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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1938-10-20, Page 5
, 4Xtuteethi" IONS OUR 1 ee.V.2..c.:Zin c2 ('e:r3.0 Vifie'n le!), i't.inc,"rcill t,"11•![,:,'..40' V".:4,0.„,„ -74cat:,..:41Fimc2a2 grIvcaea et,4R eeeeTtv:44:- •-.„ .. •,,,,,,r-,,---,,, ,, A. FOtvk 3**S*0 . tQt?:,. , : 0:orrAano.'474q; $1-1o,40...$'41p LP ,Optc,*, ,,,r)a, tl$,-4aoa,: fa ttoltv, to illaii .P0 Titrax..(Rts'im, tro, 1.', t„,pazta .R41, -;,,V, 11, -ad. gmaca; a• ' , 4 lc otiaR44. towaok, ttcv .,..o, 41‘ ., 15. r' aa atk,7p. . 4 , .":'4-7-fatV, , r410,0„0*''..41„ t; a TRE .GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR 4„,._„•.> • --4.0 Keg ,ePti,Ntkk.Delc(c).'iT Sisile13 Flseee7,„e "ileie4etre; VAter_CCe.',1 ,Ueer, •leeeeeF,,i cj "QC..,",1) •Fro tx.,-TArt::7-/a V' a' Votz7,47,,, vit-aCt';'Zr ekt:3 V; 0-4 Atm Wm, Z.3„4,7 Zell" va J.! ..J '25-t Mt,kaacl Xe,r,mb vitraiA Xt,•.•aatl • tea, , ZWAse. mfa • -16 74.1',Av6 4t Wc,l'z,„Warvar);.7t zott.rao,4 Tap-, 14rAire* 4Zir, faqc CZ7' votmat' to. Zi,i.aaeta.tQ' c1atto o'-ato-to o:,o4 )t • e" . „.. a t 0440 '31t)0. Vi,t4,•••14alitaW4' • te'• 0 e • sLi:44 ,P4 475TI," ..Fc:\x„'aW Lvt(V. cv.'47,1 ;111Is-7,1 Biqa.Vicir4 arm,T1,70 wc:cp 1317,Q1 Vagrz.5 (tD:,•,(1pcA, atto 4174z.,, \-4 •aimxo Ue2,n,1/4, tr4 lan. -`te,•;(,L.t. , en Of • fet-ilii t -'I. eri, :,.; t., ; .4,....,-, .• .„ _, .1)' r7 'O,t6,114 IMI. P1 "ti:r!,‘ s )'' • • lEc.2.1t-1 (Par,00,arta) iyit 5."0-0110 05r2a7Lifl_ , zgavv4i(ooi,,raliz9) f Srp4,115-404 2clilll At,.-7a,7:;,,,.,-,P;rafta. 5 %alto r q=ripa,wWLD, Lrrol:r.T3L'o' • Medea=7Ureeeittre eze pandan▪ nize etellee , • ,403•07' toe111•1111107 .0*17, -Zz•-4e= tzdalOiromal La3u4o 02' Innanto rvEzellezaIe • , I 1:0 : ;'1 1):116, hrvLtcV t?. 1:;A: 3:44 V4:t zbi tIgu4rdpr#1.• 4t;44,4h10044. 0, o e8. 1 4);' ha4, af tig.), 1 is thA0,44.-ekuzgli'a$4;.", teV11.3 and'Oara.MtPiter. otgre 4ctilee.,71t0:' grip. tai -1*(i140,17" ?e* Vi ;I. t' ttP44,1%4 0510 014.1Z(40,11.era, 40614; ri,ida7.4mt caturdar. 41:14 741g):'\i'li'fittratt,;() rail4ott 414o OC`ra Otabert. .azaloz. junior kre. ,ettttete fleet at Mis.9 Sea MeCentaellse iorotol)er. ,oftting, Anna Itoid prooldett roll ecall wilo Swered b "Bly,:inkvOrite,,,..N1ovie.11tar," :lart-seo haidrey Oongrant and. Beatrite -4113re1eaven weino alePainted to attend the training ehow a,,t Clinton and Mier ham or dressina tap homeeemown- ve4r 141113,1p0,-41ar0,4.Pagallsoriztaehtta,eLli4 ;; • 7 soar----ivestiCt'711—iiiiiWa Con- test wee- eonducted by Beatrice Tre- leaven. The net meeting: will he at Hrs. 