HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1938-7-28, Page 7.1:zw aorta. Os smooth an ZOO quart4
Min= r4mni
110,7 re.1453 an' Rarble wan anus ex*
rasa vhe-th2,41 one do5 what was only a
4e31 (V What they call au 'act 02
courtesy. Xt isnot 'a' weighed fully
In'70 Vowed% an' had bluntly hair ot
Oat; Zt .14041 a hark to it ake one o'
Obese lieetual-dolin What can Del
Ma-maa, but the critter wan
as proud 0' this barb no thotilti it
eqlle to Met much mere dataatragethan
Moctulfo, but it tan 1,fnll as tlood-
dalmla an'. it bad toot ra keen
11111 Aradmvo ,wao still, the fore an,
an' one day he wao on his way to the.
mein*. Cillenansee crevices Tdtweettn
teeth, too .. . nooureooweet breath.
«Moe to matte a report to WI when
thin imitation, dog came satiate orontga
the eornetr an' ttiola a grab at his leg.'
lie had a brand new pair of padlb
on, au' they was outside bis 'afoots.
YOU. 'Lutovv how corduroy, tears when
the dye has been a bit. too-prgcmmtve.
1741, the Elam Ittoser,o,led up a vim- like
bin C• hristian fortitude, Edvet that tey
coratitg, au' Dick canoe out of the °Zee
at Mae sage thane. r
The poor little pup was, a-layin'
cat ; gl • ratite rage came. over IMeit .an'
If polled Out my mu; but tam
eould taf,"2 it Dick had nailed ,fitotoblm
rA,,Phettli -8 word: put- 400770 wao
to'o ouglerid bin own man, no
he put uP hin bands, tut it. didn't do
no good. Diek Caveat h under the
chin, an' the rilticit of his bead ntrueit
the ground several momenta Ink/Tel*
feet arrived. It was a beautiful blow;
1 never seen a neater. 11 don't reckon
arbie 'ever did either; 'cause an soon
as she had gathered up the pup she
walked up to Dick an' .sez, "I want to
thank you for SMS, and to say that I
am in your debt to the extent of any
favor what's in .my poWen" Course
Dick was locoed the same as usual.
His face leaked like the settin" sun,
an' he coutlein't pump out a word to
save him. Them two found mightY
hard to overeonie the first prejudice
they'd felt Again each other.
Bill Andrews he set up after a bit,
with his hands on the ground, ibraciti'
ments. Dick looked down at him
calmly and said, -As soon as you have
atpologized—to—aliss. ...Judson you eVaer„
met onr business." Then he lifted his
hat, whirled on his heel, an' etalked
insideellke as if he was a colonel.
• Andrews was pur.ty tol'able
low-spirited; but he handed out as
affeetin' an excuse as he could dream
up, and as soon as' Barbie had spoke
her piece he slouched into the office
conflictin' emotions. I'd rather shoot
a man an' not kill 'him, than to be the
before a woman—that is, a revenge-
ful sneak like what Bill Andrews was.
As soon as he an' Dick got through
with their talk. an' it was a purty
torable lengithy confab at that, Bill
Andrews went to the boss an' tendered
in his resignation. Cast Steel accepted
it mighty hearty, 'cause Barbie had
just been callin' on him; an' that very
mornin' Dick made Pete Hanson
Next night the office safe was opened
.an' titteen hundred dollars was took.,
Dvery one thought right away of Bill
Andrews, an' the ol' man sent us out
in pairs to scour the country. The'
wasn't 111 11111 scourin' to be done, how-
ever, 'cause we found Bill Andrews
on the next raneh, an' they was ready
to swear 'at he hadn't left it all night.
O Me Malan'
mint do you eat for breakfast?
Coffee, toast, maybe come eggs?
What do you eat for lunch and
amine? Dread, meat, 'potatoes?
