HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1938-8-25, Page 61537 rze ...4aRgliar14173 7,46%011 Entered acc0rditalg to Act el ParliaMent hgVeorge 3. McLeod, MAW% • =hag West. Toronto, tit the Dept. of AgrimAture. CHAPT41111, TWENTY-FOUR l'eontinued) "How do ,y9t1 knOrv§i 'at he ain't livin' with the woman he nept over at Laramie?" sea j'abe'la tryln' to get the 'whip hand. again. "How do you know he abet married?' "'An' haw do' I know 'at you ever was martied—" she stopped short, Win' her lip and turnin' red with shame. "I know it's (well nigh hope - Jess to plead with a natural bully," she sez in a sew tone; "but I do wish 'at you'd 1.et we alone. You're de- stroyin' my respect for everything. I can't stand this tunela longer. If I can't live here in, peace have to hunt a new place to live; -but as long as I do stay here you will have to act a father. I think that in the future I shall take my meals elene." "I do want to act like 'a father, little girl. That's what I want most of all. 14 you would only go back to the old times, if you would only get this sneak out of your head"—Jabez naJ started in gentle an' repentent, bur the minute he thought of Dick again he flared out white with' rage—'an' Y011 might just as well get him out of your head, 'cause he's the same aa dead to you. I hate him! I hate every sneak; an' I hate every Ile—spoken or lived, hate a lie!" The al' Man leaned forward, shalt: a ing with anger! an'. Berhie gerelp _ _ Qum walked out_ o' • pin- en the- neeks• of -the- ifIrty-- vv,"-"42-47Mg---Oirtve7.4117- after a eouple o' minutes I follered her, expeetin' elfeett her up a bit : hut site ,witsn't menrnin' nene: she was workin' Ilite a eleatu engine, with her face cold an' white except for a little patch o' red in each cheek; an' when she raised her eyes to mine I' knew 'at the 'ol man had gone a link too tar, After tue and Barbie had taken up Dick's work we had divided his wages, an' she had a nice little roll of her own corded away. I didn't ask no questions, btu, it was plairi as day that she had Jerked up her tie -rope; an' the next time Cast Steel used the spurs he Was goin' to be dumped off an' she was goin' to hit the trail for tNever- again. I didn't blame her a mite; an' though I didn't pester her wite queried' nor smother her vvith advice nor stekeu. lAer wiah ,conooltatioR nor, her';rit iirf; riliegiVe Tier the man-to-man look, an' she knew 'at ail she had to do els to J.ssue or- ders. It ,was that very afternoon that she started to correctite my talk an' sti- mulatini my ambition, an' tellin' Inc about.,kt never bein' too late to mend; an' while I eouldn't quite decide just, what she was (trivia' at I saw that when she found she couldu't trust her cinches any longer we was -both goin' to jump together. About tite o'clock she put her hand on my shoulder an' sez: "We've been mighty good pals, Happy Hawkine ; an' while you alt.' t parlor -broke nor city -wise, any time 'at ..anysbotl* -eoun to, son- you- they. -don't -14,1'21.-ketkikilelteetz&roo.T.L.,,,o,„„;ealootee,eio-- She _walked. softly..out o!. the otlice,. ein'...1.-sat, until:it _.-W04-4*.K41,--al-kx.,--d 1' -COtirtIrrit bel iiaere—St- ate' enough to niarry me; I could set the gulf between tis plain enough, ar' the higher you are the plainer you can see the differenee; but I multi see that atnIesia-Tabett 'ebnatott-hiv-ways7-wahaa the oldest titan the' was couldn't tell how far Barbie would go. I didn't think a 'bit of myae1f,4 cap say that. much; all 1: 1 41. was what ,wonld make her the happieat, an' she w is welcome to take my life any way she wanted. If she (-hose to drag it oul- for fifty year's, or if site selected that I casIA it in the next hour, my only re- gret would lw that I hadn't but one life to give her. - ZUVUEOGY/913 GU= he lpe you keno fit 2 Relieves that etuff'y feeling rafter eating. Cle,anses crevices between teeth, too ...assures sweet bireCtIthe A ample aid go heath: uy ooze now! &nal ira coat but big in benefit -GI Enjoy it after every nneel —minions dol Ca -r3 It' AAAA 1° ® Vkaloo 'Zoo AT@ ComotzaaR 11.1.1=11=1.0 Mot On 57Gflleat ger tzMV Can, Ettaaya2 CZ3010 C3331' Vihat eto Van tnt 1762' Itmati and OfiThirm--1.242., =cat's, Pritzt=? Aro tavz..„7,7 mere coaettpated; terd $7(leSigri o3oveg 6et enough dgaztD." Arauri "bunt" Orem% mean Um =cane you eat. Et memo the Weld of feed that foe= a cleft ablaze° wee the bowelo. XV° thb saws tb.3 helpo abowel movement The common cz-aca Mang to do about it is to eat a nattaral km:Alva featMellor LIR-Bran Pox toreat Vt3 oMmt vPEA the "UM" you cc .1 gives lIn addition, Nature's great tcolinal-tonic, vitamin ID,. at Pen erunclay to=tcti cereal every dem &liar: pl.,.y of water, and life VIM r' r f011117011l All- 13eacve by rEellogg in Landon, Ontario. Bold by every \rat. *ea! CHAPTER TWENTY -II VE The Ways of Womankind Things; went along purty muell the same after that; but I could see 'at the or man sensed a new tone in things, an' he begun to look agey. 1 -le was still gallin' on Barbie, but I couldn't help hut feel mighty sorry for him. He had paid all them years 'at she was away at sehool, out o' the joy of his own heart, leokin' for his pay in the time when She'd come back an' be his chum again, an' here they was with a wall of ice between 'em an' nairrra lovin' glance to melt it down. The' come a warm spell toward the last o' the month; an' one Ovenin'juet as we was finishire supper we heard a ery o' distress in a man's volee—an' the cry sounded like "Barbie!" I reekon all our hearts stood still, an' I resrkon we all thought exactly the same thing. In about a minute the ery came again, an' the or man jumped to his feet an' pulled his gun. "If that's 'Silver Dick." sez he. "1;11 ki_l him." Barbie had also sprung up, an' she looked him square in theveyes. "If you ha•rm a hair of his head do some shootin' myself." ,She pulled a little gun out of her bosom, an' we all stood quiet for a moment. It was easy to see 'at she wasn't Muffin': but I'm putty sure that .Tabez an' I had different idees as to what she meant-. Jabez thought she meant himself: but he hadn't rot the name o' east Steel for nothin', an' a sort of a grim smile crept onto his faee. We stood still for a mo- ment, an' then we went ont together. ,an' before long we heard the sound again—a "nag, waverin' ghostly call in the gatherin twilight. We loirried along, an' punts' soon We KAW a man lyin' acrosa the trail. The or man held his gim in his hand, an' o, did Barbie. while I walked a step behind tioin' a heap o' thinkin'. Tf the or man Diet:. Barbie would shoot 'herself; if' any one stopped the ()I' man that one would take on weight 41w. Every tot Ptackdt-of LY PAJ W I LSO—IN \ MILL KILL Mtn F9P \SEVERAL 1,011:AAS ,OR 'Of OTHTERftYKLIF? Oe WM? RAY mom .Thig-qiuscro _FLY PAD CO.. 11,1Ii4,411.TtaN, ORM Deott efF an fly Enke& ctmiere, mere, cheep. ileat your Dena - earn, (Grown. og General Y2E2 (2. VOCE , OLD, DISABLED OR DEA X02SIS MiVIE Kmovod womplOv and officlowlve 0533pDg paeno "c011.a.CCri' Go UAW= MOM NKS ILEVSMD PHONE ONGERSOLL Goderich Phew 2043 Ommtmago ELno• aostri ViSoo2z-2s26, Ne n Frfaay, Sept. 2, =ill 2.00 P.1L Unfadaz Sopt. S. /2217=32 LQZ170 deatination up Sop/. tai, 1930. Thaca ohown aro Standard. Fc.7 eava ar9 faleg..? Wan-az:$(*4) apply to your nocrast tielrot A ne. to ettVglItre alOtA tatIrC'7:3 .erlantela ni'Mar-174 ! rwitrtavtv- rzhzd that E Would' try to OVerpoWer the or *clam eritheelt htartIZII or Cast 4tee1 was !Nan U1z0 a grizzly. 