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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1938-8-18, Page 1
0 e , (nor .#.4p, tz174:',L7-.7:470. tTo.7,11. CV. " tca ttnal ,*=2, .74407 cazga" drwl. etlaq trp-an mq7 ala 1=4;4 Or 0110 4atikel'a o prel CoNatrattng TaoGdd god and T11IG Goilerkia "Nlepir • Tibeauy V\cralitm Shooto New ,t After Weleiplamialg Ra000 • Tlmt Rao aatendo _to "Mad Et All" WINGRAM, August 17. -,Giving an eighteen -year-old niece the ehoalting nevvs over the telephone that skin - tended to "end it all," Caliss Dora Tijazel Powell, of Ttaraberry township, carried oiit her threat shortly before ---nocu-eyesterdaY and shot laareelt-Ie- "TvieelrthVel---17itia' a-rTfiiirv7E- Povvell, who lived, on let, lel, eoncession 7, Turnberry township, about one 'mile from Wingham, had tent her hired man, Mat Elliott, to Whaghara on a trivial errand 'to pur- aase parts for a separator. While he was away she telephoned Miss Mary Powell, a resident of the same township, eighteen Years of age. and at the end of the cOnveraition said she was going "to end it all," Relatives immediately hurried to the home and foundt her body on the floor at 11.30 aan, One shot from the revolver had pierced the ceiling. It is believed this was a test shot. The second. bullet pierced ber head ,between the eyes. She left a note, believed ,c.ct be in her own handwriting, which //said "good- bye" to her_ relatives._ e-77 Coroner Dr, B. Redmond, of eXiirehilmeestateeleewea,lneelestereetealokka - held.,-Viae--fnmerea. lebeekeld-Thaars- .. deleenatateleteareeee.A,411riateeteeNir4ree:: cemeteale WAS. forlyeseventh, year and had resided all her life on the- hentregreittr."'9RWLIlftribetli-in4m= health for 'months but was believed te, have improved in recent weeks. She was well known and highly regarded in the community 'and her tragic death came as a great shock to her relatives and friends. 4.1 TPA ANCIEJM t° HITLER Ilitzseentleat Through the tagiza Over- Crolleel Der lGe;11, Says lEtzachea. At Knox Presbyterian' church on Sunday congregations at morning and evening services had the pleasure of hearing Rev. james.Cameron urdoch, of Sparta, Ilil., who preached in the absence of Rev. D. J. Lane, who is on holidays. M. Murdoch, son of an Ashfield • township family, spoke delightalally of his visit to the land of his parents and told of visiting his greatuncle, Rod- erick Douglas, aged ninety, in Huron township, Bruce county, on Saturday. He aleo recalled visiting his grand- father in Ashtield many years ago, and spoke of the devotional life in the homes of that early day. Mr. Mur- doch's father Was John Murdoch. At the morning service on Sunday Mr. Murdoch based his sermon on the llth chapter of Hebrews. Foer things happen to mosteef as, he said. They are to he born, to come to yearS, to be tested and tried, and to die; but if this were all, life would not be worth liv- ing. -If 'we add 'faith' to our living it makes alt the difference in the world," 'aid the speaker. Ile read the 23rd verse of the chap- ter: "By faith Moses when he wag born was hid three.months by hie par- ents." "The king of Egypt at that time was the Hitler of today," he said. "He Intended to stamp out the Jews, and he sent out a decree that all baby boys of three months should be put to death. The parents of Moses, how- ever. felt that their boy had a- work to do, and by their faith Moses was saved for his task." Mr. Murdoeh told of others with the same idea of slaughtering the Jews. Darius cast Denied into the lions' den, but God closed the mouths of the lions; Nebuchadnezzar cast them into a fiery furnaee, but they emerged un- scathed; Haman planned' to m ,ssaere the Jews, but he was hanged on the 13 „ill., 144' built for another. -Down through the years this per - 1 f454 been earried on," Mr. Murdoch 1" 'Intel! out, "but 'God has oVerruled the will of men and is able to do the sante again." mien Moes 1114' tO years he chose the eta of suffering rather than a life of f.a,4, as the son of Pharoah's daugh- tel. So must we choose our way of fife. The way of•sln often may seem the easier way, though if we choose to he tested and tried in God' a way, If we have faith in Mtn, we ahall be' more than conquerors through Illm. At the morning service IVIiss Ger- trude linist sang "Building for Eter- ta nay," and at the evening serviee, when Mr. Murdoch gave a thought-provoking talk on the theme of the second com- tee of ,(1-ir1st, speetal Music was pro- vided by a quartette. Miss Mary Mac- Kay, Mrs. Keith Revell, Mr. Floyd Lodge and Mr. Glen Lodge, singing 'Jesus, I Am Resting." The Misses McKinnon will attend, the display of fall millinery in Tor- onto from August 22nd to August 25th. 1 C3,P24=N1 Ceamt, Cp0.1,17za TZE,t2n- • dye VeTZTrtm-eb-ar4.5.