The Goderich Signal-Star, 1938-10-13, Page 4, )11. 1ft Oil vim. 04y. r, COMM 7 (0,44427t1 ,,Por r02204 at) .L Walnut 41t7=r•OVI'ir • XZ,10,,• coo cM,40 01. itovTATZ-4'. t *tv4,c-A, velvet*. ,621,9. and tato 0. Tger Irgit long ta nev 4100r3to' 4,10 4P4' 0414..CrailgV1-$M k '1E N 4t, CIO',t00700111 ohait'On.ed clepotatll r41- tra• 4t4 on,,,b/gat. 14022.; a 00 1(1,,NA •iE 0 Meal_ tOWNSkitiii? COIJNR),10 et JAL 4144-* Piii l'iiiii,4-1,014EpD 'Cl.it.,C. ,,,,. _ airfii.to-, ,ii .s:', , u.,--si,..4, er3.2 $7izit ,.--di _ VOr) c'eMtz`7'...1 '7,711,t'a in, t=',1, ‘0...-.1 2c3.11‘..41t(-) c$4 -,,.L•,,,-,,. or11tor 1.t3N,.,"Vcr,',?, ;`,:;3 r--`,2,':-'-:':1',..„RL's-i, 12% .a0e-es,-,.1# Cr, -1 t',7C:"-a 0 1::?AfY,12 V47;1471(,12)7,3 f041 0.4-ii'iii-4 15,0.-z-iiik 7.1,'".,,'I woo'),,,. ,t,,,;It g„),,,,. r,14u,,Ifis,,,,111c01, : , „-if,,,f,ky,7,1, (3;;;,-=, i:k,,1-,,s1,7 oc,5 z.„0/Qr0,'tre101,47.(1114401 Flif PPtau(Sa .4'.4‘..Z, 1.,;•.:;',1i).11.1.t.z.,31(1, ',Zz„) r•,.4 accl ,...3 ca m... eig4,,t-'41 ..',.?..4.-> .1-:- (.' ' ',,A„,,r41,ci ct'..z3 CL-':'--,-4-7-4.- viz-camv‘.-1,t-t-.),,,,of.144,:tt).:,7. . , , :,'15 'C'' "L''''L-”' 4 ",,--_',.,"4-2 ' ...,' 42'4 77,w, Blial,-/,';'41 Waltrm74, i'„z1:3, ,e0Fzi.,70tvtec,tr.Q,10'ljN,,, illi-,6-`tt131104tticg ic,2za,,,-1,-,_:;,i, E,-;.,0.11 17,,,,j0 <,.';,:g?;•',-,....„,i.i•ZITrlav,';',...,1-4.-41q-'4,4:4 ZOO ,i3Va40 ,461,„.:41",C,',,I.' IPt4'1 ‘•""j4 f„!"„.„-'4'1';:-:-4-1',„: :';"'";t::. :152,4C7'PvgA ' Oe 96t44.-f-at-4*glif14 icrri.ci:Z417,10- 4W '-ti,.Trb Ifx,270/4?,,,,I tr,1 0%wvv-3, 10 ttryr ,,,,„,,,14.>- t4.,....7,, igg) .7.1C,'-`,AZ;1• at' .1.-',.. -1;'-''--1:71::, ':-;",7 s.474, ,7c-171 ..efia44,-n;c4..QuItito:0,70rwalt4q' :rtrA' t;'a4;1(vrol, ozazyct 1,40,o gpta 4)'11,0 ,Zoz,A olint4, Wgv.,3 17°i fr'414tt''',A-1. dit% P,14:t 1:-20114' tle't7,° ''r.,,,-,, m-i,,,,,A, IN,r,,-.%' 4' , ,,r, in , .,2:11a'-..3t1.LVITc..;111)&.`ir'll 0.0;g501.°,Allittl'frA:ttc411'ft 0,,.._ N.,„1,,,,,,...1,60,,,tiltr/c7oz tr,,atixam,a ,,,,I, 4..„,...,,. „.........,,,,.. ,..,..........„., 4-,-,,,,,,,,:,Stl, Y44' -.,,t, , \larte4.,,,,:d 6 ,,,,Ir+,71 iln 6, ''' ,4rAidr,,..,, „nia, ,,,,,,,,,.... Vik .14,44.,:,,W4f0F,4,,i,,,,w1 ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,..-,.. =-, ' - ‘f*EF37,..eaiaet),''' 0-.1- c7c'''' t4r;'° '17;c4'''4'.74-''''' V*4''' -'75U) tvit,s1T4u:,'::, ;--ri; ''-eczA l',-,iai,Vsat-Ite"th -1`11z7,0. '04, ttil1'''‘Z3,u41117'z''6glgatir,eitgr,tr.„,„ r,,,,,r,,tcoect tc3m t::,,-.T,,,,,t-tzz t,,,, -,IL-,,, oi,r,;:,,p4 .411r=t tO 4,7-101. atrIll Rez el'..3 4a Z''' C''''Z' ' ', on..10' ce-m^3 Cttna Fp,•-•D ','%,7nUe''' '‘,47., -- -4- --.-- --'- • v ' ' r ') At, i 1 ..:,,,'%>1_,IIVIC,*7CWO tC,30 /Vra047;vtlf.3.7. tx.----,0,- ,C^''''''''':, N''''' ,,,Q, a=r,•-•s,,,,,,,,,,0,7,4p4wo., 1 ,•,...,,,,,,,,.-- , „,4,„,.,„ ....._, • . nearo,„, eattlova©, ,ogg; '2:4t-.*.t.,,..r,. ' Tet, ' , „ ' ,,,,, ,„ , , ,,,:.,. ' ' ' c-.741, 4''',,,=19'- Cot,,, 1174-41'11.Y0 Ccam 1:740..tv4t* tig-.4'opr"rsAto; mil t to,„(161van v ''`'' ''44"c"a:I'm .;',,4',?' °' ''” v,4•13 D'ot:I'' -nlnincittl, Pan7 r76,1 v6.4t.,;1, ,c, .c‹,' 11' 1-x'43' e'''''''1A4''''4.''''. ' ''-' b. -n. Wo t-.7,7.),to.11,.,Itfire4. ' ' \ - C50, .V.0,•,1 wor'-',:x‘..,-,•-lp-cc= zx-.1. ' g ;. ii'l.,101:4t0V.,11,''v0I4.00 all'ovw ttxt ,,,,,3 ,, ,IL -.'-',X,-;,(,%;'.1 " . UZI, Zzlva',10'4t'-, '`,4,F,'=r9alted2,c1,v(Irl, 4 i4tligrive400., r 01047t,,,,,.g4i,i()",1r4a, act'r943-V ,-;'4:'4'!:''''?:6411k.'4f317•LO7'1`;'rlaliT4%;?1 '7=6'6 '''''''4''''' 'e'c'u''''' I 3':' C1.-.;'''' : '''' 'tZli''':;1"'''zl' ''')41:' 'A, -,4.44?