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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1938-8-11, Page 7
VO) Ulalar-ST('M , 7 V., Mr477, A=ANIIICIZI =CM Nutered amerdinuto .4et 'il'arlitunent 117 Ooorgo a. McLeod, Eltaifta, atria St„ 11704, Toronto, at 'to Dept, o1ACticiaturs% 0,HAVTIllt 11117aNTY.Trillnail (1,mt 211=1 Jabez had got the rope on himself' when Dick come tack, an' he spoke to WM itt tl* voloepf it father sayin: farewell ito the son Who had _rane wrong once too often, "1 don't care nothin' about the money, Dick,' le said. "You'd 'a' been welcome to all 1 had; but I can't, forgive you about zlay little girl,. You 'anode her love you, you schemed, to do it, an' you came bere with that end in view, I trusted you froni the ground up, but I can see o heap o' things now at 1 wouldn't -see before. 1 'had a letter written from Bill Andrews tellin' me 'at he had heard you brag 'at you intended to get holt 0' my money, an' that It wauld-payeene to-seareheyon instead_ a' suspectin' him-'' "Where was the letter from?” asked Dick, "Laramie," see the ol' man, "Kind o' curious," sez Dick, an' his voles was as bitter as the dregs o' sl ; "that's where Denton came from too." "You deceived me all along," sez the or man, not payin' much beed to Dick., but speakin' mostly to himself. "Yon know 'at what I hate worse'n anything else is deceit -an' here you've, been fast an' loose with women-" Dick tried to say somethine but the ol' man stopped him. "Mat was bad enough," he went 4:n, *tu nu no fool; Ifkitow the world, an' 1 could forgive yeti, a good deal; but hang it. I never could forgive you beiy a professional gam- bler—a man that lives by deceit an' trickery tett' false pretenses. Lookin' boat novvi-it strittes'me as bein' mighty Curious how you got the best o' Pliter's deals too. Was Piker or Denton, or whatever his name is, it gambler too?" "He was," answeled Dick in a low tone. The o man squared himself, an' his face was as tierce as, the ,face of an she bear; "Of all the humitu snakes I ever heaed of, you crawl the closet to the ground. You come here an' act assquare as a anon eau until you havp made us all think the world 11-a.Tetetneyottr-ifirre1rehmt yote were all the time -plottin' to get -my reeleeY, usin' my Iittle girl as a burglar would ,e_se a bar to open it safe with. Even then you couldn't wait in pa- tience! your inboru cuesednees forced you to steal an' oheae-and yet, boy, I could almost forgive you for de- ceivin' me, but I ean't never forgive you for deceivin' my little girl. You stand there with a gun in your hand an' I stand here wilt. none: you brag 'et- no man can't doubt vour dentin' without havin' cause to remember it: but I tell you te your teeth that you're a sneak an' a cheat an' a low-grade citosix yea itatt .1.1041 arzow4 ,t* ktt boo, dczeilied, N'r/Z40 ,ribitt the'itntitt a WA CA flero th4t Ithe,e,tuttge3 pteed 14tei aze the yelns Waa biactt oweUehoSirn Wa4 t1(.40,,A his4teeth showed in a. threatentre .Vbat4i line, au' at tiee turvage me in him was cryin' ttur, mu, um t lie tottered a little when he t00% a Step toward Jabea; , but be laid the Ginn on the table with the butt Paulin' towards Jabez, an' then he went back to the wall au' folded his arms. He stoed lookin' at Jabez for a moment, an' then he see slow tet ete creepy ; "Every wor& you have said from start to finish is a lie; and YOU yourself are a liar." The mon choked. Ile loosened the collar around his ueek, fairly gaspin' for breath; an' then, be grab; bed up the gun an' held fit ready to drop on Dick's heart. A. curious' ex- pressiOn eteMe over -Dick us -he looked into Jaben* face ; a tired, heart -achy smile as though he'd be so glad to be all through with it that he wouldn't tare a great deal how it was dime. eele-east-ee-teel-ewets-e/feini-ttp--te- maxim if ever i -man did:- The' wtrs a sign of \anger in his fate by thie time, nothhe but one gripe purpose, au' it •was horrid. It looked like a plain case o' suicide on Dick's pare an' I was jut makin' up my mind whether or not it would' be polite to interfere, when the door opened noise- lessly au' Barbie stood in the openine She seemed turned to stone for a second, an' then she gave a spring an' grabbed the ol' man's arm, "Jabez Judson, what are you doin'?" she -said, an' tee' wasn't much blood relation in ber tone. The ol' man lowered his gun an' sank iuto a chair, while Barbie stood with her hands on her hips an' looked front oue to the other of us. Then it would be the time for our eyee to hit -ifertRfeleeeeneelleeseiteit over a game o' cards-. I -wialt I had felt a little more at....holne. What's it hoot " th the fult truth. Titis is thought to set up a har, so you'd all tno:eknowtio to have atTiti* ki-eat dea o--Sa 'but' 'et - there lookIn' foolish. Finally "Dick -easti•a•.ottto..of- "1---ha-ve been itecnsed of cheatin' an' lyin' an' Steal - in'. The circumstantial evidenve is all again me, so I shall nave to go away; but you remember all I told you out in the other room -an' on our rides across the plain, an' on our walks in the moonlight; an' Barbie, girl, don't you believe a word of it. "Good-hye, Happy -I know you au' you know me. Jabez Judson, I know it ain't no use to attempt any ex- planatiou ; but I give you my word of honor -an' I set just as much store W- it as any man in the world -that I 113k paull everr stop to Ail& Of the advantages of tilectrleIty In a home, whether in town or township? It will do your Roasting, Toasting, Wasting, Lighting, Ironing, Housecleaning, and keep tee in your refrigerator every day in the year, no matter how hot the weather may get. We not only sell fixtures but we also install them. Wiring done without delay. IFIrallik REzeibrallir Weoft St. Vellephone 82, Goderich -11=4-V14 eoz, .ar ti-1,4ght egattt, ,troa4 rle). aTe vOg' tele • 1§!ieD''')Zarbto, laorm ;t4tmel.Wse'. Dkr4 tura90, 0110' .440; ant Otaillwa Ont et! the room:Barbie. dropped into t.t Chair fxrbib tat% oh' lue anthe old Man continued to look, like the tettilty , palate's.- Theft it occurred to num that vaebbe it would be wise to see if- Inter was worth botherhi' with, Virst thing I did though was to see where he had, belt ids gun when he tired beneath the table. 11.`he' wasn't uo gun ox* the fluor, au' I couldn't no- w1I-14ee haava7citlit'e gun In his holster, but he couldn't have pulled It out without Wine seta' ate he.couldn't have put it hack., nohow. I was plumb mystifed, an' had about give it up when I came 'across it, I own up it was a clever dodge, but suakish an extreme. Ile had fasitio.ued 0, rig just above his knee1 an' when he had sat -down the gun had been pointitt' at Dick all through the gonue aunothin' but Jabee letelcia' Dick move had saved him. It was a b uud-thirsty evIteme, it like- atampite- hts hive tete a. jelly: - Hie head was sti'1 bent over an' he was black itt the faee; but when straightened hem out an' soused a lot o' water over him, he came out of it, an' 1 fair itched to make him eat his gun--eknee-riggin' an all He sat up an' began to tell what a low-down, sneakin' cuss Dick bed allus been. I let hint sing a couple o' verses. an' then 1 sez: "Now, you look here, you slimy spider, Dick's too busy Just now to attend to your case au' If you don't swalier them few remarks instant I'll be obliged to preeere you fore the coroner myself' I've knowed Dick sometime, an' I've . knowed several other tuen; an' I know euough to know that such' a dust-eatin' lizard as you never could know enough to know what such a man as, Dick was think- . yoli'i•e a liar in your heart, an' still furthermore. I don -'1 like Your face; an' one other furthermore -the longer I look