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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1938-8-25, Page 2
PA(11D TWO (The 15aberirll Oigtant-Okr THE GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR 4.4 .m)1 • nit ,,..1.1 111 11 \ THE: Co STAR FFIE PIZ ESIDENT AT KINGSTON ..___... r-r*r 4- • N4; '.1 1: + 1 1,1 ( \H 1 , Pill Osllior of Lazy MeNt@vis By 'Harry J. BuYie 1', 41 "CONN 11 !NG" 4 7. .'••• +21,,,,troht",, ,;(‘ 1,44++.+41144(,,r, \ 1 .ammisicaramuguistrarz=z77,,:,eYisFiss'"-V. , 1 11. 1\ , • I 1 '1% 1 1116' 441 «Hi 1lip • t I 1 ,111. ••• ' 11 .1.• 11o, 0.;.1 , r 5 11 "4 r. 11 I :7 4 1 , y 1 Ttitirsdoy, August 22,5th, 19e3 Things Away 1:y k 111; 14 a .%'l* 1 it, 'she 'FORM Home I 1,11% 1141 I'.4tiftt1 ,A1. 1 t 01:0 1%1 to- :4,,Iny • - .1* -.4,- 1.1 • 04•4 ,•1! 5 ,t riirr . -.4 14 !r .1 ;) 1-0" .4'; tr.( Ity /1 7,414. 1441.4 4,4 4•\ .„. I 1 '1. itt,.• - ‘1 -i‘;‘ r• I' A- I ,„ •1114,1, !IL:, ftte and Land found t1u.i1 V1)111411 hr. 4,o0i414'. Which %An. happily r.s., \I !4,1,,-,1 .444 :i.tt itrilay morning 4 !I "AI 44, II(' 11 III :t rk stree!, where young 4.11.1dren PIMM1117 elliTrIf ! FALL FAIR_ ATEE3-1. 6 (H.anover Post I policornsa ,uluup:rwuliat(e):(i.cbaiist-torredp.(infirtke.4ututill:11Turont,3 te.N.E.I ........ Aug. 24 --.Sept. 10 11,1700 Ueneral D M. 4 h. mond has not 1,,,ondon t Western) ..... .. .,ses. 20, 21 Sept 16, 17 15w4:17-Alli.1,41:1111gra:".ainnuinilillt.i: l'apeYn:ilt.)141 for each of his six years' servi,e. and , l'I'ffs'" 4 iianover Sept.seit. 2021: 2221 been throvin out on the street to starve Sept. 145, 16 He is being given a lump . suw of Kull'ardine • .Sept. 15, 18 (N;loidheerritt.,;111 . Sept. 21,22 . ... ....... Sept. 22, 24 Sept. a2. 23 Sept. 23, 24 Sept.stlt.27; 2723 Sept. 27% 28 . Sept. 27, 28 . ............ :..s.seell(1)1(itt)t).,,t.tr.q:22.2::::,4, 29, 30 . 3 02:075 Sept. 20, 30 Sept. 30. Olt. 1 Oet. 0, 7 14 4'•'1 4101r 44.1,14,'-• fly*. ;drutik", ifs'.1,01to a se:Jr rea,..L1 of the MI'llu";1) ,41 .5 she ,-e•nt re of !tit' %%rut). srr,e,1 %sitti the pro,1,1,-t.. of tilt- beer parlor or peril...anent force'e're not sure 44.4,411,4•444I11,4 141114•V 'I'he 55t \re ,N ht.; 111.r ht. 1, th,. o4,j041 top:oily s.s1"1:1s1,, v t1,., lo 114 1400- T1Vre'''..,11 11e,1,1,-,, SN.I 1, 111a1.4.1' ,1e14,., 11,4,.' A et e 4 1 .Ii t r 1 44 '.444 4')', 45104 lit, tr itr,tr'k ', .4 441r1 s 1111 114» ss 11 •I I., ;."..t.4 r40444 4.4 .41011 1,11,4,4. tor .....• 0.4.1 11 11 k' S111411)11111) ItE1)11...%NT 11 0 (St Nlar.vs Journal .1r4,1-4 'I'11.• rase itli which apple an.1 01. have di-appcared fr-sn H,ss 01r:11- :11 4441'. 4e:1 tintari.. ,„it; -"A 111.' "t " 3 " 414! *1 I .4 , 1, • !,,,‘ rarri,44-. 11011,4 air 're rr 44\ , •L ‘":4, 45 4 hr. Or 11!H4 1 lor, 14 1 41' r• ,r; " If sono• 1c,1 . hint , 4 4'4.14' "" -'44, )" \1..4,1 11011.0r: I 14;s, s"'"' "s 1 '11111 '1141'6. '4', 411 rl,i,„.400'..41two.... toe prior,. oran.:,•- 11, +.0 -"1101 ‘1 hit 1/01.111, s t he 11110-4 ; ;1 ,4 ,s :11.,11-71-ppIes'on The continont - J'.4. f.'s. the I tetta tinter. ' is di,- 1 1.• 1.g.1;:...,,t;ste • 1,, '.404 4 .C114..0.:411 1.4,, 1.4 1'. 41' r.I1' 11,' S,• r..10.antitc...: of th,. 111- :rie, 4,.-1.,- part of 4.%).1'.% f,,rru ,4 : rr 44 !•'• 7r,• Ise z1.1*-- and 0111,in41 1 I- 1,11140,1 el; him 1.4 .44.4, ' l 'hy set in,•, :N114114NE11. 11.'P IN (ABS 1 urns; but I'ertli Courier Ili!' H.'1.1;.-.1 -;4:1...4 1 A •44 ntleinan signing liitn.e:f \\ 14 4-4,4,,.,-1 „ 4,,, t'r 7":)40,. "l'he _, • ..., .4 !„.r....„1., 1,,t. ,,/. 4 (.1.0.4• and 11:01 1eccnt13, s111,1 ;I.,- 1 yr,011,4- ilit; 714,14;4. ;HA 441 Ilk .4 00 I' :1 41.1 110I 0110 per cctis. 15 41.1.11 '41! 1'.W11. "11 .."'1."1.y 1,s'r " s.: S • ' I •, • 1 I .1 r I I 1 y :14 III ). r 1 -11r 1444'! \ r. 11, :10.4 41 111:0 1, 4:, 1,,i pH,f-iut ii -el; ror demonstration 11411111,04 right or he IntiY not. Init There \ ,,4., ‘5 1,, k.41; H , s; TaVrnst ; v "Ztknt lsti-ntreti• -1 71.g.a..;F:4•syms,4)-41,04..s, ;*it 1 tri 10 .1.1 111 ; ‘1,04 7;41 h:iri ;414:4,4 10 .-7)44(tieFraatiriarP7AWilig4,;,44447,74rI-rl,• LCZ-72.4V2S%ik'l•''''L—ri'q.4.Wtt:areaN•Q'J4K "1".4.Z.P' 414.,2,43L414.r.' -14'; '14:;424:k. -171 , .1 •._s- 1 ...HI :1,.. . '1 111111 1! 