The Goderich Signal-Star, 1938-7-21, Page 6Judges :41-7, Zgroa. GaUdta
Prayer imp=
1417.4.117 Mor to Putrue ;
lin all I eay think or do."
elt-tcp% tale of Gideon 'OVA
''aTiln'e One telninent writer maxi
Ant the ntery. told aa it b by the
'Writer the Judge; te iilltedlY
suasterpleee. It la full of interest
• Cr= :•bo time the cautious young
b found, beatine softly the
harm, Mat the Llidiesaitee limy not our -
:one' him with oaother of their ter-
aiNle callies and depredations, to the
are tanaalied, and the lights made to
-chine -when his noble three buladred
tanUe. a victorious, night attach on the
:We shall not read far before we ail)
ISTopley BTOO.
Ambtilanee service at all hours,
day or night
Mono: Store 120. nee. 217
All calls 'promptly attended to
day or night
Theses Store 335. BiEg. 355w.
Weten. Dalton.
Huron Ord Boy. Gatutuate _
Goderich Collegiate Institute _
Telephone Oregon 8558
To those contemplating build -
prices before buying. Cemetery
Lettering a specialty.
All work guaranteed.
:COHN G2Allir
cilmilrou mut
Clinton - Ontario
with the Spot that 4404
every bit aa concerned to britd Cal`eit
deliverance aa waa lefts PneCalrgI
people, but He ulay surprise On
,the way it is dom. TZtO element a
of Divine dealing with oa tl2e waya
of Provideace and IlefiVePlical.
Whom God cleseecza afa ehe leader of
Ilia people- in a tinie this ritIO
and le a cause) gor (wonder, Eere Vat)
n boy of a household where Ifiaal lead
bla altars), and an cantabile -II idolatrY
seemed to be the Irene of hie father's
houee. The ho e of Uititeon evidently
waa the centre of a commualty life
and profane precticeo that were hate-
ful in God'e talght. 'Then -Mira boy of
this home en whom the, leard laid
hand does not- ad/se ae first as
very valoroue. He doea not Pee= te
have the gallant heert laCeeetseity to
suceessful leaderahip. Eta threshes
in eeeret, fearing the appearance of
the enemy; he sheiv7s much reluctance
and uses arguments not to take up tbe
responsibility 'when the angel calla
him to arouse 'Greet and show leader-
ship in the great venture. He is fear-
ful and needs much encouragement.
He demands signs of the fleece, dry
and then wet, miraculously, befora
he will rise up with bis men. He is
far from being a mighty man of valor
at the first. Thank God for the
angels who see in us great possibili-
ties and call our liner powers lute
When Ged puta it into the heart of
a man to do a fine and courageous
piece of work, wonderful is the trans-
formation eff the person. We reanem-
ber fearful and reluetant Jeremiah of
prophetic story, and fickle and coward-
ly Peter, and doubting Thomas. They
are all in the blessed company of
Gideon, strong and bold in the Lord
and in the power of His might when
the great moment coines. What great
things God has accomplished by
who were serrants His will.
,Gideon paved the way to sublime
-courage and achievement when hp
overcame the natural timidities coin-
nion to men on the night of the angel
visitation when he overthrew in God's
name the abomination of his father's!
household, reducing the altars of Baal,
so clearing a way for the establialr
mean of true worship at God's altars.
The Lord may have surprises to
break upon us as to His choice a the
instrument to work out the deliver-
, rtrer a y 2 741 r- 0'
is y' fr,g4 the 4 Nw70 _ ta7 0'44 12
stems.., the thirat, Ilithortt t`
441.01! bam.glat 57.4tten.tflelif Ito
out Of 40 it'rata:rr thy anatArb'tiU
mcata is a i thea u ,., re ll
With Ulla eager, ready, valia14
the appellate leader. Clo religiota
triumphs have been Weld Ito the asten-
lalment, of men. Gospel triumph!).
were WM kr the Twelve who were not
among the valahty and greatest tang
wisest according to the rechoning
founded the mighty, That is the atory
of our triumphing Goepel from age to
weapona of God's waitare
ourprisd Ut3 at times. We never
what God may be Avaces1 to use to
overcome , the evil thing and bring
about 'the, glad day of, deliverance.
Such strange equipment had these men
of Gideon What could they expece
to do with trumpets and pitchers and
lamps on a battlefield? ut -with
these things the little group chased
the thousands and put them to flight.
