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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1938-10-13, Page 6
itc13 Ittf 4 4,14,, 57." tiTRWR • tat, 0,>#6: 6g 41,/ itg ti zit ,tot111: -444,1111110. .0;70, AP Mzt. .,C* le,s: 0tAIP ::i=:74 -X•,10. 143 1c , A L-,.„.V.,13FgOTZO,(O0V 41.r,s4c.q11. 41:,:ly pita *•;,7., TA), g.AC ,t;1_tan'apngct,:::„'74tiaa'omp,c4v „ .4tZ'' ttt.' Zell, ()- , 4,44 oi,4 404,4v=&,Itt va vcril , 1 1-‘,1!„•,),•,1.44 ,. 4 49, :t1.',6r , 640'5' IO 414114.1(pi 1,40 *hkteii. 4;-'4 45-4 .11,41/ 6:Srn) ' At! -ilia al ai44;O:tdri4e,ci; *461 ,go 4i,%4$ goi4i ;W.:Z rti'eai,',* rae4M, tit a0' fi,141 47-t,iii170, 41174 .6T -,V74,4 .Q.C7 PC,,,M'414i."417? 6,,Qa 47.V. fg:70k, f:1-v,VA.4.1•.?„,.` 0:A44;P ma,w421;o, C.7 441,74 ,$6Vf".0 4:014%' -if4Y tco-lz w;o T-0 ----,--NJµIy-y-.-,-- ,,,,,k, - mV,Z41,'MCII.40 tig)'.4 49";* 01;it,U0 , .13t4, alfk:,-, (iiilrfAi- fat g'i%a7 t,r.4 0.)1,1' -'*'ea k1a'0 WI* 4i.i)-C'VCO'r .17; 47,4, '"O'k.-140:ii; ,:gr., -414; ,$,Va ''' ., r't2 • *r,,-.,..'PV,;.4,7.iii M1.2, ''•".i4t” ,t111.V,' ' -Ai: 1, ., % l4.04-ofz., .tr.014L ."`Aeo, 1‘.,':' wona.443,74..kt,-7 u 4i ., . , ' ,44AtIlct,SL'Q' tl 4- •',4,,,',,!;.:.1 'aa.,W4."1-c,4,r,,,slio, (t.i? 1i7:".(0A44, 4.,,iikrp'e,i4 lek‘,77k- {4filic9,4,5:4:17 4ca al i'k-., 4-,f,l) ,(4,),*:`,4, !. Oro44 .; , i--,r.?.i.nV r- Z4 4: co • px, v.4), t7PPtC; Pr--PrOncit0 t;1=11t. 404 41,2,7P • V•.S*Ortri Cb3tC4111/1V, to.n A 'tfP44 D.00 '10toanagd,t.:1"-4, Mii0CP-410o Ott' vnric:It*1 to. 49,44q - c,=, nqw QO„pl,t40:40' 40T cotOr'14-10'; fl Vototilici, tho thr,*4-4'00. "Pt' 04r -4a taome rovo610.4tiroq ttle41, r„7or:lo aZo, Ogkon, tc,A tn-o. v.704to,o - ot4iatn.'hot*T.Itlawacv-• • Ian ezdt,,00o oac)at: 1,113M17' 11041 iiiii 'it 40 /AatAt/; toveremee, theitc31.1 ItIo4 Incoa,' aro .4 J1t3Og' qtt:C3gn awe* •ora0 OzA ',POg0800.14, ,P)pTOvOv(0414,4Pt cv,ptregest6; 'r'to to etPtIt•at 'ttir,*:Pt-03,110t3440,140.tette.#10,00,'; gav011attrg gprof041t,71' • .-ogv,n04944P,O OgOtiohao0."..-: gagAritiltlat0p 60261401. N;'71.t.4itozt"ikOtt0r-Once„t411.000,110,0*-52-ro riPV g411' z3t:aovcil ouch are 'fre thotr414 clgt V attiltrde toui 'Alelctevirk 4404 :0106o '10glethrg* .110/140 VOtatiagt/ og tailt#004:0114120.-aToOto '40704 'teAttO t luso ?to 11 1 704- W, 4\S <1*,,tzo oitta0 tiottm 040 'am 1 ritg: A io 10 rto,,aro v10. oa 40570,,t40 04*, w41040, ova', *TO' Capaeltp, „ler pv. Io hOgn-a /r,tAt ogtatn-014t.,.'VOT 00paegt/ gOA'A070rozco or,,4,to„.• .44,r4Za$ viva ,tt,,tar att, FaF4,1„.% virp: '("71' -?- co4, c4;e40,ti44 . ,V -to -- C *till cg CitAk 4 `,-"iailt47i-TAI ZcD -47.11acilUr 4 "41., --4t4 ;Y:3. Air,S,,47c2 v4, '‘cyaa• '6)4- vt3 '4* E.4z o‘o, orP (1,4 c-10rx, rot,';x:g. Vc4114,ZPCZPIIA. 