1 -didn't et(Jey that walk tv Alta etlee I've took. When we got close to the figger lyba' in the trail we all walked a little crouchy. Ir looked quite e little like Dick; but when we saw h 'wasn't nothin' but that fool awthorn with a busted 1 e; we three looked lige the reception eoramittee of the liTaolish Society. I hustled back an' got Hanson aa' a couple o' the boys and an ol' doot, an' we fetched him home an' put him to bed an' sent for the doctor—an' that was the worst lack that ever hap- peaed to ol' Dick. You know how a weman is with anything hurt or siet-; they're the sane the world over. A right strictly wise married man would ctrAn traV PtrA...ratn,ta.4 pztrprt MeV get 0tzt a viOZEta; Barb eA"-MI Uatrthorta •c'ttll her eyee, fWI o tbitY, rattle X Waited below an' anae up pictures 0' the crochadile tears he'd wimp up for her. All a a sudden she ('-OFP a shrieh. .1 Pt the stairs, forty milee an' hour, an' there was arbie with her hands clasped, lookin' down at the Englishman. Well. he woe enough to make a snake shriek. lie was layinthere with Ms head jerked back, his eyes wide open an' pointin' inwards, an' loolfin' altogether like the ancient corpse of a strangled ea'. His hands was doubled up tight. au' the' was a Little froth ou his lips. I'd uever seen nothing like that before, so I threw some water iu his face That's about all the rule I titiow for any one who Is miesin' cogs, an' I poured enough water on him to please a duck. He Under the auspices Of the local nor, ticultural ,SOelety, a successful flower show was held, at Clinton on Friday and Saturday laet A ease a infantile paralysis is re- ported at (Clinton, the patient being Bobby, the two-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. William Tidewell. John T. Smith Of Brussels has been eugaged as principal of the Clifford Continuation tSehool, sueeeeding W. J. Argent, who has accepted a position at Toronto. On Friday evening last Bev. Samuel have everything broke except his Kerr, late of Avouton, was inducted pocket -book, an' then he'd be sure restanad for some several miu- lute the eharge of Melville Presbyter - lots or ix-tthi'. They allus want fo tiles, an when he •did come out a it' Ian church, itruseels. Ministers of ,poll a twier when on thy, fl„t of he looked loose ell over. I helped Maitland Presbytery offielated in the his back. When he's welkin' aronne Berbie get some dry stuff under -bine ceremony. on ,his own feet all he needs to do is au' then I went down, wonderin' at Agee,: A. Alexander, widow of Rob_ to -express a desire, an' they vetue kind xlYnamite for him they'd been ert Alexander, -Meet at Thames Read on general principle . an' eftethey'v in that name I'd sent up. ' August 14th in her ninety-third year. sE - talked themselves dry they send :out I tried to convince Barbie teat bei She had been In bed for six months an' get- the preacher to finish the Job; wires were all mixed up an' he 'ti't suffering from a fractured hip. Three but wohen that same vile specimen of masculine hittnanity gets some of his runnin' gert:i clanaaged, why ,they bed aim en SP teavea, feed him on honey, an' good or bad. they gite him whatever he wants. This particular feller wanted Barbie, an' Barbie r as 'nighty gentle with him. Sometitnesit aeerns to me that the only men who ean understand a woman are the men who work a 1 )t with the 41 0 141b ereatures. Take an ut "C "zit iri"ed r° to take place on Stantanber Ittth at animal now, wild or tame, an' it hates to coefeee_ avealoatass itee nue,. ,An 4.", Cu.9.tit(1 14. t.114. ad -111W 1,141. Tb.0.-W-he. 10Lkli piti.eth at. 1110 bailie 14), AZ: WOTIVI n • Ta ke he fietTii,it rnaTenwjjje :4"‘17'41g-.1.-71,4%.;4;%ritr--,•-ttri.,:-.tr6t4117- t hey're everia at inly adopt in' 4141some- n"at' don't riqhtiv belong to 'etn. l"nrie'• -Clarenee" an' "nay boy," an' kindry wood. He gat to callin' llawth.4/rn' The ;oiling cetiple i' 01)' at Dash- t Nei ri,t./1 enithets, till even casual stranger Tap irge barn on the a„rasa farm 4)-f anti Aenes. My. met Mrs. ,john Ginas. wauld .a. em)v,ed 11, 0,14, a rosriu• in John 1,e:rill/lath 7411 concession of plea and Mr. anti Mrs. Chas'. Martin, the or man's he:41 like a chime borne, w:i7-4 totally destroyed by tire 1..atists and Agnes and Mr. and Mrs. es -Colin' lolls when sttaick by lightning in one of Ezra Scoltz and Clayton all motored Hawthean wa ahli‘ to crutch around the reeent seleetriewl storms. Thresh- to New Sarum .ind spent the day wita a bit by the tirat o' May; it amis.:1-n ing Liao oeen completed only a day or Mr. and • a / Little Miss Roberta NIewloray 44 401 Angus have been laid up with a mild attack of ,C11 riCt i'01"01. tilt` 1111in W00k. Nliss Tette laiiillaw. Mr. John Laid- law, ;11r. and Latillaw and Ivan and Mrs. Itobt. Stewart left an Friday to visit their relatives a l'oNAtis,4an Callander 11r. linter Ketivialy has purchased the pretty Immo/low it) the village front )1r• 14,111 Nittwitrav and ImIrlki-vai to move there sle/rtly. NIr. and Mrs. Jelin Janile•iii,n, of 111 1,11.-chast41 I"' "t tags 11.1111 Of the United church atel expee: to take possession aoon. . Mr. and Mr -a Raymond Finnigan and (dillitren, of Crewe. apent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. .1' Cliatunev. Mr. and Mra. .1. 