Our studies, staying 'with our lessons,
the use we make of our votes, the &riv-
ing of a drink of water in God's name,
the devout, sincere act and habit of
prayer, and a score of other seeming-
ly small and unimportant things,
compared with the great and formid-
able- task, may by God's} selection be
the very thing to bring about the
overthrow of evil and the establish-
ment of righteousness. If we ptS
God first in our watchwords an cry
as Gideon did, ''The sword of the
Lord and of Gideon," the battle is sure
to be won.
Let me close with a quotation:
"Heroes and heroines relied a light
from above, a .Mlnd that is to come
They have tilted their minds ttpwarth;
to cateh the stars and the sun......They
have diseovered where the end of a
,hearaily: ladder. refits, and- where .‘to
their resting heads the secret traffic
steals. They win, bemuse fIghtrng
they have 101111(1 themselves eneornL
passed with God!'
103 the ITA-ve etoc4'13ronela of the On,
eiZerta 'to Pave eleaT county In
Olatark tur4de TX, restricted area
tztates Degarieeent Agriculture gots!.
=Dana cattle Itmitiv oblazred to at
country. •
fied verterinariatea certticate chording
days of date of ohipmeat and found
free of tbovi,e• tuberculosis. This,
however, dieee aot lively to cattle ex-
ported direetly era% an, accredited
*area. It meatus tbe a_ veterinarian's
in the Ontario eounties alteedy tested
and the owners be able to export
The reason given hY' American
officials for their new law is that prac-
timlly ail United States cattle are
tested and they (Wish to maintain this
status and keep T.B, out a their
This new ruling will probably re-
quire the testing of at least 100,000
Canadian cattle annually sent to the
U.S. for feedin.g purposes.
Gather Uegge, Often
Eggs should be gathered at least
twice a day, and, fliree-tImes-dally
better during hot weather. The time
of one gathering should be just before
dark or as near to 'it as possible. This
last gathering may not produce a.reat
Ontaltio, and „is' neartng t\artAloit.4 ii, 74
-, perked to -rc,Inge OM MIR, Melltuxn- I
Ontario growt/u of hay WasA. ;Vie
during June and profit/eau:0-10 en
ra4herrled hen C'4? -4 mat 4a bop 7
production in ti, any areas. 'Oonr
eberrtea euVered from, a, 'bean' ..1049
drop of fruit and Yeilowing of foliage,
Some ecath infestation la- owing on,
apple -foliage and fruit, in rnQa& 41111-•
sprayed ex tragerteeed °Maar& as ler.
have ,bee.0 'well controlled hy G'09 el
Prospects for fruit crops in One
lows: Apples, slightly below average
to average; sweet cherries, almost
averege; sour cherries, below average;
pears, average; peactsee, average;
plums, below average; grapes, aver -
,or lc.,,:t2tIrgri:,,,3F,tatlis,
,V,z7i1,7,7,,,xtrolAtmal,-.4r14.nnzerelt Li44tos,;r7Pgavi:,,,4-V4.41.
J414;r6 473041t11/71"lo9Pgiltall(IW'MleitifPrlaVilind134
Dtalir to ensure putty and Men it MP'
ne=sary I9 ilm,,e4t' „from time to
8aullega, oats- are rather toubt to
ego 4/mated -that ;'-'411mt halal= oati
constituted a large percentage la?g the
atniu gation for Edge andl poultry there
The hutleas oats may be- ereep-ged
1,11010-'011 'a, clean board finer' or In a
fiat trough.
number of eggs, but since broody hens
will commonly search out the nest con-
taining eggs after the day's laying has
ceased, failure to gather late in the
day 1.s a commion source of distil:1,cl
Bach gathering should be plaeed in
the coolest part of the Vellar if no
other cool spot is available, as soon as
gathered. .. Eggs should not be put into
cartons or cases immediately if this can
be avoided. The ideal sontainer for
cooling eggs is a- wire tray. A wire
basket is the next hest, and perhaps
BENMILLER, July 1 9.--Eev. aloq practical. These baskets are
and .elaseetesidaansehvood lerse-frgvhd:i oral „ offered for sale as waste
ing the 'Summer School camp this
Mr. and Mrs. Alton Gledhill ari'd
daughter were renewing old acquaint -
and -Ain. Gledhill are former residents
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hatick•., of Tor-
onto, spent the week -end with Mr. and
----iinef,--otlf-14Flasopkr-onel-46-41KTE -merlon
forees to bring about sweet, whole-
- A -Mile, glad conditions or life- tibotiCtis..
