada,Arreepeetiie:.9 plan P .$1;414140e oit.„14opto4 .40'..0*.**FsP* eenities'-V :he reverted to. .e.Onei,clerobir the telePhi service' to -their hearts.' that is tat /fault. - economy.- Possibly the ,P•ublio 4Cerilluiseiooerki epliblipiysterttivilyattUally-be-itistalled-rwith- ore demanding some definite mouranee that a MOVO - `1040bd; 13,444 VT.*" 'Consent • to any • cor-the' aisnmrAtion that .* - ?u 1110" .1r6t1/0107servicir-lula in that contention ,tbey .-bOdies•Move slowly" they must be tied "down to . a defi,4.., mite., whickis• &reasonable attitude, ' MUST SOENri.--.ONI,i-TO _MAKE . . Deputy -reeve T.urner struck a note . the • cam Chleitto's.4011'-of -death Item crackers'. on J` et , • . ;pendence'Veyi-le, the direct' anikarer.:*b_fixorAtioto:are not sold in Gederich.. Death' from _these innocent 1414100 " • s ,•.or 'air crash, , unfortunatefeature et -0,0o ,tragediel,, • Vesting on 7104. tight *WO Might W'ell sound, with gre# Inoro.ietonniiee when be siiggeeted that the • • weeds at the harbor be -Woad certainirbee. viva • better advertisement.-flor Oedericb if Sunday tourists and Poisoners from the Georgian:were greeted by at - dye fiewer beds ,or even an expanse of 'cultivated 1sWn. rather than tangle unlitemlit-masi of Itnee.high *Wel ' 'The Sunda and holiday -crowds that ,thrO4tliii: bee** , -and `piers throughout the .stimnier are -a- positiVijindica- ---4.Alen of the popularity` of that part of the town. There- fore, if 004414 .interexte;4” viOt!rs come Vero in large nthnhers it would teeni.iikiit the Vise thingto do would ' 4 he'to lake the -IMO. ettraktIon even • More,' attractive- . The .beach eau he cleaned UP and kept • - ,Olaanithe road down- to. the dock and the one that .rirs-, , back of the. power house to the beach . could be :pain Uttei--4114e. EA more Wits. could be. strung along the -WAP.Pwil,, '11* On'atige ,Z water - the local.:paPerS! eredit *the, eitainitierS,4Ya'.'retiet ,,r4veniettalt • and II`arka'4ePorted:,'joint .P4011'%' .SOIlie 0101#* Pitt**, . roSOltS., *OW :40th;vse,.. The • moan re -union wa celebrated this ,year July 184 ,gortfor Park,- goderloh. This re., 'union is in memory Of Yon aensieler Van 1•l'orififfu and bis 40114 three ehnoon-idio- Iwo, placket" .bexore j*,,,,raturEi!ex,4* itiiiret-entatiliew• of -these. --4 c branchesofthe-family „tree Nvb0 were resent, were: Mt, and Mrs. W. %. enr7# Mrs- G. Henry and ions, Bill and Ken. of •rieshert(in;.Mr. and 14ro.:GuN41*:. Xemfetly,:,,Ja4, Obuglas. In tbe --diffm.ent-oecasiona,'-net,beer‘-crl.nn:one : -ediintil.,theZzitiddlu they 41e.ve teattoliect *tree. freer ViOterla of August or,-4Ater; 1744.001‘,..,exclises 13,eing.,offer71,01011Wl.tit;17.1*."14°,1,,It ,.. • _•_., their_ jafeneat,..4.1urotiAronto and PUills ebOuld'appre..' lalliat 0e3t...,:f4*.':*,01(444144: 'lomat, Houii 4ny,"4:41t4the-.N941,01' ''' , _elate the plioniptiiess of thoseincharge.:-of tlieWr and. do iAtiorenifineering17*-co* ter 44--.erotitrilig., an adOtio44.-..Y-aifer. , works,,•etind-ptye in, the' Conetert' tlieli- reconanended, that the c :omit:0U* be On- voicered to olio** la' Ukt`g*•:4113.4.'tb,iii aeakiii-Toropete4:--„--itise .)PareHtle-,Mvf.sect .,1(11- Pi4i4itig tifitilig070108 es, 'Tetrre4-ItoLuralt at .:the • •„ „ „ThiZ,`,Curtard White Star Line its considering the, etkuL --stnictlim j„.Sister ship to the'„QueeillifarY,. but larger, A definite deeiSie‘,141041.)100>e reached -until the esn- ing power of tlj„e Queen Mary has been proven. Summer hill nnitont.on.the-hooh.