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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1938-10-20, Page 4
' • 1.4.4iiit r =11'1:10 tz -42;7 VoI' 42rt...1=0, * toZ40 aaz ottoti, -at0: a 1,Mar,4,, 41 a 2 "2,..tial,C4r40-1.1' 14, ; aamta 11A,' ,o,t001, L74:1,•=,: tr4,7# caP'0. xus.r,„r2i „ 4! - Wcc _ firci7.:4;17c•t, 2,1r-zzA,Cca, a7r41-,-,4ttigw c-zmi r4ArOte3...53V,' acpr.41, , , • tcI Ur0, ortz0,;,_,ri\vo , 7c -r4 'SYMQ• Vorv* rq7 M! o i II 3 ' TRE GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR t KICS( NA N (i01)LICIt ci) c•,3 GA? ti,.12,6 1:1-1 • QC 6'4;2=-4 1.4;. rilita,i7 aria 5,105.:), 0,7,-e, IAT‘tra;2:3a. 4.40473 40 1:).aMir4 Pawol v,',Invzr3 ,4 Oatp car7 ‹w; fa° rOvF, sli,7ara ior4 01=0,' airt Da-aorz-, 'M t• Rix,zz , -------, ,s34'.47, i:)7'0i.:1:' ii/CZii!';=C.:4 ZQAD. tic.:1Z:0 CD '00.1- kizi'd,t-irs-7,',/,, v,:',,,zo to vii:"A•x;:',7:414;1 C.. -A-4-7 a, ait:a,W. c-gt1C:::',2, tz'''-:o.m i ••ra .7..2 ,•,. r-.,‘„7.(1 Z3:72..7:a 04 \i',3;41.:-, 5iIi.--"•:0T11,',,4 5464i•Pc::› c.-t.il Ci'cz'...,;.32o,1 i 4r7L,411:11-1"!1:44g-"•.•1•";,..6 'Crc,':•:-',5.7.1: •v.•41,',3 ,t4.', L'Itt €11:2,t0‘13'471t1tAlcizclil,:.:1:17;,4,1':::: 'c::::::',1141073tr:' Z4'; 5k. Z3-'acIri„, I'74,1r4,7;;-,c, t.2,9cr'Z,brpc.:3. to e,If211t.b',,to.7,,vb c?. CZ:A) 3ca'e,' a ..',,,',.:1C2ri,;- 4'w,'47-3'.2,7,-,to '`VAvr-,1•0,-ii• Itcle, etiri,„,5'„'. t'..-4,,,, -aito. ZE,z5ort,7,,,,44-. at7,V. 'PR,`,47-1Eti tz:,,,,,74,1-;,1•9' tc,,:',)' aetzAl talareo, Dzri'.2.q.c.,7-7-sti zar.,'.-ar.a. '. • , ' ,. . 2 nm, tai,6 azra,•--UTI„Ibm'Czakatb i0 .-v,R14 , Z.14 IT=or.,, Z(3,1:70-• loz, wc4,4';:aolt C,t ttpd, c..,Mared ),4..Itt-4 .• ,..Vvo- co ._,J1.:v., b c:41aca4y: tll'apA7) ri,j' alle,a;•rcrie3'14:p'46..4.,. ;I,al. fial..M.-V4.10, ,oR" W4r,4Q,4!ttnqi. az*nakrtAk 4 gQ7'' 1.70*J:4a:to/PO v.44 04 4r,r4-4,1ri'-,,atb:,,47,pp,',,I, NSI itAies4!,. itt? a Co W1,1 tiAlAz.;:w aa:A3 Wa - LEx.,41,1 ,roc,,,:szl A 33r4,., oca vgti, 437# at.a Z71;' • 17. - laoroRa b20 CCV OkAtcritV 52T,..Varyop. 1PaRtz riVt CCAPi tt katRZI, Oa, `5.n ,ape Woc, rma, 14, 4'cL 51War(r-Zr 1,`-nor,1016 Urct, VAlt,%;,,pat141 'Z1! 7Rflr ,timnr4-aoa wr.flt,c4 'Qt3L`4107.olln) tIva,,eiy 004g)-„,0 Ea *C1X,T'' va0. t?1,14 Watt aa4orr afr,(0.14,c.0 -111avv- cat4t=c,‘,-- 0Z014 ,1".= Z.'atV• -v4fa.;„ 'Com 0 71, aa4 FZIw.ar,1 ZIarr ,r,q,Ittp„ ,-,,,A*.f4t4,16VALIEIVI,,MekaRov,)) '4' MOT ct ' ▪ . outoo ,ropctp' ,/,?,41octi• , r • o2 tr,?,,arcp, 4t7oatvi,c17,5a f„a44.:), ,earotkl, =ma. Q aicrog, „q4QA1aa0 4,;10),41a=;3,,q00,qaet, Lev Nfe- al=0100. 