1). Iteeeroft, Flor- olive and Pearl anti T114.111111 creIghton mass Of thanksgiving was celebrated by Rev. T. P. • Bussey. The couple have a family of seven daughters and three sons, forty grandchildren and three great-grandsehilolren. Double Vim at 'Vanta Albert Robinson's house at Varna Wa$ destroyed by fire ou August 12th. A bucket brigade was quickly at work but eoutd do nething beyond getting the fire uuder control so that it would not spread to other buildings. Even this was not wholly prevented, for mune time later lire was diseovertni on the roof of Thos. Deunisou's house mei before it was extinguished hole had been burned In the roof. The a large Robinson eroperty is owned by Mr. %Vanier of thalerich. SUM Damage In Howl& Township parental roof, Peat* Is ox,Ix'ete(t to Restoration of rural telephone lines in the Winghant tlistriet revealed that reign until tweire years henee, when less 4aseasioned by the storm in How- all five run for the telephone. ( healthy; but she argued that it showt d daughters survive, ick township last week was heavier a loyal nature to be so affected by: Wheat provides us with one of the Martha Matilda Issard, widovv of than at first believed. Principal loss meution of his old sweetheart, aii• William F. Grummett, died on Thuts- was at the farm of William Boyd, near; "1"riii.stn0st InterestIng„st,ories, last at her hoe" In Teeeerete LEI). eteleare, wee suffered damage to 1110 ! aturY that Is LIM yet conetuoeu.- staLes tried to pump nie fur where 1 hail; -to/- picked up the name. It looked too at the age, of spevenity;l1 years. 6,, he extent of $3,900 when! a 40 by' 60 barn' a writer. A thrilling cerea..—Humor- was a Mitt of tonierica Lownsaip. and a small drive shed were blown; ist• much like a chance shot to me, as this., rbree sons survIvo. down anti n orcha NI flattened. A , guy had only been Hanna. n fAm The engagement ia annottneed of pi/rtion 01' the steel roof was blown! 3 ears, an' 1 ga filet -eft from Bill flatu-! Miss Aimee Ciarissa Yuill, daughter of four wiles by the gale. other barns , Gilbert pia ins, la Dr. Ivan ing sheds w ere blown down. Beyd Potmt Health gor Voung Peng° meraly that the Alice LeMoyne I was, the late :Mr. and Mrs. James Yuill of had the roofs blown otT and other &iv- springin' had journe3ad on, some se4-1 • Gray of ilensall: the Wedding ' alit) lost a horse by itgaeleue. rt- Ina laa a'. -se loodless face What a common sitalit it is to SOO (tall years earlier. 11.11,1 0011,, , tt , ••1 • Ione,. of ' 11001 41101.1iiit WU, It,. : S whore --aytatroft f,e,.-a.p-n. 4,i -,..r.ustFotedkrasiort • .,1,01.3,01444„ ,l.k.sdt n,l rasy chatelta _ - l''44'4"1 '141t."414' 7 -- _.'.:=IIMIritaWilri4Ifirtartr=r-TarTiI134---- meet this nal/irradiant as C'ey con.- tten three coneentrated fartas of iron of an easily assimilated nature to-' gether 'with other valuable ingredients' in.11,mted to build •Ilp your system and odd to your phymical attraetiuno_ The T. Milburn Co., LW., Toront, Ont. rim trg:tflott clZtic-cdor lOot, Eira:—..710rgrL•o*4.--10It/ -last -t11:11111Y• - day with her *daughter, tam Donal Cameron, to vialt for a woe tt En Nevi Yost Islting this %welt at. ,the horaea gam, .111. St. John, of Mantent City, of her tbrothers, ales_srs. e,nd Thos. Ift6hluson, and with other Eaat Wawa nosh relatives. Mrs. Henry IttAlee has been laid up• the past week with a very bild;toot. Air. and Mrs. 'Browner and ,r. an Mres. Whimsett, of Toronto, are \Ivisitr ing thls week vvith Mr. and Mrs. John McGee. The heavy 'rains last week delayed harvest In this community until Sat- urday, when the sheaves were agula ready to bring in. The Mission Band of' the United oliureh held a meeting last Wednesday at the home of 1(itrs. Ben MeClenaghan and quilted a quilt. There was a splendid , attendance of ladies. Mr. Clarence Meelenaghan 'assisted ith the serviee at the United church at Donnybraok on Sueday night. With the 'Amine dartino under the repose on his bed o' down, Barbie read' St. George's United (111)11 1) Toronto. :ttf he .viied ne, ills „flat t4 e ge..),,:e.,,,,,,,ALatteme,elmje,21_,Agekifeelea 1?4.0:PdfrArdy Iun.th'-;111"'l ov* 1i rfent-f, of their daaaghtera Men: - L. ir, itTr-erint---of-17tr471r- liii•k-aacks 1111' jini-cracks 1111' eteli like wood. Hey. C. Deacon officiated. WIMITIECHIIRCH — T +Fru' tir 'Tr rata, :erg qiWEr'''''''':irfr-t:tre- ' Seuthaniptati and last Wednesda Sometimes they go to work an' adopt a little straggler that in a regular way ds-theiraadailivalood ;-,,an--i4-.-.ain't 44a step -mother affair neither, it's the real. thing. The wild animals are -the hest to study, 'Canti(' 110 tame anes hove beta some spoiled by as-a/chain' with man Weil, the wild animals aipend all their spare tillle up an.' elean'n' their ('1)) 11(14, :111' when it ain't abso- lutely neceasaly they hate to get a toe wet ; but 44' 4011 it VOIT1C`i to love or duty, why fire, water. nor the fear o' m n ain't goin' to stop 'pm: so again I sez 'int' the mar what can SaVVy the Nvild animals can get purty nigh within 4(5 1111)' distance of 11 W011111 11. 4(11' that's aetting close; but yon want to Temeli- her this, no animal never tells the truth to 1411 outaider. The principlo part o' their life is spent in throwin' folks off their trail, an' they allus make their lairs in the most secret places. If a feller ever gets to know 'em even a little he has to be mighty patient an' mighty eareful, an' above all things, he mustn't never get the idee that he knows every last thing about 'em the' is to know, 'cause no man never knows that. Some men try to estimate a woman by their own ea,rthy way o' doin' things. 'T would be just as reasonable for a man who was purty wise to the ways of a pug - dog to get inflated with the idee that he had' a natural talent for bivin' griaz.lv 'bears. 'But •to get back to my tale: this Englishman .had fallen on his feet all right, even if the connection to one of 'em waa busted up a bit. I was arotind '0111 a good bit. twin' foreed to consult with 'Barbie about things.' an' w"q nbIP to Piece out tilc mPtimd 11° lo"'okvvin1'411ndt i'117:;(*);(. 11;It'P tiltuastt. gwl••14. 4,4!1110 iptin'. Ile wasn't such a fool as be looked. by ,eonsid'able many rods. s11;11:171stkn1:140:1*0 htow t 41,11.,at‘rfi sfttertron.,k),,rilieirt. TT4. l'alked a heap about the saerifiee had in' de for the girl hnek in Eng-- T n111.111011 Lona an' how mueh he had loved her ;it• how 8111,11 Barbie lind ('('(441 forted im. althongh oven yet he eould rot 'a i'ly 5P4414411), 11, the. vv.i, h before and the graiu and hay were In work HP lo !DV t"1'(', an' sort 0. 