•,, Conntii.Ertgleteer T. e. Attersan re- ports that weeds along 10 miles a the printipal reads a the County Wive beet% sprayed So far thie year, and he eXpeets thie mileage will be doubled by the end o the mama. Some effect has been noted, but the degree to which permanent results have been effeeted will not be -known, until neat year. Mr. Patterson pointed out that the 'County during the last fifteen years -epent 0,0131) to, Cy4i6ft1it annually- for wettlecuttiageanettaeheeneetedingjetere ity eeetteeed-wherrtheevare-fromesoffie 3Hven' CI= tdth ,Wpgilipmee oectuoa Acoldent Eliworthit 77bK, Touzi3 Girl Mei' 3RICR, ONTARIO, TEURSDAY, AUGUST 18th, 1288 A charge of eriminal latmligenee has been laid, against R. 1.1P. Stillwell, IPSO Suffolk road, ciaumbos, Ohio, driver Of car in which his niece, lifabel Ritter, Of Huatington, W. Virginia, was killed on August 9th. The fatal- 4.,Ny itt•e-44 .7.:4-fd--0, • -uuesigarked- eauso--,-left-highwar NO; weeds. This year's -ape) cetion 4 at Kippen and erashed into a tree. weed -chiller 'will cost $7,000, but 111 Stillwell provided -a *LOC* cash bond three seasons- the growth should be for his appearance in court at ,Sektfoeth negligible. - on Tuesday, -September 13th. ' The The Spray used is called "atiadde," charge was ,preferred by Provincial and In a coMbination of sodium rchlor- Constable Wm. Robinson, motor pa - ate awl calcium chloride mixed in wa- trol, w,ho Investigated. ter. Work has been held up the Diet ,Mes, Stillwell is recovering in Scott few days owing to the rain. Memorial Hospital, Sea -forth, where she was taken with fractured verte- brae. Mr. Stillwell suffered a frac- tured bone in his foot and their daugh- ter, Roberta, aged nine, a fractured jaw. An inqueet will 1* held at &a forth on Friday, -September Oth. 0111INUARY. JAMES RUSS1ELL cINFLYRIE Cfn Saturday James Russell Me- Intare, aged twenty, son-af "Mr. and Mrs. James McIntyre, toncession 130, Colborne township, died in hospital at Copper Cliff, a victim of pneumonia contracted while working in the raines. The young man had been in Northern Ontario a year. ee was bora in Colborne and had lived there all his life. The -Deming effete brenght-to Goderich by train and taten to the VtiltiinfO' I agealrecgtibtrriiirVoilaar and ateAngeal cerivice -was- tondneted- e _ wird, of Nile-J.J-nited servitee. !waealargely-attendeoleebFerela- elves abaleyounUriends (Ube deceased, -Mr&1roni curFgrefie maleyehesta- tiful floral tributes. Interment was in 'Colborne cemetery, the pallbearers being 1. Culbert, Elmer Sproul, Wil- liam Sproul, Keith Feagan, Carmen Brindley and Carl, Finnigan, all boy- hood chumS of the deceased. MRS, EPENRIETTA W1ESTCOTT Mrs, Henrietta E. Westcott, of Ann Arbor, Mich„ passed away on Friday last at Alexandra Hospital, at the age of eighty-two years, Deceased and her daughter, Miss 'Mary- Louise West- cott, arrived at Hotel Sunset late in June and about three weeks later Mrs. Westcotf, who had been in failing,. health for 'some time, was reMoved to the hospital. She was well known in Goderich, as she had been a guest at Hotel iSunset practically every summer since it was opened. The body was removed to Detroit, where funeral services were held on Monday after- noon, interment being made in Wood - lawn cemetery. .Mrs. Weetcott, a native of Newark, N.J., was the widow of Capt. J. Ward Westeott, founder of the J. W. West- cott Co., marine reporters at Detroit, of which firm she WIIS president, is survived by .two daughters, -Mary Louise Westcott and Mrs. B. F. Schu- macher, of Ann Arbor; a son, J. Ward Westcott, of Detroit ; a brother. Charles A. Crane, of Boyne City, Mich., and four grandchildren. mrgs MARY MACARA With the death on Friday last of Miss Mary Macara there passed away a member of one o•f 'Goderich's oldest famiLies, and a much esteemed lady. Miss Maeara had been tn health for some time and her death occurred at Alexandra hospital. She was a native of Godarich, a daughTer of John Macara, barrister, a.nd his wife Cath- erine Hodge. Many years ago she conductedfor