7 11--7:1• tit i rstkt i'-'!4'.7-gAt415640417fenkritnt:iiiVIchso*.ef• true ;4 lortno C".'11 orrttrtssorn 4, 41,1 11.1.,•14 Itt• nutolt,.o. :1111"111"1.:11 acid•makers. They can't help it—ctrza often they don't know it. The results' cif.an..exaess of acid may 5eeta just like tarthrtaty-st-omarb-ITouble izin't be put right by ordinary stomach remedies! Excess acid may be the reason why you wake up flat, sour, bleary-eyed, bilious — and the reason why fierce purgaties only leave you in the grip ot a weakening habit and the same etherotldse:sonmPtInsfluthing that acid can't face. Thars,tlie neutralizing power of N'ange Salts, the alkaline remedy A dyit the natural mineral spaactwteah- spoonful in warm water surges through your system just like the medicinal spring water far away in England where ,N'ange Salts come from. Excess acid is neutralized quiclzly, painlessly. Your blood is purified of poisons. Your sore stomach walls are soothed. And that mass of hard; poisonous waste matter lying in your intestines is softened gently, naturally, and passed out of your body. Then do you feel good! It's naarvellousl But the most marvellous thing is that Vange Salts are only 60 cents a tinl At your drug- gist now—but if you're wise, on yam bathroom shelf tonight! ... tod idopt :4 custom which 1 4044 01) 1/111 eouricienee. i. Ir. abolish motor H. lf ;hat 4 lone, how is a man a dozen others at a red g 4., 1,, 1,1414, to indicate that 1,.. ..1143 per -on in a hurry?— , Slar. 4,•,1 oes Sstoffoi lfahe Eons Add ? Acid Ilndigeskru„ Con, Headaches, 0110i1HIS 1tI©s Comb atmn OHM- via MOS 17117 r '1 ' ; ; ! • .4 I ' • ••,..-•••-•••.•-•45-44.4 -41 ..44.44,411,-(4--4....4-.."1.1-4.),..t4. - 1.1 ,',• rg.• .1 . "1.7;71.......z1.1....liti-Alll.'.......af-',..-1`.! 1-7. .4.:.""1111'.1.1"1:..1.1; ...41,"."' ,..Prt...'`..1`.1" ..r..',","1;,:- 1 ...,,.1 .411,1 450'- 04:41.1041.4' tie- * tisr-srti0u.411.. l'.41.1e41 on l'crill., wain', ........1- 1 '• '-'''''' 1001 1"'" 41104: 1" In.' a ft.‘‘' -''''''''' '''''.`" sniurillY 4111:111 '0.4'11 ,„,,,11,h„, da).. 1 'n4"': o on this pin (5 :I the. hondired- of thon,and, of .1.11.ar-11 ,,,, .1 ,14.., 11,01...t. Hr.` 4,r4•'4,14 1'0 ,,,•: a ...,,-41.,•,. ,,i,,hi,i,,,,,, ,,,,,t, .ds ai:,•,i,in,,,,, If al; 1,, 1 hi, ..i..., :is slat. hal,. l'ointing, 0. .11i,, 1 iss.1 iii. In motor car, ;Ind -14.144 on 11 to 1. \H.'s, • ;,....1 ..4,.; A r„, p.n. „Wes p..,1......:- 111, 44145 1 ;11”.111.Z11 111,' I.t.1.0,1 I 110, iril :1 1111 10,4,4144-4 had 14,14 !.....11 , r \I ;, ILI , rii,,,i,„ :4 1,,1 i l' .A.1 1.4 llie. 1 hi, '.4 041441', ,,,, ".011111 ''. it' \ t''1". (5.-lit'it'' 41" .111.1 it ts...' I 't0 it h It FLit. , ,4 -• \ '0 41 141 itt'''.1. 1;t1 1)- 1 "V t II" Y'"Ini2: l'Ut V. 'Hi hi t WI - . il !'ti itf 1.:1111,-s? )11"...11.1 is la. in 'IL?, i...4 .0.1,,1 .. m1l.,,p,1,.! In 1 4144,04. a44,4 s.1,•,1; ....,,,,„• r,,„,,,,•,.„ 1.,.,.1 .,„„.,. "A44,1.15,1., and 41..111,1 1 hore It, 1.4.41 ,r 411 -rt- 1 11.. 0.,11-.;5 to.1,1144.4 .1 .011:11', 441 11 4 :oh, ,ol 1 - .4,- 4.4 0.4 4•1,11 Al '7 "0'1;4)1- t ',N.'4'.• 14 I 1/0.1 '0•1. ;1,.:41114 11..1111 ,4 1.4111! as ....s. 1- 4 \\•, 111. li.l. These A :4, r.•:t 1 49 ?in ri444.1)191' 101 :1! .1,! I .1,-,•• .inv tru.k or trade If,. ,,„.,;,I 1:44,'. 1'4,41 1 1 411%, 1.1.11 any ad- s... t il441,. .4 to! ..,t 1,.. , .1 H.- and made her .11! t hi• -craps from t he hut 1 presenilt/.1 tit 1". tit, „I H. Hi.. runt, For •011, th 11 pig -,soned to eat 4,,' .4 1,, sight 11,,4' '4,44 • Ir-, 01, 14, I )4 4,1: 5 _4-0- "II; 1 4 - '01 I .1. r• I 49' 1101.4 '5111) their oytt 44 1.ro,r111 411'i,v)„1., ,h,tiol -1,;,‘,•; 4 4 tvett right, of %%ay they ,t 1, 10,4„, 11)ove.1 a 11 ch:tirs and movable thina:s from s he v rti win h . t hey to, rou gh: v I 41 111, r; .11. '; , , „ „ . , , ), t 011 1111, 44,14/ It",11:1 11%4 140- LY:1:4t.`"? Wtl11141 it he circulated by1 1' \ tr 1 -11. 11 sicir, ,,f 11i11.,•• 0;4, only a moment or on a hundred and to the gener,,1 'rho money ...pent it. 1' s's • ' soi h..' f,..111,1 .1 1.111 " • , man ; 41...., o44..41.. 141.0! 0.9,1 . ;44 ;,.i, ;11,,i 1111 .1-1,1114 4.1, 11,4v ts.011.1 she kti.44%-s!-, (1r and Q4 1i.041 "I'11, .,:her in-tatice \V1l 1 prettv 114411;2:11 witch ..f it 1t.ny...: the 4,1111,r) ,siht'1.11 In 1110.4 01 betia\ 1.r• •‘• 111t1" lad \vas fact r4t111:1ins. lirt444,,.4.r. that 41 :in.; 111:0-4..1.thsis • she attra,•ted to me while I %Ns, seated .11 40."4"r11"" "f "111"1"°1111" 11..1;11 114..- 114•0.r been ..1,1 :t 1 eranda 11 .1rinIti1lg some grapejuic. 11'10' '41"4.1' "'wt"! HP , 1,,ayg4..,,,,nds bea,,eand lis .1, he ;.;;1 1.1.040011'40011'1 ZIVirftr 111111 g -en-. e in 10 rk, ha ve, 11441 111:1,14'. 