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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1938-11-3, Page 4
asuctevo. ST. itilEitINE; , 1.7..psa ccIrgg'xT),,ex-,1 „ 3t:44t tt-i3 ,r4CrI) aq:.1 t.° 1-'P1 rr'-17"4; zzta, mat.::Ipot3 C3440aCIS,1, (1 744,,.. 004 1`..74e14;.-rt.1,; ,UcaD rov 4rova P1IZ43Pat..;Poi=t•CC,100,;0' 4,0d,N1 atIO 1'204040. morgo:t7o,' -.M(Farl;o: 4414,,„4,,cAa' :0„,t,t-;z11Ptdoi, , is70,47,4 Atta,=4,4, -,4-44rerft.% ,00„11,61.„74 ,vc1; 01' clOo AniV4 17,<I7 ltde4C001')'.'at0.4.1,' .t°411.t° tattl " 741114.11p,. '41tdIttfpa,- t,?. '..vMv.Q.Ii.7;0,74 a •:`,)7;'f. pro- con.: 14,,.bc-lv 41404tIt, over,ploas, 4140,81itov' onla ,AV4to Atteui,, to or,,;. YvQ '00 top tr4 .motorclit bifq,, goptIotr .0z4 '15s 'Mlzaki 4°7 4 -MCO tr-1 tftlaot%, „ _ „ beclitb• ' ' t)g aaciejc),41e4aca 0$ ,t144: Of:tat "U0111401401 tir341 tomo altiVA4Y. Moo wor> zrovra, og) Atml, vlow4 00 itvt; oromet ttlo, Ito og, 400, 5/,1%orc)j, .04,4000„ *to, top. 4,c,.= 04 t4fp, tw, • . • oivlOg 4t.10-gattzcjt £rocp ra„ 14„gto v. a, .traut=0, oz,arpztii, to4,4t4; 10sQ.o Veono7ghtooz.V7tfl''r'agozit vtltprV7U /1.0,4%44n q1AVY' 4.40:448t0# goac',•;101104.1zt.Veoclo. ‘: *2014 ramtgtoria7-00 MAttteocaLV1v3i. Zit,411; rLf:',I1, t . 4401,tta4ei)10. TM NVIO' ono,in *4. -Rom elmtdotPic itottoutgo,' :not wiezt.arito., v7,00 4 ,_,VP,t;o. 170000 ,raVatily ,flopcbt.04, tsr4 t4rapol4, r0A.7 ,F(*ac attp10., attd tbo 101.0 rafilltay, n 1701/%4Q. and, vao topm aurola tovocva*ITtsp, 44r4,0a 1:9114d4St atta0.41tays, OO Vara at0,1h, C1A0 leai;rea# Ig,,a1,51Ca bar Lalettvar,1110' 404,4_;# to, rIVAdOV' toornuarttaloalogIVIVrOfrOltilaclo-4(z. k ff., c_cfmoqi,q-10-.1t-vogataca room oul 1,rot,ho4 Tomb Zzogopi, !LIZ. wz,will 04iiftP4141r0 ttotpo-! ttt1-r 44- MowTA4o lAtlizkoml ptfita, .10/trov, 1.4 ,,F,Rw44.)ti ,v4), 'W,44 aTtewadoi. '004;10 M6'. ‘zetnao Ma 444r \Ilan, Vaa OV0relp',Igttetl'teto' Ireoz. B*14 2 41*0014,PrOdtiVtorIai• rr0 2P 'ehVirs* V B:r/c33°4 et.' 04 177611k4IlanTeh MVO. ao4tri at a Iltlesemgo. ad km 1'4°1'4 " /r,otovorett voeIat,,,p,rtatatla 'kr•'the 02 DI ley and 4eva 3, 9, we crAtoilL - id' Corners. The pallbearer:1 wero ,g1:11, Unto tho 0,44nr"e1 I10,r0.011,,,Z410m. Trog. „V._ L/a4emPtch,- o loztrc,110 6-7„-09 Ion ,ttoo baimtom gjj T. and Boy nachenale," Dede404 clat, Egtu "040V01.7"-Zor, Writbt, 4aartYn, D. A. • Z,Telfaan, Ubrottoreri Er.; 2a1,,,,,r0:1 rAttlaG grQn1,. Mitecrttreb , hOaw v -tilotrimtl„. Daae,• . nae re .4111b30teveva ) at.- Alio; t7Z0 rest lu hlah ryaftW.,4I,fr4aVz$a0ga4,drgip14t,4,z *, amt., Zara, Vtaleonori- trttAN. ;4'044 comic Gent,Otattlel.TOdd;,,Zane)7 1,44Y4 aematuaxprms2 cam NELts .0erievidtte watt, VnaltoAturch; Winners in the. weg.tIS7 bridge :tour- CO /a 144/4 '4m*lartt14114 2324"'1)11A"m6'41 Ohiriey zuthemata;. gtiaolt= nament on Ueraday niGht were:. 