\' -'11 Z' '-orip,P1 7 c-,49,1,-,c'41307fA't74-t1174 .4g4r..Z.:;'VtItCa4POP:' ,AW,rg no'55, ' ' ' '' ' ' ' ' '-'" rm ' " ' '-' ''' It %Vi -0 -' ,i4Mtarlta 7200 ,t)ez,„ ,,,,171.3 . ,,:'„,,,Azf'cr,,,,Itlar.),, Q?,.., V:. cot:',7:„. : ,w.o.tz4, tiroat ,r4,0 02,21prxc rotttlmc2 rto ratcookto, -Z.t0 go*? -a f= ,raoz47,T-Prg'-'1atlfn'o'-7,4'-a4cf..faierzi',369',,,foc, zz,..,,,,N.,7,113, i.mitti,. 41,4;40c.-11- ti4:4.1mitot, nc,:lstor: ',(crilt)),,,fvfoc7,10 . v3 tl, (c.„1, oo,w,_.f,1+,, _ ,, ,/ 2, .01,-, ,..,,,,-,nii, . , ,... •,.,, ..cr. , 4.- 14 * , t. , . 1,,,,./1,41 . Arl tvittArt, fr1hri CltatttO . 1rtit . , Tetk./"IrS=0:),1 itt,rr,,tM,t3 01,4W,OP" bb rx,c,..4 oc,:topttl ' -'.40'''''''''1'0"-':-:-''''''-'-it,' . ''-'2' t. .1.1#64` t' 414,:.-s 2' 11444Citfh,7211:1r41,,ZIS,av46;,147''''1307,,?,' ;141141-'"4-71k31M4'P'17414;* • Arr,0 . N,'01,40#4.94-4 ' 'oa, momark3 tT. imkao *; 6,.2:voi.,'-orPoo , 4:1t4 ge.45) ' tv't,ltr ' 004740..vdth., or, 17.-ari ipgt0a. 044t40b: Pal',a '.'geggit°':ggit..1. ' c1:403:i ..Y14,4,4,, fg;TA;'cgiL':tl::;T1,4:4:rbrggt. miklriot,ci m,o. to. teszmi, , 0.'41 11;5,, t01,.4.1.44,1 md. 2 ,-..ihi, ' 2 ,ozoilci,ztivt.V4Qa 07.4totvrevt*Otto ttP ISk$t'341141,11411*.h.'o.'.4..;11t.L4 vl4r.p,P4:,h4;11tit°01 c.6'll't'lc4 4.'' ' tt4InP•TI)c/wilr-14,7''r4c#v ,T.leVXV ', :VA*',.:00'..'it dta6Witt Ot.'',' OPtV4170 ' ' 41b4.' V4/It'; ''' ' , ,, .r.laraovi:4,,,,,Z1a4,03 2304 p44,c0,11, --tr• , Ve:t.'1(118;14:114.:r 7 aiiiF 4Q C:6 r1'44"' 0:41t00:400b0:11.1,1,147.itt:"0:5,47tc:::::c1,%14.:1111074rv15.C„4,4:1111 :::4:la:"::::'7'b:C;'n::, ::\iii''kl;, 7704: P:ni-57::,..ittrt:44'Pvil ‘0,1•7,aW 10 aiVArkgat vv0, t/Oct IP;'4'w,lt tazi9.247 - 447 ,1 . 00 4 ,4ella, 140; , oz , 00,-. ..4v,-, t ztgam4 .00:,d'za4tsx,v4, wi,,,,.,,,,07.0am plattoz7-0,.$:, , T4,0,,,,its.40.,..40,,.‘,.r,t!,p-' :Grailie4t106, .4`,11 etvivar. '1ilPdl'Ic°4.^'''Utat4"'ttl''ura,;,i7a.';1411va,, ,i0oevuo., 'Ait,oTio ' 4 go: z,'N'hoarovfavolqat 4 P.Pwc 'ata*latill,,.. Etiiov.6.w.att , rz..,,,inc-o.tate lb r'4-, g,,,,4 cp„mtc.0.,--tf's*6-t40 ), ,.,,,,Tolzmoa...olve:4--.4140P,m00111 ot 0(21 0 '4411"4 41 a' alidittrIr4e'tet ''Ilr‘11.,'ret. ' : 'ir''''''71T'-o6H'1°iC'';.4'''a''''''17.4:Ltlri;Z;:. th9;i117,::CI:41--4.t,P.:t :,f.r,l'''':451'.-76:11t'l.t;',totx-:,-;c3.-0,1ft.'':7;t9cto,-,t;:11. i:41-irdr",i4.7%.. ':1400$'-'1;11ox0't30,41pt*.tlati.:: ,C1'.'.4.`4.'41°' 11:;:4t't.:?.*,,-,;;;;*::::f4:1,:";14:iiitIll':440'11:::::::;:qHat;14:41°:174:1214inis'. 40, fOge0 4 :igat.' ' , W4.04.., a Loz 0. ot.ovm ' .,14":Z0V0''Po'''.t• " cwov t „ ,..,. oZ, Rogvp,.73-t)4Z(41,t414 't '6..,11i7-,n-Tiii"„.t-',"r8v-4,,,-,!,,,,E4:, iwarE. te..a'v9ft.F4164-Ovea. .11'evezciahev 8th, Pt 0 '4'''' tin .4•1,40ztth. a,, l',1 : , 0: 4p--.-ar',. 'a,,' ..i:0* -1004. , '%g•P''° P.' 4 p 11Z-grjrirPorrg,0`;17. igitorfr VgiTiligttgo..,', tki ga'Orr...,4.,.'':::14,:llgtinla'iagrit;.111ito!,° tlitt 101 -,4,, lka: Oatt. &lac- 4t.a. iiirttlata3 A'''43 ' 0 tq41 ot,It.r..-4abtV40, t40'000t4 .'em ,C,ola‘yzilitienti--Otnatcap; 'Zxm. 'Ar*Ail v Orb.: 44 tO:.,0Veld, the count, u. 0 '''0,,hta 4 ' n ' layaa'z'ao: lat,a4p, 04000 .2toogtoz, , .':, ‘ .-, - '-'4ula::t11:41:07::::: a°t4t2t:7Iu be,.Prv'lent Atk. the''VAn11' tttr 'ttg4e, ,h304q014 a 0, -'vPP.P44,00"ania,morto:VD4a1. litvAtiottt--,;**,,Difroi,:4130,14,,,,41040r, 'tiO* 0400.74.'41, Uttt°PePt00 twrieltur186" , , , Itoio,,, ti#0v.7,. no. ia.- :Orono p7. 29'. dvelte bi'' V.7410'4Alto Adht0t0Ati'!''. '`Iloit-60in'''6i4 1 '0 le:ork 11Wric ,. tiotzlarni, 02•20,',anthorldn's the ca- ., g V4111: 24;404. aag0dalli ', u., ., 4.., ,,,1,,,,, ,-: ,‘ zpH' , ` To .,n n. * , .opti 440,itc-iltoiter Ow 't.gUitah°044Ant.vreVeL%til!),14,624t4,!:4411*,," ri.,:*. tZtr;Htfrzi5.114:ttit:ilheurzli9ploiT,IfInev' Pgdema; s.ogil::. t !itioAtit1.6:4:40,attcoi.irrito,,illtanitlikot-0,,,raf.,,,t:,'o-itio,.0-14;,,. 