3g4'0,, nc,74, Cc.at'014,, t.;,;c,vvX4tacy4,1t5'4, giV 4 '" ,AM,0 Z4paCeti V3rt' aEEG Oa la -4m •attv. 0 Z7za , 1344 • . - , z7:0 czo 743i, ixoti UllE„):b e•• 1.0aY:rA-44.6 (4., oc7.4:1:,•ta •Cric-07 aP$• 2Tict fl 4 •aw,Atat,,,',4,,,h cMlbmtv, ,2c1•4tt ,o1b, alktoc: P4v,oa vt,10 oxaaaa°•- 410 'Maall„ez 016-173b ,t.Mfg 4,0•o$ 1E2aDla, ot.,20), ,c140P rtatl Dtt, ,Ottgaz.', Mau; paa tl ttg,.,c;t1 Omr.414.. • .ttg),,,mpraoI CtIrJ 1'4racsa.c.,) aro. Vao,,Q1ca •Y („T4rOuor'•.,4:04.,,Morillanic.1 Itt„, ,;r410, MtliPa 114=00( OrQ' Vai±,-o'°,' LQ i laf Impr';1134(4%,,atxJ1c4c,', ,r1b'AtC.c)r • alifo,attea' f04, ,A.A% ar0 41 1Pb. -,topt;:c-M0i ro 1'• 6 aliT1L 1t , ot7, attc..vo?2,Til,,ant 0,t_ora 0, t:1Q, AtC74 OtNatt qt7 00t0L't=p1 044 Ott:(',e`i:# 'teda '41744 Um, ,Not, 4.0Z2,c7aga, 1Vc4om totv,,* Rs Ctt':411 t•ott,'.,,zac.4 rood '.04',.9Z1lOtlara,nrc,,radartc,,-.•,' • a'ort 00.70r,, r3 01.0,17V fOboo, 11,7,0 4a4no 11,0 aa rtta) 44,44141,400 1 tl 4 tt4v ,130)10,q C70Z0 TMC::;'0t4 VC. s'e,At Qti t7q$,F, t!4;‘ 4 , letotter Jib, MN s c",417.1, 014.?, r;sfizz`,4': L fxrsii - ;ta 1'1:4 CIL:';71 212 , abro Ogmloc O 119 P3 C ttt 'c'Atac, aaabvrn 41cantgoa t'g'0‘4 vklf . 0 '46 2,Tro ,.9t :4,tecl V4A3t; mmt m aor- Vapililv..,, of tbe arrivqd .12cm on F4-0, 4-,tto',,404.17,ateon,, ect rjoftt;z$0,,, 00. 11)0701,, .0: bilaott,Ttgal#trl ii tatO gra. VitiZza' 03%4 an4 71tIlt°m' t,14:1 *tatX',Tati, 4b14110 1.'410'n''Zotra0 Macla,9-, glad oro vialtioa Artbure COV cod.' tba..41411 ,,t,t7tc4t), , 04o,- or,,,,ti,,,.•,tvr4o. Erattotro mordt 000, at apront,,;. 'united cro.reb, P„11010.V'Vk2UL •1*04(tv•-„otatt,if:11,a0,;,#b04 toll -404 , W'ro., ,,,batI of t7'L.,OP IZOavtzact, tlzo tot'icoagtor A2T6' tiara 40:OrbOtt,t0P', Uo` 1113 , 904 ,Vattuotip , 144crforil; , iglrappt, OtAltiv 'Came , - " I/ Vefi't V7iltaina VU 1 Pt Mir :1,3401 !by_ Dir0# •cI 4eiZ 4isL rotarm ter- a .1'7 .1 4,0140 'tho Kilo 004%41 at 00 9'14)4 fjQ ,j 00/rvi=3 On 0044107 no9 oh-oe lac :outvAltt:, -0g• optworkw, tIft. vo' tok47 lareo ntcziada-I- -- -tad Jr4Ara,," 'groti4 110'1044T ‘tri•141$170 on,tor, me. yoga- moatb0" Ar41.0,1, ttio 627 vete ou04,in at tit:e otratt Oate," o.A0 Os•v1,:m "4-araot4.14"4:40,Orlig h111101* 0/4 :t1o0t cett. gra4rna attendlnd .0 d101 4 401,T, lp vMe 0 rovIA,e411 d0111' &la to tbe board. Mr., alph Zen,. °f ,teut rgP. 4:M'tith0, rat4'44 •140.teittteCtl'1401)0WalttO Ittigrtt#' , , ;',.'