at you the wat1,j get /- My advlee to-yeK nee I give it in the name o' peace ett- 'soLulety, an be- -Plant nOW to LI wore salubrious C'i-Ztt."'t-e -you /in' your knee7.01144,..4.4„ your '11M rfli--'31ottr -Marked decks. I )0 you hear what '1 say': Are you goin' tu,Iguiv?a's' surely loin' wy temper; the' vvas a blood taste in my throat, an' when 1 asked hitu the question I kicked hFni gently in the cheat, just to let hiw know 'at I IVIIS ready for Ida verdict. Ile Was a coward, lie Just hunched himself away from no• on his back an' whined somethile abeut only tfyin' to show us the truth an not wantin' any trouble, an' a lot o' such foolishness; but I soon wearied of It, an' grabbed him by the collar ate yanked him to Itis ,feet an' sez, "Now answer me one question -who told you that Diek was here?" V453 kr.miiiirl Row9a the time when crisp, cool Kellogg's 0 Corn Flakes taste most delicious. They loots their rappetizfung best on the break- fast table, decorated eritb slices of juicy, fresh fruit. And If your amrctite inclines to wander away in these warrara days, they coan it berets-mrad satisfy it, too. Ecellogg's Corn Flakes are no nourishing and refreshing! 'They're toasted to i rich golden -,brown. Quick rand easy to berm with millt or cream. They're the ideal food for summertirne 'because they're light and easy to digest. Buy three packages of Kellogg's Corn Flakes at your grocer's today. He'll give you FRJEE the big, handy Utility Bag shown heze. lIt's made of tough, strong paper, just the thing for shopping and household use.-Porret wait! This offer is good for a limited time only. Kellogg's Corn Flakes are made by tteillogg Inc London, Ont. 07:FA-3,/ One pad kills lilies all day and every dray for 2 or 3 weeks. 3 pads in each packet. No spraying, no stickiness, no had odor. Ask your Druggist, Grocery or General Store. 10 CENTS' PER PACKET 'WHY PAY MORE? THE WILSON FLY PAD CO., Hamilton, Ont. "Bill Andrews." he sez; an' opened eeee _door an' kicked him through it; but in a minute back he kvmes, oringin' like a cur. "Don't send ,me away until after IL see whet directien Silvet take's,'" he whimpered. "He never forgives; he'll kill me if he sees me; let we stay until after he Nbirts.- I laughed. "Why, you fool you," I sez, "if he should happen to ruin yot beyond repair you don't imagine any one would put on mournin' do 3' But if it's goin' to make your wind any easier I stand ready to give you a written guarantee 'at he •won't use any kttee-gun to do it with. Now you get ; 1'111 strainin' myself to keep froto spoilin' you on IllY own hook. - I was in an advanced state of twin' exasperated, an' I walked up to him intendin' to brand him a few with the but t or his owngu, WIWI! Ba ride spoke low tin' eeld, hut in a voire fairly jagged with scorn: "Let the (Tont-ate aheie: 1 den't Want 1114-k t., ilk bouts." itarlde's voire bad lost it, rollege finish, an' slit. wao the mood to do a little sbootln' herself Just. then. (To be continuf•ti Ahem! The city girl bad juot retarned from a two we'ek' vkii to the country A friend s:tid to her : "Did you see them mak the cow ?- -VC replied the girl, eoubffully. "but I saw them untnilk one • '1'en, her boy, ifter It h 11 Hort', tirrrenr 0t. strength and tht-itiz, cAti any orli. :t 11;111o. 11 silte:I.• anitual tirit thr king of beasts .-1.11els in awe " shot Hui, hAnd Teacher -1Ve'l the :ltIirt)1I 1 NVillir 1pnont,..d:, - 14e, tea, tee, 114'..ione.4.4.- 4. 