0440zlia .. -0iii ' 4°'4'1"' ::::12:4::2.4:::$111' :::2 "thetiran*:1111: p ' 17:14::: 10 tf. e:r 4et,°1 t; 41 1;\ : C '' t: 3,44;64:44:::: ::b:ftt4::: ,:r:t. '14:0' ' ;;: : :' 1,4' 1 I Iv 0'1 tt ;41;P ::: 4; . ffitilitl'4114: :74-r:1447tIvil;:elt):411g(1‘'9,eP't:IltItilk:46,.!;;P:ttglIti':;iitutt(r ;.: 04:411 pg•O':11.1451i4t,:a'011it°11':411,46;,f:I'414:41),IrSV°:$71:17t*1 'Iplair%:W04:1411.el! li.14:01$13r;i;'IPW11.16471:14,01":WQ.E1;41:::(11,41t4diete,;:llunngalig:tge°FirsunWucae'rveir7sieelY;I:lincaoill2:2.-1: , , ra Ittobeift-T..,., 0004 vix9. tviii, t 4 ,.; vil4tirtitlo':0,„, 11; id411E.", ' Ob.kr 40-..4,0440', l•tit;::11:(1 reEt illtael*14,7"4'` Ill'e.4heemell:rlitl'igw:ree' ' ' - .. ' , ilt , end OfenSiVely, .1 , :Arc.),,:uor!,.. 7)Polgutlittlens,Sidet4140:11.141,4,0' 04. 4%4r:40,414k ',' 74e . ,, teof er.° at4tr 1 e': erftv iriniPt. 4* ,Penald Xernighatt,- ' Gordon -, Wat,cop, ,,,,,, teadon'12;$1- i'S. UpEurney, salary, W; r4 4 0 4f a. W; M' 0 Prt9r 0 ' 0 Ci grt4SQP.• ;'14,'ZI' t. MA a tic n10;41044 itozfliv2.4 ' g. 1141Pao"vtir0 tr4 04 tz 111.0b4 ZO O. ' f ' - •er Zorten,, *- • ' ittarvey V ZS, Of.trer4Ite,-,-.0# ttr. and' Zro. mirank 7410Zlitt• and the =kind 'with' kalo mist04„,,t1rs„, ' AZt7e cot, of iilbiOny'cpent the Weett-4414' Molar. vilth her moan% Ursa. Iltiebord Zoinr! •Mrs, illoVat titikeersons, ' " rie I Ott) " , spent the talit WOW vari: .lafaw. Itottiwt •1.1 cia Vialet Santders,- of, Zion, spent Zars.,A. Tooter.° Sunday at her ho e. - Mr. and Mrs, $14on 004,-cin4 fa 144 tlr, and Mrs. Walter Scott and little of PlotOwel, spat the wok -end wIth • cen, of ,Beigrave, *opt Sunday vith •Mr„ and Mrs. zta 4 ElisIng., . Mr. and Mrs, Mr tin Shar,410tOrs, •• Urn. ClaStten- Veatert- ;- a TIT:* and Mrs. 11rneot tiall'and fam- strait Tbaniregivin 71thinr. and" Vrra," tlY, of Brantford, Visited oVer *he videls,,, Jelin O'oster. '; * ' ead• 'with Mr. and Nrs. +Soar , Unit Mr, mad "Mrs. tIllarvey VreCilee, of Au - Wo tire glad'to report Vim 41. wall lo burn, visited on tIonday, with Mrs. A. -imprOving, baving•been on the sick list IPostOr, , for the pant two wean. Tar. am •I 13. Ittobtt, Itogie and Ur. Miso Grace Blake, of Drumbo, spent .and Pars. 1'. Bogie spent TtieSdaY even - the week -en d withiter_parente, Mr. 0 , 1 ing with. Mr.', and Mrs- 'tett Ilogie-in LTrs, Thos. Blake. _ _ . - -OoderIch. - Anniversary servlees will be held in Blake _ehtirch...Stmday,_07tober_ 23r4. Stte--"I'ra. just. teMpermental." Services will be held at 2.69 and 7.0 •v. Mr.-Townend, of telgram 2 per cent mental. will have charge of both services. . Special MUSIC Will ;be rendered by the Civilization 410,0 develoW to.,. the. t ec-- stfleld-'414116--rtilie e '' "IskOkit:47'...1M7,70i 1--- e '. ' '-d-r 1-- vep- la laitm t goo 'T az -t6 . grow A beard 'on the Wa "-' . ICIINGiMillOGE, -Oct. -12.--dDr. 140 evening. Gar*, of , Guelph,. was hoine oars.' Victor , and Iola ti a IVrarthtr L V havp returned from a trip to. Sudbury,• ,.. • ' , . , where their brother Michael,is engaged , The lentit;•,annual public, speaxt " ___ tall L i s' ,,"' zienit ,,43EM,041.44t1 ID Wrywwwwwww•am....... 96 per cent temPer and 1Tt ptrejprgat:p loa,4t1500 hOld their' Ioad" enaI tfttlq. 1/10,11 vvig t 4,1 Onstroirees:es' alter.net,es,„ 1PlanitterY _,.-Wt...',4tPrP4",',1'44': 14 HO 4-. PI .0...LraPterY0 frotnt1,1;PD0'41vIgtvillt716'et.ulta,°;.:t"U' '1441t1r:4'Ic4Cts,Int,:.:!.Pf:1111,slab, fot:01i4B*Ir411 04:111gr4 47velnsgehhalinH"ieralrll' 14401bOrne,'theVallbeareas,.'heing,j4Arrer Ordon'''179.74.01604 pullet; 1,0011011 flittb44 ' 104 , Cori. °Dalton,'. sheep claim, 86; Oct -dodo -hi,- -Goal; ,-:)..gras-1,,, -ftru..f4eusi frlibe,,,,..17.