..a0140K4,Vhargor' 4r,riOX t e.,=041 0? OoderIch nada the"difint "nvers4"4 t 'Cato 401,"InOati:it '11110 lo,,Ourtiti.O.,;t0:441,01,114'', fop or • te‘,mtr, 'Oakir; oUeotit:It ,,r-tter or oervice 440 :Ono, roatO ,02 .deAtb,: tramp avoltiej,i-:400,' ,44114:nbtegoir at the evanina cerice. Ore .not, o lotd" o at c bo„ of her elster, Niro. - D., 2ard 41,00 4. Special 1.401,0'Plb re02.1: -04 e 40,..aonnani, oatior ,on, 0,7a boruceq, of ,.,t-bcirAraneAtO 001(41:,-4711t.:,toto:, '00losteott,., - 'Melee, on Zanday. dered bY th0 ekeig at lifatt ,4itztteg 4te or•at ear; , .heree,' 44111tet'-,i4lae" vg.St r 471310.4e,40 011(0A': ,00 U d Lilliannll ,‘ rattzea th an* (latweIn the erectly; Itere Ur: Mc* atad •at, Adettildrco, ,p,clpte blnb two - : • . - tilaoardii e tr augt At. Pr * the etcolon Daette on tbo Ottoo.;.a. 04bIr4),17) .0.1glorM,146,aras :tocto, Irod, gOOP mr0. tI,avuo, og Goderick 701ted .1am, ,04,47 cup :overaovotly' ',frotA s. 011,40. latka , tentlon tt amiltOn 4ectOber .0th 1111 141k, antd Er.. 13a4er tUrocd to, Ottabury after apettlion loot*. 11, r/ nA4 Uwe `1>04g ‹brali)* lorea0..- t• a'eirmai„ Ooorce kZ,00;lo 4t,444.r,e3top Zaildolta7, --Oottioir., Paa' .0t,')It‘004t0 Shrial 041-11On'PlARPlit 44a. Z4,114. oPent Ounday vital ' ;414,04,-M..abd.P.of ',4t4ert. (10?4, ne4tOt4 ,444 4e6, 44,1114'410a -mad Oleg 00 ztopAtig viti;o. their davorr 0,104 Sii0Ot 344.4, Atte% at' gavAiltou. 111 1111 cecured employ eat 'there. pent to Tillaonblarc, on Su -m(1(134 ha'71130 Aari GfanUt °21V44'4(4,,t141. •Pkt* 'IL'''14.4°447' ° 'ut4rg." •-• 14'1467' P*Pltb°. .P4114741' htt 111,'=-17111'4,40 1W, 000' '2437. .411iY, I: •.,ulthr lona Id pottinv. iv tees, „shoo, Orittay!-Inortittill wttlt retative' arid „letionkdo at, .414,. , torment t0(0,'-'0 t t ,e0c10-;0 , tlitp;* Ocaltoploa Ad' arraeoldiread a an, D. It O'Orleu,' took-place,en.VolinclaY,,,'" very, Title '..rantlit4roo tieto -0; • -.40trotoPir ttraishart d 11-; L,Z7,11404: L 1ecerto,tore,,-Ipt;oon, 7E7- 'trelOoni T.i001-6 and ;oh Zam. re'14,40ttle 'and Mit oly .tattle - 1,111,4 17, , ogai 0 r !k0401, at V 111 I of ,111 A ikA3 Acme -14-m-ap -rkciptha t)s.d.ciaimpo ato baficrif elp pool! 7..00eriva--engilevedu0 Pull line rarke'Darla, Ayer. ta,7.4.1,Inthlreioilleadgftet rrogt8 Chew, teal Ned, riao. Bisfeo, Waste= Preparetloinof Cod Wel 011,, 01. Manlier 011 Caigulea, 23 oap- - (3443-454,t19,44,1*-4,,e2e1411. Thio year'a now. low prices); arotolta eamutteo-.25,cautnitco-740; etD ealnolleo,014Z,; capsule:1 lirradol'A 1.60 capsules 01.40. . • Elopo r— A D eaIrstrietr----M Mealsentee' k)'2. New lov prios calormlep, t fEL IV tCYZY (UCirm) me,o, atha:1•3 MUM) MATO OEM 41. to . . . A range that represento unbeatable vaittle. p'abriezt with a ii.tury feet— Styled to tlie-fast tielof the