10,1 ilttrned. ''*'t o' (1111014 :it tile rental -up. I Joseph sun cif .11r. and Mrs. Fred Init./11111, Brussels, had his !1,.1(.k of ,nthave 41°111,'s "11011 1" wrist cuc t acidentally a h by atrhet iu ate u wont ae t;)), 1iicklioard honked o t,/ / C , e iians oot a 00114111 Lill. The hi- nt, :In' CoMe ()11 to the 1)1811(11)'j(Iredlad wa s pia y 11444 with sevt.ra 1 444111 101. The wistitl',o• 441iiri.,11s. "1 lwrs and the lad Wielding the hatchet ita you couldn•I have blamed an In-' tvas cutting nicks in a tree when the Jun idol for fallin' in hive. ao I 1 'sr' mishap occurred. The boy was taken Ile"" 311' 44,44 !Wn-third' Inad tlin° tO 1,iS10WCI hospital for treatment. tenths o' the time. 1 The death of 'Mrs. NIeNfaster, wifo Jabez had had 8 hard -.deg', of it an' 4)4' Dr. F.. A. McMaster, Seaforth. (w- it c-fn)wed. Ilia face WAS lined. his eurred on Friday last in the Sea forth hair Was whit', at tile totni,14,,,, thi‘. 110Spittll. Deceased, who was in her aais tristful Ionic itt his 4':Ve'4 W11 thirty-ninth year, was the doughter of was miZhtv touchy. Barbie VC11c Tem.. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Weir of \Vanier- Immtne yt•Ith bee tee. *an' they wi ton. She was married fourteen years edtzin' baek to 01' times: bot T Nva, ago to nt. McMaster and thyy resided ,Inro 44la'01 to gee Haaahorn 1,1- at ,Ethel until their removal to tSea- mit 11114 ln suflielently reeorered forth four year ago. ghe is sur - ti) drive over nn' 1(' Ivhat had become vived by her husband, two daughters, of his own lar-ont. and her parents. The x‘ery first meal that we et! Ender Sehooll alone, however, showed teat the old Bylitow AutarrevetIl sore wasn•r plumb healed over yet Exeter ratepayers 08 Monday, by a rote of ,1114-i to 127), approved a bylaw jahea. (.0111(10- wait any 'longer, 50 he eallcd for a show -down (4"1 soon aa our to provide $1 3,004)for new High Sehool aecommodation for the teaching of food began to cateh up with our appe- tite. "Has Clarenae Donned the ones- shop work and home eeonomics. The money will be raised by debentures tion vet. honey?" sez he. . kgr ".thout tvviee da V on the average." EriNallr:-Cene Crithe tuntry aez Itarble, ehillin• tip a trifle; "hut T James Weekes, protuinent reahl-ent of don't think he stands rtinhh °hawse. I Exeter, died at his home there Angliat lIke him an' he la kind an' gaal: but 15111, in his seventy-eighth year. He T don't reekon 1 entild ever marry bad lived in 'Exeter for over aixty years and was chief of the fire /1e - The or man didn't flare up. same ,is partment for over fifty years and tip to the time of his death. His wife her. ()nee .Barlde n-,1;(4-1 11101 Iti-• 4.1.11-4.• 2.11.1.. swz. ••,! ao,,f aar nnttl,' was. For a moment "'ill 414)11•4 114(4' to hart me Intentional: he didn't answer, ti then 09; In /"It you have give me a mighty sight CARLOW, Aug. 23.—Mr. and Mrs. I4)w voiee. Aliee LArolme1 1ift441 af heartachein nit- time. • T Imre 1V. S. 'Raymond, of Windsor, called ou 11115 limed 44, 4,' what gerrnort !leo hig mother. Mrs. ',infield, and other f9('4 (mirk an' gave him a look. brit •' notlein' me. I didn't say anv- f"r 111. an' 11 leta generally been a friends/ an Sunday. ;al/. T 1-4 yen 't eornola ned Mr and Mrs. Will Fowler, Newton, thing: hut T enuldn't heln wrinderin' if' 1"rd touch • hnt 0141, (.411111. rin \'4n1111 and Elgin tnotored to. Atratford this Alice T,eNToviie had anything tort() ettin' old. Tr, ma for tnvaelf Bar- to visit 'Mrs. FovvIer's parents., Elgin celth the dancer what had married in- it'a till for von for yon no' for- "-in "main f"r k • to the Clarendon family an' then died for 11,0 141041wr roil neve MrR. James Young, sr., has not been r knew; 1)10 it w,i5 an odd name. hot atilt T who made preflikr, (i 1,11 over as well as usual the past week- and nr.ot-on the' was n patent on it. Was with ,aan iinfsW tin' W .4 040114 110 T eonld toll hv their talk that "1' Vfl n't ataaik of bar. lwr dauglIt'r• rinalhreY's dor T wint to he .ht, 4,, t4.11 thnt 1 iislairvo.titiailf4ag‘iiiiii yl.niring her long and tnio tom nhout nif.k. Ft, ow,. Ho whim 7,1(41 11,,r .00 her, but we nre pleased to report she lur Ile nlins spoke o' nick in- n gentle. '' fir "'"' 11'""' "ty uirt wonderfully go',n1 hearl)tglalms "lifiYed This Dirk ha, been aana yeir Nil-. and Mrs. alarnet Sallows and .0(dh I 11. makin• evert- exanae for 111 never a word to vn to let r•ill ,„ ‘f II Tt bin/ • an' this no -ole her think him n 11 1,40‘y s w• • 1 11 V1111, ,1 4.1 tt-er •1,0110 minded feller!. an' the most n it, 1'. s "r te,o vi.it MO his I I )rot ler and • “to• -.1 1 onteorne ‘,.•••,o fox 'orn to 111.t 111•1. love. : wasi era, 1 asters, left f,/r 1 tat- _ AA, 0.4 on Friday thai- araas c111.44 t.,,rrether cor nlw nion"v \Z'OW 111 1411,1V.;, as1 4,141 rse in train- olles itsed to -it lir 10, 1'"' 9n otit'n • ann't vIiii Nlisa Mena MeNlanits 1111 ide in tlie sinain• sarr avfai "" him -,/ '' if I'd toeill 1 inz at 1:itchener Hoapital, was home (,,Ve 11141' nn' (4!'' 1 "11111)1-",i,1••11 "(0.1 la Iwo,. It waabl on Sinality, han1. y,,,, in a 104 ti, 54, vfni Lni The twiny f Hetet-, Mr Ja mos tora lia loinary for 4011(4'-d. honer nfr.ii.1 •it 1 Feaan a. sr ao .. r.trry to hear ..11). „on. 444"ten‘st for. 111,k a a ,,ntil 10 then come confined to bed with a 1,11(1 heart 4'1 / litiri i week with her arandparents. NI 1. and Mi' Ruby E \\*ikon spending this; Mr. John Voting. and family The rains ef 1841 week held haek the stoolthreshing, but the farmer') are plowing. aetting the ground ready for fa II wheat The W M,St had charge of' the Rer v fee in the l'nited church on Sunday Mrs 1V W Walter pre.ided and (•onducted the opening exerciaes. A trio by three members. "The Glory Song.- Was A‘Neetly sung and the ('(!.lT. gave a song, re to Do To 1 1144 roll call each Member 4441 40 's me nliggion- nry news. telling ()f work (Ione on the en.t and vveNt cOfIRt 9, on the prairlea, in lumber ramps and mines- "bright shining lampIn earth's dark places" survives. getaU'ortill Couple Observe Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs, Conrail O. Eckert of Sea forth observed their golden wed ding anniversary on August 1:14111.. High CARLOW ...—arttaaa Raill Pares to 703ONTO 3X1E1111BIT2110N $3.90 In (*ouches 1.041 going Aug. 1) to Sept. 10 itet.urn Limit- Sept. 14 S311IITH, (Uptown Agemt. CANATAN PACffMC -34 arrarad a spavined F1,4711.11/11 an an' a'he Iy.1.4 Yrrill. JO 111,11,-4" )1)o leott of It - arthez saevied thk to tee reuse?, g t—ta an' 110 saat•••gentle an' ineta• lo TInrhie nn' illd 911 he c4,111,1 to grinare 1.,irp.wIt', ‘zo thnt poor old Dick wasn't noich more'n a memory whieh ia one the complleations ahaenee is apt to ean..a, after it ret') tired o' makin• the oe.rt grrm fonder Bid hang it, I didn't like this Eng, lishman moae than the law required. The' didn't seem tn be much harm to 111m: but he had washeyes, an' 110 1 erntoo blame oily an' trent le 1 never heard him swear n11 thtongh ri. an* 11 -in't natnral for a real man ta statal , 11 lila back for eight weeks without havin' a little molten lava slop orer into 111a conversation. It 'was all T con Id do to keep fro,m stickin' a pin 1.0r. him. -Barbie - I :07, onr. rInv. as Innocent .15 an 111 11141. "1 overheard onr honor* 411 gueat tell you that a girl by the name if Alio*. T,e\loyne put a crack in hi: heart over the water" Y01.