HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1938-8-25, Page 3mariviAT (irz 'Two 4,e)„,remt uT 0 .CORDO VDTllnnfirmth Pitnbyerlanc Twice Defeategi in Struggle for Softball Ohampiongtip t; neierulined to take the 'Softball A %WM 0=3 • v5C,10 trseste20-6--tikMet7t±eses—rbs to a The keenest match In tho history a Goahnith ffotDu CLfi© Gem Om the dsloyd golf trophy at the Maitiandi r ....1.......4. .,., CluttAwas toneluded this week, vvith '17inalz for Group Manapionskip Judge T. M. Costello edging out T. C. Bud in Deci3ive Dot - Witilow at the'etventyesecond hole. for Lomb Three titues the pair played to a .tie in the 18 -hole competition, but int Clinton's heavy gun e blasted Goder- the fourth round judge Coetello, a sea- lei's hohe pes of entering tfinals of e Leaguchampionship iu three straight tiolied wee. defeated n '0the Presbyterians twice, oroke for stroke through the reanain- E Joe up the Huron -Perth Raseball League with Luella when on Ifonday, at tbe Clin- tie, I Ir 0. 1,Ie ton park, the Colts laid down a heavy! Monday ansd d Wedneay, Both games! tell - =mos. the Sete Block squad this week, half- wa vIIIII rk and the t w o played wa, ! ,wete keon eenly tested. the Presbyter-, The V k ;:qUiShed Tont 1Vintow barrage of hits to take the deciding gante by an 11-1 score. lens' desperate bids -being repulsed by: warn'13 he is a comparative newcomer to the' eengratulnted on his game, for elitism wen both games on. the') $otue of his shots, holed out "ale '111. taking the first 11-7, Losel scores of 6-3 and 17 13. The Salt Blook and Presbyterians (Ay the greens, rk ere desert:bed as lug at Goderich 3-7' and winning the were extended to the three -game limit „phen(011,111.0... 'final 11-1. to enter the finals, the former defeat-! ' The Colts played their first of the Georee Jenner entered the thuds b ing the Foresters. the latter the Black . - final series with. Lucan at the village, del ea 11 lig Da ve sson, and he will Iitiwks in a serappy series.on 'Wednesday and lost by a score he opposed by winner of rho Sportsmanship has' prevailed in this Of 14-12. Th, game will be nei st :",o0 'tarn hand for the games. I rida) 2, game, in which Guderich of tilt. trophy front last Monday's Game tent:titling setni-tinal bracket, in which final '.*ries, however, and crowds of at at Clinton ou Friday. Judge Costello 14 pitted against Vic I on n us witnessed by the largest. Tight softball featured the opening >el"' . basvbali crowd of the season, and the game of the final series at Vietoria i play go ve the fans plenty 4 °plan: - Park on Monday, wit h t he Presbyter- Atter defea t mg Miss Nora It Costello 1 uni t y to 1 heer. fans leading until the fifth. when thei In -lets „:„emi-nnals, sake 4.i -entente; Irw1ii4-eftertive hurling was backed ' Salt Blook tbei the score at 3-3. The 1Vbeeler fell an easy viesim to Illest.ley the ele‘er catching of G-ette Du - Scot s were held seoreless through, the 1 C. Perot in 1 he rose bowl plitS. In; quette, vvho iL1 the ilyseuce of Fi n lay - remainder of the .a 1110 while the Salt the tintils on monday Miss Wheelereon went behind the bat for th first Block staged it rally for three runs in the eighth. Score by innings: Salt Bloek . .... coo 0.10 030 41 Presbyterians 102 000 000--3 Salt It leek Repeats On 1Vedne,e1ay both teams hit free- ly. and eachaput on a scoring spree. In the seemal innings the Salt Block went on the ramintge and wore(' eight runs hefore the, Presbyterians elamped down and retired three in order. The free-seoring leaders led 14-5 at the end did not play her usual game and Nliss tiwe this year and put up a great Perot went ahead from the sthrt, win-' performance, and by the brilliant field- ing the trophy seven and SIX. I lug of johnston, Phelan and 'Worthy. 