'Wilfred Pentlanirs. Mezze end! -Oette4 elleire•--The first Brotae and School!Club tneeting- to be he1d. in the school in the evettingeWas on Tuesday vetting. There was a good, ente Age. lewtarsetqrfltareveneVill e kile%ifilettiliett'woir. in manual training, drawingand cawing. The sehool rooma looked bright and attractive with the new lighting. It was deckled. that the a: ' C • '; 4 0 ,U0r/' 1.080 Wjlimpa3 matuatza,tj &at. cad for =ly hanging4 ae our raggo o ?atom for any room lc the houne. Your (choice of plain plmter or new toattom, won or Ceilings from Me Moll up. • SPIECif ALI Broken 131E00 Mae Odd limo in Comets-, elirdles and Combinationn. Omo from 20% to OD% tliese garments. GOOD ONOZ0,2 LVTID 12,1K5Mil "MEM OEIT SEare -PKONi -mu — - ,1,11111, YOU ma mvu dam namo—buT oFau 26 Gementl Elleetaie Mask r2. one Rdii© '410)12'0'0'4r. *417.6 maD' vom20. 1.1 kZ/Z tont • La?..13 1!!' .-.` -7, ,,,, .: ----,:•-,7..:,;-7.--',7::.",,-„,,, ,_ __ .-7,-,,,,,,T.=:-,t,-.7.---•,-',::;:•,';=;:::',,--,,,7.,-=1,,,7",..... , &,,,,i, P,•4-4 •Z7.:;C:41 i'LVi",,, viii'4.,i7A l' II ' Z,C:,-P,P:11a66 4i'r,•1 ‘U'4,0, Q-lt,1:7,11C:Fil:C:',.%/' ,,:,. -) *-4:-•,, r',A-,,ati4Z-1,a 43X:"4" '"--‘ - t.v•t, i-,,ii:•i:-•L...0., 1,,7, t77,,, ,G•;;.,:•I r 1.1 ci'v..,',-,,I. C. -..t Zeite''•%7 CI (1:q?..7 te:.: ,(11:'2 R. c., -1‘c:41" 5,41t, tz:in c---nr, Ei.v.3ec:;'):4-;'.. -, " Mo Z',",',1e;=gli : ' , ) ,s,a nte 44 1;:•,T (sck,'''',: 314'. azz:,1 Utiz,,q, 0T.14.71sn.,,„,). t.:ga L'a'Z'iTi4;:a fi.p c.2:3-. c.,,z.c=1 -- -‚ c2 , ' fct.r2"4- 043 '',)`40-(--3,e Zirmi 1 7, Ura.,,4'-1 ,pqc:xlca cx:mv.,-,z1 ,,,Tar,,,,, ot1,--71,, at '...„1. 41 t~,1c,-:2 z7c;I: Ita ,,,:,,R. t.7.241ez ‘,.,2 4atz,o 1m4r.3 r 4 ” ,lat\-i. I% ar.,:lv aaa '' .tq,,',3- . -',,:a Coy. - , .,/ ,, r..,,,,,,a.r.v. '4740 ,„.(r'4',1,!4,1• ''.,T,,a'„':;•,:',1 tj'n 4.17c, tq'e,,,-;w2lo 12 ,,,-ic at cq,-4.-441%tlt-c-;-:,,a2 r.l!mq vuLa' UT, cx2mo:vt G:Itmno ctDz.g wct ..'?, safx,j, .4i'xato.i3lt-_,,,t,-r), ,I,'....L7a.tz'or,t2 .4114.1t4tUaz-,7 tto ar.pto ' firo,Iveot) oa tTx, tai,:',4. aro vat t3 £3D ro t,t: 'mz:0:47 - m . zacant' -=•lic-,a Mo ,Inc.Vatloai• tq ztr,:'Za0 to, 'et.rvtisi,-Tca ''cr41.5 C444 .a.4.7 ' ,..1',:in;:":74.31,1tt:71-;:(CtialliCt'441.E1.4Z1111144::.:itk71::e',jr0,-''',:44')':i7,.-14e."!•tlitt:F.t:1-%,''''''ci'f7': ,., z'aftalt5, tv,:.1.- 43 0.04.,':mt lt,If.',%, ''atwri‘ uatrxl. '('-bw,,-43'at-3, 4-44 cZr,3 t3 C4t x4.,,,,,,Izg-.1,E.4,,‘, ola PL1-2tese, 4tr,4"6: ma-.• tx.z%otia f Za4"1.. (‚r"...t1r,74,U,. M.,.„gat.-0; ,m-.).,3, B. ,a4- ma, ta?i74, uaozzab. zrotoz,',. v vmte-l' 'clz t: -;,•.4t t10, Att,'3. •Uv.. otza.A.It'o, ,w4rz.1.,„ITattIncl:' V,' Vii.' .FIDC1'4a'.'-, ' ' `tt.,,a 431,,,,-.,;404:1,2-0 .-i c2. A kt,1:4k,j,ao P,'44,1‘y,01.14%,v a z2.7a0 ilcta7v.!&laii4; ,...n.,.0..,v_:,Flt.pimT,..P0;,..64110v,it,:,.oc--,a4tgg;11. tcZ,Tr:lavT, 'tto . ,r4`,,rk aob, 'A'',11g.-,,),t...altatg'.,,0'o ,,-13 .: ,.7 4 ipov' tt. tio.tlotr- oe,',..p r) 001 0,414.zp,--"tq.,-. c`,.i.,:V447-0.0.t. CJ e it OWit300..t *114.04V.:,1J,IP CVCNP4 V'•- e 'le' --:.7- ):14,t4:0; tqta.: l'zVa .p, 0 r.14'ob'5tqot:4, 0 T4 ' iii4' ttoaCq0a1C';',':`' int o ,ia ,Vbflii'd a ast,agto, tv,;..7.0 :vc1.,t.'.,-.