HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1938-6-23, Page 7Allaelentse.- a%Lki, tOZ4 a4MatiV".3t0 d-� 01C1=0 1)* )40.0 'UPPt<`4-1 't7c4',.„,TVZittAk ,qt ea‘Zots.,'1; 474-41,T=4 Ittelvatulaalancts=d72/ACti, ' • a 0410 te 440.1 t hand), titroi ,',444,1 to, mato px7074 , ontr4 rttic,4 oA4r, rrm,implitg/4.44z4-13,..= ot4214 110-40074- •$"-,001‘41.., „Pottt Itttb in*Or ,ttAt#11 '64 14^P*0,10 'Cl4 040 Et tAtocAigoo, 410' '41t 1i.v'orvIstur,4100,0 addro7,14" es L4r-t.. 04 10: the 0A94..t);;P .z,s„ tc3 o2P.Vtr• eaA y0 0[0010 tarkrOgt,..p-4 v4t1$4, zionr Oa you oyor .444.ird'4 ttra0,1'(*lorpico ,f),u Ito t3ttt? 1cg$ T4,117 he 400-41.1.4;;'d014, *Wk ..% but 4 'atm 0-Ol t1rli1lo my tracharQuact 1andi1 g,t10,t-,71) anf drera. easy an' mor41.e t? came 0' ite"guYe on the tmina a1103 CeeM, to think tghit ran part of the,piteV, ,olat fOr an airint. "Well, to telLyOu the tru •honey," 1 sea to 1i UtI0 UP-41,4-(4tet ithalg -212a730xtualtrztork--4Wa-cetalaficZ-0&-, .w4io f,ases yp,ungout to_kpow so little about his own COUJI- Y, e trst time ne naa ever been West o Philadelphia. said that be was /minded to become an author, an'( bad come out to study the aboriginal types an' get the tree local color. Whenever 1 hear this. little buneh o' ',sounds, 1 know s.otr,,t a milbble."-Atif-trii' around after local color, you can bet your ,saddle he's got several zigzags in his think -organ. These fellers is a breed to them- selves. 1 wouldn't exactly call 'em chew was gone. Finally he gave a wise—wordy'd come a sight nearer ; _ fittin" -these_localColor -fellers. without wrinklin'. The' 's a rtngin' in my ears yet from the time that I was penned up with Hammy an' Locals, an' this one had a good many o' the outward -are- dsh10 .signs.„ Ian more o' the inward an' spiritual grace, as Filar Tuck sez. Bill slid right into our Mode of livin' like a younger brother, but it took us some consid'able time to savvy on; '1%46- tifinit tit Elie AAA' an' one narrow one. Me an' Bill took the wide one, but it wasn't so eternal wide that a feller could flop around Nrogether--aceertitre-to-the'dietstes'-ot his own conscience. When she was earryin' double we had to hold a little conaultat1on-_-.4war, to -gee whether we'd turn over or not. We used to start out early in the mornin', an' if the' wasn't much fixin' to be done we got back long before - dirk. About seven -thirty was our perchin' time before Bill took a hand. but after that we got so convivual M'.4k944-gre ta bt WM -vac!. 0, 1,17.46 • 4v3 irit° X 1'. -,*11 e;*.a ,ottt clan htar 4 74v13 o 10,1471.t,lo tre 144,, t 4v ,„ Jtz4 - 01010m thit), #441a xtto •Tvitz•M 0,,,x404144,mok artigav*,,;411,07V 04 ' 'vrt T70,* :44.P0 lailzoloim: .,,•.thgt wog to:4f: a-ritttot,bo .0!the ear c.00 tr$03 c421040 ,,Ignomeubt, pan, co rto.tt, pittgeee.. ti et QS the atorrsIloft, =7, Tod= wo*w(lo out 0' .0614, Z141449ra. , 'aike-.011 3oatqd rOldttoup otalt.md allover the Braila libitpire, an' own .UP that he..had just comae hack froin hang visit to Sngland, where be bad picked u «e 4,00d_zonn" hnbit. it told him that it might .sult that clim- ate all right, but that out our way 1 couldn't recommend it to a peace-lov- he man for every,day use. •ae .(at (:::,,',:',:‘,.r4C.1,c* tz) V1)1 c;,•';',,,, 4,!2!:•'.,A gl.'„).1;„4,1"'s,.‘:,',„•::::.11.,;(,-;,1 W G",7,,,47:1•Az".0t-',:,,, ..,k.,::, -.i.','•',:•„, 01,114 (,-",701 a 0- c;:i.IN 'f,P0IJ.,' rtrzt. Itct' 0t4a ,,,r. -..i.,.. .to. 1)1;4! vc,1)4,-;,--..r.,-,ztA'-':',';'-'4,---;,,t.