--=-X#44.014":40.4telo;e7TOraes..-.1aor ,071ettrottfitvioa,,oakd itItilitt:60*-04)., ;lit -10o viNoarahop darn. $23,-;--B. li'• MOody,TAndersen; halft4eir,S, "Oogtello..it"' ,Iq-*;lrfi*vo:1Frenol.:-:''gOetae,P„, ., 44,•44-,.irklon, wrillfthe'.$01,0_,_,t4e1aBarreitittecit egge, Iffel?tie, sheep valuer, 86.. at son,-,- Jehnst044 ce-14°°' lidiOte ; rail4, ..1)00 euy. zuoy -001,4arwletinG , Donne; Maltee,•:,,2,aabel ., Baer, , Norine Council adjourned to meet again on ers, Scott; alternates, Lithcombe, - Indoor ))/larali;,-,aney:i, autddes, •05, foViriai 041:040.17';'t)teratilitt'llattO'kulttars.; ,b,altsegkri 'EatuptOrtei:: ftteerge-' Better ' dozen white , , Referee44;k 444.'Intiey,. Mr. , and ''-',U,f-S,,,,' jos. "1 italifig; -4riliiara ,MathewS.„. ' ' ' „ ' . Menden November 14th: Mason, , ken#.40A., :*,:,,, and..Z20..„. 0411 ,15`101114 411,.., Mutton,- PhYllis'AMEOlion' geraice ghorn eggs 'adtveratitOlutton, Doug- . ... . ,. ' . itIn IlaoisT, Isklarv. P. 0._01r:ifiR. oroID:a.DI,9CHlerk. 7 rt.411#„:0,1' ',.- 44, r - ' ea..13..u- - ..,,,,.1...:.;- 1.1 e t ... Maitit. :J4tig,,,}1,1,"Intek-Tvitto—titib. e,, anus,. r2Eleef .c.rf;'' ,tis , ,-Brerheee; a' tobrlifinrillf;'—'jM'or diit'Z' aMige 15ttoilb-°hIst -stshirtitte64ry- saarket lamb, Tom, lilleOget 0..ric Moore; -from the chemical spray while spray,. :halter -broken ear, -Olathe -Unnbt, .1-1ra An; on the roadside& - This was re - McManus, ,11111 plyelyni Tur,toni„. Illbrteett, obertsOn, : Isa- to wedree°rten .11:07.::::::utasj.r.Z...,tploaola• 79:0,.,11.;.0.401.0r, :,1v:inie?, fe!ljoned to 'Mr. EL C. Cox, the matter. bel Xernighan; 'date 1042, %4,etty Vett- , ' , - H ]BIIC .oin10,4p,. . . being in ,his district. ' Phe en iataaw:--4 .......Ulengll4s.-2,• t -I ty - . Uter 40121g1Padtlee4. (f4.0)11i, JOAO t_ tehwet Tretahsautreore and e Teorellaesc: OL...;40...e.,14" ' R. 'il',V‘01,,..q• ,._,:...,, Ire !mit- vartitene, Ruby -Wilson,. Winnlfred 61 c-- dila ducted iiii Ilwituditoriuni ,ef, 'the 'Olin- Cabe,.-Xterai0e Duret; bgtter tarts, Ica-, - . afternoon,-Oeteber 22tid,' at ..0 p.ni,) A The Clerk was -instructed to re are ton ' Colleglat,i' Institute On SatUrday bel Kernighan, Zinnia 110bertsen,• ROY Wilson, Wilma Pentland. ' ' - a uylaw 2,er next meeting setting nom- cnerlte:,Pla:ttati44;roetacitita03140tIon4ontbst_for_....winut jeats...,,at„, of -_-_, Coveink4 . ',111111.100-leor4-11640z,,,_ ,., , May-preceding:41 r__...41em.m.04,,14irr„.4,.. ...G.fa.ee. ,i_zetiin,cia$4._,Boaaay--.-is , November, which -will— oiled fairet'Aker, Minna' in second class Alice BEardY, Evelyn Turton, May Gar. . lie 1X(1tvlatlib'er 'Ili'. . - and under, !Salsa ;being2heid. . ' Accounts 'paidt.. .G. Lehi), relief - -The ifirst-iirize witinere-- In the pub. lerteett‘rd; Y4,1TitYeititiest' Be' °Ulan"; :fluitfttelaaptreiMin,rDaolirY./47itettnt° 41'.167' 4:41 21.4)rdans relief at- ., , lie SPelaiting__,31nd, recitation contests: ()thy it IMO to c0,.."0-10„:anti "the .conteetante iii -.' Woodeir ,stable ,door - button 6 , . ardf5txmat /411.1xn004r4=fiAllen0.0Eithel Tur- count, $10.71; A. D. McCartney, cola , gorge .,.„. '1' en 'bonds of Treasttrer and Collettor; beep claim, 816: ePosilleted.*,:gach „of the.seven,latirent-tonr-Douna-Vither.-- - - — - -- - - -.-- --for- relief, 432150; G-• W. -Beech/et, relief cearitY school.failro thia fall are elig-i 'account, 8121 . C. Lawson, premium tbhte tear 1110:Zip mistpoellitirtigoilrafietreaht: Liactin _eTi.tviar,torv!e„rinGeoe iBeargenr.tlutet,0414tGzrDdItlaillart: '4,;"•-:'211.;-Llitoebr-traf'iling 'sheep, 3.4:10; Glen competitora in theL..