,Iklo wonder you're constipated;
you probably don't get enough
"bulk." And "bulk" doesn't mean -
the amount you eat:It means the
Mud of food that forms a soft
"bulky" mass in the bowels. It's
tints mass that helps bowel
The common sense thing to do
about it is to eat a natural
lanative food. Kellogg's All -Bran
for breakfast will give you just
the "bulk" you need. And it gives
you, in 0,dditiOn, Nature's great
Intestinal -tonic, vitamin e Eat
this crunchy toasted cereal every
dem drink plenty of water, and.
life will be brighter for you! All -
Bran is made by Kellogg in
MI or: fleadtp," riet
o)t to saga*? cachn, Odecin' ail the
Jaen spent moot of tio time tagghe
cotapie o' young children ; hut Ilbr-
10Icit after the dog a,frair, an' they sot
cam. Boeble Wan Attit coed
friendo with me an ever; but could
nee—any one could nee-4inat JfaaPen
vms walla' to call Dick a con-in-lari
Just the Minute that Am* wao.
year Dick M.11.0 the bead chi , an'
ot pun or didn't ,throw up 4in..416
'white -Coe calm, an' about alf
1 Oa
c5 tc3q7.1c0 tto .7M1
Ora a two sisters.
otryJetatIon of open come tittno et
the borne of Mr. Norman) Vihaglard Ira
MINI% Alabama* On tbeir arrival at
Pert EuVer> they encountorOall tremble
with the iMraiaratIOn anttoralco and
were refitatia adMittance.to the
States. 110 Opito of the fttlet that Mr -
and offered to pont al:Jabot:coattail bond
to te left Ita Weir haat+ until be and
Wynn) returned, the of:Icial ruling
from) Washington. Et I.? etMeeted tbat
It will take about two wcerlo tO obtain
the consent a tho 4061
will rip b,;,'`',Tlana 011 OW zaEcn.—.011Inton
a the late Mara OteVart and latall
Tweedte 02 Maracay tow=tlr),, ate?
tine Oa* of boa' lionc"g'nattall ETenver,
her family to Toronto. Latteaty she
brad lived. with her son Dr. Donatca
Ross at Los Angeles. Another son,
Stewart, is teupervisoe of the Wind=or-
Wallterville Technical School, and a
daughter, Mrte 11. Elimaibtauer, re -
slaps tat Swift Current, San. Two
brothers and two sister° ohm Ourvive:
Cha ries Ste wa rt, of Caresholm,
Glen, of Goderleite VIM Alice
Parke, of Hughenden, Alta.
ter : x,94`0/At 70. e1 Wat I
eaattle„` ae ,tartt l to raise only Bert cn.
41,astallions had tr tiara gut, a . ,
then neu time went to to -,7 t L
came line- n 11_ wan ulna' odirer*
-grbaaaai ' =eaal, are asked me i it
thought-ma,lnite lnotrsez would ing.
knew what itis Canute was ads'
tried MY bent to _.hold In, but l couldn't
belt) tel'ltu,' Ithn that 1 d.L4»'t t uppese
it would pay Quite .well as fairies'
Wilt to (murder homes would. This
was e n uubt for him ; he calbetl rate
s very t hltrj he COM lag tongue to,
atie when I rose to my feet he putted
104 9er z►eaa laau e room
Were be iW aaiaa' to sneer at me, but 1
intim the Mt:W and started to
leave. �;ia M'araedu e IT grin �a;�, 1
Der an' whirled ze around. *it dors
ongOL . aee3," he nen, 'an 'elot313
to me.'
` sl a't Baa my Unit, e[g- sup wan
'rac 7 sd'ull of !agee► ata' .i1 dashed the
coiZee Roete, hag to G" t hold
o gun. n. a IA to t' - -4=0. are
ire& .1IE1Ie meal. , fan' /I fns
of 'ema wore other tonere' brande,
money; so 'at Jaten was an well satis-
fied as the amen; an' even arbie had
come to own up that Dietz was the
fittin'est teen in those parts. 1 could
read every thought in her head, an' it
hurt me to think thnt at last I had
dropped back to second fiddle; but I
could see that Dick had had chances
that 1 hadn't had, an'—an' I allus aim
to ,play fair, so i took to ridin' alone
an' worlein' harder than I was used to.