- oe7 she, with a .igh -11 don't seem to he a tuptil it name '• aez T "I've -met lots a women A 110 wasn't callod Alice T.,• N ler ne •' It is prohobtv From h.- .e7 .110 -It dneo onund like a cirri a, that s a ftle)." ceg 1 "Well you break it to Ihim 4403410 that Alleo T,eMovne &eve Don't ask mo env enegtIone tot do he careful not to ehoek Mae he ... oin' ,roond 1 • o .04,-1 I j .1 4,4 nqTrin w i-i('n 4, 1111114',,4 4)41, t in -w/ aa, 14 • , or "of., 1 1 1,11, I do 44 '41 ••,1 • 4. 1r• •, • 4',j imr• " f 1.1 r olo 1.1, I - CREWE Citi',WE, Aug 2:.: -Mr. Fred Wain- wrig'it spent the p.1 o W0ek 114 31 r Sat Sher wood •14 InI let' for Toronto on gatilrday The ft' riner4 4.4' r114 locality are hitsy •4i.4,k -t rf..011 g .111,1 are hoping the wenther man will hilt turn on the Ow agaii, for nt least 4week T1 .. 1' 44 le.:1 14 marshrnallotl rime ee•iday ..e•hing at Mr 4'." 7.1e, rot.- rat. Th4. program con si.ted ga1714s4 44, 1 coantnittilty sine - nit All enjayed ',,rtisel4 ea 1841 Hai dentalie Mrs lei% weed eonettee, dered 4'0t,• 0r ,14r•iiraiii1101-04 la air /1,1 mrs sato . Aood, it 'wing t!.r. thirt. -fifth 41)''! 1,-.r 3. of 4 hei 4 33 - flria day A 't.tinther fr ',ere attended 44,.. memo) 81 414'41'4,41 an sutalit itt Dungannon ct 'llet• • ',,',1,h1'z her, 1,e elne'dti.: 1.111 felt'41)1 (•,,rn m 1•11! rleh man must hire a valet, a latindresa, a aecretary, a rook and a laotinekeeper: the poor` man lust frets married —Montreal 3118- oar wog", wpm s63 NeVer begone DIICIT7t2 CC mow people becalm changing over to Firestone Tires. They Etnow that they can buy Fivastones with gull congidcnce el Cpa'atana tth moot matileace (For the least cunoutt of raaaanoi,ge? may* Firestone tires can you get aliil &et F.1003202D0 extra 1e3tur6o that assure you entra unaeage---entbra safety and entra value all at the same price co ordinary tires! Your nearest Firestone Dealer hco Firestone tiret in all price dame3 to suit every parte. See him when you rtneed tires and be MUG *012 gclEag your gull money's.1.7tarth. Mit= Cams eg @onstipation Thome who heep a II1:139 of lel purity pent up in their day after flay, instead of 118,q1,4 it r.. movod Tritiito Intended t1...int oneo 18 every twenty folr variably tluffor fret' corott.4,1,.) The nse af ,•hette, 1,1,4 1! • only :,,,,a,,er.oao„, , .„ , . „at t • 1.,1 t + ag of houvelg 1f ..onnt.p1lt,91 t 14, NT,' vo Laxn Liver Pill4 an 1 v...1 .1.1' 4,9.1 mov,nment of tl.e. 'r not gripe, weaken or mt 4.1.1 ‚14 17 laxatives la. Tho T M .to r , Ati 4.t ..1iligh-cilass Mattresses Sprine or Pelt , comfortable lind 0 arranted to wear You forget all your troubles, ns you sink to sleep so CONJIY and hnppily 111 14110 etir selected. Niattreseee LINOLEUM, REXOLEUM, CONOOLEUM at Nariotia prives FURNITURE-- 1 o seta or ,,dd pieces Attractt4c chairs IIELVIRTATORSe—These arc ameng the inanefacturer's greateet blcssines to IA emelt arP pr,)ita 4)1 their hornec. K4'lvina1iir.4 14a4e all the latest feateres 1,1 refrit,i'rati,t,,. and thoir cost of operat on is not motto...able on your eleetrie 1 4,4114 11 115 We ,..4.1"A lelt Inati)rs or any other moilels. Ice Cream, Soft Drinim, Confectionery, Cigarette3, Cigara and Tobaccog. C.(4.Za- From' W. El. El ACKSTONE Phone 240 rie,s4o611. -•.' te.:Zae, 111,7.. ettVglItre alOtA tatIrC'7:3 .erlantela ni'Mar-174 ! rwitrtavtv- rzhzd that E Would' try to OVerpoWer the or *clam eritheelt htartIZII or Cast 4tee1 was !Nan U1z0 a grizzly. 1 -didn't et(Jey that walk tv Alta etlee I've took. When we got close to the figger lyba' in the trail we all walked a little crouchy. Ir looked quite e little like Dick; but when we saw h 'wasn't nothin' but that fool awthorn with a busted 1 e; we three looked lige the reception eoramittee of the liTaolish Society. I hustled back an' got Hanson aa' a couple o' the boys and an ol' doot, an' we fetched him home an' put him to bed an' sent for the doctor—an' that was the worst lack that ever hap- peaed to ol' Dick. You know how a weman is with anything hurt or siet-; they're the sane the world over. A right strictly wise married man would ctrAn traV PtrA...ratn,ta.4 pztrprt MeV get 0tzt a viOZEta; Barb eA"-MI Uatrthorta •c'ttll her eyee, fWI o tbitY, rattle X Waited below an' anae up pictures 0' the crochadile tears he'd wimp up for her. All a a sudden she ('-OFP a shrieh. .1 Pt the stairs, forty milee an' hour, an' there was arbie with her hands clasped, lookin' down at the Englishman. Well. he woe enough to make a snake shriek. lie was layinthere with Ms head jerked back, his eyes wide open an' pointin' inwards, an' loolfin' altogether like the ancient corpse of a strangled ea'. His hands was doubled up tight. au' the' was a Little froth ou his lips. I'd uever seen nothing like that before, so I threw some water iu his face That's about all the rule I titiow for any one who Is miesin' cogs, an' I poured enough water on him to please a duck. He Under the auspices Of the local nor, ticultural ,SOelety, a successful flower show was held, at Clinton on Friday and Saturday laet A ease a infantile paralysis is re- ported at (Clinton, the patient being Bobby, the two-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. William Tidewell. John T. Smith Of Brussels has been eugaged as principal of the Clifford Continuation tSehool, sueeeeding W. J. Argent, who has accepted a position at Toronto. On Friday evening last Bev. Samuel have everything broke except his Kerr, late of Avouton, was inducted pocket -book, an' then he'd be sure restanad for some several miu- lute the eharge of Melville Presbyter - lots or ix-tthi'. They allus want fo tiles, an when he •did come out a it' Ian church, itruseels. Ministers of ,poll a twier when on thy, fl„t of he looked loose ell over. I helped Maitland Presbytery offielated in the his back. When he's welkin' aronne Berbie get some dry stuff under -bine ceremony. on ,his own feet all he needs to do is au' then I went down, wonderin' at Agee,: A. Alexander, widow of Rob_ to -express a desire, an' they vetue kind xlYnamite for him they'd been ert Alexander, -Meet at Thames Read on general principle . an' eftethey'v in that name I'd sent up. ' August 14th in her ninety-third year. sE - talked themselves dry they send :out I tried to convince Barbie teat bei She had been In bed for six months an' get- the preacher to finish the Job; wires were all mixed up an' he 'ti't suffering from a fractured hip. Three but wohen that same vile specimen of masculine hittnanity gets some of his runnin' gert:i clanaaged, why ,they bed aim en SP teavea, feed him on honey, an' good or bad. they gite him whatever he wants. This particular feller wanted Barbie, an' Barbie r as 'nighty gentle with him. Sometitnesit aeerns to me that the only men who ean understand a woman are the men who work a 1 )t with the 41 0 141b ereatures. Take an ut "C "zit iri"ed r° to take place on Stantanber Ittth at animal now, wild or tame, an' it hates to coefeee_ avealoatass itee nue,. ,An 4.", Cu.9.tit(1 14. t.114. ad -111W 1,141. Tb.0.