#:::'41.-,•.--,4 :4.vm.41,1S r4g-,Al2,\*„ -a. tA.0,• ot4 ',T,',!,,,}„.. 4'004I.,A.',..,? '-',=1:x".‘7/•,.g,k,,ficl..itavc.,V1 -ig3t11g7..ivi4a10114!. „4.1tLeitd.',c_40,,te:•.±01, o !v4)41,-'rvf,W,.4t,... -t ;i.,...0L,elI.,,,,„&“,,!,_,,,,,,.;7. - ,t to.1,..,...,.....,,,....P..., :P' -0-47:07c. -., • AP4 . ',4,a, .0 Pm: 4!4?•?:.'pztg ',/•01, •!-1,v .. , . , • 1 . 14,4,, pt. owt140 Mt ao• , a„V*404 athk'140 tilt:Pt .0,10A Ni:oratarik 0.44'=77 bb moo *A alma :4cr.74:34 -moony 011 tho wboi ,ountre. Mao- tliatemp $ c.0.4a Ms rzw,1411A' 041,% ' Th0.41 Oft;114. alal.'loy dorm 'hki1(to 0, 00; Tut1,4' -ctout-litact4- -'iitk. Lon= -1(.o'd -4:0TO AO. 0 . bal, : c:Irlai, "glat'a Cimil tttmoo1 un 1 (), MAI" • Me' he'd ,cet out a boo4,, rue Write coMethingo 'into it. ,Semetegi hVd larch Alwer_it...4xe , ettmea„.1244-447',- T4o. 104M oloarer had exVeriente6 Wdith motticeo. before, "au' at' ilr6t ho feared that he might get violent durin' the night, co be took his'gtin to with him, but .1 knowed 'the' wasn't a mite 0' danger in him. When breakfast was ready we purt' nigh had to get hoss to pull him out o' bed. .1:_nzaa intelarted: e connfries, al' 'he UVtne tiba-- "itIT'"urontit-tilireirotitsg-litrtiat One -day 1 happened to think of the letter what the drug clerk at Slocum's Luck had wrote us, au' 1 asked Bill what kind of a lookin' place Clarenden Castle was. "Clareuden Castle?" sez "Where the deuce dfd you ever hear of Clarenden Castle?" "Well, I might llive heard of it from the younger son," sez 1. He came over to this country, you .know.". "Where ..is he now?" sez Bill, mighty Interested. -"Minint law is, that the lirst feller - what stakes out a claim gets it," sez I. "Now my question staked out the tirst claim. You answer lily questions an' then we'll be ready for yours." "Where6t. James Court, Bill?' sez • - - "Well, 1 never'expected you to know anything about such things" sez Bill. 'it ez I, sarcastic. "But you must re- member, little one, that I've been livin' right in the house with folks a ifp-y Just answer my questions the 3attle" as if 1 was human, 11t sit up an' beg, 11,141P.O.Ve.K.a. s. 1.41' do all loY other tricttT iMfl votifitnilus - tumble if you hit him hard enough, so after a bit he grLuned au' said, Ularextden -Castle is one o' the seats of the Uteighton -Seat? ". sez 1. "1 allus thought it was a house." "You see, over .in England they call " Bill began to explain it to Like an then he saw me grliatiinT an' he bro,se off short "I know what a seat is, Bill," sez I. "They have country seats an' town seats; but some o' you fellers pont when You're obliged to live up to the rules, an' I wanted to see if you was square enough to tyWn up -after you'd been sherivn--the's'T o' fellers, not as well edicated as you, who can't do it without grottnin'." Bill studied out this last remark before he answered, an' 1 was glad nittice-fit Most. fellers look for a 4.4...1.1tasage.1.-41 k but -41... W-11444 'em out to pan everything I say, au then do ttn-wir own testin'. Bill was all right. "Now, dear teacher,'' sez he, "If we are through with that 14 •- son, we shall return to n:I the origiI siiibjeet." 