She could strum a guitar till you'd
be willin' to swear it vvas the heavenly
harps of the Celttstial Choir; an' she
an' Dick used to loaf around in the
moonlight makin' melody 'at was
worth goin' a,good long ways to hea r.
together. In face. the -whole. D1411110-11 d
Dot was as matchanakey as a quiltiu'
back about half -past nine. It was
more'n twelve years since 01' Monody
had passed over, hut it didn't seem
that long. :Net as I turned a corner,
I heard a laugh that seemed to float
to me from a long ways back in the
past. It was Jim Jimison's laugh.
an' as I eame around the eorner of
the house there he.stood with his back
to me, talkin' to Barbie. "Well, for
the .Gee Whizz!" cried. He turned,
an' it was Dirk. We looked into Null
other's eyes a matnent, an' then I
forced a laugh an' went on to the
.itallion stable, where I sat down to
Puzzle it out.
It wasn't very long before Diek
came to me an' held out his hand. I
took it, an' we gave -tin old-time grip.
"I was wonderin' how long it would
be befere you saw through me," he
I gotahe moon in his Nee an' looked
long time. Of course a dozen
years and lite beard made a lot of
tiff 01P11(1., 1/11 Ill It near 1111. When
I'd left him, lie wa.4 only a boy. a boy
.311 the way through,- looks, words,
actions : while 110W 110 WAS a 11111 11
11 11. a S17.4‘y 01111 at that. It ain't years
alone that make any such change. I
know in a minute that .1 Ini hail been
ilea r too na rrow to get through.
"You put, the in my feet. Happy,"
spz he, "an' after y3)13 loft I just kept
on gitin". I tended to my stuff. 2111' I
improved it an' I 4,3ok on now ranges,
an' 1 made it go, I sure made it go.
Then the Exp4)rters Cattle 'om pa ny
got after me. My range was needed
to fill a gap 'between two o' their
ranges, an' they tried. to make me sell.
"I didn't want to seII,'T was nutkin'
money an,' 1 was-Jayin' it up: and I
wasn't ready to istop workin' at- my
age, so I fought back. I didn't stand
, Any show. There's a loinel3 o' these
big eompanies that are all the same,
under different names, an' they fought
me on tlo• ground an' on no railroads.
1113. ;it stiwk yards: they tried to
turn my t111'11 again nie: they had my
stuff run onto their range, 'an' then
tried to prevent my gettin' it hack.
1 didn't mind their open warfare; but
their underhanded ways drove me
efore buying Electrical Refrigeration be sure to see the
fL(MC3 MgLynamaxe
The outstanding Refrigerator with all its NEW features.
Drop in and see our qualrty Lawn and Verandah 'Furniture
at special prices
Save money on new discontinued patterns of Cong,q1eum and
Linoleum Rugs from $2.25 up.
We are prepared to service all makes and models of
Electric Refrigeration.
Phone 240
West -St.
tine center a the forehead k7ilth the
coalee cep. It Tnao big an' henry. talle
it —trill intm. 'This was juot what
tin bunch wanted; but In spite atilt r
precatations got away, came north,
and 13ot into another business; but
that didn't suit either; so here I am,
vvith the (worst gang in this country
achln' to get track o' me."
"How long ago was this, Jim?" sez
about tour years ago now. I leased
my 'land tfor more'n enough to pay
taxes, but I suppose it will all blow
up sometime, an' thq:11 me in the
'11 don't suppose the"s any way to Year. His wife survives.
The death occurred reeently in Grey
go buck an' square it, is there?" sez
township of Christena E. Armstrong.
"'Heil, no! " he elm, bitter as death.
wife of Robert Doekett, in. her seven-
"yhey_own Texas."
tivoyryv-irtfrrr.mvoewttezs-wh ,,,,,,,-,,,z14r.r.D.seiloy44,,49,r
of Oneter,- have left on a trip to Eng,- WElt) being drained tor cleaning, Mr.
Rev. A. Pam and 'WWI= Vnayned Erowever. on ttdraletaby an the pool
notiee'd the dna PP the bottom
Janssen Willtamcon, of Howlett town-
ship, died July letb it hit poIrtieth ail:toot, the identical opot at eehies13
ytweaor.out7e is survived by lalt3 Wife And It wan tent The riPa ha° beeith T41-
tilos Martel Scotia= boo rettarnel G°4_,e_rteh--CmffPrth 12nwitcsic*
to Transmit) from Indio, where atm lean
Clinton. to Flarty,rell Etudton, sou of
ha eine 0,0 fellows' rbil. tia% RAY Moe lreattateeltte.