-a-,0010% ,..4t."44, •taot 4, 4 a trxp,d- .r, ; aov a#,'.V4e1e. :;ao1,00,4i'atia',erAMatvg444,0 ". °Li' Oa . A 14, Qat: 1o'1t#1'C•titia6 014 agto' tto r,q,41Qy'altaphhificictil pr. 444 ,g41;0•PorAuld.ot40P. • 'zle)Zir .1ffirP 4.'°4 440,410.4- ‘,.z.1.,tets„7 , Z425414' tr:i64,1, Dit tIrtgl*tigglv; t?.ttletri 44.04, Pft.1* '0.ZIrgg.Pd'At.P al4." CelPt4ti. Ton' m*,a. warotp 4r1, t40, ¶t7 Ce14-* 4%004014.. vitatt4, wilth' Z4,44Ze CoNtaac bb , otvg. ZIP ti-na'c,in.' ovokl., ''' 4vir.t :01,1Mo,', abet, .ata)kdaireetti .ca e„. , tataley glidthOte tand TO Eleetki` r5alit'P' Ortr 11DO 401.44„- of 41114..t Q1Csa eeeete, et -ft, Illros. ,CS'artrOr 4:100,t4.0 tt Pt0 00 1=4 .4(rtt VT tis treP0V4114 1,114/4,V414.'t V, %4C),1. 'A,a014:010,411 orta,t-bizitl her ta-011erit ta, Mart/ _ r., 4 4 M. avillni Zeonal 92. Wind-. 'OOO4 aul LciInothor Ms 44co or vezo '010301 at the ?me Of Mr, mil 'aratuatlor %of .Mrg. idl1iillie'be419iriCibfil4 01`"Fgrall, r iruzgrat*, '114''.vittl:/ottelzi atTrada:tlEhro' "11.224114%)4g4 f40113447 14-71th -tab P,Iteratand 4m a, Ur. . mother, 1't.;Tora,ta ZneaAth )n_ a; zamo, 40-ttn, , lovitet outc.,14 zonost Nutporl, ,,,,, 0.,. $,e4Verett Tanior and and lire ,i, 19 gliFehanant 100241 ITO etiltdm, Of AttbUtte were gUesto on -Clifford .0aultes, tliee 4ntii0 Sua0az,..at m hems of Mr. and .Mre. Ceddes, Dam Saekrid0; Mr0, 'Val KDiatarleen` Scott Cook and Mrs. Gene Co, A, p Kn. S., BrarritOn, of Coderieb, was ant afternoon was apent In social a wee4.enti, altteal at the he.,. 4. a Diu% cud music. The:, ferny present and. Mrs; W. A.;.(lamplaell. CLIXMIC,etits Via .440 OVat,tcd la Oe tto, i7etUtAIXeOtte11 to. Oreztlgto tt*•vottttom tor oaaotc I20,,ao 4414 Alko oattitpriaorn voto iia,gat74:1 o4:the qj vao,- Verro'tfittlin after earitiateat10ita ovus .1K7 tow.alic)eoio. viil te,an b , 0ht4"4!;; o the Patera! tliuttot4 4egicu1tUr'0 ;41t44 erAt .Ottawa, tt4o. i$entilna and co -aatloil are* uatill)r the taaravialon. Ot °MOT the D'kederat Maim o Anitaale 41tanelf. rzetaa COttA,OhPOPern to the U.S.A. marketa "1, a I", alet repotted to be fealina the !Won. Mra. von/mace of the American- reguletiona ter wfroreby all males, exe4kaPt for lame- leao- Orate °laughter, must be toted before east eroeeizag the line. be U.S.A. markete sat will term tattle which have been tested under the "restrietetLarna fore,, local cattleArzeedere and feeders „ don to a asu11tuOu0 repast. lar. and lar. Nerman Sanderma and ----,...........------....... ;children, of myth, were Westfield visit- ors on Sunday. Mrs. Waiver, of Auburn, visited on-- Sunday with her niece. Mrs. Douglas AffillFilLD,, Cete 16.—aars. Campbell, , ,„„ garet;,..0gelee,..and,Afix,,,-14ensea., a . lit.t4V6,12p.------ Itt.'"