HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1938-7-21, Page 7WON WeretItovat Dept. of Agriculture. 01[141E11113 TWMT7 Weil, that vyluter. by without a-ttrea14,- AP Oil' 3_44"!4 14011, Ptsrt abOtit Ilia pint. Sill 'Andrew) had thm.ny Cot te,l'able acquainted with me aloo, an* 5=0 age tO Savvy Ithat while sea/ee Tine may cue, arzat Orate. the) wee oree-prices that I wouldn't pay for ft. We was ail het tip when tille grade, - alma (Ilk At Altf 'Caine, tre didn't do a nets e work. ozt 4. ranch ; Ana Gathered -around the ranch buildites, qZhe had- won ho ors an' -medals an' one thing or another until reckon we ;telt putty much es Mrs. Washing - welcome the father of his t,ountry atter he had allowed 12;ngland where to it=et thb boundary stakes. Barbie had wrote us that she was goin" to cut out a string of invitations as long as your arm and pike right ou,t for home as soon as she had din- ished her part of the program, an' we weren't able to do a tap until she ar- rived. At first I was minded to drive dovvn after her, an' then I decided that it would be better for me to stay at home, an' line up the boys in some sort of style to receive her. S,pider Kelley went after her and as soon as they' hove in eight I had all the punchers charge down an' shoot their guns off in the air. They was wearin' self that it tom anyitking she ever saw in the Beat. • 'to* ,,off her hat an' swung It aotat her head and' shouted, o mews, gou're spa bully—every one of youl" an' eay, the' wasn't a puncher ou the Dia- mond Dot Qat %youltat't haze aftwa hb hide to make her a raiz. o' the ranch houso,-an" Woe tre... Ode When wet left hina" to ride, data an' Here she was, comin! back for the last time with all the le:amain' 02 the, earth pack away in her head, an' niched up with snore degrees. than a her heart, not one min; an' when she Saw the home buildin's vrith el' Mount Savage stttle! up on his throne am' all the -little peaks bowin' before him,like pages to a Icing, she jes" threw out her Remo as though she would tale in the whole outfit in one big hug, an' her eyes filled up with tears as she see, "Oh, pad. I love it! I love every inch of it, every line of it, every shade of It; an' I've hungered an' rhirstedt for it all these years --an' for you, Dad, for you most of all." Well, you should have seen Jabez. Beam? Why, I reckon you could have lit a cigar on his face, an' he fluttered around like a heti mith one chicken an' that one a duck. He coilkin't quite believe .thrit it was all true and that he was actually awake. He had wor- ried so long about her cuttin' ihto some new -gaMe as soon ao her schoolin' was done Viat he hardly dared rejoice for fear. it would wake him up; ;but it did,n't take her long to begin enjoyia.' her old freedom again.. It took us' some longer to adjust ourselves to her, howeven ssa Noelle hadn't changed such an awful sight, an' yet the' was sortie - thin' about her 'at made you feel like touehin' your hat .when &he issued an order. Not tba•t she was uppity nor nothin' ; eche rambled around playin' Witt �..r k,6 •+ :o14.s-,.. as .P., : a x rottipin' 'with the dogs, an' fairly staekin' up the whole place in little heaps. An' She rustled up her old sombrero an' leggin'.s just as though 111, -.sit asisstsesser set—a--..heorsttlass range. fitilr, the' was so ®thin' about her _you couldn;t quite put your finger on; but w hieh you knew in your -heart Was there all the time, awaitin' till she made up her mind to call it out ; like a handful o' regulars givin' dig- nity to a serarwny two by twice fort In the Injur) country. We took up our ridin' again. an' just as I was gettin' used •to it. along comes a feller lookin' about two thirds starved. His clothes was ragged an' soiled. he had forgot his baggage. he was on foot (an' when T say on foot, 1 don't only- .nean that he was din- pen.in' with the luxury of a pony; he was also unoncnmbered with sol(s to his: hoots), but he had indoor hands. a hack as straight as an Injun's, an' a way of fiingin' 'up his head arid dr•awin' down his brows when you stoke to hint sudden, which proved nt •trannpin' was only a sideline with 10111. 