0. SoldoneeDneter, who was eriti. farm ou the, Mill road, Tuckersmith. enlly 111 in Victoria, irdoenital, London, lie Is survived by hie wife, a dough; with a ruptured appendix, is repourrteedy nioter,n;viale.M Mac. son, Bruce, also by his m to he aking a good -.recovery. Emother, 'rs. Vilwarti Boyes of Eg. The little village of thel, in towlishIP, had a ',celebration last Ads Provtlick24 Thursday %vhieh drew a large crewd. Zead to On= IlD=eln The program' included a parade, sat -1 A deputation from Kincardine and ball games, children's sports, etc.. !Huron Township will- Interview' the Minister of Ilighways and present a Twelve head of cattle belougiug to request for the tatting over by the Thomas Fells og, wiugheau which were on pasture In Morris township were, ProvinT of the lake shore road south killed by lightning last week-endfrom lein from to Bruce Beach, a _ They were lined up near bt barbed wire. mtaneeoLee° utiles. f The Clinton tire brigade was awarded .111331-714) UnAnt2fl. dret prize for the most attractive cow - ?Ire of unknown origin broke out pany in geott-P-qB" At the reeettt coo -1 in the buret- of 4v, J. Veal, Wiaehelsete dimity/ threehing operations on Vey ventiou of the Ottuadian 'Firemen's Ais - 7.124, 30th and corapietely destroyed the eociation held at Barrie. _ The 'building, together with the entire hay is a large silver trophy. John Andrew Earls, a ooneer mit _ttertitingop antlaw7whafterneat that badi..bEef.1thrrttireeslied dent of Howlett township, dted July, pigs, the live steek was all removed. 2Tth at the home of his nephews, An. muntden-Deau drew E. and. David MeLenitan, end con- ' At $t. Andrew's Presbyterian church, cession of Grey tewnship.% -e was Mott•sworth, on Saturday last, Mi68 10 his eighty-fourth year. Margaret ;Rae Doig, daughter ef Mr. The death occurred in Victoria Hos. and Mrs, WiUiani Itolg of Wroxeter, pital, London, on July entn. of Wil- w, married to John Gordon Mundell, liam John Krohn, of Wingbani, in his son of John Mundell aud the, late Mrs, fifty-third year. He leaves, besides Mundell of Bluevale, eiThe ceremony his wife, a son, Clarke, at home, and a was performed by Rev. Arthur Leg - daughter, Mrs. George elefeay, also of gatt. Mr. and Mrs. Mundell will live le Ingham. itt Gorrie, where the, groom is prince Johanna Bonthron, widow of the pal of the public school. late Samuel ."1-itcey or Heusall, died at Gelltifing-Stelleh her home lu Detroit on Thursday last. The marriage of Viola Mary Stelek, DeCeased went to Detroit after the daughter of Mrs. Andrew Pie .ce and death of her husband twelve years the late Arita Steel: of 'Stanley town - ago. Three sons and a daughter sur- ship, to William Arthur Golding, son vive. The remains were brought to of W. IL MA!., end me. Hens -till for intenuent. Golding of ,Seaforth, took plaee at 11'111,00r it t Ludas in Central After it long illness. Itolavt itenfemv Mooney died at Wine:min onUnited. church. After the wedding eete-eeeeeeer eeleffer. far, „A &Lk' mauy years he carried 00 a tinsmith- resi""ee itt ""forth. S Ing business at 'Winghatn, retiring ten eafforth to lillave„ years ago. Surviving are two broth- "'haw-mu-1*M' urder. tn_ alma h eree Pro ilk WogItante wielt ,witom aiLLI.iteeet created by the 1Provirteizt• Niter agalost he. rye , and .eorge, of ItiplT.y. raw milk, Seeferth dairymen are plan- ,),zmrelltity—mtvtat.41E,-.-azz,z-- POalaCC'e.M'VfAtt laVV), WA, 44! c.,;,,.'"`O, latoot det7Ittn. Umt.%-474 TA4'XIIP;11a n1=10 'Marl g(tvarit lebritttittacm laor, fso, of Mr. and cz Chrintie of 'Exeter, w'tW ilrOWne4 eet3 Thursday last at a chnrch Dinnle +et .Lakta Merriarde Tho body MIS recevered and tho eral took place on Monday at rinetee. Tlae young man wee in his twenty- aixth year. 11.1inIttetty While in Ooderiela on 4tanday. JtOy 3Ist, Charles Woode, son of Um. L. Woods, Seaton!), fell vehile going down hill from Harbor Park, and frattured his left wrist. He waited until bin return to Seaforth before gettiuginedI cal attention. Only a few weeks be- fore the same boy was struck by n ear while bicycling north of Seafortb and had Bum° ribs fractured. Eillonntkim !Inge= 0,71.0_ ra=caxil When a (homing pigeon raised by PeteAnderson of &bloat -dine returned to its home loft,from Nova Scetia new world's record for nut.