-i'ej*-,...,,DD-''" "1"2117-1-2114,'ntizniVigilii7giMa--Wrair-tirelF trodwe, oift.Blyth: visited. on Sunday at the brother, Mir. John acKay, Jest week. hom'e a her brother, r. Marvin wie- Rev. Mr. advor, of Tiverton, con - 6, l duete4 eerviees in Ashfield Presbyterian rs A Mr. and . Charles Loeltweod and ehurch on Sunday, while Rev. Rey - family, of 'Clinton, and Mr. end Mrs. Holds 'Fissler condueted anniversary William Knoie of Elullett, visited with ser r, and Mrs. William Carter. yivric.esat lv x.Trioewrteoz of Toronto, who Idre Mr. and es. (Norman Sandereen and spent thmm e suer at the.ehnnA ft 14.ie edirol&eDiney'-o'Weetwirss ' -I- - tirlarrrlatrirtaitlillo 'Eleanor Taylor id visiting her uncle, iltzaget=1Wresteee=ere- '"'''',,e,ere.— ----; , ---- -:-- --- — The W.M.S. taaeetind was held this Rev. William Taylor of Derehester. week at the home of ars. Donald Mac - Mr. Thompson and Viola Thovapeon, isenzie. ASia MID 4111.1111smokinaigin.' vvouid have a Wider market for -their etock if the area plan were adopted in Unrest - Mar - V _ • of Auburn, visited on Sunday with the el rs. Wilfred Franeey was a guest mer's brother, Mr. Wm. Walden, end recently at the home of her sister, rs. se _Weidete : - - -George-Dunbar, In 'Ethel. - ' -- leteezereeegee go Weeeee' ceeteueleeee Mr. George Mallen, oil Montreal, go num.ber of, friend and '-relatives visited recently with . r. and Mr. yob- thered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ert Bullen. Illam Walden on Monday evening to Mrs. Murdoch J. MacKay and Flor- t the newlyweds, Mr. and lire. wee, of Godertch, spent -the weet-end nic Harburn, prior to their depart- with members of the former's family for their home at Staffa. Mr. and her sister, Mrs. Mary acLeod of es Malta read an appropriate ad- Lftthaeisht s Tide Mistes 'We Snell, Marjorie Messrs. John MacLeod, Arthur, Rob- Vittie, Gene Cook and Irene Weigh ert and Duncan, Simpson, Con. and en -ted the young couple with many Joe O'Keefe spent Thursday at the in - beautiful gifts. Both Mr. and Mrs teernational plovving match near Barrie. Several new radios have recen.tly been installed Ln this vicinity. , neatt.meeting should be a social even- f„e_or ireg - m Noveber sin -,-'1": the school. Ight children sang a , chorus. Bars. 'Popp read a -report of Lar . the regional conference held at Strat- ford. • v. E. Gill was asked to speak WIand he referred in a complimentary gree way to the school work, the rooms and Fra the Club. Mr. Peinkeley gave the first ure of a caries of ,addresses ou tnentral 'Tam health that he took at summerdreg school ‘e-- this year. The mneting was closed "e with the eNational Anthem. pres 141. • 4. ' • WETTI@CIBIURCITI I .00 liURCH, Oct. 18.—Mr. Clar- ence MeOlenaghan was in London on Friday attending a conferenee of the r. nude Mrs. Wm. Dawson spent a few daye last week with relatives at Brantford. r. and Mrs. Fred Newman and children motored to Hamilton on Sat- urday and Mrs. Newman is visiting with her parents there for a few vtreeks. Mise Agnes Gillespie and Miss Cath- arine eowbray were in Walkerton on Friday attending the meeting of the Viromen's Institute and learning about "The Milky Way," Mrs. Austiir and baby, from Powas- man, are visiting vvith the former's mother,' Mrs. Dan Martin, -and other relatives in this community. Blies Annie Henry, RN., and her sis- ter,\•Mrsellinde, and her daugh-ter, Mies Maria -n-, Hind°, MN., accompanied Mr. and Mrs. elalcolm Green to their home IneKitehener and spent a few days last Week in Toronto. Mr.