a tAme a private school at Brantford, and of recent yeat s she had spent the• winter seasons at To- ronto or London, but she was practi- cally a lifelo,ng resident of this town. She is survived by one sister, 'Mrs. Jean Glasgow, of Philadelphia, a nephew, Laurence Mtwara, of Toronto, and two niece., Mrs. q. T. Priesep of Ottawa and likes Gwen Maca-r,4 of Toronto. °Three brothers and two sisters predeeeased her. A brether, Laurent*, as a boy lost Ills life In a drowning accident at tne Mouth of the Maitland River. Another brother, William E. Macara, was Provincial Re- gistear-aIenerat at Winnipeg, and John Macara was a resident of Ottawa. The two sisters who passed or. inivny pears ago were Misses Eliza and Kato. MUM Z.EMOV3 0 GAW Gltderrielo tCongregation Rweives Bain 'of Pree Nothedlatt cianumnn Mag. 11. -The Evan - 11 -Terence:* or :till -Free methodist OhnrallAtiZierth-,Anuerica hened-e_Rov. ,;&eleretiat-tieti4ai"rW4‘ettlitliailit hureh of Godelieh for more than an hour this' afternoeue ,alad wound up -..tellingalaiseehee.xeltat....nameee.ageona O cliff& an Itie installed or he will be removed from the pastor- ate and another minister substituted. Rev. i r. Cowherd agreed to have the organ 'removed. It was the first. time to seventy -flee years a church rule that states there be no instrumental music in church worship had been brotken. The rule was made just three-quarters of a cen- tury ago. The organ in the Goderich church must be removed before Sep- tember 15. Defending installation of the organ some time ago, Mr. Cowherd told the board the congregation demanded it or they would break wit,h the Free Metho- dist body. (However, he said, he was of the opinion that the removal of the organ, following the board's action, would be satisfaetory in the light that the case had been given ,full considera- tion. The Goderich pastor had in- stalled the organ, too, as a "test case." The rule he was testing is found 'In chapter 3, section 2, paragraph 8, of the churrh constitution, which states: "In no ease let there be instrumental music or choir singing in churches." MaeLlnINAN-311c11,11EMIZOIIA At the h,ome of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam J. Mclierroll, Owen Sound, on Tuesday, their daughter, Olive Alma, became the bride of Kenneth Malcolm MadLeanan, principal of Victoria school, Barrie, and only son of Mrs. MaoLennan and the late Duncan Mac- Lennan of Ashfield. Itev. Dr. D. J: L. McKerroll, uncle of the bride, offi- ciated. The bride's two sisters at- tended her, Mrs Charles Lemon as matron of honor and Doreen Meleer- roll as bridesmaid. Best man was Jack MacDonald of Buffalo, cousin of the grooth. A reception was held after the ceremony and later the hrid4. and groom left for a wedding trip to MontreaL_Quebee City and the United States. They will reside in Barrie. SHOCKED BY LIGHTNING Two Employees of Western 17077 Vat EMMY EG OEMP, efito dime, for our annul Ohm, ger gtur•' eQ eZTEI cAltIdall Thildrceo 1"5"cnra. Craws to clone. the Lions Club feel they should give the puhlie co= link? where the money rar;ed goes. Trilte lkions do net ehgrta Oralt for the hun- dreds bf =600' which have hen handiled/ it eady tfanargh the geriMineitty 02 the Puullo that t70 am able to tnraltinue oar warts. ilDtnring the past yeonr ten children 1,70110 emeated 'War Memorial' Chifidreee Lendea_teeelee_ st-sraFR771 ile-Tavo =see wear'? •'ebb- tir115- nal gins= entaaled• wore manned far eight other children inraddition Co the two supplied at Illonnoval of tonsils of ten child= was attended to fat Goal- erich Hospital. One child wan Maintained for a yorar in the Sal- vaion Army Home at Iliendon. . suffering from riches. The tote • annrourat spent during the year for crip3t,leal children was $1120. We agnhn wish to express our gratitude to the doclors, .1111,1111r8e8 and hospital boards' who have given co freely of their three send shin. Thrrough the efforts of them, tire pebble, eirad the Gederiel Lions, mew boys mall girl's have been eVe.211 a:i,einannee to compete ht Ufo with thse more fortunate than themselves. -8-1PONGHOUS13, President., DU. -11°._,110"4439A 4, ,,,„! +4.T caaVerite e--...eaemseanneeeta. _ TP117,P7 at m7 a To ziO ma) vav (T.