1.0 rsionla rly driltk, widish ,141iglifP41 hint -on to t'le 11 11"1"1" 11 "a II W°11"1 140 "r" r,,1• Ar:,1 hi- hot and thirsty (lay. rhilrillke, to 11418g404, %Olin would 1111 P14014 if. 1111 ...411,4,1,_ 1,11, nt 1„ hi, 1111)111pr in deuly, 114.1.e 51 ore no ttutontobiles. It 40-r•r1 that I 11,4 have sht.tr mood the next 11.11,1• 1)r4ssulnablY 1P11 lier• intere,ting: 10 spectilat4‘ what people 1 1 h 4.11i, looks had 1.e.e11 eloquent of the ,vould do 55.4111 all their money if they .10,1 fliey are 45044 11 it 1 /hanks he .1411 not spetik. 'tut the 111'1n't 11110' cars 14) st14)1).)rt. .45 901.4 pook. the '.11104-0 the 41r)'.' 414 mother, gett-ing the story. evidently -.45:4 ril- of 110' park,. the playing- did not think that gratitilde 011 the ',et gentleness thy stroitg enforce- ment he. 1':),)' was sufficient. For in 111)0111 a .groutois ,N 4re with bright young fosin., in no minimum of clothing. tninuft this little gentleman re- 1.4iek to the ,ery genial sun of appeared, and )rrayely. with lovely dig -- the .t 14411141 holidays nity. mounting the verandah steps lie How- tiopht.ticatedttlo. Hoy ehititren .':41111 n ea r 00', bowed, 11 1111 ;4,1 111, Ire ill 0oltiparko11 551411 the country -"l'hank yoii." and then quietly 1141,1 de- •,nes Ttie,v have quicker wit, initia corinislY retired 15'' and. tproach than ttleir emintry cousin-, TWO Ilf them', girl, of some -e, ..r 4-"i2:11I yea rs. -'41 10)» 014 the ver_ 4411,411 whore I stayed and remarked they had noticeil the verandah 44'9,4 044! \A, 4,1 ,411r1 they %void)! like to do ..oppor 034•11 .knil these art k n t 1'1' Itl1s1n4+44 rriffil 101404I. 41) h-)LIS4i 1 I 1. .1 tit e 010 Wirt •,4•4 .4; „I pr.: 1,, 444 111,4110 2, ' ir`tr h.. -01.rr1 ' ;Imir‘ 411.4 IIrrI 1; ' 1'1 110114 1, • I 1 I t -.44,10 .1 tIII „‘ 104' 144ty 0,1 0711 r IlZ Ir. 717 11), 414I4' ..1, ' .1 of 1'.,t0t 1- s.,1,11:, *114. .11 .4 1411-,)• -trees an•I r1 4-;‘,•4- 1,0,1111 t It trr ,trtit .0 .1 7,1 ,1 4;41 w :00.91 11111 11 .11.‘ 01144,1 -10:11,1 Lid\ •;'1.t....t 1,1. 10-• ,1-10 .1 .1:44 lth "1.10 41;1,141 . 13.' 54 rt •slittIN 014' 1111\1.1\4. \\Oki\ \\II. 11. 111,11's 1. - 0•1 .1 . ' 1t 44.1 t I 11.0,..! " I .1 .4, Ir -"--4',' • 4 ,1 , 1 ..0'0.1 01'0 4,), "oh ' h.er 11,1 f 114,4 1 +' it I 11 I ,4 • 4: !!, 4. 4,1 it Zii,",1 ' t lc. -4 ". A , . •It • II -11 '1•1;.; 11,11 1,•,.1 .1 ' 'Ir,- 14:1'.•4-41,0 •44.•r1 it.. , ,1.z.;;1 00,114 44 41' 10.1 A .0 " tirrirt ' LLL With a record of MI ste.toqrs ha a TY, ..41 Pat trpratment for pd., ;W4 %,.ti can 1,a0tv5ty depend. ‘,/, Or. Chasas °ointment Intboze irDe3.g. LONG WEEK END FARES Between all points in Canada and to yet tam destinations in the 1 nited Stale, FARE AND ONE QUARTER FoR YID: KM ND TRH' tickets good gsoing from Noon Frida%. `sept ontil 2 p.m., Monday, Sept. 1. .11111-711 RN LIMIT to leave destination not later than midnight. Tues.. ‘44 -pt. 6. 19%S, MIN NI 1 NI sPEt 11111, 1F‘RIE 9dult% or children - 25e Full particular, frona 4. IF or mill agent. Canadian Pacific Pimples iO Dam! 1 nommo 0,744.4 nially young peol)le are male 111,se10ble when unsightly 411111ple:4 break mit on the la e, neck and ••ther parts of the hod). 0,hie is not so inueli physi- cal pain, but it's the inental suffer- ing ,41141e.1 119 the embarrassing distigureitient 0/ The quickest s.. v;o4 riri Of 1,11144,1t5 1.4 to loc.. ,,;• , • 4,•1lora1 ::.-:1111) 10( 11-4 ! rr• 11 .f ita irr r( ! 1,1440.1 4,0 ri.l , taking; Thu T. all:burn Co , Lad , Coront.o, Out. I i 4 1114 . 1 , s y s Yu W ang: the Beef That is, what you get when yoa paint with (',1.L. (Canadian, 1.,Imitd) paint. If costs :141 much to put a cheap Paint ora as it does the best. You want a paint which retains its color. You will find this in all C.I.L. colors. The C.I.L, white is made from ANTrMo. It lasts longer and Is ALWAYS NvartrE. It tines not turn grey. We carry a stock of Paint Oils, Turpentines, Varnishes, ete. Shelf -Hardware, Plumbing and Steam -fitting Goods. Por 1'LUMBIN.1.1, HEATING BY AIR, HOT WATER or STEAM, IVO van give you pr,)rupt service. BURN TilfF, DEPEND1ThLE.—D-11 Anthracite, Red Jacket Stearn Coal or Ford Cok,., We solicit your orders Chas. C. Lee Phones: --,-Store 22 ,Night Calls 112. At the Harbor •••••••••.• f) WATCH your family beam with delight when Kellogg's Rice Krispies are served. That "snap -crackle -pop" sound fascinates chil- dren and grown-ups alike—and that tasty, toasted flavor brings them back for 'second helpings! Because these crunchy rice hables are so crisp they crackle in milk or, cr'ream! Rice Krispies are light, wholesome and easy to digest. Always ready to serve for breakfast, lunch or the children's evening meal. So join the crispness chorus right away! Your grocer sells Rice Krispies, kept freAh in the patented WAXTITE inner bag. Rice Krispies tare a'de by Keno= London, Ontario. "4 1.