-- and—Mrs. 3% D. Beeeflift . and Florence and Frances Robinson motored to London on Saturday. Mr. Beecroft's aunt, Mrs. St. John, of tKansas City, -accompanied, them • and left on the afternoon train from Lon -don for Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Goditin, Mr. Gordon Godkin and Mr. and Mrs. Lance Grain spent Wednesday at the plowing match near fBarrie. Mrs. Thos. Inglis and Mrs. Jas. Ing - his, of Clifford, and Mr. and Mrs. An- drew Inglis and baby, of Allem Craig, spent Thursday last at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. FwdeDarki- eon. Mr. and rs. Sam Reid and daugh- tere or Ashfield, spent Sunday at the hoine of Mrs.- Reid's sister Mrs. W. R. Farrier, :trek, Mrit. Reid remained to visit for a few days. Mrs. Thoe. Smith, of Goderich, visited' on Wedneaday with her aunt. Mre. Jtif). Cornelius. (II 1113NRILIOLLE2 lagmazirzatt„ Oct: 18.-1,ir, and (T. fferr, Mrs. Chao. Kerr and Miss lt,oretta attended the fowl euppee were eJven by Mrs. Itir F. at Crediton last week. um Mrs. J. le Illellovvell and Mise Mary Ellis. The chapter of the atudy Anniversary services will be con- book. "The Now,Web in Canade," wan ducted in entailler United church on tatten by %Unfired Campbell. Prayer Ounday. Ortober 03, at 11 . 'and was led by Mrs. R. Vincent.. Zara. 111. p. . tiordon Eracelwood 't1111 bavo charao boat oerviceo, pith *Mal Elude by the choir. Zia -pupils of 1130=111er telgoel re- Ceived their Oetond teroknreatment Pot diphtherra ou Thuraddy last. latarakir from Ronmilior attended ellaa burn than•ked their many friends for the beautiful and useful gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Walden assisted them in, unwrapping the parcels. Commun- ity singing was enjoyed. with re. Sid- ney cOlibehey and re. William Mc- Dowell presiding at the piano. Ifitstrataastiai Sikewer.—The people of the Westfield etemmtrnity gathered at the -home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John L. McDowell, and pre- sented Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smith with a miscellaneous shower consist- ing of many pretty and useful gifts. Mr. and Mrs, McDowell receive(1 the guests at tbe door. The gifts were TOWNSIHOIP COUNCIL CODBORNM TOR/MS*131W Council met on 'October lith with all members present, except Jas. Chisholm, who was absent on account of sickness. Minutes of last meeting were read aud approved. Mr. 