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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1938-12-8, Page 8
L.V2 in Of c9;117i,ooc antall00, Mk', 4I'T-CAV '',Z4t:.:;.'67 i.7,;i:>• cwo.iiiir, tie, .,4,10-;-,41) 77 rie‘ *eiet'* ice-a;iii; 414') ✓ i ii,41 Cii-4,ri) ,i4 Ars /, ‘4310 it arii'y f4uoy U.;:Q IN4,eitliftei, , ' 11; ' • 1"::' gnat' at4 .14t. 1111 0;7 '04'k4-, 11,1 tg‘: '"r'"ee,tc , *11, 444;4‘41'Xti7 tL,4041 all, Ea ,aT3' vtktr vloxyr. 4,14t :Op k*Mt3"CIV,k,'74 A.T! 011;57 or to. dp-ltmz trk " P4I t Vito t740. X,1,t.fft e1P., t7c.. Zt47 107'44 , tv4 4=0. CZ.7.1CX:3V-21471, t v:trittO$1257grii,c', i3O #Zata )rt; vott to. dttt.40,12,-',.,..A pg.*. • •V•i 4.,40t(-4,4 'rsTq'04"(j.f. SE 1,410T7, Va"gPtb.,.. lbnt, '4040 4-#1-14 lo,„0-ro*,,, t.s.,4z0141,44111 OD' 4Zo.4Cg 706-100t 004'4 . • rat7t • 0:-.±t ct. tfArz:J.,77' tilati*r 411onAl afriN 14'1, W' MI rItcci 'Cihr je ! aeo4 , 4'1'441. roft-vv*,;71 Z`t cga Zzt.r.:4 czx t: 71?,21. .M1t1 i r' '' 4ellZff :C.7 11.'41,44.: 074' prAt.7. 7'4111,,e 41Vrie, Uestit..1 ' I. 53,4) Pc.7440747'1' Oft Ms oeralloPOO Situ" go 111/1111111Mi ',,;4.frioots ot 1>)/,' ,ts .)11 4,001011146' WOO t beet*y Lflevo4.0**-4,,, 14,14447,4) t[thc.) of 4143147. 4414 rkii:L';0 11.114-4. ,t,5-..)1;zgos tkwitq, .044: itpd, .")t4111)i:A;4440r. 'PWI*t4.fl Awe 1W.Lt-> ;au ot ht. r jeteoptertr, C47,) Lt;c4:., 1647.4;,etraitt 4e141444.i,'14.9) *Edo, tto axl",t eif i?Vr ed? -40, --tz.,tatuyt-.0-:ata,1,1 4P.:74 Ott C,1.11P.:Wia -C. t3Z-V4 'COP 14,0 4rmttil dos • c,4 t)T2.,.,6411 %titi.iii..Cz.:-4,' wr..4.)*ot 14 ' MI6' '1,014ii, 't4 ti.SOft,,,--,i7.',44.c.;04 14),p,, , .iiirbt1/4,7, .a.00, Iv th:Li ,,,,.,T,.. 0:4,-,:ij Oq, f0,7,7",t,'-,;r-,7i,'tt4 -ictuitti.,' '1:44141‘3, WON,' iliri t' C2 cZz.-.....,,.. gg-.-411c:1 f3 441; blryte.144 4)0 4'4(4. .C.:a ,14 fir;c;so..,f47.0‘. . 'K,Pq3. I.,,--,4 oz2.,(74.c.V.,,,6,#,..i.,„..:?...,'--‘ 1 L. -a7.44; Ja4114. at 1.1'4 ‘ir,.:=, ;i.,., F.,.;44,-1 'wlAii.“.to.:' 4tor,..741 :o tY)._ .-.1J ',_:3 6.4..,.”‘ 14' 44W4---,;,i4i4P')•;t.).1-.4t:11t:c. .04.a4,4o-gt, .gOw.' ..tr!.-$z).-P1, 41'''.1r--50. V2,1:*','"At-T:1P7r5;P•afg .1,,I.O. t)int• - Ot'aV' ,t 44 'i !I'll Uri; Z.17O4t-.1 .74t3 ttti) ‘;'`2Z";t1 WA,111, ascp, vtlat.;11,, a0C'in 3* '114104w iitt A leas 4 rt*, 4-Zsai4v4k:'1' avZ'nt, *:' Tist, ouHily• tzkY;';c, 1 vaT„--I ego** laht 1 0 • ,2200, On . _ MO el nL 4 ' It; t--iret: N , telOy wQ41,1.- ---.- Z31. cr'd ^ qittlax 41:".4,4 44\4'14 Vt'teti • =t1. gq, a',Pat-M42;0 .0i, A VIC 4tit,:!zA -y" 0 $ om" 57,0• a7t4IPZI 'tZ4. tar1-04t 'VA-r,tt • 0140 a.11261, r*: 1014 g a peatet *Pio gro!,,, - a E. 10 -lar "MEM 1111=11)177AN -OP GODERICIV ©20 2,12.9 rt r4iir tth), Voli:., Vet _.,tY CI ' rf, ' kitharuNtrytla)pirtserr viewed ,' C1W-Tii 7 -11.4 . . vi, a.oy:ail tmitgl , gra ieca .A.Pz:1 ' tiati t3;141A'443 vaa 'a Itoa-ttle, rp mvoh <?..3r1 -,t 0t, - ‹.i7or Olme 0. ' e' doe lao P. P t01'.6 la9 o p.,,,T. VroZaT f t 4-0-w xit, Vot rc; (11 an4 rtZgoi 52120 litV 04=4011 utt. qIce4togv4p, , ao all=o stO r04tati dgtht a 011' 51 Otion to tho'ttit-wkOr fm.fl 'a .t0.A4lesic. 