• 4, 141 2717. si COAL -M=13 large circulation g1ve3 adver- tiaers a covetrage. of the entire (11 •triet that can be obtained in no other way at t.1-0,rytMZI like the cosi. Mt a Steal - Mai ad, tal for you. ,N1,154101411411181 YI0AR, NO, 34 HURON COUIRJT5 FOLTER1OST WEENLY 111M5.7 -74_0),C) Sicpzat-Cr wh,e0 mit t1rz..1 position, vant.1 to cen or on- ehang0 boriltettiloGtcr ti buy something, or have mane other tVanItt. The coat in 8105511. (1.83iness Directory LEOAL DUDLEY E. BLOLM4S, Barrister, Etc. Olt oe-- Court House, Goderich. Ttlephone Dot GLA.S N.A.1R,N, Barrister and Solicitor Ottice--ilainilton Street, Goderich. ERNEST M. LEE, Barrister and Solicitor klun Life Building, Adelaide and Vic- toria St..rew,s, .Turonto 2- - 0 'Pe:ephuue Elgin 5301. 0 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT FIRST1tROOK, MONTEITI1 & CO. Chartered Acoountnats 77 Downie Sttreet„ Stratford Case Over metorr on the illipway - GODERICH, ONTARIO, THUrst,SDAY, .1kUGUST 25th, 1938 Judgment in preferring such a charge. Case dismissed." -(suraten Schultz, of Auburn, chose the wrung time to give in tu the plead- ings of his girl friend to altow •her to drive his car. They were nu sooner on their way than they were btopped Magistrate Dismisses Charge of Injuring Roaid—Fa.rmers $1.0 awl costs for ipermitting an un - by an officer of the law. Schultz paid Dr. John 'ucha --.n Speaks India and China at Knox sentence for one year, with the stern 1n fact, he had not missed one for six- in Magt;trate's Court plopped; ou the (leek. Bell grabbed licensed person to drive his ear, and % BIWA litlAre Facilities the young lady was given suspended Church (ions, taking him from coast to coast ; ' to rstdafiriangw way a t fro 111 1 11 the !tit. r„,,t „0„, joyed a leisurely muto.r trip. He Is -- it sta.nrely by the neck and oue leg and of fa rmers throughout t his district, awtillnettoint(1,410ha glad he did so, for in the course ott eowitteted a natural history class fOe A charge which aroused the interest InierestIng experienoe, of fifty years teen years, but, this year he just en-, , highway wit 11 spade lugs, one of driving a tractor engine on the 11.1.1t. dis. Infuel there, pleaded guilty to a charge as a missionary now retired but about to return to the reillted l'Y ilev• Dr. J(11111 1111rhallan' his wanderings he located a brotherpersons in a get rich quick 14'. lilt ., 5 Flt44-010r, near Wheatley. It was the - ing a total 44 spiv rtutu lw,, st.atortti "t'igilva "hut" "tee" Puu Profess,,,r" Put, r Clirlstie NloKenttit, 1 iii,•,....4 sounding words lu our found guilt) of traudul,•ntly procur ture It -wtiti eteitilittf'd the bird the sailors before releasing the crea- nds. • Ruby Wintens, maid at a smuttier .3.14'.. 551)1 411e :tractor had -kept to; -the littti hren held in liiii and was freed by . •aid she w oi Presbyterian church. a brief reunion, Fletcher showing the [141 014., sull 1 clli•t4 !list Thursday, re- l'uto 11. toontlis in jail Ila gist rate Nt.thins, 111 : guilt " ,, eut to have been olerlooked. I 5 ()mem ‘.‘ 1;11er 1 11i1404 that the _ , missed by 'Magistrate Makins in court fro::lhioutgelLin„ seen ttis 1..rottier and be had lost all last Thursday because the evidence a German girt front Saskatchewan. She. • laind.v's sat:lout and dress on Sunday from the )11' oit of Knox 1 .1 .04 nitcliencr, 55:0, ...I:lilt:144.1.d to tollr al,. "1 iirNy 4011.- The words "Not language India he calls holm., 1‘ 111'11 be ,poke first time iu 114 11 thirty years he had „ ,.. , trat-k of hin.i. 'The brothers' enjoyed ditch aud tile driver had planked the the Magistrate on suspended sentence. lir. litichaknan, a nati\ 44 of Glen- : chief ta1o, it in gd faith. tollt his faun and eo o x[ensAve en -It 1 tcnsIdei )1clie crossing.iliot s plea : -I toad, when he %vas forced to wake a Percy Bedard. of S. .1 4.,eph, charged mna orris„ethosm :s Gait, we issionary apiary. by Provincial Constable \\*elk with al- wife lies buried in India, stood in the— , tit his ttit\,th. from town to 14,51 LI HIV 4,,00 __ _ _ .. t , The casts WliS one Of SpeCitil interest w„y, „a id t ha t a tik atm „ to him a stke_ "sit a led by a Ilil) fra(.4 II re 111” S4110e1,4411 141 on .1tigus4 5, 19:1s, St. 11:0.3's 1"1111. itiiti it "ass, 4\kit'ii mi'' Edith lowing, a cow to wander ou the high- pulpit with the' aid of a crutch, neees- '. ' D'IRIER11,1,1_FARnglELL I" , . • Protc-...,1- made a ,hort sta.