1=1.M10111 to 'attend the. eo nen- *toper, brother oZ the r7as bent
Option Davao Jrul7 elot. Valls and other po to Lir. and tiro.
Zito. Lucille Vitolale Of Mental hut igiudsoke will =Ado at. IWITTattoor.
been initt-to the ntaff of St. C'n'Elb.r._,"4`13r
Marys "N.M.-51ot° tootittate as teacher A reunion Veal)* of the Orich fata.
of art 'rand domestic science. ily brought 176 persons tcr1/4-g•ther at
pfleld on ,Wednentilayi of lent week.
Moo Mildred mond, daughter of
rd, Michigan, Now, State,
Clinton, Goderich and Walton. 'Next
head -first Prom a load of
year the picnic ;Ali be held at the
original ()rich homestead la McIver -
hay, Robert El. Ferguson, 12th, conces-
sion of Howick, suffered a frecture of smith on the third !Seturday of July,
and the following Suuday the family
the breast bone, two ribs broken off
will worship in Turner's church. west
each side of the breastbone, and num-
end of Tuckersmith.
erous body bruises.
known farmer of Tuekersmith, died
Cameron, elitnton, ,was the scene of a
Wednesday of' Ittst week at his home
mae eoncession of that town- pretty wedding` On Saturday lust when
their second daughter, Jessie Margaret,
ship. 'He was In his eeventy-fourth
became the bride of Dr. Joseph Alex-
ander Addleon. of Zurich, only son of
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Addison, Canton.
Rev. Andrew Lane, pastor of Wesley -
Willis United church, officiated. Misses
"I've got plenty of friends there --
dare -to ilea -Ziff& iTorivinireie
this 43 business all right. 'Whenever
I hear any one talk about the morals
of lott,Sines.s it drives me wild. The'
Robert Cole, of (Minton, was grooms -
Mrs. Andrew Priee of Stanley an -1
t Mar Golding, son- Atr.-a ii7V Mrs. IV: .'f'ornn'-t°htn4t:irrittnarlintt.t'it''wiiitt'ZZ'f!t*lr:nt'
township, on Motnia•,, celebrated the' Zurich. •
to take plaee early lu August.
Dies on Way to
fiftieth. anniversary of their wedding *Joseph A. intuition, Hensall war vet-
eran, died Sunday ni t while being
taken by car to Westni nster hospital,
ain't 'any morals in but4iness. The soon after their marriage. They have
, London. Mr. Hudson, who was an
hest it ever Is, is straigirt gauilbliti.— one son, ,Fratipis W. SmIth, who now
lad recently teturned
I say the best it ever le, is straight operates the farm. and one daughter, 11t11 P1141141" (11".
from Llie hospital to Iris home at Ilen
gatrublin---Jim's voice was grittyl Mrs. gt y Dougherty of Blyth. 1
Still, and while a t end -111g a hall game
t 3r )f famil
went on, "it stoop:, to murder, whole-
sale. and retail, it ruins homes, it
manufactutvs thieves an' perjurers
"You remind tue
Fer340son," sez 1, "I
best, business was
1 better say Iflek. I like him. Non
couldn't fool him NN 11 a Iiit 111011
a 111, 1111.1110,4 for t hings. I le dealt in
the spirit of a deed. I like him."
It wasn't much Ismailia r tint t 1
hada' t reeognized t boy. As he
talked. I could see the Ca 1:.),'4.4 1 tiger
;41211'111' out through his eyes. an I
knew that something wild would hap-
pen if the bar,: ever broke.