= ned horn, Iii plgeone anaa-establiea Some time ago the blid-Wils-sent to _Dr. R. EL Mason of St. Stephen, ISouth Carolina, who is recognized as one of the out- standing homing pigeon fanciers fi Coe United States. Dr. Mason, before acquiring this bird, owned the cham- pion untrained bird until it was din - placed by the bird raLsed by Perry Anderson. It is unusual for a hom- ing pigeon to return home more than one hundred miles unless trained,. but this bird, known as "Triangle ST - NZ -4M" made .a flight of more then 1000 miles.-Kineardine News, ./11-1ie death of mass -Beliecca.40..Neeelte - "-1.°'.1-7144"2-441trkth nf dairy to he built and operatM by W. flrey to occurred in the Kit- . iv.111%Wr, who will iwistenrizo, bottle cheue r eekeeleeekee ..eeekeeetetele nd'While itliirtt,i - • many years in the 13russels district, t- and- the funeral took place at Brussels yeto be arranged, it is understood that Mr. Barber will purchase the on Saturday last. A Mrs. Mary NIcMurray, of Setifortie, Ileengagentents mounted died on Sunday evening in her eighty- third. year. She was a native of Scotland, it daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John McMichael. Her hus- band, Ebenezer McMurray, died twen- ty years ago. Mrs. Wesley Walker of Goderich is a niece. John James. Iloyes. of Tucikersttifth, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. MeDonagh, Ashitield township, announce the en- gagement of their only daughter, Em- ma 41arolyn. to .Edward Crawford Mc- Kenzie, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McKenzie. of London, the marriage to take place this month, Mr. end Mrs. le D. Fultoo, Argyle street, 'Stratford, announee the engage- ment of their daughter flhelyo Mil- dred, to Mr. Carl A. Sr • 0 of Mr. William iSerimgeotir, of Clod- erich, and the late Mrs. Serinigeour. The wedding will take plaee this month. passed away on August 1st in his sixty-first year. Ile had been in poor health for several months. Born in Statilt•y township, deceased farmed in the West for twenty -live years, and returning five years ago settled on a ... . . . E3C)Ofi.t—Docl 1.30cod REQ @Qum . . 1 Boils are simply an evidence of 1 the coneaminitted blood withen coin - ire to the surfaoe. • -Just %Oren you think you are rid , psnee u;rrili,rolo:P.,).ourIk52k".t4tinroerli:. 1 All the lanclue end pouiticatg yon , do will not atop more eomiug. Why not give that 01,1, reliable ' bibzw-Fritobt.'"Ifi.-4-4)-airrizikr 1 builoa touts y 1 • . r, -,i. i01 i3nio.7,1i7,,,,u_v;I:ttesrs a viten& to btinTalt the , tra. •-":",:,,T,"' et rid of the bud blood trail boos Tho '1'. Illilburn Ce..,144.,,'Toronto, Oat. MEE 0.--EVO,OT1 OLD, DOBADLED OC1 MAD DOCY,MS ©2 ,tacrol,E uomovcd a7©p-0117 end OckggOadlig. 21-ZapC7 pCzozo "C00.1CCT° Co CA,70110.1T,1 SMS R-cOxia ONGEISCLE, GO(116711Ch filteme 2V3 ICOg MONTREAL IulY 13154 1930' Thd taingmr, Doll Toloptiono Cattiany or Canada, St. John°, Quo. I am oriting you on ohalf of my mother, fathor ond Oar family rogarding the oteldvnt neer toccata loot 3atur4oy, in obich my brothor aad actor Ooro ooriouoly injurod. It io imp000iblo to find word° to oxpr000 our thank() to you for chat you hod to do vitb thlo accident, and for what your telophono caocage to our hoca meant. Vill you aloe pl0000 convoy our thank° to Your comganyla can oho oao at tho ocono of thd accidont? Thio may hove boon yourcolf; aa do not know. oho It 000, except thot ho to ea amptoroo of the Doll Tolophono Company. vo aro told It coo through thio caa'o knoolodgo of nrot Aid thot 111 oiotor ono ell000d to live. I °eau= tho majority of tho travelling public aro liko our.: oolvoo, and do not realizo obat Doll Telophono Piro% Ald C3000, until It d000 for them ghat it hoc) tiono for ue. Agoin our oincoroot thank°. A vcryage threnteh Canada.