11e put in an application gik cook for the home (►1' ('';,1 Steel looked into him: ee- arn[tled 11i,s eyes, his hands, an' the way he earricwl his head. Then he s••ol:e kind o' slow ;an' drawly. took?" sez he. "Well. 1'41 fie willin' to I, 1 ':it you've stayed up till thre( o' .1v•1: a 11( -;it► noire times 'n you have (' ' 1• :11v ..( JIt this wholesome hour. \`•1rat ear. ''vvn 4•nnk? ''n f •11^r h4., laughed, an' sez. "Vol ''n. T own lip 'at T ;lir.'t no c- 41:, Yanr T ain't no enw• puncher: hot MOM NOV(311,-00 MTH OATH • (21 Y,c)oo VIM Svd@rm -i'vrL21.4@1EY„Toss' ? CmosUpotijam Some people are what are known es acid -makers. They cal- help it—and often tkey don't know it. The results of an excess of acid may seem just like ordinary stomach trenble — but they can't be put right by ordinary atomach remedies! Excess acid may be the reason why you wake up fiat, sour, bleary-eyed, bilious — and the reason why fierce purgatives only leave you in the grip of a weakening habit and the same old symptoms. But there's one thing that acid can't face. That's the neutralizing power of Vange Salts, the alkaline remedy with the natural mineral spa action. A tea- spoonful in warm water surges through your system just like the medicinal spring water far away in England where Vange Salts come from. Excess acid is neutralized quickly, painlessly. Your blood is purified of poisons. Your, sore stomach walls are soothed. And that mass of hard, poisonous waste matter lying in your intestines ia softened gently, naturally, and passed out di your body. Then do you feel good! It's marvellous! But the most marvellous thing is that Vange Salts nre only 60 cents a tin! At your drug- gist now—but if 'you're wigs, on your bathroom shelf tonight! 00, DISABLED On DEAD romovod ut7 2101V and efficiently. EmpL`g phone "COLLECT" Go MOM 21 INGERSOLL Goderieh Phone 206 ra Before buying Electrical Refrigeration be sure to see the /142, GLynsas2oso The outstanding Refrigerator with all its NEW features. Drop in and see our quality Lawn and Verandah Furniture at special prices Save money on new discontinued patterns of Congoleum and Linoleum Rugs from $2.25 up. Wo aro propatrod to oervico all =Leo d odds of ff re 11 21LACESTONIE ��� ,� ar,z , �ionit ... PO A T A .r;+tc+Illt, tf/ St,." Sl',a viuk7 ",Vo Itla.n tileen7a bar lot.* atm% his fittutee. , 3. fOrethe pkat 904a: l with the ookin'. rap. Jack Is done foe WO l az¢lelr,weTk after text, an' if you crass leans the trade .by that time you'll. Cie rid Ai*." "Zt.vapAble emit them 11 eer.er heard) or Cast ,Steel vary his Win' 'speech; so 1S '! ntiew .p41 too had the felte fawned -10r al ' gklray ; b t• herolled 141, his Qbewee gym' atArtedk, Lo' i bpai dS too the even1an' elu . ktZe said that lob name was. i 4ichard Whittington, ran' 'Haile he didn't alk overly exteneive about itiam. lY,,,Ite metal snowioe o �u abs nor gnarly. Elie diol laic woes up to the limit too, an' even 01' Mt Jack dld a:',t complain -as much to he generally did .whe neer he. rens furenie)taOd -with a listtim e1 tra help. The Peculiar thing wee the way 'et Barbie teeated KM. -`She came dace to the cock- aback seen iter • h handed, with a lot of &t ' old clothes on' a gralar of XMAS, 'cause anything iaa d11tia {got to her heart by the allorteat cut. She came lapin' along •eetth About fifteen dogs, erhtstlina'- an', hirmmin' an' sort o' dsauein' up in the air like a young angel; but the minute she saw him she sobered up, an' after he had thanked her, which ha did in book langwidge, she simply pulled down the blinds an' liked the door It was mighty curious "and set us all to talkin', 'cause she treated us fellers just as friendly as the rest of the stock; but Dick made a bad -impression right at the start, an' we kept our eyes on him for the first crooked move. Ile was a restless feller, was Hick, hilus askin' questions about breeds an' feuein' au' winter feeds au' marketin'. Said he liked to have somethin' to study about when his hands was -workiu'. Barbie left one of her books out in the wagon -shed one day an' Hick found it. He curled right up on a cushion an' begun to read. That was the very .. day . 