-W-he. 10Lkli piti.eth at. 1110 bailie 14), AZ: WOTIVI n • Ta ke he fietTii,it rnaTenwjjje :4"‘17'41g-.1.-71,4%.;4;%ritr--,•-ttri.,:-.tr6t4117- t hey're everia at inly adopt in' 4141some- n"at' don't riqhtiv belong to 'etn. l"nrie'• -Clarenee" an' "nay boy," an' kindry wood. He gat to callin' llawth.4/rn' The ;oiling cetiple i' 01)' at Dash- t Nei ri,t./1 enithets, till even casual stranger Tap irge barn on the a„rasa farm 4)-f anti Aenes. My. met Mrs. ,john Ginas. wauld .a. em)v,ed 11, 0,14, a rosriu• in John 1,e:rill/lath 7411 concession of plea and Mr. anti Mrs. Chas'. Martin, the or man's he:41 like a chime borne, w:i7-4 totally destroyed by tire 1..atists and Agnes and Mr. and Mrs. es -Colin' lolls when sttaick by lightning in one of Ezra Scoltz and Clayton all motored Hawthean wa ahli‘ to crutch around the reeent seleetriewl storms. Thresh- to New Sarum .ind spent the day wita a bit by the tirat o' May; it amis.:1-n ing Liao oeen completed only a day or Mr. and • a / Little Miss Roberta NIewloray 44 401 Angus have been laid up with a mild attack of ,C11 riCt i'01"01. tilt` 1111in W00k. Nliss Tette laiiillaw. Mr. John Laid- law, ;11r. and Latillaw and Ivan and Mrs. Itobt. Stewart left an Friday to visit their relatives a l'oNAtis,4an Callander 11r. linter Ketivialy has purchased the pretty Immo/low it) the village front )1r• 14,111 Nittwitrav and ImIrlki-vai to move there sle/rtly. NIr. and Mrs. Jelin Janile•iii,n, of 111 1,11.-chast41 I"' "t tags 11.1111 Of the United church atel expee: to take possession aoon. . Mr. and Mr -a Raymond Finnigan and (dillitren, of Crewe. apent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. .1' Cliatunev. Mr. and Mra. .1. 1). Iteeeroft, Flor- olive and Pearl anti T114.111111 creIghton mass Of thanksgiving was celebrated by Rev. T. P. • Bussey. The couple have a family of seven daughters and three sons, forty grandchildren and three great-grandsehilolren. Double Vim at 'Vanta Albert Robinson's house at Varna Wa$ destroyed by fire ou August 12th. A bucket brigade was quickly at work but eoutd do nething beyond getting the fire uuder control so that it would not spread to other buildings. Even this was not wholly prevented, for mune time later lire was diseovertni on the roof of Thos. Deunisou's house mei before it was extinguished hole had been burned In the roof. The a large Robinson eroperty is owned by Mr. %Vanier of thalerich. SUM Damage In Howl& Township parental roof, Peat* Is ox,Ix'ete(t to Restoration of rural telephone lines in the Winghant tlistriet revealed that reign until tweire years henee, when less 4aseasioned by the storm in How- all five run for the telephone. ( healthy; but she argued that it showt d daughters survive, ick township last week was heavier a loyal nature to be so affected by: Wheat provides us with one of the Martha Matilda Issard, widovv of than at first believed. Principal loss meution of his old sweetheart, aii• William F. Grummett, died on Thuts- was at the farm of William Boyd, near; "1"riii.stn0st InterestIng„st,ories, last at her hoe" In Teeeerete LEI). eteleare, wee suffered damage to 1110 ! aturY that Is LIM yet conetuoeu.- staLes tried to pump nie fur where 1 hail; -to/- picked up the name. It looked too at the age, of spevenity;l1 years. 6,, he extent of $3,900 when! a 40 by' 60 barn' a writer. A thrilling cerea..—Humor- was a Mitt of tonierica Lownsaip. and a small drive shed were blown; ist• much like a chance shot to me, as this., rbree sons survIvo. down anti n orcha NI flattened. A , guy had only been Hanna. n fAm The engagement ia annottneed of pi/rtion 01' the steel roof was blown! 3 ears, an' 1 ga filet -eft from Bill flatu-! Miss Aimee Ciarissa Yuill, daughter of four wiles by the gale. other barns , Gilbert pia ins, la Dr. Ivan ing sheds w ere blown down. Beyd Potmt Health gor Voung Peng° meraly that the Alice LeMoyne I was, the late :Mr. and Mrs. James Yuill of had the roofs blown otT and other &iv- springin' had journe3ad on, some se4-1 • Gray of ilensall: the Wedding ' alit) lost a horse by itgaeleue. rt- Ina laa a'. -se loodless face What a common sitalit it is to SOO (tall years earlier. 11.11,1 0011,, , tt , ••1 • Ione,. of ' 11001 41101.1iiit WU, It,. : S whore --aytatroft f,e,.-a.p-n. 4,i -,..r.ustFotedkrasiort • .,1,01.3,01444„ ,l.k.sdt n,l rasy chatelta _ - l''44'4"1 '141t."414' 7 -- _.'.:=IIMIritaWilri4Ifirtartr=r-TarTiI134---- meet this nal/irradiant as C'ey con.- tten three coneentrated fartas of iron of an easily assimilated nature to-' gether 'with other valuable ingredients' in.11,mted to build •Ilp your system and odd to your phymical attraetiuno_ The T. Milburn Co., LW., Toront, Ont. rim trg:tflott clZtic-cdor lOot, Eira:—..710rgrL•o*4.--10It/ -last -t11:11111Y• - day with her *daughter, tam Donal Cameron, to vialt for a woe tt En Nevi Yost Islting this %welt at. ,the horaea gam, .111. St. John, of Mantent City, of her tbrothers, ales_srs. e,nd Thos. Ift6hluson, and with other Eaat Wawa nosh relatives. Mrs. Henry IttAlee has been laid up• the past week with a very bild;toot. Air. and Mrs. 'Browner and ,r. an Mres. Whimsett, of Toronto, are \Ivisitr ing thls week vvith Mr. and Mrs. John McGee. The heavy 'rains last week delayed harvest In this community until Sat- urday, when the sheaves were agula ready to bring in. The Mission Band of' the United oliureh held a meeting last Wednesday at the home of 1(itrs. Ben MeClenaghan and quilted a quilt. There was a splendid , attendance of ladies. Mr. Clarence Meelenaghan 'assisted ith the serviee at the United church at Donnybraok on Sueday night. With the 'Amine dartino under the repose on his bed o' down, Barbie read' St. George's United (111)11 1) Toronto. :ttf he .viied ne, ills „flat t4 e ge..),,:e.,,,,,,,ALatteme,elmje,21_,Agekifeelea 1?4.0:PdfrArdy Iun.th'-;111"'l ov* 1i rfent-f, of their daaaghtera Men: - L. ir, itTr-erint---of-17tr471r- liii•k-aacks 1111' jini-cracks 1111' eteli like wood. Hey. C. Deacon officiated. WIMITIECHIIRCH — T +Fru' tir 'Tr rata, :erg qiWEr'''''''':irfr-t:tre- ' Seuthaniptati and last Wednesda Sometimes they go to work an' adopt a little straggler that in a regular way ds-theiraadailivalood ;-,,an--i4-.