0 0 o Not one chance was missed by the out - (4 ' ' uow t-of-tners were thfield e winnere in, fl•ee and their sensational 1)1a3s time and again roused the stands to the first !light of the sweelKstaltes last , enthusla.sai. week -end, the results being; 1st, Mrs. Worthy in particular played an in - (Dr.) Smith, of Windsor ; 2nd. W. J.' spired game, fielding three long flies Davidson. of Detroit ; 3rd, Mr. Sedell, of Toronto. that looked like hits, and Phelan cou- trIbuted a spectacular one -handed run - There were only two prizes in the • tong catch. Johnston played hie seeend tlight, George Jenner winning . ss 1)011. first, Judge Costello second. of the fifth, but t he Presbyterians. The infield was switched for the sec- etartett their own rally on a homer by There are thirty -11A.° entries in the und consecutive game owing to absen- Doe Wiggins and seoted seven runs play for the Garrow trophy, and first - tees. Finiavson missed his first genie hefnre they were retired. Iround results will be announeed next behind the .date, takins,_ Ducknette.trens --ees-esaellhcssersa-esesvssesssuseoeseeescre4uITemtkk-ttses eissessaessessesseesseeeses=rr--- see FiF eighth, when it home run by Dub Webb me rtg,iIar ,,,weepstskel be.K.,d necessit,ating a further shuffle. " ran the Presbyterians' tally up to 13, rid, wipk_entl. Lumby, Fritzley and Bieck were heel - but povtlies .ended the inuisige,Jefx: The Sa 1 oek scored three more iu tient. t' of the eighth before the age inst St ottk. 11-W111 allnwed only (11 •-tArict6 L41811,410-VjulvallmidItrer tdinfIllfftanit Zits, tWo each, to the list of thirteen illogeTIO SE e egular Line's of Silk Lingerie ag Reclucrt Prices /1; 0 saTxx suitz Itegular $1.98. Sale Priee $1,39 BAYOU SATIE SUPS Reg. $1.00. Sale Price 0 1Y©1 TLIT17ETZI. 13-LK1? Sale Pilee 59c VOW-% and BLOOD2YIRS To Tact'. Reg. The39c Sale Price, each isztaemme Uplift style. Each Ze YOULTDLTHOW GLIRE412NTS White only. Reg. $2.00. Sale Price • $1)49 igwaxmismer,, Emu 'Sheer, Chiffon and Crepe. Reg. $1.09. Sale Price 85c per pair Sheer Chiffon and Seim's* Weight, Reg 75e pr. Rale tPriee, pair (11 LOns 65c White find Pastels. ,Reg. 75e and $1.00 pr. Sale Priee, pair 25c 59c ••• Phone 41/1 Square game Wa _ _ - seven hiLl -and, stX11441+: out siX-- as against four strikeouts, for eStoele. Twice during the game .4:1inton play- ers objected to umpires' decisions and refUsed to continue In the field, but while retiring a man at first base. He after heated arguments each tinie they win be ma of the game for the rest of resumed the game. The diseent arose the piaydowns. over a sliding, rolling catch made by The next game will be played at vie-, Wortby and a close play on Black at toria Park on ,Friday. third base, both In 111e sixth Innings. The teams: Peace was restored only when Mau- Presbyterinns--Bell, if ; A. Doak, 2b ; ager Tommy Churchill, of the Clieton Webb, Stoddart, ss; Wiggins, lb; squad, was ordered from the field. Elliott, ('f; Young, rf; II. Doak, ath; Clinton eicored twice in the second MaoDona '1, p, and once in the third, Hawkins, Draper Salt Block rf; Garrick,• and 'thew tallying ou three hits and ef; iladden, e; ,Smith, lb; Laws, p; two errors. Powell 2b Freet h if A t Westbrook, ss. Score by innings: Presbyterians 002 Ct67 Salt FUME 063 .030 Umpires—H. G. M Ur ney , A. A -rt-- feint, playing second base for the Presbyterians, was injured on the last play of the game, throwing out it cartilage in his knee in a Loilision , ; , ; ns ay, 3b; or Gotlerich Phelan scored In th PORT ALIEERT 0.1-13' 03-17 Butler. POR.'P ALBERT, Aug. 23.—Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Crawford last Sunday were Elm. Edna Pentland and son Carman and Mr. Truedell, all of Port Huron, Mich. Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Craiteford, at Alexandra Marine Hos- pital, Goderieh, on Monday, August 22nd, a son. Congratulations. The home of Mr. Melvin Dickson was struck by lightning last week. The chimney was knocked off and the ball of lightning went down the pipes and .burst out through the door of the stove, exploding in the middle of the room. !Miss Grace Crawford of Calgary, who has been visiting her relatives In the vicinity for the .last couple of months, left for her home last Satur- day by boat from f4arnia. Church SID2t0P9 Meet—The monthly meeting of the W. M. S. and le A. S. of the United church was held at the home of Mrts. 0. Moore on Thureday afternoon, with twenty-flve presect. The meeting was i,n charge of the president. Mrs. W. Crawford. After the devotional exercises Miss Stella Johnston gave an interesting mis- eimiary rending and Mrs. D. Biltelcenzle a devotional reading.' Arrangements were made to purehase material for making babies' elething and quilts, to be sent CO Hearst hospital. The L. A. S. treasurer, Mrs. Reed, gave a report of the garden party held in July, the proeeeds being about $107. The nteeting was brought to a (ease by the singing of a hymn and the re pontine of the Lord's Prayer in .uni- oon. Tetneh was servNi and a social hour enjoyed by all. a 0 Egr4d\F2, the kind you used to get at home, served at all hours. Give your family a real treat by bringing them here for a dinner or supper, or drop in for a cup of refresh- ; ing tea in the afternoon, an Tee Cream, a Choeolate, a Snn- dao or any Other cooling drink you might seleet. NUS RESTAURANT is proud of its reputation for wholesome 'food4 and Home- made Confectionory. You are invited to try them. - second on a double by Gus Worthy and then wade it 2-3 on a passed' ball after doubling to deep right field in the fourth, In the fifth 'Goderich went ahead Johnston scoring the tieing run on Irwin's double and 'Robinson putting the lads one ahead on Fritzley's single. Irwin. romped 'home when Lumby singled to make it 5-3 before the side was retired. Black started it in the sixth with a single through third base and ad- vanced on Worthy's neat bunt down the third base line. Each advanced it base and Black scored when 'Stock became rattled and threw Duquette out at first after a slow roller, and Worthy scored when 'Stock tried to vetch Johnston off second base, mating the score 7-3. Irwin struck the fit•st two men out In' the seventh and last innings, then Wagg singled through short and Giew vvas safe on an error at second; then Pickett filled the bases with it base- line bunt. 