- --4:41,0410, all these things Mean money) but truly - it ,j, hes 'been said; "You musk spend lone dollar to 'kutice two, Goderieli. feat becoming one of the beat known tourist centra inF.Onistrio and:it is no to ,the'eitizens to - Work together an effort to make it the best‘kna,mo reaert and then to.keepik as such. For the AliglAtetrient radi and laidges, .the sum ef th , dollam has :been appropriated by the. Pitarloss 'appropriation of nine; million fel. a agealtralattiiiiiiitada)1411 tt-tfie- Provitielal,work is *tatted,' and of 1711111. butt' About pet iento 'resorts *1,11 lose :their 416tel, .1 are to They reoouii tr1;0,11 AnttolnasU,taicncia7sdunib;Clis:14„.001.esst 1:bic,nan,its't-,„r:41?;7491ES02- -b'FeamilhoYd_ boattrigtaaie,.be, toils*, ;is 77tAie.' ire:Er on Ocean, liners. etAandrig. the • decision' of. .1 The two YoUngeit descendants pre,.. wow; tiel*.:And oerher .ice.frAlnittee not .$ient-Weret:'Jiiroule- iloPPe° of "Seit4 -carry -thousands of --passengers-atneininal prices' across o r 'esti :that sixttpor oerit..10-,t :lie total ontt rili be,alsto in 'waste for Werk in tinartieo, ug; ete., and 'that foity theussuld People will be, emPloyed for, at ',least four reontho.• ; 11)11,4 of the'stipulations it that fifty per cent; of the ust be from 00-4tinks of.those now o'rk r� -of *eat houssnd.rellef'redipienttie, ,iiii43,toriria Disndalk;, Mr. „at ChAdirQP0-0, Jack and Claire Chas., van Norman, Jean (arid, Josephino and Margaret of 104. sebt„ P*;,1444110,. :plf,A;1),Oriod, Otittrae• ' lind oter, -cinmej yr,.. R. it. No.. ald'ytilliseehn4tareisicitaiii:v.ke-chr;:crisi'ettp;a'i:iita:;014t:irroederY1.680e'tt't14ieuier7ge;:sre'vr4144:5,trOu4:41:ita 1:`,41, inediate,ottentioa sigma be given mut the Paaatnint 'IVe e ee see- na,,,a i , s _, iiropl ilidommend Dr..pivAies-Nxtract of Vila OtiaiibOrry' ' it Packed .. net leave the bowels in a eons pa O. ..-.0.01 ,ons Inheo'Inethat.fort/et4velfre.9410"-i'Ll)..yeark.ea-iiTlittl;041'nillatsy, 'plier, -- Its action is rapie'feitehie 'ina24irea,titeli'..,. • ,r-1...., EctroowintoieKatieeint,hcolsoonear ove(crralionstrowhidp',..,.,•, iiiiii'`ossesse4 ;6. ana $845,eoete Tor „ 0 , Seats soPollin4g.Cuthbez:tsmi wieS' ' gfIlP'21 ' One vitecrinkgt,obipma.y-Warth-beEnrtstontign TworboVavigite:. charged under.the Meters and ,Ser. vents ',Act,. said that a painting eon -- tract had fret yet been Paid by People ' iii-T-ttr.-,a--,41,-47.0,0=4,44;,...---;---"-_-,v...;44.w...--:7,1m-,..,-. ,.„ for whom he and tneign, had done 'liarriWeode4-4gafra reckless driving, and paid $10. fine and $4.15 COEtt Johnston tom we 'court that - he had +ad very little, sleep owing to illness in , Iiis ' lentil'', andthatutthoeaiwta4bilasflrieacyiepknisittof:r4heeSet,wbwohereulad *c;t1shedre_____,... -tasleeP in . his:: ditched -tar- by Provin- cial Trailic Constable ,Callander, who. -id--tlieTchirge, - pier be-,/witholtutbrvisuglasYS ba' ---nzgypdry. tianne. . 1 : .,:.,. neves- toothache, Ileum ft,sore tiutav----_-:, quinsy. NVOTIUS, erOUP, :Ditraltlab,le for - -- bums, sores, Barber's - Itch anti- Ring.; 47 the greatest confaMe-it.....„ - PC1 't*Oroit-111Ocr to jaill.fot, a Week14- IMagisf;rii-te, J-:-..4,-Malans.-,td dliarge. ;of breaking, entering and theft, The accused was not represented by cefin- 40 aid was mot- asked to.eleet :oliP3)11P0 are.investifiating further thefts in - - 'AS.,i"-result. of finding a quantitY , of 'stolen goods on the defendautia farm police allege that gabermehl Aim; ue`aol. ,f4ladYt aloo. frent„seat of „whieh was .ever -crowd; and,Xrs..,000- 11211. TY, rovto.-; ed, pleaded. giiiitrand was fined P.O. ler and Melba, -and tells Pent-, $4•65 --costs. • 'land .ind Ilfilterd 'Pentland, Dingau- • 'George Johnson, Centralia -a non. . •• *gi 77,-ilen4O from U. .tit;::-.:$:-L-..--NveroHykisi4 Flint, PA .riy;rlegeli. her daugh- ter, Mrs. Fred Locke, Lansing,.,'Mich; il$ad. Ave, Mteb.3. Aigland AA& dal_10.- ter Kate,' Lapeer, Mich: :On.tilday andSaturday,throngs .of Anairiottnecruse. ed the border into Ontario, to spend IndePeudepeo Day* tii* Side. . Tbeir Preireneet .190-linAMPttng n41,1 'the stores,- gas stations and r'eatainints- The readi1Ie00.. wood entail.