47.b eltni ' , marroappreofAVO ek.# rt adOtm 4 clitvorot!; oar:- t 041. 4b-citni, ,'011404:4114710 0,44 :4avvi \oftl tainalaa b„ rzlida aP: 0- i 1,11IV ,- 'li M 140000 tlio C,';041.1:, ' II, a',, t' 5.,,t r g vin z4 ' 411/1 0 011CIVZr Ir 'N10'It ,C3410.013 'a -44743a-'°7 1 4- 7.10.0PS,-*J,,,,,..5;.:4,4 `Atrot*.13::.*H4,o,v4 , li • , 44 Q. :141s1P.„..tilEttOliz ,Ailt :61:.,..m,,,,,;,r :ftt"? o4o B1274 4f-iffo. . ' • ' ' 7- ova,04,-2412nao=otiottra_lail, $:...1P4Itaca,,,m'iziiiI)r4143tctlogirt-tr-qc:i 41t7th:*ir;i+:Tgt,;,g1:2,o.'-nto"tlrt31:og4:/i...T,I,0t, '14:7: '''' ' 4'""i•Itlit.' 11' ' r's 41; 'is'"' -rar' t70 4 A , ,t,Y, to , -04, VOIelrli4it V a..1134 rattle. ait4o4lt, ' "-%ti Ci. re. :.a ,44- tit. a . , 1 ti, f" , `T iitta 4 7:1t4 a 0' 1U11 itiolia \Af.i1A7.; z r4o 13.1.(MOta Mat; ePlai)t, tEon cotldt:10: )"'ik; Its ti:t4 4-..44. 4 , tdvA4 mOt',roolta-'30 Att cr14'otY,E4.1c-.1)A3'40‘th,.'4.,-1e4C,,Jaa0,a au Ir-, ti- 1014114i: TO044. • *A t-Omb a#0 44, ' ZOOM.' A Vqt110 1444'.14W-141, -i t1I :at o_aotil '4744 t4, v4044,.;,04) 4a.E Oat - }.11 rwfa. 4 V•41.40 0(17 • 4- 3Qtopo. .12,atcra.q at --�1ict' ✓ 7 o ta,r0006:eizta,,ez'atiriit,7,4dlooetert, 'ct;'Ir £T -- Wtoit041, 404 '00t. While O,10 OA* IktOye :::t31:141°41:11:tp1:794.;I:v370,V 7:ar: Ott ig i� t WeVti direot van: of the- bi il-metat MAO; 111010;01 Id tad Juin. eovhdt vOst ,fro A,t 1,03 enzines ttict tem tr, :WO') e g itii ?8 '''never •CPS,d-tiotob tilad., $.4 were 'co '4'2 A!,:* 14' V141 t te.,11 at it o areriegidin 'she Sa/41, "and dlad 1er -4 -tut tho gor:: or.rsinolbat.31,110cLol eizreanqtao-oonttlaksipigIrletiti 4g, tb0Y :Nievr ztoitt-- iter.-lb.-er-rjo#142. dettoir4 $1,00, t)210:110w- yOu Zleznain, 46,1:V,"?Otit Noventirock70404): he': big -4417111;000ined:jp reat.'ed.tto Zito.'kotbt. 0,1P *nitakarzlzt o1,40,4 oqloa 0411)144%, the bird du -04ideff ,go mot, cal, zotittl - oft 0164> ok twooOd" the 1.90.p0. of: tho $14,111). to 44111 30049140-:tialetir- •' Le -b 71400::. tot the'lloralitrac,o 1044 ;f4P,t4gAii; r 04. VP*, V."-:4701tIto, na . .,424'7 te17.440t. tHi S7.tAre crie ttba nail44 ,1404.d,ti thca br..rt 1440'4 _n 04f41:0*41741=44'Ad q#4 - ties tka-v4i 44t 0,4w. oom.,444.4-200 elrbt*ilto :4- ( out4.4tatia,,,a patilb444 ,rocu,(x...ra Vck7c)44.00-dcd atr4 aiqC'IcDo 0611 V;241`0-.Ittc'j CZ,04,0004e9tio-n Va.ocaili • atit';',,cIitt‹).tgi<517 4Caod t4,..Cou4 k•44 ,Dk:toct et.1011),-41y;ip E3 144/7'07• air -0 o0 4.70 4i0104ZZ.,-4 frja0 (61 l'amous English boot- ?lerk ,0114' dri.V.,,*4; 011 the 'Icor a oto bolblos to 014 ilebt -134i 1Z0 4013e. 4d or r *teen or •7e o1 Zut when his '')rather4liddi'helege4 iut e b3,62-9„0119. 