'Hawkins was the man on the spot, but the rally died with him when he drbbbled one to Irwin for a put-out at 'first. There was one out in Goderich's last half when Fritzley singled through third, but Lumby bit into a double play pitcher to second t o flrst, which ended the game. Score by innings: R HE Clinton 021 OW 0-3 7 1 GoderIch 010 132 0-7 13 4 Batteries—Clinton, 'Stock and Col- quhohn ; Godericb, Irwin and Duquette. Umpires—Thorndyke, of Blyth; Murney, of G-oderich. Mouday's Slaughtee Olinton played errorless ball in the final game on Monday, and bit every- thing Gord•le Irwin offered into the bargain. The Colts laced out thirteen clean hits in the seven innings Irwin faced them. The Colts' fourteenth hit MIS off Bud Worthy in the eighth. Ernie Hovey pitched for Clinton, and with his deceptively awkward. style he held the Goderich squad to six scat- tered hits, all singles. Hovey was erratic in the seennd Inninge and gave Goderich the single tally. Phelan led off with a single and Lamby took a piteh on the (-beet. but Gus Worthy foreed Phelan out with a ground ball to short, then Hovey filled tlee bases when he hit Johnston with a pitched ball. Lumby beat the throw home after Bud Worthy went out with a long fly to left field. In Goderich's reninining seven innings only seven men reached first base safely. The Coltfielded a perfect game. They could do nothing wrong. Several times hot drives were knocked down and retrieved for easy put-outs. Clinton's first run came in the sec- ond, 'when with one out Glew beat out Duquette's throve to first on a slow infield roller. Gleve atole seeond and pranced home when 'Riley John- eton amacked a double to left field. Then In the fourth the Colts came theough for another run to take dee lead. The tally wan a gift. Otis Wor- thy, oVer-anxious In attempting to cut Hovey off as he Elpee, for third. throw- ing the ball wild. It might have been the signal for the Goderieh squad to fall to pleetea. for In the firth three hit ti and three errors necounted for four runs and in the seventh four hits and a walk amounted for four more, A bit and an error in the eighth gave Cflinton etheir eleventh run. Hovey wan the favorite of the *Clin- ton squad, . although they were a per- c feet unit as a team. Hovey struek e out eight and geOredi twice, making a 6 o double mit a triple at bat. Irwin struck out eight, six of' them , e in the first three itie1n0 and walked; 0 one. IQ RePerP by inning: tit IR 12 1 140 413r-11 14 0 I. Now that ire ail over Frank Curry, manager of the Goderich Intermediates In the HuronsPerth League, Is wonder- ing why everything had to happen to the team during the playdowna. - In the eecond game the Goderieb lads wet'e the victors, tieing the series with a crippled te ea. Fl. 1 • • AWOL, neeessitating the playing of Du- quette behind the but, and Sheardown was laid up with polSon ivy, resulting In a juggling of the Infield, with Fritz,' ley at first, Lumby at secend, Robin- .una at short and Blitek at third. Slid, lug into second in that game Phelan twisted his. ankle and had his foot •31,nr.oe(e4.1.%..s g "anatet.ightly bandaged for Another (venally of Friday's game was Umpire Thorn Ike, Myth, whe had three ribs, (Tacked by foul tip that got by his pad. On 'Monday Finlayson was back on the Job, but Sheardown was still on the sick list and Frltzley failed to, ,Olee. up, eo another ,pateheti-uo team toek the field,- Whir •Bud- 'Worthy at first_ GUa Worthy at seeond, Duquette t short and Robinson at third. Liimby was in the field. Then In the fifth innings Gus Wor- thy Was bowled over by Glew and talo, en front the game with a badly bruised right thigh. Black finished for him. "Why is It," Frank plaintively de- mands, "that during the season the boys are fighting for positions and when we need them ti t' the finals all we va n fine d is nough for a teaal?" Perhaps the printin,I,- of batting aver- ages has something to do with it. Fritzley :leaks t*, e juat.....4,Shade_.Ahetd of_ tattini- -- core Although- Dory -Phelan made a val lent attempt with five hits in th Huron -Perth playoff series to take th Venus batting trophy, he fell short b a small fraction.