'We both laughed, lookin' ii,i4i. toea ('11 other's eyesndd , a' it i g "Now this Clelgliton family Is t great family In England and Scot- land." sez Bill. "The Earl of Claren- don is the head of one n brach 1(11' .0//1V, „A tac,..t.s. the. ..),heibt.I -of r 4141k. other. The sons are called lords. ar. they have lots of land, hitt are run- ning shy on money, (-((1 the main stein of the family is getting piirty Well thinned out." "Aboa,11. this yo.inger son tinit cline to Arnerbut, now?" ;4ez 1. "Well. the present Earl married be. neath hi -m- • I vis1t4s1 close to Cla ren 41en Castle. an' I know a all bout It." ..'z Bill. "'Ile married an .1intri.liti girl with lots ne money, Florence Jamison of Philadelphia." "Jamison?" sez I ri. "Nes, Jan,oo s," mi. "I ..op pose you are well acquainted with till Philadelphia .Immison,'." 41i 51 losi't get 0urf'OlWth 1:111 W0? tv., —Tr Aye. Fm vitaterbey to the' a Z. out- fit?, If you want to • See. 0 e_thin' worth lookin' at, you ought to come out where .the •en are. You'll' find American ettiiens but there, a darn e4ght ihard'er type 'to pronounce than whatl -an]: They' sent me- % totti-on an errant" He examined me, but I never blinked a winker, an' then his face lit up, like as if he'd found a whole plug of tobaveo, when he thought his last I i • , 6-0tOativ, ocanatonviltv-- COMUGMECJV, C,.100aRRI 100 •(loom clovaa.-OO c,17(1Vre3 oavie VAN4G MC VOLE/M:1 lit A MOD DEPOST C1,12 Citriat2P-80o a_ a ogg' cre the Beal That is what you get when • you pa -int _with C,,L14., (Cana dia.n Industries. Limited) Paint:. It eosts- as -much --to put -tt --ehe4i3,4atilt- on - as it does the best. You want a paint which retains its color. You will find this in all CIL. colors. The C.I.L, white Is made from ANTIMO. It lasts lon-ger and is ALWAYS WHITE. It does not turn grey. We carry a stuck of Paint Oils, Turpentines, Varnishes, etc.' _4.912eikkigawarea, 21.0„EtinxPRil.,,W@PIA7.4419.gjoods• - -For PLUMBLNIG. I3Y sitt, tif _Alla or STEA. "we can give yoll prompt gervice. BILTEN THE DEPENDABLIE.—D-II Anthracite, Red Jacket Steam Coal or Ford Coke, We solicit your orders. Chao. Co Lee Phones:—Store 22 Night Calls 112. At the lillarbor rielia4106f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 THE WORLD'S GOOD MEWS will coine to your home every day through TME CHRIISTOAN MENGE mairroft - 412 International Daily Newspaper It records for you the vvorld's clean. constructive doings. The monitor . does not exploit crime or sensation; neither does it ignore them, but deals correctively smith them Features for busy men and all tho family. Including the Weekly Magazine Section. The Christian Seine° Publishing Society One. Norway Street. BoEton, Massachusetts Please enter my subscription to The Christian Science Monitor tor a period of sear 12000months 36.00 3 months 63.00 1 month 61.00 Wednesday Issue, including Magazine Section' 1 year 62 (10 6 mows 256 name address r ' Sample Copy ou Requert - • ^ •••• In your search for a suggestion for a suitable emorial, permit us to offer ideas in designs. The design, execution and the Manu- facture of .Memorials along with all kinds of cemetery lettering is our business. We hare the experienee that. will enable U9 to ald you in solving your Metiorial Problem. We should be glad of an opportunity to show §ou our Book of Designs, wherein are featured Memorbals of all typo. Sand blast where sand blast should be used. Pneumatic tottla used where they Should be used. L'071G0.2 tDGC3Elgra3 FINEST GliBNI,TCE, ouAatayrum WORIMUNCIIIIP, PRICES TirlAT WJ1LOPILIMASII YOU. SEE US =row) PLACING YOUR ,011DER warf,rE OR PHONE. WE WILL Dr) PrLIDALSED TO CAW ; Buy your memorials from the Goderieh Memorial Oho, and site ttenCy CallaUtiM101119. Lttlraeo Ogg Efl &Lori& • ZatZ,'"4 VC);L to1,- oab7c7 •11,, 'IQ '(10 .4\;0 