= c‘r,tt zatgS vrorttlt 70z4 121.vo wanr orm 11% toil= Pour. E'l„14'1,,,Dr4 Ward, Recekod of Igodrug Yacht Wm Enron oohed to Thv by tho Teen etorraz:-. Waterfront DlOtoo MINNIMIN.11•1. Word ,wap. Just before going to press' that the Vera 13 and the Dorotlit7 Weathercii. the etonns taaftelly and are en route .1Nte former found shelter at Stems Bay rand the later-mnreir-r-M -entry at - eart111110 barber. — -- An all-night watch was kept at the harbor last night for sight of the De- troit yacht Dorothy F, which cleared from Port Elgin yesterday morning and has since been uureported. She was the second American yacht of which trace was lost, In the stormy weather of the Crst patt of the week, the Vera B being unheard of since she left Parry Sound on Monday. Experienced sailors here are of the opinion the Derothy If probably was in the shelter of Chantry Island near Southampton, and thus unable to cern- minileate her whereabouta. Fate of the Vera 13, a small cruiser, is not even conjectured, Southwesterly winds which whipped Lake Huron to a fury the first part of the week sent small craft scurrying for shelter. The Detroit ehip May ATeleiTadefeaalwayranvitMVIIRW'' but the 45 -foot an'xillary Bente weathered severe esea,941.,aeap tawattszegid-4Ainuom.vict4.ec perienced hands" were in charge, hw- ever, anti-flie-Ship was In no great. difficulty, althotalee, sweerpaya • --cThTi. — • Many eraft were reported in shelter at Tobermory and at Manitoulin dur- ing the storm. Dredging operations at the harbor were held up by the rough , weather., but the tug Forrest and the dredge P. la Carey are again at work, The steamer Ontadoc arrived from the head of the Lakes teat night, un- loaded 24,000 bushels of wheat at the elevator and cleared for Port Colborne and Buffalo. The Georgian had 347 passengers on leer trip north on Tuesday. 'flvo&RIViilompsN-7:;,elattzr _theetaturday afternoon the funerel who was drowned at Fort William on naesday of last. week, .was held from the home of his another on Cambria road, Mr. Tubb, who was thirty years of age, was a son of Mrs. Tabh and the late John R. Tabb. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. W. I', Lane, of.:^4.:orth street United church, assiS/ed by Rev. Mr. 'Shaw and Rev. G. A. Barnard of Nile. Floral tel - butes were borne by members of the C. 0. F. : Frank Bowra, A. J. Wilkins, George MaeLeod, J. E. Huck - ins, Worley Lennington, Allan Mac- Donald and W. F. H. 'Price. Inter- ment was in Maitland ceneetvry, the Miss Doren Flatley and Miss Dor- pallbearers being 11, Squires, T. Tabb, othy Weld° have returned from a II. Sanderson, A. Maskell, Lorcte wee,k',,s visit in London, where they ('In rk a nd John Fowler. a t tended the old boys' reuniob. M&ie &hod 3mainin1fion 3esidto Goderlich Colillev ate ffnstiltute Following are the results of the ex-. 11 mina tion of Coderich Collegiate In- stitute students 'in ,the Middle School. The result. in each ease is indieated by papers as follows: First grade proliebuicy (75-100)--1; second grade profielency (66-744-11; hiril grade proficiency (60-65 1-111; credit with- out proticieney (50-591--C: Kenneth E. Aitken - Ane. hist, 11, Lat. A. 111, hat. comp. II,Fr. A. C, Fr. comp. Alms M. Anderson -Anc. hist. C, alg. II, physics 11, chem. III, Lat. A. II Eng. lit. II, Can. hist. III, geom. C, physics C. Helen m. N1seEwan -Eng. romp. II Eng. lit. II. Douglas A. Nlealillten-Eng. comp. III, Eng. lit. II. -..- Nlildred. E. NlarkviOli-Anc. hist. C, nig. I, chem. C, fat. .1. 11, Litt. comp. II, Fr. A. 1, Fr. vt.t111). 1. 1/01111141 E. NItison - Eng. eomp. C, Eng. lit. 11, 1 -'on. likt. II, geom. I, physics 11, NI. I'auline 31texwell -Eng. comp. (', Eng. lit. 1, Cate hist. 11. physic. C. M. Elaine Nlero----Etig. (sump, C, geom. C, physics i*, fele tome. 111, Fr. A. C, Fr. comp. C, John A. NIIIne-Eng. lit. C, Can. hist. t'arl \V. Anderson --.Xue..hist. (',•alg. (', geom. 11, physic... I. (i. (.10,111. HT, Lat. A. 11, J,at, comp, 4 . flerbert Moody- .1.8t. A. 1', Er. A. III, Er. A. l', Fr. comp. 4'.. C. laliznheth lt. J. Aequith-Engcomp. cheietine Morrison Ene. lit. 11, c, Eng. He 11, ,can, tits,t, 111, 5, ow. Cali. 441.4! . 111, geom. C. (., physics C. 31iit'y IL Munro Eng olip. 111 Hazel A, Baer- Ant.. hist. II, alg. Litg. lit. 11, Can. hist. 11, gl.,.fli. III, 111, chem. II, Lat, A. II, 14(11. ('um)). phY,I(', 11. 11, Er. .A. II, f'r. comp. III. E. Hope 3.1. Nlittch-Eng. eo11n9. (', eatherine M. Itarton -Can. Iiist. C. Eng. lit. H. Susanne NI. Itawdel.- Eng comp. 1, 11)44)-E. Neweoinhe - I..ng. ',ono. II, canada Eng. lit. I, ('1114, 114,4. 11, geom. 111, En. t. II, can, hl -t, 4., got)111. 