HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1938-8-18, Page 5'gab alimg Norr • 400 ' 0 4 0 BATISTE GOWNS in, daintyfloral patterns, attractively - made COTTON CREPE GOWNS in plain colors—also LADIES' and MISSES' BATISTE. PYJAMAS. ae our window display of these and other lines of Lingerie Specie§ Fcss 14eztaember the Maw Club 11'nolle for Cripuall 4441 Vaildreat—August 26th Pho TL 0 0 86 Miss Ruth Burkholder has returned to her home at Toronto after spending the summer with her aunt, Mrs. M. Burkholder. Her mother, Mrs. Wm. Burkholder, spent the week -end in town and Ruth returned with her. NILE NILE, Aug. 16.—Mrs. Ross Taylor 41=1,113W,, Ang„ at14 znorb..7T0inra, V', Rebleon Pre- tt spent the tteologr4 tozi crorineo, aate at404. ZStka* ttio, ztriptalgo, which while there attended the ,pneelata-illod- r'" M44 4tAIPInsliv<alz* 1-17v`a• nowton aer vreddina, being 90 of the gueaa en 'LI' eWePIMV•g* 4 readinU. "Any. wa0 given by 'Norma Doerr the -occasion. Mr. and ' Ntro. W. 1EL Sheppard end Tom spent the -weeti.-eml In Braraptorr. On their return bottle they were accom- anied by Reid Sheppard, who wan holidaying in Brampton for -two weeks. Dr._ B. Cl. Weir, loSeplaine and Jae% r.._tiild 2,1rs Edgar Lawson and az- nio, Miss Sadie Carter, Bill Hill, Bill Kruse and Jack 'Staples have returned from a holiday up at Tobermory. Sfiss Mildred Scott, of Stratford, Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Scett. Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Hart, Og Woronte, called ,on Mrs, F. Ross on Friday. Miss Murray, of Toronto, is visiting her brOther, Mr. Gordon Murray, and Mrs. Mummy. A number from here attended the l' funeral last Friday of the late 'Mel- ville Culbert of Dungannon. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ferguson, Stew- art and _Margaret are holidaying at the lake. Mr. and Mrs. James Foreman, of De- troit, .are visiting with Mr. Edward Jones. _.. Mrs. Fell and daughter Eileen, of Barrie, and Mrs. McMillan, of Toron- to, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sheppard. Mr. Ed. Miller, of Windsor, is visit- ing his brothers Lloyd and Gordon Miller. Miss Laura Phillips, local librarian, has returned to her home here after a two weeks' librarian course at Mc- Master University, Hamilten. anmchureis being, redecorated. The dde- back to Galt. two children, Joan and Joyce, ac- The interipr of Knox Presbyterian h co panied Mrs. Connell and children (orator is Mr. Wm 'Harvey of Kincar- Miss Lillian Cantwell has returned' dine. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McIlwain attended home after spending a few days with- Miss Hilda Kerr in Colborne. the funeral of the late John Tabb of _ ,s'Goderich last Saturday. Miss- .. --ClarkMau--Alaisg6-4-ae- Mr. Plerun-Raithlay took_his-StrnaRY- 7111Tiogiurg CO work for Mrs. Russell' -st-hool class on a „trip- to- St . -Thomas iii-Psoh, fornierTY ilit Auburn. :Sri. "o - and Mrs. Harry Watson and Mr. and n Sunday. Mrs. Thomas -McNeil -was -rushed - A Mrs. Jack Ryan spent -Sunday at Gederich hospital on Saturday with a -n Th.ottipssm's, takings-Rutls. with -them. attack of appendicitis. Quite a number from iNile. attended. Mr. Geo. Hamilton had the iiiisfor- the funeral of John Tabb. The sym- tune to lose a horse yesterda.y. pathy of the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. !Harold Bogie and the mother and sisters in their sad and sudden bereavement. family were in Toronto last week. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mc- Intyre in the loss ' of their only son, Russel. The young man was work- ing,at Kirkland Lake when he took ill with double pneumonia. The moth- er and father went up to see him as soon as they got word, but in /spite of all that medical help could do he passed away. Russel was well thought of by the young people of 'Nile. Mr. Victor Young and his son Arn- old and Lloyd Young motored to De- troit on .Saturday and stayed over Sunday and brought home Mrs. A. W. Young, who had been visiting her daughter Reta, Mrs. Fred Schwanz. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 'Feagan mdtored to Waterloo on Saturday for repairs for his threshing outfit. lEY STRAIN Is the principal cause of head- aches and physical discomfort. Rave your eyes examined FREE GliEsses Et $4.05047.50-49.50 At A. :2. COLE'S OPIRINVIEValISTnnJl OPTIECIALN Than M Galeriefln nemenmh the Lions Club Profile for Crap:tall Clillleremi—Aug. 2O2t Mrs R,oiseristfabSetrk and Minnie, of Seaforth, and 'Miss Campbell and Mrs. Glazier, of Goderich, visited with Mrs. Harry Govier on Saturday. Mr. Stephen Medd, of Woodstock, called on Mr. James Medd Last Wed- nesday. Weds of the Storm.