'ILL:nappy was to start off on his--pex o1-lever--ta-n' ho- had made -all his preparations so that everything would be in -apple-pie or- der. When dinner went by an' no de- puty ahowed up he'gronnd vut several canticles of profanity ; but when sup- per time hove in sight and uairy a re- port from- the substitute hash -beide:, 4. �f 1tir Q.4:1 •-t.�ili oe 44' .. -y �' 1 '11.: '\\o s in vhatflies c�"ittt hire wet kin; an' you can bet that Floppy made her wells all right. He had been training for this jug rt 1'L t-1ao3t*s: .nauatathirst he had built up was somethin' for the whole ranch to be proud of ; un' all the boys was full of sympat:,y an' in- ter(t, an' wanted him to have ewety show in the 'world. They wanted his mind to be utterly free from care, so that he could give his full attention to tackin' up a Diamond Doi record that would arouse the envy of the en- tire West, :1n' Floppy was In fine shape to do it. We all started out to find Dick whether he was still hidin' around the ranch or had started to hike: but it w11(4 Barbie herself who found ii111. She enure racin' along with <t herd 4►f dogs. frlskin' an' rompin' the sante as they was; but when she saute set() T)iek 1'4'adin' her hook she simpler d down i•nitnejet. When he looked up an' stew Iter he se4•ml'd like a filler ,akin' np grit of a dream. It didn't break o►1 him all at on4'(• loft wh^n it did, he looked.as guilty ars a she'op- hertler. He stood up a1►' bowed au' holt nit the book an' stammered, an' all in all, it was painful to watch 'v'nl. None cf its wits able to figger out why they acted this way ever time they happened to meet; but they c1 icl. Well, after he'd apolgtgize(1 a couple o' chapters she told him 'at she was nearly, through with the book, an' if he'd come up to the house after supper she'd be glad to let him take it. ' After ripper up he went to the house an' sent Oil' Mellissc in for It. \Wihen h4• got it he went buck to the Bonk -shark an' stayed ip all night realfin' it One 4►f the boys what got in alx)rft two n'elock said 'at he was just about half through with it the second time when he came along. • Books is the ea.me t t7. molVa ,tggr.;4:;:,lizaMontiVlucno T.19 Wen, 414Gna :Watt' EltWP.led. in by telling Taira at What lp,"0 Malls? .needed wai5. onit.9 one to ram his bust- thoterlii. Ele Pest reap ar? give Diet a searching' /oh, ale then lip_rie=ndcred tho house; an' you could tell hy the very :droopAof hie shoulders that what he ttaa 4191,n' %Yea rankle. • The :5Shot. a It was that -when, Vlappy r/OP ItaUled out, to the ranch the nest wee% an' en coon aa he got 'eo he ••could -tell Jim tea= water, D.itek lined 117 an oRee in the North vAng vre all felt the dif2erence. Prom th.at •r3lek •ditatet.,...hese none. Not .pointed out the beet ceay, ore did it, 'An thrt.7e anowers we had told Wan about. calve -3 an' winter' bay .Cin'. seeh-litte had damply gone in one ear ---an' duels to the inside of himnen- bad been stnek for further ordees est of his euppliee; an' had anus managzed -to- win - the bottom price whenever It came his turn to make a sale. Well, lick was a perpetual surprise party. Neu could tell by the C01.