\ at. Seas- .. bar (s. alum Fares .. Fray 'WeaTs nn° Fair "t" ""' !FOUR' HOEK ls RAW TEE= asii Rills° sion ,Filekils 0 A huge bird, supposed to be a crane, NOT AN ALIISATVADMI Who= Hie 11117111311a N;t1(San iraz Nenp. lung will, remember his holiday trip was captured by First 'Mate Sam Bell week. The Chief has usually, at- Fa, llse fRreiteneea when the ship ,vi:113 on its way -down Of this year, from which he returned this "Prof essor " MclEenna's outs the bridge of the. str. Superior Chief of Pollee C. Postelethwalte OEet. tended the Dominion police conven- Rich -Quick Scheme ackflres the Lakes on Saturday. The ship waS tr Ile- half wile from 811010 Whitefish Point when the bird a 11 1 1 Ille or year w11111 tractors are ti,", if hi, react. had tR.44.1.4 knocked Torollio Iti,t year. uuted („zittirio, was the Hoag alttl before To farm with threshing outfits. • tra \selling almost d•aily frow farm to (10,5 a, iktralitting ow tuw to reach the sionutty wort,. on his lapel three medals, ,,,,,•tit ,,f it 11,91,0 ,,nuan,,r ".,,,idiug, him for ;readings- that he tout for ' road. The damage had since been re- the Kai,er-1-1 lint!, the George V Jubi-, " h,,,a, margat.,,t .,‘,1,,ne, dttughter 0r 14:trti lli. scheme to double their Toronto Otliee: 302 Bay Street, A Alt hough the complainant, l'rovincial ' Constable Ed. 'N'Vebb, said the grader AUCTIIONEERJUNG done by the tractor, defence W1 1 IleSSeS was required to repair the damage THOMAS GUNDRY, GODERICH, said the lugs left no greater niark•s Reckless Driving Charge r. thhanan told of the old prat.- LIV El STOOK ANI) GENERAL, horse. The first charge of reokless driving , , , 4Stile%s at tended to a aywher e ,z,'i' and accused, protested. against a suggestion AUCTIONEER Teleplatme 119 instead of the II.T.A., found Barney, the charg,t. nutter the criwinal co<lt.„ t it 0%4. % 4 ' to13 (ilia," for the bless-' ,i ; ; ti 1 Tht. lolling: his %Ictinis lie had .unk ..s11.1.1,o4to 1114 . 11'.s rather (4.14,11.14i,1: :itt.i.:.:11.::::: 1 iw111,1.1.111..„.1,1,1isustiOn,,1:i4, ,Ir,,,isist,i.:(:11,1:1:11,1,.,k1)iri. il. ,ty,et (ruin malty poIntssilliit.TO.nti40...trii(7t. than would be wade by a galloping . lice 4rt natives of the Ithil country or I, a Di.,,,,,i. reiri,n,iy a Kingsbridge, W. F. Jennison, of Dashwood, the preferred since new legislation placed ings of the Brahmin and to loathe in bride, given in marriage India wno once a vear 5 i..iied one of Tm, ilit.it. 4,,,,i ,..,11nt.1 4431.%. „4.,4,,,, tumitily t1,5„Is,..,1 lit, 441 4)4'.' his argument 1.4 1 ecorated 11 1 I li Picardy gin«) 1. . i, and (rN, la•CIt'il $150,1100 ill return. Ile; everty effort made to give satisfaotion. by cro‘Nri Attoraey „Holmes that all t ie to 3 rivet. er, NVilliatu li. Farrell of Detroit, wits g""' 'MI" 11'111g " 1"11" ft' 14."2"-11. 111111 "4"1)1F:1:(R)INT(iliiiill: 'mu" TRIP tractors should be compelled i.o.tz use ( "11'1"', "i It "111"111e t"w11'41111, "s its 1 t - I'arnaers' sale notes discouni:ted. l'ETERENARI: SUItGEON st,hai.4.1d _p"uottili4n4g_i4Ittietm"lutts,,,wo„n„..a9_4tR4,1 vyr,seclmstouvi-ittizig.,:, bantls covering the lugs While thiek*Ina- chinery vvas in.,..„-,02.saLskIn,„ ....Jennison 4..e.:utill.:4,er :t_15xiwt, 4T.r,.ifvritioi.c.:,,,*.;(a-t.,,s.nlipit:eottisilsal3xiso. , :16witztzsrs5,11stemvrall,m,,,npmviarzlo.,74:ixce4sititrwaTit,.. is char 'ed wit 11_0 r u ak, 11 rivito, carries a Inumh- stiffer--pertalt3- ttran om on a , is all changed. Younn".sters tire !win Y,' .. e . t. la 41,„ p-,41...,..u,ein Awl; sliki, . _1021,1# ...„.1,41./.1;-.11.--1,1,1414A;.;:,,,Kc%,,,a,,,Aff.',..:,,..3,141.1;si;:.,,-.....,tattsrarzai•air.... •-,..gs),%'!;•04,-/-,, --,,,, • ,...' .:.•„..,44,,,.;A:.si...,-...7,,s I 1";e:.:;:sitti)11.1,i7.1(1;1111.1itt't.;tf:elo.:r1" t'.\;':.helvegilistill;1"..i1;441-'1:11.;kgrrt4-:':-1:1;:hiiii-t1iltultitt'/I-;11 0.'iii-iii Iff'etNss.ii-ili IgHtt7,1**'''44"4741.1:1411.ttlk:t.;1"e'r'i•-1;111::4:1::11:1:s7LISI):::i41"-111)1::7111:111!•Nlitt'lrit,:l.:1-114):'*olfilTi;;I:'itriiiit't"'iii:.i'TY;PCtill'14.141:1-:1:.1:14*-7'..--.11''''''IT-747-' I victim. Under the code the charge TEIRrNAR.Y ST1TilOIDDX — — increa,,e i 0,aucy pin& roses, delphinium and both ing the pre\ ion. week. ilv witted (lc: - CANADRAN ,,,„„a„,..f40.4.. threshing riztetweltenumber of Christians is. i %4 r oil 1 h. ,. . , years .l -p.. a rAlld :en-thvaedr behnexid-. :1300 bond to give him a chanoe to get 2:-.