—During the severe electrical storm last Wednes- day night the belfry on the Continua- tion ,Schoorwas struck, taking a line of shingles off down one side. The shingles flew a distance of twenty-five feet. A huge willow tree near the bridge was stripped of its bark, and it fell- on the Auburn -Olin -ton road, completely blodking the road. The torrential rain Of this afternoon caused• many washouts, one very bad at the bridge. 1Preabyterlaim W. MI. S. --The W. i‘o .S. of Knox Presbyterian church held The sense of true dignity is in- their meeting at the home of MrEl. J. Wilson, with an attendance of s finitely rare.- — • :UM taz Weeds gave a very inter, esting topic, "lls lififmionary 1Vorla: Worth Wittier Mrs, Kaimer Vaw- son sang a 010 and Mrs. Fred Ross gave a paper On "Speating to the Xing." After the close ot-the Meet-. lug a dainty- lunch was served by the hostess, amisted by Mrs. W. T. Robi- son and'ers. ,Taceb Wagner. 114,.^1103" 1J&—iThe Ladies' Aid of the Baptist church met on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mre. Annie, Walper, with the president, Mrs. C. A. flomon,,in charge. The opening ,eiereisos were taken by Mrs. Elmer Robertson and Mrs. Earl Raith- by. ,Several of the ladies took part in the season of prayer. Readings weregiven by Mrs. - Frank Raithby, Sirs. Thomas. McNall and Mrs. Jas. Webster. MrS.Wzn. Haggitt fa vored with a solo, accompanied by Mrs. R. J. Phillips on the autoharp. The -tie prepared -by -Miss Small of To - route, on the subject "Today," was read by Mrs.3Valper. miss E. Elkin dismissed the meeting with prayer. Lunch was served by the hostess, as- sisted by Miss Elizabeth Elkin. The September meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Ebner Robertson. (Ct. G. II. T. Ineeting.—The meeting of the c.o.ur. was held in the basement of Knox United church on Friday, evening.. Marjorie Arthur was in charge of the meeting. A singsong was led by Miss Dorothy Anderson, with Vivian Straughan at the piano. The Scripture was read by Ruth Ar- thur. Betty Asquith played a piano instrumental, and Eileen MeClinchey gave a reading. The group name and motto were decided. For a name they chose "The Adanac Friendship Circle," and for the motto, "To strive, to seek, te41,r41-and-n" The. f()Revt- ug __girls were elected- to attend the C.G.I.T. camp from August 22 to 31: %Ulan _Strsag. _Helen MarslassAlasy_ Nesbitt tt iiirlalltsa--Arehattifiiier: -The meeting was elbsed -with- a -game led 1V by Margaret 'Ightintin. The next meeting will be in charge of Mary Munro, Ruth Arthur and Betty As- quith. Church News.—At Knox P rest) y te Ian church on Sunday last, Rev. Dr. J. H. Barnett occupied the pulpit and preached an inspiring sermon on "Going to Ohurch," speaking from Psalm 122:1. Miss FleanOr Wilson favored with a solo St Knox United church on Sunday morning the W. M. S. was in charge of the service, with Mrs. James Woods as leader. Mrs. Chas. Straughan led in prayer. The address was given by Mrs. R. E. Mc- Kenzie of Egmondville, who gave an interesting message on missionary work. Special music was given by a male ehoir who sang an anthem, and a duet was rendered by Messrs. Geo. Million and Charles Robertson. Next Sunday morning the ypung people will be in charge of the service and Ar- thur Grainge of Gederich will be the speaker At the Baptist church Rev. G. W. Sherman spol and the choir ang an anthem sOnsgund.a.y morning Ttt%7; ATrAlgap, e•Tom, e40 vo4o o4'4n7TICatZut .' tto. age*: 't0 ttlY VO0 nur -,,epea4Ing froza - hoNgular attontbittneetbg the. v51.11 be held 1 th0. ut chureb, eundalt e7ening tit o'clock. . Inapitt an1r0, JohnDzie W, to tacharge and Mrs. -Norman XeD)well will b the' special opealmi, Caen* Mayo...The monthly meet- ing a tbe,Women'a Institute was held in the k"karesters' pn Tuesday afternoon, with the president, Mrs. FAgar LaWSon, in til0 Chair and an at- tendance a 140, Arrangements :were rri_ Jodi for the °facers' rally to be held Auburn on September Oth. Miss Eleanor Wilson was appointed a dele- gate to take the glove -making course at Londesivro on September 13, 1-11.015. It was decided that the secretary send a -letter to the villagetrustees regard- ing fixing up the 'playgrounds. Axis