-three contests pro - second prizes at each school fair: The len,-.Ross realtnicaDarazrillis. --- , Superintendent, pay voucher' .No. - 9, ockhart, shooting shepp clog, P.5; vide a very intereating afternows pros ' Cut-outs, prodnets "of pig or -clew—. 61,92742. ,gratar. Cash prizes are,being aNtrarded. 13110rence .1:event Walter Moore, Ver. Connell then ad,iourned to meet on All persons who are •interested in theap don Vanstene, Mfred Pfrim or ; plc- ',',Ionday, November 7, at 1.20 p.m. contests are ettended a cordial invita- tures of farm Implements, Cleorge -Tur; • R. G. ' T OMPSO,N, Clerk. tion to be presentSaturday afternoon, ton,-- Donald- -Wilson; pittures of five -- Oetober 22M1. arlIan Mien Wilkie, Illeanor McDougall, jean McPhee, George Turton: poster, George ICIPAR I IR Mt` Yip 431104,74 =fp "11 ;P. 13(u. 71g1 crt 44a .47,4,t4 P."; -7,q Isrp ',1)-21TA ligp-3, .1t aeatir? 4sta, ,r3 - r• rn to all 41110.411474 1,0 has been and $taliten4MIM, CtAV IM1143,0 60 mate applleatien :at Ar.:040 te/, 1,12og itecal agricultural .KolvesQatativaa. arrangingiroutea in *01z Oltual107,11te. (Mar inopeetten-,le •aloe ,vrVettftt at Ottawa, the Royal a 00301* &Ater Pairs. • Various breeds are liete foliova: Periclieron, 04degaler, ; gian, 142; Standard, tae eyt e4;., Thoroughbreds, ea; PrelaCh4aaadgen, 10; German (leach, '.404ris, 4; French Coach, 2; Saddle; 1, end Arab, 1. It is interesting to note, Oat t52 of the stallions enrolled -�arar premium certificates whereby they .Oualify for an annual grant from both OrOvincial and Federal Departnaente '40.rieultlge, the amount •of which Will--YarY-necord.... log to the number of inleat. tags left by the iervice et the stallion, -and ac- cording to the form_ of premium- certi. flea te the stallion Catales.' , ' IP-4-;netia-14rgr St-r-at*d. MUQ,,Agl • * cre Goseogrkg ..5) Ce laedeh We how .gaciay Fdeciotha ?ep© „ao btgffel p JOU/ 7" lf aliver 011 Capsules, 25 cell* sules Gle; (TO capsules 95c ; 100 capsules 81.1,65 - This yea eti new prices: ' Natola capsules -25 capsules Ma; GO capsules $1.25; 140 capsules 0125 Irradol A 100 capsultis rite tag-101Am Pull line of Parke'Davis, Ayer - est, Squibbs, .Meads cod 'Liver 011; also 10D Cod il'Aver 011. OrostaReo ()heroical 1ood, $U0 445.' polea •Tasteiesa- •,PreParation of Cod filveroqii, A B D capsules• -45 canSulea 01.15; 50 cappulet New le* prices 100 capsules 445 CEEPLW: EDBUG Pla012,0 CO Quolorloh age$§ Fasbions 0 Fine. st Magerials 0 ,Leaders 'Very I:)egaY -2. 4 Highest Gri2de FUFS Ateeactive Seyles 'aped nediogika A deposit will hold your Coat fok 70y. 12,17 Eq017.41IM aavn mew tog, 8 j I, • =13alnp1e ()oats, every outUdi2e1R111i). rur..triinnied, well lined and intoi-lined. Good latIde thin fortunate buy. and are masing it on. to you,. eirtao. 10 tO 14, I otyle wool. Seiclatt *ado with VOtotal,,, cz, ,toildol$u wool; chimed wakir thott tva '0..110,,, • . ,r • # r"OCZ2)\r`,ViilLF;i1e U - TEID atinti" ' 0111 • woek•ePg. 