1,9t, 4/04r, narl 4,-,ahort•Smo.gr4an' Zgra. cud OA, *Carey, mas 6rovIleva ice the visi lactoraolicit plus 2; 2nd," Ma tlaeNa cdaton cud ig F., unde of duets by 1.,Thaes Anna Llaeand gam. Mrs. VV. Sars,' pans 1%; syczo an ,parrach and Vasaes Apses elllesple plus 31. tars W. P. Mallow and Mrs. guitalan, and A. za. ontiott„ 1*043.bao. Nezt ZIonday the annual L. • labs Jean Johnston, Z*i.a' dear/We ancei4OU num banquet I11 ble hewatt and Zitrs., DROGIlt .0ter0g,t.043/1 lil at the Part House, =Id conteoio vore illtad Ithf conauxencing at <13.0 o'clodc. bder the le• lot latfulleY -W04441 -Arloathor- bead a d, the ettelt,U4C 7Ith rollOchesad 'putuptin pre Were oy,,Itt-„zz =11t7 g "- e„15 D,7c7(-g t7 _ „ „2,0 eail BUY I 0=mTatt. etrzunrJ DlcmCttall. V14,7,e SOD 4 innz' ez a =a v70203 ,v+ ,v44 Zz- r.f;cz'11:9` Cratoc:, tiro. ,C;70 *V2Pte,144,V0 11,44ZZ")F' VI" 141,4: . 2c7.J V74111W0, ,tizott-2cra; 41-o, rIcoa "fre.atiore4 :_'(r,p ymmtna.. • tt.zavz;. Vi146) Itv.;:tz9 ti.mm4 itAL,tb, .114!plt,:ootit A i;ot,t4.1 , . . 14„ 09224: 41,,4.74741p, r,%);?.,.4.412 , Ar4.1 , 0`a4 o21,1:41.tozotimultlp;„ to,k6 itrai$11 zc-f 1-440;"n1 VY i 4-4argo. 4,-. , v Mt': ,,c4'.\*: olop4 .40: 'Rad `r40.4.1...0.2,'14?-,47'.4,tra..•4 t . Ipt,o '0111ftt. ,dsmt::a Ot4,IN Zat't',?lagif0i5i q-444. 'M*020 , oto, raocap' 4For,14 10401.*:V7 L to ,tat=t1' tOf‘,*gttavta, • op 'ttj. ':/o10# togo .01[1% %but vier Otad. to o7:4,14 ont• • About t.vottNm er 'thirty wItches, dontio ond eT 4.44tcL. vow orilmnt 1-zauovrottot. NavOkilta gro.. taI.Ong ei)? gates ate -ds.airpge,was dene. •iieIpfl UDII3t1Ofl n,Gothorze toWnship "741$,:, 4t.$ held Am ,Orlday, X.#06113140,rc I.att 4GG111042 nleeavlsrn.1t been,:l:Peceraber 5th. Oorzett -enP104.- tb 7IPMbi3Itild* alnl• t---.0-Attnidity an Mire • 47-41444--','AellifOrWt- tgr4u.' la tVatit*Vor- 807.: ,20u 4Spapt no erve b1 lott, 4,7010apt ritatzgro CI 4 )), Vat Mg • V*. ) , =1=14) ))-(0 4,oiq rIttb Din fro. 1,44,tet 411r.44 :414 .1.4r 07,4' f731 v74. nnfatr* *47L 104g, .11110I et* 'Pt 'AtrOlk,, ,C441040,, 4044 t cps:: Vle=te __n ti=ga,n # Pl;o: vq4 • .741„4 014o4,,rptio 1017210111111/s-A741=1QPq 101Pr 0411:4i -Po Atlfayttor 14tehlo, reaforth Irp%;ti a. Iristtor In our lieldhhorhoott, 3e.twe- if* Si'nd O'On opt Ituraday.' ev tag at Ray- fie1(4 41Isa- Bagel )1:1,00lg k tow In C4otle- r1ch for two we with ber friend, 711tra)M.Meielt. tgaMer., ot,11 4 ,70.14T4IXX to' Vt t44 Tam•Cov,c,...3 tml.-elogN,',4*, wo0t1,, 00 3E'Q 13 QvptIrl,1: tv4t14 iiparne 4 t174, W, evaam. (1144014c4,,,t07.,Z.cgt tt,o 41taototp,r-O.i, ;--pp'141',GQV .4ttp40.4 morzkv".04.1 • m_Lot.orp 014 t-gr4047.094:, 'tve, =neat. 40tM0pia#„, riga- mge,m1 !Op: qtzett4 -OW* toa.v1t4p170, 4.100.tat.'W, ,,v4t4H.notv,! tra.,::Q1 Rtmlts, &7lOv7 plittoe oksoreti .41,441.1,7P1040.ov ittott,c0r4coto.atit0414 'reettn3'. it 4Con#0. )0, 0'4v ook,thPutzt4.,' '44;go, • t1AR, 4 L rO, AtelvOr470• ettAltv 0.0 .14Wi /WAR .