It may he Gas unlikeliest boy in our'
Sunday • school class, OT the most re-
luctant person in our circle.
We have generally counted much on
worth -while thing for'the good of the
; for ti:e glory of God. Gi-
• for purpose.
Thirt?..-o.vo thousand were at one tithe
around oint, the result of his recruit-
ing. Bin God led him to See i hat it;
was not recruiting merely, it was re -
The story is often told of the ministerl
who was asked if he had had 'many
additions to Itis church during the
year. His answer was made clear!
that there had been no additions but
wane glorious subtraetions. There
needs at times a sifting and separat-
ing. hose with wrong motives, with
unstable characters. without the grace!
of enduram-e, not willing to give!
Mr. and Mrs: Hudson and family, of
Ltottrow, spent Sunday with Rev'. G.1
churen are bolding their picnic on!
The 4;1,041 family held their annual
picnic revently.
The seftball game played between
a seore of 24-17 in favor of Benmiller.
ICurrent Crop Report
'hien of July -,were average to above
average. aceording to reports received
-froth representathes in all Parts of
the Province. Fall wheat has ripened
rapidly and harves.tlug. has commenced
in many districts, with prospeets fa -
j vorable for an above normal yield.
In Kent and Lambton counties, an
average yield of 28 to 30 bushels per
acre is indicated. Last year the yield
for Ontario was 24.5 bushels.
Barley -,and early varieties of oats
are now in and are reported as aver-
age to above average in condition,
with the exeeption of several counties
in Central Ontario where crops have
suffered from lack of moisture. Crops
are about four to seven days in ad-
vance of usual. In Northeru Ontario
the precipitation during June was
fairly plentiful, with the result that
all crops have made very satisfactory
growth and prospects are quite favor -
Cutting of hay. clover aod alfalfa
ha/4 been about completed in Western
People are told not to "go up in the
air." One way to avoid doing so is
not to cross railroad tracks just ahead
of trains.
Farm boys used to be interested in
the rotation of crops. Many of them
are coneerned more now with the rota-
tion of the automobile wheels.
Garden Snug Cantrell
G-arden slugs are frequently tamer-,
ous on heavy land where they do con-
siderable damege to beans, lettuce, cab-
beee, ceulitleseer and similar crops.
Like other pests, slugs can be more
easily controlled if remedial measures
are applied vvhen the animaleare small
and few in number, To control them,
the infested plants (and the slugs)
should he dusted with hydrated lime in
the evening when the sun has gone
down and feeding has conimenced. Care
should be taken to cover the upper and
lower surfaces of the leaves and the
soil immediately surrounding the.
plants. Hydrated. lime is effective only
when in the form of a light, dry pow -
to moisture and that condition is
non -injurious Co the' slugs. For This
reason, a few light -applications of lime
at intervals of three or four days are
lunch. more effeetive than one_ heavy
(lose. Another me/hod of con.trol fre-
quently recommended is to spray the
infested plants thoroughly with Bor-
pellen t to slugs, and if the'follage of
the plants Is completely covered by the
mixture, the slugs will confine their at-
tention to weeds growing in the field.
- Ifilnlite'its Oats fere Weanling- Pigs
Young pigs have high efliciency_for
the conversion of nourishing fOod in:
to weight increase but low efficiency
for the utilization of fibre. Except for
this latter faet, ordinary oats would
be a suitaNe gain, but the hulls dilute
the food too much, and, unless very
finely ground or else coarse enough to
be rejected during- mastication, they
irritate and clog the digestive tract.
It Often TrtIvised le screen oat chop
for weanling pigs but this is a -la-
borious task frequently neglected.
Unless ,mechanical means can be
found to dehall ordinary oats, the
simpler way is to grow a variety that
threshes free of the hull. Years ago
the late Sir (then Dr.) Chas. E. Ann -
dens bred' two such varieties,. Liberty
and Laurel, for the express purpose of
feeding young pigs and eh ick ens a.,kd
for making oatnieal porridge. Laurel
proved slightly the heavier yielder
!tut is rather short-strawed for
droughty seasons. In nineteen years'
JULY 10 TO 23
0.&11, cIik7
MAT 00E1E-6
SWEET olumeM
Some time ago It opent- a week-
end with a very dear friend. At
wee placed before me. One flip
and the breakfast wee oeetted no
tar no I WEIR concerned.