'with 4,11r, and Nr,rs. Sohn Myer, and Mr. !Cyril ‘Avistin,spent the week -end in Toronto,'• • WAR, 0, o sons groin •Sairtivvich, spent the week -end In Eingsbridge. ,• • . xi% a J.,. DonnellY;iff Idaho -Springs; • Cole, and Gerald ROhnelly, of Pinker. tont visited,•_theClarvei week. • •T4iss• ltrene.Mcgarthy las veturn.4410, Detroit after 4ay of 04steral. Melo with her *that' Milts 2e' atzblExliQe-te•Tra,..0:pleasaut, evening vim agent at the honte Ot 0"Nell on Thursday . when her daughter Catharine invited tends and neighbors to a miscellaneous show- er in -honor. of litios.Patricia Reynolds, • whose marriage, _to, nastAxoco.,_D4t_ taltfea plane Itu-MititeirSitr.CirdiY morn. /mg of this week. A*.mook_ marriage took Place, with `Leon 'Sullivan the act- ing -maglOttate and two little 'Courtney • children taking the parts of bride +and groom. After the aceremotty" a wagon. laden with gifts was -prehented to the bride -elect, who thanked her. friends in a Most fitting nutnner, dainty lunch was orved and dancing indulged in. ,M1021•114es,, Zig Alonday everting last a Ororrd of more Oen 400 enjoyed it -social )evening. at the 'coin. mun1ty telt Prom 0 -to 10 o'ileck, ten .rouutis et keno. weve playel5;0;wittnerg reCeiving their prizes for Isiaeing cern On caWboard. This keno hour Prom- even+better ptlizes:- on Oetober 24th. Tile" atnateur houri, under the •directioli of. Dr.. Glitberk ayno *at very , entertain:Inge --.4-Short'°--siceecirea. -frouPi Instrumentat: Pieces And faheY clogs enlivened the hour. --. Ten or fif- teen similar nuMbers are„promised for October- 001i:by-artists ,presented -fro a. tarme waiting Aldateurs Wish. 'big to assist, in later iitoatauis. should thelr 'clollealons-soon to Dr. yne. fit,troin 11 tecleicit, on the even. 1..t wan in 00140 SPEIttr,,, ,Oy Mite - tootle, of • his modern ore4ntrery atalpted oldAltio, numbers rar.-;rohn Dalts4 $14 $.,ohlt nor and •itheir oidehltsatta. The doer 1 - -ale 4 poets, Ethel Turton. liff ; Firstleader, Joyce rues arn, Mar- ews' BillY .Good. KeDonad, Peter Walter, 'Bernice Math - Phyllis Bean: landscape Ruby dItUtteN. NOTES Primer, Gerald •Peagan, •' -----,--- jute Bit dley-,, velyn 11, Benton Wilson, Vida richer, Verna Fowler, The W. A. of St. George's church met Good; iSecond Reader, Joan cPhee; Luella Wilkie; book cover, Norman .on \Wednesday, afternotm In the Guild Mae Garrett, IA/1y BdeDougall, Beulah ErV'''• _ room. with MrS. Calder in the chair. Enight; larade 5 Reader,Lois reagan, 2sg3Y0 Mrs. E. 'W. Castle gave a report of Wilma Pentland, Joyee Cunningham, Grades 7, -8, 9 and 10, on "Import - the Dominion toard .: =fuel meeting Blaine Allen; Grade 7 Reader, Enda once of CrOp Rotation"—Verna Povv- held at London iagit, week. • The semi- (Good, Helen Mugford, Bernice Durst, l", rAlella Wintig., oris Watson. annual meeting 44 thd Diocesan Wird Jean Pitblado ; Grade 6 Reader, Nor-• . %lir be held in ,iSarbla October 26t1. man Hoy, AMON 'Mater. . PuagmactO STAIrazon . The Deanery meeting. will. be beld in Dat.P .inktsvOrag-• ___'• ., , - .. ,602,guntsna MENDES Moon next •Iireduesday, leth-inet. 'Map of world, Verdun tanstone, Wal- EG Virst orgratilt) in orattry- 02 ,.atintzlio • liev. 'a A. 044.ndler of IripPen will 'ter Moore, Gordon ikettgan, Hugh Fen- maim 2iwe .tnnt nesiid ilutrerts , be the special speaker at Union au, gan, map of world, Grades V and VI, Horse *.br eding in Ont ri h bee niversary gerviceS neXt Sunday -in -God-. ibois Peagan, -risher; Ross Pea- more activ: in 1038 Alia,: in° any Sean- erieh township. , Services 'int 11 a4m, gas, Donald Allen; Map of_,Fittrope, son since 1929, aecording to. figures •and 7.60.p.nx. Dr. „' Barnett will Grades VII vend VIfI, Ruby Wilson 114rge' the looruing-serviorat- .1:10trer,--ZeTeir ltoung,-,BIlly ilia released- by the Stallion Enrol -- Victoria street In the absence of Rev. Map of Atistralia, Grades. ix. and X, ment Board of Ontario. Another in- teresting feature -of the report is that for the Orst time in the history of the Providee. the number of Peitheron-Stal; ilenc offered for public -service 'exceeds *Clydesdales. •Pereheron stallions to- tal 040 and