041 4:11,11i:IttTi.4 441 .tx477; at11,11t Z,11V Volta' iltat1,,r717-4:01=0 t';3•t u.ottratla 0,*ito h.tDvt ir=10 t't4 van ctan.6 .1414(11 IC Ar3 M_,,C,'.04,41M,17„,,P474-C"‘V jpIltor £3: VZ •r• al !NOR 41Q -a'i'1,54 40. •„. tu0'.4).0 0:14O el cAcsa q Enrco4 In that 'anti= of life; he had .ta.tualte up either to - else a big Ufa(); bo Tz11,1,7 40(11: Itadr .AOLI" u,. -0'001411, outtto Share 02 epelepsy to• the tandly colleetioN X oez r, ablnoo zeta an awful down," Cez will, "an' he enta loorJe avn--ther- Amity an'gtr‘,3 to live London, Where% he a leftenetat. Richard Oleigitton, his cousin, ,who le the heir presumptive, once removelio' snetal. down there an' comes hack Telth,the -report that James is married to ,Aiice Leeloyne, a muaie-hall dan. ver." "Niel swung purt,y wide in has tact° fer ;women, didn3 he?' see: J. -'4"TierteeshoF02 • it wtta,t'7'76en--- ever-heeditet--mae-r-ittihte&--ehoy---eeAttl with Jiarcles• ha' he lit out—big mother had died several years before. About our years after, •this Alide Le- Aloynes dies, an' on her deathbed she confesses that she, Is the wife of Rich- ard Cletighton an' helped to put up the lot) on.- Jamea-to get him out of •the way, as the heir.apparent didn't look wo4du't (110 tor tho vo, careadet4 =4 4 rts- out to Avotldtgo to cot, 011.* _ Z"7,74/ iaalloaq, •:vor,31',-41%,-a. to Ito. 11t16,:-.•<,V,1tIot):4 ,or.7.45pt,,prgo4 , r, 9, 17 ; • - • ' ; t:Oftc-11 '00,-e(Moci'41. nras, :t1•IP•14),"00,111014.; triis;pri.nr.0.4 Z110. lataba4 4Vtl=b1 -e tatott, . - stk ialigtotit ZIttlo an* MItotl!,; _Vito V:. b.ef.,1JraMilteu Missienary „of the 411tdiean Oiatareh'.10, Japan atid-tkister Mi. Ighousaa 171.4‘74 kins,,t promiuelt, 14SUP.,, V0u p, la visiting in CliateN Cavt) Cam" 0,1/' end igeaa103 laddre= en Co= QM types of Japanese, whO are lug for .Christ in .33pan under very' %..feaulitionc, and gilco ootlAq Christian Church 113 ;t17.4141,. vitae, faeing a crisis. She spoke' 4trot fore the WOmen'C'Lkunilltary .and later to a joint Itatinq attended by the itaymen's Association. Miss Hawkins, Who OPlieeted in native costume, is engaged mainly ha work among the factory girls, of whom there are a great number in Japan. Meetings were held for them every week -end all- winter. In Japan they have women 'for wardens and some a them are on church co mitteea. The °miter does =VI COnfcreiace..P .erY Of 4411%4 atoem ourobp ortloi, 4timve'laZ iluno,104 Ato m1,1 4tto/414. t,T4 ottur(t110 totlitvmatta10Ore of Za.Vaeld, Clinterato'',Z1=tet* Vordwieb, OOderieh, ammlk_zaittiltot.coto, ,Z13,7tb,, Zru=tio, Winghcan and 5134P PitYttnte4 Ar7„,WeiratiOn iii0t la, the rreabyterian ebtarch, while the ladiee Meeting' wcu 1 t. Vbe taff eh tWeb; t, • t'Or'0.n impressiveOomtpution ter. Vice Conductedby Rev. W. G. Bugler, attral.11,eatt, Ilaylleld 'Rev. K. MeGoun of Clinton preached a sernion appro- -priate to the occasion. The btisinesa the Woreen'a Ann/. Diary was presided oiler by the Dean, erY president, Mrs. A. C. Calder of Goderleb. The report of the past Year's work given by the secretary-, treasurer, re. 3. Graham of Brut? Gels, indicated'a suecessful year. The president welcomed all the guests, making spevial mention •ot. ev, Canon 21,..APplesArd._Iv.119. t and' -three- nevoi- cemerrarebto-will-tea-qtrite-an-erctitrisi titan to the iDerinery--,, rs. R. I. V. Ilurford, Seaforth, Mrs. E. O. Galla- gher, Wingham, and Mrs. R. M. WOeljes, Blyth. A letter was read from Miss Grace W. Gibbard, missionary in China, in Which she made a special appeal for prayer for the Christians in China. She stated that the action of the mis- would like to be an Eriesa, like a kw -liver, an' she thought she with a sionaries in remaining at their posts chance of being a Duchess even." during the war to aid their people has "An' you mean to tell me that this proclaimed the gospel of love to them low-grade Dick Cleighton puts up more than anything else and many of that Job on Jim, Just so he can beat him -to -the- title-?