-.ain't 44a step -mother affair neither, it's the real. thing. The wild animals are -the hest to study, 'Canti(' 110 tame anes hove beta some spoiled by as-a/chain' with man Weil, the wild animals aipend all their spare tillle up an.' elean'n' their ('1)) 11(14, :111' when it ain't abso- lutely neceasaly they hate to get a toe wet ; but 44' 4011 it VOIT1C`i to love or duty, why fire, water. nor the fear o' m n ain't goin' to stop 'pm: so again I sez 'int' the mar what can SaVVy the Nvild animals can get purty nigh within 4(5 1111)' distance of 11 W011111 11. 4(11' that's aetting close; but yon want to Temeli- her this, no animal never tells the truth to 1411 outaider. The principlo part o' their life is spent in throwin' folks off their trail, an' they allus make their lairs in the most secret places. If a feller ever gets to know 'em even a little he has to be mighty patient an' mighty eareful, an' above all things, he mustn't never get the idee that he knows every last thing about 'em the' is to know, 'cause no man never knows that. Some men try to estimate a woman by their own ea,rthy way o' doin' things. 'T would be just as reasonable for a man who was purty wise to the ways of a pug - dog to get inflated with the idee that he had' a natural talent for bivin' griaz.lv 'bears. 'But •to get back to my tale: this Englishman .had fallen on his feet all right, even if the connection to one of 'em waa busted up a bit. I was arotind '0111 a good bit. twin' foreed to consult with 'Barbie about things.' an' w"q nbIP to Piece out tilc mPtimd 11° lo"'okvvin1'411ndt i'117:;(*);(. 11;It'P tiltuastt. gwl••14. 4,4!1110 iptin'. Ile wasn't such a fool as be looked. by ,eonsid'able many rods. s11;11:171stkn1:140:1*0 htow t 41,11.,at‘rfi sfttertron.,k),,rilieirt. TT4. l'alked a heap about the saerifiee had in' de for the girl hnek in Eng-- T n111.111011 Lona an' how mueh he had loved her ;it• how 8111,11 Barbie lind ('('(441 forted im. althongh oven yet he eould rot 'a i'ly 5P4414411), 11, the. vv.i, h before and the graiu and hay were In work HP lo !DV t"1'(', an' sort 0. 10,1 ilttrned. ''*'t o' (1111014 :it tile rental -up. I Joseph sun cif .11r. and Mrs. Fred Init./11111, Brussels, had his !1,.1(.k of ,nthave 41°111,'s "11011 1" wrist cuc t acidentally a h by atrhet iu ate u wont ae t;)), 1iicklioard honked o t,/ / C , e iians oot a 00114111 Lill. The hi- nt, :In' CoMe ()11 to the 1)1811(11)'j(Iredlad wa s pia y 11444 with sevt.ra 1 444111 101. The wistitl',o• 441iiri.,11s. "1 lwrs and the lad Wielding the hatchet ita you couldn•I have blamed an In-' tvas cutting nicks in a tree when the Jun idol for fallin' in hive. ao I 1 'sr' mishap occurred. The boy was taken Ile"" 311' 44,44 !Wn-third' Inad tlin° tO 1,iS10WCI hospital for treatment. tenths o' the time. 1 The death of 'Mrs. NIeNfaster, wifo Jabez had had 8 hard -.deg', of it an' 4)4' Dr. F.. A. McMaster, Seaforth. (w- it c-fn)wed. Ilia face WAS lined. his eurred on Friday last in the Sea forth hair Was whit', at tile totni,14,,,, thi‘. 110Spittll. Deceased, who was in her aais tristful Ionic itt his 4':Ve'4 W11 thirty-ninth year, was the doughter of was miZhtv touchy. Barbie VC11c Tem.. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Weir of \Vanier- Immtne yt•Ith bee tee. *an' they wi ton. She was married fourteen years edtzin' baek to 01' times: bot T Nva, ago to nt. McMaster and thyy resided ,Inro 44la'01 to gee Haaahorn 1,1- at ,Ethel until their removal to tSea- mit 11114 ln suflielently reeorered forth four year ago. ghe is sur - ti) drive over nn' 1(' Ivhat had become vived by her husband, two daughters, of his own lar-ont. and her parents. The x‘ery first meal that we et! Ender Sehooll alone, however, showed teat the old Bylitow AutarrevetIl sore wasn•r plumb healed over yet Exeter ratepayers 08 Monday, by a rote of ,1114-i to 127), approved a bylaw jahea. (.0111(10- wait any 'longer, 50 he eallcd for a show -down (4"1 soon aa our to provide $1 3,004)for new High Sehool aecommodation for the teaching of food began to cateh up with our appe- tite. "Has Clarenae Donned the ones- shop work and home eeonomics. The money will be raised by debentures tion vet. honey?" sez he. . kgr ".thout tvviee da V on the average." EriNallr:-Cene Crithe tuntry aez Itarble, ehillin• tip a trifle; "hut T James Weekes, protuinent reahl-ent of don't think he stands rtinhh °hawse. I Exeter, died at his home there Angliat lIke him an' he la kind an' gaal: but 15111, in his seventy-eighth year. He T don't reekon 1 entild ever marry bad lived in 'Exeter for over aixty years and was chief of the fire /1e - The or man didn't flare up. same ,is partment for over fifty years and tip to the time of his death. His wife her. ()nee .Barlde n-,1;(4-1 11101 Iti-• 4.1.11-4.• 2.11.1.. swz. ••,! ao,,f aar nnttl,' was. For a moment "'ill 414)11•4 114(4' to hart me Intentional: he didn't answer, ti then 09; In /"It you have give me a mighty sight CARLOW, Aug. 23.—Mr. and Mrs. I4)w voiee. Aliee LArolme1 1ift441 af heartachein nit- time. • T Imre 1V. S. 'Raymond, of Windsor, called ou 11115 limed 44, 4,' what gerrnort !leo hig mother. Mrs. ',infield, and other f9('4 (mirk an' gave him a look. brit •' notlein' me. I didn't say anv- f"r 111. an' 11 leta generally been a friends/ an Sunday. ;al/. T 1-4 yen 't eornola ned Mr and Mrs. Will Fowler, Newton, thing: hut T enuldn't heln wrinderin' if' 1"rd touch • hnt 0141, (.411111. rin \'4n1111 and Elgin tnotored to. Atratford this Alice T,eNToviie had anything tort() ettin' old. Tr, ma for tnvaelf Bar- to visit 'Mrs. FovvIer's parents., Elgin celth the dancer what had married in- it'a till for von for yon no' for- "-in "main f"r k • to the Clarendon family an' then died for 11,0 141041wr roil neve MrR. James Young, sr., has not been r knew; 1)10 it w,i5 an odd name. hot atilt T who made preflikr, (i 1,11 over as well as usual the past week- and nr.ot-on the' was n patent on it. Was with ,aan iinfsW tin' W .4 040114 110 T eonld toll hv their talk that "1' Vfl n't ataaik of bar. lwr dauglIt'r• rinalhreY's dor T wint to he .ht, 4,, t4.11 thnt 1 iislairvo.titiailf4ag‘iiiiii yl.niring her long and tnio tom nhout nif.k. Ft, ow,. Ho whim 7,1(41 11,,r .00 her, but we nre pleased to report she lur Ile nlins spoke o' nick in- n gentle. '' fir "'"' 11'""' "ty uirt wonderfully go',n1 hearl)tglalms "lifiYed This Dirk ha, been aana yeir Nil-. and Mrs. alarnet Sallows and .0(dh I 11. makin• evert- exanae for 111 never a word to vn to let r•ill ,„ ‘f II Tt bin/ • an' this no -ole her think him n 11 1,40‘y s w• • 1 11 V1111, ,1 4.1 tt-er •1,0110 minded feller!. an' the most n it, 1'. s "r te,o vi.it MO his I I )rot ler and • “to• -.1 1 onteorne ‘,.