itilYdes°1101'. • 'Middlesex county showli-the greatest, number of stallions eur011ed with an. even 100 dividM as follows: .48 Pere'lleOms, '--01i*des, 4 Belgians„ 8 Standard, 41 Thortinghbrods and one Atrah. Dr. W. S. Stevenson of Lon- don owns the dialy Arab stallion In On. . teat), the 'retort drceloses. urfrou county is,....econd nattabers .With ie its third' 00, " followed by Perth and sGreyeaturties With va each. -Tire. gradual upswing in horse breed-' ing in Ontario tatebe seen by the in- er.ease in the 'nit ber Of stallions en- 't-V°41161:01U-.-.!./Iwit1th0'71111612°,1'1111"032bnPunt total ;1Bo. in 1035; 102 10110; 11•10-8 itt .12;24` and IftZt.7 this year. • The report also states the.t regular fail inaPettion of stallietis will begin OptOber. This inspection is fke. • • • 4 A. II Moorhoute and the evening set- Norman 'Roy, Arnold 'richer.' .vice will .be withdrawn so members of - Arrt . ictorift, Congregation -may-attend-the -1P1ower, Verne' ftean, Ronald Young, .• - Ifiliett anniversarY „service., ' ., aerald ireagan‘ Colleen a illion ; fruit, 11 MUY2YOZISEe ' ' old station JimmY stepped, off the train at the "That tild yoa see with fthe gray . burned down two . Or urine Ona won, b., '-41.4 — . - . town. eentre.. • . --hes—ite's a prune." ta.au _s, _ e lull. ho'held the'et acio, 10. ou0104 0c. "17 i'vt ' x VI tallier, . . . nati•Liia . Then he walked to ard :Ole . Of', Ids home. town, Un- .eaP pa his head - "That . fellow' with the. walking-stiet three mills." ' movvoit by , th0:0 V140, want a 11 be was. 4 4 ttri. weet .0 dal ortatga.0 411-- ---4 ''i bt 'In t • . natio , boy. ,' The Itree5 a pacifist. 1 W '4 f -the net se- • Ah, the air 'wag Street. A gentle aunt. '‘That serious -looking tili lea 1°443? 241°' Is. 4111, 4441 t:Htlat3 bntild he t 'wind teirtied the leavoa u wit;011' 8 °r- ‘ Bev the man. itaio gaid f t at the lite* bra Taber ac e. II tun Ztva liat tor the tiingtetir moed. A 4,,,b . :fit Ititittv;z',014.gln,c 1,, 'ice.4400l: chorna; r0 ",1EitOw Denee u „ ,,,,, , „,,, „,,,,„,„,,. , grimoro„ fate was Otinon, tic. I 11'13 "ii ft' " 4 1161',v kr teat tr' ` ' foll*cla: net5641 hisa The dear old hotne toWin i h 4taloia peak that' it Gertuany 0 --0 wellidll't light.14 4FhitY.,,e0t1.1d haVe 1 v d d tl,..iis countrY -.war•-4-on---, 1,,, •v, -.4c1A41 il • I. it 19 - bo. trhisiptrit4 the .piace,. •• ._,; Awito tom, zultar oelettiotio: , ' an ,I.tah" to hi telt , Wouiti 1:44 li'lat'42',Z4'41 lintg th,g,totatti, porLvotititinvtO-Wil I ' * i o a: tit -the!..zzon• 000,, outwito • Dgattitna: -Trot- r ron ......teooggLut eet 4.. _ 8w,v, malt , , . , ttet- ,n. d a -1 Vzagrilet'13 °/11* Vete* 4 .11)Mat*''' ttC1115P6Vri ta ft4ht-j''`-''.--4041` hel9.0.,ttot" Mid Chalelte. i‘,1•AIVt'Aink'v ttaltd'D tot tna r, 411i.q.Z'ea4 .4.h.tvna vinagea; karroo, .0 4.03%,--. ' - ' hr .jibtomy_ said; 111katriaC "— ---1— -I :4'44°' L'`/1 ID , Dut., " tawng, a letssuess about .tbe "Stranger, e ' h, li the littid `Bistettt« Qeofdtt atua--2C tr. -- °'''' ' 1p t There was a g e . 1014,84, 4,441 bia hello. ,,Droti, rz .0 0 i 4. Illti* 1111114k1114411.14'7141 ;Uad 4. alli t°v111 til4t 4'tt417 t%itica,.: hildttbilt voliovpr thottoninc, toward a. gt2 ev., zottivi 4,alt.,)1/tael,:ottitoitat celationo; ptue, irdtelf t7t4a.ttlie 0 Inl zeneta .avAir0 on tal TrAily, frdanelnC,- 40.44rAVallAd, lat Zit14‘ Mettell t,1 cItg ttnalatiO ap 10 nio !hi ttoptha• eitimo, wNy, aptear,o.,tola e watt, 4amoctileat.. V11,:p. Zeal, T024'04,640 lisza, you Z4XneU L. „; toolt1' intrue04 evaalligto, s4 m3,0646,4 :bow' el % a "4/czZer Wo.; •Ct;=vtt, x0)44130=1: Ili'. , . 