Questioning carefully, I learned
that my- friend had reamed this
juice the evening before and placed
it in the refrigerator no that it
would be ice cold for breakfeet It
wao ice cold. but It wara ahmoot
Orange Jute° should be committed
'within, thirty minutest after it la
reamed. Mother Nature%) protect -
,Ing peel will hold the Gayer for
weetro or month% but the &laver be-
at; the orange la reamed. Not ovon
a covered COIRtaitIOr tatill en lee cold
refrigerator eelli rotate Ufa Gavot
taw mem than a tow tabanten.
erl rkt3OliblO ft,* that Mena ef mite.
con that La greatly
thouoando of women.
"Why it taetea one hundred per
cent better" my friend oaid. "The
children now clamor for their
morning orange ‘juice."
Now, 1 could have become real
technical and explained Matt orange
juice otranding overnight in a cover-
ed container will lose approtimate-
ly ten per cent of ita Vitamin C
but after all, I wail merely trying
to teach a friend how to keep
from deatroybag flavor — for flavor
is all important at breakfaot, and
particularty In the tern tap Mit
Many reotattrant and hotel chefs
and coolie could well learn Olio
Dimple !imam Par too often they
Gene ormage juice that hat] °toed
for Ileum
Don't dolt., fricusdel Iftedeatroya
the flavor. Let mock? Nature
Work her magic in tho llavor-rotain-
hag 'peel until yen =I ready to
ocno slow. Mee. Pirlo.
ezdtacca in the refrigerate? °rot-
nigbt taut Co' 07=CM Jake.
needed by
Claris, of Toronto, las Anna acK.
Clark, 'Saskatoon, Sask., and Mr.
Marvin McDowell, INTAtield,. called
on their eQueins, Mr. Alex. Young and
Mrs. Henderson, last week.
The Lord s Supper was observed on
Sunday by the fereebyterian congre-
gation, with preparatory service Oil
"inursday evening. Rev. A. X. Boyle
gave a very heipful and fitting ser-
mon. One new member MIA received
• Air. alio airs. b.uur It Oi Sarnia,
visited with their cousuas, Mr. ri
onto; ..drs. James Little 4.1.11ki lid Ugh -
ter, Asziaelo, dud Mr.. and Mrs.
Wand, visited With her sister, Mrs.
Jake risuer, alai Mr'. Fisher Rust week.
Mrs. R.. ioung and Moss Isabel
Young, Nt'aiter and iticharu
Font, of luronto, are tit Mrs. Youngs
cottage tor the siiimuer.
'Rev. Gordon Hazelwood lad charge
of the service un :south*, iu Luited
youth. -1Iiirlit—trakr-feigirrti'aftfer
Wisely. Ire liad :many line qualities,
but like other men he made grievous
mistakes, but he came back facing the
him. 'Mr. and Airs. Hazelwood
are heiping with the boys at the sum -
Met; ,sseiliAO MA
1..Setill is visiting her auut,
.Mrs. Doak, el Goderich, this wets.
The.,,tarthers are busy cutting wheat.
it is a gine sample, though on some
fields rust has done u little damage.
Mr. tind Mrs. E. J. ClevertIon, of
Toronto, are guests with their daugh-
home of Mrs. Henderson on Thurs-
d-ay, July 14th, with seventeen pres-
ent. Mrs. Henderson had charge of
the devotional period. The theme,
"The Church and Racial Brother
hood," was fullovved, as suggested in
the June Missionary Monthly. The
Scripture lesson, from Galatians II,
was read responsively. Mrs. A. Wil-
son, Mrs. Marsh, Mrs. It. M. Young
and Miss 4.1Iark led in prayer. a The
leaflet was used for discussion by five
membera. The president took charge
of the business part. Next ineehing
will be at Mrs. R. M. Young's. Lunch
was served and a soeial hour enjoyed.
Arrangements were made for a sew-
ing meeting.
UKTEANIT4 arm!' Silt
The oaconsipA in "'Hokum'
aitinstrel 'Show."