4', Salt Plant Feel Effects of lltolt i'll.".u" 4'. 1,11.1,1,4 ('. 1.117.0,4.111 .1. III -f.! .11g. C, physics Ruth G. Niro! Eng. ',mu. C, Fate, Two employees at the Western t'at.- 111, (-hem. 11, Eat. .1. 111, Lat. c,,ttip. *lit. I1. ada salt plant were shocked and 11, Er. A, (', .(era 111 .k. 4 )11H4 -n -Etig, ,,,titil. 11, slightly numbed on montlay kif torn/HAI attires ret E. Ilk,. 1.. Dug, lit. 4', Eng lit. 11, ('1n hkt, 1!. when j1 lightning holt flashed in the Call. h 41• (s• open ca4r near which they were staiol 1 114111,11 1-..- 11111,k`11".144' -Ane. h kt• 11,i1-:rifS 11I• 11, ('1111 }11-t• 4% 1,11Y4i,', 11 ing while watching the violent (leetti-, alg. II, elig-tii. 11, Lat. .k. 11, Lat. ',ann.! 41r41ee I,. l'friiiitnet -.1Ig. 1, 4.:4•001, 4,', cal storm. The men, ciar(,n,l, 'no _.! 11, Pr. A. 11, Ercompc, l Eat, (.omp. c. lor and \Vile 1.enginire, were not ser--, 1. Irene Bowman .11e 11, (-hem. 111,1 'Verna M. Plante .1,t,.. )iist. 11. alg Jousts or even pitinfult,- injured, hut' Ltit• <'m11.14. 4'• i ILE 1.414. .1. 1, Litt. t,,ntio. 1, f'r. .1 they felt fac from conifortahle r", a' 1'. .1,,,,eplrine Ert(1.4.,‘ Eng. (4411414, c,1 1. Fr retni) 11. few rri:litites after the passing ef the-, Eng'. lit. III. , ! William NV. Held --.11e hist. 11, nig holt. J William .1. Burns Eng. lit. 111, Can. 1. e11(111 I. Lat. A II, La) eomp. I, Taylor W11§ sitting tin a 14.(1g,l, ataint t Iii4. c, get!in. I, elivey- II. ! Er. ;1. II. l'r (.00114. 1111. The funeral sorviee took pito e on six feet from the open door Vt 114'fi the '1 Ph lil p 11. 4 .11 111 4'r - A 1.- hitit. C, geom I Norman W. Itierdan Eng. IP. 111,, Monday afternoon at St. George's holt strueli. Immediately after a brj- 111. ' t"Can likt. 4 , physi., 1,. chm.(,h, of which deceased wfis II mem_ Haut Hash of lightningt he said, there' T,er)'nee E. .Cooper lig lit. C, Can. Itioli M Robertson .1ne. lii-t C, her. The rector, Rov. A. C. cehler, we e a distinct sound, 11111 ('h like the." 111,4', C. geom. H. 1013 ' ''''; (', • alg 11, 4'! 4' c. ,hern. HE La'. .1. officiated., and the pallbearers vere -ping" of 8 rifle shot, and hi. feet 1 Ila 11. Craig Eng ,•,,w1),, (', Eng_ 141. 111, lat. eotn;) 11, 1,•r. A. 11. Fr ,•onip.,, Mtg.,ms. R.. c. liars. K.(,., Io. F. carpy, vvere 10.141401 around 1 111 4.1li ' i. If 1 1 1, ahist, geer11. 4' , D. E. Holmes, ff. C. Williams, Andrew was 50111.4, moments 1)(4,fo1e he rizained Ttualh T. Drier ..lne hist. C, alg. 1, 1.es;,,. 11". Rodger 1' 11 et. 1., (ele Rougvie 87141 G. L. Parsons. The in- the 11,4. Of 11i.4 fl 111111501 fect. ,0.114.111. 1,1, Lat. A. C, Lat CO 11111. 11, Er. 111,t 1', H13:0-4 ferment was in Maitland eemetery. Longnaire was standing, a short die-: A te 1,-r ,,arip 41, Kw; comp c. Dona!ti 11. 11,,s4--- Eng. e,,tnp 1', citti The relat I Ves attending were.Maa. Gills- lance from 'Taylor, and he al.(' f...:t a 4;14i41.ks NI. Farrow - 1;ng. 114. 111, hist. II. gow, Mr. G. T. Printsep, Mr. Laurenee numbng isensation in hi-, feet anti lege.', .1. Stewu art l'i,rgstin e. h Anist!. II, 3 Ern. st IV. Salkeld .E.80- ,,. lit, M., M 1, eteorge G. Pa rsons rig e newra and Miss Gwen Ma-cara. It was about 5 o'dock the lightning' chem. I, Lat. A. 11, 1,11T etani). 11, Fr. OIL. 1119-1, 11. geom. 1..• 1011.l*Ii's 1 r• I st rtiek. 4, ' A. 11, Fr. comp. II, A Lee Seott Eng. ,0141,- 4', 1:"g. A bolt also struck the generator In William It Elonnilet, Eng. comp lit. III, ran. hist 11, geom. 1, Igo ...,.4 t -he engine room at the elevator, but , gl Mil . , I, Y'''" I I. no damage was done. G. Albert Gaidey - Futg comp. 4'. i 1 1,itito.141 e J. Shetyrdowne--Eing permit t The fieree electrical storm was ae- l'hyllis M. 4;11-0-Etig ,comp (', Eng. C. Eng lit. II, can. had. 11, geoni 4', companied by a veritable deluge of rain lit. 41, Van. hit -t. 11, peon, II, physh s C. physics II. before i'4 o'cloek, and there was a re- Thomas NV. Hogan Eng. comp. 1, Merle .I. Sheardown -can Mat e, currenee (if the heavy rainfall corn- Eng. lit. I11, Can, hist 111, geom. II, ane. hist 1', alg. 11, them. C, Lat. A. mencing about 11 ,o'cloek the Rome physies III. II, Lat eotnp. II, Fr. A. C, Fr eornp e. night. Roy 4'. Holland -Eng romp C, Eng. loonald M. A. Simpson Eng. ...nip Lightning also struck the home of lit. (1, Can. hist. 111, gm, 41, physical C, lat A. C Jaek Clousher, Bennett street, enteringtn. Jaok al. Smith -Eng vomp 11, Eag. the house after shattering a large brick Phyllis 1. Jewell - 41eorn, C. lit 11.4 an hist. 4.', geom II, phygles 1. chimney, The bolt blasted ont the William .1. John -won --- Mg. II, physies 1. At etta Stewart •Eng comp. 111, front of an upstairs fireplaee.and tril- TI, Chem, 1. Eng. lit. 1, Can. hist. I, geom. I, veiled down the eleeVic wires, burning Bertha R. Jones Ant hist. 0, alg. physies 1. a chain from ono Sorket and wreelting II. '.hem. III, Fr. A. 4' Zerelda A. Sturdy -Eng. comp 1IT, the meter and fuse box. Parts of Donalda M. Jones Physics 11. one. hist III, physies C, ehern. 