"I'm mighty sorry, Dick," sez 1. i
l'm not clear out of Hip game. YoiL
don't need to think 'a t t brol,H
a IOW 10110.
w ell known in the southern Paid of
taken At his home his condition
the (-minty, died' on July 1 4th at his
1/„.„,: became worse and it Wi1S 4.111Cilled to
home in Stephen township.
take him again to Loudon. Ile died
in his seventy-fourth year. Ile was
greatly interested In church and Sun.'
of tt feller named'
1 lilted hurch. Surviving. are hit 1
ji111,, or sw)pose! wife and ,four sons, also six brothers
Father- $11arcita.nd
Goes to Rea Salle
Rev. 1.. Thirehand, ho been the
parish pricst :it the Vrencli Settlement
for ()vet' nine pea being trans-
ferred to I,a Salle, la the , Windsor
district. and Father
Augustine, will .-111•1.4.44, him. it is
feet at the end of this month.
Wedding Ring Recovered
Wiwi' tee %leeks ago a bather at t
Lions pool reported that she had lost
a gold w.edding ring in, the pool. licr
chatiees of recovering it appeared to
al5011 11.; slim 31.4 111114 of ;lading the
110 11111410 hair Way 1/01W04111 11 5411)
t‘vet-n set teeth. "Do you think that
I haven't oarried tha•t cross also? But
I've changed a bit In five years, an'
they ‘1.011't think of mt. at the 11111-
1.1101111 1)41i. 1111,11py, I'Ve got it s..iwrat.
for t he cattlemen 0' the
Northwest to light thtat i•rowti
an' whip 'ent ow 0' the Immituss. I
know t 144-3 game frotn A to Z, an' if I
coin i n' out 111 t he open I can ben t
1111114,.. S417,
"As long as t
trver you, it 101
iler way they'll
• I 10 gripped Ids hands together an'
punched a lode in the ground vvith 1,14
11001, you could tell hy .
that he \\.:Is mighty sorry he eouldn't
have 131,1;1311 ow the face 13.•'31 liave
of the vroinol. 114' pot lii-
prom Ise t ha t 111 11 ft 4.r
up. 1 v3-on't 11,1 to risk the
happiness of .3f Barbie Vim lost ,
remember to 'keep callin' me !nig,:
W• WI in 11P11 1.1 tinder cover.
If there is no sidewalk or path and you
the tra c, not with it! When you walk
toward oncoming tra i•c, you can watch
every car as it pproaches, and the
driver can see you. Don't risk your life
needlessly, especially at night. Walk
on the left side, and keep close to the
edge of the road.
1. "but It's exposin'
big tisk.-
hi- crime ha 11g4
over hi -r too,- 4ez
IN your tight ge't.s 1111-
11 1'11, your nwort1 i 31-
Tvra-PM r
well as rheumatism and lum-
bago develop; from uric acid left in
the bleod by defective kidneys. '
Lasting relief comes when the liver,
kidneys and 1:owels are aroused to
action by
Let us give you a new thrill! A
tankful of super -smooth Esso
or high-powered 3-gtar . long
lasting Marvelube Motor Oil in
the crankcase . . . and your car
fairly flies down the highways
pleasure to motoring and fresh joy
to just being alive. Come in
today — we're always ao your
J. PETRXE, Seaford
-• 1\Ur Gl& r
—scup ITEJE wino. av ME 'WHEEL
"U7ODOO givk gem-oeavime
119T1 El.s® eaor14-26.39 9
whftt a coMmon sight it is to see
a young person whose blowlless face
and feeble frame are evidenee of
bounding health and rosy cheekn
ehould reign.
Young people in fvurh a condition
Milbern's Health and .Nerve Pills
meet this requirement ria they eon- '
tain three c,oneentrated fermi of iron
of an easily agaimilated nature to -
and add to' your physical attrgetioa.
V.12 T. Unborn 0o., VA, Vovtato. Ont.
0 Drive in and let us show you proof of the'EXTRA
MILEAGE—EXTRA SAFETY built into Goodyear
"G-3" All -Weather tires. Seethe evidence, then ask
yourself this queetion —"Why buy any tire that
offers less than a Goodyear —when a Goodyear
"0-3" costs no more than a standard tire?"
Ask to see the QOODYEAR LIFEGUARD—let
us show you how little it will cost to analce your
car completely safe from blowout danger.
You dee eatirci volut3 in
(tee*. They provide SO%
atandard lore.
lotver priced aro
made in heavy duty
ea aa inanutard