leloo4 'Tailoring reilne7.;iiiis- ',found usual' olothea. • -egs ea CPU Q. a gh-4riteed PO. Oaeccpa s I . Biagliah ,Woolleno, newest In pattern and, ohade enrrebtly. • Priee4 reaconably dab' Netteat---fahriep boa entio ot/ling. • !Mood forattein- tm pantinita go (01 .11) PattbrelTa and. weavii moaner, rattann la „Staiwt," Zoanitac it2t1 bmc.401,otta ilbrv,v too Agcr' 11‘4.onit ttii,)/tx nlitd • MET 'vptis EZ5 firtcV Q„ aoyle; ' etnrilette ,he. laa,,r7 ,do 40.1.410,. .auwv , Ott* ,Itlitfal,T, 40040, ernUe ,,i00.4444414 leo; Ala lila '1' 1),..$0'f0,, „ ' .4.- ' --. b547/64&747474717.5(- -08'.'penz'T-.111e-iiiiiter . ln, -the-bolt:met - of _. t....„,.....a..--ct.": 'have tffto ettity-thred .cara cif am.. ,3000::' 10," 0 Hot' Apia% ,,, zott ., 'for ott'grAlott(thOtVik:'012'''44,11444st`.;,' tith AeV,-• away at the, family,' r .•itteno. ' Iiroa' lo..,,,t4e:Aiidow0-, outot,0%,, • 10n:. rout d:;v1itit,:i4--1.1yAkA•..clAd', .t.. Iv*. beoedit..4, 10W 'Ellii4. and vortsze_16-1Pralrle-tulit- tarlo, helater Alloyed ,to 001hdre..ette niklina the. ,Orp"ai, _lice between '0#- ettlizoP4 '4i, 4-VottOr.Tirnitil• x-LIti..,,,;*a, -tp;. Id tralo,, ..0,0 .."000044i.,q4,0, „den ':O.i,r, ',t4 tiolg0.4, ' tft, 0etiVIC' "Otaseit,' he 'lived' nAtil October ;24,, , tt.,•• ti,443,1q, Ito,..tiou 4,.714tui....--a" t.,/, ,.1,t to 10,1041.04 4,44:', itst/4 '4-160PtglOY'''t04,1, 0e0:..V701:0'''Uotit, th'9-e 4.,;r140 -47-t764 d.%:tHr; lo'li:oile" -of: tillizelraT-Horstt. ;15f,Z..., Zorn,.14. llortkarditertatid Ao111400. ,t1a..7. the tzetellt, '',‘14/ the batha. - - ' , , - ' •• ' ' ' ''I'i !:41 -*' '''1014-44113; '4Aii' 'It$:'1)4 ' (4 .M°P°14(s' ''?k•''',:211;VialM:-4- „,,, 7x-, • 1,31 r P' It '-'. firi':t.'.!' 11 Lx ityakza.,,,,ott.,:.0.1tGal:; .011r,t:t JT tzik .731c 0.: 'Cier 4-W°6f;Itieie# $44r40. .314:11Farier7-ro4WtH*- 17111:63rIft,, ' ', ,Dt4t,74'-'-ge -WO "'":3D-4 '''. ' ' .1"tre°7.141:$1;tfIgill'ittl:117-ril4ttiAlhillth:--'111Catt.,;:10.'!.-11hitt'rrtl; - .-.,...• • * „,,,,,',,,_,3„-„,,,,,,,„ ” ollotitt2zttiVikr,it.14. ililt- 4 B.,A,..4. - s'el...111.21-. , • 10.„00,10 10,, ,oviiiiio,-Lioorliong.ele ', .}14q0- .,...4-4144.tit/341 it ,t4Ent,:dj;'.1.,i .e,...,:f,,,, - "gAbilf...dgAtaactrAtitd.Aitiut--,P-0.w-er a o .. .. , , vr_t_vap23.. :.. tit itm be dote , !est The oteeitiVe of ,the=:(404orlek-. i::,a0e!. '.'t-Iii...064;::,',,,tr..151otretiltow:"-:idhr,0,:a1,..t404:4„:::::07, 7:4.1;;LI::, afteg„.•olcperi. i,c-cs; *b.a11,-Vittb-ii4,0ephig--witP17-PLE*R': ai -th--. . -0ti that year. .,;to the , fall he. worked In . 