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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1938-10-27, Page 7
Ilkoridekr. October auk unit warrECHURC)3 dot *id be r ad It* Pi) ,higNok-Nii,' visited lasc rakeiedor *44, go A4_44 1/$4.4s, wittriat•to 'Lola. 4)41 16 - +Mitt 1trul4,041 toortit '01410,143 - 4444 ''fiAtt.4-4„ zfiicA4 Sick, Tu.- 60 41-itt Ofil- 'IV, *.«.44', 8000?141k _401,4 44054,/o-i,‘:it 411 i4 it-A-eib,Cc-4..40h $11Ki7-i--, rkft Lot' U;r4, 0 et Teeiw*ter, 14,p fltrurt W*Vlar,5,4 Wot, 5o#4i#17 Ph, wrid ilt*W14 41.4re* iLitk.ot'!..4.0004414., PLIW 94 '$/4 **Tit- 1411440*•0:476.4-.1).(tra *AA+ )1.44 *tokriit 44/4j 1-4,11',th ' 3e15.4, Q 400470:40, tha, 4 W 43,44e „ ttiv-1.1P, o 44 1"*Nrielis Watt, zet — atiikerUgtri" 4:teL. ti-giepc.c,'i1 4,3400 fl Irira (3"' - rk),44.401-,6, f0J441,, * $e vcreil-i,„, eilf.t ,-aE to 13 c• i n kig reauvada 0410: firA, , Wati44-041 rs,0,,41(;;.,"1.:,' avt, 4,4 • 401 '4.*7.4.13 0141 4? ti' J a1i-14451, w4,19. .43fir.'PRa•14 v4tr;',4TY ":444iaziA0oat‘4 3fR'=;: ,4114:1):. :011.Wwic4Co Cz. 4-‘4.'4,%`14 ova Frkk,ut, 40.','4413 4r7• ;::P _V‘ ., 'i far? 1 at1415.i,wc- \V.V4, tkora '4-,-Ao.r4,- tti., • - -,‘ (. ' 0o -VAI Vemolgt%wri- wkio..„44-4 4, oc,. 4'w;vr:440-41440tItga. 3 rm.', tOl':'Raerc'4.4)‘4,',C4 icas3, , Za 41:6::: , Zegi.:141;C''',, b p4, L L TJ0 40 a ItUk , E t41 , 4`•71P ''''p ,40, , . ---,- ::: Wwa g" .„-cz Wi40 -AN 4AtD,Ztega a 10iik3.. t a ttliitthQ Ra iE zsiLL;,? 'prat4 O*11:4,r,;(\,1014 ' him V. A' tA; C4 4 ect'41,v0.: .Z2V4,C. c1t1- zumta; • , . at2s4V2Mtt,ar.t,U,41‘.cczcgait.f..,14,,'-'-i3. TA,)4 $4.`A26,0.4 .V.46 • r;!.'6'.:ivtiz,2 /70,4441, al 44 ,14,1z; AgInt10:44.11..204 r 143010 . to 4111,14(etS-g OA. , 'A44te'd-tresi4entan4-EIPP- onet v7havet! ceMtar77tre4,,O0r4rc 'f0P • tbo, ,gtdimt -r740 ‘,0,*re440'."at,..t -.t , 7trae 'thg 4mok hen, dotion' pr minted -4v ;431. ea-iat ehftL Old Brether- rptadte. dtW'otb iP3r. otithe- vr• - ".•'• ithrtititir .111t ic'vurn. v\Y: enoe fte;togoltitag #041 ,4.11,4,.'recatred, e e1rmrH- was nex:o4.$, tfi hgt tlies. call ' : (Sy Betty 'Barclay) - ‘ - , 'perlitapsE alla wrong, but -it seems tO „„Ig)att;., ,out that the whole me .-that -too-many menus- are- far too ."1-e'"'f4 of:ittv mita' vao JOVeit e1aorate for lunnble people lihe nmst fez.' _eir---.0,741W..wan invented- of ltizri; 14 niee mem% ,tmusuat rioV- ston; lof the Ilespiee -at and .takity didhes and, pleacant our- rand'AU. 'isernard, wrote a Johding prises, but wet do not 'want otir dishes 441110-i-VOIrtin9nOtOr arf-faloWEI:to be tither elaborate or-ergenslve, have henox.‘.Go here's a menu tltat should uP- thAntang .Yon for your generoSitty 1.esat`"":3)11tTaltuite either the fruit env) and JE thankIrlOttl-rittia:' lamy .or 1b ooj. 1 you wish. Gulyjtitute fo'n-gthe tvegatablea-orAiae.catad if o ot •enlist orgegt. the 91L talent og the, Park) Colt (one of t1it"tea g :Paris neWspaln-ril), • The- ritorr of- -the dePa-rtureiola the gorAr of ,vot. Zorapioi to Whet is . tore fantasy, ,Our -good dead az* 74147a711 at the,,Hosplee an,4 have 40,', Zotbr YOU, dt, tiCeSza --444 ,-,ttlIDWer,catiallt, • lir." • • o the St. Oar& pre still in -the r-IZthgettO V`92.17 traltellers, and Altoae, -Who: had: Worried about their 42017. 