* ..,considera nazi ye" ' Irlth they were *Sad. by the Custom 'officials was : 033, * trusted &Way SHe abot letaton mi. • Sunday • an asseranoeit(ititAt. thq...4t.ere..*Olcome to this country', , to:464c: 0.100. the: hathere and bi-41.6114: f(14% litabt,-)tair 116:tr4tet:: Gii4tliit'lbeitaittet by' the both .financially atfirexplMned *ow Wi • nets as being on al holiday, they -spent money freely in to tdilfegdard !forth inii-Dlernue Elizabeth Kennedy re a for ba -conitmot. atteicia. ton& of Abe! To Rev. Chris., 4ngland.below*the 'ixerinlittee, Sid. that ,,ithes* . had. ...been diatinotion of being tile oldest, living eoineitlxitige in keeping the • tax rate descendent of the .three families, -he* ,down when 0 can* ttletriking -0 : this being 82. Yea* He is still very active Year su.d.,t*.f. to,nre. a uftit49x4 go' the And' broadcasts five days--a--,-week activa.for thethn,belflg, they will ad4 irti bit to trate ontlitiont and eri(o- 4pon *Id& *o inn* not. 4.0.'Presencslepending, tor their existet_uce.g 1I , OH millions for road* and triakezi the , 1- biidge st *von Mentioned.' atatainbers arrived bore and'aPent Saturday in ... • town. May they all coree backagain and ltaY Vhe fact that. there 'woe. Utit 0110 arreiti n1,04) .or- one 'traffic -accident in -Apron County o Domi.nleon, 'Da,/ sPeake$ iaell for the citisens of the County;. zoo a axeLa Igor, sum had biten,pistea brate to:0' trao)7; or Who care' not tor the '40(.0 their 'fait onto • '14' rahne the barber IA,* deli there are usually* large number of people who tete- hut thwt ion* people be summed *act 1 ' ' 4a 'IA madly and f.er was 'not around.% own IAN,* or to tbo40104 -4 others, 4trk ce ' The 4,(Cayor stontideti •the counelf that 001\147 likboilt in iat lanai of ears, sorno.Of whir-11'4re le a town coeiotabio end , , . . . • . . . good, *bile others are a long -way ,tismovedi frorn that 2 il . , lry Irea. speak to "44 At$01)0011* **Kat the roll of. disasters, Iftrxon •Co V103 thottetit_tbA3 it. should. of 'tragedies on 33ominion Da'. That "viable rocora. .30114% in the combo aneC 00111:o teitteeS report that tablet° di) the diP eir,mewitt'o• eeolitrii0.46t,i*eft,. li.feal.n„ 441e., The•offiCardo for:zthe coning Year, are: preaident, Chao. Van Itor., atak!r3.72 man; See., .,.`Mrs. Chas.jtopper, TtringhiuM. i EXERT REPAIRS TO ALL. MAKES' OF, • CARS, . . Dunlop Tires and Tubes ,!:-- ., ,Exide Batteries . 4 . Cart Washid, Polished, Simortied,--e-t&T-- , ,i3LUE:-S.I.JNOio'-PRODtiCit .....- J; ' KiNestori Writarr , . PHONgS ,,, ,- •-•‘: itt June *elision, of- e Caiiieil'Ta":IW,Caintyof - liimcOe, onceof the Members attacked the 'Boards of Edtkar, , - . - .e in Ontario . , , 441014 tialmi*,iiit4640sis Wilwere eomposect , 'IY 4± Trofeseloost nen *hose ohlot *r4; ! i ilinfodu A pale ot professional- talariet. tabled .. As t perttcul&r iiternber ill a‘mai vii* le exoltedingly fond of 4441%04*. tonna, of his own vele.e, his oPhIlion' . i net 4 mob valle... ' g last r iiii gootion: he Astomesps nomln*ted -hImself, zan. 414 some sort of* tt, oovI tickat ilutt ft* understoodrand judging by the .site of tbs ' 0 roll. rieet ..d, t1iselectors-'eared less.'Ilso Is4t.tte person coiald lionosity. claini -tea salaries: ivers Oa NO, but, tie one Orilla favorite themes. 1115 views ,on etlY subject are.thsr.fore not taken verY OtiOusly.,'orw ,p40.08,_ orm1011`,..t1„. , , • Too, Ittati Plug*( sto �tiir , oottld 'Melte money ,Witli Itit*. tutOra • ia ,sftio4ofl,Artifita Ala - ten. tor *et() 111,1P thrtrattL ' thoee tlisi.eare goner - If on :Want ,. u mu be up iia,agtketit the : And ite„,r1gbt; - , rUnken cfrlyerg.ts wee' iiiiiiititiit complain. •It May *sem * loft tints to k is Utter than bolitt Wort to, the,tem444-4 -Alit long ants 'Warm . (fli ,•4ctei, ever ,goingito have 1 If or :vto to, Are! /road '4%ot, ,-be ihMu±her Oer".• the it i4ngUwe 01 1121416h* it iillirgfettbe64 P