'I '444-stillall't-.24114("IrlarSrl) *ivili 'Ea11.1 4.0471410$0,ely, night; Oas-unp 4 do iote.Thez„ 4140r, itto thirot., Wilding theif04-a.rline west er ZZOsse 'Jaw and eoetat the tvinter hi a tie - camp -askintr.„ Peter colad tot :stinad-_-it ___aiter . -camp near l'i,71nrstoeo, returning next - • - • A . _ . , I sprkiag to the iac ,,,, - -The first crop r writ. realteol, IA the ..fall of la& tit Pape ber he toturAodt .t6 Ontario and ,.., PloAs were discushed for raising -Abdo always- N, ant te shift the burden' -V_9 - - ' ' - • — . ' ito';. -Vigil: Jt'a gtOut Ttzficwook" to-, 140,-.NV,Tor 04 sanuctry-at,--1631; _ ,0414Tittlititik.4. at. tido .flaillo, 0010 A A0t-iga for -the 'trent to. get iwa$7.-ftera res' Onsibilitten •en iller to Warla.gerthalda Gledhill. ne4t' knOon.. P6Veral angestIona Were . on our shOlders, Thin i . qiwayn, tin 'They went West b the spring on ;Itti 'disenksztalnenol, 144:Olt It Vi.2$ deolded to appropriate message. , W� aplv.quen!..' immigrant train ,and arrive& 4n ,vrnito,. 14040 a .-onli club! dance.. A co' nlittee.. tious at tiies. which are interestill5;,' wood Ilarch 24„' 14, They walked Ms named' to ,Iloolt after details. Th they ar4, noVbati, but are not relevant; seven Iles, their' drove with 2 „ te2rat, Ill'eMbeit aria 4,7; Arliaki' .D6C0001111en, are not our business„, We have all to the farm 'where they, mided 'ever secretary of the Vtubi and Pan •-0012A. 4erts og • irrelevant fears ab3Ont the since, celebrating their golden wedding StOrt and Mud l'orthy, members of tire abarell. Why tdame ,t1.10 ',Ofint.C4: for,' ,January no 12E4, ' , te110., , , - , .. • ' , :worm c'onditionia Row can 'anven- .114 .1 ..,31,,,V1r.' 'Potter eatablished a Oil. dais ota Col the Club bad' hoped bentbers bo ,biamed for net .nlalring the. purebred, herd ek;gerkehirp'swine and to be in a positiOn to purchase greats.. •Province better?' 'The Christian life latolstein cattli and for twenty4lve .roP the nlenibera 'of the i I. '..4 .1;, team, .but is not easy ; irs.rauch'easler to'de.• what years he follorvt-4 the larger rafts ht. the tacit of support.in the way -Of gato *well/re. -It Is oar 411101,11, to -40 our ' 'Wooten' Canada. Por ..4 trawler of Ireeellts le,f.t thq.boolrs with only a-sinali V044.. in Connection with the -church, to, [ Yearn and'until .the tithe a bin death, balance on lite 4ght aide. The play., follOw t hrist Onrselves, ,a24, .to get be Wa0 honorary president of the ors preSent shorved' themselves true, others to foliotr-not our businesa why: saotratehevran 'swine Breocler§' Assn. sportsmen When they, reluntoer94 to, Apple do not. give More trto.'fi not bet..' elation, - . . purchase their etrit Crests. , • . 