0 0 _ : 4.,_ ,4,,,,,a, to6614 tatt, olidtzio. Id , (la tott, weltatit ot frV,It4a ZotglatataP,04'' •vtitr Itio tuouahb. ,,, , tott_titot, .3,140 t441;, , i, ,., 44c _ a a ms-' . N - , 'Ottgatlatt4.7 dila* lilt ';., b Votil ave tlicatantrat , .44? ct,„ ,6"-fott?,fro.,:c41 E" :V4ta)14° ''''-11ZI4. ' - el3 III ' 1 tii II ' Itefrvaimn-Vt to to 4 l'ams0 It 1414 . .fro.fr ... 4 „ ti -1 itor .41 dtanit t lia atast-, ,, , - . . , tt iri , , i , .1108,„ it 'It.- lat '41-tlt 'a ta k ” 1 tiro' 0,0% -asono tet Old 02 ma 11,5 ,• ,-, 02 4a.bia EraV.'0‘ kg ' Agtor oito otint.tto.ar-tit W ' At " A r 1,1 .,00. , 414 t ° v * it 1 nye tvAn. atzap boa, and tried to. didett .thb lad to iol? 000 tVoltha tttiM7 traC4 ,71---,- - -,-,, - Ark bita toobt,nla tz (v42calstle lootr," 04 Ito .,./intt . Me boy, txs0.1140tvatonablOt ce,,tto 11.1)414„tIti otl 41.• ' ,.., 0 ., ,., udi , twiny t 0.1:, fr., , . .. , . int,..wo t...414 s414;_v, °‘411' ' illt't2‘4 4-afatIt'zl* Ov743 1 1 it6tr ItiVt0)10 04 bt-Or4.00 tOOp orwk , an4, PCs' 'Itracfr at;.,';,--.'ra. allzd. ,17, uttilo, tc.‘-.s..442.. , two 00, tl4m0.47, zitatty, rtolataa to w ,., ., _ _ ,,,, t° ca ''''' tl'°. ci°214 ao .wtao sP4co, c-,t4.,g•.zr4 , , : a6, tlelot4 v7 at t ot . - -:-• ,,,.7,t, .6 0 aTliT.,clt emtrctra W .„,,(3i;',-,trt:',,-tr„,7618",At-. vo5upP t: '1.,Trz,',,,ftA)?,,''coml.,,,ttlk-7,,tit141 .,4134 ).%trz-,2 vaLlo. tr'L.Z:a CoMilIttO n2 ....,„,,,..„..,,t.,,,,. 11.,,,T,,Tvz, ,t0.r.,16. tiacarti, 4 0,. ,,aci,.,..‘01.,,,,, .,. ,,,,e,a,,,olltort" vinto, ' * * - ' r ,fr ' 114a.• tolt ..E140' ,o9..a4-1E,Joi '.4. 4.:.1,,,,,. to 11,,r77 ttml Vrv,44 AA ',1i. ''1:3''i • Or:1644, l'iliZratee 4 Zwo6 4,9:4 , . tlfr, A,,,s,,,,,,,s .,,,,r, vim oazt co t,vinc:,..!, tl to t.'4,4 aCzt,'* 0.14 ,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,t„ ttlo,ta 1> ff 44,1orcataar 0 .e oll cl tv-i-.0 to, no;..or;17d ' W 14 f It ti" .V*, 4", r, , f‘...'Stito . 4. t'4(,1 A&tev.•',),e,,, , „ ult4,,, .02,,,,,,,,41 •,tt,1: -..) D1,.,, .t.trAz t t',1 +4 ' ,,, 4,, _ m _ .., . .,,, . , .., ,_ .,,,., . ;.`,..=r1 021111/4,31'e.. -T f;::,-;;;'' --P`4 4.(•-'1, '.0 kitlOts , 1)'71-4:::3 .6 '''' 2 lr' 'bt, tiltitat ntl, V4t1 OV00,44i hbIL'''-141.47 P c. 0,0,.-4.4 tvt- — ,.„,.. • Lg to,,,o,,,, ta zt tiliwc4 a =34,14.-, ' • tg ti, ' a 1 ' ' ti',.'Y' 'Ot•t Og ., '4 ° * ' 2 rl.4:4.c '.,.7.4,5L,-..,-, , 't,-, AnO2, I* it taett. to, tovntt, Lo, c,\Z.'. Imia a, c:',44 :4,9,.. 'cl .?' 0 12 -.. . 1 tr, 0_, af240, L0',3-erm P•A_'..3. ,tT.,') c'-'1:";1'''''' " C147) fr''all- ' ' ' It ty-''',')vt-Att ,to, f.'It'4 Of t- , .'c.4•0'',11 ' , S -lit, cloti tex-12.11 ,,, c-a:34„ilrt=ci, ,.. ' 7 .,, - . , ,er -11,-,0 c,,at5, „,7 ), m041, t, Cirm, o , _,.. 1, `-ik ',Iiir.. vs4:ria, t.t..—.11 t st z-ix,,,1 de,f/-7,..._ ,.?. c'n.-..,-,:-.f11.,..t..trx.?4 t in a MICc-7.1Cto r) cl..tfr ty.t.t.ttit'..,,,) t..,A7.-o tIZ::::-V41',1 ‘1C3'''' '''Itt!) tl'It' ?„:;`,2t,_l Ca41.7 thtl 't,-;;Its'It1Z2-!,,,,,t) f''.5.7i.i.f1:4:6 t.2 ilSlid «ir(‘,4 L'2 L""attiladg tail c.,q.c-‘21n . •,,,t,,L,A, . , r,:,t,oth,:c!L Zcatt matt,z;'„,„.1. 2 -1,:."4.'al?,,,q , ., . t.7. , a ttztt,14'14-5t1;„ .. , ars '13 1.11 COM@ 'MUM UUNg A radotatlastra ha out D:rtelorroa: 0 13.8 LI* Tone laaOile.,,wAtta ey- '60ard Jibittla %rag &at k thth fact. Comaitt 0litzatrt..q'totacga 0 407 0taa coi the prrecrata 'you vont stently—klainetune4-.-anternattically - • . Zeyb.oareal `P'totiera Ireraksig COMM In ctily °wry one ate twelve 11)00Elti. •2011.=04011 02 08 Plsgao %no gale. ub-C3 Phone See diThri2 '4. Coderich gioptoa 6114 faith. Ituallity lirop6otitoi o2 • rOtt,eota„ givirao tkcp came eatod Itiltrwitthitao 6[164 • • • L'upelozit radtouritztitOtat,