14, 1,a 1. the box shot across the kitehen, seat- John M. Kershaw Alg 11, Fr A. C. A. 1', Lai eomp. (', Fr. A C. tering, pleees over members of the H. Reattlee Kinahan-Ph3rates d' Mary r If. Thorneloe Pan hist II family seated there. The holt in corn- .Noreen Kinahatn---Ane hist. C, alg. F. Mary 'Tichborne Eng. eomp. 4', ing down the chimney also burned a IL ehem. 4',' hat. romp II, lat. A. 11. Eng lit t', 4141n hist 11, geom. 11 hole In the 'wallpaper covering an lin- Fr. A. 11, Fr. comp. 11 !Loy It Turner •Geem II, phyeice 11. used stovepipe bole and wreeked the ,Ferne D. Lawlor Eng. comp. C, N Rath Tyndall -Eng. pomp <a Eng. radio before being grounded on vvires, Eng. lit. I, flan. hist. 1, Rehm. III. lit. C, physic's II running to the cellar. Kathleen S. Lednor Ane. !hist. C, Frank W. Vines- Frig eorrip Ill, A bolt whieh apparently erOshed nig. II, ("hem. C, !,at A. 111, Lot comp. Eng. lit 111, Can. hlat 111, geom. 111. near the Town 11-1all put the telephone ri, Fr. A. 111. Fr_ eomp 111 .1 < ;4ordon Walter Illng comp. 4', there mit of eommisaion„ and one FAIna M. Love -Ent„.• comt. C, Eng. ane. hist, ke, ehetn. IT, Lat. comp. III, strue2 n letter preen in an ofilee In the lie C. .1 Stuart Watson -- Ala, it, rhem. 111 Court House. Maid M. Macdonald -Eng. comp. 111, Annie W. NVhitten-leng. comp. CI. Rev. A. E. Moorhouse has returned from his holidays and wiLl conduct the serVives of the 'North street and Vietoria street mngregations of the United Chitreh for the next four weekg. The morning services for these four weeka will be held at Vic- toria street and the evening serviees tit North street. Contract " et for OH Miring fin Med According to information given out by the promoters. ft contraet ha a been Jet to Jackson & C141eKillop, drillere, to drill for oil on the Mann farm in Halieti townahip, and the drillers are now on the property tempering to com- mence Indications aree said to reveal a "Slake of oil" on the property, which IS a mile or two mat 6"f the Treweetha farm on which promising IndicatiOne Wfirf reported come oath° ago. Tide new project in . beina financed inenhty h)" the Hidden Lake 011 Com- pnny. This,company is distinct from the Huron and Brno° 011 Company. though the personnel of the two cou- pe n leo is much the attme. J. A. Dely, Seaf,orth, le secretary of the Hidden Lake Company. It le expected that the drilling now helng commenced will stelae oil at about 1500 feet, and the promoters are looking forward hopefully to tee cum - lag in of a gusher thnt will make his- -tory in Huron county, Huron and Bruce Company alP,o j,q gelid to be "earning alone," in its prelim 1 na ry opera t lona, (DINEITALME" ARaiq •ti` IlifETNFAILVY On Weday reerning one a God- erich's oetogenarianS, In the moon of Arnold Iblealfeln, died at Aleeandra lEtiovital In eighty-tifth year. A native a munaary, Ifrr. Benfalvy spent acme years in the United Statea awl England before coming to Canada about thirteedve years ago. It wata while in England te married, qtaae,„ Dale thirt,y-seven your) ego. They spent (11 year in +tiontrea/ ibefore mov- ing to 'Allilverten, and seven years' later came to Goderieh. In bib younger days .01e. Hunfalvy was tt' dyer. Me is sui.vived by- -b10-Arire-" and -font children, ieenry, et Goderlch. and Msg. Fletcher Gliders (Augusta), Niro. George Bozel (Emily) and Mrs. George Swan (Pauline), all of Detroit. Children by his first marriage and a sister live in Germany. The funeral service will be conducted at Brophey's faneral chapel on Friday afternoon at 2 o'cloak by Rev. A. 0. Calder, of St. George's Anglican chureh. Interment will be in Maitland cemetery. MRS. NATHAN GENDER JOHNS A korwer resident of Colborne town- ship, in the person of Mrs. Nathan Johns, died at her home -at Watrous, Sask., on Thursday last, August 11, Mrs. Johns, whose maiden mune was Wilder, was