44), .;C,'",r,i,Z4'V 47: — 01: CfltZ: 'to -007 ItILO i11 c -t *.atza, v,;,ati,4:0=, 0177, .704110#0 '3,z45t1t401"4.;) 9 ; pip r-s11r'c v5 0,.-4P*P;PP C-47 RZA, 410 9- 7A' -tiA4,14 alteoZi.‘ ' ,0441p.:tt1pd lat,,thlo,VOT ot•er " 6;o:,og, 4171 t , cz:h A omit lavo*,,t414 44, 'Otr141R0.4107.h 110040 19v91 • o4111,$, 1,14ntplaslccr,t, 10404,7borii0 Pad Vet* plon.,11o,t0 tend a Fere,cz -the-4-01,-tatren -0-10z-42 'oerO'zo the alcIs to,. rolo VoRt pent, ,QUOriso. Aametatutal all1y:44 tr,'110 TOPO# itOITP tt dV;WittOn't to. *tinge 'Ms* eeo 0=41'11111g to the fert1.14 „it'ef*W ogro Oil OR. lainer06.44 the thalami's of seentringALG, , Goottst lower the pereenakae,o ter !..ditivia a the legurgeop -vo,./t I PortalL4? „11,110m4QPf0: tell), and material content of, 00, :$c,v, Pop re or intornultiM intnirep for paottmo ar.4 14,V4,,m;09i. hti the '4•Pntario Agr1en1tt4r01-119,'.4 •atielph, for Oireular No. -1,13 ?am t for rant ezoTI:p. atl'Ottill 14' ntario." • ; "%O. :011'0/, 't#1,/".:7, terg04t4 oat hlrthrgdht,gO .4110,0 V.09” 03,1ty artd!'btoOphotop';, . • . , , _ 'V4 ho70 toegl%*-'j ,,4tatvob 40, goo. tho vrot)ts Of 10.t0f0tIpie, '-'05:0cah een4. ve5oatIon hind .Oult1aiiigatget 14t1t-- there acCan . aOlpet, 400', 0,aro, a ppe,yOulnk7bet14' roVor.olUtiqb* • ba -76 7.14 -11lo.'hencelltt--#.01th10,tovara 1111:04 Oippantly andtrgydle0O1/.51,e,51,-, preach 13110- altarO 4%4 tqk word pod ma .00 in 0,0 ,that tepiono .4-.1=6 a. this- 007,$(10' tarelO 10r. „., „ - ',church- 114 alp totr yot 04:40t-proo. Kwo. =oat. %feather Lt -Q tt19t v'440 ,prepare to im'oPG..„:01,0 ...1a111.0t; Vlgp$cnt'totttaota,"ekttio Z1f1 :at"4.4rla bi theilr *OPPlAA6V•00ncolzg.00 the very fiery they 1-gav4 to cee. to ve are met 4014004 iI4 t4h.Qto. tiv,e00 2 a,forg# g#14 412{ 01011-.O1 t40 cd tho:',OVor. afad t(glev:z.„:e21116 kin„oh, the „AlatelfhtY.- • .4.1100,to-YOrgaia conception' eg andlo-'..631p2tOzt 00, ,pre,a0: to 1$1 tfl„net tomato aMt Great- ariteinhip ot thitarettm Ot0- , !)" =a, th3 D41Z t0:100 C3100)./.0 8*0 at,110 4 1;o.111 --0T/:,4 • ZPVezt, '0,,t4eAgCA •'•P sl6t.1 o-' ' 1'17.0, ' '''S 110'3.40 AZ/ JeL 0.0 -OZ. .0 0: '.4.1 g$2111060,' AO: lt,C.I0M,,V00._.101.1 6 -0.'f , Olyt cerimL"'Crata. rrIC" /a.-(* ,010. 00 'MI attolgtO7 .:6 pOpro.41, 0 1 .,,,,r4,73:114734,04, ,:gz'SIhi obr!, 11 j",0,111:r•;.tr4443,1Havtb' :,. ' t' . tha (P40010441. ' ' -WO411-tertgolzattoZqi4 7,9F l''.00 4tAttuotp,,Wfs,,4,,toatitil, L. 414, deooeratiza-M/th ti . L 'amant-SLOT CT-% f)d,V 'LAMM " day or ratjbt‘ • VIPlaVals. <14: 4'411 14arold 4,21,4on„., ef',"tliat and: 4A.