= of his skin that he was an indoor man but he sat a hioa.z like a cow puncher, an' as soon as he got things multi' to suit him on our place he got to mak- in' side trips to the other ranchee. He.. would spend two hours talkin' alinnt the weaalier ; but at the end o' that time he k.new more about a man's outfit than the owner himself. Then he ordered out a lot of stock papers, au' the first thing we knew, we was askin' 'him quest4ons about things 'at tail to muzzle. He aeemed to like me inore'n the rest, an' chose me out to bp his ridin' pal au' what he called an A,. I). Kong, which was simply the .Prench for messenger boy ; but • Dick himself. You wouldn't notice it, but he allus managed to have the other feller do most o' the talkin'. • When winter came he took a train- load o' cattle . clear to Chicago au' brought back twenty loalls---dandles! Big white-faced fellers with pool -table champion scrubs of° creation. No one in our parts had ever seen such tattle, an' for the rest of the winter we twit calves to Wake a man nervous. Jabez bad gone along., an' it must have glinted trim constderable -to -heave out the wamptun for that bunch; but you should have seen him owell up when folks got to talkin' about :ens He was game though, an' gave Dick the credit. He thought Dick was the whole manuver by this time. Barbie an' 1Dick had got over givitl* antelope starts every time they met ; but they wasn't what Nu would call friendly by a long ways. Dick had worn a rough lookin' beartst when he first arrived; but afterward he had trimunsi it to a point, an' it math. him look soine likt- a doctor, Ilits ears were set tight to his head, an' he had a prtetti nose; lint WaS Iris hand, a 11' eves that set him apart. Ilis hands were fair size but white, all' they stayed white. They had a nervous way go' fuss:in' around with things whenever he got to think 111': hut after all, the thing that wigs the call was igis eyes. They were loright 11 11' 7,44 in under heavy to bend you, like some eyes do, they just seemed 40 gompletely sure of what they saw, an' they seemed to have ,eeli beforehand. that a feller was tempted to stick to the truth in; Preto of '4.111- even When it Wasn't ailtogether convenient. Diek was Me first eolti-gblogsled niitn I ever liked. gin' Ufg. and Mare, William Cameron et Grey feViaship recently, celebratotti. bthroeoirtz7:4ile.n. %wont; acid a gathering was held in their honer In the Oran: Ur*. Mary Louise Bodaway, widow Othaton,-dted at the -home of a daugh- ter nt Madison., 'Wisconsin. on ,Friday last and the reogi!qtris were brought to glint= .for Interaggent, , The death of Wanta ID, Potter, wi- dow of t late 'William Rabidue, oc- rebore she wtaa living With her broth - m. per husband dlied In England after war la 'Pi -alike. The bid!: tender of El. dadge, Sea - forth, cOntractor, for the 'addition te the Zea.forth Collegiate Instftute has 11JY Vigo board. at •tract for general repair work at the The death of klieb Josephine Do- nomme, of the Preach Settlement at Drysdale, occurred on July 8th in her seventieth year. Deceased was a daughter of the late lila and taro. George Denomme, wbo came to the Sauble line from Quebec many years ago. While watching a 'sports day pro - grain at Dashwood Wednesday of last week, Peter alleIsaae, sixty -eight-year- old resident of the village, fell from the steps of a building, and when tak- en to st. Joseph's hospital, London, it wasi found his hip was fractured. The death of. Michael Vinkbeiner, of Stephen townslitp, occurred on Thurs- day last in Oa Joseph's hospital, Lon- don, in his sixty-seventh year. The remains were taken to the family home near Crediton for burial. Deceased is survived by his wife, one son and three daughters. and his head and legs itilured while he was taking hay into his, barn some days ago. One of the herses became frightened, and Mr. Semervilits haying fallen acros-s the tosgue of the hayrack was kieked several tittles. was taken to the •Seaforth hospital. township, suffered it severe coneussion of the brain. !Jess tlifl 