ART HUSTON—Dancer and
SHOBJE. and his drums .
featured. throughout for 8
ininutes in 'Tte Got Rhythm.,"
MIDDY illADDOOK-7Trumpeti•
GOAD BELL—eaxachone.
PHONE in "Bells of St.
Marys"— specially a rranged,
featuring eh 1 tes, marimba,
First time Namur° has ever
offered his Orchestra in concert
guest soloist, Western Ontario's
most promising young baritone.
home of Mr. Robert Iiiibben last week
were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hibben and
Bernice of Niagara, and Mr. and .Mrs.
Percy Bowine of Toronto.
Mr. Donald Ross, of Auburn, is
visiting with his aunt, Mrs. James
Rev. „Mr. McConnell conducted ser-
vices in Ashfield Presbyterian church
last Sunday. Rev. Ross McKay will
be the speaker next 'Sunday.
Rev. Reynolds Esier has accepted* a
call to Ashfield and Ripley Presbyter-
ian churches and will be Inducted at
44vinox liurch ,on .Tnesalw.„
The July meeting of -the W.M.S. was
held on Wednesday at the home of
Dr. George MaeilLeser _a nd _Mrs.
halves here.
The engagement -is announced of
Mary, daughter of Mr. Dan Finlayson
and the late Mrs. Finlayson of Loch-
alsh, to Donald MacDonald, SOO of Mr.
and Mrs. John MaeDonald of Ripley,
the marriage to take plaee in Chesley
on July 20.
AleeldEOKIIN')G, July 19.—Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Bunter and family, of Zion,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 'Her-
man Phillips.
Miss Eda underwent an
operation in Victoria hospital, Lon-
don, last week. We hope for a speedy
' Irvine Naylor, of Toronto, Ie. -holiday-
ing at the home of Mr. and Mts. Will
Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Kilpatrick and
Verna are spe...tng part',of this week
in Toronto.
The annual Sunday school picnic was
held down at the river Monday after -
event took ,place last Monday evening
at the home of Miss Olive Blake, when
she was hostess to a showtr given in
honor of her cousin, Miss ,Winnifred
Rake, beide-elect of thls month. About
twenty-three girl friends were present.
During the early part of the evening a
mock ivedding took place, with MrS.
George Twamley, jr., acting as clergy-
man, .lean Anderson dressed as the
groom, Venn KilPatrick- as -the bride,
and Olive Blake as the bride's father.
The eereihony 'took plare on the lawn,
with all the guests seated. The
groom took.,„lais-stbilmi to the strains of
the wedding march played by Miss
Olive Anderson. The bride then en-
tered the scene,on the arm of her fath-
.er and -Oak her place beside the
groom. The clergyman performed
his• chalet) in a •humorous way, and
pronouneed the couple man and
wife. The bride was dressed in lace
with bridal veil and entried a beautiful
bouquet consisting of wild carrot, red
hollyhooke, ox -eye daisy and blue chi-
cory. After this the guests mitered
the dining -room, which wait tattefulty
decorated for the °motets with a wed-
ding bell and pink and white stream-
ers suspended from the Minns to the
table. The table was laden with
many beautiful and ueeful efts of a
took her .place beside the table, and
opened the gifts, assisted by Anna Ir-
vin. Oho then made a very suitable
reply, thanking her many Mende for
their thoughtfulness and Ithulnese. A
dainty Itaneh was served bp the hoetens.
Winnifred then Invited all tiro oitIo
,over to her home to gee her trouteeatt,
which was yery beautiful. Tim, beet
wishes of the neighborhood go with Ira'
tO her UM home.
With a rgoordl of 50 years as a moat satis-
factory treatment for piles or hemorrhoids,
you can poeitively depencl on
Help improve your peroontality
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dally—ae mill ras do. The chil-
dren MOO love the delicioua re -
Mint. Tao come bonne today. Ce...t3
One pad flies and every
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Crocery General Store.
THEI WILSON FLY PAD CO., Harriiiton,Oirm,
113k11 you eva.
stop to thillic
Of the advantages of Electricity
in e home, 'whether in town or
It will do your Roasting,
Ton sting, Wasbl ng, Lint
Ironing, Houceeleaning, and keep
ice eour refrigerator every
day in the year, no matter how
hot the verther away get.
We not only cell fleturee but
we talso install them. Wiring
done without delay. • s
ENITI 2E1E1 Rik eArctlltur
5202":474=3 024, 12e•Zeir.Zeta