-g0tpa.21 zwoo: c'am, 11,1,701eitp ai-4t c_LLTI oFtzt...t, t0z to t.‘o 4,. eo c-Tr0 zz.7.49, cpgvr tzzattil elat tlro .n7,71V`',,MP Of. -1 abmze off Ottni (13ady age= acicv pt7 aca --nab vanrr*ga Ezzu Om, =Ewe yma e=,1# -Ill EInvem, eilucabuctim, vADzw,00 IMOD ZIENUO. ENUS REST elglegVIDIDER, (Nov. 1.-4gr. and 41's. la. T. 7frinasper were in lita iiflton over the week -end,. Mr. a ilf* arovra end miss Anderson " fIttended the _teachers' convention - at Vilughana oi PridaY• _The 0.0,1LT. group accepted the in- vitation of -the Auburn girls to attend Mzetr-,,-04:4V-141atg-, ,t and, all *roofeitoviiir t:4 7009/ tune. t:toughton, whe Spent se time in the 171est, returne4 home, Q n Thursday. .• - Ifroppo it and 8 ,of the Weraen's GOciaticnit held a succesaful tea ha the ottureh Priday even g. 116fr. and IgCrS.; ',1101krto Epore had. pa their,sues G oVer„,the elpend Ms, GZIbiRela-03,--pot2,;--- Jnds- , bridge, fowl ouVitaer OD potoov, th QC was," as usua,1# ,, wondts0d1, • 4'4 There vas/ an untadwitlly -IatOs."c„toWd.;-11)„ Mts. ;r0s#,OourtneY riao tbelio04*W''t47,1" , ner oe the radio. There ma a ,00etc- did prograin and a pleasant' time' for .tct. OU nIh a laroaZic aatberzeWe the JThg Oriatpal tit hall to do honor to -the newly-v*1s, 'arrd" Zars.-MaSf400041DIalto'n; ing the, -evenbg an .addreas,,',,tenderIng the younc Ottle ;):the heSt. -.of Good 4,4 vicup tvelo0,miloa zarct,. Daitt"t thaAatmtaitsittpi-mlfmool4;L-votivir- no, witlab, Lo U1oilocioated them with 141W1 venvploge. The o Uteoze * mum "011eap-aarka,ttkg •...--------' ...,-- .1 . 1 V -121t= EMI 9. • ci-• . E20t2 Man • 't L, .,..,.. .•;?1.:1:;:*ri.':'1"."%'1 '''' 1 . • : 1 : : ' . ,fr Don 't mks this Opportunity—. the thne • crop,. attide iistRatib, tottiyi rafeot,, whit* th6retvatizpig,'s*-t-tzl oath siczin, "O'er he's •cr jolly goad gellocv." A good, -lively time tvp:s lape,ohy 411. fr.-Vra,zfr aPiten,, ilee-tt,,Zwellarktr." IJIPPI4tzt3' 74- P14k-7, Atit? ho=r herg,„: 14e,Olgct---qV4a0-',-.4A-,7atr4o" 4illion -/or ily 'Waited on finaila7 n. vih924-14to. ior Egnabp1-1 reztaitaall gev doSN, : 1,34 81* Xeotry, 02 Eloagortb,-anol Mica arolOaci .r_ttittloo 04' Atimictilmo eFo win c7znt mei 1ly,re Arlo C gq,*raprol,,„ tbtivo,ii_oot Inle4r 0=m10,,x4110 ilelieetkOlds- has 'hOtaglik: With Yittta).• WIG AOG. COM -gt 4714112iriftTj'Ilf'il41,114131;:‘ '7 4riZZI*044421037 trona thiSvIet U.funexhal othe L* f 4111bts 10444.700'6'41t Efiri- gio7 fro.40 *1'0zQl . rolitre. Gi4terlOk•') v,k•4 43.fat14,110, • of • Zt. ,00.1g$,-0-4 •*14t4,1 #ery. whe;...e.ho ,e had 4,,,TAlt: TII iltrtithttorioSrvet v4i: il3re hal eut gO.re oiir.1-1.14,e aztd OZ. " -1X-oHMET;IT ra 421, mrct14-to„, i,.,,,: 1w6 7 -:#t ca,e- •'' azvg-sAta Ith , 01' t41., itirTureitla' to- .. ;21174, wn•*--qm o•kba ttr4 PC,3 • tl, q', ,4,41-ki- ,Z. Ceti •tal XI O/V.42= Selina Ikebler vat'Vtau 7P,', 4 ',V1th the tozzaIdott.