° Inland San offera v-aotety and ---1FilArtrient- YOOr7c=iire'in trip . . with no increase in first class (Standard fare.° 11 N.00t alacOraly yourn. e WALT W. CREGAN \ - and know the pleat:lure:3 of cool, frecherater breeze; sleeping under blankets, =dent meals, comfortable rooms, and the joy of shipboard life on ad in/and rea Tweo abilities every vreek on large modern hike liners. Both :whore and afloat, meals, on thio delightful land -and -crater trip nutio- tairi Canadian National's tradition al =mice , , delicioua ... reasonably pica bootind ocurtaouoly atsrvell, tC2 CANACtlAt4 WATCOAAL 75420 TeleCeAele.3 -ashore again at Port Arthur, a apeedy rail journey to Winnipeg... and then aboard the famous oir-eo-nduioned CONTINENTAL LrmrrED for a magnificent trip through die Canadian Rockies via Jasper . Low' Pam. JASPER GOLF WEEK SEPTEMCIEL1 4- W, INCE-UMW PAUL oueuErm tica Canadian National Expreza Money Order° for aafaty and convenience. ]?oi ccifo,apealy delivery nand parcelo by Canadian National &prom. • Dell telephone Plant Wire Chief Walter Creagan end Manager Paul Ouellette of St. Johna, were nearby k the highway when two automobiles; collided. While Crergan- a AMA First Aider Ile 95 per cent of all our Outaidle plant workers - adnainistered First Aid, Ouellette aummoned help telephone. Vo are proud that their quirk action aaved another precioua life. VV. J. 11-PDC.DIZ Lficsmacz. , MO IF ESU k: D To.= tto One n Igon,grreag Family °V MONTREAL IulY 13154 1930' Thd taingmr, Doll Toloptiono Cattiany or Canada, St. John°, Quo. I am oriting you on ohalf of my mother, fathor ond Oar family rogarding the oteldvnt neer toccata loot 3atur4oy, in obich my brothor aad actor Ooro ooriouoly injurod. It io imp000iblo to find word° to oxpr000 our thank() to you for chat you hod to do vitb thlo accident, and for what your telophono caocage to our hoca meant. Vill you aloe pl0000 convoy our thank° to Your comganyla can oho oao at tho ocono of thd accidont? Thio may hove boon yourcolf; aa do not know. oho It 000, except thot ho to ea amptoroo of the Doll Tolophono Company. vo aro told It coo through thio caa'o knoolodgo of nrot Aid thot 111 oiotor ono ell000d to live. I °eau= tho majority of tho travelling public aro liko our.: oolvoo, and do not realizo obat Doll Telophono Piro% Ald C3000, until It d000 for them ghat it hoc) tiono for ue. Agoin our oincoroot thank°. A vcryage threnteh Canada.° Inland San offera v-aotety and ---1FilArtrient- YOOr7c=iire'in trip . . with no increase in first class (Standard fare.° 11 N.00t alacOraly yourn. e WALT W. CREGAN \ - and know the pleat:lure:3 of cool, frecherater breeze; sleeping under blankets, =dent meals, comfortable rooms, and the joy of shipboard life on ad in/and rea Tweo abilities every vreek on large modern hike liners. Both :whore and afloat, meals, on thio delightful land -and -crater trip nutio- tairi Canadian National's tradition al =mice , , delicioua ... reasonably pica bootind ocurtaouoly atsrvell, tC2 CANACtlAt4 WATCOAAL 75420 TeleCeAele.3 -ashore again at Port Arthur, a apeedy rail journey to Winnipeg... and then aboard the famous oir-eo-nduioned CONTINENTAL LrmrrED for a magnificent trip through die Canadian Rockies via Jasper . Low' Pam. JASPER GOLF WEEK SEPTEMCIEL1 4- W, INCE-UMW PAUL oueuErm tica Canadian National Expreza Money Order° for aafaty and convenience. ]?oi ccifo,apealy delivery nand parcelo by Canadian National &prom. • Dell telephone Plant Wire Chief Walter Creagan end Manager Paul Ouellette of St. Johna, were nearby k the highway when two automobiles; collided. While Crergan- a AMA First Aider Ile 95 per cent of all our Outaidle plant workers - adnainistered First Aid, Ouellette aummoned help telephone. Vo are proud that their quirk action aaved another precioua life. VV. J. 11-PDC.DIZ Lficsmacz.