„ and the cup is re tained for the second consecutive year of its existence by Max'Fritzley, who batted .344. Phelan's- five hits pulled him up from .302 to .340, while -Robbie" Robinson, who bad led• the series since he started with the Club,' tobogganed, with only one hit in the playoff series, from .368 to .363. Gordie Irwin was next in line with .324. Final standing is as follows; AB 'H 13 PC Fritzley 32 5 11 3 .344 Phelan 50 8 FT 4 .340 Roblneen 24 2 0 .363 Irwin 55 8 18 4 .324 Finlayson 52 13 46 3 .308 Duquette V.; 6 16 12 .250 G. Worthy Johnston Lumby Shea rdown B. .Worthy y 44 4 11 6 .250 55 8 13 1 .266 23 2 5 6 .217 33 3 7 9 .212 26 '2 2 8 .017 FOR TIHIIE PURIITY FLOUR TM:143IEn The open doubles tournament of the Goderieli Lawn Bowling Club for the Purity Flour trophy will be held on Wednesday, August 31st, eommencing at 1.30 o'clock. This is one of the im- portant events of the bowling season and a large entry is expected. LADIES liAtWILJING TOIUMNIET Mrs, Fred Price was the winner in a jitney lawn bowling tournament on Tuesday night, in which twenty-four ladles. participated. Mrs. Price scored 3 wins plus 34. Miss Gladys Shore was second with 3 wins plus 32, and Mrs. C. Black and Miss Marjorie Daer were tied for third place with 3 wins plus 30. CLAIM LS a BOtTLEIlt, TOO Clark Finlayson, backstop for the Goderieh intermediates in the Huron Perth Baseball League, stars not only In that position, but also on the bowl- ing greens. He was in the finals of the Dominion' playdowns at Toronto with Alex. Crawford, of Wingham, and the rink lost out by only a small mar- gin. Finlayson was 'bowling at Toronto last Friday, and was unable to attend the Clinton-ateGoderIch ball game. T11111E BOWLERS, In Friday night's loeal tournament the winners were: 1st, W. J. Baker and F. 11, Wood; 2nd, P. Bisset and N. MeeKay; 3rd. A_ Taylor ant F. Mc- Arthur. On Monday night C. McManus and J. ',111fekine took ;first prize, J. John- ston and Earl Allison second. beet night's winners were: lst, George MIletElwan and F. McArthur; 2nd, Stan. McLean and W. Heitman. Of ten Ooderich pairs in a lawn bowling tournament at Seaforth on Monday, only one was among the prize-vviners. P. F. Carey and W. J. Baker won fifth prize. PORT ALBERT PORT AhRF:IST, Ang. 16.—Visitors at the home of The and Mrs, Chafe Crawford last week were Dr. and Mrs. Ft. W. Cunningham and two children. Behble and Janice, and Mr. and Mrs, H. H. Cunningham, all of Walkerville, and M. (McKay, of 'Winnipeg. The members of the Y. P: 8, of the church held a suceessful weiner (sant on the beAeh at the port Last burs:day evening, wfth about twenty - present. Owing to the heavy rain stortn the night before and the high wind that day, the lake wee im- pogsible for ewimming. but the time was spent in futi and fralic, and everyone reported an enjoynble time. Ocelerich 010 0119 090— 1 6 5 The teams: Goderieh—Duquette, Finlayson, Robineon. 