being children's day, the following pro- gram was given by the children: Read- ings, J01111 'Wilson, Donald Plunkett; solo, Laurence Plaetzer; readings, Harry McClinclay, 13111 East; piano in- strumental, Zeta Munro; reading, Jewell McClinchy; violin selection, ..Tas,lt Hamilton; wedding march, Tom Sheppard and Lorraine reading, Marion Taylor; mouthorgan selection, Jaek Ladd; readings, Betty Yungblut, Ted Turner, Marie RaitIby, Joan Killough, Margaret Nesbit; solo, Evelyn Ralthby; piano iuetrumeutal, VLrJan.Stranghan; reading, Jean Law- lor; piano instrumental. Betty As- quith; violin selection, Jack Hamilton. A vote of thanks was extended to the program committee. Sandwiches, ice (Team, cookies and tarts were served by the hostesses, Mrs. Geo. Hamilton, Mrs. Samuel Johnston, Mrs. Gordon \lirlinchy and ire. Alf. Nesbitt. Library Come Miss Laura Phipips, librarian of the' Auburn Public, Library, has re- turned from Hamilton after taking a two weeks,' special library course at McMaster Ualversity for librariatesin Q.1111411114 „tat% _ Xablent14.„-P,f - War- missierra t roti7--Feeka-% kitie,s-136-ta • all-gRifying, repairing books; eirettlation references, county work and through loottsms -and- p,r4setioal-vosk designed for librarians. A few high- lights of the project were an inspection visit to the Grimsby, Iteamseille and 'rhombi, libraries and then .by char- tered bus to Niagara Falls. Upon return to Hamilton the twenty library students were entertained at a play and reception given by the Summer School students. oif McMaster, L'niver- sity. The class also visited the Ham- ilton Public Library, where Mrs. Nor- man Lyle is librarian, and were taken on a tour of inspection through the. library. The Kenilworth branch in East Hamilton was also visited. The Dundas library, where Miss Brant is head librarian, was the last library inspected by the students. Miss Dor- othy Carlisle, librarian of the Sarnia Public Library, directed the course and gave helpful ad v ice to ea ch 1 i brariasi. Mr. Angus Mowatt. M.A., Inspector of Public Libraries% pre- sented a survey of the libraries through the Province and Mr. Hugh114. hourlay, M.A., librarian of McMaster University, gave special lectures on Canadian lit- erature, university libraries, govern- ment documents, and other library aine.164; .1*‘.111. -tvo .41'0114,40,7 goo,zuomp. 04tutator, rzt,7,0 gaVo '1W4Vey4t44 td 4 on ttP i1hatituatioail'arot Cg7Q47t- of Cambridge trtaloyeatt$, trb.O. •Caco tau on "Virgil," trxtrovs Ammon ON OC2L7,114N &acing tho par,...-engsera Co Qtr. Vt4 MA ia togVITO' V. Oh t ea TAin rior t.,t,414.42tr‘ , #.0r14,1! t:40.' nOt.V40C.te,e4a trarnlY eecurrt4 •Op Uendnr iast; tx=tbtg, elrezAlnatati riL4 .1c4V40 tbania of a itorp, tbo brateilt waltor. YOB TBIZ Mb to Eala ausus5.-e, zwonzonv Colgate% Dental Cream ...We, 333 CoOmate's Tooth Powder. lee. 3Se rallanolive Shave Cream....23e, 89e Colgatte's ha,70 Cream....10e, 38e Wilson' Pada lee Fly Coils, 5 for lee Fly'Swatters ...lee Ply Tox 29e, ,10e. Cress Corn Sabre. Just rub it in, 50e Wrigley's Spartrahat .---rannkTreAtittm.th 4 pkgs Wool may have tan enkargment from your favorite many - shot. Act Fast Fast ! Stops pa in...soot hes nerves relieves headaches .... settles upset stimach, 251.--419o—pe 1-5e1 Lysol, 35e, We. - 290 lee n,441W n,nn4 GILLETTE BLUE BLADES Germ free— surgleally clean 5 for 25e 10 for , 50e Serve cold or hot. „ See—litle-00e IEDr. ellmse% Wgrzal illstod17-...For new pep and energy; stores tired neivra 00c 191Z0 (re Zant-Buls Ointamont 417e Excellent for sore, tired, aching feet and swollen ankles. Rub It in every night, 390 Witia alma White Shoe IPollish„ Liquid or CTiattilll 25e Per a, good time attend the Lions Carnival IFIrldaw evening, Aug. 2611o. Fruit 'Far Rings New stock 1 doz, For sluggish kidneyo 390 BUY DRUGS AT THE DRUGSTORE @E.-JUqI@H ° IDA) dlOrifff TR 0E,@ Remember fte Lia* Club.grellie for CrilW.,311 Cbladrez—iltaguol 2Gat • ECU Timid 31 1E3- ID EN 0 FUN F EVE Y istctsr, Ir-/) A kale dance !low hEs :leen till -maned. Dance Tickets 5c Bulb ON Conmerracfing 11 U© pomo. tla ZOG GOOD ?REM 7©IKL Egi EimEcA2so TIF draw an connection vniza the salle of the 1938 Ford V8 Coda for $1..60 End other vEllambile pnizes Edvertfised take In 11111Ece Et HI® pan. • 4 d Come 4rIly End give the ISI1011112, Clluilb [Doos in their Cripplied Chtildren's campaign. - Come and have a good thn'e ROY STONEEOUSE9 Piresildent. A. 2. scnn,, Secretary. 4 la