- --- :----'1 tcrials. The bride's bouquet vv.tis I which II,. ra,,,i1 tliv tourt at his liear hiate.liiii4,t....tutt-t tosL most u t ht- elle gurt.n v..... w tt ta - - __ MD -- Graduate of the University of To - ____In_ -an -effort to illustrate- the• -dam -1 10arinell--Ltarmer, --44-f- nu-n-rtor---slio wed seen protective bands used. his crops in. 1 ititlineladgrast,:chii(i•k;ItIor55y.it(iolf ,1.11e1,1,11t:rni.,:n. ig,111bor-e: -11C;7.-r-nr-17.-6Mletil---"1:1.P:"11114-1711-rittritritlYV-vrrrs --fr-TirarTnITIV-17-ir iTi'saltad I - NV i 1 1 t ha t d a te lut(.k to the flaw or The. gruoin's .si.st.er, -Gladys jeetedly :when setittsma. 55 1*" ranto and Ontario Veterinary 'College. -ge IlIntldly done -14- the travail -g isatt rat e when he cut- Off U police car 1:0211r1-(11 thl"-e-r-vanclie blue sill: net oNer tullel my arrest '! Ile 41Skl.`t1 114e court. J. Calvin Clatt's store. Phone 206W. took to the ditch on my machine anti for the 'breach of driving etiquette. possessed of a devil and seized him bv I at. ...4 . • i .1 lugs, Officer Webb remarked: -If I at Grand Bend. Ile paid $,-) anti costs hoy's friends, heathens, thought he WIIS „N." taffeta „„ti „ stnall piptk, net halo, ,Ne.., he NN 10, ,,,,,,. 1*11 pErip,i,Roup.(ta;:Euissio:fith,:NczuTDIORNuSoBLDss bad for me." r,",-.. ti k'. in Ms ellTs 1" (1111so the her bridesmaid wore matching heir - hit those holes:it would be just too Chas J. (..'onnor, of Ettrick, failed 1. ; s i, o 3 o anot tr d -••• hie arta arid swung him around and ' Ruptut.„ r,,,,c,„ 1.; ti 1 , 1 .. 1 Oi I 'It` -,elf styled expert on health and ....• • . I t o s'I'llank Your Honor," sighed the officer. "It if 'Ts the intention to currett in Goderich townshlop, and Con- ' Th, Caste Evil 1 at tended- by Ted Farrel!, brother of 1 . , ' , 1 Ola,g[10@137/@213 Defence counsel Frank Donnelly motorist, vvith the result there was a 1 ;1 (eev„s Mit. Ile Was taken to the eare lemil neeklaye,, The br444egroeui was ! Iri,4,irtiotio.rit11141,‘ss,t,,.4,4 11:411,. 11111e1 ,,rt4t.is,-411-11.114r,9 Ili 11,111:: 1,,reitt,t Equipped with electro-tuagnotie make the ditches safe for motoristsnor's error cost him $4 and costs. ' THERAPIST , , laughed at the effort on the pa rt of slight collision. The accident, 00- a , mis;4,4(4,. , . iiillth. Ele0+.1.0121tC. eleCtriC treatinent-S.,. he saidi "we shall have to have all A charge of wilfully injuring a dog, Gockrich, Phone 341 preferred against Chas 11 1! Was ad- - • a hot, dusty street, (am, upon a low ftt 111 m .• ulkern, a chaihni... 1) 4* 11, ASSAULT CIIIIARGIF: the (444g molested his ellickens. ,it. isould find no one aniong'the 111;4'114'1r ,i r'.44rrc11, 41.14,111 of the bri.le, and :Miss Henry Iltinfalvy was bonded III the It 118(1*' r* not how well yolk liss Hazel 1'. Nloorts, 'Huron road, thr"ws "n; 11°4'1 h"r. h1g1""'1" "r 1"ws lasid at the bride's 11,.111, for about .11•11,-,rtite .1. .1. Makin, 1 lik i "Phur.4- take the nian to the nii.....jun. II , •4 k . f 1 . a101ig ! 11‘rh::it,briiird::1.11,.1. Ji4:1.''e111)::: g4 )1.7,1,,,.,T4i.y,,,,,,Ii, ‘11.):;.: 1 otter s 114'114•11. Once Dr. Buchanan,. \k ;likings s -.idell at _Ole organ. F. G. \Voir, .1.1', on Tuesdav after -or how, ,florh111 1 ty you 14. - and chiropractle. Chronic, organiic culverts, trees and posts renuoved" plumed a Wevk.' The accused cIainis Jit 1 • ushers. 111* soloists v4tsie 1liss Lois Charged With 4)4 81111111.4 his wife, 1414, 11) 111) r)(a115514%I' . lie‘c ),41i see, you may be milk- ing :i seriou, mistake in deviding .. . 1 11,„ ,,,umint..,r „ill, h,,,r 1111,•1*, 8 lid aunt, work among t lie -0 peop, gruesome .;.,,,,,,,,,,, „um ,....t2, 5,„ t.ddro,g. 10...,..8, k fa ....t rt „rt. ,1t.ii\!. :4.14111 1 i i'iSit'::•.::,1:1 11:151::.' •;41,144‘:ri a 44:44•:‘ 1::f t4.; -1 caste passersby 14 111 w wild to 14, him , , s, Alter the ceremony a re, '1' '-11 11 10, litroli IltIliftlIVy Will appear 144.10re •—'-i- -"-- ...earl Stilli,i. _Mrs. 1.'1,4•41 1, !Jake pre- slim of :Fig*/ 58 41611 he appeared is fore .1111a; jal:::: I'lett•-•s".1.1.1"."11.,1. 7;'f 1::11: 1''VPitl'In4(11:4141rg. aWr":1:11:11:41:'S0g41(11::11.";'' 1:43:*'1":(1.1:1''''''fl h1i1: jii,4,1111. gfr":2111.-1- ofAt'1,:211i4111:1.1,11, N'l'irs.\-ie1:Ift.1:1,.-- 11" illikl.""I'. , -..... r olio 'Mi.Ta:.:11.- of 51r0Iford. 1-abilic 1..,U„t ,,,,,i, 1 :III \Vilitl'r I la 44 1 11111.1,1. 1".. 1111 AT N111111.14. ,whii,, 1 ta•r4., „.111 and 1101. aunt 1,,,,k1 1, "11'.4.I10 -r' by inches." trip ti, 1,11,, ,,,,.„ii„1,m,,,,,11:011,.., wiwrt, 4 Inc 4•121,s ttf I W('11 4 y :',,,ir lepers Ile •1•11,.k,„4. ,,,,• \,,,\. \ ‘,1.k. mir:z1i1,,t' ‘‘,i, 0,1,10.,i4:4 iliim,d „Iii:t. 48..rk i 1,g . they .4( 11 it delightful three weeks at 1111114111 f"r 11 1"111z 1111"1 .1.11 were \\'.0.01,1. ,.I 11,....1-1,•.