3b; Irwin,. t3; Phelan, Tiamby, 11; G. Worthy ('Mark in 2b; Johnston. if: E. Worthy, lb. Clinton—Wagg. If; White, AS; Pick- tt, lb; llfawkins, 2b; Bove?. pi OtPw. 14: Johnston, ib; (Draper, rf; Col- uhonn, e. Umpires—OltriOn, Zurich; Wright, Mitchell citO Take gourth epato Spite of Superior Batting by Elo,s 4 Team Clinton's Cubs won the 31.a1tland League Baseball chatupionehip and a bye in the Ontario plaSdowns with a meager 6-5 win over the Goderich Lions* proteges at Agricultural Park on Tuesday, and they on the deciding game with Goderich lads stranded on second and third bases in the last inn- ings. The game was the fourth of a best of five series. Goderieh won the first 10-4 and dropped three straight, 18-5, 7-2 and 6-5. Tuesday night's _game wee Goder- ieh's all the way, but the Weal lads failed to capitalize on the breaks Bad base-rUnning and a fault with the nweageweat, in failing to put lu a pinch hitter at the last moment, atso enntrihnteartargely tO the loss, In the opinion of the epeetators. Thursday's Girlie at Clintetn The Godet.ich Cubs loot Thursday's game at 'Clinton in the first two inn- ings, while Tacker Bloomfield was hav- ing alfticulty digging in his cleats on the pitcher's mound. Tacker allowed five hits and walked six men for a total of six runs in the two innings, and then held Clinton to one bit and one run in the remaining five innings. The damage was done, however, and the ('1 intuit lade were victors by a 7-2 score. Chester MoN11)1 scored' after a single In the first tunings for Goderich and Billy Hill, who walked in the second, scored 0.11 Bill Johnston's three -bagger. YfltftTT -aa40--kvtr-„V444--14,4.anffejantAlcilitiT - - outs-bik;-or Tacker's-- leidowu the tsaimielaXxitenrehUbutprettiV&Per ten. - vretors pickeT-blit as comparoti with Goderich's three and bobbled _only one fielding eha-nee -a§ tyaint .41yf errors tor Goderich, _ iintler struck out five and walked five and Blootufield etruek out six and walked eight. Goderich had only four men left on sest, and Clinton 'had eleven stranded, Batteries--ielinton, Butler and Pow- ell; Gotlerieh, Bloomfield and Vorsell. Score by innings: R 11 E Gosleriell , 110 000 0-2 3 5 rlinten 330 010 0-7 0 1 Tuesday's Game The Goderich lads were on their way to it win on Tuesday right from the start, in fact held a lead- to the sirh innings when the visitors went ahead by one run. The remainder'af the game was scoreless, but twice Goderien had men on second and third, one of those times with only one out, R. Monteith and Lockwood doubled for. Clinton's opening tally, but the Goderieh lads tied it up after Shorty Butler walked two men. MeNall scor- ing on Tacker Bloorafield's single. Hill, Johnston and Holman scored in the second after G. Monteith put the risitore on the score sheet again when he romped home on a bad throw, and then in the third 'Clinton tied the score 4-4 on one hit and two errors, Butler and R. Monteith crossing the plate. Tacker retired. three straight on strikeouts In the fourth and the Gol- erich boys went one ahead in their half, when the visitors had a bad inn- ings. adding three errors to Johnston'e The fifth was scoreless and in the sixth Clinton got away again, Lock- wood leading with a single, advancing safely on Cook's safe fielder's choice and scoring on a wild attempt to catch bim at third: ,Powell was safe on an error at second and with one out Bloomfield walked two in a row, forc- ing in what turned out to be the win- ning run. A bobbled infield fly re- sulted in it double play, at first and at home, to close the innings. There was one aut in Goderich's half of the sixth when Hill singled and Johnston doubled, but Butler was taken out and Hawkins went to the Mound_ The lad showed results of his brief training under Tom Hawley at London recently and struck out th next two men. There was no threat in the seventh nor in Clinton's half of' the eighth, but with two out Mil and Johnston came through again with singles, and with a double- steal reached scoring poet - dons, but Goderieh's hopes bit the duet when Bieset struck out. Bloomfield struek out thirteen, walked three and allowed six hits; Butler tallied five. three and eight, re- speetively, and Hawkins five, none and one. Seore by innings: RHE Clinton 112 002 00-6 6 (3 ander e h _130 160 00---5 1) 5 Olinton—Butler, p; R. 