'ter ,than.they are. - That a igea44110".. go organW4 the Wontgomery. The secretary :‘road. an. aeonnt of the' tion to leave It to treilve to eiltry oA school distrlet .1‘10. 141, In 1EZ-$ -and 'held tfillOil zneottag_-„, 42.• - the--- -11Euroa4Pre' ,,,, ',-,uturlt,-.--- The -china -hat; -luta A - the °like or ceeretarptreasuret for League egeeutiltof .held at altensalt. OA!,,gred..ttany ,ups .and downs inits h13 - :early 'thirty years, atti, he torOnitod Inrcdnesday•of last .,rireelt. The treaS-,tery, , The -truth finally comes out :OA, •the drot Vordi .tPle•'" one co Pan, oast uroeo .1*art #As- very ' encouragin&;t0p.. ' 04 ban 'all the. tion,Ere ntitgd-O,', .of' 4egina ou tii4e 4117.3. , ohowtag . a hs14100a Of 31:03.Attit.:' - tElbte Ale the .4440 vietOrY .15._.- .not $Nr Ute- Oreea _. Vile funeral on ectober 4, ooMluetea ristIpte. decided. '#„putch4e...k14111,010it,- :of -evil. ..11;itepl.o,often,haveArtelairtat by A.W.,t1r.- ,Z40,41- ,of Vezzotly;-aoatjted, .1140- -eit4t4; 'fiii:-.the lumbers 'of ' ;the -PrOblema that *aro- intereatIndi hur,4to "by Rev, Dlr. Brootto, pastor of tant...title-WisladloO, Doean„ terox.', -- , ' -not Lir bUsinean, Oo .0 zwebienig, NAIL :bolt, craw ".obtrirobt, wao.' lalegily at. At the IllenSair .-zieeting PreSident :4070r be t6,100',Ajge4.,., , , 43,;eter v)ao, '014110 teAdeck and bOantitat goirecti',-,,.triAutog 1/704..- trolfor4 '-tot,0 ortioletelitlit:_th6 te,...eet-4V1.0414A,,,,tito-,ttuelatititig-stiour. were'r "4)110111'0a 1.116716.01tfiiii4iiri' the. -V-e:ifffiri-OiiiibittiFtitie: ohamplonsh10 oink ' '711ity to It • 'good - ireople, • oto ,AdOor -toils '.1.140a.eintlirore. Otob and 04,4,‘ ,. cwil,ititt _iindl a lettet frota that dub 1-7an 'rea41 _Oinfut people rich? , ;emit.), eptit;:‘,IsTovia teltot- - 'Utter' ent .tie40: 010 . n, zob, at ttio Atept.140;',o0,oAditig: au ntizpop. hallid :- „le611,0;*" vie roittoolV, oltrery day , ned.Y . .-inotel% IV,* .vallhearercr illelug, -4011t (4 grAtittlft to tho donor, ;0 ..: 0 Vii.Olatilitt . ntrtarl.r,,--400itatilif;(-1ZVad4ei V), 1 arritodY.A.-,Covlan;,.' We total!' :troplio,„- too/ -,M,41001,10, ..of 131614104cti, :gait .bcivo •. to 40 ..ittrav • xsip- ' 'wet.% :.0, •rxtoit. hav,o., giti> '14114tIaj.0 t6:, ',06t. a. et of oria .ttatuldr04, , for ,.., ro; , Ill oro - you 'than .11404, ..?0, yonrcelfi, .. Iff . a what 10. ktalo' and dOea, It not, 0 4 Vil.ita- 4'444.