17011*.**:4016. -**A40. bittf, not ordered beota, but cenda Oierk 'repaired." "Mao- atled. "Aa orEa Lv4.4birtrida1-6:•".'1.4 Pierpnt7 eoztailf4Oratety Etakris, Lat. est Vonttet'ttetav rdirtratta' I1ld4zaul- astY# ,•• :V e WallaWflhia I-ln!in, then 4;41'000 Alri reg-orter,.,tilhibhea.standvjncr. •-• 04100o, ISte -wired 04*M; . ' vo# "enOre'l gotserville to' tahe lategartg0 i?ronagay ea e Vte..,-1 reED19, e# no, uarta4trIvotiz,,tho mane. fOr, tatf.,,qvti "'Where° e ittartv: -we_Werdrto tabs on? %dEt ata4tItg :laki onoomforto atkto totaUt'. reetttlio tia4. 14.# taVI41(14.4 (..-ifiettrgisty abohtd the train. ; vistiar4,_ .4e2;440*-,-ZIo tor, laztod tlai.OEU WiWatior bto ov041140.1.thi tiOgOd 411113 4 4 oavtalngitragtbreattot,* awa7 _from _ac. -ate-6 calf throttgh VA% ti,W,parowa. _ o-4044141-4eo .zz-o Oak eatItitati Vaat,"e • ;Ittil foe the_teci:zaty- l'261110*-ta,etee? traiWor 414 I et faith. 10V0.. #41 Ivo 0447i:be-It' help• Pgt loatt70•74-40-t.-4 .og givingi' Oft 6-404,4 alma in 010;'''kg_ite#3*2.:# talon tittliv,t'Ottr,:it2; ' to alia0 tint%- cr?' "tt14*.nts-6s." 'that it is a utktatt 0,k'rai° 0,04414 fel ors. A* .,fl)Ctare itrcei4 ,b,I0oh•O' qa07,2trOgthig ep,nrgnsion the- POW hisf 141144':'460 IWO 'boat. aid Iend traV rsraended `foatoujiloczateat. obot, kQ 4446,710thz,424 e,443 tl,,6 Pi.ater*l' faiI44.0t:ro ,vitar 'roOe 1414 ** tsc6laiphtirX Oilidth Vot oft' di:sagirgo,n/ oe the :iglresent. * othed rth T=4011143: croa, throughout 010 0017111. tOot $17 tlOttaiS Ufa So 0 'VAISP$0._bo r4i _ 4b7,070t, 441,11P14,,,4110,1104..v.14 bulq,,o,didii,,*4Mailt, oz. the r toIrtuC'e4.1: rail eoinganies. 111110 tetitiontkibieh is ti'd dressed to the Minister or Agriculture, has bees algrO TV alarge.number, of the we m Loroducere, who fed they have a jus able grievance. - It aneart ,the,orighaal i4ora .bcpand the pa.ssina..,(iot4ho act vos. to. oaccur- AmMomotizaRaz.0:2..0.141-t_teriOtitiO orouz42.axv bac" 140/4---40--olfzo.. lotraor -s yam1ou1, ream gathering stations. ./t made it neces- sary that additional truelts rolaced on the 'roads. Vaturallg this would arid to the cost of manufacture, much ot such gezt being tadilrectly borne by th'e produeer. Conteary o errecta- tiOna and according -to reprt4 grom oroaraeriea throughout' the- distriet, the grade of CreaM 'rzgl act improved. 'This 4:40 0 rea derstodd when twe1/41=1, tailed caw,- Vbieb fortle4Y were,p- bOught ma= -,cano*.z. attiona azd, tmot 1a <col Ebbe% tIox‘v ite*Ou Rot a ride ar0vMd the 00412tV fez th0 gzeater ,Irrt 02 the 'day, before ttelhou U140111 to Mho oroamoldec3. Thla 02111.7 deab Ara.. o44tbeirlaci ot erea dui 8. -the war weather, Diaring tire win neession reads, sidereads anCrc-:a, farm es are. as LI; tesel « erlea have. keg 4atlettrranee. 