- 1,./t,70 F.+ * ' '41%->ealza UM, gendeisan 1 '`,Szt or4sre* %Do. k Tortzabariag ' wor,,tom calm lute Itostbrog 62 triteLTaItlit or Oh*. 'ithel\t,' 'Mitt Anby- 7ola4,7 „vas Ter go,.. the d'a,s7: Zino- to xi. lit-p-va tAxotht- ki4Tit Ofe .celmi vitaltav tit lidonat boric), 4volre57 Var. etan tit*, Sitactiar. • And tar. "e'orald eaivoy, vitae ttao • ratez,! fd .egtatzgalg 4.0 .ZProlatAn' 110Eae for 'a feidarp ;x'efOrie le4vtro 'for -114401 11:Za , war ttliaca, plaO9 Ite Flaps wor4 tor a -;v44111o., • rti. Romooldp tinittiou lip4041„ DT01. votttrgttol_to.Olinton ota (131• at 4. gov•ottir-;At4 tior: 44tant_00,._ 14cimotta., Aanf flot0140.0:-,,t01)06 '1%v to106b W1hii 00,,,otuar4:41-4 G ttAtp.roGGUt40. tritit ofttitor, t a'oP14t 01,0titopt. - • Vittitat Ot. 46ctilagati, t4112V Oot;i otia4,.4 torivie 0143v74, tevt loaypra opat tIlletaft.otaid valt bor awaits. tad •gi7D., .404. 1:14ett*,,, Alitton txtg ITiou teratc a4e-tittordial-ttmidictiOpa'-ediWO; Itut,, • - .4ra•. 17.,:44,1141.4 dtrt„Ittii l'CorotatO,;,r14014 t-714 tr,lt;-v4rtziottals dkvtiftet, ogf4vr,Ogilcia• • 4' voil. aloWaat alr4nOt:7-00,' tot wta 1014 14 IfPdt70' 00401. ib1,4 1,17da3r otatea,r1tc oo tlgtamb It* titritAtillooti&a, t7'ott;to t2gc:4tt3. n114 :41ri Mirtla itter. ZOPoza OPir4dz -ZctIoCa440.11.- br-4 toa3I:1144` ,o1Z ra,IdIttm atCoperi: tladtait'celdttitwo, 411:44, d04.2e0tb. Vt. ;.),t3 LIDattto. Zab, .C4170 L*wmif ttollto- ge4) VtfttgiSr0) •Mktpt4 4ttor.,140 • Zre8mm.-1(4417Qtbzg90-4i.,L, 71c,5-1;f4ittlIzott,tr,it v,trifttt. IZt* t'4Anilq# .1,154=04ti Ot` 04140tttrz* •• " tits4, tlar Zor414 ,Otoztio • teatelt*. ittaollo tomo 2t.to,eltlov vmt4' t44112 tit ) Z-Zt4t),. ItOrotAl .bot qil Wotilzci,tptg. to,To 4tti odibtiebtZt. ' = 01404a 4'tk'tta'ttoa_ pt,--LicuttOtumir60:14'14' 44tIts,,,a Ztt.10)!40 mitorl'dtwas rAr.,.41ttaz ttmottiliti-etaatov taatIo. 11'1 41,11,c1to Zz, 1-7,44:Z& 444,\L'a dt‘t , .114' ttAQ. cittz;:".1t,ta...1 da, CAM' Elatt-.;o1-4 rientit-rtin".laca01 :•1114tttiZizrzMIV tt‘4.b srAt',41 14c:*,1 cvdta vAnt tttortca dmitiC Viatt47 ' -Z:11 -7021, Maz4Z•..1c4 1-O.7 °• Pt(i.vgt 026' .t4.1.tp:OZOZ1t0 -Erna , 411: v10 mo • 110, 'StpiiAlczu arm-oR-33'quimg.-112- 1.4,214 atairma.11,.. z „„, tp.„2:ox VW. 10, usital--3-sga. Gat .2te.19. ' Nov. nth MI:O= VIVIV CO 11C3C70 eatamatilez tbe ilae47 d!eagl'12 Z(0)fillIDAIr, . • 11.0\30dt47,-? 11(kg. --1=5;111ta '01IMMII. BMX: 2r? PaiintormOora groan' G. ith. dr Caw agent,' PnOttin:3 Cain LUZ au,P1-71. n1c4t,t1 *,,(gattE0020.0 rril3G1300., -ovotaV*It, 1:20Z-013 bilr lateh ztt Thtett ,rams nc, rt_ttrri,t1s i,.-0-17-1 • ,,V Otttl 0-v'd i1a,vrIca ca =stab, 41,,z,t2. ,z.z.,4'bJl'ztiirt.,054 4141,t -C2* itbt otia • : 040:44.