--" "Yes," sez Bill, "you see he was the heir presumptive, only once removed." "Well, if I'd had the job o' remov- in'," sez I, "once would 'a' been 'That, Dut Richard out o' the run- sez Bill. 'Lord Wilfred, the apparent, vra-srlivin' along all right, an the old.E_arl hod come to the cea- clusien hat when it came to a pre- efritlA turned the liose on '1ACcirlz`a eta-I:tea out to dud jikin. Jim wrote 'em from New York that he was goin' to South frica, an' then ilk: wrote 'eta front au' then he wrote 'eat frow—" "Oh, those was only .jokes," sez I. "Nobody knows," sez Bill, "an' no- body cares. He's got lots better health than Lord Wilfred, but he's got some epotelYsT, t00, an' he's a mean sneak. Ills mother was insane, but she left him a little bunch of money." "She must have had more quality than/ tho..average. of tim.;."..sez .I,. but hanged if I wouldn't sootier do with- out the quality than to have all that opolepsy thrown in with it. Jim's all irirgltti..though, C211 say that for the ,e "les, Jim was a line feller from ail ‘accutints," sezwhere the jilt!: did you Int:et tip witii hlrii 3 • .1 t's a state ..,ecrtt," s;ez 1, "or 1 .1 let you ill. (10111. tine an' 1 ‘‘ouldn't for the v%orld 1141\e hini dragged (108 11 ‘vliere he'd have 1. marry up with a lot. o' quality. •madlits- 4) t 4•1144•Ii up the 1 Was InIrty Wel1 pleased Wit I had bothered 111111 all I could in :114 lellIii 1111 yet he had kept his temper an' hatelcii out the facts; an' 1 w4l4i4t-41 11) 4.40 over 'e111 forward an' hack till I could gel the full hang of 'em. It 44:i8, (4 ond e 1 411.1e( 144.)8' a Yl4111}. 14;1 iikp (hp- 1111(1 l'lllII,'4i ; sholliderS, 88 3(41 might mitli the Earl of Chtrentitil, ; 11' 1 (48N%begitiniii' to think that old I Fate warrin' things till a 4.."6:(1:' $N t1 hit() .-4•14 (i4141 I tin' grysscii) 1-41 prod! ghats; hitt I \\ to, hungry to have lila- ortinl• 1(lok 11 Jin1. noW that 1 knew lw WI'S the still of ii Earl. an' I decidtd; to pull out a11. idle the Pan Handle a look -over as soon AS It Wa. handy. „I 934413 8110141 1%1 hour.: that night loekin' at the ,1.114 an' wkiiin' 1he3 1(41 3d tell no all they'd ever Ree11.1 Thev hnow 1413 1 4V/1111(41 14•1 tin. I didn't seem able to git iho track. In 83) 1) nie readlti' 1v4- ..turies 4.% ery hanee 1 11:141 'no ontInned Ze4,4* 1:34.-natin .cit'- 1.1,1c,,t Of4,14:P , MO: C.Wntarl., • C.:,V,',.10.‘, 4,' eitalrAv prl za:,t1o,'0Q04,410-(1 0 tpio agoto oa. t '1e41' " at'OP <101. potaA "4..tvo4 1S1t4mop.oVpovo43, Lko catr. tvs„. telt - rto DAV .53414'e vtipt 'Rim; ' 11114 ,ttt,pVINZT ii:114..."rt..111:11/0114!i'lFti.:117:0)4vId. tIrtsl, Mtilf\\Y V\7[. tC) gangU1 SLaaNne OtZ C'7023 ()N Saa ITT SHOCAB poem o Utak Weed MOAT Floote__Olt= eight 6121 the lino- leum or Gots., *rec.