11 a week be- fore he fell from a load of hay and stsv741) anti it will some time ;before he climbs any more tiled at Wingirant on July Sth in her ninety-first year. A native of Scot, land, deeeased eame to Canada in childhood and with her parents settled sixty-nine yegirs ago she farmed. with her husbangl it) East Wawanosis later moving. to NV -Ingham. , Mr. Illacl«lied thirty years ago. Two sons and one daughter survive. At t lie United ehurch manse, Eg- daughter of' ,NIrs. !St 0Ve11.4 /1 1111 OW late Daniel Stevens of Milieu, Was united in marriage to Ilitrolgi Within» Pelle ick. sell of Mr. and. Mrs. Samuel Petit - diner officiated. The gsguple will funky theirbeine at Winthrop. Oranges add a refreshing Jniayi element to summer salads. I hey, as opintn to some folks. After that' bring out the Haver of other fruits'artill Barbie tif4e41 to send him dOWn tionlisg 4.10111 Pitt. of eonifort out of 'egm One afternoon when Dick was' cookin' up a stew Jabez eame out an' sat on a cracker -box talkin' to him. Ile allus seemed to have a Min' for Dick, an' used to (bat with him right eonSid'alde. This afternoon he got to spreadin' himself 'about how much money the place handiest every year 11 11' 110W In 11(•11 tilt.' was invested in it. an' what a great .thing the cattle in- dustry was to the entire eounttry .litibez had his vanities all right, an' he used to lactiiito ;tom occasional. an' got heap gg' toinfort tett of 'ens Disk stirrin' an' not seemin' to pay a mile of attention. until finally Jalgi.z -Weil, what do yen think et' this little pl:iut anyway "Do Yen like the s,enery here. or 4 you have to lo•re alV(11111t (If yiger health?" sez Dick, sort of ignoolo•togrned like. Jahez about 3 111 111 1114. to kind OI gist the drift id his remark. an' then he "What do you mean by that?" the filthy Igsiger .fallez, he junrps to his feet an' goes all through it a aain. ail he 1111,4 took In an' he has paid Out : while Dick kept attenslin' to his pots an' pans the /same as if he was stone deaf. .Inbez rattqeds.pn an' ended up with "An' this -here ranch hat the hest 1 water an' the best range an' the hest; shelter of any raneh tn the state What do you think of that?" "Why. I' think it all the more retiann d ra w Dick . "Only loot week I heti rd cause you had to put up for a new freight-vragon. The great trouble with yon In that you don't have no aya. Win. You nevi' a manaGer, a man who tahea an firtereat ha modern pre - ;Summer Orange Fruit 4'ombination: 4 or 5. orange segments; 3 or 4 lased) ries, grapes or cherries. slices. Center oseh alive with a large unteilled strawberry, a. cherry or nal( ed walnut 111,1 t, Slowly 'I I ira 211 walked four )11111es giver thy hill4 rail 1,11 the girl grf 111,4 d reams Fer leng time they sat silent on a betel) Ity the sidg. lo.r leg raisin bet after a white Ilir•gin sidled elo.o.r to a nd 40111, Ilaw5s lel ow. An mor,lar who had 1w3k4.114.d REACH ATTIRE PRO111,1011 the other day u lien one of the cenn declared eemplaints had bean made about hat hint; altire orn by 1114. 11 ;at the beach and on the 100V11•,1 Main street "It iggeks went' orngle seeing big fat 111en lyinZ on the beach with just trunks." he said, hut the Connell &wider!. to peas lip the question The question Is always.. popping up In lake aide towqs, hut When °theta start pok- ing fun 1ft these alleged purlata. they are aileni.ed by 1 id feu le It would he 'hard to form n'alefinito policy as to what sort of bathing aulto ahould be worn. There are some gide more dar- ing than othera. just aa there are men Who nomehow fancy tkennelvea in Tho main pint seema to be that it la generally atrangera who go in for nudlam—they don't know any- body and timy don't seem to care how they dress. Eptmlarztletfulttgr1rr WaAsrec4e?logsmttly injcuillareeed"1:: 8T, latleirem:ITyh !ant when the Itayterk felt penetrating' hie etornach. -Ile woo taken to the Clinton Inoopital, whore it •was Ported his condition was critical. 