'Monteith, lb; Hawking, If: Loekwood. 31e; Cools 2b; Powell. e: G. Monteith, 1424 ; Counter, ef; Haddie, rf (Colquhoun in 6th). Goderieh--Hoiman, lb: Mr,Nall, ab; McDonald, cf; Westbrook. as: Bloom- field. p; Turner, If; Hill, 2b; Johnston, rf; Bisset, c. ITInpires--Illturney, of Goderich; Wagg. of Olinton. POOI4IIS1111 AND IDANGEMOUS Two men bathing at Egerton Beach, South of Bayfield, late Sunday after- noon, gave onlookere a had genre when they raised a call for help, but were not In diffieulties. The wife of one of the Men (lashed frantically into the water, at the same time yelling to spectators to hum uiS' and reeene her leusband, whose calls for help were cer- tainly reallatte. One of Olinton's Ater hockey play- ers who was at the beach sped to the rescue, only to find that the men were merely putting on an net. an they showed Inclinetion to leave'the vrater. Fortunately the mnjority of bath- ers realive the serinusne= or a dis- tress eall and refrain from thin type of foolery, whieli etould be punishable by 'law. Elnppily no serious) eonse- quences requited from thin fOolish act ntel we imagine this man's wife de-. live'red an illuminating lecture that is not likely to be forgotten Mr a while. Nen-Recard. Lucrwozr r‘ eit4l1iNeffrettoSePlezeeteollietlellipiffrAlle 11 fatc1IKNOW, Aug. 23,—An e0tort is being made, to revive the Caledonian games whleh made Intelenove fatuous years ago. George H. Smith, who.. was a member of the ofd -time Cale- donian Society, is heading a movement to have. the games held next year. Among eleven blind students who graduated last week from the Can.adian National institute fur the Blind as teachers of the blind was Gwen Ackert of LuCknow. The annual flower show of the Lucknovv Hortieultural Soeiety will be held in Carnegie Hall on SaturdeY evenin, September 3rd. Mr. and Mrs.. S. J. leilpatrick of Aslifield announce the engagement of . their ouly daughter, 011've Mae, to Mr.' Cfeil Edward Blake, younger sou of the late Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Blake of Ashtield. The marriage will take! place early Iti September. The engagement is announced of Mary. Merle Philip, dau;ghter tif Mrs. Andrew Philip and the late Mr. An- drew Philip or Alnfoute, te H. Jame- son Maelleie, sou of Mr. and Mrs. John MacRae of Lucknow, the marria.ge to -take place the latter part of Septem3 Cllearingl 30 pair of Greb's Work and brown. Full nuluionite slip sole NV I t toe cap or plain. Panco and leather soles. Hall rubber heels. Sizes 6 to 11. sPEcIA.I. To CLEAR 0230Z0-=0S0cDO JVL. 3u 130 [ J --\\_r-09 AGENT TIP TOP TAILOR'S Phone 384 - The Square Kinnon and two daughters, Jean and Dr. John MacKinnon, Mrs. Mac - and sight - New York the end. of August on a spent' the day shopping The August meeting of the W.M.S. Margaret, of Detroit, who have been seeing. visiting the former's sister, Mrs. Rob- ert Andrew, are planning to sail from Ham - six months' cruise around the world. was held at the home of •Mrs. Alex. They plan to visit Lueknow, India. Bogie on Wednesday last. Mrs. Ham - London, where he has sectlred 11 posi- ing. Miss Belle Shaw gave- the Mon Clinton had charge of the meet -. Ritchie left last week for been sighted several times of late in Tvvo Wolves aged.