'Harvey .Fisher, secretary -treas- urer of No. 9 school section, asked the Council for a loan of $2(), to carry received by Misses Elsie Snell and the board through to the end of t -he Mildred T-hornton. Miss Minnie Snell, year. This -was granted. aunt of the bride, showed the bride'e A bylaw was passed appointing Fri. day. .November 25th, as date of the nomination meeting, with the election if required on Monday, December 5th. The following accounts were ordered paid, on !Imam( efee. Pltbilido and Tyndall: Road vouchers, .050.12; Gor- don Jewell, selecting jurors and at- tending County auditors, $8; Reeve Feagan, selecting jurors, $3; Wm. Sal - lows, selecting jurors, Archie Nock - olds, cleaning Township Hall and work on Township scales, $3; Goderieh Mfg. C6., aceount, '-',$riel.51-; J. A. Petrie ae- Madeline Walden, youngest daughter of count relief, $27.79; -Harvey Fieher, Mr. and Mrs. William Walden of West- seeretary-treasurer No. 9, loan Q200; field, was united in •merriage to Mei Chas. Alt", secretary -treasurer Dun- Feavelin Harburn Staffa, see on author) Fall Tale 'donation, (310. Mrs. Archie Luxon and the late Me epouneil adjourned to meet Tuesday, Harburn of S•tatia. The bride was 'November 8th, at 2 p.m. lovely in a gown of grey sheer with WM. SALLOWS, Clerk. rose trimmings and carried a pretty . LA.VOUL70223 TO bouquet of aster's, dahlias, roses and rum baby's breath. She was attended by gifts.An addrees was given by Mr. Marvin McDowell and the gifts' were presented by Misses Eledee Snell and Edna Vincent. Mks Jean McDowell, sister of the bride, assisted in opening the gifts. Both Mr. and Mrs. Smith thanked their many friends for their gifts and good WISite.4. Wedding cake was served. . Ilifernearene-Welden —A quiet but pret- ty wedding - was solemnized at Knox United church manse, Auburn, on Wed- nesday, October 112th, at el a.m., when DEOCtil ri'Ll,"`71-21;11Vie01/ her sister-in-law, Mrs. Lloyd Walden of \Westfield, who ehose ,nary blue ZIP ,,EZ1 D'02 ErunOw COUNTY sheer with 13ritieh tan accessories. The bridegroom. Was supported by Lloyd Datera for the T. 13. odueetional meet - Walden of Westfield. After the cere- Ings for the .Ntorth •Huron Tbwneielps, tnony and the' wedding dinner the (florriek,Turniterry, Grey, Morris, Mast young couple re* for a short h-oney- Wawanosh, West Wawanoah, Ashiteld moon trip to Loudon and other pointil. and Colborne) are announeed as fol - On their return they will reside on lows by Jas. C. Shearer, agricultural Mr. Ilarburta's farm near Stage. representative: Dgeafinr.3--The monthly Monday. October 24th -2 p.m. Ford - meeting of the W.M.S. was held at the wieh, 8 p.m. Lairelet. church on Wednesday afternown, with Tuesday, October 2lth.--,2 p.m. Wrox- thirteen present. The devotional pro- eter, 8 p.m. illuevale. grace Wa3 in charge of tire. Alva Me- WedeerAluY, October 23th—i2 p.m. Dowell's geoup. The*, iffetipture lee- Walton, 6 p.m. Olenaunan. on, •frtim St, Matthe- 0001),4, was Thursday, October 27th ---2 p.m. !true - read by Mre. Alva McDowell, Rend- self; rg mete. Friday, October 28th -2 p.m. it/thel, 8 p.m. Cranbroolt. Saturday, October 22th-10 a.m., tionerief, 2 p.m. Winghara. Tuesday, Vovember a.m.