•1, ,iiii1 kt!'„ 1-4.;thi, ) 5 5 4 ,1,„ I, 4,01„4,1,1 1.•;.,11r mw ..‘,....;1,,,,vi11,., N.c, 15 ill, 1,,,r 1111,„1,, und. not 411 114 1.. look upon, hot they 15 ere 1.o,;11 ,,1• wi,,,,i,,,,, is , A ta:u4n;..- g1.14, 4,1..0- -11-11.k 1,4- ,10,111.1 - aunt, I/r. :not 111rs. .1 D. I'm\ rie of 11,11.41.1. 1 i'' "4.01 then "1". '4." ii11-" 1,1 1-!"41(1.: 1115;0 :11, l';4414' (1"141."! 11 , 1 .,4,.1 •,,I,• op; 4 1,1, .1,1 .1, 4,,,,,oilit Miami, 1'1;0 Tho carolina 1\lountains 1111'10 1111'1 '1''''1'1"1 1" 1-::\'' 111) 1!".11. hili, T,11,..i (1.'11, rai;.....1 ,.... ,,,,,ii 1 ,. 1 1 ,,,,w, , .,Iss, „,,t; 1 „..- . 114; 1, 111,_ a t I 110, tino• of .5ear are %cry beautiful. 41(.ii2"11191 :1,11111 1,111',',1'.1\4\1'. thh:1,111:* '‘.'11-„,, ';11-.1 0r4•411,.- .:,..:::.,_3,1i,!.1),.4,, Ititt..10!.11., 4.-..:t1.,:,:r,41,..10-,:iNt1.11,11,,:i,k,..,i ,'-'; . ,i,,,..,1 .. ,.ii,, ,t i.,1, ,h,. g.,,..), and 4-0,14 turn ,,is the road and eaeli Ino1111- „f ,4„4414,41 ,1441„,, „14(1 ‘„ 114,,, 41,11,, Ierrilde fore -,I, 1411 I I !Ltd, Ill, iiii541, m,. 11 1,,1 ml, (,10.rw, 5, ,:i ri.,,,1,. ii, tail] top showing an endless panorama ilir•" 'aid 41"' '1"'"k cr. 11 " l''' '1 , 1.41 Is. .., 1 1,1 1141 1 Irg• 1 141. 1 1 11. 4101., I 4 44, ...1., ,,\I tt V 1., II! O. F. Carey Co 1„,„, „„,, ,1„.,,,...,u ,„,(,,,,,... 1,.,,,, 1,,,,,11,,,h,... ,,,,,.,,,,-,,iig ,,,,,„-. "1. 14('41`' 11 "i"1"-'4 4" -0' li".?"-. w. d.,--4,. niiiintito.: 4,1" 1-1\, —itiffini, i, ci,,i,:,„,. ,:,„„,, ,iiim :1, chi1,10,‘ 1 ti,,•1,. 011,.14• Sw iazet- It '' 1)\'' 1 l'.'''Ilah,'" ,15 il:' ''''"•\ !'s-(4. '4. 15 1, 1.1,. (11,..1..,.., s...1 ,,' -.1. ,,i,lit, ,‘,,,,r.., 14 ,,,,,r. I 1: 10,,:... 1,0, 5,....-1. :1nd '.10! 4 , W.! , 011111, M:01, ',I Ti,,, nuinQiillig..41.11,1)11r—A11:11,....,Wil:Stiwr 1.0„.„,, „ ,111, .1.i.,„ 40.:1,.,I,, ._. i.1114...,4,,,I :, 0, 1.,.1.,i, 4.. S:14.....• ,11,,I (1,4.4 s•• 10.1 th,• 11:110,.. 0, lea 4,- f.•:.1.•,1 0. 0.4-411 . dung:titer a 11:s. s. 'knight, ot 1;1:11,s1 ii,,, 11;trai-. :111.1 the lale l'1011p 1,4•44 1-. ot t T.\ 11.1•41:, to \Ir. Ilt.\\:101 .1.inets Quaid. 14; kw/Ilan:0, a:-.. had China in Turtwoil N.,i,o1a. -on i.t; 11 r. and 11:. .1. S 1,1,,,,,,,1-.:, of s 1,, ".1,.., 0, 'I'LL., 1 1, 4 ,..:. I 1: pitil'eti, 14 1141 •as OW . 4 'rokk it Attorney lee and a Coronation _medal presented te 1:t ti' 3.1 r. , trs. Iiiii, arrgiei 111018e, %%it 1101 a few %%ee., So 11111-141414144' the young wan a clean slate Ilis by ling George V-1. 4)11'1 1"115111,11,41 11 Iall,tsr 551*,, McKenna NVorsliip suspended sentInce on pay- 1)41 August .251 h 1"' "ill 1•01111/11'1e llis to John Victor Olti.Illy, son of Mrs. 1 1111 1 lie 11110 1 1 1 1 1c (1 1 111(111 1) 1 11 th'r91111(1- went of $1 c031s. tictiuth 54 11 ill the work of 1116 ellurell.'11•Reilly 11 11)1 lliV 111 14. t'ortielitis ()Tell- lug Miss 11 444, to contribute $100 to 7XEIRIRET ON Knee are 11 „ and nervous diseases. Lady in a t- tt•ndrance. Odic* hours 2 to 5 and 7 tio 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Friday and Sat- urtlat3, and on Wednesday 10 t4 12 a.m. only, of consultation nay be h,ad by iainhuin.Linent. Monday antd Thursday at M.10ch4111. A. N. ATKINSON „Residence and ollim/—sCorner of Sou t 14 5.1 reet a mi Mita n ni a ltoad. 11,111EIDICAL Inirmers' Work Must Go On s'Tliet,/ farmers mlist have Anne way of getting their machihery around," said His Worship, -and I have every sympathy with them and the men they employ. An officer should Use some 1flu' F. J. It. FORSTER, EYE, EAR, NOSE. LAste Ifotbe Surgeon Nt.w York Optctialmie and Aural Hospital, as- s/Ls:aid Moorolield Eye 1 I ospitial and (1,1(iet. Square Throat. Hospital, 1,011- 04.1:, Litglan(1. 1.\; 'PENTP)I), (;1,A 'SiES 5.1'1'1'141E1) 141 \Vater11.44 Street, S., Stratford. I.4 -10,01,e 2.1.7. i'N 40.4 Iirl`tift i tI i(•11, 11..11,..sd.tv. September from 2.*.id • (' s, INSURANCE - — Wi 11 10: INSI'11.- 1T1 .\ \fi11 '(4. - Parni and 154.444 ted town r.,' insured. Theimis 3.1,9 Ia.., l'resi.lent, \l',10:4 111 det 4,..1.41e04boro; NI. .4. 11,1(1, S..aforth., .1 .41e4. I0•0401! et, Sea - f. .1;01!. -h '0!.'.-. 13.-11,te11: .1:110444 1, , 110 It. 5.-: fol 1 "hi 1,..nhar0t, 1 1:11.1 it, ; A ex. 114g4 th Frtitik Cidoon. - Hit_ 1, G1111I 1 1.4 1 11 It .1. 1, lirti.eli• ..I, It Y. NI.404-r.•1,esr, It It . : 1 K11, 0. 4 It (1. 1:tr:11,ts,:!, kit. 1, 10,11.- 1,., l':1!1' 01:f ;•.1. :In 1,1 '" - 114, :4 "Hr.1; rtr0e0,.1.