1'41114, *.*--thO 1144105, -a hotte4draWn" tA216.- -t-hOr add to WO cot:41ecidouAttut If no t..aa rto • aLderatioui. tiro OrIONtak4 a 446, iodize. tooran Suotitlablo. 'titertire, &ere- goVol,,',apanzr.r- tt-nt- imnditiona-.14agt.,. re edited- v•,'14-52•:, lref fat er eaa - 41butter-lat -ivainside y'ete _pan lapLant,tot itvottol, t0 OattOrka ad on0--4distrit bEbitao It Jo bora to stglic8i0 alcong wi • a (head that aches and pains tima.-7L la,a•alo eases out of heaginchea ara eatit031 l13601.6 rangenitua-q-el'a'atibre,—," );:" Bords‘44 Mood Witt= -r.avi5i---3 tte cantle 0 heaambe by regailatin3 to digestive and. bihary °Vann, eorreeta acidity, regulatzl,tba dipo.ted -hovels, tones ruip the liver, altd promotci irist2cat circulation 02 pure blitmi to an portlima of? t ihdy, Get rid- o2 ytnr Tacailaebal by taking B.B.Z, fer cq; zea, crit-zzto. Or, 'rtt o-Itritatii #.0 ousgt stonBger, woittio -c4(4, blirp .11c1 - W1not 07/ ,re d • atter-vOl' %ilea *.t0 therO -roc o1 ttiOooitalaterniCc Canadiadtither's. mm6 'Choir phyclegOtap‘ZAprie,'en- ftko' Lfltt ZINO gtlICIPIfty 0ft.4c70Viall Pt134-et A dellIclono tali° cytan •Cropra Wand! !gate:at for dila tRikardoailp;;; Tell do bOra tE211,141tht° famoua hockey atata can latil4 be obtained for 'Oro= reOPtZdr C,orna Sprain Jail*. kltVag dAtz4vYA Caaga ettaVAIN Iteu ar0 `4• t'4 tlatidast fate. e Iftovoi Ira 11,14.44,1 woro a Tat"' /avm t4,4 • t, tlawatoi.aotkio '.4141 Wean .tiatd-- 4146, ;110,;ttilattit# 4241. tit -011V tatt5:43b. t447tIl. T.114-`,=1lelc-3 4,Iutaltc:62ii It) ora nottozi1z4ar wt. C 14: .01.444- „.e.41av ozovo, two' tatiakaotory. .tat.i rouv.;c- `t-ivItfaa priao. `IttilVeMtr t45- rcirtd 162. 4041 LI-11116--t0IrP. -,m4rtlat,,,/tore, 1r,OcZtc:',44.- -ttmi.dalte 0114o 4rtit'l>zw4tr5z.47 iicf,ri.4Waolltamit hot ao. of 01, tritt4o "'tirriL= al to gr, -7 01444.1. ttlgattit'St.' At*. '40* . .:41t410gIpt4a4. .1=41 tzle4 votao ott(p. cr- V414itV.' iov:*:•-vot,14 a -It*' Vg -` Ots-ikt,,trt, t4atiV4'Al2“ Vido• . 'Ul4t7 '‹ 4-',114t '&4 "tapir. '176 .Itt-/iP,Ir:011-,bta tt • tr. . )v4v AvOtt/41 C?- t/4 I?' 0'0.7 iff4al a ,111 Ot • -dttv,a)C*y' tZt: -711 Ottt,t,"41 'Z4 atl Wzn 4%42 &I° 1Z41v.0 • tt, c "hcp4 ,•uin'pta, 1-1.0 'n 3 U.44. 401 tiro5t,412..f; t11143- a`a4. taaia' o, CM t 434 tmairgillia, atio ata - nra,;rotet,,, .Nct,„bbe • , diar''-thailtgOlani5-gratb 1100044a4tallegvatta41",xtlor,; - ,, 440 'ciri4iloficto f""..44lig-184*'•tc6-, azf4tc,„. tazoz tht zv.tt2hz, •P4,440 -vro 5-a4dr cl400ttL.,1-r c74 tz,ac.4-.4 1,;4/ al.5a (Ov61. t,i,SI/Vittlah$Tci Wiemtelet too !It 1,fltt.tt titatfl &._ttn * tMo.ctit IANt 01068 ImMel VAtiO t!t. 0,1,4