00 ,41440, 1bqatoOlptio. vitia ariaecOrlelatal, instead of itio tkzlekt, tmothow, og:Veat4 Ot. gter. ,W114 be M10440'11400 this t the ettion ,of-onee doa,.1,4-o not, after '.all,"tri?.anitedItit tragedl fV,41I.--411sertit rlourier:• 00 tler,ez-) elt:7/1=o 4Vtagt prefer. Yon, rmay even 'change your, lama dish. Take trallo; riima aa guide and you'll have a nteal worth while, well balaneed, economical and ;The reratiet-euntard deasert neOs no egb4 „no -,boiling and no batting—juct the hillut-Oft itilsert to tap OR CI woza- tor1ut IO! t stronglocate mna; substituting"- low,' dak coursa Wipe. the .sk‘a/1,- earefelly and re - dye War lanalglitaY ,tobt,ta - of . eat or kt. Meat the tioOr' fat, Naos? the %eat tt it; tteat iane' 6/1110,, Mtn it and ater ttt ottoot ado, teduce the heat and contintte the 410*.t1llZ, 'turning the meat aa often 'co ,the Saw begins to 417. -ear eh 'the up z*r .antface., tEltOarts lone and tere4ialf if -aches thieft 'reetuire eight-, to ten-mingtes for a Tate steak and twelve , to qftee. minutes for one :that la atiown na well-done, .2enteve the Wall to o hot,platter and bacto it taietted-tilitt62.' "with 0 ;rins Czat fro rd g'=1 Pepper or lemon 24 Doafto gold, boiled asparagus, fresh or ea et Lettuee.leat. 'rick dreta tat,leszioen teraatO camp _Vdt. rinea about one-third inch tide. If letton is' fugal, lz-inzov0 the pulp, leaving only the-pael, -Gap four stalks of Old asparagus through met, ring ufld arronuo ou tants lettuce leaves. Zerve with Vivrch dreszIng to whlat torrig,to oatetiti ilas 1.*en added. paehage vanilla rennet wder pint =ilk 4 filial, bread - 'Drifter . IttsiSins Matme.7 netnove cruSts fro e. bread,. butter &lbw- 10,1t4,44i the -044:v4 -41,549# car di.shes, and add a `toW: t=42 itttairas. Warta :the, talk to Itittetratin-r-not !hot. I'MOVe'etoz otov. .6.44 f#netow '17;cait, afire" litr4afiateir$4 and brisitly "until ak*Itra, -Von . bread, Ot =Ur CaV4--,,.totit VP minutes. CrAl 113 rtfrig's.lfratnr. Ppigittle with antincv before .Wtind- )11);Laltt4, ett. 4ta.,110glea Mtn. heth tioa alith Zdrtina. *Ofe Leazirof tet''""tkz £Zt?rin 4V, 004 Mrs, Elton* .114'02,10 103t Zze V4t.T.T1 ch07.4. ttaciir ttaitror tiot- 14a r44 1c1,,Atait4t4*- aeoz6Oaa a* t.u.. tla0 tz.1rL Tr Ziat4 tr 0c4 r,./r41(Meg:1 ILVaot '41)44 trAilltatotz4OEZVlaotlit e4a4tt, tlea; Llottt, LtZtto104 itO4Daetztei „ rtrzi ata tt2a. Vatter tr-h4t tdca 'tin* tett, 'ofZ Zet4Ve:l.. CAI:PttLtI0j7 vt1t4 j,4, • 40 ,Iloc4a „ LI3IMMt,LtO onkjVnt, tzCi tw' .41,103ivat4u,p, to 41.4.600',k4twa tra.co •,t1Ptit titktatl, , nbt • CoV4,,,44 V415-tavo tth .02,4tz ar\it:t.4 --4taatt 4t1:1,t,' 'MO -T47 ttoral ct4otzb ot,'.b- .t3C;3 Vx44611, a1ta. ovc-aqz. motaa 'out, v,t1; .„ to°4? 4141th7f4711#,Prri wo t3441:1916oin* -i)/itrao:,tre '1C Mit-a haa ieet",etarY,-40 (u 1i11 atenoic,TE,DA itd COlhoitit0'01 : ita Di; ,12e14. .4.4o a. 1010 ,*101- atipstatOtr,i...iresitent- MOM, ider z , m other.04 43feo.c. cndPav tC '410z-.:M139.4_,Pt04.0..zmitt nvt "'yr, laz,etple re. ' resolution itbauiriugD IM:911 Lor ili ppleniltd 4eittee daring t..:past ci,.LT,32Q54 A tr.,), ViVa, .5414 Cat%70 .7•1 c2Alt;".),1 troo ,r3vaz 0\4 ,<C\10W,'.mcl :o fl -3C23 \MP,' Up'..p.TC,IC(,t,,:,,,2", 4j 1jJ4LI:..t tb';S° ''1:.tot)11%. ,r...3.,,t.' • ' 4,N.