„ g 04 4eliatit'„:6g Vaa,t‘Ad,.. tXzt , otteroito tlittc4r; thw zpit _ . , Els% wad Oz. ;23 1514, Not m,,Ltiar rp4-aolo, opent. „veer4-enera and `:111enrs re ,piney a ri aa1&a, It414,0, of gist, az .14aktrile" ta,,'160100ave, - titte,nt the hellday tith M04 pareatt4 tar. pad Mrs. (Ookcso .1tda*.e. e Lqr. and ro T L.Caroorea the heattlar r4th.their coin,,G110 Cam- Tjt-Orillairt11-13,2 , ttm wavraigrk $oz po rA.,11 6 p‘ oco , Thi4001, Or. t ,m1 Qg#4. „ — 64, ''ztz1 *1101 ',oe 14rEtact.6_:4104„:-. Atto 100 tuft ., pre tair trat- Izo44:11,',94g 4,4 ,tA41z0;14- P' 4:4:41 0,0zr.)4dO Ot- .01 aq le hr 04 41 'heart e4tr12.0144; 'Good, ,T104/ov,4;, tTli Tal4t,1„ Co* to1-%74i4f---:11 tze. '1364.1.1 G1,410 to,*v 4124 -21 te 12 " 444.1 e.'14S3 410,4o0107 orEpt• :4 bo 13o *fee.blitaVe 1miL4oved eonPidorabb IttOg -MDT:0)M= 1:25renO3Soy. eraceloate (Martell Velliato Etfotittito 17.6.21311T AM, 84.4.0,311514 Qt..V lw.,1 a' Ilorauraclut a t DA= Tram trayloc3. 43=teterg latorito, a, p44dsIty. ,t7,677z A-000 -Ong Ego -ono tt ar 0, alter 0 Dip -mow ow, irdL '1110. sod the* peloaitina'.0tilao efivplatievand eativo systenin on have bad %ate nbo maim -bad breath, eezotipalioz) doh beadaellea, trpc414 fore the oyez; -a foaling a0. la yea svre going to faiuta • .„ Rftilbuies Lut..4.8'ivor °tit tho eluggith actm the coa.tc,d- tomau, 149 TM'e.°Ibe YCZNIate IDOX740. co :that you pay Law fro,o; aloy azalea ovary acw,.• T. Mt= (rz, gclit4d4-44' ttrorc oitou pr. 'golipo. o,to o,iz- 7 04.41)37$0'totiotts; „ ICellow-VAiOnve ,..;v0i01.„Q .#41 aloN il)t4tatt,are t0 ,oan,..0.,41,1104a-r„)1144 Zoordv eaatTiillen,9\1060;t74tho 'helOw ay. ams, , 1. itUttrAZGrUgrOjk • 1.1,4eC. 47or,horz,,Z6,00 Zot; ZVI to lf hat.,„ 19831 8.93 1126 Vt. 31 oyd 19Si1 to/ gze. */7 ,41e zaltamm, \97',441 * 2.6? 419 l'otazi4104, .174:7ftoit 110.12. to ,ati ,elsa 2.67' 67,70 zgaitlazd kTI1io Wrgalitt - 2 tOt 11;937, CW-teltee„-, • Mallench g7,0 too. 129.4 Zcsor /84.12 7814,-ttiestkd',7-741tatdo 70)-4746-M--Ing-tb-- aLaNatettlo -Sat.11,9%, 1153,ms 8 t. lichee - lone °lark 11M4 -to 1937 gm ',AUG 3.83 - 86,79 195. Quebec =Garet Trtylo?' 1W_to 1p87 81.08 8.28- 8448: [20011-Doci'Dge4 illae:ca,,,.1 9,,,, . d V.,,,Z.,.. 4,,t,,.,,,,. SI a I 4 .1, 1,..., .., ' -.:e ron'trtau'r'i'-fi' ice.16-68 • wit?: :7111"1". ' 5 ' . . irst wen you thinit you hre rid i of one another crepe -up to tahe ito ' plume and prolong your miserr, , All tlio rig and poultiong 70.n • do, will not stop inoro eornblg; Why Trqt Aive 0;4 0)13. reliOlf, bitioe .parlfying medi,-,nia Burgloe : oodn:BUtemnpidtartee.-to-himislk-A__ ' -,, '4' ''.74.47K!,"*.,,,WEJ,111.0V. TSVO:v1.111v*: ing t.Ki phst ijo years. Tii-aii;:13:13:13.