•,1 a 1' 1'1,4.1..11 ( r1 0- ;;' -"0'. Ssre(-'. J 1 1 .1. gc7op TOBACP5 gc:)@ i wom),,, com, SMOKE RETURNS FROM 1111011.111).%1 TRAP Auto, ALIccidetrit, Fire Insurance REAL ESTATE—List your pro- perties with ite. A good modern house for sale now, with extras. W. J. POWIELL, Goderich. Phone 292 P. 0. Box 4344, Fire, Accident and Motor Car INSURANCE (1111,:--masmiic ;Ft.wi414., West Street, Goderich Nelson. 1 1 i I I, Manager. 'Phone 230' W. Craigie INSURANCE and REAL. ESTATE Get Our Automobile Rates Plume 21 4404 Jeri(' 1,1 • , • , S. Ryan Real lEslate and Insurance 11 'Fra falgar tioderich I 4. 1. 1- ,. 11, s .. ./r -v, on 4L cdpgc 411 / Norther raiflectric Theag-re SOUND 11,-1— .1 SYSTEM LI Phone 47 ...... ""Goderich Now I'lititig—".lom-;TTF:' a untssical ftm-,h011 11 if h 0011 "led"' and Berl Lahr Monday, Tuesday Z. Wednesday- ---Double Feature -- .1.\\i. N1 1 1 111:115 111,1,,,i,4 4',10, .0..1 1 .-'.n--11. , 4 1- 1 -7 Ili. ..) 71111'1,114 r07111.0,)111011" 111'0 '7" 7 , 114 . 1111.111141.1, of The 1:\441o4,11-, 4s0b1, ,1 1 I '41 11.1.1 --..1 99 41 7ATE1---I'R "45 --To ,,, . ..114110,41.4 I 4. il 1‘140-4,1114. 44 4,' wrIP Added Feature—The Jones Family in "Borrowing Trouble" , , I.1 4 , .‘i'-. I • , Thursday, Friday and Saturday -- Double Ils'eatnre----, It '1 513. 1)1 11.4 \]1- 4.1ruA11 1,1-,s sT4Rtirs,71. „lid .1* *44 I'1,1!1 1' , -, :.: a 111r -try.' 14, (-4.11414, 11111,1' .4 I 1 1 l' 1 0 11..%; ,..1•!4-.1.1:0- .1 1 0.1.I1l4 t.crttiale \ io-co .1,.. - !,, s' 01, 11 -1141:1111: -144'' 04 0)4 i I .. no' oVel I (411)118,F/4.11 11 !III 11n.. ill all ft•••• 14 g1',11,,I .11.4,‘ "START CHEERING" ‘dded Attraction ---Rob Allen rind llyouba. Small in "Reckles% !Ranger" 1'4 Cominft—"The Mtge of Paris" vrilh Douglas Fairbanks. Jr. , I Matinees Wednesdays, Ra1urda3s and holida3s at 3 p.m. - SUBSCRIPTION SALESMAN SENT UP FOR TRIAL 111 ;ll0),•,11,. 14 II I ;I. 1 4,1 4,,,! 11, 1 1 „, g I 0,1,1 1.1111F1.41 Iffit • Sit I 111 '14:, 04, 11,, 45 :1 9 4,0011 t0'0111 1 1,11,41 (100 ‘jt 414441 0t 44; 7 .4. H.(' \;r11-1 11, , Li? 14:4 (.0 144, • 11 h. I" rP • (d. .11 •• 111 -,1 114, If 1,41, .01 1,1 Y. 144 44 1,4,11. .1 4,11111 j 00 I I / 11,"1,.! ,0 \\ .1 ' ,1 \\ 11.0, 1" 1 11,111 Th.• 111, 14,1-. 141 1 :1, 40, 14 \Li! ,1 1,1.1. Tr. r (.111 i;!: r.ri ,4 4' 1,1 :4r• I ',I'll'''. .1 1 11 ",1 11 4 I: I 4,1 I I I 01 S444, 1111.71: I 7 :11,4) ;1 14), rr4 ), 11"\\ \‘' ,1. " ss11 !-\ '1.1' L'1s1114. ! :S . r141.-1, 41. ',71r,'" '1,1 It,II, 04.r"0.."' .1, ( '" .1 "1 0.1.15 it' \I 11-4,.41,1 I 14 it's. .1 1,, 1 ;,.r.. 1 -1;.. .1. -01 1 ; 11; 11' - I 1 I • tt , •1 .4 I 4 • ; !.. kr- I:. 7 . 1 1 ,' rr4 11, - 1 u 0 14, , 1 \I 1' I .1 11 I. 41 1 Is. 41 14, - , Iipper Schoo0 [14.4\amill-mition Goderich ColleTiate Instiqutte 01,7 41, 11rII 14 0 1 .1 11 ‚44 11 \ 11.,, \ I 1. ••• 1. ... 1 1 1 , (114. I I • , 11, • 4, t I 1 I I , to Ar 1 I 1 I 1 1141) 4 • mt. 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Lt., rot, 1 I 4! 1..•• 1 1, La' tiro 1, 1 7 \ 1 r 0"1,47 1 I. 1 r \I Is .1 1; ; • ; 71,1. 1 ' I I „ 55 1, , '1(4- I I • A.,14r14 11 .5 I: I I \I, .4 , , ,44.1 1 , 11r or., r‘ 44r1111,-. 11.; 1 1 31. 1 r, i• .1 11 I 1: 1 1 1.1,* 4, 1 1 , 1 01. 1 1 1.,„ '410' 1 ttrId., s.4,49,1 1 - Tirt;r1i. ' 4;tr.1 1 1 44 Irr'' 1 I. • 1 1 1 I • ..11,4, 1 i ( . ( 'op 11 ,4 • ; 1 11 11 \Vt.- aft r r. 11 11't • ‘1, I . 14 .0 1 1,••• t;;% 1 /. ; ' 9. 11; 11 P1' , I, 1,4(1 A f r .1 \I 401 , 11 -it '- nEl1B2il[r@E EXCLUSIVE OPTOMKTRIST Goderich The Square (cor. Kingston St.) Phone 583W. for appointment. Wednesday and Saturday morn- ings at Lucknow. OQE=1©©ll ijFCOWME12,1CgLE CLINTON, ONTARIO Fall Term Sepieldier 6139 1938 COURSES! Stenov,Taphic -- Commercial- Secretarial H'I.1 1 \I. AM) 4 11!:111--00,111-,\( i)I ‘1, (I \ ( otn. spy( iali-.1, 111. 11.1.. 4-1) IsiliciPal 195 Principal :Lev @Wm .hy© DSe L L2:1 Theeek of Western Ontario's own big exhibition Pn) /12M )141122) $3,2,11000 Speed Events Daily --Night Horne Show - Photography Salon Dog Show Superb Grandetand Spectacle- Hobby Fair Carnival Midway—Hundroda of ExhIbitri , 1 4 W. D. JACKSON. Secretary 4 4 1 4 1.4 r ( • I f,t 1,.••••-3, (-- ( 1 c‘eiy i . , • 1 • .7/ 01.11_ gCDN c:-23 CDOV,n 00 --,roa•a• LI . „ 1 l• 4 ,i Iti, st 4 U g _Id ,. . '" ,. -.. .1 • Ir \CAI,' 1 11.04 trf•rtilt.tt 1 I / tit' al r1 ;I , , I.1 4 , .‘i'-. I • , 0 , \ I / 1, t %V.., , ji j R./ ggUe JJ E 0 I.! It, 11.,... 1 Iff, •-•,14,\; II. r; ,,, ; if I 4 ' r OH [1111 IRO g czi i±i Btiv , ,:.• ,k',. .. 1,, v..t \f i \N 'Ir. tit , , I --,roa•a•