born on the 4th conees- sion of Colborne township and was married there to Nathan Johns, with -whom-she went Weat twenty-five yea 4-0:924galitantZaelaageteeteeera.1 k. ibk"ralfeirtrom farming they moved to Watroue, where Mr. Johns died two ittmrs .45%, ahem daughters,Ir t liisber and Mrs. bhas. Treble, of Watrous, and Mas,„,..1.1don.....,A1141,64.0.._.Colho.rneateaktax s Allin last -Week motored to Watrous to see her relatives and arrived the day before her mother died. The remains were accompanied to God- erich by Thomas Johns, of Zelma, and arrived here on onday, resting at the Cranston 'Funeral Home until Tuce- day afternoon, when the funeral ser- vice was conducted b,y Rev. G. W. Wylie, of Oakdale, formerly of Ben - miller. Interment was in the faintly plot in Colborne cemetery beside the remains of the husband and a son who died In the West. The pallbearers were Frani: Treble, Frank Allin, Ken- neth Allin, Harold Allin, Harold Mont- gomery and. Thomas (7ortash. Abon$. cnox uaten1111 0 Theodora Teolr-mip)t, ©VorAorio' lte3L0;1 azad clalt,tpool Vallent-3 ilsorrential rains of tlee %Tett ter ated vvith a fall of 2.213 Inchee en Tuesday which wreaked haVoe in town and, countryside, causing wnshopto oat country roads and creating little lakea all over town as drab's, tallitole to cope with the downttlaltr,e ba.0.141; poured water over •efilow4Ilt-6 and around lealldipnee Questa in one hotel and cuetoraers and merchants in shop on Hamilton . street were marooned when water flooded inches deep over the shiewalZa The hotel was virtevally surrounded by water- before drains could be_ cleared to take care of the 110040, ubd foar feet of water wato repoeted in cellars on that street, On . Patrick's street, on West stleet and at other points in town water batted Up out of eatch-basina at a terrilic rate, sending a tlaree-foot fountain in the air. RoadsVere cov- ered from curb to curb at several places in town. Creeks throughout the county which ordinarily are mere trickles of water were swollen by rates of the last few day e and Tuesday's downpour put eta the finishing touch, Transforancale OftrbtraateXteantiajleeeegaaatialeate-a-" extbITTIfefeiliagal valehOuts nanny roads in the .county. Worst of all, according. to0untal„ f.,...T#2.4.feakatee-Z*ieteteeese,--_ . auLat the approach -to- -the-bridge-at. Auburn. • One hundred yerdn gra- vet will be required to repair the dam- , Anuther-arffghtstifteetretarrarti'- brialge on, the Base line between Au- burn and ()Unbolt). Among the minor avaehoule wan ono on, the Bayfield road four miles south of Godertch. An eight -foot section of the huge metal culvert pipe was torta loose and carried by the rush of water twenty-liee yards into an adjoining field. The roadbed eollapsed and de- tour stens were erected by patrolmen until repairs were made. Other smaLl- er washouts were reported by patrol- men Wednesday morning throughout the county. ililot znntd Wet So far ttliS 111011tik has been the hot- test and the wettest. August in yeara. On only four days has the tempera- ture dropped below 80 degrees. The rainfan has been amazinglsr heavy for the first half of the mouth, by far surpassing thateog An. eaa4t. last year. ln fine. the 5P2 inchea of rain whieh feirrthe sixteen days of Angtt.t aurpteases the touit precipitation for the summer months) od' June, July and all of August last par, ellen .1 13 inches fell. A eha nge t w on t her t today to "fair and warm" is welcomed by farm- ers, who feared grain in stooks might be [-thins' by the exeessive rainfall Temperatures of tile hist week and 0r the ••••cr,i,miding ‘%ei-k of lest year were as follows: 1938 1837 Max. Min. Max. Min. Thur., .ug. 11 ....74 67 83 67 1" 76 fel 71 65 Sat., .ug. 13 • 45 73 03 Suri, sing. II s11 t19 76 61 Men , .kug. 15 • s7 72 S5 64 Tue., Aug. 16 47 'Ito 87 66 \Vivi., .111g. 17 ... 79 65 h 1 7() Rotuma.: firmurnoN Sarnia carnelian 1 lbserl yr has i,aned a Blue Water Bridge edition tot' eight) .six pages. It lois a deal of, itifortini t ion ....114,rtilfig 114,, 114,,,W inter- II-ag,eall ""s rneeeet1 1.1 idge a rid a a in toresting noullier id the Anelent (order .41' ,T..(11!al,1, pr,,ditethui, Voresi,.rs, 1 1 4. iis 1.1,,414 .444'4j N't - Victoria F11.0,41 (1111 Mid hi. '11111111.: .uicrontut CIIIRCLIE T10, ,k0gri..., 111.4-4.14; If the Arthur :.