- G,1 -iri nil the bad blood .etiA 144•110 :1146 Cameroi Meaya Ourvey ..Zary Merritt '7 40a ' t ' lttteva Surycy • ttary VierrItt 888034„,90:t al4yiacautfuni:110/4114. VIrgira 1tZIMVID2 74.1101"Zrafalgar 781 anal%za. rzat237 8848tIrtIlarthz1 1,1artha ,P,Iartha 8gtlatir 4titnaseto 1 ary 18 tlartba Z01,341ttha tricir t/aVttla es, am OD- „lar 011,EMTWI imm4 01,41.4 Wpm 046-410 o nos,t4 1031 318.9ti 1;2 .23:r Sanoleson Reid Est. 12341 to i37 fine,- V/t3 Ann) Maori:41s Ttst. 1934 to les't ixte. M72 ]nthiptle ,Elzt 1.884 to 1087 59.88- 74 62.70 ,f.atory Babb Ept: 1034t� 05,02 2.87 614,9 alrus, gollancif, Vet. 1SM-to 1637 due, 21,85 1478 23a 41081 to 1937 ine. _1548 IA 17 AIL 'to 1087.1ne. 1541 1.6. 17.44() liPhOZIPsony 01932 to 1937 ict. 1.61, • Thozzlloon 1932 to 1937 10.0- 1$1' 12.06 'Ato Culbert 110.-, 'to len toe. 6.39 1.89 6.99 )111),V4 to1237.ine. 4,88 1,88,,. 5:12 Gaffney 1014 to,1,1187.4ne., " 4.83 1:86 4,72 Gragney , li1,7-4 to 107 4,83 1.86 bi*f3011 \ "to MT 1112,, p54,3 A 3.82 lavarto Est.- 511,41 to 1927 Inc. 44* - 7.88 . 'Warta $S..162M' 1037 ine, rhet 44,3$ Gat4057 IOW tO lt'Ji Ina. 6.28 1.40 •7. ,eattig7 WO . 6.23 1. 7 rt 10Iataley, 1934 tec, 0,, 6.g.S., LW 7, OtalikaW := to 2 ea , 11.0 7.0 a%) iflauleY 193 . */.62 Waitop, 1ait t 1=4 to 117i 2.57 L8 8.t7 tit ti vwwp c.,oc,4s4vo to* Z19.004 PRVOW-1 PLV ,ati-74J Lt840: Ra, Mar* , 44 itkreiv icvl to 137 it0„ ° 13.23 1.40 .0hutoy , D103 to 187 4204 GL23 „ 10 41?-ilam-t° 131002:4 to low be. . 8.72 tt04.1410 LIP," 05,7: s IflP va.r ,, '3oJ 41 „ fzusz,V,M0,0 , • t , aroTkO VOY '.14*41 tastOrt- 1088 -to Z7,141t. ntot zour4ititto !to .1Z371440, 0,47: vix4:1' lag:' a 1.%' hI Viotot „ Ito.% '*161i6' - 6 fitif,' / „. 1011 lot 5v,a 27aZ. 'ZOti ,P0 t'a?41 • s, " -4.nUS 411 tt,10.4), it 7 ,At:1‘ ofait,a42 .44 EA -10 1.43 10.18 10.80 8.72 1.43 ,. 10. -30 ill .1 3/ 41.78, 2.29' - 44.94 $2.82 Mta ° ,g7 - cZaiMit211 1,74aciva Mitt:44 wow itintsoikra ritzy= '41 .01*talliul• )10 " 'tY01.02 0;11.),Va% V71(22,:,21 0-5 Val= 4 C, 1:17Artt ,444„r =u 162116,.....,, ,, ,H: ,; otatta ,, 0 Mt710p- to ,1=2 liae. 1P -4,14-1-',A30. , .tt 1162'3,ttito izoltoo, , j4, 41 .. io •Itir4a tW,, - it: ' van Ivicit' L . - ',:en.,74,0„. ' I , c-247 k q., C37 no, 4.:*1.11 '6 ItC"4't'lljF-41:t;*Z- .214-3 , d?,'11PF!' 111(e', , ,.'4 rR' . ' ': '1''f , , V la AS FAMOUS AS HAWES' LEMON OIL • • 41 t,o 7' 1- i-- 4 .11Ma Can Von, tN): -ot• 1,01 Oviir OPikrs'4011`,,'ne14041 'airt;;0 Ots.,4142/' valtir,,a464tedin't.fiddibltievt-Orpca- 4uv.. , vq.:Me5,;00011,P44 comteoo,,,.tonognr . 4421,AvAt•toiti#4,A4,67v u.c,0140,, •• hok me* %,1640,,00r ttopn 'vo" t14446 7ii;10 oVi• Amtv.x140",,' tr,?*,7, ,,4ru,XV vs, faw. S.,C5 -47 1,,C0 1P11.MODERN FUEL FOR SOLID COMFORT