- „ it0 .tlY,;, tut .1:C40d: 1131 'a an int ma. atlirone;', o,fir,eatt Y te -vflIdevcipped to the irkt, .cre ,0 trip, around the, world 14 zlve-o4 - 1;1 „ e on&h to 'Cr te4r0 on ;) 'Fog. ;(14,430 rzuat 411 g ti.),17"1 oal) 7',Qv r2 4 iaroupl czaq o, a're*vat,4 Idne 1440. 00- InOtt0041 .040.*7P-'0.30-;'-tt4ta .eatitt par of the, #.10Of cotton'. Obi*, o.• per mut het .VgSeat:t7o erect 110'7' 0, • zt.' log of the fileAegalHP*404:,' onto thla 21101attl: 'loved `441rening P;rayeto. , 7440MtiO fttrude•ua1.0„ and tbO'VtOOltit doted with C'4.. • hy: 'A 44 Aotetto4. Asterwavto ooratoeffo.''roppOttloy by the members ,44.4-..,-the-',,Vinne,0' :wore credited with ' fq0,#ig4hetts,i VgOni). „ f4.10 qou tor, ty' riga wa0 10.1 , 4.11 _ ftc4:- , ' 16,-,,,p*r-lrreo,T:dfiozr,tr-'gIM-''rrliTi7,e/r":b,ioiiltiRes ' . 7tr=M ma atbiOitillatidzi ee. tite bily. it000,7110 tvac, onti,P,' -,yt,'''-, 6 dmIli enjoy 'kette`ilienZra and a. -4 -re Ilnapglea, c..1ma 4414,,1 •t7r 0 0'402. Varea00. . ;.? I I I aniclocki e cdneoo ,of ettleena tieit year brake :down. Jesus gaie Tetor .• • , . . in enter to bealn the Its?, &ttion on a. charge, "reed ray sheep." and Peter:. sonid ballet -11C toottpg;' •din 'wanted to now what john was to ccor I" ' co (a eam ffilaiste-Riln.de Colealy after emy an,eng of.u.d you • 11111 Gliti-OX2111 ,t11>L7 Ili) melee you fte2. S RESTA VITA a,4,trzionims nm mum are iinoi mum, qeDvagem utz,b 0,20srov tutt0.4., ordeal: Tho- vent! 'er't, Was, eonveyea te gr, row._ wad A pkaltneactil Ably Vorijourio*, at., the nieetiA0 i4A tion, 17461/tet..ita.11251,,..aAd,iimitoa vueliror ' - to* mourn hip lobo hio widovip tvo All°ftlita't4"t °I the 14448' a 6* aursp lararmi Witoor' 114, ,41144,m.'eoztataitte0 be ade Ming IA, the 4114trte:, four ivutnahierp, ,.( togezo,,Lo 40„140,4/400, tztaaio, an4 tiro. 41/ OrNollivirto,,..;:acithalorZao44 dittooti .011)141r6A•atta thrtt tiMattCoiouliddhlltaA4 t'00' Ootertt, Zara it trolvor„ WititatIta, -43tV,tft d'Alene, r 4,41141L -0404 -broth P,d41±iett '0a4eltai w •.• 11ttatigitNT' 0.2044S6A Or,Z. y.Vttra, 1111 vt.Tro. Zo1441:1ca c *talo4.'• ttio ▪ ItieAdOtillise' Vardtit% 4 4ta4ZaciAlaira4i''.M`, ana . . er6ntl,14 .183rat,:xst 44 • 'aa-, 41, tita',,r, 04. da‘t,<A,'-' 14.ita Ca 4, .of 47,a4O7a1NA t4(3, Luta 7,10201Erdto4tIr„,--aaalS4bA. rnourAttirkt MI*-44z4.,-.a.vz•P21 .M4Mati utztt 4,4Z -,-7b1111„ s2 Iraramotlp IiQ f1117., ."atd tt41.r. tottlo,Q tt c-41. m=0. 'int txtt cD'Y'C'a oa 41 311 V.41s-f2tD,'? t-zio. tz:ivirtzvcz • r.n. 12,3 t...ta c!),` I) , IY _ c\li4 efr • • kk VAT totica poottplit t 0,4 tikao fizaito, rt, 4.b I 1 e • 0 3i8calla byielumed f 7 zeoto (y, r, 1Z , 1 RE, e .• ;)