• ••r m•••‘. ,.40 h %%IAN lie;.1 on Nioreitt ••%. lirs. Rod. John- ston 1...1.1 rmalitt 57, !or!. 1}10 iwi"g• athT whioli Mts. Me(onnell Qt- -.)h ord 11•,14..t.11.411, .1 '4444 .1. ,414 JAMIS Death came with shoeking sudden- /IVSS 011 Sunday to James lloggarth, who for forty years was a, resident of Goderielt. Mr. liaggarth, La his sev- enty eighth year, d'..ed at the Inime of his son-in-law, l'i'ed 11'llson, street, shortly after returning from a dri, kvit II 31r. .311 lloggarth. win, had lived retired the last few years, ennoed apparently good heditli up to the time he suffered the latal heart atliirk on Sunday. Ile was born in iliillett township. a :NO 11 or thi. late Alr. and Mrs. Hog - gait 11. and on eoming Cosieri411 worked with the Doty Engine Works and 1,11e4 the 41derieli 31anufaeturing i',411114:110. The List few winters" Mr. ilogg,irth spent with children in 18., trel.. 11..s.W'l I4411, was kisirdig relatives, there last week- end. \Ir. Hog:gall h 1.4 stir% ik ell by 11\ t• 311, Wilson 4144'1 .4(11414 J. 1.15511 1.1 li,of Goderieli; Mrs. Luther 11.0 es and 114955.141•4, 04' D.•• t. .111,1 Mrs. Thotints GI -Anion. of \kennel \ •ki,.11 llis wife, firt-1114-rly .1.10.• 0( 4.011..018' t044 tht, years ag,, 1 11 114'1%1 ,4.1•4 ji`i. l .1.114,(illY .1 1.1 or114.t.11 11,1111t44 11'11 3Q, 11.1.‘ 310111 Interment 44 44 344.1341011 co014.- t. 3l.4rtIln ('harIl»1114111 1, ry 1,01,4 group No. 14101 11, (1, NIiirney, 11115. 1,1;41 .1fter a stolen, il:ness 4 w 411.4., Witt'1 1 4'orri414.r1y rut' • CIO 4. NI, 1hoili1,11, 14,4!i% 4' a 0.1441 1(1 SI, .4 11....4.1!14 1, Tir: ,,11 1,I. 54,4' was I if 1,441 1.. lo. 11..s4.l; 74 411. pre% hius 1 .3.14,11,1.1.v. IV1111.v a 'laugh- I ,,er of the hit.. Mr. and Mrs. John 3119,4:44 3'!. and yk 11161 r 111)'', 1, 4,, Tr..),,,, ,t1, 11,1' 11,1s1/.111 len 4(7'ag,). 111,1111,,,r st. ‘ Lk,1'11113 4.411- 44 414 14,r04114(, Sil t'1 .\11.1‘ /I 4' 114 r Mill -444 Hi) r.-11 la. .1114 11.,‘ itut,1% . Von; 1, Jane. l'atri,Th 111,,I Ilan, 0f T0t,tit0, and 100 It ttm*, (;,h.ri, 1, ; two ‘,7.4.•19 ti 31's 11. 19, Me - rte 4,r Ti.r„nr.., 314.....k Ntr• 1 4.4. 4 ;,1,4ii rich, find John 51‘. lionald, The rernainu wyrt, hrolvat t 4-0 i14r4,or 11 fol feetea at 1(a' horn.. a 311.1.4, (..4.4)( 3101141,nala until 11.oiday morning, when requiem high tads, was song at St. Peter's !ley. f'ather Nagi. gra vt-.1do. s,rvire at the (.,11,,,rne 11 C. .4.1114.111.4 (1;1, U1111(1110 0(1 hy Rev. Frith or Fa, ..11 The pallbearers were .1. 11 11, Nf.lsw,n Ittitil and Ea. Sparr, 1:0.1erirlt. Joseph Enies, of St. Thouni., 14.rd Whitty, of Toronto, in.,' Charles VVhitty, of St Marys Floral tributes were borne by friends of the Irtkret11441 family. .1t1e141104g t144, funeral frorn out of town, hestdes members of the !wilily, were Mrs_ Jean 'Smith 84(41 Mrs Mary Holmes, of 'Detroit ; Joseph Emes, Ma r- an ret, lielen and Nora Emes. of St. Th'Omas; Mrs. J Peek, of Chatham, and Miss Ithea MOTtae, of London. Bev. M. 1) ()'Neil, of Wauke.e, Iowa, spent a three weeks' vacation with re la t i ves hero. Mr. and Mr, L. Knox left on Monday on a motoring trip to North ern (Intlarle. of Mrs Jos Crai 1 is ill Mrs t,,,• 311,1*.4'.a4, 1(446 kliss Edith 41,4' v%, H' pliit.ntl'd 111'1'14114f'11 to (Ile Ieren 1'r.-‘4,‘• 1i.11 raft( he held 111 400,1rri i4f,1111.4.1' 131 1. NlacVicar gi' 8brief ot the 0.s,r1; a 41 missionary in 31,-s 11.111 NIA, 14(01(136vf,ry kleasirig"y sang "l'he 1) (I 'tagged -pettker utif.ms fr 111t, 'lo 1'' h at I3:411(34)45, who in a (4.1.4 /15 (4 11 (he hard- -hips ,,end 114,, pip; in th1. rniw...kiopary h.h she 1.4 ; .‘ rT; .,ht• s.tig,t4i; ,,f 11 hy inn the nee. le; .eaed %% ea yvr. THERE'S A LITZIT SAYS CAP 'N ILL, 11111' wisthes it made known draw the line somevvbere in he. 4' youngsters to learn to sox 1111 at the harbor. '4 In BilL" as this, pa r eta ted last Weell, has iee,a 'tangent; ymings1e044 between Che piers on the end of a rope in an efifort holn to swim. He has Met 11 1,11 .41411.1-;1111,* 1.011',4,44, 10(1. HOW - over. the"irti,14. was road by 0110 laVly who promptly hbstened to the bathing /lenge, donned a salt and then attempted -to 131141 1011 to have /14.1' 41 r'.) w4.44 logsoti, Strangely pnoneh, Hoe rm. the !hat thine thin I tnTrfl tt,,,t to he found at the 0.44 t It vo"114 401oP time later that he emerged frotn hiding and made the fintionneement that he must draw, the Hoe somewhere. He pointed ouit that the young lady at a eonservative esti- mate tipped the seales at 1410 pounds. M I.a t ley, of Windsor, is a gutmt