& it liatittly with a cloth az toreineffl. applier. In .20 minus= it will dry., leaving, a 'beautiful wear . reading try-ram:a Pipotr %now 02t/S .ravo isdr_tratetzirlh0C7,-ectsuat_ Went and eaay-itria we., Ut31@ 1B11,;6 Razz% :z2:tuaRtzL •WIREirriDirklo .17 Sink "Well. Hint Willie di" it,"1ken .1 Tired Out Before Day He!! f," ;er purty to.laide fair sized echo." sez I. -hut still, 10 h/perfeetly frank wi.!I w;"' 11,1 4"•' putme a n' the .1141413,0114 ain't 0 i! tir"thv 1''''""" (431• , -1‘•4 what you eenhl 01111 1 n jinn orm, 1 "07:71;"7:t "* tt t • • any inure 'Tin glad to loarn it sez Bill ' I'd, hate to 11111114 Hilt 1 had irritated 3'4W ' hy rtniilient In' that it 8314 a cegnedi.)wn for an Earl to marry In1,. yom• eirele." Bill tnopt aeuersir at:maze sill the claimptiess (4)11 his Jokes. '"rnis was his Reeond nth t- riage," Bill Arent on, "sin' he had on, /4(411 hy it. named Jame. .1 11 Iiiir 1tx- ail Pa trick " plenty for nip." sc.?. I.! bre,lkIIf 111. ' 4rhv ti r 311,1 n m e•z Is Interestin' to me, but the ain't no 1 .turimn/ • i• f( ' • II • /) a the •\\ "Hien 44 ill •Irn k ot141 Nert., Pdl./•-e- th4., need tip ly I. r ti exhatigted nerve 1,,ree, rind ni rint Rill help them hack to • , Levi, heettli again The T. Milburn (o. Ltd.. Toronto Ont. "it diq n the . 3,Y1 t r use loadin' down a feller with names till he lras to DIU PX•ePss: )nggagp (48 'ern Now. haw did this one get to be a younger son?" "Why, the first marriage of the Etri 150 rentlited In a non," nez Bill. flrat wife was e lady of qualityhut she had a weak eonstitution an' the son had eigileneY. The younger on vtra g fitted for the arrnk, but he got In- to a serape, wan given a lump num by his father, an' (lime to thin country. where he dim pprta red. He a Igo had an inherltanee from an taunt, a maiden slater of hia mother, who didn't like the first son for a minute." "What kind of a serape did the youngster got into, IMO?" nez 1. "He was erlanffeil to the daughter of the curet at Avondale kOhat',te4." RP2: RIII, "an' he heln' the heir preenmp- tive to the (DU—" "What is that, Bill?" set T. one what aegis the title as coon a11 the one 'who in holding lt, dies, in this* heir apRarent, aal' the one....slho.geto INEll you ever stop to think Of the advantages of Electricity In a home, whether In town or towrship ? It will do your Roasting. Toasting Washin.g, Lighting, Ironing, Housecleaning, and keep lee, in your refrigerntor every day In the year, no matter how hot the weather may get. We not only sell fixtures but we •also install thorn. Wiring done without delay. Fruit Art West S-2. To=e 02, acilerilda - 1 A Ii 1 , ' • . ,4' 4,,,,r ( 149.itt.rovot,, o d. • . .6 ki.4 I.ObdidOWTO, 1i41, AW5101,7 N NEW 1938 Chevrolet trucks, modern in every detail of appearance, design and construction, lead in t hrifty, cost- cutting economy. They 1,1111VC you money because of low first cost; they save with low operating cost; and they are durably built to s ve with low maintenance en - peruse and by entra thousands of miles of maitinfying gerviee. To these economies, mirrid the vallue off Chevrolet'n powerful, blliant-peribrmingValve-in-filleadTruck Eiriagine and the ourpaming runtrety oCPeff- fected Hydraulic Truck Br heo. Buy n'ew Chevrolet trucks —andl /wpm. aili way. Contooradeng monthly paynipprata ora tho Garaoroll Motor° iraigtalnacrag Rani PilLiViE@TED HIT001111L110- TRUCCI ElfICIES WILE- - NEM 6 0170.000E0 8PECOAL TENBCCI MGM EL-a1r/01v Mow dizadlo t:11rtacjzza Opmbacjellutata;Melorr Corn° of? iPaeQoz-DeiU0 finellacilmig a Compleito Ifitxo oil nvelecrallo Melee or:icl Dt2t=e7cidaQo. lowoot Prtico cuac.1 CT -000 GEO. G. lEse3WAII Cov. Enaira Ave.cato."-AVEr.te-tiz d..-Ot.:0;411,41'W 2 .z.t -sow t••