•••,o fox 'orn to 111.t 111•1. love. : wasi era, 1 asters, left f,/r 1 tat- _ AA, 0.4 on Friday thai- araas c111.44 t.,,rrether cor nlw nion"v \Z'OW 111 1411,1V.;, as1 4,141 rse in train- olles itsed to -it lir 10, 1'"' 9n otit'n • ann't vIiii Nlisa Mena MeNlanits 1111 ide in tlie sinain• sarr avfai "" him -,/ '' if I'd toeill 1 inz at 1:itchener Hoapital, was home (,,Ve 11141' nn' (4!'' 1 "11111)1-",i,1••11 "(0.1 la Iwo,. It waabl on Sinality, han1. y,,,, in a 104 ti, 54, vfni Lni The twiny f Hetet-, Mr Ja mos tora lia loinary for 4011(4'-d. honer nfr.ii.1 •it 1 Feaan a. sr ao .. r.trry to hear ..11). „on. 444"ten‘st for. 111,k a a ,,ntil 10 then come confined to bed with a 1,11(1 heart 4'1 / litiri i week with her arandparents. NI 1. and Mi' Ruby E \\*ikon spending this; Mr. John Voting. and family The rains ef 1841 week held haek the stoolthreshing, but the farmer') are plowing. aetting the ground ready for fa II wheat The W M,St had charge of' the Rer v fee in the l'nited church on Sunday Mrs 1V W Walter pre.ided and (•onducted the opening exerciaes. A trio by three members. "The Glory Song.- Was A‘Neetly sung and the ('(!.lT. gave a song, re to Do To 1 1144 roll call each Member 4441 40 's me nliggion- nry news. telling ()f work (Ione on the en.t and vveNt cOfIRt 9, on the prairlea, in lumber ramps and mines- "bright shining lampIn earth's dark places" survives. getaU'ortill Couple Observe Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs, Conrail O. Eckert of Sea forth observed their golden wed ding anniversary on August 1:14111.. High CARLOW ...—arttaaa Raill Pares to 703ONTO 3X1E1111BIT2110N $3.90 In (*ouches 1.041 going Aug. 1) to Sept. 10 itet.urn Limit- Sept. 14 S311IITH, (Uptown Agemt. CANATAN PACffMC -34 arrarad a spavined F1,4711.11/11 an an' a'he Iy.1.4 Yrrill. JO 111,11,-4" )1)o leott of It - arthez saevied thk to tee reuse?, g t—ta an' 110 saat•••gentle an' ineta• lo TInrhie nn' illd 911 he c4,111,1 to grinare 1.,irp.wIt', ‘zo thnt poor old Dick wasn't noich more'n a memory whieh ia one the complleations ahaenee is apt to ean..a, after it ret') tired o' makin• the oe.rt grrm fonder Bid hang it, I didn't like this Eng, lishman moae than the law required. The' didn't seem tn be much harm to 111m: but he had washeyes, an' 110 1 erntoo blame oily an' trent le 1 never heard him swear n11 thtongh ri. an* 11 -in't natnral for a real man ta statal , 11 lila back for eight weeks without havin' a little molten lava slop orer into 111a conversation. It 'was all T con Id do to keep fro,m stickin' a pin 1.0r. him. -Barbie - I :07, onr. rInv. as Innocent .15 an 111 11141. "1 overheard onr honor* 411 gueat tell you that a girl by the name if Alio*. T,e\loyne put a crack in hi: heart over the water" Y01.- oe7 she, with a .igh -11 don't seem to he a tuptil it name '• aez T "I've -met lots a women A 110 wasn't callod Alice T.,• N ler ne •' It is prohobtv From h.- .e7 .110 -It dneo onund like a cirri a, that s a ftle)." ceg 1 "Well you break it to Ihim 4403410 that Alleo T,eMovne &eve Don't ask mo env enegtIone tot do he careful not to ehoek Mae he ... oin' ,roond 1 • o .04,-1 I j .1 4,4 nqTrin w i-i('n 4, 1111114',,4 4)41, t in -w/ aa, 14 • , or "of., 1 1 1,11, I do 44 '41 ••,1 • 4. 1r• •, • 4',j imr• " f 1.1 r olo 1.1, I - CREWE Citi',WE, Aug 2:.: -Mr. Fred Wain- wrig'it spent the p.1 o W0ek 114 31 r Sat Sher wood •14 InI let' for Toronto on gatilrday The ft' riner4 4.4' r114 locality are hitsy •4i.4,k -t rf..011 g .111,1 are hoping the wenther man will hilt turn on the Ow agaii, for nt least 4week T1 .. 1' 44 le.:1 14 marshrnallotl rime ee•iday ..e•hing at Mr 4'." 7.1e, rot.- rat. Th4. program con si.ted ga1714s4 44, 1 coantnittilty sine - nit All enjayed ',,rtisel4 ea 1841 Hai dentalie Mrs lei% weed eonettee, dered 4'0t,• 0r ,14r•iiraiii1101-04 la air /1,1 mrs sato . Aood, it 'wing t!.r. thirt. -fifth 41)''! 1,-.r 3. of 4 hei 4 33 - flria day A 't.tinther fr ',ere attended 44,.. memo) 81 414'41'4,41 an sutalit itt Dungannon ct 'llet• • ',,',1,h1'z her, 1,e elne'dti.: 1.111 felt'41)1 (•,,rn m 1•11! rleh man must hire a valet, a latindresa, a aecretary, a rook and a laotinekeeper: the poor` man lust frets married —Montreal 3118- oar wog", wpm s63 NeVer begone DIICIT7t2 CC mow people becalm changing over to Firestone Tires. They Etnow that they can buy Fivastones with gull congidcnce el Cpa'atana tth moot matileace (For the least cunoutt of raaaanoi,ge? may* Firestone tires can you get aliil &et F.1003202D0 extra 1e3tur6o that assure you entra unaeage---entbra safety and entra value all at the same price co ordinary tires! Your nearest Firestone Dealer hco Firestone tiret in all price dame3 to suit every parte. See him when you rtneed tires and be MUG *012 gclEag your gull money's.1.7tarth. Mit= Cams eg @onstipation Thome who heep a II1:139 of lel purity pent up in their day after flay, instead of 118,q1,4 it r.. movod Tritiito Intended t1...int oneo 18 every twenty folr variably tluffor fret' corott.4,1,.) The nse af ,•hette, 1,1,4 1! • only :,,,,a,,er.oao„, , .„ , . „at t • 1.,1 t + ag of houvelg 1f ..onnt.p1lt,91 t 14, NT,' vo Laxn Liver Pill4 an 1 v...1 .1.1' 4,9.1 mov,nment of tl.e. 'r not gripe, weaken or mt 4.1.1 ‚14 17 laxatives la. Tho T M .to r , Ati 4.t ..1iligh-cilass Mattresses Sprine or Pelt , comfortable lind 0 arranted to wear You forget all your troubles, ns you sink to sleep so CONJIY and hnppily 111 14110 etir selected. Niattreseee LINOLEUM, REXOLEUM, CONOOLEUM at Nariotia prives FURNITURE-- 1 o seta or ,,dd pieces Attractt4c chairs IIELVIRTATORSe—These arc ameng the inanefacturer's greateet blcssines to IA emelt arP pr,)ita 4)1 their hornec. K4'lvina1iir.4 14a4e all the latest feateres 1,1 refrit,i'rati,t,,. and thoir cost of operat on is not motto...able on your eleetrie 1 4,4114 11 115 We ,..4.1"A lelt Inati)rs or any other moilels. Ice Cream, Soft Drinim, Confectionery, Cigarette3, Cigara and Tobaccog. C.(4.Za- From' W. El. El ACKSTONE Phone 240 rie,s4o611. -•.' te.:Zae,