-rie .. -M1'Zi ' ' 4 "°' Ilit:tratt tlf'77'''''' '.a 0: 06 ,; ,t,,: '0,4 -o:,.-i4,014q41.) 4 t4„.d.t4 431') " jra'4,4 ,. 4_,ItIttl,c,91,?,.,04‘talvf.g1.4'1,1 CiQ 0t a',0:zottP;.4 44 ,4-a,-,\/.41,k.:,z1;t1ti .. p.;t44'tl"0- -14.04t03 tItiftaatilo. ::Z4:47:g1"',40.Z' -44t,lbe,'the,,.agena , ? 0 ''.0.0 „ Pi..t. .4',.• ..41t1g,'V.',4PP.i4Datit' ,4 4'' °4*'' : VC4t119. ..0'P',4.4tOKOZZI.ki. 0 , a•:.,t3.0,gotot),:t . 00,:ttor ezaot4,4%.:.4044 ,t,' i.72,44,114, ' 110d..MtiltiltttItt.N. •, .Ix;at4,.',. . l'i ith.s.M14:t.i*TetAO.O.ri, 1,74.1441. -4.1AP,M1 :0" -',14 Metatill. .4eAto'.. • " 1.44iot:'.401too; tt.tc-lito -. O. , t,01,1%.,4,sgarrettio04021i.t-A.OV 04,054.tAll 1102tterea 6044,2YoZwel ::. 0:1:14:',".0::i,":, ..:247u't=4:::!,):1.; ir. :441( atc::::::::: aut m4. 'Zkeeeased: . 'cAlrf - $4:;• :'4'..IV'., Vallry-c:::.:-sr.vo ,,,MriatOpi .041-r404,1,40:toito.bom ibita- 1( 41440311110; WrozOter. ob „ ,T.huti04011 ;.4t11?i,rtow,:'ptpat.t,t1,g:o.Aao,e,".u:r1410.dr407; tttris' %no!' tzroliZgrite'0141:t4nt:(4totettotili tar*taatli,114'"'aro, ", Itand,,,tvio.4. ' 44..vd, „two daughteed-alar- to IOW Chi-. only -son of Er. eandi Uvo. :,,,l,t: • . . Oto we ,!t!e,... :,eSeto' 142401r; Vir;41201.4 ili'LlOrgRiaatboItonieti:Avo: -, 'T.11tepnt flap toolv place recently at efo: :the ' tor,' i, 'of -,the,w‘41‘r4itle_*s...,ot,,.otefgi„, Lar6tx,s. ! ttandt..ezczad,444.1,0_,...4.....tadultag4 jahtero4o,fdauqr., . olar-to--DitWilliam-S. Vataottot WO. . outer. ',,, t. av,-3. 114111d, pariVrtgaed • ,v•ItiV *04 INIETI4 bY•.a standing 'trot% e 44 'the .1001,40 ot "They. Are -110411011."" •Grec;-'s spoher 02 the old tchool 04170 In OAllatOla ,arr.r,W; *Lek in the 704s. Se0riettA4newlyliected dent, is a -con of thelOte John 8.cat.le ViOnlinent-OZ-4114t-tieitForEraitrirlop; tiii piot Vounty- 2.tastelif of South itron, g-coodarleottm iseaudothve..useiteld word fn the • The big . annual; ,"t •home" .of the Association Will be 'held in the Raton Auditorium, College -,(aireet, on Wed- nesday evening, Jove 15er-23rd. . The crowd- vino verg. glad to see O. Ferguson back again after his siege of 'Eton. &resident J. A. pfelzaren re- latedmany anecdote -in connection with his triptothe paid Country, and Stotland In sarticulagf The AsSOelation Lo ,now thirty-eight ,yerirs old and is muniztaotag strong. 'tazdeti-a,,,enododelft gation fro 1Horii4"4- tornaltiEn. iGeo. E. Dane= bide ',Star to ,lbe the champion ticleet-seller for the big "at ho e" Oi November .22rd. When °teem Gets Doing he mattes things hum. Dr. 3. . .Fergoson, rot viee-presi- dent, lo in the ruuaning for the presi- dewy et nezt year. The refres eats welt* well cerved and plenty of them. The malues aenlivenr.at to- . eation for theato funetIona, eaSily aP- proached gand Up -to -dote. Ail the eserkharti indulged euchre and brids,e .eor two hours, after which refresh waft Vero served. onDMICIE eharze of atteralpt_ a to conanalt cackle pre rrt•ii againa Elra. IoaIa (Sole, it, • derich townshipdzif-mute, woo clicasis=GT air -Magistrate J. •a-Vaarr_tay„, last- when- -,,iieting-iffrofity attorney {Nairn stated -there Was evideiace the woman 'flad attempted , to take her life. Mrs. -Ools_reeentty shipped bac h to Ontario 'by. iliberta authorities. :ac placed to porarily in tlxitayuln$g ilatoole cit Olinagto and 'her little gdanAtew =Is placed in the Children'a Sheiter here. .L1ro. Cole demonstrated her disapproval oil the arrangement by .attlinOring a water glass on the 'floor andl soaking motions which the matron interpreted as threats to jump out the tinder/. eharge was preferred by the itome 'physician,' but there was too evidertin -that the wotnen actually had attempted to qlo away e,rith herself. T ease tlas heard- in the llogistrate'S 9204 with P. G. Weir, J.P., actinVes inter - ©L3' PLOwn Art For the' ani:12-oe \7142-in--- eeptiora of the inter,gounty Com- petition tat the internottonal ptrowing tn4clo,- Huron ,County cms tom,.;mtetit by a plow team of young men tinder ttrenty years of age this ;rear. eouraftetition tradjheld on '11:letiaber lath near Barrie; 'with tct- by team). '1810On" Countp-rainhed -eleventh; -pr14e mone'. The mat'llieliS the Wantt Were: Lortief Viteter; 4/2oss Cunningham, lartassols: 1.2eQua1d, eofortb. f,tlogintsr ogelab wore ikatiaZed tvitta the showing-i,of the team in ,their Qmt tzavet4 ,pvttortation. Perth Cougar rtaga ninth, Zruce tWel2thp Illeate• tmt jafteenth, Olgin sittanth, Grey tomatotilt, CJaVpa.,,,DvOri910 Rko On Don 9,avaP'hlIctioottaido litatadcir oct iro .cew co necessary to per,. 00 hourehold duties puts a r _pa the !Winn and. the burl - when,. aro undoubtedly. caused by 0 come derangement of the Watley°, for if there were no /ahoy wealtness the bach would be strong and well. matey Pills tio1tS16 giva Firfe$ r,olle2 and comfort to all mat,- haehache buffering women, and ahe • their household duties a. --pleasure batead of a burden. Luzern Co., Ia.. Toronto. Ont, tt00, tt r q11.4110' Pt; 1.;to ,41to-sk,tat.1„,„ ervotalo mao nt:444.. rto 1G c*4'1"Ile' t,Tottaar4gr6, il 0 4.414egree14, 42ttO vonna ovItt 'tzet tepo. 'vnto ./kpuy. 40% $4babblet* 'in 004 v7be4? tioriat you 113 .bet V' 4, HuOanIA;No4 It na4. %lik '441Wly tu-49"r,sr. llfwabond "pettatntl,i+ 1w4t4taZing.. lannoortatiOtro GTO 0- 0 by liuttiltiT5V buYkkg ihatiftfattron4; BUM itif4later, You. Aar need- an -entra ateoct'ifoz Fd boa* r0Ora j you rtan,Ystsiedostove or heater ta tti? toit part of your home. We can't escape the eold-ve it'a better' to have these thiior jaarwarjoinzLe4 Preurrn,teutire"; 'yoWu .3LKL 1.v1 4be both - • atrprised and delighted. , OP2011AL Yo111.01q2 VEREK OkTIEN—Ertnon, Opring Mtttmoo atiaraztcni f9r lavo yearo-:-$1.13.Th. rads h eto GIGazAcro cau antat tee4 01,4= eve?. wo RBIACESTCCDNI- " THE ttROADWAYOF GODERJC ammo SO 0, .0,44, • " ' ' c2 C c Ci „ t*Y� at= 4:- lEtovoyeta (Anni ittsweea emt Low vetty itido fit es= er., Sim your , Lonna tgao cL6Sy caravel:10E= catA ve2Gediozi a 8 tellerlacmo? It ceatuallly xidtho ' ate tet orally Ca gar.7 ea= dayi '8Lopplua: g'ollaptaorao” eav'eo EJcataal ozieuu. "Vti3fid43 tolielpEocte" edeziO3 C all volltaliver11 ar oli9e.cra— onv4locally yfl Ib 1CCc . og ormarGeriv.-4mo fowl pa? eellolgulemo10o L444ooiIy itlz— • , pawitcezoOTkj Cb cic , " 140tC3OZiltatn CA)1