4rehte the son of Mr. and Urn. James t soft, Llorris. to' Po The .1Mattenbury, House at Clinton, which has Olcen. closed for come time, has hma sold to Tars. iMel:Kencle of ly. An hotel' -hap otodilOn -the alto ef• ty years. It haa alwaye 11-= known as the laattenbury Mouse. but it le eaid that a change of name Is now in- tendut A pretty wedding took place on Sat- urdlay, July 16, at the home of tar. and Mrs. Alva J. 'Walker, Wingliam.- when their daughter, Corinne Adele, became the !nide of Dr. Brum 'Win- ston Fox, of Guelph, son of Dr. and Mrs. J. Align 'Fox, of Wingham. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. IF. Anderson. Afterwards a reception was held on the lawn. After a short motor trip, Dr. and Mrs. Fox will re- side in Guelph. Dien after Annputatlen George Itayntratn, weti-known resi- dent of Centralia, died July 12th in the Witighatu hospital, in his eighty- fifth year. Gangrene had set in in one of his legs and a few days before lats death he underwent an operutien for removal of the limb. His wife gliegb May Zirti last and a daughter only a few weeka ago, Two sons and. a 'daughter survive: Lloyd 11.. of liam; Walter, of Winnipeg, anti Mrs. r-Msitpastnoft, of iliOneti to Scotland The largest shipment of horses from Senforth for giver twenty years left there a few days ago for Solid:intl. horses. the shippers being William- son l-tros. of Toronto. The lior;es mune from farms In 'Huron, Perth and coo ii I $10,000, the highest price twine paid to William Lelper of Iliillett The horses averaged about lsoo Left in Ditch by El it -and -run !Driver Fifteen -year-old Charlie Woods, of Seaforth. W115 left lying unconscietis in a roadside ditels after being struck by a hit-and-run driver Wednestley morning of last week. The' lad Wits rid- ing a bicycle on the road north of Sea - forth when he was' Armtek 11/141 he re membera little of the iti.vident. When he regained eonseionsness nearly two hours later he began walking towards Sea fort h. and was plated lip by a prl.48- Ina motorist. His injuries are not Death of East, Wagwanosh Resident Tuesday night of last week. after 11 brief illness. having recently seffered lit stroke. Ile was In Ills sevent) sift Tzlnop. VI; Met. Well, of. Windsn't atld =la .1191111Q, tat Mr.' and &Ira. John Carter, of nut - lett townahlp, 1,,tondaY last cele- brated the aixtleth anniversary of their wedding. They 'were married at ham two cons and four. daughters, who Were present for the argniveraadY celebration.' They are: Jams Garter, !Kellar, Ceafortb; Urn. 43SQ0. Dole, Wal- Llr. Carter le in hie eightieth year and noonverm woman witu should be strong aad healthy beeorne weak, run down and worn out, told are unaisle to attend to their household duties. Some disease or constitutional dis- turbance has left its mark in the form of shattered nerves, impover- ished igload. and an exhausted con - (linen of the entire system. Women will tind Milbuni's tfordth and Nerve Pitts the remedy -Mil need to supply' fotia-Ter tfre7- exhausted nerve foree, and one that will help them hark to sorta41, pe• feet health again. Tho T. -Milburn Co., Ltd.. Toronto. Ont. LILY— to 310 Chicago Montreal etroit Ottawa Windsor Qu ebec Ste. Anne de Beaupre Consult Agenta for (Alma, 'Praha.* to use. Iltetunit Limits ID PROCURE HANDBILL SMITH, Uptown Agent. CANADEAN ilp 0 SAVE MONEY ... now is the time to equip your,car with new Goodyears all around—and the tire we suggest, is the Goodyear "R-1", the big mileage tire now available at new low summer prices. Come in and see the costs less than any standard tire. And we have it . in your size . at two different prices. uy now and save money! Let us show you the GOOD- YEAR LIFEGUARD . . the only sure protection against the dangers of sudden tire failure. Goderich ROUSE BELL 71