- Cur. ries Corners, 2 p.m. Mingebridge. C. Wikeau cave a reading on color. Wednesday, November 2nd -10 a.m. Mro. Percy Vincent gave the report of Dungannon, 2 p.m. Carlow. the Ceetional eeting held recently at Thursday, November 3rd -10 a.m. Auburn. The preeident, 12m. Jamea Rennailler, 2 p.m. St. Helena. Zit.,0111, took ,c4arge a the hunineas. 'Friday, November 4th -10 a.m. Ot. ePlatio vere =ago to hold the thntrr- ngtriet IV. 2 PAIL MK% Tuesday, November 8th -2 p.m. Rel. grare4 8 p.m. Atalrern. At thee meeting4 the proposed T. Et. restricted area Wan will be fully die- etlized with the live deceit -ay -mem, and also the method of testina for tuber- culoela of cattle, compeneatfo and market trainee of reactor cattle, dean- rAniremento and method of telling the eanvece. oCterinis 'meeting in November, when it c web anuiveroary oervice Car- f no expected ,that Mra. (Bev.) Gardiner 10W Outaday,; tigfIgnamadVille will be the -guest oPah- tIr. ot OZeDri)3 Otio Otrateord ou Or. meeting vas diouliggea with 441 I pmeytn. by the IliXeldent. , a V. : itiltz=2,, Eliv., II. Vaasa. 0"„.... at=3e'Ve—Qu'szvc--:';ftit am- ,...e- tib'r cul. tlica.tlyrtIO retrarbed to,e1.0. oz, niee=ry C2V,W3 vvere held in Mot- ,V3,44,1Ape ;j4tt3 ealaolealtai, v/14$.20 trCeld e hureh 64 Ound-vo C7Z202 lat.09% 41.0t iM ft4 10 tIOZ2r,13. C. ta. m10004 02 eiintoz awo trvy b. Z tlatua. tI.4vaa, a ceiforoti C;g2100 elt2c="'rj, to letItC0 4:2.141c...tag 3 411)tl, It. : h=o Ldic,. , . ti,to nak2a06a nag ectotItzci En tto wuntler 'illinTra eAnIntP falatGra tkie J' , ppw2/8 ItP Cece f$,Z aft i. , 0 Teal .1141V• s nneit ro o oaitao, ottittaa towin ca. Market all the time. 0 tbt'"IpPil:eaa: told:oar ttoia TEeoLtvoutrczal EStitaretea on '1rKu o 4o ritallatiOnD ale411Y otthr1lC41 a Vilee Wooq VollaDtiomo 52, ecOszl,,Fr • a way s iNSIST Ui@IN kart ®I (Formerly known as Curtiss Beauty :Salon) Experienced in al111 llama eq Beauty Colleen APIPIDEIN'InIEVIPS PUUON'E 346 U4 eaattrffo •-••••• N.. • • • • pf tIJ "11.Z1) EDT— GROOSIZIFEZYWELL6 for Thum, Yri., YEZEGE EVILTEp L.:T=74 DIME Buy one M-1111) phg. of eur pofior "Royal YOTa" IPIEA Alt the regular price of 33e and you get ono '/2 -lb. pkg. alted Peanut F112,22 "Z-IITLE2L! Sounpo Veaete..5110 or Tomato 3 gas 25c "Unlearn" or "Gehenna Net" Red Came Szilllmorra Rao dal 12c "Kellogg's" A.,1-BLIAN nateet &Aden Yellliow Sum 1 Donde= . "Ilkppyvalle" 1211RICEOEAT 2 Elba, 25e - urge pkgo 22e 4. Bs. Me "011iA02 and oarmono" DAZED COME 1/2 -lb, pag. lib,Ag. 13We Prameeos; Ono Irilw 11Ban Batra getp Pree Platca 2 pLtgo. Ginger Onapo, 2roc1 lb. 103 etructeL3e 210Z.TIC3. :‘1GO. 27-013. jar 203 Toilet arzua 8 nib Ma Auc4 Sezelna Paneako Pletel? rotnakeo Tooth Pa3to each leo Pelzote Vathe LInanaoada lor-tr). 2,30 lkluanelt £1d69%1?011iaria • Us 126 "AyCz..ze Clot'ee u att 2- 4.R.ge eihtth edvfirla Cmaa Phoczo 1730 40 O. L Oatmo Phma -efe • • • -1