—Wolves have :ar:te:.enitinrgleis ogrivtehtei bers taking part. Miss Edith Horton Monthly was followed, several. mem, ;Scripture reading and the snggested siitiu.dtyheb:lecs.sionTahrye tion in the McCormick factory. of Luck -now, and after unsuccessful at -I A. (Linty 11111(.11 was served by the. , tempts made by several persons to presidtott took charge of the business. ss, ho,tess and her. daughter. There was shoot thetn Harvey Stanley and Gor- a gotht a ttendance and a social time don Scott of Ripley have sucoeeded in 1,c„ spent. !.,kaktg. jag. .1,4 one ,.%.7/651,ssiintss,tsss-sessrsisssw4sis-uss-ssis4s Will',Werliela strt r r7; OneThey sse‘se- . have :taken Ittespeltse to -Walkerton to t win l40. sales l'isom his holidays and __.. tAuhty . rr — ------:seessetesse .t& *tom ty. • Leoleneaseleureln„. ..eOntltl the s.Rev..rile„c---G. .tBaraard- mer wedding took place at the home of at io-,p '46 7'P2/6/5afilli'442--7134ite14' IM-"t'lla.,--w4iffri-1-13v ill meet In the basement si Mr. and Mrs. William Douglas, Luck- . attend. nOw,; on Saturday, when Miss -Marion FAizabeth Johnston, daughter of Mr. Robert Johnston of Ashfield, was unitedin marriage to Mr. Norman S. Calvert. B.A.. of Lucknow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Silas Calvert of Reaboro. Rev, C. H. MacDonald officiated at the ceremony, which was witnessed hy only a few relatives and intimate friends of the bride and bridegroom. On their return from a short honey- moon Mr. and Mrs. Calvert will reside in iLuoknow, where the bridegroom is a Member of the High School staff. Kinloss townshi1), a few ni es port LEE IP' URN IsENBURN, Aug. 23.—Mrs, 1104.1. Bogie, of Toronto, arrived here ou Fri- day and. is visiting her father and brother and also is 'fearing for Mrs. Wm, Bogie, who has not yet got the full use of her arm after being con- fined to the hospital for a time with it. Miss Ida McLeod, of Detroit; called on friends in our neighborhood last week. Mrs. J. Peter Harrison and son Jimmie, of Porter's Hill, spent part of Thursday and Friday with her par- ents here last week. 'Mrs. Ellen Farrish and her three sons, daughter and granddaughter mo- tored to 'Detroit on 'Saturday. Mr. Marr Shaw and Mr. Harry Volees, and the former's two sisters mo- tored to London on Thursday and A baby of home This all List bu r, rg. 11.111. boy Mr. makes and All has nd seven 't1 re (same TO Mrs. sons invited. ittiEirt Lock har the Congratulations. Horton, • Mrs. spent Fre the nklin to the t Cook. week -end 11 9f our ADVERTISE ES TH.E SIGNAL -STAR. Our Ca,rc Our main thought 1.1 the planning of our Invalid Car was comfort, but no :safety.feature has been neglected, and our charges are very reasonable. We invite 'Inquiry and Ikatspeetilera —24-H0UR, SIERVIICIF4='- Vilna *-- Crcznoton Tallneted Home 17 Montreal M. • 1191n411r2 SOD V Tr L J rLu ••••• g,,3n caiST gOCA) giSEG •=:=01., Beet Granulated SUGAR ILO Lim. 55c "Elelmet" COiNID sEET 2 Tins "Ayhmell." II11® C1tatu1p..2 llot. 27c New SuEtama, Raiglizas Ilbso 25c pkgs 19c lacLaren's Minute l'aggoca, Sprcing Nossom Mamas Db. 15c " '4!(9j'' P3AC1117,1'S 2 Sgt. Ti1113 25c "Sugar Crinp" COPN TAKES 3 Pkg"8. 23c Sullthight Scup Snowfrllalke AM 24.c Ammonia. 3 age Mc MiT White tian Toilet 3iiap...3 for 20c Caseasia .1-1b. tin 1.40 01741Ige pkg 24c AP'lla1O7 Lawraoon's Plualio...tin 210 pu.auve Corn Elyrup tin no Tomato Juice, 2 lge tins 10c LUyadl IrorEc J1ipperOnatiso....5 tins 25o Cof212o.'. • • ..... Lib. tin 87o Rain or Xedized Siltuerr gat Pure Lard 3 tge Pkgs. 15c 2 Liti. Printo 25c Cahrau Cott PvIcayea now 216-216 now 46 (1 .6